The Effect of School Facilities in Students Motivation 3: Result and Discussion

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The Effect of School Facilities in Students Motivation

Chapter 3

Result and Discussion

This chapter presents the data gathered, its detailed analyzation and interpretations.
Following a sequence in which significant questions are stated.

Table 2

Respondent’s Age

Age Frequency Percentage

15 – 18 24 85.71 %

19 -21 4 14.29 %

Total 28 100 %

The respondent’s age that ranges from 15-18 has a frequency of 24 or 85.71%.
While the respondent’s age that ranges from 19-21 has a frequency of 4 or 14.29%.
Most of the respondent’s age range from 15-18 and has a frequency of 24 or 85.71%.

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The Effect of School Facilities in Students Motivation

Table 3

Respondent’s Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 5 18.52 %

Female 22 81.48 %

Total 27 100 %

The male respondents has a frequency of 5 or 18.52%.

While the female respondents has a frequency of 22 or 81.48%.
Most of the respondent’s gender are female and has a frequency of 22 or 81.48%.

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The Effect of School Facilities in Students Motivation

Table 4

Statement 1 2 3 4 Weighted Description


1. The classrooms and facilities are Strongly

all ventilated or air-conditioned 0 5 10 13 3.29 Agree
therefore students stay

2. Classrooms are maintained clean

thus students will motivate to 0 5 12 11 3.22 Agree
focus on the lessons.

3. A school which has complete

facilities, tool and equipments for 0 5 14 9 3.15
the students’ chosen course will Agree
lead to students being engage
with every classroom activity

4. The school which offer many

courses to for students will 1 6 15 7 3.08 Agree
motivate the students to pursue
their study

5. The school which provides free

IDs and uniforms for the students 1 5 11 11 2.76 Agree
will encourage the students to be
active in class participation

6. Classroom tools such as

whiteboard, chairs, tables, when 1 5 11 11 2.76 Agree
provided students will focus on the

7. Classroom should be conducive

for the students to be comfortable 0 8 11 9 3.04 Agree
and motivated to listen to the

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The Effect of School Facilities in Students Motivation

8. The comfort rooms should always

cleaned by the schools’ janitors 1 4 10 13 3.26 Strongly
which make students feel Agree
comfortable anytime inside the
school therefore motivation to
attend class will fallow.

9. The comfort rooms in the school

should be in good condition at 2 4 12 10 3.08
anytime so that the students will Agree
not be worry in case they need to
attend their bathroom need thus
students will always be motivated
to attend their class

10. The library have complete books

with different genres that student 1 4 13 10 3.15
may visit and can be their during Agree
their leisure time to relax and to
gather information for their

11. The school canteen sells a lot of

nutritious foods which is located 1 7 10 10 3.04
inside the school so that students Agree
can fill their stomach during
breaks and be motivated to listen
to class discussion after the break

12. Computer laboratories always

made available to students for 1 6 10 11 3.11 Agree
academic related task which leads
to motivation to present output
required by their teacher.

13. School should help the students

to establish different clubs such as 1 7 9 11 3.07
math club, English club etc. Agree
related to their needs and interest
which lead to motivation to
improve their academic

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The Effect of School Facilities in Students Motivation

14. The school offers variety of sport Strongly

courses for students who loves 1 3 11 13 3.29 Agree
sports to help them build their
confidence and motivation to study

15. The school should have security

guards that keep the school and 0 3 12 13 3.36 Strongly
the students safe therefore will Agree
lead to motivation of the students
to attend their class every day.

16. School gate is closed at the

proper time to avoid students 5 2 13 8 2.85 Agree
being late and cutting classes thus
motivate the students to come on
time in their respective class

17. The school installs CCTV

cameras all around the campus for 1 6 11 10 3.08 Agree
security purposes which could
motivate the students to focus only
on school related activity.

18. School should have an

emergency kit, fire extinguisher 1 5 10 12 3.18
and emergency fire exits as well
as clinic facilities to ensure the Agree
safeness of the students which
lead to motivation to cooperate in
any school related activity and

19. Teachers are easily to approach

when problems and issues occurs 0 4 13 11 3.25
regarding with the academic Agree
matter which motivates the
students to pay attention to
teacher’s discussion

20. School should provide the re Strongly

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The Effect of School Facilities in Students Motivation

creational place for group activity 0 2 14 12 3.35 Agree

for the students to be motivated to
cooperate with their group mates

Total Weighted Mean 3.12 Agree

Statement one has a weighted mean of 3.29 with the description of strongly agree.

Statement two has a weighted mean of 3.22 with the description of agree.

Statement three has a weighted mean of 3.15 with the description of agree.

Statement four has a weighted mean of 3.08 with the description of agree.

Statement five has a weighted mean of 2.76 with the description of agree.

Statement six has a weighted mean of 2.76 with the description of agree.

Statement seven has a weighted mean of 3.04 with the description of agree.

Statement eight has a weighted mean of 3.26 with the description of strongly agree.

Statement nine has a weighted mean of 3.08 with the description of agree.

Statement ten has a weighted mean of 3.15 with the description of agree.

Statement eleven has a weighted mean of 3.04 with the description of agree.

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The Effect of School Facilities in Students Motivation

Statement twelve has a weighted mean of 3.11 with the description of agree.

Statement thirteen has a weighted mean of 3.07 with the description of agree.

Statement fourteen has a weighted mean of 3.29 with the description of strongly agree.

Statement fifteen has a weighted mean of 3.36 with the description of strongly agree.

Statement sixteen has a weighted mean of 2.85 with the description of agree.

Statement seventeen has a weighted mean of 3.08 with the description of agree.

Statement eighteen has a weighted mean of 3.18 with the description of agree.

Statement nineteen has a weighted mean of 3.25 with the description of agree.

Statement twenty has a weighted mean of 3.35 with the description of strongly agree.

The total weighted mean is 3.12 with the description of agree.

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