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Sreedhar’s C C E AGES

1. Raj is 40 years old and Ritu is 60 years old. How many years ago was the ratio of
their ages of 3 : 5
1) 5 years 2) 10 years 3) 15 years 4) 37 years
2. The ratio of the present age of R and S is 2 : 1. The ratio of their age after 30

years will be 7 : 6. What is the present age of ‘R’ ?
1) 6 years 2) 8 years 3) 10 years 4) 12 years

4. CC ar’
The ratio of Rani’s age to the age of her mother is 3 : 11. The difference between
their ages is 24 years. The ratio of their ages after 4 years will be ?
1) 7 : 15 2) 4 : 13 3) 24 : 35 4) 13 : 37
Neeraj is as younger to gopal as he is older than deepak. If the sum of the ages of
gopal and deepak is 58 years. What is neeraj’s age ?

1) 29 years 2) 27 years 3) 14 years 4) 33 years
5. Ram’s present age is three times of his son and two-fifth of his father’s age. If
average of all persons is 46 years, then find the age of Ram’s son ?
1) 24 years 2) 36 years 3) 12 years 4) 48 years
6. A man’s present age is two-fifth of his mother’s age. After 8 years his age will be

half of his mother’s age. Find the present age of mother ?

1) 16 years 2) 40 years 3) 48 years 4) 24 years
7. The age of A and B are in the ratio 8 : 15, After 9 years the ratio of their ages will
be 11 : 18. What is the difference between their ages ?

1) 21 years 2) 9 years 3) 33 years 4) 45 years

8. The ratio of age of father and his son 10 years hence will be 5 : 3. While 10 years
ago it was 3 : 1. The ratio of the age of the son to that of his father at present
1) 3 : 1 2) 2 : 1 3) 1 : 4 4) 1 : 2
9. Three years ago average age of A and B was 18 years, C joined them now the
average become 22 years. How old is ‘C’ now ?
1) 24 years 2) 29 years 3) 32 years 4) 33 years
10. The ratio of the present age of P and Q is 11 : 7 and the ratio of P’s age two years
ago and Q’s age after two years will be 7 : 5. Then find the ratio of P’s age after 7
years and Q’s age 7 years ago ?
1) 7 : 3 2) 3 : 7 3) 17 : 7 4) 37 :35
11. Sashi age is 3 years more than 3 times the age of his son. If sashi’s age is 10
years more than twice the age of son. Find the present age of his son ?
1) 7 years 2) 24 years 3) 9 years 4) 21 years
12. Ramesh got married 8 years ago. His present age is six-fifth times his age at the
time of his marriage. Ramesh’s sister was 10 years younger to him at the time of
his marriage. Find the present age of Ramesh’s sister ?
1) 30 years 2) 46 years 3) 48 years 4) 38 years

Sreedhar’s C C E AGES

13. A man’s age is 133 % of what it was 15 years ago, but 75% of what it will be after
20 years. What is the present age of man 2 years ago ?
1) 64 years 2) 58 years 3) 60 years 4) 62 years
14. My brother is 3 years elder to me. My father was 28 years of age. When my sister
was born while my mother was 26 years of age when I was born. If my sister was
4 years of age when my brother was born, then what was the age of my father and
mother respectively when my brother was born ?

1) 32 yrs, 23 yrs 2) 32 yrs, 29 yrs 3) 35 yrs, 29 yrs 4) 35 yrs, 33 yrs
15. Father’s age is 1 year more than five times the son’s age. After 3 years, father’s

CC ar’
age will be 2 yrs less than four times the son’s age. What is son’s present age ?
1) 31 years 2) 6 years 3) 23 years 4) 8 years
The ratio of the ages of a man and his wife is 4 : 3. After 4 years the ratio will be
9 : 7. If at the time of marriage the ratio was 5 : 3 then how many years ago were
they married ?

1) 8 years 2) 10 years 3) 12 years 4) 15 years
17. The ratio of sonu’s age to vijay’s age is 4 : 5 and that of Sonu’s age to subodh’s age
is 5 : 6. If the present average of these three is 23 years how old is vijay ?
1) 24 years 2) 20 years 3) 30 years 4) 25 years

18. Four years ago the ratio of A’s age to B’s age was 11 : 14 and four years later their
ages will be in the ratio 13 : 16. The present age of A ?
1) 48 years 2) 26 years 3) 44 years 4) 28 years
19. A Mother said to her daughter “I was old as you are at the time of your birth”. If

the mother’s age is 48 years. Find the daughter’s age after 3 years will be ?
1) 24 years 2) 17 years 3) 41 years 4) 27 years
20. The ratio between ages of Neeta and Samir is 5 : 6 Respectively. If the ratio
between the one-third age of Neeta and half of the samir’s age is 5 : 9, then what
is the age of Samir ?
1) 30 years 2) 24 years 3) 36 years 4) Can’t be determined

1.2 2.4 3.4 4.1 5.3 6.2 7.1 8.4 9.1 10.3 11.1 12.4 13.2
14.1 15.2 16.3 17.4 18.1 19.4 20.4

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