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Alkali Metals

Name Abbreviation Atomic Electrons Melting Boiling Atomic

Mass per each Point in Point in Number
shell Celsius Celsius
Hydrogen^* H 1.00794 1 -258.975 252.87 1

Lithium** Li 6.941 21 180.7 1342 3

Sodium** Na 22.989770 281 98 883 11

Potassium** K 39.0983 2881 63.35 759 19

Rubidium** Rb 85.4678 2 8 18 8 1 39.64 688 37

Cesium** Cs 132.90545 2 8 18 18 8 28.55 671 55

Francium** Fr (223) 2 8 18 32 27 677 87
18 8 1

(Atomic masses in parentheses are those of the most stable or common isotope)
^ Hydrogen isn’t a metal it’s a gas, but it is the column/group of the Alkali Metals
** = solid
*= gas
 Isotope: Atoms of the same element that have the same number of protons and
electrons but differing number of neutrons
 Electron: A subatomic particle with a negative charge
 Proton: A subatomic particle with a positive charge
 Neutron: A subatomic particle with a neutral charge

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