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Mahant Swami


Mahant Swami Maharaj (born Vinu Pat el, 13 Sept ember 1933;[3] ordained Keshavjivandas Swami)
is t he present guru and president of t he Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushot t am Swaminarayan
Sanst ha (BAPS), a major branch of t he Swaminarayan Sampradaya, a Hindu denominat ion.[4][5][6]:157
BAPS regards him as t he sixt h spirit ual successor of Swaminarayan, following Gunat it anand
Swami, Bhagat ji Maharaj, Shast riji Maharaj, Yogiji Maharaj, and Pramukh Swami Maharaj.[7][8][9]:60–2
He is believed by his followers t o be in const ant communion wit h Bhagwan Swaminarayan, and
ont ologically, t he manifest at ion of Akshar, t he perfect devot ee of God.[10]:46–7
Mahant Swami Maharaj

Mahant Swami Maharaj


Born Vinu Patel

13 September 1933
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India

Religion Hinduism

Religious career

Guru Yogiji Maharaj,[1]Pramukh Swami Maharaj[2]

Website (

Honors Spiritual successor of Pramukh Swami Maharaj

Mahant Swami Maharaj received init iat ion as a Hindu swami from Yogiji Maharaj in 1961.[11][12]
Mahant Swami Maharaj was revealed by Pramukh Swami Maharaj as his fut ure spirit ual and
administ rat ive successor in 2012,[13] roles he commenced upon Pramukh Swami Maharaj's passing
in August 2016.[7][14]

Early life

Childhood and education

Vinubhai Pat el was born in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India on 13 Sept ember 1933. His parent s,
Manibhai Naranbhai Pat el and Dahiben Pat el,[3][15] were bot h followers of Shast riji Maharaj and
t he Akshar Purushot t am Upasana. Shast riji Maharaj visit ed t he newborn a few days post -birt h and
named t he child Keshav, alt hough his family referred t o him by his nickname, Vinu.

Vinu Pat el complet ed his primary and secondary educat ion at an English-medium school wit hin
t he local t ownship and t hen complet ed his 12t h grade at t he Christ Church Boys Senior
Secondary School. He t hen at t ended t he College of Agricult ure in his fat her's nat ive t own of
Anand, Gujarat , where he graduat ed wit h a bachelor's degree in agricult ure.[7][11]

Early inspiration for monastic order

During his college years (1951-1952), Vinu Pat el first met Yogiji Maharaj, t he spirit ual successor
of Shast riji Maharaj. Impressed by Yogiji Maharaj's life and t eachings, Vinu t raveled wit h Yogiji
Maharaj during his summer vacat ions, and was inspired t o ent er t he monast ic life over t he next
few years.[3][11]

Early years as a swami

Mahant Swami Maharaj performs the arti

At age 23, on 2 February 1957, he received novit iat e init iat ion, parshad diksha,[3] and was
renamed Vinu Bhagat . During t his init ial t raining phase, he accompanied Yogiji Maharaj on his
t ravels, looking aft er his daily correspondence wit h devot ees. At age 28, on 11 May 1961, Vinu
Bhagat was given bhagwati diksha,[3] init iat ed as a swami, in Gadhada and named Keshavjivandas
Swami. He was one of 51 yout hs receiving init iat ion int o t he monast ic order t hat day.[13] This
group of 51 was init ially placed in Mumbai t o st udy Sanskrit , wit h Swami Keshavjivandas
appoint ed as t heir group head or Mahant at t he mandir in Dadar, Mumbai. Thus, he became known
t hroughout BAPS as Mahant Swami.[3][11]

Service under Pramukh Swami Maharaj

He init ially met Pramukh Swami Maharaj in 1951 and t raveled ext ensively wit h him. Aft er Guru
Yogiji Maharaj's deat h in 1971, Mahant Swami Maharaj served under Pramukh Swami Maharaj. His
aust erit y, self-cont rol, devot ion, humilit y and service earned him t he blessings and joy of Yogiji
Maharaj and Pramukh Swami Maharaj. In 1971, aft er t he deat h of Yogiji Maharaj, he dedicat ed
himself t o Pramukh Swami Maharaj, t he new guru, as he had t o guru Yogiji Maharaj. His exposure t o
Pramukh Swami Maharaj had begun in 1951, when he first met him. Since 1971, as per t he wishes
and inst ruct ions of Pramukh Swami Maharaj, he has t ravelled t hroughout India and abroad t o
inspire and st rengt hen sat sang in count less devot ees. He has also offered his services during t he
BAPS mega-fest ivals, in children and yout h act ivit ies, Akshardham project s, and ot her sat sang
act ivit ies.[16]

As the leader of BAPS


Pramukh Swami Maharaj had known t hat Mahant Swami would be his successor when t he lat t er
received init iat ion in 1957.[17] On 20 July 2012, in t he presence of senior swamis in Ahmedabad,
Pramukh Swami Maharaj formally declared t hat Mahant Swami Maharaj would be his spirit ual
successor aft er his deat h and wrot e a let t er in his own handwrit ing t o t his effect . On 13 August
2016, he became t he sixt h spirit ual successor in Swaminarayan's lineage of Gunat it gurus.[14] In
2020, he wrot e Satsang Diksha, a book where he describes a pat h which he believes will give it s
followers Moksha.[18]


In 2017, he was present ed wit h t he key t o t he cit y by t he mayors of various cit ies, including
Toront o, Canada,[19] Lilburn, Georgia,[20] Irving, Texas,[21] and Chicago, Illinois.[22]

Significance in BAPS

Followers of BAPS are t old he is a manifest at ion of ont ological ent it y of Akshar, t he form of t he
et ernal abode of God.[23]:191–200 As such, he is said t o be in const ant communion wit h God. He is
t o be considered by devot ees as "t he perfect servant of God, …t ot ally filled wit h God and
t herefore wort hy of reverence and worship."[24]:87-95

Theological role

Mahant Swami Maharaj discoursing on the Vachanamrut

BAPS t eaches followers t hat t he living guru is considered t o be t he ideal swami, t he perfect
devot ee, and t he principal exemplar for emulat ion by spirit ual aspirant s. He is described t o
followers as a personificat ion of t he script ures[24]:94. He is viewed as "fully brahmanized", or
having achieved t he ult imat e level of spirit ual development .
Devot ees are t o consider him t he example of all t he ideals of t he religion; he is t o be viewed as
t he first disciple, most fait hful in his observance of t he commandment s, most act ive in
propagat ion of t he religion, t he best int erpret er of t he meaning of t he script ures, and t he most
effect ive in eradicat ing t he ignorance t hat separat es man from God.[25] His conduct is hence t o
be considered as t hat of t he "ideal saint " and "perfect bhakta (devot ee)", providing a t angible and
graspable example for t he spirit ual aspirant t o follow. Devot ees are t o view his respect for his
gurus (Yogiji Maharaj and Pramukh Swami Maharaj) t o be t he model of devot ion t o one's guru.[26]

Followers are t o believe t hat by associat ing wit h him, t hey might rid t hemselves of t heir vices,
baser inst inct s, and worldly at t achment s. Earning t he grace of t he guru, devot ees are t o believe,
enables t hem t o achieve liberat ion in which t hey would escape t he cycle of birt hs and deat hs
and at t ain Akshardham (God's divine abode).[25]

For a devot ee of BAPS, he is t o be considered t he essent ial spirit ual link wit h God. According t o
t he t eachings of Swaminarayan, t he Akshar-Purushot t am Darshan, devot ees consider God
(Swaminarayan) t o be manifest t hrough Mahant Swami Maharaj, t he present form of Akshar on
eart h.[23]:191–200 Thus, BAPS followers are t o believe t hat by offering devot ion t o t he guru (t he
form of Akshar), t hey offer it t o Swaminarayan himself.[27]




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27. Brian Hutchinson (1998) The guru-devotee relationship in the experience of the members of the
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