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Hi guys! How are you today? I hope you feel better. Let me give you some introductions
about myself. My name is Thuy. You can call me Anna. I was born and grew up in
Namdinh, but now I live in Hanoi. It’s a very exciting city. People from all over Vietnam
enjoy living and working in Hanoi. Actually, I’ve been here here for almost 6 years. Now
I’m working as an accountant. I really like my job so I don’t mind working overtime. For
my personality, most of my friends say that I’m easy-going, hard-working, friendly and
patient. I like listening to music, reading books and going out with my friends. But, most
of all, I love speaking English. My dream is to be a successful woman oneday. Well,
today I’m really excited to be here and I’m very happy to meet you all. Thank you very
much for listening.


Ladies and gentlemen! I believe that you all want to speak good English. Now let me
give you some advice.
Don’t be afraid of losing face. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Don’t be afraid of
practicing your English. Don’t be ashamed of speaking poor English. Don’t be ashamed
of being laughed at. Don’t be ashamed of being stared at.
The only real shame is that you never open your mouth. The only way to learn English
is to never be afraid and never be ashamed. It’s never too late to make a change in your
life. Don’t be afraid. No pain, no gain. You can make it. You’re great.

Many people tell me that, it’s very hard to remember new words. They complain that,
no matter how hard they try to memorize new words, they always forget them.
The best way to remember new words is to practice them every day. Practice them in
sentences and paragraphs. Listen to tapes and read along every day. Otherwise you will
forget easily. If you need my help, please call me, we’re friends. Friends help each other.
Let’s conquer new words together.

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

What is English? Of course, it’s a language. But for us, it’s not just a language. It’s also
a very important tool and powerful weapon. It’s a necessary skill for our life and success
in the twenty-first century.
So why should we master this language? Why should we spend so much time and energy
on English? The answer is obvious, to improve ourselves, to serve our country and
Vietnamese people, and to communicate freely with the world. This is our ultimate goal.
This is our number one mission.
Let’s master English to promote international communication. Let’s master English to
spread Vietnamese language and culture. Let’s master English to make Vietnam
stronger and more prosperous. Let’s master English to make our future brighter. Let’s
master English to make our world a better place.


Ladies and Gentlemen! Today, I’m going to talk about happiness.
Where does happiness come from? It doesn’t come from other people. It doesn’t come
from material things. It doesn’t come from having a lot of money and power. It doesn’t
come from being popular.
It comes from giving love to other people. It comes from giving your best effort to
everything you do. It comes from getting satisfaction from helping other people. It
comes from growing smarter and wiser every day.
The happiness you feel is equal to the love you give. The more you give, the happier
you will be.


I have a very happy family. My parents and I get along very well.
I’m a senior student. My dad is a great police officer. He has a good sense of humor. He
loves telling jokes. My mom is a wonderful English teacher. She is very smart, patient
and kind. She teaches me lots of things.
We enjoy spending time together, we can talk about anything, we always support each
other, and we love each other very much. My family is the best, happy family makes
society strong. I hope that every family can be as happy as mine.

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

My grandpa helps me a lot in my life and teaches me many useful and practical things.
He teaches me to be polite to others. He often says, “Everyone should be polite.” Is he
right? Of course he is!
Polite people use good manners. They are considerate of other people. They are easy to
get along with and popular. On the contrary, bad manners are a sign of poor education.
People who treat others poorly are a problem for society.
So why not be polite? A simple “please”, “thank you”, or “you’re welcome” can make
a big difference.

As an office worker, my day starts pretty early and it is very busy.
I get up at 7AM, have breakfast at about 7:15 and then leave for work. If I sleep in, I
have to skip breakfast. I must be out the door by 7:30 or I will be late for work. I don’t
live that far from my office, but the traffic is so terrible that it takes me one and a half
hours to get to work every day. I start work at 9:00AM and finish at 6:00PM. Sometimes
I need to work late.
I like my job, so I don’t mind working overtime, often I get home around 9:00pm, then
I watch TV, go running or read some books. I go to bed at about 11PM. That’s my day.
I know it isn’t very exciting, but it’s my typical day. What about yours?


If you want to succeed, you have to believe in yourself. You have to be confident. You
can not be afraid or have doubts. Always remember, you become what you believe. If
you want to master English, you must first believe that you can.
You will never succeed if you doubt yourself. You will never master English if you
always think it’s too hard or you are not talented enough.
The best way to believe in yourself is to use positive talk. Always say: “I can, I will, I
must, I believe”. These positive words will train your mind and build your self-
No matter what you do, always trust yourself and always believe in yourself, you will

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

I want to tell you a funny story. It’s a wet day. I’m on my way to school on the bus.
A woman with a dog gets on the bus. It’s a big dog and its feet are very dirty. The woman
says, “Conductor, if I pay for my dog, can he have a seat like the other passengers?”
The conductor looks at the dog and says, “Certainly, madam”. He can have a seat like
the other passengers, but, like the other passengers, he must not put his feet on it”.


It’s raining so hard outside, we have to take our umbrellas with us, or we will get soaked.
There are so many umbrellas, be sure to take your own.
This is my umbrella, it belongs to me, my mom bought it for me, it’s my favorite color,
I know it’s mine.
That is your umbrella on the floor, it belongs to you.
These umbrellas are ours, those umbrellas by the door are not ours, they belong to those
ladies over there, they are theirs.
Wow! It’s still raining really hard. Ok! Let’s get going.


Many people are worried about learning English. They think English is difficult and it's
hard to memorize new words and grammatical rules.

In fact, learning English can be a piece of cake. Don't worry about pronunciation. Don't
worry about grammar. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Just try to speak. Speak
English as much as possible. Successful people spend a lot of time practicing. Remember,
practice makes perfect. Speak English every day, and you'll improve.


I’m a university student. I have a part-time job. I work every weekend from 8AM until
8PM. My part-time job takes up most of my spare time. I don’t have time for fun. Yet I
don’t want to quit the job. With this job, I don’t need to ask my parents for money. I’m
really independent. I can help pay for my education and I can even contribute some money
to help children in poor areas. I really enjoy earning my own money and making my own
decisions. Even though, it is not easy to balance my time. I highly recommend that every
university student gets a part-time job.

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

Do you believe that the best things in life are free? In other words, do you believe that
the best things in life are things like walking, swimming, laughing, enjoying nature and
friendship? These things do not cost money.
Or do you believe that the best things in life are things like big, fast cars, expensive food
or designer clothes? Do you think that most people prefer enjoying the free things in life
or the costly things in life? We do live in a world that cares about material things.
I think people who can appreciate the free things are more deeply happy and satisfied
with life.


Never care about how poorly or how well you speak, only care about catching the
chances to speak. Never care about what other people think, only care about making
Enjoy losing face. Enjoy being laughed at. Just forget about your face. Just forget about
your fear.
The more you speak, the better your English will become. The more mistakes you make,
the more progress you will make. You must enjoy making mistakes. You must enjoy
speaking poor English. Speaking is the only thing that will lead you toward success.
Don’t give up. Just try your best. Every time you move your mouth, your memory will
deepen, your muscles will strengthen, your confidence will awaken. You will make it.
You will do it. I totally believe in you.


Ladies and Gentlemen! Let me tell you a little bit about my family. I have a very happy
My dad is a great man. He has a fantastic job. My mom is a wonderful woman. She has
many out-standing talents.
My family loves me. My family supports me in good times and bad times. My mom and
dad always tell me: If I want to succeed, I need to have good habits.
We practice speaking English together every morning. We have dinner together every
night. We talk about our problems. We share our joys. We exercise together. We relax
together. The atmosphere in my family is fantastic.

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

Today, many people try to save time. In most families, both the husband and wife work
full time. Their free time is very important to them, so they look for quick ways to do
the shopping and the housework. Many of them eat out in fast-food restaurants. People
order meals and get served in a few minutes.
There is no need to spend a long time washing, preparing, and cooking food. There is
also no need to spend time washing dishes and cleaning up the kitchen afterward.
Eating this way does save time, but fast-food is usually unhealthy. It is better for your
health to prepare some simple, healthy food at home.


Every day can be a special day. You have the power to make any day special. With the
right action and right attitude, you have the power to change a lot of negative energy
into positive energy. Make a special day and make the following statements.
Today I will smile whenever I remember to. Today I will believe in myself 100 percent.
Today I will only encourage, I will not criticize. Today I will love my life. Today I will
keep positive. Today I will forgive myself. Today I will perform a kind act. Today I will
be polite.
Why not try it again tomorrow, and again the day after that? You really can make every
day special.

My work is unique. Unlike most people, I don’t have to go to an office every day. I’m
my own boss, so I can arrange my own schedule. Maybe I will work for a whole night
or maybe I will have several days off. Of course, it takes self-discipline to manage my
time well.
I do business with foreigners so I often meet a lot of interesting people. I love the
challenge of speaking English every day. I feel lucky to work for myself, so I can really
enjoy my life. My job makes me very happy.
I used to have a very boring job in an office. I hated my job and I hated my life. I started
to study English and it totally changed my life.

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

Many people admire sports stars and movie stars. Most people love their friends and
families. Unfortunately, most people do not love themselves. When we feel down, we
don’t like ourselves. Sometimes we even hate ourselves. Sometimes we even think about
hurting or killing ourselves. This is a serious problem.
Start from today, decide to love yourself. You are unique. You are a gift to this world.
You are totally special. Appreciate yourself. Think about all your good qualities. Forgive
all your mistakes. Try this: every day look at yourself in a mirror and say, “I love and
value myself”. Repeat this over and over. Love yourself and you will love your life.

I was born and still live in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan. Chengdu is a wonderful city.
There are many beautiful parks and big shopping malls. Of course we also have a world-
famous Panda Nature Preserve and many historic spots.
Chengdu is famous for its delicious, spicy food and local snacks. The most famous dish
is hot pot. It is so spicy that some people cry the first time they eat it.
Chengdu is the best place in China to eat and relax. The only thing I don’t like about my
hometown is the summer. It’s really hot. I hope you will visit Chengdu and enjoy its
many attractions. I am waiting to welcome you and take you out for hot pot.


Ladies and gentlemen, today I’m going to talk about learning English. There are many
ways to learn English. You can learn English through singing. You can learn English
through reading. You can learn English through listening, and you can learn English
through writing.
But the best way to learn English is through speaking and reciting as many sentences as
possible. The more sentences you can blurt out, the better English you will speak


Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to be sure of success, you have to make sure that you
study every day, that you improve yourself every day, that you progress every day, and
that you work hard every day. Your success depends on your commitment. If you pour
your heart and soul into what you do, you’re sure to be successful.

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

Ladies and gentlemen, people often ask me how I learned to speak such wonderful
English. They want me to sum up the secrets of my success. But, studying the secrets of
my success is not really enough to help you succeed.
If you really want to succeed, you must love English. You must love English so much
that you practice every single day, month after month. You must never be satisfied that
your English is good enough. You must be tough on yourself and keep striving for
Real success in speaking English doesn’t depend on luck or how much money you spend
on books or courses. Real success depends on wanting something badly enough and
working hard enough to get it.


Ladies and gentlemen, everyone wants to speak English well. Today, I’m going to talk
about the secrets of speaking good English. If you want to speak good English, there
are several things you must do.
You must keep on practicing. You must keep on working hard. You must keep on
making mistakes. And you must keep on losing face.
You know, you learn to speak only by speaking. So the most important key to speaking
English well is speaking. Speak as loudly as possible, speak as clearly as possible, and
speak as quickly as possible. The more you speak, the better your English will be. The
more mistakes you make, the more progress you will make.
These are the secrets of speaking good English. Everyone can make it. Everyone can be
an English speaking genius. Thank you for coming!

Coming to Da Nang, you have many places to visit, to shop and enjoy delicious food.
Da Nang is the largest city in central Vietnam. It is one of the most important seaports
in the region. It’s located midway between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Da Nang is
very famous for Cham Museum, Ba Na Hill, Son Tra Peninsula, Non Nuoc Beach, Han
River,… You can choose a place for relaxation and recreation in Da Nang, the beautiful
sandy beaches, fresh water and wide roads looking out on the Han River. You can enjoy
wonderful moments on mountain, in forests or by rivers and seas. Everybody will
satisfy with green, calm and beautiful views in Da Nang.
I’m sure you will have a pleasant stay in this gorgeous city.

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

Ladies and Gentlemen! Today I want to talk about how important it is to drink enough
water. Doctors say everyone needs to drink at least eight glasses of water each day. If
you are outside in warm weather or exercising, you need to drink even more. If your
mouth and throat feel dry, you are already dehydrated.
Many headaches and other health problems are caused by not drinking enough water. If
you want better health, you don’t need to do anything drastic. You can simply drink
more water. Thank you for coming tonight and have a safe drive home.


Ladies and Gentlemen, today I want to talk about the power of words. Words can express
your feelings. Words can influence people. Words can hurt people. Words can encourage
people. Words can start wars and words can end wars. Words can help you become a
successful speaker and a powerful leader. Words can help you win friends.
That’s why I feel puzzled about why Chinese students hate words. Students should love
words and learn how to use their power. Words are beautiful and words should be our
friends. That’s why you should learn as many words as you can. Start learning and using
new words today.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to share an important quote with you. “Yesterday is a
memory, tomorrow is a dream, live for today!” I hope that you will try your best to use
your unique talents to make today productive and fruitful.
You can not worry about your mistakes of yesterday. You should not waste your energy
worrying about what will happen tomorrow. The only thing you can control is what you
do today. Make the most of today and you will win everything.
Thank you for your time and attention!

30. IT’S ON ME
Thank you for inviting me to eat. It’s my treat this time. Please let me pay the bill. You
can treat me next time we eat. It has been my dream to meet you. I really enjoyed this
meal. I really enjoyed speaking with you. Thank you for your time. We should meet
every week and eat dinner together.

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

Ladies and Gentlmen, today I want to talk about the differences between English and
English is very different from Vietnamese. The sounds are different, the grammar is
different, and the writing is totally different.
It’s very difficult to speak English well. If you want to speak English well, you must
forget about the differences. Just practice correct sentences until you’re used to them.
The more sentences you can blurt out, the better you can express yourself. If you believe
in yourself and practice crazily every day, you will make it. You will conquer English.
Vietnam is the most difficult language in the world. If you can speak Vietnamese, you
can speak English.


Ladies and Gentlmen, I just got back from America yesterday. This was my first visit to
America. I’d like to say a few words about my first trip.
Everything was new and fresh. I got up early to exercise in the park. I visited many
interesting places. I met a lot of interesting people. I felt a little nervous, but I still talked
to people. They were very friendly and helpful. I had a great first impression of the
American people.
The trip was the first time. I had to use English in real life. My English was not perfect,
but I survived. The more I used English, the easier it became. I’m still working very
hard on my English. You know, practice makes perfect. Next time I go to America, I
won’t feel nervous at all.


Ladies and Gentlman, today I want to talk about a simple way that we can work together
to make society better.
We must always remember that, every person is important. It doesn’t matter if we know
a person or if he is a total stranger. Every person is somebody’s mother, father, sister or
brother. We must never feel another person doesn’t matter. We must never say, “It’s too
much bother!” We should offer help unconditionally.
If we want to live together in harmony, we must learn to treat every single person as our
own mother, father, sister or brother. This is the way to truly make our society stronger
and better.

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

Ladies and Gentlmen, America is a great country. Vietnam is a great country as well.
Vietnam and America have a long history together. Now it’s the right time to build an
even closer and stronger relationship.
Vietnam is inviting more and more experts from America to share their knowledge. At
the same time, America is welcoming more and more talented Vietnamese to study and
work in America. Both countries can gain a great deal from each other. America and
Vietnam should keep working together to build a peaceful and bright future. Thank you!


Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m honored to have this opportunity to talk to you.
Solving problems is the top priority for government officials. We’re not afraid of
problems. We consider problems to be challenges. We have lots of confidence in our
ability to solve any problem.
With your support and understanding, we can do a great job together. Thank you for
your co-operation. If you have any problems, stop by our office.


I work extremely hard every day, so I’m very tired. I need to work smarter, not harder.
I must find better ways to do my job. I must find more time to enjoy life. I know hard
work is a part of everybody’s life. But I work too hard. My hard work goes too far. My
hard work is ruinning my health. My hard work is killing me. Other people have time
for fun, going to bars and going to parties.
All I do is get in my car and go to work every day. This life is too hard. I need to make
a fresh start.


Ladies and Gentlemen, today I am going to talk about taking responsibility. It’s always
hard to admit something is your fault. In fact, people rarely say, “It’s all my fault.”
People always make excuses or say it is somebody else’s fault. It is hard to solve
problems because people like to blame others. The next time you make a mistake, take
responsibility. Four little words can make a big difference. Try saying, “It’s all my fault.”

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

Ladies and Gentlement, more and more foreigners are coming to Vietnam. More and
more people around the world are starting to learn Vietnamese. More and more
Vietnamese are starting to do business and travel around the world. The world is
becoming smaller and smaller.
That’s why English is becoming more and more important in Vietnam. If we want to
ensure a great future for Vietnam, we must practice English harder than ever before.


Ladies and Gentlmen, today I’d like to talk about books. A good book is like a good
friend. You should read as many books as you possibly can. You shouldn’t just take a
quick look at a book. You should read it carefully, again and again. There is a famous
quote, “A man who doesn’t read books is far worse off than a man who can’t read.


Ladies and Gentlemen, today I’d like to make a small speech about family. I have a
question to ask you.
What is the most important thing in your life? I know many of you will say, money is
the most important. But I want to tell you, many things are more important than money
in life. It’s a shame that most people don’t realize this. Family, health, and happiness are
much more important than money. Without family, health, and happiness, money means
nothing. Make sure you remember this important lesson and spend time with your
family. People who spend more time with their families are usually healthier and
happier. Precious minutes of family time are worth more than money. Make your family
your first priority.


Ladies and Gentlemen, today I’m going to talk about jobs. If you want to succeed, you
must fall in love with your job. You must enjoy your job. If you don’t change your
attitude and just think of your job as a burden, you’re not going to do any job well.
Every job is important, no matter how small it may be. Every job can teach you
something. Every job is worth doing well. Every job is glorious. Every job can
contribute to society. Be proud of your job. Do it well. Learn to enjoy your job, and you
will enjoy your life much more. Remember, If you enjoy your job, you’ll never work a
day in your life.

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

Fathers and mothers are their children’s first teachers. What they say and what they do
determine whether their children will be successful or not. Fathers and mothers should
be neither too strict nor too indulgent. It’s hard to be a good parent. That’s why fathers
and mothers should always study together the best way to raise a child.


Ladies and Gentlemen, mothers and fathers. Today I’d like to talk about how to be a
good parent.
Being a parent is the toughest job in the world. Parents should be patient. Parents should
help their children grow. Parents should not push their children too much. Parents should
always be proud of their children. Parents should love their children unconditionally.
Remember, nobody is perfect. If you want your child to grow up healthy and happy,
please remember this important and practical advice.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have many wishes.
I wish people from all over the world would love each other more. I wish people would
stop wasting energy. I wish people would be less selfish. I wish people would share
happy feelings more freely and not keep their emotions shut up inside. I wish that people
could find cures for cancer and AIDS. In short, I wish that the world could be a better
place. Thank you for letting me share all my wishes with you.


Ladies and Gentlemen, today I’m going to talk about time. Time is too precious to waste.
Time is our greatest treasure. If you waste your time, you waste your life. Never waste
one minute of your time or other people’s time. Get moving! Get excited! Take action!
Do something to make your heart beat faster every day. Make the most of your time.
Make the best use of your time. Time is a gift. Don’t waste a single minute.


Ladies and Gentlemen, today I’d like to talk about exercise. More and more people are
starting to realize the benefits of exercise.
Exercise is the only way to have a healthy body and healthy mind. Exercise is the only way
to lose weight. There are many kinds of exercise. It is easy to choose one that suits you. The
important thing to remember is that exercise needs to be a part of your daily life. Please take

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

care of your body and start an exercise program today. Physical health and mental health
can both be improved with regular exercise. Seize the day. Seize the moment. Seize control
of your health. Exercise for a longer, healthier life. Thanks for your attention!


Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our hotel. I hope you’ll eat well, sleep well, and
enjoy our service. Now let me tell you something about our hotel. Our hotel is the oldest
in the city. It has a long history. Many famous people have stayed in our hotel. Although
our hotel is old, it was recently remodeled. I’m sure you will agree our hotel is beautiful
as well as comfortable. We warmly welcome you to come back again and again. Have
a lovely stay here.


Tomorrow is the weekend. I am so happy to have some time to myself. I have many
plans. On Saturday morning, I am going to get up early and yell English. Saturday
afternoon, I am going to relax and play basketball with some classmates. In the evening,
I am going to meet my friends for a birthday party. On Sunday, I am going to spend time
with my family and do my homework at home. After I finish my work, I’m going to
watch a movie with my parents. Time flies on the weekend. What are you going to do
this weekend?


My favorite food is fast food. It saves a lot of time. I don’t care for fancy dinners. I think
people should forget about wasting time and money on expensive food. It really doesn’t
matter if you eat expensive food or fast food as long as the food is nutritious.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to tell you something very important today. I want to tell
you that life is about choices. You can choose to be miserable or you can choose to
enjoy life. You can choose to improve your health or you can choose to destroy it.
I hope you will make correct choices. I hope you will choose to enjoy your family, enjoy
your friends, enjoy your work, and enjoy your everyday life. Life is a gift and we really
should enjoy every minute of it. Join the group of people who make good choices. Enjoy
your life!

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

Ladies and Gentlemen, today I’d like to talk about the importance of smiling and
kindness. Life is like a mirror. When you smile, people will smile back. When you treat
other people kindly, they will treat you kindly in return. Try to spend one day smiling
and being kind to everyone you meet. You will see a big difference in your life. If you
keep on smiling and being kind, smiling and kindness will become your habits. If
everyone tried to do this, the world would be a kinder, brighter, and happier place. Start
smiling right away.


I’m the luckiest person in the world because I’m still alive.
I’m the most powerful person in the world because I believe in
myself. I’m the most intelligent person in the world because I love
I’m the most energetic person in the world because I’m crazy about
exercising. I’m the most attractive person in the world because I love myself.
I’m the happiest person in the world because I appreciate everything in
life. I’m whatever I believe.
I create my belief and my belief creates my wonderful life.


Ladies and Gentlemen, we need to take care of the world. We need to save water. We
need to use less energy. We need to stop polluting. We need to watch our daily actions.
We need to protect our environment heart and soul. We can’t keep wasting the world’s
resources. We can’t keep abusing our environment. We need to change the way we live.
We all need to work together to make our world a better place.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d like to give you a short introduction about Vietnam. Vietnam
has a large population, colorful people and vast land. Vietnam land covers 9.6 million
square kilometers. There are also many languages spoken in Vietnam. Vietnamese
people love learning all kinds of things and are crazy about learning English. The future
looks bright for Vietnam. Let’s conquer English to show our love for our motherland.
Thank you for listening!

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

Ladies and Gentlemen, today I’d like to talk about noise pollution. There is too much
noise in our cities. In some cities, you can’t even hear someone speaking next to you.
Noise is hurting our health and hearing. We need to do something to reduce noise. We
need new laws to punish companies and individuals who make too much noise. Let’s
work together to reduce noise and create a more peaceful environment. Thank you very
much for attention!


Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m from Vietnam. I’m proud of my country, and I’m proud of being
Vietnam has changed tremendously in the past twenty years. Vietnam has become a member
of the world community. Vietnam is changing every day. Vietnamse people are embracing
changes. Vietnamse people are also facing many challenges now. We are eager to learn
from the world. I am here today to learn from you.
I’m sure we will learn very much from each other. Thank you very much for your attention.
Thank you very much for giving me the chance to speak to you tonight.


Ladies and Gentlemen, today I want to talk about the importance of knowing right from
wrong. It is important to always do the right thing. Martin Luther King said, “The time is
always right to do the right thing.” These words are really true. You should always choose
to do the right thing, even if it is harder than the wrong thing. You should also encourage
everyone around you to do the right thing.
Be honest. Be fair. Be kind. The right thing to do is always very simple to understand, but
sometimes very hard to do. Let’s help each other, remind each other, and encourage each
other to do the right thing.


Ladies and Gentlemen, today I want to help you learn some of the most common greetings
in English. Of course, there is the basic “hello”. There are also many questions, such as
“How are you? How are you doing? How’s everything? How’s it going?” All of these
greetings are informal and very common in American English. In British English, it is more
common to hear “How do you do?” If you are confused by all of this information, don’t
worry. You can always just say, “Hi!” A happy smile and a confident “Hi!” will win friends
anywhere you go. Don’t worry, just open your mouth and practice. You can master English.
Have fun!
Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng
Ladies and Gentlemen, there are three things I want to talk about today.
The first thing is, think before you speak. Say positive things, don’t hurt other people
with words.
The second thing is, treasure every breath. Life is precious. We shouldn’t take anything
for granted. We must be thankful for every breath.
The third thing is, nothing is impossible. If you think you can, you can. Never doubt
yourself. You can do anything.
These three things have helped me throughout my life. Thank you!


Ladies and Gentlemen, today I want to talk about television and how dangerous it is for
children. Children today watch too much television. Television is harmful to developing
minds. Children usually watch far from television than their parents realize. Children
should only watch television when there is an educational program showing or on
special occasions. It is a terrible habit to just casually turn on the television and leave it
on for hours at a time. Remember, when you switch on the television, you are switching
off your child’s mind. Make a wise decision and limit your child’s television time.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m sad that this speech is my farewell speech. Happy times
always pass too quickly. My two year’s stay in Vietnam will come to an end soon.
I will miss you. I will miss my students. I will miss all of my friends. I will miss Vietnam.
And of course, I will miss Vietnamese food. I will come back to Vietnam as soon as I
can. Thank you for making my stay a wonderful experience. Thank you for your
hospitality. Most of all, thank you for your unparalleled friendship.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you will have a very nice time here in Vietnam. There are
many beautiful views, countless historical sites, and a variety of delicous foods for you
to enjoy. Vietnam is a great place to do business. Vietnam is a wonderful place for a
vacation. I hope you will fall in love with Vietnam. I believe Vietnam is a fantastic place
to visit and a marvelous place to live. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me
know. I hope you will visit Vietnam again and again.

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

Ladies and Gentlemen, today I’m going to talk about how to live a productive life. Every
day is a gift, even days that are difficult or days you feel down.
Appreciate every day. Learn something new every day. Do something to improve
yourself every day. Don’t delay. Don’t let your dreams die. Don’t waste time. Just do it.
Life is too short to waste even one single day. If you live every day fully and
productively, you’re bound to succeed. Remember, yesterday is a memory, tomorrow is
a dream, live for today.
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, today I want to talk about building a better family.
Everyone wants a better family. But most people don’t know how to create one. Here
are some helpful tips.
Boys and girls, you need to behave. You need to be kind. You need to always try your
best. You need to believe in yourself and believe in your parents. Your parents really
want what is best for you.

Mother and father, you need to be patient. You need to buy fewer things for your
children and give them more of your time. You need to read more books to learn about
being good parents. If your child sees you reading books, he will love books too. You
need to bring up your children by teaching them the value of hard work and by setting a
good example. Children believe what they see more than what they are told. Be sure that
your child is seeing the behavior that you want him to model. I believe that we can make
our families better and stronger by working and learning together.
Ladies and Gentlemen, today I want to talk about care. The biggest problem facing the
world today is a lack of care. People only care about themselves. They don’t care about
other people. They don’t even care about their family. They don’t care about the
environment. They don’t care about their community. Worst of all, they don’t care about
their country.
I am here to encourage you to start caring. We all want to be treated fairly. We all want
to be loved. We all want to be taken care of. We all need clean air to breathe. We all
need clean water to drink. We all need green places to enjoy. We all share the same
motherland. We all share the same emotions. Let’s do our best to start caring more.

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

Ladies and Gentlemen, today I’d like to talk about how to pronounce English words
correctly. First, spell the word aloud. Then, read the word aloud according to the tape.
Carefully imitate each sound. Then shout out the word as loudly as possible. Lastly, find
a good sentence to use this word. Think about what the word means in this sentence. If
you follow these steps, you will soon be proud of how well you can pronounce English


Ladies and Gentlemen, today I’d like to talk about smoking. Smoking not only makes
you smell terrible, it is also terrible for your health. If you smoke, everyone in your home
is breathing in your second-hand smoke.
Smoke makes your throat hurt, your teeth yellow, and your lungs black. Smoking is also
like throwing money away. Each pack of cigarettes you smoke is really money going up
in smoke. You are burning money with nothing to show for it. If you smoke, I hope you
will try to give up this destructive habit. You owe it to yourself and your family to live
a healthier life.

Hope you enjoy the lesson with David Dũng

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