Core Data in The Uai Study

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DATA IN THE UAI STUDY (Source: User-Friendly Market Research by Dr Ned Roberto)


A. Awareness data: brand and advertising

1. Brand awareness: first mention, other mention, and aided mention
2. Sources of first-mentioned brand awareness
3. Advertising awareness: first mention, other mention, and aided mention
4. Advertising recall: quality of awareness measure

B. Product usage data

5. Product category use or non-use
6. Category form, variant, and pack size used
7. How long the pack size lasts
8. When used and for what purposes
9. Who else in the household use the product category
10. Where used and with what
11. Brand ever used
12. Brand last used
13. Brand used previous to last
14. Brad used most often
15. Brands on hand (“pantry check” by observation)

C. Purchase data
16. Where the last category purchase was made
17. Where category purchases are often/usually made
18. Frequency of category buying
19. Category pack size last bought
20. Quantity of category purchase
21. Price paid for last purchase
22. Brand had in mind during the last buying trip
23. If found brand in the store where last shopped
24. If not found, what did: bought any brand available, looked for brand in another
store, postponed buying till brand had in mind became available, or other (specify)
25. What else bought with the product category in last purchase

D. Attitude data
26. What looked for, what expected in product category
27. What not liked in brand last bought
28. What liked in brand last bought

E. Product and brand image data

29. Importance rating of product category attributes, product values
30. Rating of selected brands on each product attribute
 Age
 Sex
 Civil Status
 Number of Children
 Educational Attainment
 Household Size
 Total Monthly Household Income
 Home Ownership
 Household Possessions
 Economic Class
 Other Sociographics Data that may be included:
o Religion Practiced,
o Leisure Activities
o Parental and Family Background
o Community and Social Association Membership
o Reference Persons
o Media Habits

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