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1. This shirt really needs to iron/ironing .
2. We all enjoyed to celebrate/ celebrating Sam’s birthday.
3. Dave offered to take/ taking the bin out.
4. Mike managed to get / getting his driving license after four tries!
5. After to eat/ eating at the canteen, we played outside together.
6. Suzie doesn’t mind to get up / getting up early, but she can’t stand to start/
starting her day without a good breakfast.
7. My dad stopped to hunt / hunting because we told him it wasn’t right for nature.
8. Kyle loves to do / doing the housework at home.
9. Joe decided not to take / not taking part in the show: America’s got talent.
10. This house is worth to buy/ buying.
11. We should never be/ being cyber bullied at home.
12. It is important to have / having a healthy breakfast.
13. These plants surely need to water/ watering.
14. To farm/ farming is getting more difficult in certain regions because of
climatic changes.
15. Mary hopes to look/ looking nicer after an aesthetic operation.
16. Sandy seems to be / being very hardworking.
17. Jenny can’t imagine to go / going out without her smartphone.
18. Sheep are usually good at to jump/ jumping.
19. Dave keeps to arrive / arriving late at school.
20. Sometimes, I find it difficult to do / doing my homework.
21. My boss wants me to work/ working more.
22. We are looking forward to to lie/ lying on the beach during our future
summer holidays.
23. Our planet deserves to be/ being protected.
24. Dad suggested to go / going to the cinema together yesterday evening.
25. It’s no use to complain / complaining about your stolen phone.
26. My sister is really bad at to cook/ cooking.
27. We must do / doing our best to accept/ accepting people’s differences.
28. To practice / practicing sports is essential to stay/ staying fit .
29. We all enjoy to watch/ watching videos on You tube.
30. What about to go / going to the restaurant tonight?
31. Lou seems to be / being a very talkative girl!

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