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2013 December UGC NET Solved Question Paper in Education, Paper II

1. A common feature of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism is belief about

(A) the unreality of the world

(B) the existence of God

(C) the soul

(D) karma and rebirth

Answer: (D)

2. ‘Epistemology’ means

(A) stem cell research

(B) study of the nature of knowledge

(C) study of the nature of values

(D) study of the nature of the world

Answer: (B)

3. In Indian Philosophy ‘pramana’ means

(A) oath

(B) measurement

(C) assurance

(D) source of knowledge

Answer: (D)

4. Which of the following is the source material about the Jain way of life?

(A) Dhammapada

(B) Karma Kanda

(C) Tripitaka

(D) Tri-ratna

Answer: (D)

5. The Schools of Vedanta are

(A) Dharma, Artha and Moksa

(B) Advaita, Dwaita and Visishtadvaita

(C) Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism

(D) the orthodox and the heterodox

Answer: (B)

6. A researcher is interested in studying the flood victims. Which one of the following is a
suitable sample selection method?

(A) Random Sampling

(B) Stratified Sampling

(C) Systematic Sampling

(D) Purposive Sampling

Answer: (D)

7. Match the Measurement Scales in List – I which can be used with appropriate Statistics in
List – II:

List – I                                                                                    List – II

a. Nominal Scales                                                                    i. Geometric Mean

b. Ordinal Scales                                                                     ii. Frequency Distribution

c. Interval Scales                                                                     iii. Median & Rank Correlation

d. Ratio Scales                                                                        iv. Mean, SD & Correlations


        a b c d

(A) iv iii ii i

(B) i iii ii iv

(C) ii iii iv i

(D) i iv iii ii

Answer: (C)

8. Which one of the following tests can be used to examine the differences in Mathematics
achievement of boys and girls?

(A) Correlational Test

(B) ‘t’ Test

(C) Chi-square Test

(D) Anova

Answer: (B)

9. There is a significant positive correlation between variables X and Y. This means that:

(A) X causes variation in Y.

(B) Y causes variation in X.

(C) X and Y vary together in opposite directions.

(D) X and Y vary together in the same direction.

Answer: (D)

10. “Education and Society are two mutually supporting systems, interconnected, that one
cannot thrive in the absence of the other.” What is the reason?

(A) Education sustains society, preserves culture, ushers in new one and inculcates values.
(B) Education helps to do away with social divisions and produces leaders for governance.

(C) Education makes people self employable/employable.

(D) Education modernises and makes society civilized.

Answer: (A)

11. ‘Alienation’ as a widespread social problem was first highlighted by

(A) Idealism

(B) Pragmatism

(C) Marxism

(D) Realism

Answer: (C)

12. What is the subject matter of Educational Sociology?

I. Social Processes and Social Change

II. Social Behaviour and Social Control

III. Social Institutions and Social Problems

IV. Legislature, Executive and Judiciary


(A) I, II and III

(B) IV, I and II

(C) III, IV and I

(D) II, III and IV

Answer: (A)

13. What was the purpose of introducing the noon-meal scheme in primary schools?

(A) To keep primary teachers engaged.

(B) To increase enrolment in primary schools.

(C) To provide employment to cooks.

(D) To provide one square meal to children every day.

Answer: (B)

14. What does the term ‘Socialization” refer to?

(A) Participating in social service activities.

(B) Process of interaction among members of the society and transmitting values.

(C) Instructions given to people through mass media to keep society free from corruption.

(D) Advising people to bring up their children as socially responsible beings.

Answer: (B)

15. ‘Hinayana’ is the name of which School of Buddhism?

(A) Theravada

(B) Vajrayana

(C) Tantric

(D) Esoteric

Answer: (A)

16. ‘Coherence’ is the criterion of truth is

(A) Existentialism

(B) Idealism

(C) Marxism

(D) Naturalism

Answer: (B)

17. ‘Metaphysics’ means

(A) a branch of Physics

(B) exploring the nature of ultimate reality

(C) Physics of metals

(D) Physics of weather

Answer: (B)

18. The two basic divisions in Schools of Indian Philosophy are

(A) Vedanta and Buddhism

(B) Advaita and Dwaita

(C) Theistic and Atheistic

(D) Orthodox and Heterodox

Answer: (D)

19. The ultimate goal of education in Jainism is

(A) Non-violence

(B) Renunciation

(C) Liberation

(D) Philanthropy

Answer: (C)

20. The ceremony of initiation of education in Buddhism is called

(A) Vidyarambam

(B) Upanayanam
(C) Pabajja

(D) Uparampada

Answer: (C)

21. Researcher intends to ascertain the attitude of adolescents towards modernization, which
one of the following tools is an appropriate one?

(A) Projective Technique

(B) Interview

(C) Likert Scale

(D) Sociometry

Answer: (C)

22. Which of the following is incorrect as a measure of dispersion?

(A) Quartile Deviation

(B) Range

(C) Standard Deviation

(D) Sampling Error

Answer: (D)

23. A researcher prepared a report based on the interviews of 25 people. Under which
category, this research can be placed?

(A) Quantitative

(B) Qualitative

(C) Historical

(D) Scientific

Answer: (B)

24. The Right to Education Act recently passed by our Parliament is an extension of the
following article of our Constitution

(A) 13

(B) 15

(C) 45

(D) 55

Answer: (C)

25. Which of the following are essentially required on the part of the teacher for developing
intercultural understanding in children?

I. Possession of knowledge of various cultures and subcultures.

II. Being progressive and openminded

III. Being pious and religious

IV. Classroom communication skills

Choose the correct answers from the given options.


(A) I and II

(B) II and III

(C) III and IV

(D) IV and I

Answer: (D)

26. What is the striking contrast between “acclimatization” and “naturalization”?

I. Acclimatization is adjusting to the external environment.

II. Acclimatization is changing the room temperature and air circulation using appliances.

III. Naturalization is change of attitude as required by the new context.

IV. Acclimatization is external and Naturalization is internal.

Choose the correct answers from the given options.


(A) I, II and III

(B) II, III and IV

(C) III, IV andü I

(D) IV, I andü II

Answer: (C)

27. Introspection method lacks in

(A) Reliability

(B) Validity

(C) Objectivity

(D) All the above three

Answer: (D)

28. Which of the following thinkers said ‘Literacy itself is not education, literacy is only a
means to education’?

(A) J. Krishnamurti

(B) Swami Vivekananda

(C) Sri Aurobindo

(D) Mahatma Gandhi

Answer: (D)

29. Which teaching method was evolved by Naturalism?

(A) Heuristic Method

(B) Playway Method

(C) Scientific Method

(D) Project Method

Answer: (B)

30. Choose the correct or the best answer among the following:

‘Philosophy’ means

(A) Consoling oneself while facing disappointments in life.

(B) A form of religion.

(C) Attempt to find answer to fundamental and ultimate questions.

(D) Sophisticated arguments.

Answer: (C)

31. The most ascetic School of Indian Philosophy is

(A) Buddhism

(B) Jainism

(C) Vedanta

(D) Sankhya

Answer: (B)

32. The number of Savants [Thirthankaras] in the Jain tradition is

(A) 10

(B) infinite

(C) 24

(D) 100
Answer: (C)

33. ‘Vinaya Pitaka’ deals with

(A) rules of conduct for the Buddhist Samga

(B) rules for polite behaviour for Jain monks

(C) rules for polite behaviour for Hindu Sannyasins

(D) Emperor Ashoka’s Edicts

Answer: (A)

34. Which one of the following is the stable measure of dispersion?

(A) Range

(B) Quartile Deviation

(C) Average Deviation

(D) Standard Deviation

Answer: (D)

35. The method of drawing conclusions based on the observation of each and every instance
of a population is called

(A) Scientific Method

(B) Deductive Method

(C) Inductive Method

(D) Dialectic Method

Answer: (C)

36. Positivistic research approach was advocated by

(A) Francis Bacon

(B) Stanley & Compbell

(C) Auguste Comte

(D) Babbit

Answer: (C)

37. Something written in a holy book is held to be true by readers. This method of acquiring
knowledge is termed as the method of

(A) Tenacity

(B) Authority

(C) Intuition

(D) Science

Answer: (B)

38. A class teacher administered Thematic Apperception Test to a group of students to assess

(A) Achievement

(B) Awareness

(C) Personality

(D) Attitude

Answer: (C)

39. A class teacher asked all his students to take a test only as and when each one of them
mastered the theory of Gravitation. This is an example of

(A) Norm Referenced Test

(B) Feasibility Test

(C) Summative Test

(D) Criterion Referenced Test

Answer: (D)

40. When a non-directional hypothesis is stated, the test of significance would be

(A) One tailed

(B) Two tailed

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)

41. The critical difference between naturalism and pragmatism is in the importance accorded

(A) aims

(B) methods

(C) social context

(D) evaluation

Answer: (A)

42. What are the checks and balances available in society for regulating social behaviour of

I. Mores, Folkways and Institutions

II. Enacted Laws and Punishments

III. Meditation and Prayer

IV. Reading religious books

Choose the correct answers from the codes given below:


(A) I and II
(B) II and III

(C) III and IV

(D) IV and I

Answer: (A)

43. What is meant by ‘Culture’?

(A) Complex whole of what man has achieved as being a member of the society.

(B) Sophistication in dress, food, etc.

(C) Civilization marked by the use of modern electric home appliances

(D) Using of computers, mobile phones, internet, etc.

Answer: (A)

44. What is the objective of the Integrated Child Development Services?

I. Improving nutrition and health status of children upto 6 years.

II. Reducing child mortality rate in the country.

III. Providing quality primary education to children.

IV. Providing healthcare centres to take care of children’s health.

Choose the correct answers from the codes given below:


(A) I and II

(B) II and III

(C) III and IV

(D) IV and I

Answer: (A)

Read the passage and answer from question Nos. 45 to 50:

“Every day, day after day, we see men and animals dying. But each man thinks he is
going to live on forever. What can be more surprising than this?” So goes a passage in the
Mahabharata. All religions are attempts to help man come to terms with death. Swami
Vivekananda said, ‘so long as death is there religion will be there’.

However, it is common knowledge that very pious people are as much afraid of death
as the no so pious. Gal Bellow, a Nobel Laureate in literature said, “The tragedy of
civilization consists in the refusal of the doomed creature to die.” Jostling for space in the
annals of history is an attempt to grapple with mortality. However, Norman O. Brown in his
scholarly treatise, ‘Life against Death : A Psychoanalytic Interpretation of History’ concludes
that the survival of mankind into the future urgently requires that we cultivate in every
oncoming generation a consciousness that is willing and ready to die.

This is squarely a challenge for educational research. We must develop a curriculum

that will enable every individual follow the ebb and flow of the clan vital in the parabola of
the life cycle, savour the joys of sex in the waxing phase of the parabola and mellow with it
in the waning phase.

45. According to the Mahabharata what is most surprising?

(A) People dying

(B) Animals dying

(C) Animals and people living

(D) Failure to accept death is inevitable for everyone

Answer: (D)

46. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A) Religions attempt to help us accept death.

(B) Religions attempt to help us to live properly and die properly.

(C) Religions succeed in helping every one of their followers to accept death when the time

(D) Death is there only because of religion.

Answer: (C)

47. The tragedy of civilization consists in

(A) death

(B) facilitates that increase life expectancy

(C) increase in population

(D) desire of human beings to live on forever

Answer: (D)

48. “Jostling for space in the annals of history” means

(A) struggling for lasting frame

(B) writing history books

(C) trying to get into spacecrafts

(D) trying to become a wrestler

Answer: (A)

49. What do you think Norman O. Brown’s book is about?

(A) Life

(B) Death

(C) History

(D) Struggle between life and death

Answer: (D)

50. The essential message of this passage is best expressed as

(A) Celebration of living

(B) Celebration of dying

(C) Parabola of the life cycle

(D) Learning-to-Be and Not-to-Be

Answer: (D)
2013 December UGC NET Solved Question Paper in Education, Paper III

1. When the findings of an experimental research are generalized to target population, the
research is said to possess

(A) Internal validity

(B) Concurrent validity

(C) External validity

(D) Predictive validity

Answer: (C)

2. Which of the following do lay the foundation for curriculum?

(A) Societal Priorities, Government and Resources

(B) Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology

(C) Study materials, Training facilities and Societal needs

(D) Psychological bases of Education

Answer: (B)

3. Which of the following is an example of Summative Evaluation for Standard IX?

(A) Quarterly Examination

(B) Half-yearly Examination

(C) Annual examination

(D) Mid-Term Tests

Answer: (C)

4. Multiple choice question is an example of which of the following method of studying the
process of remembering and forgetting?
(A) Recall

(B) Re-learning

(C) Recognition

(D) Reconstruction

Answer: (C)

5. The concept of advance organised was developed by

(A) Bruner

(B) Ausubel

(C) Erikson

(D) Kohlberg

Answer: (B)

6. Strong’s Vocational Interest Blank Test consists of

(A) 100 items

(B) 200 items

(C) 300 items

(D) 400 items

Answer: (D)

7. Which of the following correct order comes under Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

(A) Self actualization, safety, love, esteem

(B) Physiological need, self actualisation, esteem, safety

(C) Physiological need, safety, love, esteem

(D) Physiological need, esteem, self actualization, love

Answer: (C)

8. The Web.2 technologies which are helping in acquiring multiple knowledge are:

(A) U-Tube

(B) Face Book

(C) Wikkipedia

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)

9. The word cybernetics was first used by

(A) Norbert Wiener

(B) Claude E. Shannan

(C) Warren Weaver Model

(D) Aristotle

Answer: (A)

10. Education does not include the following resources

(A) Human resources

(B) Material resources

(C) Water resources

(D) Financial resources

Answer: (C)

11. Phenomenology is a method basically used in

(A) Educational research

(B) Philosophical research

(C) Historical research

(D) Experimental research

Answer: (B)

12. The status-quo of a situation in research can be studied through:

(A) Experimental research

(B) Survey research

(C) Historical research

(D) Phenomenological research

Answer: (B)

13. Which of the following is incorrect as a measure of dispersion?

(A) Quartile Deviation

(B) Range

(C) Standard Deviation

(D) Sampling Error

Answer: (D)

14. Selection Test for admission to teacher training program was suggested by





Answer: (C)

15. NCTE was established by an act of Parliament in

(A) 1975

(B) 1995

(C) 1996

(D) 1986

Answer: (B)

16. A reliability coefficient cannot be negative because:

(A) It is a square of a correlation coefficient.

(B) Negative reliability is meaningless.

(C) It is a self-correlation of the test.

(D) It does not measure different things.

Answer: (C)

17. Which of the following cannot be used as a synonym of reliability?

(A) Accuracy

(B) Precision

(C) Dependability

(D) Relevance

Answer: (C)

18. Mobility and orientation training is linked with

(A) Students with Hearing Impairment

(B) Students with Mental Retardation

(C) Students with Visual Impairment

(D) Students with Learning Disability

Answer: (D)

19. Idiots are labelled as having an IQ range of

(A) 100-125

(B) 0-25

(C) 120-160

(D) 60-90

Answer: (B)

20. National Knowledge Commission is headed by

(A) D.S. Kothari

(B) Amartya Sen

(C) Sam Pitroda

(D) Azim Premji

Answer: (C)

21. The sources of knowledge (Pramanas) in Advaita Vedanta are

(A) two

(B) three

(C) four

(D) six

Answer: (D)

22. The value commended by existentialism is

(A) liberation
(B) self-realisation

(C) harmony with nature

(D) authenticity

Answer: (D)

23. When a poor rural girl hailing from a socially disadvantaged family gets scholarship for
higher studies and then lands in a high paid job in a city it is not an instance of education

(A) a vehicle for social mobility

(B) a tool for gender justice

(C) a vehicle for geographical mobility

(D) an instrument for social stratification

Answer: (D)

24. The policy of reservation of seats in higher education and in Government employment is
an example for

(A) Sponsored mobility

(B) Contest mobility

(C) Cultural mobility

(D) Geographical mobility

Answer: (A)

25. What does the Counsellor do in “Observation for Recording” and “Observation for

I. In Observation for Recording, the Counsellor acts like a versatile camera.

II. In Observation for Recording, the Counsellor records everything unmindful of the
distraction caused to the client.
III. In Observation for Rating, the Counsellor does not observe the client while indulged in

IV. In Observation for Rating, the Counsellor judges and rates the brain, while still observing
the client.

Choose the correct answers from the code given below:


(A) I and IV

(B) II and III

(C) I and III

(D) III and IV

Answer: (A)

26. A face to face, informal interaction is considered the best technique for collecting
information about the client and his/her problem. How?

(A) It helps to get first hand information about the client and his/her problem.

(B) It is very easy to organise and conduct an interview with the client.

(C) The interview can be video graphed.

(D) It is flexible and makes the client feel comfortable.

Answer: (A)

27. What is meant by the term “curriculum”

(A) The subject of study offered by an educational institution.

(B) Theory and Practical courses to be completed to qualify for a level of education.

(C) Organised whole of learning and other experiences provided by educational institutions,
to realize set goals.

(D) The prescribed syllabi in the various subjects, plus practical courses and project/

Answer: (C)

28. What are the uses of System Analysis, when applied to classroom instruction as a sub
system of the curriculum?

I. It helps to design classroom instruction differently.

II. It helps to assess the effectiveness of the existing instructional design.

III. It helps the teacher to verify results and get feedback.

IV. It helps as a novel method of reviewing classroom instruction.

Choose the correct answers from the code given below:


(A) III, IV and I

(B) I, II and III

(C) IV, I and II

(D) II, III and IV

Answer: (B)

29. Tests that do not require the use of language of the subjects but responses are in the form
of activities are called as

(A) Verbal tests

(B) Non-verbal tests

(C) Performance tests

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)

30. Match the following & select the correct answers from the codes given below:

List – I Psychological Test                                          List – II Psychologist

a. Intelligence Test                                                      i. Rorschach

b. Interest Test                                                            ii. Torrance

c. Personality Test                                                       iii. Binet

d. Creativity Test                                                        iv. Strong

v. Likert


        a b c d

(A) iii ii i v

(B) v ii iv iii

(C) iv iii ii i

(D) iii iv i ii

Answer: (D)

31. Which of the following is not an example of inter-individual difference?

(A) The child is black in colour.

(B) The child is fat.

(C) The child likes potato.

(D) The nose of the child is sharp.

Answer: (C)

32. Identity versus role confusion is a characteristic of

(A) Childhood stage

(B) Adolescence stage

(C) Infancy stage

(D) Early childhood stage

Answer: (B)

33. The effectiveness of a multi-media approach in teaching can be answered through

(A) Experimentation

(B) Survey

(C) Case-studies

(D) Longitudinal studies

Answer: (A)

34. In 1974-75 NCERT used Radio-vision lessons, Television Discussions and Activities to
train inservice primary school teachers in Science. This is an example of

(A) Integrated Approach

(B) Group-oriented Approach

(C) Multi-Media Approach

(D) Team Teaching Approach

Answer: (C)

35. What is the important objective of economic planning?

(A) Planned development

(B) Eradication of poverty

(C) Total employment

(D) More per capita income

Answer: (A)

36. The system analysis relates to

(A) Input aspect

(B) Product aspect

(C) Process aspect

(D) Resource aspect

Answer: (B)

37. The control of extraneous variables in experimental research after the treatment is given
can be done through a technique called

(A) Statistical Regression

(B) Post-Test

(C) One-way ANOVA

(D) Analysis of Co-variance

Answer: (D)

38. Which of the following is incorrect pairing?

(A) Product moment coefficient of correlation                                              r

(B) Chi Square                                                                                                χ2

(C) Multiple correlation                                                                                  R

(D) Standard deviation                                                                                   ρ

Answer: (D)

39. A survey of population is equivalent to

(A) Census Survey

(B) Sample Survey

(C) Group Survey

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)

40. The book “Learning – The Treasure Within” is authored by

(A) J.S. Rajput

(B) N. Bennett

(C) J. Delors

(D) J. Halak

Answer: (C)

41. Operation Black-Board Programme was introduced to improve

(A) Teacher Education

(B) Primary Education

(C) Secondary Education

(D) Higher Education

Answer: (B)

42. An investigator conducted the factor-analysis of tests to be used in research. It means, he

was interested in

(A) Content validity

(B) Criterion validity

(C) Construct validity

(D) Predictive validity

Answer: (C)

43. Special Education Courses are controlled by

(A) Special Education Council of India

(B) Rehabilitation Council of India

(C) National Council of Teacher Education

(D) Medical Council of India

Answer: (B)

44. Students with Hearing Impairment require

(A) Auditory Training

(B) Language Training

(C) Speech Training

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)

45. The main purpose of Navodaya Vidyalayas is to give education to

(A) Rural talented students

(B) Urban students

(C) Girls students only

(D) Rural students

Answer: (A)

46. The idea of Four Pillars of Education was suggested by





Answer: (B)

47. Aims of education are closely related to

(A) Metaphysics
(B) Axiology

(C) Logic

(D) Epistemology

Answer: (B)

48. The ceiling fixed by the Supreme Court for reservation for the socially and economically
disadvantaged sections is

(A) 19%

(B) 22%

(C) 49%

(D) 50%

Answer: (D)

49. The first Committee to be constituted after independence by the Government of India on
Women’s Education was

(A) Dr. Radhakrishnan Commission

(B) The Mudaliar Commission

(C) The Shri Sri Prakasa Committee

(D) Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh Committee

Answer: (D)

50. What type of Guidance Service is facilitated by the application of given battery of
standardized objective type tests, on normal individuals?

(A) Remedial and Preventive

(B) Preventive and Developmental

(C) Developmental and Remedial

(D) General Guidance and Counselling

Answer: (B)

51. What is the most essential requirement for providing Guidance Services in schools?

(A) Guidance and Counselling Rooms

(B) Standardized Tests for Appraisal of Students

(C) Time

(D) Professionally qualified and adequately trained personnel

Answer: (D)

52. Equating through matched pairs is the method used in

(A) Survey Research

(B) Experimental Research

(C) Sociological Research

(D) Trend Research

Answer: (B)

53. Which of the following is a case of Formative Evaluation of Curriculum?

(A) Conducting an evaluation of the curriculum concerned before the course is completed.

(B) Evaluating the curriculum concerned, getting it appraised by students and teachers.

(C) Evaluating the curriculum concerned, in the middle of the course, collecting the views of
students, teachers and parents and providing feedback.

(D) Evaluating the curriculum concerned by teachers based on the performance of students.

Answer: (C)

54. The teacher teaches a straight line by placing several points in a particular direction is an
example of
(A) Law of proximity

(B) Law of closure

(C) Law of common direction

(D) Law of simplicity

Answer: (C)

55. A baby sucking her thumb is an example of

(A) Regression

(B) Aggression

(C) Displacement

(D) Withdrawal

Answer: (A)

56. A child who reads dog as god falls in which category of learning disability?

(A) Dyslexia

(B) Dysgraphia

(C) Dyspraxia

(D) Dysplasia

Answer: (A)

57. The two most important characteristics of a standardised test are

(A) objectivity and reliability

(B) reliability and validity

(C) reliability and usability

(D) practicability and usability

Answer: (B)

58. The qualitative judgments about a teaching media can take place through

(A) Measurement

(B) Evaluation

(C) Interpretation

(D) Description

Answer: (B)

59. Which is the universal objective of education?

(A) Liberation

(B) Total development

(C) Character

(D) Vocation

Answer: (B)

60. The main focus of educational supervision is

(A) Administration

(B) Decision making

(C) Educational services

(D) Discipline ensuring

Answer: (C)

61. Which one of the following variables is controlled in experimental research?

(A) Independent variables

(B) Moderate variables

(C) Dependent variables

(D) Extraneous variables

Answer: (D)

62. One of the tools that can be used for in-depth data collection is

(A) Test

(B) Interview

(C) Rating Scale

(D) Observation

Answer: (B)

63. Deductive reasoning helps in

(A) Sample Selection

(B) Hypothesis Generation

(C) Problem Identification

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)

64. Which of the following Committee recommended for improvement of Teacher Education

(A) Reddy Committee

(B) Ramamurti Committee

(C) Yashpal Committtee

(D) Mehrotra Committee

Answer: (B)

65. The meaning of Universalisation of Primary Education is to provide

(A) Education to all

(B) Education to all girls children

(C) Free and compulsory education to all children

(D) Free and compulsory education to the children of 6 – 14 years age

Answer: (D)

66. The rational equivalence type of reliability is determined by the method of:

(A) Test-retest

(B) Parallel Forms

(C) Split-half

(D) K-R Methods

Answer: (B)

67. Which of the following is not a correct matching?

(A) Class roll numbers                                                – Nominal Scale

(B) Relative position in a group                                  – Ordinal Scale

(C) Heights of cricket players                                     – Interval Scale

(D) Weights of students                                             – Ratio Scale

Answer: (C)

68. Learning Disability is related to

(A) Poor environment is a contributing factor to learning disability.

(B) Learning disabilities are related to mental retardation.

(C) Learning disability is related to emotional disturbance.

(D) Learning-disabled children have perceptual problems.

Answer: (A)

69. Teacher education is considered as a technical education in

(A) U.S.A.

(B) U.K.

(C) U.S.S.R.

(D) India

Answer: (A)

70. In which year IGNOU was established?

(A) 1964

(B) 1985

(C) 1992

(D) 2002

Answer: (B)

71. The pathway to liberation in Buddhism consists of

(A) two steps

(B) four steps

(C) six steps

(D) eight steps

Answer: (D)

72. A modern Indian educationist who was very much naturalist is

(A) Swami Vivekananda

(B) Rabindranath Tagore

(C) Sri Aurobindo

(D) J. Krishnamurti

Answer: (B)

73. Which of the following is not true? Liberalisation of the economy has led to

(A) steeper stratification

(B) more open social structure

(C) greater mobility

(D) greater equalisation of educational opportunity

Answer: (D)

74. What is meant by Multiple Counselling?

(A) Counselling by Professionals and Paraprofessionals

(B) Counselling given to two or a few individuals, or a small homogeneous group

(C) Counselling by Professionals, Paraprofessionals and Media

(D) Counselling given to Complex and Multiple Problems on the part of the client.

Answer: (C)

75. Match List – I with List – II with correct meaning:

List – I                                                List – II

a. Constructivism                                i. Paradigm for technology based learning

b. Scaffolding                                                 ii. Real world is not like studying in school

c. Situated learning                             iii. That allows the students to grow in independence as
a learner

d. Anchored Instruction                     iv. A view that emphasises the active role of the learner
in building understanding and making sense of information
v. Learner learns the cognitive strategies and meta-
cognitive skills


         a b c d

(A) iv ii iii v

(B) ii iii i iv

(C) iv iii ii i

(D) i ii iii v

Answer: (C)
2013 June UGC NET Solved Question Paper in Education, Paper II

1. ‘Internal criticism’ is a required stepin

(A) Experimental Research

(B) Historical Research

(C) Descriptive Research

(D) Philosophical Research

Answer: (B)

2. Which sampling technique will be most appropriate to draw a representative sample of

heterogeneous population?

(A) Stratified Random

(B) Quota

(C) Purposive

(D) Incidental

Answer: (A)

3. Chi-square test is an example of

(A) Parametric test

(B) Non-Parametric test

(C) Descriptive test

(D) Survey test

Answer: (B)

4. A highly reliable test is required for the purpose of

(A) Using teacher made test

(B) Testing for research purpose

(C) Dividing students into ability groups

(D) Providing guidance services

Answer: (C)

5. Which of the following won a Nobel Prize for his pioneering work on learning theories?

(A) R.M. Gayne

(B) J.S. Bruner

(C) Lev Vygotsky

(D) Ivan Pavlov

Answer: (D)

6. According to Piaget, cognitive development in human beings takes place through four
important stages. Identify the correct order of these stages.

(A) Pre-operational, formal operational, concrete operational, sensory motor

(B) Sensory motor, concrete operational, formal operational pre-operational

(C) Formal operational, sensory motor, pre-operational, concrete operational

(D) Sensory motor, pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational

Answer: (D)

7. Match the List – I with List – II &select the correct answer using the code given below:

List – I                        List – II

a. Carl Roger               i. Field theory

b. Kurt Levin              ii. Social learningtheory

c. Bandura                   iii. Self-theory

d. Bruner                     iv. Psychoanalytic theory

v. Cognitive theory


       a b c d

(A) iii iv ii v

(B) ii i v iii

(C) i ii iv v

(D) iii i ii v

Answer: (D)

8. In Pavlov’s experiments on the salivary conditioning of dogs, the CS was

(A) The taste of food

(B) Salivation to the taste of food

(C) The sound of a bell

(D) Salivation to the sound of bell

Answer: (C)

9. Kohlar developed

(A) S-R bond theory

(B) Insight theory

(C) Field theory

(D) Conditioning theory

Answer: (B)

10. Which of the following is an incorrect pair?

(A) Multiple theory of intelligence – Guilford

(B) Theory of classical conditioning – Pavlov

(C) Psycho-social theory – Erikson

(D) Theory of meaningful verbal learning – Aasubel

Answer: (A)

11. What is the view of Educational Sociologists on Character Education?

(A) Character Education is the exclusive province of the home and religious organisations.

(B) Character Education is impossible without religious and denominational doctrine

(C) Character Education is best handled by giving the target readymade judgements.

(D) Character Education should involve the direct discussion of moral issues.

Answer: (D)

12. “Investment in Education is the single, largest item of expenditure, next to defence, in
many countries today.” What is the social justification?

I. Education has become a pressing need under globalization.

II. Education is the Panacea for social ills.

III. Education produces unselfish and competent leaders for establishing polity.

IV. Education helps to procure security, prosperity and social well-being for all.
Choose the correct answer from the given codes:


(A) I and III

(B) II and IV

(C) I and II

(D) III and IV

Answer: (B)

13. Which was the major factor for caste distinction in India before independence?

(A) Religion

(B) Poverty

(C) English Education

(D) Family Occupation

Answer: (D)

14. Deductive Reasoning helps in

(A) Research Reporting

(B) Formulation of Hypothesis

(C) Data Analysis

(D) Tools Preparation

Answer: (B)

15. Which method focuses on generating new hypothesis?

(A) Pattern

(B) Deductive
(C) Inductive

(D) None is correct

Answer: (C)

16. The feasibility of a research study should be considered in the light of

(A) Potential ethical concerns

(B) Skills required for the researcher

(C) Cost and time required to conduct the research

(D) All of above

Answer: (D)

17. Which of the following is not the feature of symbols assigned to categories on a nominal

(A) No quantitative meaning

(B) Nothing more than labels or names

(C) May be ordered according to magnitude

(D) Cannot be subjected to arithmetic operations

Answer: (C)

18. The learning theories under behaviourist category are based on the belief that

(A) Child is a natural learner.

(B) Environment can change a man.

(C) All behaviours can be learnt.

(D) Everybody can learn everything.

Answer: (C)

19. Bruner identified three major stages of cognitive growth. Identify the correct order of the

(A) Symbolic, Iconic, Enactive

(B) Iconic, Symbolic, Enactive

(C) Enactive, Iconic, Symbolic

(D) Symbolic, Enactive, Iconic

Answer: (C)

20. Army Beta test is an example of

(A) Individual verbal test of intelligence

(B) Group non-verbal test of intelligence

(C) Group verbal test of intelligence

(D) Performance test

Answer: (B)

21. Critically judge the following:

Assertion (A): Adolescence is a period of stress and storm.

Reason (R): Capacity to acquire and utilise their knowledge reaches its peak.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation.

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (B)

22. “The responses which are followed by satisfying after-effects tends to be learned”, is

(A) The law of exercise

(B) The law of effect

(C) The law of readiness

(D) The law of relativity

Answer: (B)

23. Spranger’s typology is based on men

(A) Interests

(B) Body structure

(C) Behaviour

(D) Attitude

Answer: (A)

24. What is meant by the term socialization?

(A) Influencing the rural illiterate masses, by social and service organisations, to send their
children to schools regularly.

(B) Media information, including advertisements, to keep their houses, streets and public
places clean.

(C) Process of interaction among members of the society and inhibiting values.

(D) Participating in social service activities.

Answer: (C)

25. Who is regarded as the Father of Sociology?

(A) Auguste Comte

(B) McIver

(C) Robert Payne

(D) Talcott Parson

Answer: (A)

26. Which one does indicate a healthy atmosphere for the social functioning of the

(A) Democracy as a compromise between Laissez faire and Autocracy.

(B) Democracy as a compromise between Persuasion and Permission.

(C) Laissez faire

(D) Democracy

Answer: (B)

27. The proposition about research that you do not agree is

(A) Research improves the quality of teaching.

(B) Research leads to finding solution to too many problems.

(C) Research is only a personnel achievement.

(D) Research contributes to social progress of the society.

Answer: (C)

28. Which of the following is a non-parametric test?

(A) Analysis of Covariance

(B) Analysis of Variance

(C) Median Test

(D) Critical Ratio

Answer: (C)

29. Which of the following statements is true for reliability and validity of a measuring

(A) Reliable test is also valid.

(B) Validity does not ensure reliability.

(C) Validity and reliability are not related.

(D) Valid test must be reliable.

Answer: (D)

30. According to the behaviourist school of psychology, the teacher is

(A) store-house of knowledge.

(B) A leader in the classroom.

(C) Supervisor of children’s learning activities.

(D) Creator of appropriate learning conditions.

Answer: (D)

31. Who has given the theory of ‘Social Learning’?

(A) Thorndike

(B) Spearman

(C) Albert Bandra

(D) Watson

Answer: (A C)

32. Law of exercise enables students to

(A) Diligence

(B) Intelligence

(C) Insight

(D) Problem solving

Answer: (D)

33. Which of the following students need their teachers attention?

(A) Introvert

(B) Slow learners

(C) Gifted

(D) All of these

Answer: (D)

34. Which one of the following conditions qualifies to be an instance of negative


(A) Giving a punishment

(B) Withholding a reward

(C) Withdrawing a painful stimulus

(D) Excessive rewarding

Answer: (B)

35. A child who uses a wheel chair

(A) Should not be in the regular school.

(B) Should study only in a special school.

(C) Should be given education with non-disabled students in a regular school.

(D) Should be given education in a regular school in a lower class.

Answer: (C)

36. “School is a community in miniature, a micro society.” What do the terms “Community”
and “Society” signify in the context?

I. Community signifies freedom.

II. Community signifies equal treatment to all.

III. Society signifies equality of educational and job opportunities.

IV. Society signifies control.

Choose the correct answer from the given codes:


(A) III and II

(B) III and I

(C) III and IV

(D) I and IV

Answer: (D)

37. ‘Individual Differences’ are given the least importance in

(A) Idealism

(B) Realism

(C) Naturalism

(D) Pragmatism

Answer: (A)

38. What is the basic criterion for social class?

(A) Occupation

(B) Status

(C) Religion

(D) Locale of Residence

Answer: (B)

39. On the basis of an achievement test, the teacher rated Ram, Shyam &Dhyan as 1st, 2nd &
3rd respectively. This is an example of

(A) Ratio Scale

(B) Ordinal Scale

(C) Internal Scale

(D) Nominal Scale

Answer: (B)

40. If the tenth grade students find science test to be very easy and majority of them scored
high marks, the resulting description would be

(A) Normal

(B) Mesocratic

(C) Skewed to the left

(D) Skewed to the right

Answer: (D)

41. “Give me the baby and I will make it as you desire” was the diction pronounced by

(A) Guthrie

(B) Pavlov

(C) Skinner

(D) Watson

Answer: (D)

42. The term “Behaviourism” was first given by

(A) David Ausubel

(B) J.B. Watson

(C) E.L. Thorndike

(D) B.F. Skinner

Answer: (B)

43. Thorndike’s theory is also known as

(A) Connectionism

(B) Associationism

(C) Cognitivism

(D) Socialism

Answer: (A)

44. In introspection method, observation is done by

(A) Others

(B) Animals

(C) self

(D) Theirs

Answer: (C)

45. In which one of the methods the “existing knowledge” is used to draw conclusions?

(A) Inductive reasoning method

(B) Deductive reasoning method

(C) Survey method

(D) Positivistic method

Answer: (B)

46. Pavlov and Skinner belongs to

(A) Structuralism

(B) Functionalism

(C) Behaviourism

(D) Gestalt Psychology

Answer: (C)

47. Which of the following is an agent of positive social change?

(A) Power

(B) Education

(C) Money

(D) Calamity

Answer: (B)

48. Why is Sharda Act important in the Indian context?

(A) It recommends free education for all children up to the age of fourteen.

(B) It recommends supply of study materials to girls free of cost.

(C) It prohibits child marriage of girls.

(D) It prohibits child labour.

Answer: (C)

49. How is the term “Culture” defined?

(A) As a complex whole, this includes virtually everything, acquired by man being a member
of the society.

(B) As the using of the latest in costumes, home appliances, cars, etc. in the day to day life.

(C) As the using of computer, mobile phones and internet.

(D) As becoming members of prominent clubs, wearing costly dress and eating in luxury

Answer: (A)

50. A student has scored 80 marks in a test of Psychology and 60 marks in Statistics. These
scores can be compared by converting them into

(A) Percentages

(B) Categories

(C) Standard scores

(D) Rank differences

Answer: (C)
2013 June UGC NET Solved Question Paper in Education, Paper III

1. The use of media either sequentially or simultaneously in a single communication is called


(A) Computer Assisted Instruction

(B) Multi-media Instruction

(C) Technology Aided Instruction

(D) Web Aided Instruction

Answer: (B)

2. The technology useful to student who is visually impaired, but not blind

(A) Software that magnifies everything by 2 to 16 times

(B) Hands free keyboard

(C) Text to speech software

(D) Touch screen

Answer: (A)

3. Taxonomy of teacher behaviour is developed by

(A) Workshop

(B) Refresher course

(C) Simulated training

(D) Micro teaching

Answer: (C)

4. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a gifted child?

(A) High Intelligence

(B) High Achievement

(C) Critical Analysis

(D) Conformist Attitude

Answer: (D)

5. Which of the following is true for intelligence and creativity?

(A) All intelligent children are creative.

(B) All creative children have high IQ.

(C) Some creative children have high IQ.

(D) Some creative children have low IQ.

Answer: (C)

6. Which of the following terms is related to the idea of validity of a test?

(A) Errors of measurement

(B) True score variance

(C) Common factor variance

(D) Random errors

Answer: (C)

7. While writing a general instructional objective, the most appropriate action verb would be

(A) States

(B) Names

(C) Recognizes

(D) Analyses

Answer: (D)

8. I.A.S.Es in teacher education were started in

(A) 1964

(B) 1968

(C) 1986

(D) 1992

Answer: (D)

9. Which of the following is not true for a specific aptitude?

(A) Acquired through long experience

(B) Measures potential for future behaviour

(C) Relates to limited aspect of behaviour

(D) Result of past learning or schooling

Answer: (D)

10. What are the stages involved in a comprehensive guidance programme?

Choose the correct sequence of stages

(A) Taking action, referral, appreciating problem, accepting individual, consideration of


(B) Consideration of problem, appreciating problem, referral, taking action, accepting


(C) Appreciation of problem, accepting individual, referral, consideration of problem, taking


(D) Accepting individual, appreciating problem, consideration of problem, taking action,


Answer: (D)

11. What is Guidance?

I. Helping a person systematically to overcome his/her difficulties.

II. Helping an individual to understand himself/herself, his/her needs and his/her


III. Helping a boy, going out of the way, to score more marks.

IV. Giving a mild electric shock and activating the brain of a person mentally disturbed.

Choose the correct answer from the given codes:


(A) I and II

(B) II and III

(C) III and IV

(D) IV and I

Answer: (A)

12. Which one of the following is the broadest in scope of treatment?

(A) The school as a social organisation

(B) Educational Sociology

(C) Social Foundations of Education

(D) Sociology of Education

Answer: (C)

13. Who was the first Chairman of University Grant Commission?

(A) Dr. Manmohan Singh

(B) Prof. Yash Pal

(C) Prof. S.S. Bhatnagar

(D) Prof. D.S. Kothari

Answer: (C)

14. Emotions are usually governed by

(A) Central Nervous System

(B) Automatic Nervous System

(C) Peripheral Nervous System

(D) Sacral System

Answer: (C)

15. The nature of truth is basically a problem for

(A) Law

(B) Ethics

(C) Epistemology

(D) Axiology

Answer: (C)

16. One of the appropriate statistics that can be used for Solomon four experimental designs
(A) Correlational Analysis

(B) One-way ANOVA

(C) Chi-square

(D) Median Test

Answer: (B)

17. Pre-test-post-test randomized matching control group design is an example of

(A) True experimental design

(B) Pre- experimental design

(C) Quasi-experimental design

(D) Post-facto experimental design

Answer: (A)

18. What is the distinction between formative and summative evaluation of curriculum?

I. Formative Evaluation considers a part of the course content, midway of the course and
provides feedback.

II. Formative Evaluation is concerned with the form and structure of the course.

III. Summative Evaluation considers the whole course content at the end of the course, for
taking important decisions.

IV. Formative Evaluation and Summative Evaluation are complementary.

Choose the correct answer from the given codes:


(A) I, II and III

(B) II, III and IV

(C) II, IV and I

(D) I, III and IV

Answer: (D)

19. What are the various concepts of curriculum?

I. Experience

II. Subject

III. Objective

IV. Teaching

Choose the correct answer from the given codes:


(A) I, II and III

(B) II, III and IV

(C) III, IV and I

(D) IV, I and II

Answer: (A)

20. A method in which the skill and expertise of many teachers is combined to teach a class is
called as

(A) Panel discussion

(B) Group discussion

(C) Team teaching

(D) Tutorial method

Answer: (C)

21. International Institute of Educational Planning is at

(A) London

(B) Paris

(C) New York

(D) New Delhi

Answer: (B)

22. Who of the following governs in a democracy?

(A) The Minister

(B) The People

(C) The Leaders

(D) The Bureaucrats

Answer: (B)

23. The Father of Creativity

(A) Charles Spearman

(B) Torrance E.P.

(C) Thorndike E.L.

(D) Skinner B.F.

Answer: (B)

24. Which of the following is not a characteristic of intellectual development of later


(A) Careful for future

(B) End of imaginary fears

(C) High interest in science fiction

(D) Increased logical power

Answer: (A)

25. Which of the following is not assessed by using essay type questions?
(A) Thinking skills

(B) Knowledge of wide content area

(C) Supplying suitable arguments

(D) Detailed description of an event

Answer: (B)

26. Which of the following Commission first decentralized the primary education?

(A) Hunter Commission

(B) Mudaliar Commission

(C) Kothari Commission

(D) Sadler Commission

Answer: (A)

27. According to 2011 Census Report, the difference between literacy rates of men and
women in India is about

(A) 10%

(B) 17%

(C) 21%

(D) 27%

Answer: (B)

28. ‘Basal Age’ is related to the measurement of

(A) Personality

(B) Attitude

(C) Intelligence

(D) Aptitude
Answer: (C)

29. Match the following:

List – I                                    List – II

(Target)                                   (Kind of Guidance)

i. Members of a ladies club     a. Vocational Guidance

ii. Criminals                             b. Social Guidance

iii. Aged, sickly people           c. Moral Guidance

iv. College students                d. Health Guidance

e. Leisure time Guidance

Choose the correct answer from the given codes:

       i ii iii iv

(A) e c d a

(B) d a e b

(C) a e b c

(D) c b a d

Answer: (A)

30. The policy recommended by the Kothari Commission vis-à-vis language is

(A) Three language formula

(B) Two language formula

(C) Hindi

(D) Mother Tongue

Answer: (A)

31. Identify the odd item among the following:

(A) Cooperation

(B) Competition

(C) Interaction

(D) Conflict

Answer: (D)

32. Which of the following State does not have State Open University?

(A) Odisha

(B) Bihar

(C) Assam

(D) West Bengal

Answer: (A)

33. RTE Act was implemented in India with effect from

(A) 1st April 2009

(B) 1st May 2010

(C) 1st April 2008

(D) 1st April 2010

Answer: (B)

34. ‘Longitudinal Studies’ are a type of

(A) Historical studies

(B) Developmental studies

(C) Survey studies

(D) Philosophical studies

Answer: (B)

35. Ethno methodical study is a

(A) Philosophical research

(B) Historical research

(C) Experimental research

(D) Sociological research

Answer: (D)

36. What are the components of Tyter’s model of curriculum?

(A) Purpose, Educational Experiences, Effective Organisation of Experiences, Verification of


(B) Aims, Subject Content, Teaching, Evaluation

(C) Aims of Education, Organisation of Content, Testing, Feedback

(D) Subject Content, Teaching, Learning, Testing

Answer: (A)

37. The barrier created in communication due to the dual meaning of words is a

(A) Semantic barrier to communication

(B) Psychological barrier to communication

(C) Technological barrier to communication

(D) Environmental barrier tocommunication

Answer: (A)

38. Which is the best form of government to develop education?

(A) Aristocracy
(B) Monarchy

(C) Democracy

(D) Dictatorship

Answer: (C)

39. Mostly Gestaltist theories of learning are based on the idea of

(A) Concentration

(B) Perception

(C) Meditation

(D) Introspection

Answer: (B)

40. The concept of Intelligence Quotient was first given by

(A) J.P. Guilford

(B) Alfred Benet

(C) J.S. Bruner

(D) William Stern

Answer: (D)

41. Xerophthalmia is a result of insufficient amount of

(A) Vitamin C

(B) Vitamin B

(C) Vitamin D

(D) Vitamin A

Answer: (D)

42. Which of the following cannot be achieved by using objective test items?

(A) Problem solving ability

(B) High degree of reliability

(C) Objectivity in scoring

(D) Wide content coverage

Answer: (A)

43. Internship Programme of teacher education provides

(A) Content courses

(B) Practical courses

(C) Complete school environment

(D) Research courses

Answer: (C)

44. The first National Policy on Education in free India was launched in the year

(A) 1947

(B) 1964

(C) 1968

(D) 1986

Answer: (C)

45. MMPI is associated with

(A) Intelligence

(B) Creativity
(C) Personality

(D) Mental Age

Answer: (C)

46. Why is the Interview considered the best tool for assessing the gravity of the client’s

(A) The face to face contact between the counsellor and the counsellee is known as the
counselling interview.

(B) It helps to get first-hand information about the client and his/her problem.

(C) It is very easy to organise and conduct an interview with the client.

(D) The interview can be video graphed.

Answer: (B)

47. Modernization is a type of social change in which society becomes

(A) More open

(B) More stratified

(C) Less orderly

(D) More closed

Answer: (A)

48. In which country the first Open University was established in the world?

(A) U.S.A.

(B) U.K.

(C) India

(D) Australia

Answer: (B)

49. Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation in school education was started by





Answer: (A)

50. Syntactic abilities referred to

(A) Ability to make sentence structure

(B) Ability for spell well

(C) Ability to visualize sentences

(D) Ability to hear well

Answer: (A)

51. Phenomenological Research is a

(A) Qualitative Research

(B) Quantitative Research

(C) Trend Research

(D) Descriptive Research

Answer: (A)

52. Which one of the following is not a type of Descriptive Research method?

(A) Correlational

(B) Causal Comparative

(C) Survey

(D) Developmental study

Answer: (D)

53. What are the determinants of “Objectives” in the development of a curriculum for the
secondary level?

I. Socio-psychological needs of the individuals of the level concerned.

II. Economic needs of the society.

III. Thrust area at the time of curriculum development.

IV. National aims of secondary level of education.

Choose the correct answer from the given codes:


(A) I, II and IV

(B) II, III and IV

(C) I, III and IV

(D) I, II and III

Answer: (A)

54. ‘Learning at one’s own pace’ is a special feature of

(A) Teacher-centered method

(B) Programmed instruction method

(C) Learner-centered method

(D) Activity-centered method

Answer: (B)

55. Cost-benefit analysis is the

(A) Objective

(B) Approach

(C) Characteristic

(D) Function

Answer: (B)

56. The need for measuring intelligence of children emerged out of

(A) Concern for helping slow learners

(B) Requirement of good army officers

(C) Social pressures regarding talent development

(D) Scarcity of funds for constructing new schools

Answer: (A)

57. The knowledge of educational psychology mostly helps the teacher to

(A) Decide general aims of education

(B) Write specific instructional objectives

(C) Choose right instructional approach

(D) Device good evaluation methods

Answer: (C)

58. The child who reads numbers wrongly has the following learning disability:

(A) Dyscrasia

(B) Dyslexia

(C) Dyspepsia

(D) Dyscalculia
Answer: (B)

59. The process of assigning numerals to objects according to some rules istermed as

(A) Observation

(B) Measurement

(C) Analysis

(D) Statistics

Answer: (B)

60. According to 2011 Census, the overall literacy rate in India is about

(A) 64%

(B) 72%

(C) 74%

(D) 82%

Answer: (C)

61. A less experienced learner acquires knowledge and skills under the guidance of an expert
is a concept of

(A) Constructivism

(B) Scaffolding

(C) Situated Learning

(D) Cognitive Apprenticeship

Answer: (D)

62. The conscious ego is one of the elements of personality given by the Psychologist

(A) Freud
(B) Jung

(C) Adler

(D) Allport

Answer: (B)

63. Which of the following add to the resourcefulness of a practitioner of Guidance?

I. Scholarship and Accessibility

II. Qualification and punctuality

III. The skill of listening and face reading

IV. Empathy

Choose the correct answer from the given codes:


(A) I and II

(B) II and III

(C) III and IV

(D) IV and I

Answer: (C)

64. Education leading to unemployment is an example for

(A) Normative social change

(B) Descriptive social change

(C) Dysfunctional social change

(D) Synchronic social change

Answer: (C)

65. First Open University in India was established in the year

(A) 1961

(B) 1982

(C) 1985

(D) 2001

Answer: (B)

66. Inclusive Education refers to

(A) Special teaching to disabled students

(B) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

(C) Equal educational opportunities to disabled and normal students

(D) Special education in special schools

Answer: (C)

67. Reading-disability in primary grades develops feelings of

(A) Adjustment

(B) Security

(C) Insecurity

(D) Peer Affection

Answer: (C)

68. While conducting experimental research a researcher should control the

(A) Independent variables

(B) Dependent variables

(C) No variables
(D) Extraneous variables

Answer: (D)

69. ‘Subject Mortality’ leads to internal invalidity of

(A) Historical Research

(B) Experimental Research

(C) Descriptive Research

(D) Philosophical Research

Answer: (B)

70. What are the guidelines for organizing the content in a subject curriculum?

I. Year by year description of content.

II. Place by place description of content.

III. Linear or spiral form of expansion of content.

IV. Degree of importance-wise of the content.

Choose the correct answer from the given codes:


(A) I and II

(B) II and III

(C) III and IV

(D) IV and I

Answer: (A)


Read the following passage and answer questions 71 to 75:

Dr. Johnson described sleep as a ‘gentle tyrant’. ‘Sleep’ is a tyrant because nobody
can escape its regimen; ‘gentle’ because there is some flexibility …of course, within limits …
in the distribution of the hours of sleeping and being awake. We go to sleep way 15 to 16
hours; and sleep for about 8 hours in a 24 hours cycle.

The outer limit for keeping sleep at bay for the average individual is 72 hours. An
average individual cannot keep continuously awake for more than 72 hours. Of course, there
have been exceptional individuals like the tyrant Napoleon and Arjuna.

‘Sleep’ and ‘Education’ are intimate enemies. Most often they go together but they
always work against each other. Often students lose sleep thanks to fear of failing in the
examinations. However, when they sit down to study sleep overpowers them.

Is it possible to develop and impart education about sleep? Has anybody successfully
done it? What should be the aims of education vis-à-vis sleep? What are the best agencies for
imparting education about sleep? What should be a curriculum for sleep education be like?
There is urgent need for research in this area.

71. Sleep is described as a ‘gentle tyrant’ because

(A) Nobody can escape sleep.

(B) Everybody has to sleep.

(C) We need a comfortable environment for sleeping.

(D) There is some flexibility within limits for the distribution of sleeping hours.

Answer: (D)

72. The longest duration an individual can remain awake is

(A) 24 hours

(B) 16 hours

(C) 8 hours

(D) 72 hours

Answer: (D)

73. ‘Gentle Tyrant’ refers to

(A) Arjuna

(B) Sleep

(C) Napoleon

(D) Dr. Johnson

Answer: (B)

74. ‘Sleep’ and ‘Education’ are described as ‘intimate enemies’ because

(A) They go together.

(B) They work against each other.

(C) Education cannot conquer sleep.

(D) They are together but work against each other.

Answer: (D)

75. The most suitable title for this passage would be

(A) Sleep: A Gentle Tyrant

(B) Dr. Johnson’s Idea on sleep

(C) Education for Sleep

(D) Sleep and Education: Intimate Enemies

Answer: (D)
2013 September UGC NET Solved Question Paper in Education, Paper II

1. Which, in your opinion, is the most appropriate answer?

Regarding acquisition of knowledge people say that

(A) sense perception is the only source of valid knowledge.

(B) it is reason alone which can provide in true knowledge.

(C) we never get knowledge, because these is no knowledge out there, it is our own creation.

(D) it is through reason and perception that we can get knowledge of the world.
Answer: (C)

2. Who had suggested that questions are a powerful means of triggering thinking and can lead
people from “unconscious ignorance to conscious ignorance”?

(A) Socrates

(B) Chanakya

(C) Plato

(D) Aristotle

Answer: (A)

3. The function of a teacher is primarily that of

(A) a Guru, tending to personal and spiritual needs of children.

(B) a service station attendant, filling student’s mind with knowledge

(C) a director, organizing and planning worthwhile experiences for the class.

(D) a guide, helping children progress towards maximum growth.

Answer: (D)

4. Child centred education means

(A) education liked by children.

(B) education liked both by children and teachers.

(C) education geared to child’s needs and aspiration.

(D) education considered worthwhile and desirable by those who have a concern for their

Answer: (C)

5. Those whose educational philosophy is rooted in pragmatism

(A) reject the scientific method of experimentation.

(B) maintain that complete objectivity is possible.

(C) accept the stimulus response theory of learning.

(D) claim that knowledge is tentative, truth is relative.

Answer: (D)

6. The concept of pratityasamutpade (that nothing happens without a cause) is one of the
central principles of

(A) Jainism

(B) Buddhism

(C) Vedanta

(D) Sa khya

Answer: (B)

7. Who, of the following thinkers declared education as a man making process?

(A) Aurobindo

(B) J. Krishnamurthi

(C) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

(D) Vivekananda

Answer: (D)

8. Which of the following Orthodox (Astik) Schools of Indian Philosophy, is silent on the
issue of existence of God as the ultimate reality?

(A) Vedanta

(B) Sa khya

(C) Poorva Mimansa

(D) Nyaya

Answer: (B)

9. Ka aya, a concept related with the axiology of Jainism, means

(A) dispositions of the mind, which tend to lead to us higher aims in life.

(B) negative dispositions of the mind, which tend to keep us remain embedded to the
mundane world.

(C) certain bad dispositions which obstruct our spiritual upliftment.

(D) both (B) and (C) are correct answers.

Answer: (D)

10. The four fold valuation of Indian culture (Catu puru artha), when arranged in an
ascending hierarchy in terms of the height of values, will constitute which of the following

(A) Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha

(B) Artha, Kama, Dharma, Moksha

(C) Artha, Dharma, Kama, Moksha

(D) Moksha, Dharma, Kama, Artha

Answer: (B)

11. Who defined sociology of education as ‘a study of the relation between education and

(A) Brown

(B) Ottaway

(C) Good

(D) Smith

Answer: (B)

12. Religion acts as a great barrier in social change because

(A) It preaches values.

(B) It depends on social gathering.

(C) It expects participation of all age groups.

(D) It is based on faith.

Answer: (D)

13. The affecting factor of social mobility is

(A) Constitution

(B) Structure of society

(C) Culture

(D) Equality

Answer: (B)

14. The nature of social values is

(A) Logical

(B) Symbolical

(C) Emotional

(D) Materialistic

Answer: (A)

15. Cultural diffusion is

(A) Technological intermingling

(B) Cultural intermingling

(C) Scientific intermingling

(D) All above

Answer: (B)

16. Which of the following situation will occur if cultural change do not follow social

(A) Cultural lag

(B) Educational lag

(C) Social lag

(D) Economical lag

Answer: (A)

17. Sociology of education includes

(A) Social relations by which individuals gain experience

(B) Social development in the country

(C) Society and its relationship with the individual

(D) Communication of the individual with the society

Answer: (C)

18. ‘Mirambaka’ – The school based on ideas of free progress education was advocated by

(A) M.K. Gandhi

(B) Aurobindo

(C) Vivekanand

(D) John Dewey

Answer: (B)

19. Education as sub-system of society

(A) brings changes in the society and makes it modern.

(B) creates rift between educated and uneducated in the society

(C) dominates the society

(D) accepts dominance of the society

Answer: (A)

20. Who coined the term ‘cultural capital’?

(A) Bowels and Gintis

(B) Bourdieu and Passeron

(C) Young

(D) McRobbie and Aryon

Answer: (B)

21. One’s attitudes and values form the basis of one’s

(A) Popularity and reputation

(B) Self concept

(C) Effectiveness in dealing with one’s environment

(D) Personal and social adjustment

Answer: (B)

22. Who among the following is not a cognitive gestalt psychologist?

(A) Tolman

(B) Lewin

(C) Kohler

(D) Wertheimer

Answer: (A)

23. Two boys have an I.O. of 120. It can be concluded that

(A) both boys would be successful in high school and college.

(B) these boys have equal mental ages.

(C) the parents of both are above average in intelligence.

(D) none of these is necessarily true.

Answer: (D)

24. Emotions can be considered as motives because

(A) they are universal and presumably innate.

(B) they initiate and direct behaviour towards the attainment of certain goals.

(C) they are governed by consciously recognized stimulus and goal objects.

(D) they are integral parts of the process of adjustment.

Answer: (B)

25. In operant conditioning the reinforcement is contingent upon

(A) Nature of the stimulus

(B) Nature of the response

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of these

Answer: (B)

26. According to Guilford’s SI model, total number of factors that constitute to human
intellect is

(A) 60

(B) 90
(C) 120

(D) 150

Answer: (C)

27. Training in advance of normal maturation is generally

(A) Highly beneficial with respect to performance of common skills.

(B) Harmful from an overall point of view.

(C) Harmless but essentially a waste of time.

(D) Beneficial to harmful depending on the method used in training.

Answer: (D)

28. Inclusive education is about

(A) making provision for all children

(B) welcoming and celebrating diversity

(C) both (A) and (B) are true

(D) none of the above

Answer: (C)

29. The teacher who has a student who stutters should

(A) help him by supplying the words he/she wants to say.

(B) have him take part in all the oral activities of the class.

(C) give him world drill on the words on which he stutters.

(D) provide special situations in which his/her sense of self worth is built up.

Answer: (D)

30. Generally the most effective approach to dealing with the child’s aggressive behaviour is

(A) to channel his/her aggression into legitimate areas of competition.

(B) to reward him/her for friendly behaviour and to ignore his/her aggressive behaviour.

(C) to give him due punishments, when he shows aggressive tendencies.

(D) to insist that he/she apologies for his undesirable behaviour.

Answer: (A)

31. Which of the following steps of learning process is out of place?

(A) Motivation

(B) Obstacle

(C) Response

(D) Goal

Answer: (D)

32. The greatest deterrent to creativity on the part of the child is

(A) adult insists on perfection and conformity to adult standards

(B) failure on the part of adults to provide the needed inspiration

(C) his/her unwillingness and put in the effort required for perfection

(D) his/her easy discouragement and his short span of attention

Answer: (A)

33. The most fundamental characteristic of good adjustment is

(A) a sincere interest in people

(B) a sound and wholesome system of motives and goals

(C) a high degree of acceptance of one’s environment.

(D) a keen insight into means of attaining one’s goals.

Answer: (B)

34. Which of the following describes the extent of the effect of heredity upon development?

(A) Heredity determines how far we will go.

(B) Heredity determines how far we can go.

(C) Heredity is the primary determinant of how far we will go.

(D) Heredity is the primary determinant of how far we can go.

Answer: (D)

35. Classroom discipline should be oriented towards the promotion of

(A) Social conformity

(B) Self direction

(C) Personal and social adjustment

(D) Acceptable classroom behaviour

Answer: (B)

36. Solomon’s Four Group design falls under

(A) Pre-experimental design

(B) True-experimental design

(C) Quasi-experimental design

(D) Factorial design

Answer: (B)

37. Which of the following is appropriate to test a non-directional hypothesis?

(A) One tailed test

(B) Two tailed test

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)

38. Identify the Non-probability sampling techniques

(a) Stratified random sampling

(b) Systematic sampling

(c) Snow ball sampling

(d) Incidental sampling

(A) (a) and (b) are correct.

(B) (b) and (c) are correct.

(C) (c) and (d) are correct.

(D) (a) and (d) are correct.

Answer: (C)

39. What are the parametric tests in the following list?

(a) F test

(b) t test

(c) Sign test

(d) Median test


(A) (a) and (b) are correct.

(B) (c) and (d) are correct.

(C) (a) and (d) are correct.

(D) (b) and (c) are correct.

Answer: (A)

40. A Ph. D scholar conducted a study with a view to address the language problems of tribal
children at elementary level. This study can be categorised as

(A) Action Research

(B) Applied Research

(C) Basic Research

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)

41. A study on the topic “perception of tribal people about formal education” comes under
the type

(A) Ethnographic

(B) Historical

(C) Experimental

(D) Expost facto

Answer: (A)

42. Errors in the findings of an experimental study caused by deliberate selection of some
bright students for experimental group is known as

(A) Random sampling error

(B) Systematic sampling error

(C) Random measurement error

(D) Systematic measurement error

Answer: (B)

43. The size of sample for a study mostly depends on

(A) Gravity of the population

(B) Geographical area of the study

(C) Homogeneity and heterogeneity of the population

(D) Type of population

Answer: (C)

44. Which of the following is the incorrect pair?

(A) Rank correlation                           – Spearman

(B) Product moment correlation         – Pearson

(C) Split-half correlation                     – Kuder Richardson

(D) Contingency correlation               – Cramer

Answer: (D)

45. Match the following:

List – I                                                                        List – II

a. Rorschach                                                                1. Creativity Test

b. Wallach-Kogan                                                       2. Ink-blot Test

c. Raven                                                                      3. Value Test

d. Allport-Vernon                                                       4. Intelligence Test

5. Aptitude Test


       a b c d

(A) 4 2 1 3

(B) 3 2 1 4
(C) 2 1 4 3

(D) 2 1 3 5

Answer: (C)

46. An intensive investigation of a slow learner undertaken in a research project by a teacher

can be termed as

(A) Action Research

(B) Survey

(C) Case study

(D) Ethnography

Answer: (C)

47. The relationship showing increase in the value of one variable (height) and corresponding
decrease in the other variable (weight) is termed as

(A) Positive correlation

(B) Negative correlation

(C) Zero correlation

(D) Partial correlation

Answer: (B)

48. Cumulative frequency graph is called

(A) Histogram

(B) Bar-diagram

(C) Pie-diagram

(D) Ogive

Answer: (D)

49. SPSS is

(A) Statistical Package for Scientific Studies

(B) Statistical Package for Social Sciences

(C) Scientific Package for Social Scientists

(D) Scientific Package for Statistical Study

Answer: (B)

50. The square root of Variance is

(A) Standard Error

(B) Error Variance

(C) Standard Deviation

(D) Deviation Quotient

Answer: (C)
2013 September UGC NET Solved Question Paper in Education, Paper III

1. Pragmatism as a School of Philosophy assumes that

(A) Learning takes place through pure trial and error

(B) Predictions can be made only in terms of probabilities

(C) Laws governing the universe is the only universals

(D) Nature of the universe is best described by stability

Answer: (B)

2. Who among the following is an existentialist thinker?

(A) Sartre

(B) Kilpatrick

(C) Rousseau
(D) Froebel

Answer: (A)

3. Which of the following philosophies claimed that Vāsna and Trishna (irrational desires and
appetites) lie at the root of human suffering?

(A) Jainism

(B) Vedanta

(C) Buddhism

(D) Samkhya

Answer: (C)

4. For equality of educational opportunities among women, the Constitution has provision

(i) Article 45

(ii) Article 15(3)

(iii) Article 16(1) and (2)

(iv) All the above

Which of the above is correct?

(A) Only (i) is correct.

(B) (i) and (ii) are correct.

(C) (i) and (iii) are correct.

(D) (iv) is correct.

Answer: (D)

5. Special schools are required for equality of educational opportunities among

(A) Talented students

(B) Backward students

(C) Physically challenged students

(D) SC/ST students

Answer: (C)

6. Who said ‘Education follows social change’?

(A) Durkheim

(B) Johnson

(C) Ottaway

(D) John Dewey

Answer: (C)

7. Which of the following is not correct in the context of formal operational stage of Piaget’s
theory of cognitive development?

(A) Children start using abstract symbols.

(B) Children start formulating hypotheses and testing them in their experience.

(C) They follow trial and error methods to solve problems.

(D) They develop the capacity to analyse, synthesize and generalize.

Answer: (C)

8. Which of the following is not a condition for creativity?

(A) Rationality

(B) Non-rationality

(C) Openness to experience

(D) Correctedness

Answer: (A)

9. The most common “model” a child selects is

(A) An older sibling

(B) His parent, a teacher or a person in authority

(C) A person whose conduct approaches perfection

(D) A person who approximates the child’s self-ideal

Answer: (D)

10. Chain learning is connected with

(A) Bruner

(B) Gagne

(C) Tolman

(D) Thorndike

Answer: (B)

11. In List – I name of the psychologists and in List – II the concepts developed by them are
given. Match List – I with List – II in correct order.

List – I                        List – II

a. Thurston                  1. Emotional Intelligence

b. Goleman                  2. Social Intelligence

c. Guilford                  3. Mutifactor Theory of Intelligence

d. Gardner                   4. Structure of Intellect

5. Two factor Theory of Intelligence


a          b          c          d

(A)       1          3          2          4

(B)       3          2          1          5

(C)       2          1          4          3

(D)       4          2          1          5

Answer: (C)

12. Learning driving is based on

(A) Insight learning

(B) Operant conditioning

(C) Instrumental conditioning

(D) Trial and Error learning

Answer: (D)

13. Psychoanalysis is propounded by

(A) Carl Justav Jung

(B) Anna Freud

(C) Alfred Adler

(D) Sigmund Freud

Answer: (D)

14. Match the following in List – I with that of in List – II in the correct order:

List – I                        List – II

a. Alfred Adler           1. TAT

b. Henry Murray         2. Inferiority feelings

c. Sigmund Freud       3. Creative thinking

d. Wallach- Kogan      4. Defence mechanism

5. Critical thinking

a          b          c          d

(A)       1          3          2          4

(B)       2          4          3          5

(C)       2          1          4          3

(D)       4          2          3          1

Answer: (C)

15. Critically judge the following:

Assertion (A): Creativity can be nurtured in the classroom.

Reason (R): If the teacher is open to experience and tolerant of ambiguity

(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(B) Only (A) is correct.

(C) Only (R) is correct.

(D) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

Answer: (A)

16. Purpose of guidance is to

(A) Free the child of all serious conflicts.

(B) Prevent conflicts from overcoming the child.

(C) Prevent conflicts from arising in the life of the child.

(D) See that pupils conform to the school regulations.

Answer: (B)

17. In handling placement services, one should remember that

(A) The placement officer should not attempt to do counselling.

(B) Placement should include training as well as job placements.

(C) Follow-up of job placement is a function of counselling.

(D) Answer (B) and (C)

Answer: (D)

18. The key advantage of using group counselling over individual counselling is

(A) Confidentiality

(B) Social interaction

(C) Peer exploration of issues

(D) Less fear of speaking about emotions

Answer: (C)

19. Critically judge the following and answer:

Assertion (A): You can safely generalize the findings of your experiment.

Reason (R1): It is target population.

Reason (R2): It is experimentally accessible population.

(A) (A) matches with both (R1) and (R2)

(B) (A) matches with (R1) more than (R2)

(C) (A) matches with (R2)

(D) (A) matches neither with (R1) nor with (R2)

Answer: (C)

20. In experimental research an investigator normally prefers to formulate null hypotheses

rather than research hypotheses because

(A) It is easy to formulate null hypotheses.

(B) It is wrong to formulate research hypotheses.

(C) Null hypotheses are statistically testable.

(D) None of these

Answer: (C)

21. In the context of testing of a null hypothesis, if it is significant at

(A) α = 0.05, it is also significant at α = 0.01

(B) α = 0.01, it is also significant at α = 0.05

(C) α = 0.05, it is not significant at α = 0.01

(D) α = 0.01, it is not significant at α = 0.05

Answer: (B)

22. Read the assertion and reasons given below and find the correct match.

Assertion (A): An experimenter used section – A students of a class as experimental group

and section – B students of the same class as control group for a period of one year.

Reason-1 (R1): Both the groups are equivalent.

Reason-2 (R2): The experiment would disturb normal activities of the school.

(A) (A) matches with (R1)

(B) (A) matches with (R2)

(C) (A) matches with both (R1) and (R2)

(D) (A) matches neither with (R1) nor with (R2)

Answer: (B)

23. Which of the following factors does not affect internal validity of an experimental

(A) Statistical regression

(B) Maturation of subjects

(C) Pre-testing
(D) Noise during experiment

Answer: (D)

24. A researcher compared the mean IQ scores of randomly selected government and private
school students and arrived at conclusion that private school curriculum has significant
positive effect on intelligence of students as compared to that of the government school. This
study can be categorized as

(A) Experimental

(B) Ex-post facto

(C) Historical

(D) Case study

Answer: (B)

25. Which of the following is the foremost factor in the determination of the effectiveness of
the curriculum?

(A) The competence of the teacher

(B) The cooperation of the community

(C) The interest of the body

(D) The leadership of the administration

Answer: (C)

26. The school curriculum should be planned to agree with

(A) The goals, purposes and interests of the pupils

(B) Available text books in various subjects.

(C) College entrance requirements

(D) Training and interest of teachers

Answer: (A)

27. The main purpose of co-curricular activities is to

(A) Facilitate pupil development.

(B) Provide a progressive school.

(C) Keep pupils from dropping out.

(D) Meet the demands of the community.

Answer: (A)

28. The mid-day meal programme for Pr. Schools was initiated with a view to

(A) Increase enrolment

(B) Involve community

(C) Engage teachers

(D) Increase the employment

Answer: (A)

29. VEC under SSA stands for

(A) Village Education Committee

(B) Village Enabling Council

(C) Village Environment Committee

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)

30. The strategy adopted in India for the universalization of elementary education is

(A) Universal enrolment

(B) Universal retention

(C) Universal provision for schooling

(D) All above

Answer: (D)

31. Supervision in school administration should be primarily

(A) Preventive and critical

(B) Preventive and corrective

(C) Constructive and creative

(D) Constructive and critical

Answer: (D)

32. The effectiveness of supervision must, in the final analysis be judged in term of

(A) Greater community satisfaction

(B) Greater personal satisfaction

(C) Greater pupil progress towards the goal of education

(D) Reduced classroom misbehaviour

Answer: ()

33. The chief responsibility of the Principal is to

(A) Organize and administer the guidance programme

(B) Provide leadership in the institutional programme

(C) Listen to parental criticism

(D) Keep proper school records

Answer: (B)

34. Who has advocated Human Relation approach?

(A) Henry Fayol

(B) Elton Mayo

(C) Taylor

(D) Davis

Answer: (B)

35. Who replaced rule the thumb with science and advocated principles of scientific

(A) Carl Davis

(B) F. Taylor

(C) R. Bruner

(D) H. Fayol

Answer: (B)

36. Which of the following is not a kind of Leadership?

(A) Charismatic leadership

(B) Formal or situational leader

(C) Functional leadership

(D) Mass leadership

Answer: (D)

37. Who stated that “some are born great, some achieve greatness and others have greatness
thrust upon them”?

(A) Katz & Kahn

(B) W. Shakespeare
(C) Rauch & Behing

(D) Hosking

Answer: (B)

38. Which of the following can be the most effective leadership style in your opinion for a
country like India?

(A) Autocratic

(B) Democratic

(C) Laissez Faire

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)

39. The responsibility of managing an Educational Institution lies with

(A) Principal

(B) The Administrator

(C) Every Teacher

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)

40. Which of the following type of test items would result in wide range of scores?

(A) Too easy

(B) Too difficult

(C) Average difficult

(D) Combination of (A) and (B)

Answer: (D)

41. Rearrange in proper order, the following activities related to test standardization:

(a) Preparation of test items

(b) Planning the test

(c) Assessment of reliability and validity

(d) Tryout of the test

(A) (b), (a), (d), (c)

(B) (c), (d), (a), (b)

(C) (d), (a), (b), (c)

(D) (a), (d), (c), (b)

Answer: (A)

42. Difficulty level of item is not a matter of concern in the case of

(A) Placement test

(B) Intelligence test

(C) Criterion referenced test

(D) Norm referenced test

Answer: (C)

43. Rearrange, in proper order, the following points of Likert type attitude scale:

(a) Strongly agree

(b) Strongly disagree

(c) Agree

(d) Disagree

(e) Undecided

(A) (a), (c), (d), (e), (b)

(B) (b), (d), (e), (c), (a)

(C) (a), (b), (e), (c), (d)

(D) (a), (c), (d), (b), (e)

Answer: (B)

44. Which of the following is correct explanation about a test?

(A) Reliability is sufficient.

(B) Validity is sufficient.

(C) Reliability and validity are not essential.

(D) Reliability is essential but not sufficient.

Answer: (BD)

45. Rorschach ink-blot test is related to measurement of

(A) Intelligence

(B) Attitude

(C) Aptitude

(D) Personality

Answer: (D)

46. Which of the following is an unstructured tool?

(A) Attitude scale

(B) Objective test

(C) Intelligence test

(D) Essay test

Answer: (D)

47. The type of grading that asserts fixed proportion of learners at different grade points is
known as

(A) Direct grading

(B) Indirect grading

(C) Relative grading

(D) Absolute grading

Answer: (C)

48. Preparation of a test according to test specification/test blue-print mostly enhances

(A) Reliability

(B) Content validity

(C) Concurrent validity

(D) Construct validity

Answer: (B)

49. Assertion (A): Important contribution of educational technology is in qualitative and

quantitative development of education.

Consequences (C): Goal of universalisation of education can be achieved by educational


(A) (A) is true but (C) is false.

(B) Both (A) and (C) are true.

(C) (A) is false and (C) is true.

(D) Both (A) and (C) are wrong.

Answer: (B)

50. Mathetics Programmed Instruction is based on

(A) Connectionism

(B) Configuration theories

(C) Operant conditioning theory

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)

51. Which micro teaching skill is not described by Allen and Rayon?

(A) Student Participation

(B) Question Fluency

(C) Blackboard skill

(D) Objective writing

Answer: (D)

52. What is currently the most popular method of delivering distance learning courses?

(A) Video conferencing

(B) Video broadcasting

(C) Teleconferencing

(D) Internet

Answer: (C)

53. Concept attainment model was propounded by

(A) Ausubel

(B) Bruner

(C) Piaget

(D) Dewey
Answer: (B)

54. Concept of proprioceptive feedback is related with

(A) Training psychology

(B) Cybernetics

(C) Instructional designs

(D) System analysis

Answer: (B)

55. In different levels of teaching problem solving ability develops at

(A) Memory level

(B) Understanding level

(C) Reflective level

(D) All above

Answer: (C)

56. The use of multimedia approach in teaching learning process is in

(A) Attainment of learning objectives

(B) Individualized instruction

(C) Enrichment of instructional material

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D)

57. Distance education is not

(A) Telemetric teaching

(B) Distance study

(C) Work oriented education

(D) De-schooling

Answer: (C)

58. Which is the following agency regulates and monitors special education programme in

(A) Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

(B) Ministry of Human Resource and Development

(C) Rehabilitation Council of India

(D) National Council of Teacher Education

Answer: (C)

59. In which models of Integrated Education Programme is being implemented in large scale
by governmental and non-governmental agencies in India?

(A) Resource model

(B) Itinerant model

(C) Both (A) & (B)

(D) Dual Teaching Model

Answer: (C)

60. Match the following List – I with List – II in correct order:

List – I                                                                                    List – II

a. Mild mental retardation                                                      1. 25%

b. Moderately, severely or profoundly mental retardation     2. 75%

c. Mental retardation has associated medical condition         3. 4%

d. Mental retardation have multiple handicaps                       4. 10%
5. 3%


a          b          c          d

(A)       2          1          4          3

(B)       2          3          1          4

(C)       1          4          2          5

(D)       3          2          1          5

Answer: (A)

61. There are three emerging patterns of technologies in teaching for the mentally retarded is
followed. Which of the following is incorrect one?

(A) Using both Braille and sign language

(B) Assistive technologies

(C) Technologies in therapy and education

(D) Standard technologies in the workplace, community and home

Answer: (A)

62. Who have signed MOU for recognition of Teacher Education in Special Education
Programme in India?



(C) NCDS and RCI

(D) RCI and NCTE

Answer: (D)

63. Match the following List – I with List – II in correct order:

List – I                                                                                                                        List – II

a. Expanded programme of immunisation implemented in India                               1. 1986

b. National iodine deficiency disorder control programme started in India               2. 1978

c. Child survival and safe mother hood programme launched in India.                     3. 1993

d. National nutritional policy was launched in India                                                  4. 1992-93

5. 1992


a          b          c          d

(A)       1          4          3          2

(B)       2          1          3          4

(C)       2          1          4          3

(D)       3          2          5          1

Answer: (C)

64. Glaucoma is a result of

(A) Vitamin A deficiency

(B) Malnutrition

(C) Aging process

(D) In case of intra ocular pressure in eye ball

Answer: (D)

65. Which of the following does not belong to measure for employment of the hearing

(A) Identification, assessment of hearing impaired children

(B) Establishment of special employment exchange and special cells

(C) Establishment of vocational rehabilitation centres

(D) Restrictions of jobs in the public sector

Answer: (A)

66. In List – I the common condition causing learning disability are given and in List – II the
statements are given. Match the List – I with List – II in correct order.

List – I                                    List – II

a. Cerebral Palsy                     1. Absence of all or part of the limb

b. Muscular dystrophies          2. Joint inflammation

c. Arthritis                               3. Heterogeneous group of inherited disorders with gradual

degeneration of muscle fibres

d. Amputation                         4. Persistent disorder of movement and posture due to

developmental non-progressive disorder of brain


a          b          c          d

(A)       1          2          4          3

(B)       2          4          1          3

(C)       3          1          2          4

(D)       4          3          2          1

Answer: (D)

67. The National flagship programme of education (SSA) aims at

(A) Universalization of Elementary Education

(B) Universalization of Secondary Education

(C) Special Education in Primary Schools

(D) Special Secondary Academic Programs

Answer: (A)

68. “A teacher can never truly teach unless he is still learning himself. A lamp can never light
another lamp unless it continues to burn its own flame” who pronounced

(A) Gandhi

(B) Aurobindo

(C) Tagore

(D) Vivekananda

Answer: (C)

69. The role of a teacher is to

(A) Impart knowledge and skills

(B) Correct the behaviour of students

(C) Conduct examinations and award degree

(D) Facilitate learning and development

Answer: (D)

70. Match the following:

List – I                                                List – II

(Special Schools)                                 (Teaching Program)

a. School for the Blind                        1. Sign language

b. School for the deaf                                     2. Braille language

c. School for the mentally retarded    3. Braille and Sign language

d. School for the deaf-dumb              4. Individual Educational Programme

5. Lip reading


a          b          c          d

(A)       1          3          4          5

(B)       2          3          1          4

(C)       2          1          4          3

(D)       4          2          1          5

Answer: (C)

71. ERIC which sponsors research projects in education is a unit of





Answer: (B)

72. As per the NCTE norms the man power required for starting up M.Ed. with a strength of
25 students is

(A) 1 + 4

(B) 1 + 5

(C) 1 + 8

(D) 1 + 9

Answer: (A)

73. Refresher courses for teacher education in secondary level are conducted by

(A) State Institutes of Education

(B) Academic Staff Colleges

(C) National Institute of Education

(D) National Council for Teacher Education

Answer: (A)

74. In teaching, if nothing has been learned, nothing has been

(A) Taught

(B) Studied

(C) Examined

(D) Observed

Answer: (A)

75. DIET stands for

(A) District Institute of Educational Technology

(B) District Institute of Education and Training

(C) District Institute of Elementary Training

(D) District Institute of Elementary Teachers

Answer: (B)

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