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Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect

1. How long have been you waiting (wait) for me?
2. Where has she been (be)?
3. We have been talking (talk) for hours.
4. Sue has twisted (twist) her ankle again.
5. Tina and Peter have broken up (break up) with each other for good.
6. We have been learning (learn) English for a couple of years.
7. My hands are very dirty. I have repaired (repair) the car all morning
8. Have you heard (hear) the news yet?
9. Your brother has just arrived (just arrive).
10.............................................................Sheila has never traveled (never
travel) by plane before.
11........................................................We have been siting (sit) here for half
an hour.
12............................................................Have you called (call) her yet?
13.........................................I have been doing (do) my homework since the
afternoon. I’m fed up.
14. She has been crying (cry) all night.
15...................................................Mum has just done (just do) the shopping.
16...........................................................Our neighbours have been already
moving (already move) in.
17.....................................................................What h a v e b e e n you
reading (read) since the morning?
18...............................................I haven´t talked (not talk) to my parents
about the party yet.
19..........................................................My grandma has never eaten (never
eat) seafood.
20........................................I have hurt (hurt) my knee really badly.
21..................................................................My sister and her boyfriend have
been seeing (see) each other for a few weeks.
22. My aunt has been working (work) as an accountant since I remember
23. Someone has taken (take) my phone.
24. We have missed (miss) the bus. Now we’ll have to walk.
25. He has been sleeping (sleep) since ten o’clock, it’s time he woke up.
26. He has been teaching (teach) in this school for five years.
27. Don’t come in. I have just washed (just wash) this floor.
28. The doctor has examined (examine) my injured arm. Thanks God, it isn’t
29. Lisa is still writing letters. She has been writing (write) letters all day.
30. How long have been you reading (read) that book?

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