CMS Chlorination Unit Start-up Procedures: 1 气密性试验 1. Pneumatic test

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CMS Chlorination Unit Start-up Procedures

1 气密性试验

1. Pneumatic test

(1) 装置首次开车,由于管道焊接、法兰连接较多,以及对施工质量的检验,需要
采用高于正常控制压力进行检查(0.75 MPa)。压力高,更能够检查发现漏点,

(1) For the large amount of pipeline welding and flange connection, and to test the
construction quality, a relative higher pressure (0.75 MPa) test is needed. If the pressure
is higher, it is easier to check the leakage and ensure the safe operation.

(2) 装置运行后,停车检修,由于装置开车后对所有管道、法兰、阀门、仪表等性
进行~0.3 MPa 压力测试,认真检查更换管道焊缝、拆卸法兰等 地方,如果 0.3
MPa 时无泄漏(这样检查可以确保焊缝无质量问题,安装法兰面清理干净,如
果在正常运行压力下有泄漏, 也可以通过紧固螺栓进行处理)泄压置换。

(2) During a shutdown after commissioning, only around 0.3 MPa pressure test is needed
for the attended pipeline and valves, for other pipelines, flanges, valves, and instrument
have already been tested to be qualified. Check carefully the wielding joints and flange
connections. If there is no leakage at 0.3 MPa (which means the welding joints are sealed
and flange interface is clean. Even if there is a leakage at running pressure, it can be
attended by tightening the bolts), release the pressure and purge N 2.

2 检测系统内含氧量

2. Detect O2 content of the system

(1) 待系统氮气试压压力稳定并检查检修过的管道焊缝、法兰无漏点时,系统氮气
置换,做氧含量分析(具体操作方法:通过在再循环塔塔底 T2202 和预热器
E2202 预留口处接临时软管,进行氮气置换,置换用爆破吹扫的方式进行,在
三级分离器 S2203 处取样做含氧分析,使其氧含量低于 0.5%)。

(1) When the N2 pressure is steady and there is no leakage of the attended wielding joints
and flanges, flush N2 and analyze O2 content as follows: add hose pipes to the bottom of
T2202 and E2202, N2 blast, take sample at S2203 and make sure the O2 content is below
(2) 临时停车由于系统未打开,空气无法进入系统,此时不需要做氧含量分析,或

(2) For temporary shutdown, air cannot go inside the system, thus O 2 content analysis is
not necessary. If the maintenance is at the later process after reactor, air can be kept away
from the system by increasing the pressure with material flow, thus no O 2 content analysis
is required.

3 用物料提升系统压力

3. Increase system pressure with material

上述程序完成后,将氯化系统氮气泄完,然后打开 V2202、V2203、V2204 三个贮槽的

气相旁路缓慢向系统提升物料气压,将整个热氯化单元连接起来保持系统压力在 0.5~
0.6MPa(G),无漏点时,打开 V2202、V2203、V2204 贮罐根部阀。然后开启电加热器
Y2201 加热反应器。

After the procedures above, release all the N2 in thermal section. Then open the gas bypass of
V2202, V2203, and V2204. Increase the system pressure with material slowly. Line up all the
thermal section and maintain the pressure at 0.5~0.6 MPa (G). If there is no leakage, open
the isolation valves of V2202, V2203, and V2204 and close gas bypass valve. Then start
Electrical Heater (Y2201) to heat Reactor (R2201).

4 反应器升温

4. Heating reactor

(1)通过电加热器 Y2201 给反应器 R2201 加热升温。在开启反应器电加热之前,打开

保护氮气,反应器底部温度 TI2210 作为电加热器加热升温的一个设定参数,设定值为
400℃,同时电加热器的加热元件表面温度设定值为 550℃,开始升温时电加热器的升
温速度应为 30℃/h,当加热元件表面温度达到 100℃以上时将升温速度定为 60℃/h,以

(1) Heating the Reactor (R2201) with Electrical Heater (Y2201). Before heater starts, open
the N2 inlet valve for the protection cover. Set the “Reactor Inside Temperature” (TI2210) at
400 ℃. Set the Upper Limit of Copper Temperature at 550 ℃. At first, set the Heating Rate at
30 ℃/h. when the Cooper Temperature reaches 100 ℃, set the Heating Rate at 60 ℃/h. All
the setup are done on the Electrical Heater Panel.

(2)反应器升温过程为程序自动控制。当 TI2210 达到 400℃或加热铜瓦的表面温达到

(2) Set Electrical Heater as “Auto”. When TI2210 reaches 400 ℃ or the copper temperature
reaches 550 ℃, heater will cut off automatically.

5 开车前物料循环的操作步奏

5. Circulation before start-up

5.1 开车前物料循环步骤

5.1 Circulation steps

(1)再循环塔进料槽 V2202 系统循环-再循环塔 T2202 进料系统的循环:再循环塔进

料槽 V2202 经泵 P2201 一部分通过干燥器 S2205 循环干燥,一部分作为 T2202 的进料
经 E2208 进入 T2202,保持 T2202 液位在 65~70%,物料经 E2209 返回 V2202。

(1) V2202 - T2202 Circulation: through P2201, transfer some of the material in V2202 to
S2205 (Recycle Dryer), transfer the other to T2202 through E2208 and keep the T2202 level
at 65~70%. Then transfer the material back to V2202 through E2209.

(2)再循环塔进料槽 V2202 系统-激冷塔 T2201 的系统的循环:再循环塔进料槽

V2202 经泵 P2201 将物料送入 T2201,保持液位在 60%~75%左右,T2201 塔釜出料经
管线 CP-2051 返回 V2202,开车后关闭该管线,T2201 塔釜物料排至 V2205A/B,两小
时一次。V2205 有机物经蒸汽加热气化后由 E2211 冷凝回收到 V2202。

(2) V2202 - T2201 Circulation: transfer the material in V2202 to T2201 through P2201, and
keep the T2201 level at 60~75%. Transfer the material in T2201 to V2202 through pipeline
CP-2051. After start-up, close this pipeline. Drain T2201 to V2205A/B every two hour. After
steaming, the organic in V2205 will be condensed to V2202 through E2211.

(3)热交换器系统的循环(V2203-E2204):V2203 中的物料经 P2202 进入 E2204 壳

侧,保持 E2204 壳侧液位在 35~40%。P2203 将 E2204 的物料在壳侧打循环。

(3) V2203-E2204 Circulation: after P2202, transfer the material to E2204 Shell and keep the
level of E2204 at 35~40%. Circulate the material in E2204 Shell with P2203.

(4)(再循环塔系统循环):物料由 V2202 经泵 P2201 进入 T2202,保持液位在 65~

70%。通过再循环塔再沸器 E2206 加热升温,塔釜温度在 130~140℃,控制塔顶压力
在 0.85~0.95MPa(G),塔顶气体经塔顶冷凝器 E2207 回到再循环塔回流槽 V2204。经
泵 P2204 作为再循环塔 t2202 的回流,使塔顶温度在 90℃以下。

(4) Recycle Column System Circulation: transfer the material in V2202 to T2202 through
P2201, and keep the T2202 level at 65~70%. Increase the temperature of T2202 bottom to
around 130~140 ℃ with reboiler. The top pressure should be within 0.85~0.95 MPa (G).
The gas at the top will be condensed to V2204 through E2207. Material will reflux to T2202
via P2204 and keep the top temperature below 90 ℃

5.2 液位及压力调整

5.2 Adjustment of level and pressure

★ 液位调整


V2202 30%以上

V2204 40%以上

★Level adjustment

After the circulation, adjust the level to:

V2202 > 30%

V2204 > 40%

6 正常开车及操作
开车前应保证液氯气化系统运行正常,氯气出口压力控制在 0.90~1.20MPa (G);
要求精馏系统已运转;必须保证氯化氢洗涤塔 T2404 及氯气尾气洗涤塔 T2405 系统工
作正常,运行合格,HCL 吸收系统也必须处于正常状态;氢氯化单元处于备开状态。
6. Start-up steps

Before start-up, make sure Liquid Cl2 Vaporizer System runs normally and keep the PIC
2201A at 0.90~1.20MPa (G); make sure the Rectification Unit is in operation; make sure
T2404, T2405 and HCl Absorption System run normally; and make sure Hydro Section is
ready. After all the above preparations, Chlorination Unit is ready to start.

6.1 再循环塔 T2202 起始操作

6.1 T2202 start steps


(1) Turn on electric tracing.

(2)打开 E2207、E2209、E2210 冷却水阀门。

(2) Open the cooling water valves of E2207, E2209, and E2210.

(3)打开塔顶冷凝器 E2207 至 V2204 上的液体管线阀门,打开 XCV2209,打开平衡

阀 XCV2208。

(3) Open the valve on liquid line from E2207 to V2204. Open XCV2209. Open XCV2208
(balance valve).

(4)手动打开 FV2219,向 T2202 充料。

(4) Open FV2219 manually and feed T2202.

(5)缓慢打开蒸汽阀门 TV2224,当塔内压力升高至 0.9 兆帕时,开启

HV2202、HV2203、PV2221,将三通阀 XCV2210 置于排气位置上,将不凝气排去
VG4 总管,然后关闭。

(5) Slowly open TV2224 (steam valve). When the pressure in T2202 increase to 0.9 MPa,
open HV2202, HV2203, PV2221. Line up XCV2210 to T2404 (emergency release) and vent
noncondensable gas into VG4 Header, then close the valve.

(6)将塔釜温度 TIC2224 继续,打开 FV2219 让来自 V2204 的物料回流到 T2202 塔顶,

控制 T2202 的塔顶温度 TI2227 在 90℃以下,缓慢开启 HIC2202 来控制 T2202 的塔顶压
力 PICA2221 在 0.85~0.95MPa(G)之间。

(6) Increase the bottom temperature of reactor (see TIC2224). Open FV2219, reflux the
material from V2204 to T2202 top, and keep TI2227 at below 90 ℃. Slowly open HIC2202
to control the top pressure (PICA2221) within 0.85~0.95MPa (G).

(7)有物料从冷凝器 E2207 冷凝回到 V2204 时,调节回流量,保证 T2202 液位(LT-

2212)稳定在 60%~80%。将塔釜液位 LICA2212 设定自动,保持液面在 60%~80%,
过高则经调节阀 LV2212 通过回 V2202。

(7) When material is condensed to V2204 by E2207, adjust reflux flow to ensure T2202 level
(LT-2212) is stable at 60%~80%. Set LICA2212 Auto and keep the level at 60%~80%. If
the level is too high, adjust LV2212 to return the material to V2202.


(8) Adjust the feed, reflux ratio and steam flow to establish balance.

(9)当反应器底部温度 TI2210 达到 400℃时,打开 HIC2203,开度为 40%~100%,

将 XCV2210 三通阀置于去 E2202AB 氯甲烷预热器。缓慢开启 PV2221 在 5%~10%开
度之间使来自再循环塔的甲烷氯化物经 E2202A/B 进入反应器 R2201。此时启动冷冻机,

(9) When TI2210 reaches 400 ℃, open HIC2203 to 40%~100%. Line up XCV2210 to
CH3Cl Feed Preheater (E2202AB). Slowly open PV2221 to 5%~10% to transfer the CMS
from Recycle Column to R2201 through E2202A/B. Then start refrigerator and make its
whole system running.


(大于 1000ppm 以上)时,塔盘将被腐蚀,严重时会发生脱落。因此必须严格控制氯
化系统中水份低于 300ppm。


The material in Recycle Column contains HCl and trace moisture. When the moisture content
of feed is higher than 1000 ppm, the column tray will be eroded, and even fall off when it’s
serious. Therefore, moisture in Chlorination Unit must be kept under 300ppm.

6.2 激冷塔 T2201 投入运行

6.2 Start Quenching Tower T2201.

(1)检查 V2202 到 T2201 的循环是否正常。

(1) Check whether the circulation from V2202 to T2201 is normal.

(2)保持 T2201 的液位 LIC2203 在 50%~65%左右。

(2) Keep the liquid level of T2201 (LIC2203) at about 50%~65%.

6.3 氯甲烷预热器 E2202A/B 投入运行

6.3 Start CH3Cl Preheater E2202A/B

来自再循环塔的甲烷氯化物经 E2202A/B 进入反应器 R2201,这时准备 E2202A/B

投入使用。手动打开 TV2206,阀门的起始开度设定在 10%。之后 TV2206 设为自动,
设定温度在 80~90℃。

注意:E2202A/B 为一开一备。

CMS from the Recycle Column enters reactor R2201 through E2202A/B. Open TV2206 10%
manually at first, then set it to auto. The set temperature is 80~90℃.

Note: For E2202A/B, run only one and the other is standby.
6.4 氯气进料 (V2206/R2201/T2202)

6.4 Chlorine Feeding (V2206/R2201/T2202)

确认 V2206 氯气系统完成 1.0MPa(G)气密性试验并合格后,同时通知该区域所有操


After confirming that the V2206 chlorine system has passed the 1.0MPa (G) pneumatic test,
notify all the people to leave the field and Cl 2 is going to feed. Carry out the following

(1)打开氯气进出缓冲罐 V2206 管线上的阀门,PV2201 处于手动关闭状态,打开

FV2203 前阀,后阀门待正式投氯前打开。FV2203 处于手动关闭状态。待管道上有压
力后,缓慢打开调节阀 PV2201,氯气缓冲罐压力逐渐上升后,调节阀 PV2201 设为自

(1) Open the valves on the inlet and outlet pipeline of the Cl 2 Surge Drum V2206. Set
PV2201 to manual and set the opening zero. Open the FV2203 upstream valve, and the
downstream valve is to be opened just before Cl 2 feeding. Set FV2203 to manual and set the
openness zero. When there is pressure in the pipe, slowly open PV2201(regulating valve).
When the pressure of Cl2 Surge Drum increases gradually, set PV2201 to auto.

缓冲罐及其后面的导淋阀,排放氯气管道内的氯气去 T2405 几分钟,防止有冷凝的液

(2) Ensure electric tracing on chlorine pipeline work normally to prevent gas Cl 2 from
liquidation. (Before start-up, line up the Surge Drum and drain valve. Discharge gas Cl2 to
T2405 for a few minutes to prevent liquid chlorine from entering the mixer. )

(3)待氯气系统压力 PIC2201 稳定在 0.90~1.20MPa(G)之间,开启 XCV2201,打

开 FV2203 后阀门,缓慢开启 FV2203 向 R2201 通入氯气,FV2203 的阀门起始开度为
0.5%或 1%,此时应密切关注反应器下部温度 TI2210 的变化,正常温度变化应为上升
趋势。随后为 1%,2%,3%依次递增,在通入氯气的过程中一定要根据反应温度同时
缓慢增加 PV2221 的开度。

(3) When PIC2201 is stable at 0.90~1.20MPa (G), open XCV2201, open the upstream and
downstream valves of FV2203, and slowly open FV2203, feeding gas Cl 2 to R2201. Open
FV2203 slowly 0.5% ~ 1% at first. At this time, pay close attention to TI2210 (Reactor
bottom temperature), and normally the temperature should be an upward trend. Then
gradually open FV2203 1%, 2%, 3%... In the process of feeding gas Cl 2, the opening of
PV2221 must be increased slowly according to the reaction temperature at the same time.

(4) In the beginning, the chlorination reaction was mainly at the bottom of the reactor. Have a
good control of the reactor temperature by controlling the ratio and rate of CMS and gas Cl 2

6.5 热氯化系统压力的控制(S2203)

6.5 Pressure control of Thermal Chlorination System (S2203)

膨胀节、弹簧、支吊架是否正常,现场数据是否与 DCS 显示一致,确认无误后逐步提

(1) After the reaction is stable, check the chlorination system comprehensively. Check if there
is a leakage, if the instrument and pump run normally, if the expansion joint, spring and
support are normal, whether the field data is consistent with the DCS display. If everything is
normal, gradually increase the pressure of the whole reaction system to the normal operating

三级分离器 S2203 上的调节阀 PV2218A、PV2218B 和 PV2219B 来控制反应系统压力。

(2) With circulating CMS and gas Cl 2 feeding, the reaction continues. The pressure of the
reaction system increases gradually. The pressure of the reaction system is controlled by the
regulating valves PV2218A, PV2218B and PV2219B on the Third Separator S2203.

(3)起始阶段,手动打开 PV2218A,关闭 PV2218B,调节 PV2219B 的开度使 S2203

的压力控制在~0.6MPa(G)(左右),R2201 压力 PI2210 在~0.63Mpa(G)(左右)。随着反
应负荷的增加,S2203 的压力也在不断提高,通过调节 PV2219B 的开度使 S2203 的压
力维持在 0.62~0.65Mpa(G)。

(3) In the initial stage, manually turn on PV2218A, and turn off PV2218B, adjust the opening
of PV2219B so that the pressure of S2203 is controlled at around 0.6MPa (G), the pressure
(PI2210) of R2201 is around 0.63Mpa (G). With the increase of load, the pressure of S2203 is
also increasing, and is maintained at 0.62~0.65Mpa (G) by adjusting the opening of

(4)当反应器温度在 380℃以上,E2205-1 出口温度在-15℃以下,这时 S2203 出口

的 HCl 浓度在 90~95%wt 以上,通知分析 HCl 的浓度和游离氯含量,合格后准备送入
氢氯化单元,氢氯化单元 100#准备开车。

(4) When the reactor temperature is above 380℃ and the outlet temperature (TI2222) of
E2205-1 is below -15℃, the HCl concentration at the outlet of S2203 is above 90~95%wt,
notify the lab to analyze the concentration of HCl and the content of free Cl 2. If the result is
qualified, transfer HCl to Hydro Chlorination Unit, and be ready to start 100# Unit.

6.6 三级冷凝器 E2205 投入运行

6.6 Start Third Condenser E2205

在 E2205 投入系统之前,首先保证冷冻机全负荷运行。
First of all, ensure the full load operation of the Refrigerator before the E2205 is put into

来自冷冻单元的 R22 进入 E2205 壳侧,液位调节阀 CV2876 的开度设置为自动,设


The R22 from the Refrigeration Unit enters the shell of E2205. Set CV2876 to “Auto”
and the value at around 30%.

6.7 热交换器 E2204 投入运行

6.7 Start Heat Exchanger (E2204)

(1)随着反应进行,一氯甲烷和氯化氢等轻组份被逐渐冷凝到 V2203,当 V2203 的液

位达到 15%以上时,开启 P2202A/B 循环正常运行。

(1) As the reaction proceeds, light components such as CH 3Cl and HCl are gradually
condensed to V2203. When the level of V2203 is more than 15%, start the pump P2202A/B,
keep circulating.

(2)V2203 中物料大部分为 CH3Cl 和 HCl,其他为有机物和惰性气体。在此情况下泵

P2202 容 易 气 蚀 , 所 以 保 持 V2203 一 定 液 位 的 同 时 , S2203 的 压 力 不 能 低 于
0.6MPa(G)。反应系统压力维持在 0.6Mpa(G)以上,有利于 P2202 的正常运行。

(2) Most of the materials in V2203 are CH 3Cl and HCl, and the others are organic and inert
gases. Therefore, the pump P2202 is prone to cavitation. So while maintaining a certain level
in V2203, the pressure of S2203 should not be lower than 0.6MPa (G). The pressure of the
reaction system is maintained above 0.6Mpa (G), which is beneficial to the normal operation
of P2202.

(3)将 TV2220 设置为手动,打开调节阀,(物料)经 P2202 由 V2203 进入 E2204。

将 LV2204 设置为自动,LICA 的设定值为 40~50%。来自 S2201 的气体经 E2204 管侧
和壳侧的物料换热,氯甲烷和氯化氢在壳侧蒸发,压力逐渐升高,将 PV2214 设为自动,
设定压力控制在 0.70~0.85MPa(G)。

3) Set the TV2220 to manual and open the regulating valve,the materials is transferred from
V2203 to E2204 via P2202. Set LV2204 to automatic, the SV of LICA is 40% ~ 50%. The
gas from S2201 will change heat with the material in the tube and shell of E2204. CH 3Cl and
HCl will evaporate in the shell, and the pressure increases gradually. The PV2214 is set to
auto and the set pressure is controlled at 0.70~0.85MPa (G).

(4)蒸发的一氯甲烷和氯化氢等轻组份物料,与来自 T2202 的循环氯化物、E2201 的

新鲜一氯甲烷,总计三股物料混合,经预热器 E2202A/B 进入反应器 R2201,参与反应。
随着 E2204 循环气量的增加,调整再循环塔顶出料量,保持 E2202 出口氯甲烷总量不

(4) The evaporated CH3Cl and HCl and other light components will be mixed with circulating
CMS from T2202 and fresh CH3Cl from E2201, and entered the reactor R2201 through
preheater E2202A/B to react. With the increase of circulating gas in E2204, adjust the outlet
flow at the top of Recycle Column to keep the total amount of CH 3Cl at the outlet of E2202

6.8 一氯甲烷蒸发器 E2201 投入运行

6.8 Start the CH3Cl Evaporator E2201

(1)一氯甲烷贮存在粗氯甲烷中间贮槽 V2104A/B,经泵 P2107 输送到 E2201。

(1) The CH3Cl is stored in the V2104A/B and transferred to E2201 by P2107.

(2)FV2205 全开,LV2201 的开度根据 E2201 的液位自动调节,液位 LICA2201 的设

定值在 35%~50%。

(2) Set FV2205 fully open. The opening of LV2201 is adjusted automatically according to
the level of E2201. The level of LICA2201 is set at 35% ~50%.

(3)打开 XCV2202,蒸汽调节阀 PV2204 的开度根据 E2201 壳侧的蒸发压力自动调节,

蒸发压力设定在 0.9MPa(G)。

(3) Open XCV2202. The opening of steam regulating valve (PV2204) is automatically
adjusted according to the evaporation pressure in E2201 shell, and the evaporation pressure
is set at 0.9MPa (G).

(4)上述操作完成后,缓慢开启 FV2202,通入一氯甲烷后,一定注意观察反应器
R2201 的温度变化,及时增加氯气。

(4) After the above operation, slowly open FV2202. After feeding CH 3Cl, attention must be
paid to the temperature change of reactor R2201, and increase Cl 2 in time.


※ Special attention is paid to:

E2201 的操作关键在液位和蒸发压力的控制。由于一氯甲烷属于液化烃,对应温度下
必须有 80%的气相空间,液位控制不好或满液就可能造成压力瞬时升高甚至爆炸。所
以在 E2201 投入运行前一定要检查及标定就地液位计,使其和集中液位计指示一致。

The key to the operation of E2201 lies in the control of level and evaporation pressure. CH 3Cl
is liquefied hydrocarbon, if the level is not well controlled or the level is full, it may cause
instantaneous pressure to rise or even explosion. Therefore, it is necessary to check and
calibrate the LG before E2201 is put into operation, and keep it consistent with DCS display.
6.9 再循环塔塔底到精馏系统

6.9 Recycle Column bottom to Distillation System

时,通知分析在 E2209 处,取样分析,当检测出无一氯甲烷时,将再循环塔塔底物料
倒至 V2301A。

With the reaction proceeds and chlorine flow increases, the temperature at Recycle Column
bottom increases gradually. When the temperature rises to about 130℃, notify the lab to take
a sample at E2209 and analysis. When CH 3Cl is nil, transfer the material at the bottom of
Recycle Column to V2301A.


※ Special attention is paid to:

(1)连接 V2202/V2203/V2204 之间的再生管线

(1) Pipelines between V2202/V2203/V2204

开车期间,有可能需要调整 V2202/V2203/V2204 三个贮槽的液位。需要熟悉了解


During start-up, it may be necessary to adjust the level of V2202/V2203/V2204. The

connecting pipeline, switching pipeline and valves need to be familiar with.

(2)P2201AB/P2202AB 机泵

(2) P2201AB/P2202AB

由于混合物料中含有 HCl 及氯甲烷等轻组份,P2201AB/P2202AB 机泵在开车期间


Because the mixed material contains light components such as HCl and CH 3Cl,
P2201AB/ P220AB is prone to cavitation during start-up, especially when the system pressure
is low. When cavitation occurs, open the valve on the outlet pipeline of the pump, discharge
the gas in the pipeline, and start the pump again.


So far, all the key equipment and instruments in the Thermal Chlorination Unit have been
put into operation. The key to the operation is to keep the temperature of the reactor stable,
the pressure of the system balance and the level of the tank balance.
槽的产品质量达到 99.95%,水分低于 100ppm,色度低于 10,游离酸未检出时,输送

After the Thermal Chlorination System runs normally according to the above operation,
it enters the subsequent Distillation System. Control the sensitive plate temperature of the
MDC and CFM Distillation Column and maintains the stable operation, make product purity
at the top of the MDC and CFM tower higher than 99.95% respectively. After the acidity and
moisture are removed in the Azeotropic System, transfer the material to MDC and CFM
Check Tank and analyze. When the purity of the MDC and CFM reach 99.95% respectively,
moisture is less than 100 ppm, the color is less than 10, and acidity is nil, transfer them to
Storage Tank Area for packaging and distribution of products.

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