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Angiogenesis (2012) 15:697–711

DOI 10.1007/s10456-012-9284-y


The nuclear translocation of endostatin is mediated by its receptor

nucleolin in endothelial cells
Nan Song • Yanping Ding • Wei Zhuo •
Ting He • Zhiguang Fu • Yang Chen •
Xiaomin Song • Yan Fu • Yongzhang Luo

Received: 19 April 2012 / Accepted: 6 June 2012 / Published online: 19 June 2012
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012

Abstract Endostatin, the C-terminal fragment of colla- fluorescence cell imaging demonstrates that nucleolin and
gen XVIII, is a potent anti-angiogenic factor that signifi- integrin a5b1 interact with uPAR simultaneously upon
cantly modulates the gene expression pattern in endothelial endostatin stimulation. Blockade of uPAR decreases not
cells. Upon cell surface binding, endostatin can not only only the interaction between nucleolin and integrin a5b1,
function extracellularly, but also translocate to the nucleus but also the uptake process, suggesting that the nucleolin/
within minutes. However, the mechanism by which this uPAR/integrin a5b1 complex facilitates the internalization
occurs is partially understood. Here we systematically of endostatin. After endocytosis, nucleolin further regulates
investigated the nuclear translocation mechanism of the nuclear transport of endostatin. RNA interference and
endostatin. By chemical inhibition and RNA interference, mutational analysis revealed that the nuclear translocation
we firstly observed that clathrin-mediated endocytosis, but of endostatin involves the association of nucleolin with
not caveolae-dependent endocytosis or macropinocytosis, importin a1b1 via the nuclear localization sequence. Taken
is essential for the nuclear translocation of endostatin. We together, this study reveals the pathway by which endo-
then indentified that nucleolin and integrin a5b1, two statin translocates to the nucleus and the importance of
widely accepted endostatin receptors, mediate this clathrin- nucleolin in this process, providing a new perspective for
dependent uptake process, which also involves urokinase the functional investigation of the nuclear-translocated
plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR). Either mutagene- endostatin in endothelial cells.
sis study, fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay, or
Keywords Endostatin  Nuclear translocation 
Nucleolin  Integrin a5b1
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s10456-012-9284-y) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
N. Song  Y. Ding  W. Zhuo  T. He  Z. Fu  Y. Chen 
X. Song  Y. Fu  Y. Luo (&) Angiogenesis is an essential process of the onset and pro-
National Engineering Laboratory for Anti-tumor Protein
gression of various types of tumors, and thus predicted as a
Therapeutics, School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University,
Beijing 100084, China potential target for the treatment of cancer [1]. Some
e-mail: 40 years after Dr. Folkman’s postulate, anti-angiogenic
therapy has been established as a fourth modality in cancer
N. Song  Y. Ding  W. Zhuo  T. He  Z. Fu  Y. Chen 
therapeutics, joining surgery, chemotherapy, and radio-
X. Song  Y. Fu  Y. Luo
Beijing Key Laboratory for Protein Therapeutics, School of Life therapy [2]. A handful of anti-angiogenic factors including
Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China angiostatin, endostatin, tumstatin, canstatin, arresten, and
thrombospondin-1 and -2 [3–11], have been discovered and
N. Song  Y. Ding  W. Zhuo  T. He  Z. Fu  Y. Chen 
developed as drug candidates. Among them, endostatin is
X. Song  Y. Fu  Y. Luo
Cancer Biology Laboratory, School of Life Sciences, the first endogenous angiogenesis inhibitor to receive
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China approval for anticancer therapy in clinic [12]. Although the

698 Angiogenesis (2012) 15:697–711

therapeutic effects of endostatin have been documented in integrin a5 (NM_002205) was subcloned into pCMV6-AC-
animal studies and clinical trials, several anti-angiogenic RFP vector. Wild-type integrin a5 and nucleolin were
activities of endostatin still have no molecular explanation. constructed into pCMV6 vector with HA or Myc tag,
The first mystery is related to the receptors of endo- respectively. Mutants of Integrin a5 and nucleolin were
statin. Various proteins have been reported as binding constructed by the Quick Change Mutagenesis kit (Strata-
proteins of endostatin [13–17]. Nucleolin, which resides gene). All the plasmids were purified from Escherichia coli
mainly in the nucleolus, can translocate to the cell surface using PowerPrepÒ Plasmid Purification Kits (Origene).
when triggered by extracellular matrix and VEGF [18].
Only the surface nucleolin can mediate the anti-angiogenic Cell culture, transfection and RNAi
activity of endostatin [14]. Integrin a5b1, also the target for
other angiogenesis inhibitors, can interact with endostatin Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC, CRL-
and thus lead to the inhibition of the FAK/c-Raf/MEK1/2 1730, ATCC), and dermal microvascular endothelial cells
[15]. Glypicans, heparan sulfate proteoglycans, serve as (HMEC-1, lab stock), mouse tumor-associated endothelial
low-affinity endostatin receptors, while few downstream cells (MTEC, lab stock) were cultured with 5 % CO2 in
signaling has been investigated [17]. In addition, laminin-1, endothelial cell medium (ECM, Sciencell) as previously
MMP2, and tropomyosin have also been identified as the described [14, 18, 26]. In brief, cells were grown to
endostatin associated proteins [19–21]. Although a series approximately 60–70 % confluence and then treated with
of endostatin-binding proteins and their respective signal- recombinant human endostatin (rhEndostatin, E. coli,
lings have been indicated, it remains obscure how these Protgen Ltd.) as indicated.
proteins cooperate with each other to orchestrate the Biotin-labeled endostatin was generated by the EZ-
function of endostatin and activate different pathways. LinkTM sulfo-NHS-LC biotinylation kit (Pierce) in PBS.
The second mystery is how endostatin translocates to the Dylight 649-labeled endostatin, bovine serum albumin
nucleus. The majority of studies on endostatin focuses on (BSA), and rabbit anti-nucleolin polyclonal antibody
the signallings triggered extracellularly [16, 22–24]. For were generated with Dylight-649 fluorescent labeling kit
instance, the binding of endostatin competes with interac- (Pierce) according to the manufacturer’s instruction.
tion between the extracellular matrix and integrins, and For RNAi, oligofection of siRNA duplexes was per-
associates with caveolin-1, and activates Src [16]. In fact, formed using Oligofectamine (Invitrogen) according to the
endostatin can also be internalized, and translocated into manufacturer’s protocols. Briefly, HUVECs were trans-
the nucleus with in minutes [14]. Moreover, the increased fected twice (at 0 and 24 h) with 200 pmol of scramble
uptake of endostatin induced by nystatin positively corre- siRNA (or siRNA pool), or indicated siRNAs. After 24 h
lates with its anti-angiogenic efficacy [25]. However, rel- had passed since the second oligofection, HUVECs were
atively little attention has been paid to neither the lysed or tested in functional assays. The oligonucleotide
translocation mechanism, nor the role of the nuclear- sequences were listed in Supplementary Table 1.
translocated endostatin.
In the present study, we demonstrated that the inter- Preparation of nuclear extracts
nalization of endostatin is clathrin-dependent, and medi-
ated by the integrin a5b1/nucleolin/uPAR receptor To isolate nuclei, HUVECs were fractionated as described
complex. After the transportation of endostatin from cell in Stepanova et al. [27]. All manipulations were performed
membrane to the early endosome, importin a1b1 recog- on ice or at 4 °C. Briefly, the cells were homogenized in
nizes the nuclear localization signal (NLS) of nucleolin, lysis buffer containing 20 mM HEPES, pH 7.0, 2 mM
and further transports the endostatin/nucleolin cargo to the MgCl2, 10 mM KCl, 0.5 % NP40, and protease inhibitor
nucleus. In summary, these results real how endostatin- cocktail (Roche) by 40 strokes in a Dounce homogenizer.
binding proteins cooperate to facilitate the endocytosis and The homogenates were then centrifuged at 1,5009g for
nuclear translocation of endostatin. 5 min. The nuclear pellets were washed and resuspended in
lysis buffer containing 0.5 M NaCl to extract nuclear
proteins. Nuclear extracts were prepared by further cen-
Materials and methods trifugation at 15,0009g for 10 min.
The nuclear and cytoplasmic extraction kit (Pierce) was
Plasmids and construction also used to isolate the cytoplasmic and nuclear protein
extracts in accordance with the instructions supplied by the
Mouse nucleolin (mNCL) (NM_005381) and human uPAR manufacturer. In brief, HUVECs in 10-cm dishes were
(NM_002659) were subcloned into pCMV6-AN-GFP vec- washed with ice-cold PBS, and harvested by centrifugation
tor and pCMV6-AN-RFP (Origene), respectively. Human (5009g). The cell pellets were suspended in 200 lL of

Angiogenesis (2012) 15:697–711 699

Cytoplasmic Extraction Reagent I (CER I) solution and with 0.25 % PFA, then incubated (20 °C, 60 min) with
incubated for 10 min on ice, followed by adding 11 lL of labeled antibodies (Dylight 649-anti-integrin a5 mAb,
CER II solution and incubation for 5 min on ice. The cell Dylight 549-anti-uPAR mAb, and Dylight 488-anti-nucle-
suspensions were centrifuged at 16,0009g for 5 min to olin pAb). After washing, cells were fixed with 3.7 % PFA.
collect supernatant as the cytoplasmic fraction. The pellets Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (0.5 g/mL). Stained
were then resuspended with 100 lL of Nuclear Extraction cells were mounted in ProLong Gold (Molecular Probes)
Reagent (NER) for 30 min on ice. The cell suspension was and analyzed using the Nikon A1 fluorescence microscope
centrifuged at 16,0009g for 10 min at 4 °C to collect using 63X/1.49 NA oil objectives. Images were captured
supernatant as the nuclear fraction. Samples were nor- with NES-Elements AR 3.0 software.
malized using BCA assay. For the internalization assay, HUVECs pretreated with
20 nM Dylight 649-endostatin were washed by PBS and
Isolation of triton-soluble and -insoluble membrane fixed with 3.7 % PFA, then incubated with Dylight
fractions 549-anti-EEA, and Dylight 488-anti-integrin a5 mAb or
anti-nucleolin pAb, respectively. Stained cells were
Triton-soluble and -insoluble fractions of cell lysate were mounted and captured as previously described.
prepared as previously described [25]. In brief, cells were
harvested, resuspended in 0.5 mL of MBS [150 mM NaCl, Immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting analysis
25 mM 2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid, pH 6.5] con-
taining the protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche) and 1 % Triton Following stimulations, HUVECs were lysed in Lysis
X-100, and incubated on ice for 30 min. The whole cell lysates Buffer (25 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.4, 130 mM NaCl, 0.1 %
were separated into Triton-soluble and -insoluble fractions Tween-20, 5 % glycerol, and protease inhibitors). Cell
using OptiPrep Density Gradient Medium (Sigma-Aldrich). debris were eliminated by centrifugation at 15,0009g at
4 °C for 10 min. The samples were subjected to immuno-
Sandwich ELISA blot directly, or immunoprecipitation using indicated
antibody-conjugated agarose beads, respectively. Equal
The microtiter plates were coated overnight with rabbit amounts of protein were loaded per lane and separated by
anti-endostatin polyclonal antibody (lab stock) at a con- 12 % SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions. The protein
centration of 4 lg/mL in PBS buffer. Following the was transferred to PVDF membrane, and immunolabeled
blocking and washing steps, the dilutions of nuclear frac- with primary antibodies overnight at 4 °C. Subsequently,
tion extracted from biotin-endostatin-incubated HUVECs membranes were washed and incubated with horseradish
were added and incubated at 37 °C for 1 h. Then HRP- peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody for 1 h at room
conjugated strepavidin were used. After washing, the temperature. After washing 3 times for 45 min, the mem-
reaction is developed by adding 100 lL of a tetramethyl- branes were developed with an enhanced chemilumines-
benzidine substrate solution. The plate is incubated 20 min cence system (Roche) according to the manufacturer’s
at 37 °C. The reaction is stopped by adding 1 M HCl. The instructions.
absorbance was measured at 450 nm with ELISA reader The following antibodies were used for immunoblotting:
(Varioskan Flash, Thermo Electron). anti-tGFP (2H8), anti-Histone H3 (D1H2), anti-HIF-1b/
ARNT (C15A11), anti-Myc-Tag (71D10), anti-HA-Tag
qRT-PCR (C29F4), anti-GAPDH (D16H11), anti-beta-Tubulin (9F3),
anti-Lamin B1, anti-Caveolin-1, anti-Clathrin Heavy Chain
The total RNA was isolated using RNAeasy Kit (Qiagen), (D3C6) (Cell Signaling Technology), anti-Nucleolin
and reverse transcribed using the First Strand cDNA Syn- (ab70493), anti-Integrin alpha 5 [P1D6], anti-Integrin
thesis Kit (Fermentas). qRT-PCR amplification was per- beta 1 [BV7] (ab7168), anti-Importin beta (ab2811), anti-
formed using the SYBR Green qRT-PCR Master Mix kit uPAR (ab89932), anti-uPAR (ab103791), anti-KPNA2
(Stratagene). Relative quantitation was performed using the (ab70160), anti-Glypican 1 (ab55971), anti-Transferrin
Ct method. All primers used were listed in Supplemen- Receptor (ab84036) (Abcam), and anti-endostatin (NBP1-
tary Table 2. Independent experiments were performed in 40051) (Novus Biologicals).
triplicates. The following antibodies were used for immunoprecip-
itation: anti-tGFP (2H8), anti-Myc-Tag (71D10), anti-
Indirect immunofluorescence staining HA-Tag (C29F4), anti-GAPDH (D16H11) (Cell Signaling
Technology), anti-Nucleolin (ab70493), anti-Integrin alpha
HUVECs were incubated with 100 nM Dylight 649-labeled 5 [P1D6], anti-uPAR (ab3129), anti-KPNA2 (ab70160)
endostatin for 30 min before washing and partial fixation (Abcam).

700 Angiogenesis (2012) 15:697–711

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) biotin-labeled endostatin. HUVECs were lysed using
detection homogenization combined with limited lysis in a low-salt
buffer containing 0.5 % NP-40. We analyzed the amount
HUVEC transfectants expressing integrin a5-RFP/uPAR- of endostatin and also the purity of the nuclear fraction by
GFP or nucleolin-RFP/uPAR-GFP were spun directly onto SDS-PAGE and Western blotting analysis. As shown in
poly-L-lysine coated glass slides (the Förster radius of the Fig. 1b, the trend of the nuclear translocated endostatin
GFP/RFP pair is 4.7 nm). FRET was performed on the resembled the previous result (Fig. 1a). Moreover, the
Nikon A1 confocal microscope with a 63X/1.49 NA oil nuclear fraction is negatively stained for Rab4 (endosome
objectives. GFP and RFP were excited and emission sig- marker), LAMP1 (lysosome marker), and tubulin (cytosol
nals were detected for indicated time points. Meanwhile, marker) as expected (Fig. 1b), suggesting the purity of the
the immuno-FRET analysis was performed. In brief, HU- fractionation. Similar results were also observed by sand-
VECs pretreated with or without endostatin were labeled wich ELISA (Fig. 1c). In addition, we also utilized the NE-
with FITC-anti-integrin a5/TRITC-anti-uPAR, or FITC- PER nuclear-cytoplasmic extraction kit (Pierce) to isolate
anti-nucleolin/TRITC-anti-uPAR (the Förster radius of the both the nuclear and cytosol fractions. Western blotting
FITC/TRITC pair is 5.5 nm). Then FRET was performed analysis indicated a high purity fractionation, and also
as previously described. For analysis, only the cell mem- showed the nuclear translocation of endostatin (Supple-
brane was selected as the region of interest. Fluorescent mentary Fig. 1b).
signal detected in the peri-nuclear region of the cell Since the nuclear translocation of endostatin should be
(integrins in the Golgi) was not considered. FRET quanti- mediated by some uptake pathway(s), we then examined
fication was performed according to the manufacturer’s the potential pathways by chemical inhibition. To investi-
protocol. gate whether the nuclear translocation of endostatin occurs
by endocytosis, we firstly tested for involvement of the
Statistical analysis actin cytoskeleton, which has been implicated in mediating
endocytic pathways [28]. To this end, HUVECs were
All data from individual experiments are represented as pretreated with an actin polymerization inhibitor, cyto-
means ± standard errors. Statistical significance of groups chalasin D, and assessed for the nuclear-translocated
was determined using two-tailed Student’s t tests. Differ- endostatin by sandwich ELISA as described in Fig. 1c.
ences were considered to be statistically significant at Cytocholasin D-treated HUVECs showed a significant
P \ 0.05. decrease in the nuclear translocation of endostatin com-
pared with the untreated cells (Fig. 2a). Well-documented
pathways of endocytosis include clathrin-dependent endo-
Results cytosis, caveolae-dependent endocytosis, clathrin- and
caveolae-independent endocytosis, and macropinocytosis
Nuclear translocation of endostatin is mediated [29]. Since dynamin is required for both clathrin- and
by clathrin-dependent endocytosis caveolae-mediated endocytosis, we next examined the
effect of dynasore (dynamin inhibitor) on the nuclear
We firstly investigated the pattern of the nuclear translo- translocation of endostatin. As shown in Fig. 2a, pre-
cation of endostatin. To examine this question, we incu- treatment of HUVECs with dynasore dramatically
bated HUVECs with 100 nM Dylight-649-labeled decreased the amount of the nuclear-translocated endo-
endostatin for 5, 10, 15, 30, or 60 min at 37 °C, respec- statin. In contrast, amiloride (macropinocytosis inhibitor)
tively. The cells were washed twice in PBS and then once did not show any significant difference with control group
with mild acid to remove surface-bound endostatin, and (Fig. 2a). All these results demonstrate that the clathrin- or
then fixed in methanol to unmask nuclear antigens. caveolae-mediated endocytosis regulates the nuclear
Immunofluorescence cell imaging captured by confocal translocation of endostatin.
microscopy indicated that the nuclear translocation of Thus we evaluated the relative contributions of these
endostatin was initiated within minutes and reached the two endocytosis pathways to the nuclear translocation of
peak after 30 min (Fig. 1a). In addition, no immunofluo- endostatin. HUVECs were pre-treated with heparinase III
rescence signal was observed in the nucleus when incu- for 30 min to specifically reduce the raft-associated endo-
bated with either Dylight-649-labeled BSA or rabbit anti- statin. Then cells were incubated with 100 nM endostatin,
nucleolin IgG, suggesting that the uptake of endostatin is lysed and fractionated into Triton-soluble non-raft and
specific (Supplementary Fig. 1a). To assess translocation Triton-insoluble raft fraction using a discontinuous Opti-
using an entirely independent approach, we then prepared Prep gradient as previously described. As shown in Fig. 2b,
the nuclear fraction of HUVECs that were incubated with in the absence of heparinase III, endostatin was present in

Angiogenesis (2012) 15:697–711 701

Fig. 1 The nuclear translocation of endostatin. a HUVECs were The HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies were used with chemilu-
incubated with 100 nM Dylight-649 labeled endostatin at 37 °C for 5, minescent substrates for detection. Rab4, LAMP1, tubulin and lamin
10, 15, 30, or 60 min, respectively. HUVECs were washed twice in were used as endosome, lysosome, cytosol, and nucleus marker,
PBS and once with mild acid, and then fixed. Digital images were respectively. c HUVECs were pretreated with biotin-labeled endo-
captured by the Nikon A1 fluorescence microscope using 63X/1.49 statin and fractioned as described in b. Sandwich ELISA that utilising
NA oil objectives. Images were obtained with NIS-Elements AR 3.0 rabbit anti-endostatin antibody and HRP-conjugated Strepavidin was
software. Nuclei were stained by DAPI. Scale bars: 10 lm. performed to assess the amount of the nuclear translocated endostatin.
b HUVECs were pretreated with 100 nM biotin-labeled endostatin The absorbance was measured at 450 nm with ELISA reader
for indicated time. The nuclear fraction was extracted as described in (Varioskan Flash, Thermo Electron). Data are shown as mean ± SD
‘‘Materials and methods’’. Samples were normalized using BCA of three independent experiments. P value indicates difference with
protein assay. 10 lg of each cytosolic and nuclear extract sample was untreated control
analyzed by immunoblotting using indicated antibodies, respectively.

both fractions. By contrast, pre-incubation with heparinase All these observations demonstrate that the clathrin-
III remarkably decreased the localization of endostatin in dependent endocytosis, but not the caveolae/raft-depen-
raft fraction (Fig. 2b). Intriguingly, although the membrane dent, is indispensable for the nuclear translocation of
distribution was significantly altered by heparinase III, the endostatin.
nuclear translocation of endostatin was only slightly
interrupted (Fig. 2c), indicating that the caveolae/raft- Nucleolin, integrin a5b1, and uPAR mediate
dependent endocytosis is not essential for this process. the nuclear translocation of endostatin
Consistently, the knockdown of caveolin-1 did not disrupt
the nuclear translocation of endostatin either, while the We then investigated the associated proteins that contribute
knockdown of clathrin markedly decreased the amount of to the clathrin-mediated endocytosis of endostatin. Endo-
endostatin in both cytosol and nuclear fractions (Fig. 2d). statin can bind to several endothelial cell-surface proteins

702 Angiogenesis (2012) 15:697–711

Fig. 2 Clathrin-dependent endocytosis mediates the nuclear translo- transferrin receptor (Transferrin R) were used as loading controls
cation of endostatin. a HUVECs were pretreated with 5 lM as well as non-raft markers. Caveolin-1 and glypican-1 were used as
cytochalasin D for 30 min, 80 lM dynasore for 30 min, or 3 mM loading controls and raft markers. c HUVECs were pretreated as
amiloride for 60 min at 37 °C, and then incubated with 100 nM described in b, then lysed using NE-PER Nuclear and Cytoplasmic
biotin-labeled endostatin for 60 min. HUVECs were fractioned as Extraction Kit. Samples were normalized using BCA protein assay.
described in Fig. 1b. Sandwich ELISA that utilising rabbit anti- 10 lg of each cytosolic and nuclear extract sample was analyzed by
endostatin antibody and HRP-conjugated Strepavidin was performed immunoblotting using indicated antibodies, respectively. The HRP-
to assess the amount of the nuclear translocated endostatin. The conjugated secondary antibodies were used with chemiluminescent
absorbance was measured at 450 nm with ELISA reader (Varioskan substrates for detection. Rab4, LAMP1, and histone H3 were used as
Flash, Thermo Electron). Data are shown as mean ± SD of three endosome, lysosome, and nucleus marker, respectively. d HUVECs
independent experiments. P value indicates difference with untreated were transfected twice with scamble siRNA or siRNA against
control. b HUVECs pretreated with heparinase III were incubated caveolin-1 (si-caveolin), clathrin heavy chain (si-clathrin), respec-
with 100 nM endostatin at 37 °C for 30 min after which membrane tively. After incubation with 100 nM endostatin at 37 °C for 30 min,
fractions were prepared using a 5/30/40 % OptiPrep gradient. cells were fractionated and analyzed by immunoblotting as described
Aliquots of each fractions were analyzed by immunoblotting with in c
anti-endostatin antibody. Clathrin heavy chain (Clathrin HC) and

that are critical for angiogenesis [13–17, 19–21]. It binds binding to heparin, and can bind to heparan sulfate prote-
directly to integrin a5b1, and also interacts with aV inte- oglycans such as glypican-1/4 [17]. Moreover, MMP2 is
grins [13]. Cell surface nucleolin, an endothelial marker for also considered as an endostatin interacting partner [21].
angiogenic blood vessels, has been identified as a receptor We firstly used siRNA to knock-down the aforementioned
for endostatin as well [14]. Similar to many other endog- proteins. HUVECs transfected with scramble siRNA or
enous angiogenesis inhibitors, endostatin has a high affinity indicated siRNAs were treated with 100 nM endostatin for

Angiogenesis (2012) 15:697–711 703

Fig. 3 Integrin a5b1, nucleolin, and uPAR mediates the internaliza- then lysed and subjected to immunoblotting analysis. c HUVECs
tion of endostatin. a HUVECs were transfected twice with indicated were treated with or without 100 nM endostatin for 30 min, lysed and
siRNAs, and then treated with 100 nM endostatin for 30 min. immunoprecipitated using anti-uPAR mAb or isotype control IgG,
HUVECs were fractioned as described in Fig. 1b. Sandwich ELISA respectively. The indicated proteins were detected by immunoblot-
that utilising rabbit anti-endostatin antibody and HRP-conjugated ting. Live cell FRET was performed in HUVECs co-transfected with
Strepavidin was performed to assess the amount of the nuclear uPAR-GFP and integrin a5-RFP (d) and those co-transfected with
translocated endostatin. The absorbance was measured at 450 nm nucleolin-RFP and uPAR-GFP (e) after the treatment of 100 nM
with ELISA reader (Varioskan Flash, Thermo Electron). Data are endostatin for 15 min. The mean efficiency was analyzed by Nikon
shown as mean ± SD of three independent experiments. P value A1 confocal system and calculated by NIS-Elements AR 3.0 software.
indicates difference with untreated control (s.c. siRNA). b HUVECs Data are shown as mean ± SD of three independent experiments.
were pre-incubated with 20 lg/mL indicated antibodies for 30 min, P value indicates difference with untreated control
following with a 30-min treatment of 100 nM endostatin. Cells were

60 min, then lysed and analyzed by sandwich ELISA. nucleolin also efficiently disrupted the internalization of
Meanwhile, the RNAi efficiencies were verified by qRT- endostatin (Fig. 3b). Similar results were also observed in
PCR (Supplementary Fig. 2a). As shown in Fig. 3a, com- HMEC-1 and MTEC (Supplementary Fig. 2c–2d).
pared with the control, siRNAs that targeted integrin a5 Nucleolin shuttles specific proteins from the cell surface
(ITGA5), integrin b1 (ITGB1), and nucleolin (NCL) all and the cytoplasm to the nucleus [27, 30–32]. To further
remarkably abolished the nuclear translocation of endo- confirm the role of nucleolin in nuclear translocation of
statin. Similar results were also obtained by Western endostatin, we next investigated the competitive effect
blotting analysis (Supplementary Fig. 2b). To further of other nucleolin ligands on the nuclear translocation of
confirm this observation, HUVECs were pre-incubated endostatin. HUVECs were pre-incubated with either lac-
with anti-integrin a5, anti-integrin b1, anti-nucleolin neu- toferrin or uPA, both of which could translocate to the
tralizing antibody or isotype control IgG, respectively, nucleus in a nucleolin-dependent manner [27, 30]. The
followed by a 60-min treatment of 100 nM endostatin. cells were then incubated with 100 nM endostatin for an
Consistently, antibody neutralization of integrin a5b1 or additional hour at 37 °C. As shown in Supplementary

704 Angiogenesis (2012) 15:697–711

Fig. 3, both lactoferrin and uPA reduced the nuclear using FITC-anti-integrin a5/TRITC-anti-uPAR (Supple-
transport of endostatin, compared with cells pre-incubated mentary Fig. 5a), or FITC-anti-nucleolin/TRITC-anti-
with BSA-containing medium alone. These observations uPAR (Supplementary Fig. 5b).
suggest that nucleolin act as a carrier for the nuclear To further confirm these results, we mapped the binding
translocation of endostatin. sites that modulate the physical interactions. The NLTY
Since uPA could compete with endostatin in transloca- motif of integrin a5 appears to be critical to the binding of
tion, together with the report that uPAR and nucleolin form a uPAR [35], thus we generated two integrin a5 mutants
complex to mediate the nuclear transportation of uPA [27], (ITGA5ALTA and ITGA5DNLTY) with HA-His tag as shown
we then tested the contribution of uPAR to the nuclear in Fig. 4a. Co-immunoprecipitation analysis showed that
translocation of endostatin. Consistent with the report of both integrin a5 mutants could not interact with uPAR,
Keski-Oja and his colleagues [22], we also found with or without endostatin treatment (Fig. 4b).
that endostatin could induce the redistribution of the uPAR/ Then we generated Myc-tagged full-sized, N- and C-ter-
uPA/PAI-1 complex from focal contacts (Supplementary minus deleted mouse nucleolin truncation mutants (mNLWT,
Fig. 4a). Intriguingly, an extensive co-localization of mNLD1–303 and mNLD307–707) as shown in Fig. 4c. Co-
endostatin and uPAR was observed at the same time (Sup- immunoprecipitation analysis showed that the endostatin-
plementary Fig. 4b). The clathrin-coated pits have been induced interaction between uPAR and mNLD307–707 was
largely documented to be responsible for the removal of dramatically disrupted, while only slight influence was
uPAR from the plasma membrane [33, 34], suggesting that observed in the mNLD1–303 group, suggesting the uPAR-
uPAR is involved in the clathrin-mediated endocytosis of binding region resides in the C-terminus (Fig. 4d). Another
endostatin. As shown in Supplementary Fig. 4c, the endo- two mutants (mNLD469–707 and mNLD647–707) were thus
cytosis of endostatin was indeed significantly interrupted by constructed (Fig. 4c). Neither of these mutants showed
blockade of surface uPAR using neutralizing uPAR anti- increased interaction with uPAR after endostatin treatment,
body (mouse anti-uPAR, ab89932, abcam), soluble uPAR indicating that the C-terminal glycine-arginine-rich domain
(807-UK-100/CF, R&D Systems), or uPAR-target siRNA, (GAR domain, 646–707 aa) of nucleolin is required for the
respectively. In addition, the in vitro immunoprecipitation physical interaction between uPAR and nucleolin (Fig. 4d).
assay did not reveal any interaction between uPAR and Taken together, both nucleolin and integrin a5b1 can interact
endostatin (Supplementary Fig. 4d). These results indicate with uPAR, and they together are involved in the endocytosis
that uPAR, although does not have any physical interaction of endostatin.
with endostatin, contributes to the endocytosis of endostatin. Since both integrin a5b1 and nucleolin could interact
with uPAR, together with our observation that blockade of
The uPAR/nucleolin/integrin a5b1 complex regulates either integrin a5b1 or nucleolin could dramatically inter-
the transport of endostatin from membrane to the early fere with endostatin internalization, we therefore proposed
endosome that nucleolin together with integrin a5b1 simultaneously
mediate this endocytic process, with uPAR serving as an
GAR domain in nucleolin is indispensable for the inter- adaptor to facilitate the formation of the complex.
action between uPAR and nucleolin [27]. It has also been We first examined the interactions among uPAR, inte-
documented that the uPAR directly interacts with integrin grin a5b1, and nucleolin. After endostatin treatment, triple
a5b1, affecting their activation state and changing the staining of non-permeabilized HUVECs clearly demon-
downstream intracellular signaling [35]. We then detected strated pronounced co-localization of uPAR, nucleolin and
whether endostatin could induce the interaction of uPAR integrin a5 (Fig. 5a). The co-immunoprecipitation assay
with integrin a5b1 or nucleolin. Immunoprecipitation assay also showed the endostatin-induced interaction between
showed that after the treatment of endostatin, more integrin nucleolin and integrin a5 (Fig. 5b). Retrospectively, inte-
a5b1 and nucleolin could be precipitated by anti-uPAR grin a5 mutants that could not interact with uPAR, could
antibody (Fig. 3c), indicating that uPAR interacts with not bind with nucleolin (Fig. 4b). Vice versa, the truncated
integrin a5b1 and nucleolin. Since FRET is widely used to nucleolin mutants, which have defects in the association
measure the intimate interactions between two molecules, with uPAR, could not interact with integrin a5b1 either
we thus measured the mean FRET efficiencies in live (Fig. 4d). Moreover, blockade of uPAR by either siRNA or
HUVECs co-transfected with either integrin a5-RFP/ blocking antibody markedly down-regulated the endo-
uPAR-GFP or nucleolin-RFP/uPAR-GFP, respectively. statin-induced interaction between nucleolin and integrin
The results clearly demonstrate the increasing interaction a5b1 in both co-immunoprecipitation assay (Fig. 5c) and
between integrin a5/uPAR (Fig. 3d) and nucleolin/uPAR confocal fluorescence analysis (Supplementary Fig. 5c-d).
(Fig. 3e) after 15-min endostatin treatment, respectively. These results demonstrate that endostatin induces the for-
Consistent results were also observed by immune-FRET mation of the nucleolin/uPAR/integrin a5b1 complex.

Angiogenesis (2012) 15:697–711 705

Fig. 4 The interaction between

uPAR and nucleolin or integrin
a5. HMEC-1 cells were
transfected with a pCMV6
vectors encoding HA-tagged
wild-type integrin a5 (ITGA5wt)
and mutants (ITGA5ALTA and
vectors encoding Myc-tagged
nucleolin mutants, respectively.
After incubation with 100 nM
endostatin, cells were lysed and
immunoprecipitated with
agarose-conjugated anti-HA-
MAb, anti-Myc-Mab, or anti-
uPAR-Mab to detect the binding
pattern between integrin a5/
uPAR (b), or nucleolin/uPAR
(d), respectively. The
immunoprecipitates were
analyzed by immunoblotting
using indicated antibodies

uPAR, though cannot directly interact with endostatin on the transporting/shuttling function of nucleolin and the
(Supplementary Fig. 4d), modulates the association translocation-associated proteins in the following study.
between nucleolin and integrin a5b1.
Since both nucleolin and integrin a5b1 undergo endo- Importin a1b1 mediates the nuclear translocation
cytosis via clathrin pathway to the early endosome [25, 36], of endostatin
we thus detected the co-localization of these proteins with
early endosome by immunostaining. As shown in Supple- In our previous study, we have identified a series of binding
mentary Fig. 6a, both nucleolin and integrin a5b1 were proteins for nucleolin by immunoprecipitation and liquid
found to colocalize with early endosome marker EEA1 and chromatography mass spectrometry (unpublished data).
Dylight-649-labeled endostatin. We then asked whether We have found that importin b1, a key member that
the binding pattern of endostatin would be changed as a mediates nucleocytoplasmic transport [37, 38], was one of
result of acidification in early endosomes. To verify this the nucleolin-associated proteins. In addition, a nuclear
hypothesis, we employed the in vitro immunoprecipitation localization signal (NLS), the recognition site for impor-
assay in different pH ranges. As shown in Supplementary tins, lies within nucleolin [39]. We thus hypothesized that
Fig. 6b, the interaction between endostatin and nucleolin importins play a crucial role in the nuclear translocation
was stable over a pH range of 5.5–7.4, while the interaction process.
between endostatin and integrin a5b1 was dramatically Initially, the expression profile of importins was exam-
decreased over the same pH range. Furthermore, based on ined in HUVECs. As shown in Supplementary Fig. 7a, the
current knowledge, integrin a5b1 does not show any mRNAs of importin a1, a3, a5, a7, and b1 were detected.
nuclear distribution, while nucleolin functions as a nucle- Then we knocked down these expressed importins, and
ocytoplasmic shuttle protein, suggesting that nucleolin, investigated their impact on the nuclear translocation of
rather than integrin a5b1, plays an essential role in the endostatin. The knockdown efficiencies were shown in
nuclear translocation of endostatin. We therefore focused Supplementary Fig. 7b. Remarkably, siRNA that targets

706 Angiogenesis (2012) 15:697–711

Fig. 5 The interaction between

integrin a5 and nucleolin is
mediated by uPAR. a HUVECs
were incubated in the presence
of 100 nM endostatin at 37 °C
for 0 or 15 min before further
incubation (20 °C, 60 min) with
Dylight 649-labeled anti-
integrin a5 mAb, Dylight 549
anti-uPAR mAb, and Dylight
488 anti-nucleolin pAb (1:100),
respectively. After fixation in
3.7 % PFA, the digital images
were captured by the Nikon A1
fluorescence microscope using
63X/1.49 NA oil objectives.
Images were obtained with NIS-
Elements AR 3.0 software.
White frames indicate areas
magnified. Scale bars: 5 lm
(normal); 100 lm (Meg.).
b Reciprocal co-
immunoprecipitation study was
performed. HUVECs were
treated with indicated doses of
endostatin for 15 min, and then
lysed. Either nucleolin or
integrin a5 was
immunoprecipitated with mouse
monoclonal anti-nucleolin or
with rabbit polyclonal anti-
integrin a5, respectively. The
indicated proteins were detected
by immunoblotting. c HUVECs
cells pretreated with 20 lg/mL
neutralizing uPAR antibody or
uPAR-targeting siRNA were
incubated with 100 nM
endostatin at 37 °C for 30 min.
Reciprocal co-
immunoprecipitation was then
performed as described in b

either importin a1 or b1 dramatically inhibited the trans- immunoprecipitate importin b1 and nucleolin (Fig. 6b).
location of endostatin (Fig. 6a). Consistently, after the Similarly, anti-nucleolin antibody could also effectively
knockdown of importin a1, endostatin was found pre- co-immunoprecipitate both importin a1 and importin b1
dominantly in the cytoplasm rather than the nucleus (Fig. 6b). To further validate this result, we generated
(Supplementary Fig. 7c). vectors encoding either the wild-type nucleolin (mNCLwt)
Then we verified that this importin-dependent translo- or an NLS-deficient mutant (mNCLmut), as shown in
cation is indeed mediated by nucleolin. After endostatin Supplementary Fig. 8. Immunoprecipitation assay showed
treatment, anti-importin a1 antibody could specifically co- that only mNCLwt could interact with importin a1 and

Angiogenesis (2012) 15:697–711 707

Fig. 6 Importin a1b1 regulates the nuclear translocation of endo- transfected with mock vector (mNCLwt or mNCLmut) were treated
statin. a HUVECs were transfected twice with indicated siRNAs, and with or without 100 nM endostatin for 30 min, and then lysed. Co-
then treated with 100 nM endostatin for 30 min. The amount of immunoprecipitated importin a1 and b1 with anti-nucleolin mAb was
endostatin in both cytosol and nuclear fractions as well as the whole detected. The indicated proteins were detected by immunoblotting.
cell lysate (WCL) was detected. IMPA, importin a; IMPB, importin d HUVECs co-transfected with mNCLwt or mNCLmut were further
b. b Reciprocal co-immunoprecipitation study was performed. transfected with scramble or hNCL siRNA pool, respectively. After
HUVECs were treated with indicated doses of endostatin, and then treatment with 100 nM endostatin for 30 min, HUVECs were
lysed. Nucleolin or importin a1 was immunoprecipitated with fractionated and analyzed
anti-nucleolin or anti-importin a1 mAb, respectively. c HUVECs

importin b1 (Fig. 6c), demonstrating a specific interaction transportation of endostatin from membrane to the early
between nucleolin and importins. endosome in a clathrin-dependent manner. Thereafter,
We then examined the role of the importin/nucleolin integrin a5b1 and uPAR are recycled back to the cell
complex in the nuclear translocation of endostatin. To surface or degraded, while nucleolin, still binding with
avoid the interference of endogenous nucleolin, HMEC-1 endostatin, undergoes nuclear translocation. Via the NLS
was co-transfected with siRNA pool targeting human nu- of nucleolin, importin a1b1 is responsible for the recog-
cleolin and the vector encoding wild-type or mutant mouse nition and nuclear transport of the nucleolin-endostatin
nucleolin. As shown in Fig. 6d, compared to the mNCLwt complex.
group, less endostatin could translocate to the nucleus in
the mNCLmut group. In conclusion, these results demon- Endostatin signaling
strate that the importin a1b1/nucleolin complex is involved
in the nuclear translocation of endostatin. The mechanism of actions of endostatin has been exten-
sively investigated over the last dozen years, while contro-
versial reports still remain. One mystery is that why an
Discussion N-terminal modified E. coli-expressed endostatin show
good clinical responses in China, whereas the clinical trials
We have shown here that the nuclear translocation of of the P. pastoris-expressed endostatin were terminated at
endostatin by endothelial cells is facilitated through the cell phase II in the USA [40]. The key reason is that both the
surface nucleolin/uPAR/integrin a5b1 complex and the N-terminal integrity and correct refolding are very critical
association of importin a1b1. We therefore propose a for the biological functions of endostatin [41]. It turns out
working model based on our present results as shown in that the N-terminal of endostatin expressed by P. pastoris, is
Fig. 7: upon the binding of endostatin, nucleolin, integrin truncated, thus loses its zinc binding capacity with much
a5b1 and uPAR form a co-receptor complex to mediate the reduced stability and biological activities [41]. Furthermore,

708 Angiogenesis (2012) 15:697–711

Fig. 7 Model for the

internalization and nuclear
translocation of endostatin in
endothelial cells. Upon the
binding of endostatin on the
surface of endothelial cells,
nucleolin, integrin a5b1 and
uPAR form a receptor complex,
and mediate the clathrin-
dependent internalization of
endostatin. Once endocytosed,
integrin a5b1 and uPAR are
then recycled back to the cell
surface or degraded, while
nucleolin, association with the
adaptor importin a1b1,
transports endostatin to the

in a parallel study performed by the Folkman laboratory, Nucleolin: an ‘‘all the way’’ vehicle for nuclear
E. coli-expressed endostatin is at least twice as potent as translocation of endostatin
P. pastoris-expressed endostatin in animal tumor models
(personal communication). Therefore, we used E. coli- Surface nucleolin, undergoes heavy N-glycosylation, is a
expressed endostatin, which has been proved to be an intact multifunctional protein [31, 49]. It interacts with many
molecule with full activity after correct refolding. surface proteins including uPAR, P-selectin, and ErbB
Association of endostatin inhibits the proliferation and proteins, and exists in a 500 kDa complex implicated in
migration of endothelial cells due to the negative impact on tumorigenesis, inflammation, and bacterial infections [50].
several well-known pathways [2, 42]. For instance, endo- Intriguingly, Dumler et al. have demonstrated that surface
statin induces cell cycle arrest by down-regulating cyclin nucleolin co-localizes with uPAR on the cell surface and is
D1, MAPK and c-Myc [42, 43]. Endostatin also interferes rapidly internalized [51]. Cines and his colleagues have
with the anti-apoptotic signal induced via PI3K/Akt [15]. also mentioned that nucleolin, interacting with uPA/uPAR
These down-regulation effects were probably mediated by complex, regulates the nuclear translocation of scuPA [27].
E-selectin that confers endostatin sensitivity to non- Together with the knowledge that nucleolin can function as
responsive endothelial cells [44]. An intriguing discovery a shuttle protein to internalize various substrates including
is that endostatin is exclusively internalized by endothelial virus, scuPA, and even DNA aptamers [31, 32, 52], we also
cells [25], suggesting that cell-surface binding is not the propose that the surface nucleolin is a multifunctional
only mechanism by which endostatin could influence the regulator. It could fulfill different requirements of cell
angiogenic activity. It is worth noting that endostatin is a actions by changing its binding partners. It is of note that
Zn(II)-binding protein [45, 46]. A 27-amino-acid synthetic nucleolin could interact with matrix laminin-1 [53], which
peptide corresponding to the Zn(II)-binding domain of is also an endostatin associated protein [19]. Thus it is
endostatin is responsible for its anti-angiogenic activity plausible that these three proteins may also form a complex
[47], also suggesting that the Zn(II)-binding capacity is that is involved in the regulation of the uptake of endo-
indispensable for its function. Moreover, titration analysis statin. Regarding the interaction between nucleolin and
has shown that the Zn(II) dissociation constant of endo- endostatin with nucleus, we did not observe the positive
statin is about 9 nM, indicating a very strong Zn(II)-bind- result (data not shown). This phenomenon may attribute to
ing capacity [45]. Thus, the Zn(II) homeostasis in the the competition of other nucleolin binding factors includ-
nucleus may be significantly disturbed by the translocated ing the pre-rRNA substrate [54]. Moreover, Shi et al. has
endostatin. Considering that Zn(II) participates in inter- also demonstrated that endostatin could modulate the
molecular interactions of various transcription factors and phosphorylation status of nucleolin within nucleus. Both
regulators [48], it is plausible that the competition of Zn(II) the ligand-binding and the phosphorylation may trigger the
by the nuclear-translocated endostatin could result in the conformational change of nucleolin, which further interfere
transcription inactivation. This hypothesis may explain that with its interaction of endostatin.
how endostatin could regulate 12 % of the gene expression In addition, the expression of nucleolin on the cell sur-
in endothelial cells. face is also an intriguing phenomenon. To elucidate the

Angiogenesis (2012) 15:697–711 709

reason why the cell surface translocation of nucleolin is endocytosis process. Since the endocytosis of both integrin
specific for activated but not quiescent endothelial cells, we and endostatin is clathrin-dependent, it is plausible that
investigated the relationship between the phosphorylation integrin could mediate the internalization of endostatin.
state of nucleolin and its subcellular localization. In a Furthermore, it has been reported that clathrin-dependent
separate study in our group, Hsc70 is involved in the endocytosis of integrin a5b1 induces focal adhesion dis-
membrane translocation of nucleolin (Ding et al., submit- assembly. Consistently, endostatin treatment could also
ted). Together with the current study, these findings will trigger the disassembly of focal adhesions and actin stress.
help us understand the whole regulatory mechanism of These observations also provide a convincing evident to
nucleolin on the anti-angiogenic effects of endostatin. support the working model we proposed.
In summary, this study identifies a novel pathway by
uPAR and integrin a5b1 in the nuclear translocation which endostatin translocates to the nucleus in collabora-
tion with nucleolin. This discovery establishes a new
With regard to the role of uPAR in endocytosis, Stepano- platform for understanding the detailed function of endo-
va’s work has shown that uPAR serves as a scaffold protein statin, and sheds light on the molecular mechanisms by
for the uPA/uPAR/nucleolin complex, and also triggers the which endostatin, a single endogenous protein, modulates
endocytosis by the classical mechanism. In our model, the orchestration of gene expression in endothelial cells.
uPAR serves as a similar scaffolding factor, because after
the knock-down of uPAR, there is a significant decrease in Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by the National
High Technology Research and Development Program of China
the interaction between integrin a5b1 and nucleolin. Con- (No. 2007AA02Z155 and No. 2008AA02Z136), the National Sci-
sidering the engagement of uPAR in lateral interactions ence and Technology Major Project (No. 2009ZX09103-703 and
with integrin a5b1 and nucleolin on the cell surface, we No. 2009ZX09306-002), the General Programs of the National Nat-
have proposed a novel working model that the internali- ural Science Foundation of China (No. 81071742, No. 81171998, and
No. 81171999). We greatly thank the members of the Luo lab for their
zation of endostatin is mediated by integrin a5b1/uPAR/ insightful discussions and suggestions on this manuscript. Special
nucleolin complex. This model also explains the effect of appreciation is extended to Bipo Sun for her contribution as the lab
endostatin on the plasminogen activation. Endostatin manager.
treatment triggers the endocytosis of integrin a5b1/uPAR/
Conflict of interest The authors declare no competing financial
nucleolin complex, thus removes uPAR from focal adhe- interests.
sions, and causes a rapid disassembly of focal adhesions,
finally disrupts the uPA/uPAR complex formation. In
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BMC Cancer 11:333


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