Santolini Frontiers 2019

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[Frontiers In Bioscience, Landmark, 24, 133-171, Jan 1, 2019]

What does “NO-Synthase” stand for ?

Jerome Santolini1

Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC), CEA, CNRS, Univ Paris-Sud, Universite Paris-Saclay,
F-91198, Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France


1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Distribution of NOS
3.1.Mammalian NOSs as exclusive NO-synthase models
3.2. Emergence of a new family of proteins
3.3. Prokaryotes, Eubacteria and Archae
3.4. Eukaryotes: fungi and plants
3.5. Metazoan
4. A new and heterogeneous family of proteines
4.1. The impasse of standard phylogenetic analysis
4.2. A singular versatile enzyme
4.2.1. NOS function
4.2.2. Instability of NOS activity and function
4.2.3. Overlaps of NOS activity
4.2.4. Multiplicity of NOS
4.2.5. What does NOS stand for?
4.3. The necessity of an original approach
5. Diversity of NOS structures
5.1. A variable assembly of multiple modules
5.2. Existence of other types of NOSs
5.3. Types of NOSs are not uniform within a simple phylogenetic group
5.4. Strong disparities in the structure of oxygenase domains
5.4.1. Basal metazoans
5.4.2. Plants
5.4.3. Cyanobacteria
6. Discussion: Diversity of functions
6.1. A Name is not a function
6.2. A Structure is not a function
6.2.1. A built-in versatile catalysis
6.2.2. A highly-sensitive chemical system
6.2.3. Electron transfer (ET) as a major NOS fingerprint
6.3. An Activity is not a function
6.3.1. The role of environment in NOS/NO activity
7. Conclusion: which function and which evolution for NOS?
8. References

Revisiting the structure, function and evolution of NOS family


Mammalian NO-Synthases (NOSs) are community envisions signaling processes (8-11). This
the enzymatic sources of Nitric Oxide (NO°), a momentum has shaped the vision that we have of this
paradigmatic gasotransmitter involved in many (patho)- molecule and changed its biological status: from a
physiological processes. The increasing number of toxic, pollutant gas, it became a genuine biomolecule
available genomes led to the identification of hundreds that diffuses and reacts with its expected targets, a
of new NOS proteins throughout the kingdoms of unique mediator at the core of inter-cellular signaling.
life, calling for a global investigation of this family of Because of this historical mold, NO° field mostly
proteins. These new NOSs are commonly believed expands in mammals and reveals the involvement
to share the same structure, functioning and role of NO° in an always larger number of physiological
as mammalian NOSs. The scope of this article is to processes (12-15). Soon the enzymatic source of NO°
highlight the singularity of these NOSs and to describe was identified, and this new family of proteins was
their complex structural and functional diversity. NOS naturally named after their related production: NO-
appears as a unique enzymatic machinery that exhibits Synthases. Three isoforms were characterized: NOS1
a complex Structure – Activity – Function relationship. and NOS3 are constitutively expressed NOSs named
Its sophisticated redox mechanism and enzymatic after the tissues they were isolated from: neuronal
regulation, coupled to the vast biological chemistry of NOS (nNOS, (16)) and endothelial NOS (eNOS,
reactive nitrogen species, leads to a specific cross-talk (17)), respectively. NOS2 is inducibly expressed upon
between NOS catalysis and its biological environment immune signaling and was therefore named inducible
that implies a complex evolution of NOS function. This NOS (iNOS, (18)). These three types of NOSs were
paper addresses the relationship between structure, almost exclusively investigated from proteins issued
function and evolution of NOS proteins using three from model mammals, respectively rattus norvegicus
NOS model families and advocates for an integrative (19), mus musculus (20) and bos taurus (21). These
and interdisciplinary approach that combines modelling three mammalian NOSs became the canonical
studies, structural characterization, and in vitro/in vivo NOSs (22-26) on which most of the enzymological,
functional investigations. biochemical and structural investigations had been be
achieved (with some data on human NOS isoforms,
2. INTRODUCTION and splice variants (27-29)).

The biology of Nitric Oxide (NO°) started The standard knowledge acquired on NOSs
almost 250 years ago with the chemical synthesis of structure, activity and function, that we will now briefly
“Nitrous air” (NO°) by Joseph Priestley (1) and of its described, is entirely derived from investigations on
dephlogisticated or diminished product (now known as these sole mammalian NOSs. As this article does not
nitrous oxide, N2O). Although N2O biology was later on aim at providing a review on NOS structure, function
investigated by Humphry Davy (2), NO° itself did not or activity, we invite readers to look for the most recent
gather much interest . 100 years later, another nitrogen reviews on that topics (30-36). Mammalian NOS
oxide emerged in human physiology: Amyl nitrite was isoforms share a high sequence homology (37, 38).
found to open the coronary arteries (Lauder Brunton, All isoforms comprise an N-ter-oxygenase domain
(3)) and derivatives such as nitroglycerin were rapidly (Oxy), a Calmodulin-binding region (CaM) and a C-ter
used as medicine. It was even prescribed to Alfred reductase domain (Figure 1), folded into a dynamic
Nobel who was suffering from intense chest pain – dimeric structure (39-41). NO° synthesis is achieved
“Isn’t it the irony of fate that I have been prescribed by the catalytic site, a heme-b cofactor buried within
N/G 1, to be taken internally! They call it Trinitrin, so as the oxygenase domain (42) that catalyzes two
not to scare the chemist and the public” (letter dated sequential oxidation reactions of L-arginine into
October 25, 1896 NO° and citrulline (Figure 2). Electrons required for
nobel/biographical/articles/ringertz/). Another century catalysis are conveyed by the reductase domain from
was necessary to unveil the major importance of NO° the second substrate (NADPH), through two flavin
and other reactive nitrogen species in Biology. cofactors (FMN and FAD), down to the heme catalytic
site (34, 43, 44). Calmodulin binding, upon increase
Although its biosynthesis was already in Ca2+ concentration, allows a faster and coupled
reported in bacteria as early as in the 50’s (4, 5), NO° electron transfer (ET) from one monomer’s FMN to the
has long been considered as a poisonous chemical. other monomer’s oxygenase (Figure 1, (45-47)). Major
The concrete birth of NO° physiological history truly structural differences between mammalian NOSs are
coincides with the unveiling of the nature of the both located in the N-ter and C-ter regions (24): i)
Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factor (EDRF (6, whereas iNOSs remains cytosolic upon transcription
7)). The discovery that such a major physiological and traduction, eNOS harbors palmitoylation and
mediator could be a highly reactive, hydrophobic, myristoylation sites in the N-ter region, that anchors it
redox, diffusible gas somehow changed the way the to the membrane of caveolae (48) and nNOS display

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Revisiting the structure, function and evolution of NOS family

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the NO-synthase quaternary structure. The reductase domain (ellipse) of one monomer (green) conveys the
electron provided by NADPH to the oxygenase domain (circle) of the other monomer (blue) via successive electron transfers through FAD, FMN. The
use of two sequential flavins allows the conversion of NADPH-hydride (H-) into regulated electron transfer up to the heme. This functional dimerization is
insured by the binding of Calmodulin (CaM, orange) to the CaM-binding region and by the binding of BH4 cofactor at the oxygenase interface.

Figure 2. The two consecutive catalytic steps of NO-synthase. L-Arginine hydroxylation requires one molecule of oxygen and one equivalent NADPH
leading to the formation of Nω-hydroxyl-arginine (NOHA). Mechanism is supposed to be similar to that of Cytochromes P450. NOHA oxidation follows a
NOS-specific mechanism that requires a second molecule of oxygen and a single external electron (0.5. NADPH).

as N-ter extension PDZ motifs that favors its binding unleashed iNOS, associated to cytotoxic activity, for
to NMDAR complexes (49, 50); ii) whereas iNOS ET which a high and unregulated NO° production was
is mostly controlled by substrate binding (51), eNOS expected. Thus, the cleavage between iNOS and
and nNOS reductase domains display different Auto- constitutive NOSs functions has been mostly thought
Inhibitory Elements (AIE) that finely tune and regulate of in terms of differences in NO° flux, protein/protein
ET and heme reduction (33, 52); iii) another major interactions and post-translational modifications.
difference is the absence of sensitivity of CaM binding
towards Ca2+ for iNOS (53, 54). These differences However, the study of NOSs molecular
naturally fitted the distinction between highly regulated mechanism makes this dual partition more complex as
constitutive NOSs devoted to signal transduction it reveals sophisticated and specific catalytic regulation
– a process that requires fine catalytic tuning – and patterns. This is mostly due to the particularity of the

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Revisiting the structure, function and evolution of NOS family

subtle redox mechanism of NOS oxygenase: although and vast scientific territory. In this regard, this article
NOS is fitted to produce NO°, NO° remains a strong will briefly describe NOSs from three distinct model
inhibitor of NOS (Ki in the pM range, (55, 56)) that is families: cyanobacteria, plants and basal metazoan
engaged in fast geminate recombination (57). This and discuss the words, concepts, paradigms we may
NO rebinding modifies NOS catalytic production by need to answer an apparently simple question: What
generating two alternative catalytic cycles (31, 58, is a NOS ?
59). In this regard, subtle changes in the values of
key-kinetic steps will differentially modify the catalytic 3. DISTRIBUTION OF NOSs
activity of NOS isoforms (55, 56). This is for example
the case for the ratio between NO° off-rate versus heme 3.1. Mammalian NOSs as exclusive NO-synthase
reduction rates, the differences in ET rate between models
isoforms, the variations in FeIINO oxidation rates (55,
58, 60-63). These small variations, unpredictable from The historical circumstances of the unveiling of
the 3D structures, induce differences in the NADPH/ NO° physiological role – its implication in the regulation
NO coupling and in the sensitivity to external factors of mammalian vascular tone - have delineated the field
(O2 concentration, Arg availability, redox status, (55, in which NOS/NO° investigations were to be achieved
58)). In the recent years, it has become obvious that and circumscribed the research on NO-Synthases
NOSs are a complex machinery that might catalyze mostly to the mammalian phylum. The first identified
additional reactions (64-67) and produce many NO-Synthases were cloned from rats, mice, cows
different reactive oxygen species such as superoxide, and humans and these NOSs have been used as the
peroxynitrite…(60, 68-72). major investigation models so far (16-21). A handful of
NOSs were cloned from other model organisms such
Though, this knowledge has been overlooked. as insects (Drosophila melanogaster, (80-83)), amoeba
Data have been produced faster than they had been (Physarum polycephalum,(84, 85)) and mollusks (Limax
incorporated in an integrated picture of NOS/NO° valentianus, (86)), but the number of reports on these
activity and function. The impressive improvement NOSs has remained negligible in contrast with the huge
of sequencing technologies has provided thousands literature on mammalian NOS (mNOS). With the rapid
of new genomes in which the presence of proteins evolution of the sequencing technologies, the presence
homologous to NOS has been sought for. New of NOS-like proteins has been identified in many other
NOSs emerged at first from genomes from bacteria, genomes. Sequences homologous to NOS oxygenase
amoeba, mollusks, insects, and etc. X-Ray structures domain were found at first in various bacteria, from the
of the oxygenase domains were generated almost firmicutes and Deinococcus phyla: Bacillus subtilis,
simultaneously (73, 74) or even before any functional Staphylococcus aureus, Deinococcus radiodurans
characterization (75). A few enzymatic (73, 76-78) or (2002, (73, 75, 76)) Bacillus Anthrax (2005, (87)). Later,
mechanistic (79) assays confirmed the capacity of their similar sequence blasts led to the identification of NOSs
catalytic site to produce NO°, leading to the conclusion in the genomes of bacteria from other phyla, such as
that these many different NOSs were genuine NO- Actinobacteria (Streptomyces turgidiscabies, (88)) or
Synthases. This shaped the belief and the practice of alpha-proteobacteria (Sorangium cellulosum, (89)).
the NOS/NO° community: any newly identified NOS Although these bacterial NOSs (bacNOS) corresponded
that harbors a similar oxygenase domain is believed to to a severely truncated form of the mammalian NOSs
behave like a mammalian NOS before any functional (90, 91) (see Figure 3), this new family of protein was
characterization. This assumption is mobilized in most spontaneously labelled bacterial NOS-like proteins
of the investigations on NOSs. And even when these and used as models for mammalian NOS study, which
NOSs do not seem able to produce NO°, I’ve been actually meant that they were believed to behave “like
replied, for example for bsNOS, that “they have to, it’s mammalian NOS”.
just that we don’t know how they do it”…
3.2. Emergence of a new family of proteins
This article aims at clarifying and improving
the way the NO° community deals with these many 15 years later this reductive approach is no
new NO-Synthases and addresses the question about longer tenable: today, a simple blast of the available
“what NOS really stands for”. As we will try to show in sequenced genomes led to the identification of
this article, the NOSs do not constitute a homogenous hundreds of new NOS-like proteins in reptiles,
protein family. This article provides a state-of-the-art turtles, amphibians, fishes, birds, insects, molluscs,
picture of the presence of NOSs in the whole tree of arthropods and various primitive metazoans such as
life, highlighting their surprising structural diversity, placozoan, amoeba, sponges, corals (see Tables). At
their large of array of – often opposite -- functions least one thousand NOSs were found in the sole eu­
and their inexplicable phylogenetic distribution. We bacteria kingdom (Table 1). However, the gene/protein
believe that the current knowledge and concepts in banks annotation has often proven to be misleading as
the field are no longer adapted to investigate this new proteins were labelled as NOSs on the simple presence

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Figure 3. Bacterial NOS-like proteins have long been – and remain – considered as genuine NO° synthase that is involved in pathogenicity, virulence
and antibiotic resistance of pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus or Bacillus anthrax (161-163), in the biosynthesis of a phytotoxin by
Streptomyces turgidiscabies (78, 88) and in the metabolism reprogramming of Deinococcus radiodurans (164). Though, they harbor a completely
different structure from that of mammalian NOS as they only consist of a truncated oxygenase domain (between 300 and 350 residues). The absence
of any electron-purveying domain was circumvented by the call for external electron sources (162). However, this hypothesis overlooked the fact that
electron transfer has to be tightly orchestrated to allow for NO synthesis (31). This fine tuning is granted by the presence of the BH4 cofactor and by
the fusion of oxygenase and reductase domains within a single polypeptide. The absence of a CYPR domain in bacterial NOS prevents the control of
electron transfer rate. Likewise, the truncation of the N-terminal domain alters the binding of the BH4 cofactor, which is an indispensable element for NO°
production. Beyond these evident changes, bacterial oxygenase domain exhibits substitutions of several residues, and in particular a ValineàIsoleucine
switch that prevents NO° efficient release and tunes bacterial NOS into another enzymatic machinery. In this regard, a precise structural analysis of
oxygenase structure would have led to consider bacterial NOS as another type of NOS with singular (non-mammalian) structure and function.

of small regulatory or non-essential structural motifs (if sequences (in species and subspecies) were found
not linked to the presence of a small GTPase once (over at least 300 sequenced genomes) but the
associated to NO synthase in plants or snails, (92, rationale of their distribution does seem obvious. NOSs
93)). Using two different templates we have achieved are found throughout the cyanobacterial phyla (in
a blast against all available genomes and cleaned the Nostocales, Oscillatoriales or Chroococales) in species
resulting protein list (see legend of Table 1) in order that correspond to different physiologies (subsections
to provide an update and accurate picture of this new 1-5) or ecologies (fresh-water, marine, terrestrial…).
family of protein (Tables 1-3). We will here describe Which is highlighted in Firmicutes and Cyanobacteria
the major phylogenetic groups where NOSs are to be holds for the whole Eubacteria kingdom. The presence
found but also those from where NOS is absent. of NOSs in only 13 distinct (alpha-, beta-, gamma- or
delta-) proteobacteria requires a combination of various
3.3. Prokaryotes, Eubacteria and Archae distinct explanations: loss from a common eubacterial
ancestor in this phyla and discrete horizontal genome
In Prokaryotes. In the Eubacteria Domain, transfer (HGT) in very specific niches. As Hydrobacteria
NOSs were found in many phyla (Table 1): mostly and Terrabacteria might have diverged around three
Firmicutes (>580 sequences), Actinobacteria (>320) billion years ago, implying a common ancestor long
but also in Cyanobacteria (36), Deinococcus (20), before the Great Oxidation Event (GOE), a plural,
Proteobacteria (18), Bacteroidetes (11), Verrumicrobia ramified and complex evolution scenario needs to
(10), Chloroflexi (2). Due to a bias in the choice of the be found. The same heterogeneity is observed in the
organisms to be sequenced, this list cannot reflect a Archae Domain. Only 10 sequences of NOS-related
true distribution of NOSs in Eubacteria. However, it proteins (over several hundreds of available genomes)
shows how NOSs are spread throughout the bacterial were found in species corresponding to only two orders
kingdom. NOSs are mostly found in the Terrabacteria (Halobacteriales and Natrialbales) from the unique
group. They are rarely found in Proteobacteria and Halobacteria class. Though, only a few archae species
are absent from the genomes of other bacteria from this very class exhibit a NOS-like sequence.
(Acidobacteria, Aquificae, Chlorobi, Chlamydiae,
Fusobacteria, Spirochaetes, Thermotogae….). 3.4. Eukaryotes: fungi and plants
Though, in the phyla where NOSs are highly present,
such as in Gram+ bacteria, NOSs are only present in In Eukaryotes: Fungi and Plants. The picture
certain classes and absent from some major ones. This remains much contrasted in the Eukaryote domain
is the case for Firmicutes: NOSs are present in Bacilli (Table 2). NOSs seem to be absent from the Bikontes
but not in Clostridia. In the Bacilli class, NOSs are found group, (Excavata, Rhizaria, Alveolata) although it can
in all species of the Bacillales order but are completely be found in two Stramenopiles species and in at least
absent from the Lactobacillales order (except for the two dozen of algae (94, 95). On the other hand, NOSs
unique Streptococcus pneumoniae). This patchiness seem more present in Unikontes, although only one
is well illustrated for Cyanobacteria: around 36 NOS NOS-related sequence has been found in Amoebae

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Table 1. List of species that harbor NOS-like proteins in the Eubacteria and Archaea superkingdoms

Bacillus subtilis Bacillus cihuensis Bacillus korlensis Bacillus pseudomycoides
Bacillus acidiceler Bacillus clarkii Bacillus krulwichiae Bacillus pumilus
Bacillus acidicola Bacillus clausii Bacillus lehensis G1 B. psychrosaccharolyticus
Bacillus aerophilus Bacillus coahuilensis Bacillus licheniformis Bacillus rhizosphaerae
Bacillus akibai Bacillus cohnii Bacillus ligniniphilus Bacillus safensis
Bacillus alcalophilus Bacillus cytotoxicus Bacillus luciferensis] Bacillus salsus
Bacillus alkalitelluris Bacillus daliensis Bacillus macauensis Bacillus selenitireducens
Bacillus altitudinis Bacillus eiseniae Bacillus malacitensis Bacillus shackletonii
Bacillus alveayuensis Bacillus encimensis Bacillus manliponensis Bacillus simplex
Bacillus aminovorans Bacillus enclensis Bacillus marisflavi Bacillus siamensis
B. amyloliquefaciens Bacillus endophyticus Bacillus marmarensis Bacillus sonorensis
Bacillus anthracis str. Bacillus farraginis B. massiliosenegalensis Bacillus tequilensis
Bacillus aquimaris Bacillus fastidiosus Bacillus massilioanorexius Bacillus testis
Bacillus aryabhattai Bacillus firmus Bacillus massiliogorillae Bacillus thuringiensis
Bacillus atrophaeus Bacillus flexus Bacillus megaterium Bacillus toyonensis
Bacillus aurantiacus Bacillus gaemokensis Bacillus mojavensis Bacillus trypoxylicola
Bacillus australimaris Bacillus ginsengihumi Bacillus muralis Bacillus vallismotis
Bacillus axarquiensis Bacillus gobiensis Bacillus nealsonii Bacillus vietnamensis
Bacillus badius Bacillus gottheilii Bacillus ndiopicus Bacillus velezensis
Bacillus beveridgei B. glycinifermentans Bacillus obstructivus Bacillus vireti
Bacillus bingmayongensis Bacillus halodurans Bacillus okhensis Bacillus weihaiensis
Bacillus bogoriensis Bacillus halotolerans Bacillus oleronius B. weihenstephanensis
Bacillus bombysepticus Bacillus horikoshii Bacillus mycoides Bacillus wiedmannii
Bacillus butanolivorans Bacillus indicus Bacillus panaciterrae Bacillus wakoensis
Bacillus chagannorensis Bacillus infantis Bacillus paralicheniformis Bacillus xiamenensis
Bacillus cellulosilyticus Bacillus lonarensis Bacillus patagoniensis Bacillus zhangzhouensis
Bacillus cellulasensis Bacillus isronensis Bacillus pseudofirmus Brevibacterium frigoritolerans
Bacillus cereus Bacillus koreensis Bacillus pseudalcaliphilus
Lysinibacillus massiliensis Lysinibacillus fusiformis ZC1 Lysinibacillus xyleni
Lysinibacillus sphaericus Lysinibacillus contaminans Lysinibacillus boronitolerans
Lysinibacillus acetophenoni Lysinibacillus manganicus Lysinibacillus varians
Lysinibacillus xylanilyticus Lysinibacillus sinduriensis Lysinibacillus saudimassiliensis
Anoxybacillus flavithermus Anoxybacillus aydernesis Anoxybacillus tepidamans
Anoxybacillus thermarum Anoxybacillus suryakudensis
Anoxybacillus amylolyticus Anoxybacillus pushchinoensis
Pontibacillus marinus Pontibacillus yanchengensis Y32 Pontibacillus halophilus
Pontibacillus chungwhensis Pontibacillus litoralis
Geobacillus Stearothermophilus Geobacillus vulcani Geobacillus subterraneus
Geobacillus thermoleovorans Geobacillus jurassicus Geobacillus zalihae
Geobacillus kaustophilus Geobacillus thermocatenulatus Geobacillus uzenensis
Oceanobacillus picturae Oceanobacillus iheyensis Oceanobacillus jeddahense
Oceanobacillus oncorhynchi Oceanobacillus manasiensis Oceanobacillus timonensis
Oceanobacillus sojae Oceanobacillus massiliensis
Halobacillus aidingensis Halobacillus halophilus Halobacillus mangrovi
Halobacillus alkaliphilus Halobacillus karajensis Halobacillus massiliensis
Halobacillus dabanensis Halobacillus kuroshimensis Halobacillus salinus
Anaerobacillus arseniciselenatis Terribacillus saccharophilus Domibacillus indicus
Anaerobacillus macyae Terribacillus halophilus Domibacillus aminovorans
Salsuginibacillus kocurii Terribacillus aidingensis Domibacillus iocasae
Salipaludibacillus aurantiacus Marinococcus halotolerans Domibacillus enclensis
Sediminibacillus halophilus Marinococcus luteus Virgibacillus proomii
Caldalkalibacillus thermarum Marinococcus halophilus Virgibacillus halodenitrificans
Aquibacillus sp. Fictibacillus phosphorivorans Virgibacillus pantothenticus
Edaphobacillus lindanitolerans Fictibacillus macauensis Virgibacillus chiguensis
Salimicrobium halophilum Fictibacillus arsenicus Virgibacillus dokdonensis
Salimicrobium jeotgali Paucisalibacillus globulus Psychrobacillus psychrotolerans
Salimicrobium album Thalassobacillus cyri Psychrobacillus psychrodurans

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Brevibacillus brevis Brevibacillus choshinensis Saccharibacillus sacchari
Brevibacillus parabrevis Brevibacillus borstelensis Saccharibacillus kuerlensis
Brevibacillus formosus Brevibacillus panacihumi Cohnella thermotolerans
Brevibacillus borstelensis Brevibacillus reuszeri Cohnella laeviribosi
Paenibacillus alginolyticus Paenibacillus elgii Paenibacillus peoriae
Paenibacillus algorifonticola Paenibacillus etheri Paenibacillus pini
Paenibacillus alvei Paenibacillus ferrarius Paenibacillus pinihumi
Paenibacillus amylolyticus Paenibacillus fonticola Paenibacillus polymyxa
Paenibacillus antarcticus Paenibacillus glacialis Paenibacillus popilliae
Paenibacillus assamensis Paenibacillus glucanolyticus Paenibacillus rhizosphaerae
Paenibacillaceae bacterium GAS479 Paenibacillus harenae Paenibacillus senegalensis
Paenibacillus beijingensis Paenibacillus gorillae Paenibacillus selenitireducens
Paenibacillus borealis Paenibacillus ihbetae Paenibacillus swuensis
Paenibacillus bovis Paenibacillus jamilae Paenibacillus taiwanensis
Paenibacillus camerounensis Paenibacillus kribbensis Paenibacillus terrae
Paenibacillus campinasensis Paenibacillus lactis Paenibacillus terrigena
Paenibacillus catalpae Paenibacillus lautus Paenibacillus thiaminolyticus
Paenibacillus chitinolyticus Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae Paenibacillus tianmuensis
Paenibacillus chondroitinus Paenibacillus macquariensis Paenibacillus taichungensis
Paenibacillus curdlanolyticus Paenibacillus massiliensis Paenibacillus typhae
Paenibacillus daejeonensis Paenibacillus naphthalenovorans Paenibacillus tyrfis
Paenibacillus dauci Paenibacillus odorifer Paenibacillus uliginis
Paenibacillus dendritiformis Paenibacillus pabuli Paenibacillus vortex
Paenibacillus ehimensis Paenibacillus panacisoli Paenibacillus xylanexedens
Paenibacillus pectinilyticus Paenibacillus yonginensis
Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius Alicyclobacillus contaminans Alicyclobacillus hesperidum
Alicyclobacillus acidiphilus Alicyclobacillus pomorum Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris
Alicyclobacillus sendaiensis Alicyclobacillus vulcanalis
Alicyclobacillus mali Alicyclobacillus tengchongensis
Sporosarcina globispora Jeotgalibacillus soli Bhargavaea cecembensis
Sporosarcina newyorkensis Jeotgalibacillus alimentarius Bhargavaea ginseng
Sporosarcina psychrophila Jeotgalibacillus campisalis Bhargavaea beijingensis
Sporosarcina ureae Jeotgalibacillus malaysiensis Rummeliibacillus stabekisii
Paenisporosarcina sp. Jeotgalicoccus psychrophilus Caryophanon tenue
Planomicrobium okeanokoites Planococcaceae bacterium VT-49 Caryophanon latum
Planomicrobium glaciei Solibacillus silvestris StLB046 Kurthia huakuii
Viridibacillus arvi Solibacillus kalamii Kurthia gibsonii
Viridibacillus arenosi Kurthia massiliensis
Planococcus halocryophilus Planococcus antarcticus Planococcus massiliensis
Planococcus faecalis Planococcus donghaensis Planococcus rifietoensis
Planococcus maritimus Planococcus plakortidis
Shimazuella kribbensis Marininema halotolerans Risungbinella massiliensis
Thermoactinomyces vulgaris Marininema mesophilum
Listeria grayi Listeria cornellensis Listeria weihenstephanensis
Listeria riparia Listeria grandensis Listeriaceae bacterium
Listeria newyorkensis Listeria rocourtiae Brochothrix campestris
Listeria booriae Brochothrix thermosphacta
Staphylococcus arlettae Staphylococcus haemolyticus Staphylococcus schweitzeri
Staphylococcus agnetis Staphylococcus hominis Staphylococcus sciuri
Staphylococcus argenteus Staphylococcus hyicus Staphylococcus simiae
Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus intermedius Staphylococcus simulans
Staphylococcus caprae Staphylococcus lugdunensis Staphylococcus stepanovicii
Staphylococcus capitis Staphylococcus lutrae Staphylococcus warneri
Staphylococcus carnosus Staphylococcus microti Staphylococcus pettenkoferi
Staphylococcus cohnii Staphylococcus muscae Staphylococcus xylosus
Staphylococcus chromogenes Staphylococcus nepalensis Staphylococcus vitulinus
Staphylococcus delphini Staphylococcus pasteuri Staphylococcus succinus
Staphylococcus edaphicus Staphylococcus piscifermentans Macrococcus caseolyticus
Staphylococcus equorum Staphylococcus pseudintermedius Macrococcus canis
Staphylococcus epidermidis Staphylococcus massiliensis Macrococcus sp
Staphylococcus fleurettii Staphylococcus saprophyticus Nosocomiicoccus massiliensis
Staphylococcus gallinarum Staphylococcus schleiferi Nosocomiicoccus ampullae

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Acidibacillus ferrooxidans Exiguobacterium indicum Exiguobacterium oxidotolerans
Geomicrobium sp. JCM 19038 Exiguobacterium acetylicum Exiguobacterium chiriqhucha
Exiguobacterium undae Exiguobacterium aurantiacum Exiguobacterium mexicanum
Exiguobacterium enclense Exiguobacterium sibiricum 255-15 Exiguobacterium marinum
Exiguobacterium alkaliphilum Exiguobacterium antarcticum B7 Exiguobacterium sp.
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Pseudonocardia dioxanivorans Pseudonocardia autotrophica Pseudonocardia oroxyli
Pseudonocardia ammonioxydans Pseudonocardia spinosispora Pseudonocardia thermophile
Pseudonocardia acaciae Pseudonocardia sp.
Amycolatopsis mediterranei U32 Amycolatopsis vancoresmycina Amycolatopsis pretoriensis
Amycolatopsis azurea DSM 43854 Amycolatopsis lurida NRRL 2430 Amycolatopsis regifaucium
Amycolatopsis orientalis Amycolatopsis lexingtonensis Amycolatopsis lurida
Amycolatopsis japonica Amycolatopsis rifamycinica Amycolatopsis coloradensis
Amycolatopsis alba Amycolatopsis balhimycina Amycolatopsis australiensis
Amycolatopsis decaplanina Amycolatopsis tolypomycina Amycolatopsis saalfeldensis
Amycolatopsis keratiniphila Amycolatopsis xylanica Amycolatopsis sp.
Saccharopolyspora erythraea NRRL Actinoalloteichus cyanogriseus Lechevalieria aerocolonigenes
Saccharopolyspora sp(i)a NRRL Actinoalloteichus spitiensis Lechevalieria xinjiangensi
Saccharopolyspora spinosa Actinoalloteichus sp. Lechevalieria fradiae
Saccharopolyspora hirsuta Actinoalloteichus hymeniacidonis Allokutzneria albata
Saccharopolyspora flava Actinokineospora inagensis Allokutzneria sp. NRRL B-24872
Saccharopolyspora antimicrobica Actinokineospora bangkokensis Kutzneria albida
Saccharopolyspora shandongensis Actinokineospora terrae Kutzneria sp. 744
Saccharomonospora xinjiangensis Actinokineospora enzanensis Catenulispora acidiphila
Saccharothrix espanaensis A. spheciospongiae Crossiella equi
Saccharothrix syringae Actinosynnema mirum Lentzea albida
Saccharothrix sp. Actinosynnema pretiosum Lentzea albidocapillata
Saccharothrix sp. Actinophytocola xanthii Lentzea kentuckyensis
Saccharothrix sp. Alloactinosynnema album Lentzea flaviverrucosa
Kibdelosporangium phytohabitans Alloactinosynnema iranicum Lentzea guizhouensis
Kibdelosporangium aridum Alloactinosynnema sp. Lentzea jiangxiensis
Kibdelosporangium sp. Actinosynnema sp. Lentzea violacea
Actinomycetospora chiangmaiensis Actinophytocola xinjiangensis Lentzea waywayandensis
Micromonospora carbonacea Micromonospora peucetia Micromonospora Micromonospora coxensis
Micromonospora globosa rosaria Micromonospora nigra
Micromonospora matsumotoense Micromonospora rifamycinica M. purpureochromogenes
Micromonospora echinofusca Micromonospora siamensis Micromonospora globosa
Micromonospora mirobrigensis Micromonospora yangpuensis Micromonospora pattaloongensis
Actinoplanes missouriensis Salinispora arenicola Hamadaea tsunoensis
Actinoplanes utahensis Salinispora pacifica Catelliglobosispora koreensis
Actinoplanes globisporus Salinispora tropica Couchioplanes caeruleus
Actinoplanes subtropicus Actinoplanes atraurantiacus Hamadaea tsunoensis
Actinoplanes friuliensis Actinoplanes rectilineatus Asanoa ishikariensis
Actinoplanes philippinensis Actinoplanes sp. Asanoa hainanensis
Actinoplanes derwentensis Catenuloplanes japonicus Verrucosispora sp.
Actinoplanes awajinensis Dactylosporangium aurantiacum
Streptacidiphilus jeojiense Streptacidiphilus melanogenes Streptoalloteichus hindustanus
Streptacidiphilus albus Streptacidiphilus neutrinimicus Kitasatospora mediocidica
Streptacidiphilus jiangxiensis Streptacidiphilus anmyonensis Kitasatospora azatica
Streptacidiphilus carbonis Streptomycetaceae bacterium

140 © 1996-2019
Revisiting the structure, function and evolution of NOS family

Streptomyces scabiei 87.22 Streptomyces qinglanensis Streptomyces rubidus
Streptomyces alboverticillatus Streptomyces ipomoeae Streptomyces rubellomurinus
Streptomyces abyssalis Streptomyces katrae Streptomyces turgidiscabies
Streptomyces acidiscabies 84-104 Streptomyces lavendulae Streptomyces uncialis
Streptomyces alboviridis Streptomyces mirabilis Streptomyces virginiae
Streptomyces alni Streptomyces globisporus Streptomyces viridochromogenes
Streptomyces aureofaciens Streptomyces griseoluteus Streptomyces vietnamensis
Streptomyces avermitilis MA-4680 Streptomyces griseochromogenes Streptomyces scabrisporus
Streptomyces avicenniae Streptomyces harbinensis Streptomyces specialis
Streptomyces bikiniensis Streptomyces indicus Streptomyces viridifaciens
Streptomyces diastatochromogenes Streptomyces nanshensis Streptomyces venezuelae
Streptomyces erythrochromogenes Streptomyces olivochromogenes Streptomyces wedmorensis
Streptomyces exfoliatus Streptomyces pathocidini Streptomyces xanthophaeus
Streptomyces flavochromogenes Streptomyces puniciscabiei Streptomyces yanglinensis
Streptomyces fulvoviolaceus Streptomyces purpeofuscus Streptomyces yokosukanensis
Streptomyces glaucescens Streptomyces roseus Streptomyces zhaozhouensis
Streptomyces glauciniger Streptomyces roseoverticillatus
Streptomyces griseus
Nocardia amamiensis Nocardia beijingensis Nocardia salmonicida
Nocardia asiatica Nocardia exalbida Nocardia soli
Nocardia altamirensis Nocardia gamkensis Nocardia thailandica
Nocardia asteroides NBRC Nocardia lijiangensis Nocardia transvalensis
Nocardia abscessus Nocardia harenae Nocardia takedensis
Nocardia arthritidis Nocardia crassostreae Nocardia tenerifensis
Nocardia anaemiae Nocardia alba Nocardia terpenica
Nocardia acidivorans Nocardia niwae Nocardia vulneris
Nocardia arizonensis Nocardia otitidiscaviarum Nocardia vinacea
Nocardia brasiliensis Nocardia pseudovaccinii Nocardia xishanensis
Nocardia amikacinitolerans Nocardia pseudobrasiliensis Nocardia yamanashiensis
Nocardia brevicatena Nocardia puris
Nocardia araoensis Nocardia mexicana
Rhodococcus opacus B4/ M213 Rhodococcus rhodnii Rhodococcus kyotonensis
Rhodococcus imtechensis RKJ300 Rhodococcus fascians Rhodococcus marinonascens
Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 Rhodococcus rhodochrous Rhodococcus maanshanensis
Rhodococcus erythropolis Rhodococcus qingshengii Rhodococcus tukisamuensis
Rhodococcus enclensis Rhodococcus yunnanensis
Rhodococcus wratislaviensis Rhodococcus koreensis
Streptosporangium roseum DSM Nonomuraea coxensis Microbispora rosea
Streptosporangium amethystogenes Nonomuraea candida Herbidospora yilanensis
Streptosporangium canum Nonomuraea solani Microtetraspora glauca
Streptosporangium amethystogenes Nonomuraea coxensis Planobispora rosea
Streptosporangium sp. Nonomuraea wenchangensis Planomonospora sphaerica
Herbidospora cretacea Nonomuraea jiangxiensis Sinosporangium album
Herbidospora daliensis Nonomuraea maritima
Herbidospora sakaeratensis Herbidospora mongoliensis
Other Actinobacteria
Actinobacteria-Corynebacteriales Actinobacteria-Streptosporangiales
Skermania piniformis Actinomadura flavalba
Mycobacterium abscessus. Actinomadura hibisca
Corynebacterium sp. OG2 Actinomadura formosensis
Actinobacteria-Micrococcales Streptosporangium subroseum
Brachybacterium. faecium Actinobacteria-Jiangellales
Actinobacteria-Propionobacteriales Jiangella gansuensis
Kribbella catacumbae Jiangella alkaliphila
Kribbella sp. ALI-6-A Jiangella muralis
Actinobacteria-Frankiales Jiangella alba
Cryptosporangium arvum Unclassified Actinobacteria
Sporichthya polymorpha Actinobacteria bacterium OV450
Nakamurella multipartita DSM
Aphanocapsa montana Aliterella atlantica CENA595 Microcoleus sp
Scytonema hofmanni Neosynechococcus sphagnicola Microcoleus vaginatus FGP-2
Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Nostoc sp Crinalium epipsamum PCC9333
Dolichospermum circinale Anabaena sp Planktothrix sp.
Calothrix sp PCC 7103 Chlorogloeopsis fritschii Planktothrix paucivesiculata PCC9631
Microchaete sp PCC Mastigocoleus testarum Synechococcus sp

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Marivirga sericea B Spirosoma montaniterrae Spirosoma linguale
Phaeodactylibacter xiamenensis Spirosoma radiotolerans Spirosoma rigui
Algoriphagus sp. M8-2 Spirosoma fluviale Spirosoma sp.
Bacteroidetes bacterium MED-G21
Deinococcus maricopensis Deinococcus aquatilis Deinococcus radiodurans
Deinococcus geothermalis Deinococcus gobiensis Deinococcus murrayi
Deinococcus peraridilitoris Deinococcus deserti VCD115 Deinococcus pimensis
Deinococcus pimensis Deinococcus proteolyticus MRP Deinococcus grandis
Deinococcus sp. Deinococcus misasensis Deinococcus reticulitermitis
Deinococcus actinosclerus Deinococcus wulumuqiensis
Proteobacteria (alpha)-Rhodobacterales Proteobacteria (gamma)-Enterobacterales
Silicibacter sp. TrichCH4B Klebsiella pneumoniae
Jannaschia seosinensis Proteobacteria (beta) -Burkholderiales Hydrogenophaga sp. A37
Henriciella sp. Proteobacteria (alpha)-Sphingomonadales
Pseudooceanicola sp. Erythrobacter sp.
Pseudooceanicola marinus Sphingomonas elodea
Pseudooceanicola antarticus Sphingomonas pituitosa
Proteobacteria (alpha)-Rhodospirillales Sphingomonas sp. Leaf
Rhodospirillaceae bacterium TMED140 Novosphingobium subterraneum :
Caenispirillum bisanense Alphaproteobacteria bacterium TMED87 PA4
Proteobacteria (alpha)-Sneathiellales Proteobacteria (delta)-Myxococcales
Sneathiella sp. Sorangium cellulosum
Verrucomicrobia bacterium SCGC AAA168-F10 Opitutae bacterium TMED149
Verrucomicrobia subdivision 6 bacterium BACL9 Roseibacillus sp
Verrucomicrobia bacterium SCGC AAA168F10 Rubritalea squalenifaciens DSM 18772
Verrucomicrobiaceae bacterium TMED137
Verrucomicrobiaceae bacterium TMED76
Verrucomicrobiaceae bacterium TMED86
Other Eubacteria
Chloroflexi Balneolaeota
Ktedonobacter racemifer Balneola vulgaris
Coraliomargarita sp. TMED73 Balneolaceae bacterium TMED105
Natronobacterium gregoryi SP2 Halobiforma nitratireducens JCM 10879
Natronobacterium texcoconense Halostagnicola kamekurae
Natrialbaceae archaeon Halostagnicola sp.
Natronomonas pharaonis Halovenus aranensis
Halorientalis sp. IM1011 Halalkalicoccus paucihalophilus
Census has been achieved using the online NCBI Blastp suite ©. Two distinct Query sequences have been used (bsNOS from Bacillus subtilis subsp.
spizizenii TU-B-10, and iNOSoxy ref) using BLOSUM 62 as matrix and low Gap Costs (Existence 6, Extension 2). Validity of retrieved sequences was
verified via the presence of the NOS-specific heme binding WRNxxxC motif. The list was updated on the 23rd of November 2017. Used nomenclature
is derived from the NCBI version of Lifemap ©

Table 2. List of NOS-like proteins in non-metazoan Eukaryotes


Klebsormidium nitens Bathycoccus prasinos Helicodictyon planctonicum

Klebsormidium flaccidum Gonium pectorale Leptosira obovata
Chaetosphaeridium globosum Bolbocoleon piliferum Pandorina morum
Cosmarium subtumidum Volvox aureus Nephroselmis pyriformis
Planophila terrestris Pleurastrum insigne Pteromonas sp
Chlamydomonas cribrum Golenkinia longispicula Ostreococcus tauri
Phacotus lenticularis Scherffelia dubia Ostreococcus lucimarinus


Thalassiosira oceanica


Thraustotheca clavata

142 © 1996-2019
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Aspergillus arachidicola Colletotrichum chlorophyti Glomerella graminicola M1.001

Aspergillus bombycis Colletotrichum fioriniae PJ7 Lepidopterella palustris CBS 45
Aspergillus carbonarius ITEM Colletotrichum graminicola M1.001 Macrophomina phaseolina
Aspergillus kawachii Colletotrichum higginsianum Neofusicoccum parvum UCRNP2
Aspergillus luchuensis Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Oidiodendron maius Zn
Aspergillus nomius Colletotrichum incanum] Ophiocordyceps sinensis CO18
Aspergillus oryzae Colletotrichum orbiculare MAFF 240422 Ophiocordyceps unilateralis
Aspergillus niger Colletotrichum orchidophilum Phialocephala scopiformis
Aspergillus flavus Colletotrichum salicis Phialocephala subalpina
Aspergillus parasiticus SU-1 Colletotrichum simmondsii Pseudomassariella vexata
Aspergillus welwitschiae Colletotrichum sublineola Umbilicaria pustulata
Dothistroma septosporum Colletotrichum tofieldiae Verruconis gallopava
Elaphomyces granulatus Coniosporium apollinis CBS 100218 Zymoseptoria tritici IPO323
Endocarpon pusillum Z07020 Coniochaeta ligniaria NRRL 30616 Zymoseptoria brevis


Rhizoctonia solani


Gonapodya prolifera JEL478

Opisthokonta-Opisthokonta incertae sedis-Ichthyosporea-Ichthyophonida

Sphaeroforma arctica JP610


Physarum polycephalum


Naegleria gruberi strain NEG-M


Chrysochromulina sp. CCMP291

The same protocol as in Table 1 was used. Additional species in viridiplantae come from Jeandroz et al. (94).

Table 3. List of NOS-like proteins in Metazoa


Trichoplax adhaerens


Amphimedon queenslandica


Nematostella vectensis Discosoma striata Stylophora pistillata

Acropora digitifera Orbicella faveolata Exaiptasia pallida


Hydra magnipapillata Hydra vulgaris


Lingula anatina


Bugula neritina


Capitella teleta


Crassostrea gigas Azumapecten farreri Mytilus galloprovincialis

Crassostrea virginica Mizuhopecten yessoensis


Sepia officinalis Octopus bimaculoides

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Aplysia californica Lottia gigantea Planorbella trivolvis

Ambigolimax valentianus Lymnaea stagnalis Stramonita canicula 
Biomphalaria glabrata Limulus polyphemus Stramonita haemastoma
Haliotis asinina


Hypsibius dujardini Ramazzottius varieornatus


Ixodes scapularis Parasteatoda tepidariorum Sarcoptes scabiei

Stegodyphus mimosarum Tetranychus urticae Euroglyphus maynei


Tigriopus japonicus


Daphnia pulex Daphnia magna


Hyalella azteca


Panulirus argus Marsupenaeus japonicus Litopenaeus vannamei

Carcinus maenas Fenneropenaeus chinensis Scylla paramamosain
Gecarcinus lateralis Penaeus monodon Portunus trituberculatus


Orchesella cincta Folsomia candida


Anopheles darlingi Drosophila mojavensis Drosophila biarmipes

Anopheles dirus Drosophila grimshawi Drosophila takahashii
Anopheles gambiae Drosophila simulans Drosophila elegans
Anopheles stephensi Drosophila willistoni Drosophila serrata
Anopheles sinensis Drosophila ananassae Drosophila suzukii
Aedes aegypti Drosophila melanogaster Drosophila kikkawai
Aedes albopictus Drosophila persimilis Drosophila bipectinata
Bactrocera dorsalis Drosophila pseudoobscura Drosophila arizonae
Bactrocera cucurbitae Drosophila eugracilis Drosophila rhopaloa
Bactrocera latifrons Drosophila ficusphila Drosophila busckii
Bactrocera oleae Drosophila miranda Lucilia cuprina
Ceratitis capitata Drosophila virilis Musca domestica
Clunio marinus Drosophila obscura Rhagoletis zephyria
Drosophila yakuba Drosophila sechellia Stomoxys calcitrans
Drosophila erecta Zeugodacus cucurbitae


Acyrthosiphon pisum Bemisia tabaci Rhodnius prolixus

Cimex lectularius Halyomorpha halys Nilaparvata lugens
Diuraphis noxia Diaphorina citri Myzus persicae


Aethina tumida Luciola cruciate Nicrophorus vespilloides

Dendroctonus ponderosae Luciola lateralis Tribolium castaneum
Aquatica lateralis Agrilus planipennis Lucidina biplagiata
Oryctes borbonicus Anoplophora glabripennis


Amyelois transitella Manduca sexta Papilio Xuthus

Danaus plexippus Bombyx mori Papilio polytes
Mythimna separate Helicoverpa armigera Papilio machaon
Plutella xylostella Operophtera brumata Papilio polytes
Pieris rapae Spodoptera exigua

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Acromyrmex echinatior Copidosoma floridanum Nasonia vitripennis

Apis cerana (cerana) Cyphomyrmex costatus Neodiprion lecontei
Apis mellifera Eufriesea Mexicana Orussus abietinus
Apis florea Fopius arisanus Polistes dominula
Apis dorsata Diachasma alloeum Polistes canadensis
Athalia rosae Dinoponera quadriceps Philanthus triangulum
Atta colombica Dufourea novaeangliae Solenopsis invicta
Atta cephalotes Harpegnathos saltator Pogonomyrmex barbatus
Bombus terrestris Habropoda laboriosa Pseudomyrmex gracilis
Bombus impatiens Lasius niger Trachymyrmex cornetzi
Camponotus floridanus Linepithema humile Trachymyrmex septentrionalis
Cephus cinctus Megachile rotundata Trichogramma pretiosum
Cerapachys biroi Melipona quadrifasciata Vollenhovia emeryi
Ceratina calcarata Microplitis demolitor Wasmannia auropunctata
Ceratosolen solmsi marchali Monomorium pharaonis


Gryllus bimaculatus Acheta domesticus


Pediculus humanus corporis

Ecdysozoa-Arthropoda- Hexapoda-Insecta-Blattodea

Zootermopsis nevadensis


Acanthaster planci Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Apostichopus japonicus


Branchiostoma floridae Branchiostoma belcheri


Ciona intestinalis


Callorhinchus milii Scyliorhinus canicula Rhincodon typus


Astyanax mexicanus Ictalurus punctatus Pundamilia nyererei

Acanthochromis polyacanthus Kryptolebias marmoratus Poecilia formosa
Austrofundulus limnaeus Labrus bergylta Poecilia latipinna
Boleophthalmus pectinirostris Larimichthys crocea Poecilia mexicana
Clarias sp. SM-2014 Lates calcarifer Poecilia reticulata
Clarias batrachus Megalobrama amblycephala Pygocentrus nattereri
Carassius auratus Maylandia zebra Salmo salar
Carassius carassius Micropogonias undulatus Sciaenops ocellatus
Clupea harengus Monopterus albus Seriola dumerili
Ctenopharyngodon idella Neolamprologus brichardi Scophthalmus maximus
Cyprinodon variegatus Nothobranchius furzeri Stegastes partitus
Cyprinus carpio Notothenia coriiceps Sinocyclocheilus rhinocerous
Cynoglossus semilaevis Oreochromis niloticus Sinocyclocheilus grahami
Danio rerio Oncorhynchus mykiss Sinocyclocheilus anshuiensis
Esox lucius Oncorhynchus kisutch Tetraodon nigroviridis
Fundulus heteroclitus Oryzias latipes Takifugu poecilonotus
Hippocampus kuda Paralichthys olivaceus Takifugu rubripes
Hippocampus comes Platichthys flesus Xiphophorus maculatus
Haplochromis burtoni


Lepisosteus oculatus


Scleropages formosus

Latimeria chalumnae

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Acanthisitta chloris Columba livia Corvus brachyrhynchos Mesitornis unicolor

Amazona aestiva] Corvus cornix cornix Nestor notabilis
Anas platyrhynchos Colius striatus Nipponia nippon
Anser sp. Coturnix japonica Numida meleagris
Anser anser Cuculus canorus Opisthocomus hoazin
Anser cygnoides domesticus Egretta garzetta Parus major
Antrostomus carolinensis Eurypyga helias, Patagioenas fasciata monilis
Apaloderma vittatum Falco peregrinus Pelecanus crispus
Aptenodytes forsteri Falco cherrug Phaethon lepturus
Apteryx australis mantelli Ficedula albicollis Phalacrocorax carbo
Aquila chrysaetos canadensis Fulmarus glacialis Phoenicopterus ruber ruber
Balearica regulorum gibbericeps Gallus gallus Picoides pubescens
Buceros rhinoceros silvestris Gavia stellata Podiceps cristatus
Calidris pugnax Geospiza fortis Pseudopodoces humilis
Callipepla squamata Haliaeetus leucocephalus Pterocles gutturalis
Calypte anna [Haliaeetus albicilla Pygoscelis adeliae
Caprimulgus carolinensis Leptosomus discolor Serinus canaria
Cariama cristata Lepidothrix coronate Sturnus vulgaris
Cathartes aura Lonchura striata domestica Struthio camelus australis
Chaetura pelagica Manacus vitellinus Taeniopygia guttata
Charadrius vociferus Meleagris gallopavo Tauraco erythrolophus
Chlamydotis macqueenii Melopsittacus undulatus Tinamus guttatus
Colinus virginianus Merops nubicus Tyto alba
Colius striatus Zonotrichia albicollis


Alligator mississippiensis Crocodylus porosus

Alligator sinensis Gavialis gangeticus


Anolis carolinensis Ophiophagus hannah Pogona vitticeps

Aspidoscelis uniparens Protobothrops mucrosquamatus Phrynocephalus przewalskii
Python bivittatus Gekko japonicus Phrynocephalus erythrurus Thamnophis
Phrynocephalus erythrurus sirtalis


Chrysemys picta bellii Pelodiscus sinensis Chelonia mydas


Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis Rhinella marina

Xenopus laevis Nanorana parkeri


Monodelphis domestica Phascolarctos cinereus Sarcophilus harrisii


Ornithorhynchus anatinus


Dasypus novemcinctus


Castor canadensis Ictidomys tridecemlineatus Mus caroli

Cavia porcellus Jaculus jaculus Nannospalax galili
Chinchilla lanigera Marmota marmota marmota Octodon degus
Cricetulus griseus Mesocricetus auratus Neotoma lepida
Dipodomys ordii Meriones unguiculatus Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii
Eospalax fontanierii baileyi Microtus ochrogaster Rattus rattus
Fukomys damarensis Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus
Heterocephalus glaber Mus pahari


Ochotona princeps Ochotona curzoniae

Oryctolagus cuniculus Ochotona collaris


Bison bison bison Bos mutus Odocoileus virginianus texanus

Bos taurus Bubalus bubalis Ovis aries
Bos bovis Cervus elaphus hippelaphus Ovis aries musimon
Bos grunniens mutus Ophiophagus hannah] Pantholops hodgsonii
Bos indicus Capra hircus

146 © 1996-2019
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Condylura cristata Sorex araneus Erinaceus europaeus


Acinonyx jubatus Felis catus Ursus maritimus

Ailuropoda melanoleuca Mustela putorius furo Acinonyx jubatus
Canis lupus familiaris Panthera tigris altaica Leptonychotes weddellii Enhydra lutris
Panthera pardus Odobenus rosmarus divergens kenyoni
Neomonachus schauinslandi


Physeter catodon Balaenoptera acutorostrata scammoni Sus scrofa

Delphinapterus leucas Camelus ferus Lipotes vexillifer
Camelus dromedaries Camelus bactrianus Orcinus orca
Vicugna pacos Tursiops truncatus


Equus caballus Ceratotherium simum simum

Equus przewalskii Cheval Equus asinus


Pteropus alecto Rousettus aegyptiacus Eptesicus fuscus

Hipposideros armiger Pteropus vampyrus Myotis lucifugus Rhinolophus sinicus
Miniopterus natalensis Myotis davidii


Galeopterus variegatus Chrysochloris asiatica


Loxodonta Africana Elephantulus edwardii Tupaia chinensis

Echinops telfairi Orycteropus afer afer Manis javanica


Aotus nancymaae Homo sapiens Pan troglodytes

Callithrix jacchus Macaca mulatta Pongo abelii
Carlito syrichta Macaca fascicularis Pan paniscus
Cebus capucinus imitator Macaca nemestrina] Papio Anubis
Cercocebus atys Mandrillus leucophaeus Propithecus coquereli
Chlorocebus sabaeus Microcebus murinus Rhinopithecus roxellana
Colobus angolensis palliatus Nomascus leucogenys Rhinopithecus bieti
Gorilla gorilla gorilla Otolemur garnettii Saimiri boliviensis

Same protocol as in Table 1. Species might include various isoforms.

and none in Choenaflagellata. Fungal NOSs were 95). Though, NOSs are not ubiquitous in green algae
only found in the Ascomycota phylum (38 species) since only 23 NOSs were identified among the several
with the intriguing presence of NOS sequence in dozens of algal genomes that have been sequenced
one Basidiomycota and one Chytridiomycota fungi, so far. For example, NOS seems omnipresent in
and no related sequences in Glomeromycota nor in the Bathycoccaceae family but is absent from the
Zygomycota. NOS sequences were clustered in only 4 Mamiellaceae family that yet belongs to the same
classes and 13 different orders of fungi (among dozens) Mamiellales order. Likewise, many NOSs sequences
belonging to the same Pezizomycotina subphylum. have been found in the Chlamydomonadales order
However, the absence of NOSs in Saccharomycotina although NOS is clearly absent from the model alga
yeasts and in most of the sequenced species of these Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Figure 4B). Once again,
classes (Penicillium, Microsporum, Blastomyces and the distribution of NOSs found in algae and fungi
etc.) highlight the same patchy distribution of NOS in remains apparently inexplicable.
the fungal tree of life (Figure 4A). The pattern in the
Green lineage is more puzzling: whereas land plants 3.5. Metazoan
ubiquitously uses NO° for a wide range of purposes
as different as immunity, stress response, growth or A few articles have reviewed in the past years
mycorrhizal symbiosis regulation ((96-100), no NOS the presence of NOSs in metazoan and in particular in
sequence is to be found in land plants, which suggest invertebrate and marine organisms (101-103). However,
that they might have lost their NO-Synthase in the the number of sequenced genomes has exponentially
course of evolution. NOS-related proteins today can increased since then, giving rise to a wealth of new
only be found in a discrete number of green algae data that we will summarize and analyze here (Table
from both Chlorophytes and Streptophytes phyla (94, 3). NOSs are found in Porifera and in all radiates phyla

147 © 1996-2019
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Figure 4. Schematic patterns of NOS distribution in three representative clades. Species phylogeny was drawn from NCBI and (165). Green stars that
NOS-like proteins have been found in (almost) all species of the branch. Red sign means that no homologous sequences were found in the branch. A.
Fungi. B. Algae. C. Basal metazoans.

such as Cnidaria and Placozoa. In Cnidaria, NOSs are major conclusions: i) this new, large and diverse family
mostly found in Anthozoan. NOSs are absent from the of proteins calls for a thorough characterization; ii) the
sequenced genomes of Myxozoan. NOSs have not considerable number of NOS proteins throughout the
yet been identified in jellyfishes or seawasps, but they tree of life makes impossible the systematic structural
are not completely absent from the Medusozoa family and functional characterization of each of these
as NOSs have been found in Hydra vulgaris (104). NOSs; iii) mammalian NOSs do not represent the
Besides, NOSs are not ubiquitous in Anthozoan and most important class of species that harbor a NOS in
seem absent from Octocorallia species. Once again, their genome and as such mNOS can no longer be
the distribution of NOS in the Cnidaria Phylum does considered as the archetypal NOS. It is tempting to
not seem homogeneous (Figure 4C). This patchy achieve a phylogenetic analysis of this large population
distribution is still observed in Bilateria and in particular of proteins in order to see if some rational evolutive story
in Protostomes. NOSs are absent from major worm’s can emerge from their patchy distribution, as it has been
phyla (Platyhelminthes, Acanthocephala, Rotifera, done many times in the past (102). We achieved such
Nemertea, Nematodes, Gastrotriches…), with only an analysis by using a careful sampling of NOSs that
one NOS in the genome of one annelid worm (Capitella would be representative of the heterogeneity of NOS
teleta). In Ecdysozoan, NOSs are found in arthropods distribution: we selected the sequence of 93 different
and tardigrades. In Lophotrochozoan, NOSs are NOSs from various prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The
primarily found in mollusks in, with singlet presence in multiple-alignment of these sequences was used to
Bryozoa and Brachyopods (Figure 4B). NOS presence generate a phylogenetic tree (Figure 5, see legend).
becomes ubiquitous only at the level of Chordata: the The major analyses of this tree are reported in Figure
genome of all Chordata species seems to harbor a 6. It seems that this tree can be decomposed in
NOS-related sequence so far. distinct parts that each display different patterns. In
vertebrates, NOSs phylogeny seems to unfold along
4. A NEW AND HETEROGENEOUS FAMILY the type of the isoforms (eNOS, nNOS, iNOS). This is
OF PROTEINES not the case for the other metazoans and in particular
for invertebrate’s NOSs that seem to follow a species-
4.1. The impasse of standard phylogenetic based phylogeny. In Eukaryotes (Plants, Fungi,
analysis Stramenopiles…), the phylogeny seems more related
to ecological/physiological factors: the NOS from the
This long “topological” list of NOSs (that photosynthetic Stramenopiles is on the same branch as
remains to be frequently updated) conveys three algae’s NOSs, whereas the NOS from the oomycetes

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Revisiting the structure, function and evolution of NOS family

Figure 5. Tentative phylogenetic tree of NOS protein family. Phylogenetic tree of a selection of 93 NOSs representative of NOS phyletic diversity,
including NOSs from Cyanobacteria (Scytonema hofmanni, Crinalium epipsammum, Anabaenopsis circularis, Neosynechococcus sphagnicola, Nostoc
linckia, Nostoc sp. PCC 7107, Mastigocoleus testarum, Calothrix sp. NIES-2100), Firmicutes (Anaerobacillus arseniciselenatis, Bacillus subtilis,
streptococcus pneumoniae), Actinobacteria (Streptomyces acidiscabies, Sporichthya polymorpha), Proteobacteria (Silicibacter sp. TrichCH4B,
Sorangium cellulosum, Rhodospirillaceae bacterium, Klebsiella pneumoniae), Bacteroidetes (Spirosoma fluviale, Phaeodactylibacter xiamenensi),
Archae (Halobiforma nitratireducens, Natronomonas pharaonis DSM 2160) and other Prokaryotes (Deinococcus radiodurans, Ktedonobacter
racemifer, Balneola vulgaris, Rubritalea squalenifaciens). Sequences include NOSs from various Eukaryotes such as Chlorophytes (Ostreococcus
tauri), Haptophytes (Chrysochromulina sp.), Stramenopiles (Thalassiosira oceanica, Thraustotheca clavata), Amoeba (Physarum polycephalum),
Heterobolosea (Naegleria gruberi), Fungi (Ophiocordyceps sinensis CO18, Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IB, Verruconis gallopava, Colletotrichum orbiculare
MAFF 240422, Aspergillus flavus NRRL3357), Ichtyosporea (Sphaeroforma arctica). We used also NOSs from various animals such as Porifera
(Amphimedon queenslandica), Placozoa (Trichoplax B), Cnidaria (Stylophora pistillata, Nematostella vectensis, Hydra vulgaris), Bryozoa (Bugula
neritina), Brachyopoda (Lingula anatina), Annelid (Capitella teleta), Mollusc (Limulus Polyphemus, Sepia officinalis, Crassostrea gigas), Panarthropod
(Hypsibius dujardini), Arachnid (Ixodes scapularis), Collembolla (Folsomia candida), Crustacea (Marsupenaeus japonicas, Hyalella Azteca,
Daphnia pulex), Insect (Drosophila obscura, Pediculus humanus corporis, Zootermopsis nevadensis), Echinoderm (Acanthaster planci), Tunicate
(Ciona intestinalis), Cephalochordate (Branchiostoma floridae) and from various vertebrates such as Fish (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Callorhinchus
milii, Lepisosteus oculatus, Scleropages formosus, Latimeria chalumnae), Bird (Nestor notabilis), Crocodile (Alligator sinensis), Turtle (Chrysemys
picta bellii), Reptile (Python bivittatus), Amphibian (Xenopus laevis) and various Mammals (Dasypus novemcinctus, Monodelphis domestica,
Ornithorhynchus anatinus, Phascolarctos cinereus, Sarcophilus harrisii) including the three canonical NOSs from Mus musculus (iNOS), Bos taurus
(eNOS) and Rattus norvegicus (nNOS). The types of chosen isoforms (when several did exist) was made randomly to increase the heterogeneity of the
sampling. In several cases, multiple isoforms were used for a single species. Labels include the species names and the sequence length in order to ease
the identification of the NOS type. Phylogenetic branches were colored based on the type of NOSs (eNOS, nNOS and iNOS, but also Oxy-NOS, Glob-
NOS, EF-NOS and FeS-NOS) or on the nature of the clade (arthropods, fungi…). Sequence alignment of the full-length proteins has been achieved using
Jalview 2.7. © as multiple alignment editor (166) and PROBCONS © with two rounds of pre-training, 300 passes of iterative refinement and 3 passes of
consistency transformation (see supplementary file. Phylogenetic tree was generated using Seaview 4.5. © graphical interface using PhyML algorithm
(with Blosum62 model and 100 replicates bootstrapping).

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Figure 6. This phylogenetic tree does not aim at classifying the huge diversity of NOSs (that encompass several hundreds of proteins) but at illustrating
the difficulty in achieving this kind of analysis with a family of proteins that exhibit a strong diversity of molecular structures, catalytic functions in various
ecological and physiological conditions. In this NOS phylogenetic tree, NOSs are whether distributed along their specific structure or along the species
phylogeny. In vertebrates, NOSs are split in three branches that correspond to the three mammalian isoforms (eNOS, nNOS and iNOS). Surprisingly, this
distribution does not hold for the other chordates such as cephalochordates or echinoderms. Even if the invertebrates and the basal metazoan exhibit
various isoforms they do not partition between nNOS-like or iNOS-like but follow their species phylogeny. This suggests a completely distinct evolution of
NOS family outside the vertebrates’ lineage. Sometimes, NOSs gather along morphological/physiological similarities. This is the case for the NOS from
the oomycetes Thraustotheca clavata that cluster with the Fungi NOSs. Likewise, NOSs in the “Algae” branch belong to photosynthetic organisms from
completely distinct phyla: plants (Ostreococcus tauri), haptophytes (Chrysochromulina sp.) and stramenopiles (Thalassiosira oceanica). In prokaryotes,
NOSs first gather along their type of structures: Oxy, Glob-NOS, EF-NOS, Fe/S-NOS (see Figure 3), independently on the phylogenetic distribution of the
species. For example, the “Glob-NOS” branch includes NOSs from various classes of Cyanobacteria and Bacteroidetes, whereas the (EF-NOS-Fe/S-
NOS) branch correspond to Cyanobacteria and Proteobacteria. Apart for protists, this phylogenetic tree grossly overlaps with a species-based Tree of Life.

Thraustotheca clavata (a Stramenopiles species in the NO° field and that imposes a unique mamma-
too) is located within the branch of Fungi NOSs. The lian-centred vision of NOSs. Grossly, all new NOSs
same multiple rationales account for NOS phylogeny are believed to behave like one of the three mam­
in prokaryotes that balances between a structure- malian isoforms (see Figure 3). As seen through this
based phylogeny (Glob-NOSs branch includes NOSs phylogenetic tree, this vision only holds for vertebrates
from Cyanobacteria and Bacteroidetes, whereas NOSs and has no heuristic value outside this phylum.
cyanobacterial EF-NOSs cluster with Fe/S-NOSs from In fact, because of its very nature, an oxygenase
Proteobacteria; see below for structural explanations), that uses a very sophisticated and sensitive redox
and species-based phylogeny (in the case of Archae or mechanism to produce a radical, gaseous, and thus
Actinobacteria for instance). Besides, the distribution extremely reactive molecule (NO°) with a large array
of NOS is not homogeneous within most of these of biological reactivity, NOS appears as a versatile
clades, with a discrete presence in some phyla, and enzyme: no fixed biochemical activity can be assigned
major absences in other ones (see above). A rationale to it, NOS biochemical activity can give rise to
that would try to address the evolution of the NOS various biological effects, depending on the cellular
family as a whole would have to imply many additional or biological environment, these effects can lead to
scenarii and many singular events (HGT, loss, gain…) distinct and often opposed biological outcomes. This
to account for such a heterogeneous distribution and versatility has major implication on the way we should
complex phylogeny. investigate NOS structure, function and evolution.

We believe that NOS phylogeny and 4.2.1. NOS function

distribution cannot be explained by considering
all these NOSs as the same protein, and that this There is some confusion in the way we
phylogeny is unable reflect the evolutive history of this address NOS function. It often encompasses three
family. We think that the only way to draw some sense distinct phenomena: NOS chemical activity, the
out of this picture is to consider several different groups biochemical effects of its catalytic production and their
of NOSs, corresponding to strictly different (structural ensuing biological function. NOS function has mostly
and functional) types of proteins, and following distinct been understood as “NO°” function, whereas there
evolutive tracks. is no univocal relationship between NOS and NO°.
Indeed, NOSs have the ability to achieve different
4.2. A singular versatile enzyme chemistries, to produce various reactive species that
in turn exert distinct biological effects, which may be
The main difficulty when addressing NOS employed for various purposes. The “problem” of plant
evolution is linked to the “mammal bias” that prevails NO-Synthases illustrates this confusion very well (105,

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106). As NO° is a ubiquitous and important physiological anoxic organisms/tissues, or even if some of its
mediator in plants, the presence of a plant NOS was biological activity could still be related to specific
beyond any doubt. This led to the publication of two anoxic conditions. NOS catalytic activity is not fixed
articles in Cell and Science, confirming the common as it varies with the physico-chemical conditions of its
idea that plants were meant to have a NOSs. These milieu, that itself varies with the geochemical history
articles were soon retracted, and the sequencing of and with the ecological niche of the organism.
numerous land plants genomes confirmed the absence
of a “genuine” mammalian-like NO-synthase (94). On 4.2.3. Overlaps of NOS activity
the opposite many algae and photosynthetic organisms
(stramenopiles, haptophytes, bacteria) harbor a NOS. As NOS environment has experienced
So why land plants would have lost NOS as they still many physico-chemical changes in the last three
need and use NO°, what could be the function of plant billions of year, many different chemistries, effects
NOSs if not related to land plant NO° physiology? and functions have probably emerged in the course
This question seems paradoxical if one considers evolution. This is illustrated by the various catalytic
a univocal relationship between NOS and NO°. But activities of mammalian and bacterial NOSs: Arg
there is no paradox if one considers that NO° can be oxidation (signaling), NO° dioxygenase (110), RN0S
produced by many alternative sources and that NOS isomerisation (detoxification (66)), heavy production
might have other activities than producing NO°. One of RNOS ((67, 111-113)), nitrite reduction (hypoxic
must therefore clearly distinguish between NOS and signaling, (64, 65, 114)) and etc. The balance is
NO°; understanding NOS function requires to analyze determined both by the milieu and many sophisticated
the nature of NOS catalytic production, the biochemical molecular regulations and each NOS might be apt
effects of this RNOS, and their biological impact. to achieve different activities simultaneously (Figure
7). It is therefore extremely difficult to determine “ex
4.2.2. Instability of NOS activity and function nihilo” which function each of these NOSs is actually
exerting. Besides, the evolution of conditions with time
This phylogenetic tree is supposed to also holds at the organismal level and the same “NOS”
account for the evolution of the structure of a (even as an individual protein) might experience
designated entity (NOS) in relation with its function in different catalytic activity. As a consequence of its long
a particular environment. It relies on a certain stability history, each NOS is able to exert distinct biochemical
of the “activity” that enacts the selection and evolution activities that could superimpose and lead to distinct
process. However, NOS enzymatic activity is not stable biological effects.
in time: NOS today, i.e. mammalian NOSs as we know
them, are oxydo-reductase that uses a gas (oxygen) 4.2.4. Multiplicity of NOS
to produce another gas (nitric oxide), both major redox
reagents. As NOSs probably emerge long before the This analysis becomes even more complex
Great Oxidation Event (GOE), in an anoxic and highly when this evolution concerns not only one single
reductive environment, it is natural to think that its NOSs but several different types of NOS per
initial biochemistry was unrelated to the oxidation of organism. Indeed, in mammals, three different NOSs
Arginine and that its activity was not NO° production have been found, with different structures and various
(107). This is reminiscent of the “exaptation” concept – if not opposite – functions (115, 116). This standard
proposed almost forty years ago by S.J. Gould and picture is found throughout the vertebrate clade but
R. Lewontin (108) and defined by Gould and Vrba does not hold beyond it. As we highlighted it, only one
as “ such characters evolved for other usages – or NOS-related sequence is to be found in the genome
for no function at all – later coopted for their current of most organisms such as insects, bacteria, fungi,
role” (109). Thus, the original NOS structure might plants… However, many different patterns (of NOS
have served another (or no) purpose than the current distribution) are found throughout the tree of life.
ones described in mammals. As a consequence, as For example, mollusks harbor at least two types of
NOS environment has deeply evolved in the last three NOSs with different structures (NOSX1 and NOSX2
billion years, NOS chemistry has probably changed for example with 1387 and 1163 residues for Aplysia
several times. Likewise, as NOS chemistry is strongly californica). Whereas cnidaria species seem to
related to its physico-chemical environment (O2 host only one NOS, Acropora digitifera harbor three
concentration, redox status, Nitrogen cycle…), NOS highly different NOSs (Table 3, Figure 8A). This is
activity is also a function of its biological milieu. As the same for the placozoan Trichoplax adherens that
NOS physico-chemical environment strongly varies displays three similar NOSs. This heterogeneous
between, for instance, a halophilic Archae (such as picture is not limited to metazoans but extends to
Halobiforma nitratireducens), an anaerobe Bacilli plants and bacteria. For example, two different NOSs
(such as Anoxybacillus pushchinensis), an insect NOS (one full-length and one truncated form) are found
or a macrophage NOS, it is likely that their catalytic in the genome of Ostreococcus tauri (Figure 8B).
activity will vary likewise (58, 61). In this regard, one Two extremely different NOSs are also found in the
could wonder what could be the function of NOS in cyanobacterial Crinalium epipsamum (Figure 8C),

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Figure 7. Illustration of the variability of NOS catalytic activity as a function of its environment and of the nature of its biochemistry.

whereas all the other cyanobacterial genomes harbor remains variable in time and space. The numerous
only one NOS-related sequence. This co-existence of and different molecular structures, the variety of their
different number and types of NOSs in many different chemistry (due to structural but also environmental
species suggests the co-evolution of parallel regimes changes), the multiplicity of RNOS effects and thus of
of activity and functions. NOS potential function impedes any straightforward
phylogenetic analysis.
4.2.5. What does NOS stand for?
4.3. The necessity of an original approach
As we try to describe the function and
evolution of this family of proteins, we should wonder The complex relationship between the
which protein we are actually dealing with and address structure, the activity and the function of proteins within
the heterogeneity of this family that goes beyond the the NOS family calls for an adapted phylogenetic
mammalian NOSs. Indeed, NOS family consists of approach. As the genomic sequence of any NOS
many different proteins with sequence lengths between does not correspond to a standard function, one must
230 and 1950 residues that are composed of various classify and analyze more precisely this family of
modules and share only one conserved domain, the proteins. This should be based on a better knowledge
oxygenase domain (see below for structural details). of the structure that could help characterizing their
As this domain only represents 15 to 20 % of the probable biochemical activity and might provide a
functional holoenzyme, it might not be sufficient to more suitable vision of their biological function. For
delineate a standard “NO-Synthase” protein. Besides, that matter one should take into account the great
the strong homology of these catalytic domain does diversity of NOSs structure and try to relate it to specific
not imply that the chemistry is similar, and that the patterns of activity. We’d like to present how this
activity remains identical. In any case, the NOS family approach could be achieved on three representative
is not a structurally homogenous family. The disparities phyla: Cyanobacteria, Algae and basal Metazoans.
in NOSs structure indicate likely variations in their
activity and function. 5. DIVERSITY OF NOS STRUCTURES

In this context, it seems difficult to analyse the 5.1. A variable assembly of multiple modules
evolution of one “standard” NOS, when its number and
structure vary unpredictably between phyla and within The diversity of NOS proteins resides not only
phyla, when its structure is not linked to a common and in the number of NOSs that are present in any organisms
single activity, producing NO°, and when this activity but also in the types of NOSs that are identified. Until

152 © 1996-2019
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Figure 8. Examples of the evolutionary and structural diversity of NOS family for three phylogenetic groups. Phylogenetic trees have been generated
using the same procedure as in Figure 5; modules used to depict the structures of various NOSs are the same as in Figure 9. White rectangles represent
additional gaps observed in the protein sequence whereas colored rectangles correspond to large inserts. Panel A : Basal metazoan NOSs. Panel B.
Plant NOSs. Panel C. Cyanobacterial NOSs. Schemes and Figures

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Figure 9. Examples of different structural families of NOS proteins. Protein sequences of various NOSs are schematized as the arrangements of
various structural, catalytic or regulatory modules. All NOSs share a common oxygenase domain (blue). FMN domain is represented by a dark orange
Flavodoxin module (Flav.) whereas the FAD/NADPH domain is represented by a light orange FNR box. Calmodulin binding region is depicted by a light
grey rectangle (CaM), dark grey when the region is putative. Zn/S motif is associated to a light green box. Additional domains (see main text) comprise a
globin domain (light blue box) a PEF motif (EF-H, yellow) ) a Short-chain Dehydrogenases/Reductases motif (SDR, violet), a bacterioferritin-associated
ferredoxin domain ((Fe-S), pink), a kinesin domain (KIN, grey), a CAP-ED domain (CAP, violet), an ankyrin-repeat domain (Ank, green) and some
domains of unknown function (Unk, DUF…). Examples of NOSs (SsNOS, HsNOS…) are associated to each type of structure.

now, a short number of structural motifs involved in as noted by Andreakis and colleagues, “the pres-
the control of the structure and mechanism of NOSs ence of domains defining the three isoforms—PDZ
have been used to characterize the sequences of new domain, inhibitory loop, myristoylation, and palmitoy-
NOS-like proteins: the catalytic site that lies within the lation motifs — was differently observed though not
oxygenase domain; the Calmodulin-binding domain; the always ascertainable” (101). It should also be noted
auto-inhibitory elements (AIEs) that regulate electron that the classification based on genomic data is insta-
transfer and control NO° production; the N-terminal ble as some of the available genomes remain partial
extension that determine subcellular localization (24). and the provided sequences are often truncated. Be-
Based on these patterns, four types of NOSs have sides, the potential existence of multiple transcription
been used as “canonical” NOSs: i) neuronal NOS that initiation sites and of alternative splicing variants, as
is a full-length NOS with an N-terminal PDZ domain suggested for Limax, Physarum, and Drosophila for
that allows nNOS to anchor partner proteins; ii) other example (85, 86, 117, 118), calls for cautiousness
constitutive NOSs (such as eNOS) that mostly differ from when analyzing the genomic data of these NOS-
nNOS by their N-terminal extension (palmytoylation/ like proteins. Indeed, although our census of NOS
myrystoilation sites for eNOS); iii) inducible NOSs that seems to confirm the predominance of standard “full-
are deprived of N-terminal extension and lacks most of length” NOSs in metazoans (in tetrapods the three
the auto-inhibitory elements suggesting an unleashed mammalian isoforms are found ubiquitously, nNOS
NO° production; iv) bacterial NOSs that consists only and iNOS are found in fishes, and the cephalochordate
of the truncated oxygenase domain (Figure 9). These present several neuronal NOS-like proteins), a simple
categories have been commonly used to achieve a first classification based on mammalian NOSs categories,
and gross classification of NOS-like proteins. Based on does not provide a pertinent framework to apprehend
the first sequence analyses made on mollusks, insects NOS family.
and other animals, many articles have considered
that metazoan NOSs would globally correspond to 5.2. Existence of other types of NOSs
mammalian NOSs and could be classified along these
categories (102) (101, 103). As a consequence, it was New types of NOSs, different from mammalian
proposed that metazoan NOS might have a common NOSs are increasingly found. The first unconventional
ancestor, presumably a neuronal NOS (101). Though, NOS was found in a Gram- bacterium, Sorangium

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cellulosum (Sc56NOS, (89)). This Sc56NOS illustrates (NsNOS), Synechococcus sp PCC7335 (SpNOS)
three major discrepancies between the structure of and Scytonema hofmanni (ShNOS) (Figure 9). They
mammalian NOS and that of new NOS-related proteins. are also present in some Bacteroidetes species of the
Although these NOSs exhibit a strong homology of Spirosoma genus.
their oxygenase domain with that of mNOS, they are
characterized by : i) a distinct electron transfer chain: But structurally different NOSs can even
in that case the flavodoxin domain is substituted by be found in phyla more closely related to mammals.
another electron purveyor, presumably a bacterioferritin- This is the case for plant NOSs that are devoid of the
associated ferredoxin domain (Bfd – (2Fe-2S), Figure N-terminal Zn/S and BH4-binding region and do not
9); ii) the absence of major regulating domains such harbor a mNOS-like CaM-binding domain (119, 120).
as the CaM-binding domain the zinc tetrathiolate motif We also report here the presence of a singular NOS
and the N-ter BH4 (tetrahydrobiopterin) binding region; in the Stramenopiles Thraustotheca clavate with a
iii) the presence of unexpected enzymatic or regulatory split reductase domain and an additional C-ter region
units: a Short-chain Dehydrogenases/Reductases motif comprising a domain of unknown function (Figure
(SDR) and a PEF motif (Penta-EF-hand family), that 9). Truncated forms of standard NOSs are also
suggest new and additional biochemical activity; iv) a often observed, such as the ones found in the coral
modified sequence topology, with a complete inversion Acropora digitifera, or in the algae Ostreococcus tauri.
of the place of the whole electron transfer chain that Inversely, many NOSs present additional sequences
is here located on the opposite (N-Ter) side of the (Figure 8). For example, NOSs from Echinodermata
oxygenase, suggesting a completely different fold and (Acanthaster planci or Strongylocentrotus purpuratus)
remodeled electron transfer process. In this regard, it present large N-ter insertions (around 350 residues
becomes unreasonable to think that this enzyme could between the oxygenase and the PDZ domains),
behave as a genuine NO-Synthase. whereas NOSs from the algae Gonium pectorale
display a large (over 400 residues) C-ter extension
This atypical picture can now be observed that includes an ANK motif (ankyrin repeats) and a
for many other new NOSs. Indeed, the analysis of the globin domain (Figure 8B).
primary sequence of many prokaryotic NOSs reveal
the existence of a new structural family of NOSs that This rapid overview of various structural types
are all devoid of the standard reductase domain and of NOSs does not aim at producing an exhaustive list
present an Iron-Sulfur cluster as part of the electron of all potential types of NOSs to be found. We just
transfer chain. These NOSs, schematized in Fig.3 want to stress the great diversity of NOS structures
(Fe/S-NOS), seem evolutionary related (Figure 5). that is not limited to the three-canonical mammalian
Some present alternative reductase motifs but lack NOSs. All these new regulatory or catalytic motifs,
the SDR motif, such as NOSs from the proteobacteria along with their specific and different combinations, will
Rhodospirillaceae bacterium TMED140 or Silicibacter ineluctably modify the nature of the chemical activity of
sp. TrichCH4B. Some NOSs do not harbor a PEF- these NOSs.
regulatory motif or, like the NOS from Hyphomonas sp.
TMED17, have alternative domains such as a kinesin- 5.3. Types of NOSs are not uniform within
associated domain or a CAP-ED domain (for Effector a simple phylogenetic group
Domain of the CAP family of transcription factors).
Many Fe/S-NOSs are found in cyanobacteria such Phylogenetic analyses of NOS most often
as Microcoleus sp PCC7113, Microcoleus vaginatus aimed at producing one common and global evolutive
FGP-2, Crinalium epipsamum (Oscillatoriales) or story for this family of protein. This implies that these
Scytonema hofmanni UTEX B 1581 and various NOSs belong to a single type of protein, at least in
Nostoc and Calothrix species (Nostocales). These the considered clade. If the NOSs present within the
NOSs are highly homologous and are evolutionary tetrapod superclass are relatively homogeneous, this
related (Figure 5). They exhibit the same Fe/S motifs is not the case in many other phyla where the number
in the N-ter region, and the presence of an EF-Hand and nature of NOSs is constantly heterogeneous. For
motif that suggests some Ca2+ sensitivity (family EF- example, the nNOS-like NOSs are not the only NOSs
NOS, Figure 9). in the mollusks phylum: whereas bivalves exhibit only
nNOS-like proteins, cephalopods have another type
Symmetrically, another family of atypical of constitutive NOS (without PDZ domain). Besides
NOSs can be found in cyanobacteria. We and others gastropods harbor 4 different types of NOS: nNOS-
have identified another family of NOS that present the like proteins, two additional types of constitutive NOSs
same Oxygenase-Reductase combination, without devoid of PDZ domain plus one iNOS-like protein
the CaM-binding or the zinc tetrathiolate motifs but (not shown). The same pattern can be observed in
supplemented by a globin-domain and an undefined cnidarians (Figure 8A). Whereas only a small part
N-ter extension (119). These NOSs are mostly found of cnidarians harbors a NOSs in their genomes,
in cyanobacteria with distinct morphological properties many different types of NOSs can be identified, such
(subsection I, III, IV) such as Nostoc sp PCC 7107 as iNOS-like (Discosoma striata), an nNOS-like

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(Orbicella faveolata), both (Stylophora pistillata) or significant extension for AdNOS1. We also observed
various truncated forms (Acropora digitifera). In these several gaps in the sequence of AdNOSs and
conditions, it seems extremely difficult to elaborate Exaiptasia pallida NOS (EpNOS). We focused on
an evolutive story common for all NOSs when there the part of the oxygenase domain overlapping with
are so many different types of NOSs, apparently iNOS domain that we use as numbering reference.
randomly distributed. For instance, as iNOS-like Percentage of sequence identity of the oxygenase
proteins are found in basal metazoans such as domain of these NOSs with iNOSoxy range between
cnidaria and placozoa and are the sole NOSs found in 50% (AdNOS and HvNOS from Hydra vulgaris) and
other eukaryotes such as plant, amoeba and fungi, it 60% (EpNOS, TaNOSB and NvNOS and OfNOS,
seems unlikely that the common ancestor of metazoan NOSs from Nematostella vectensis and Orbicella
could be a neuronal NOS-like protein. In fact, the faveolata TAB). AdNOS1 and AdNOS2, along with
heterogeneity of NOSs types and distribution within TaNOSA and TaNOSC, seem closely related (PI
the tree of life prevents any simple and straightforward >80 %). A rapid phylogenetic analysis (Figure 8A,
explanation of NOS family evolution. see legend) confirms the homology information. It
stresses the peculiar behavior of TaNOSB (distant
The wealth of genomic data will ineluctably from the other TaNOS isoforms but closely related
increase the number of NOS types and the to iNOS) and of AdNOS3 (distant from the other
heterogeneity of their distribution. The limited AdNOSs and the other Scleractinia NOSs and close
mammalian categories already proved insufficient to NOSs from Corallimorpharia). It also highlights
to characterize and class these new NOSs in a the existence of four NOSs groups corresponding
stable and heuristic manner that could provide with to species phylogeny (Anthozoans, Hydrozoans,
a “simple” explanation for NOS evolution. There Sponges and Placozoans) with no obvious link
is a need of a better classification of NOSs, based with their structural specificities (PDZ domain,
on a more precise knowledge on the structure and truncations, N-ter extension…). We further refine
function of NOS. Until now, NOS classification has this gross analysis by looking at major residues of
been based on structural motifs related to subcellular the catalytic sites, involved in substrate binding,
localization (PDZ, myristoylation sites) and electron heme environment, BH4 binding, dimer interface and
transfer regulation (CaM domain, autoinhibitory loop) substrate channel (not shown). This comparative
but none were related to NOS catalytic activity. This analysis shows that all Arg-binding and BH4-binding
absence of concerns about the fine structure of the residues are conserved for these NOSs. Likewise,
oxygenase domain is due to the conviction that any the hydrophobic pocket that surrounds the heme
oxygenase domain is structurally identical and will is conserved. No specific feature of the oxygenase
uniformly product NO° for any new NO-Synthase domain can discriminate between the NOSs of these
(Figure 6). In this regard, the knowledge acquired 4 families. The same phylogenetic analysis was
on mNOS structure and function, and particularly on obtained for full-length proteins, suggesting that
their oxygenase domain, should be thoroughly used no specific oxygenase-related feature can account
to generate a more precise description of the various for these distinct families and the particularity of
distinct types of NOSs. It is not our goal here to describe AdNOS3 and TaNOSB. Though, whereas all NOSs
the subtle variations of the oxygenase domains of the exhibit the mNOS-like valine that allows NO release,
many hundreds of NO-Synthases. However, we will NOS from hydra vulgaris shows a substitution into an
describe this kind of analysis for three representative Isoleucine, similarly to what has been reported for
examples: NOSs from basal metazoans, plants and bacNOS (121), which suggest that HvNOS is not fit to
cyanobacteria release NO (61, 122).

5.4. Strong disparities in the structure of 5.4.2. Plants

oxygenase domains
NOSs are absent from land plants but were
5.4.1. Basal metazoans identified in the genomes of 20 different algae, from
the Streptophyta and Chlorophyta phyla, distributed in
We have identified NOS-related sequences 12 orders from 9 distinct classes (Table 2, (94, 95)).
in six cnidarians, in one porifera and in the placozoan Apart from the large N-Terminal extension of Gonium
Trichoplax adhaerens (Table 3 and Figure 8A). pectorale NOS (see above), plant NOS exhibit a
Different sequences were obtained for Trichoplax homologous global structure (Figure 8B). We report
(isoforms TaNOSA, TaNOSB and TaNOSC) and only a few number of gaps (100 residues in Volvox
Acropora digitifera (AdNOS1, AdNOS2, AdNOS3). aureus NOS sequence) but several insertions in
Although the retrieved sequences might be structurally and functionally relevant regions, such
artefactually truncated, their alignment shows that as a 120-residues insert in Pteromonas sp. (PsNOS)
they correspond to three different proteins (not and a 53-residue insert for Chlamydomonas cribrum
shown). It shows various N-ter-truncated regions (CcNOS). Focusing on the oxygenase domain, we
AdNOS2, AdNOS3 TaNOSA and TaNOSB, but a report a weak homology with murine inducible NOS

156 © 1996-2019
Revisiting the structure, function and evolution of NOS family

(percentage of sequence identity (PI) between 32% for reductase or the globin domains) can also been noted.
CcNOS and 38% for Prasinophytes NOSs) with weak A rapid phylogenetic analysis suggests three different
intra-class (around 50% PI) or intra-phyla (below 50% families: Glob-NOS, EF-NOS (and related) and Oxy-
PI) homology. Despite the global sequence homology, NOSs (Figure 8C). Identity percentage of the shared
the phylogenetic analysis of these NOSs do not overlap oxygenase domain with iNOSs range between 40
with a species phylogeny (Figure 8B). Although NOS and 48 %, which suggests that cyanobacterial NOSs
within major classes (Mammiellales, Chlamydomonales) are more closely related to mammalian NOSs than
form distinct branches, some associations remain plant NOSs. All Glob-NOSs (and EF-NOS alike) are
unexpected such as the grouping of NOSs from extremely similar, despite the fact that the species
Streptophyta, Chlorophyceae and Trebouxiophyceae belong to very different branches of the cyanobacteria
species, or of NOSs from the Chlorophyceae and tree and to distinct morphological subsections. This
Ulvophyceae species (Figure 8B). The analysis of is confirmed by the analysis of crucial catalytic site
the oxygenase domain sequence shows the absence residues (not shown). Whereas most of the Arg-binding
of the Zn/S cluster and of the N-terminal BH4 binding residues are conserved, the mammalian NOS-like
region (not shown, (95, 120)). Arg-binding residues Valine is only observed in EF-NOSs whereas all the
are well conserved except for Bolbocoleon piliferum Glob-NOS and most of the Oxy-NOSs instead exhibit
NOS (BpNOS) that shows large variations in the 340- an Isoleucine that prevents NO° release. Likewise,
350 and 360-370 region (iNOS-derived numbering). Glob-NOSs exhibit a slightly less well-conserved heme
Likewise, the hydrophobic core that surrounds heme hydrophobic pocket but a more conserved BH4-binding
binding is extremely well conserved for plant NOSs, capacity. The C-ter region of all these NOSs is clearly
except again for BpNOS. Unlike any other NOSs, this remodeled with a more open heme edge (alike what
NOS also exhibits the bacterial NOS-like Isoleucine, was observed for plant NOS). Along with the truncation
suggesting an incapacity to efficiently release NO (121, of the N-ter region, this surely affects BH4 binding.
122). Surprisingly NOS from Cosmarium subtidinum This comparative analysis of major structural motifs
(CsNOS) does not exhibit a Valine, nor a Leucine but a of the oxygenase domains of cyanobacterial NOSs is
Phenylalanine, which questions the actual functioning in line with the phylogenetic analysis, which suggests
of CsNOS. Apart from the highly conserved Arginine a diverging evolution of the three major families of
(iNOS 375) that h-bonds with BH4 moiety, only few cyanobacterial NOSs within the phyla. The distribution
residues involved in BH4 binding are conserved. This of each type of NOSs in all kinds of phylogenetic/
is again the case for BpNOS and CsNOS that are morphological groups of cyanobacteria could imply that
deprived of the essential W457 and F470 residues these three very different NOSs were already present
(W457 is engaged in p-stacking interaction with BH4 ring in the cyanobacterial common ancestor.
and controls its redox properties (123), and both W457
and F470 are engaged in H-bonds with BH4 moiety It is obviously impossible to achieve an
that controls its precise positioning at the edge of the exhaustive analysis of every structural variations that
heme (124)). NOSs from plants seem to form a distinct occur for all NOSs. However, using three different
family from mammalian NOS with no Zn/S cluster, no model clades (from cyanobacteria, plants, and
CaM domain, a weak global homology and an altered cnidaria) we highlighted the facts that oxygenase
BH4-binding capacity. However, some of these NOSs sequences were experiencing many different sorts of
exhibit singular structural feature (CcNOS and PsNOS truncations, gaps or inserts, but also many important
display major insertions, BpNOS and CsNOS show single-residue modifications that surely would affect
dramatic changes in core catalytic residues) that will substrate and cofactor binding, and in turn NO°
definitely affect their actual enzymatic functioning. synthesis and release. This kind of analysis is just an
Besides, the phylogenetic tree of plant NOS displays example that should be extended to the many other
unexpected partitioning that does not coincide with residues/motifs that are crucial in the chemistry of NO
algae phylogeny. Alternative explanations are thus synthesis.
required to address the evolution and functioning of this

5.4.3. Cyanobacteria This article aimed at showing the complexity

that lies behind NO-Synthases. We wanted to stress
We have identified 35 different NOSs in various the importance of the relationship between the
cyanobacterial species and subspecies (Table 1). Many molecular structure of any single NOS, its function, its
different types of NOSs are observed, sometimes in environment and the evolution of the whole NOS family.
the same species. If most of the NOSs correspond to
the “oxygenase” isoform (Figure 9 and 5C), several 6.1. A Name is not a function
Glob-NOS and EF-NOSs have been also identified.
Additionally, truncated forms of these EF-NOS (without Genomics has modified the way we address
the SDR domain) or of the Glob-NOS (without the the question of function and evolution of proteins. It

157 © 1996-2019
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Figure 10. Schematic representation of NOS catalytic site and of the structural parameters that control NOS mechanism. 3D structures derived from
iNOS 1NOD PDB structure.

has allowed the identification of hundreds of proteins 6.2. A Structure is not a function
that were automatically annotated “NO-Synthases”
based on the presence in their sequence of the The high structural homology of NOS
oxygenase domain. This oxygenase domain, that is catalytic site is believed to preserve a common
specific to NOSs, is highly homologous between all enzymatic activity between all these NOSs, namely
these proteins, from bacteria to humans, which led to producing NO°. This is where the special nature of NO-
the assembly of this family of proteins. Based on the Synthases comes into line. Catalysis of NO synthesis
great knowledge gathered over the last thirty years is not just a question of structure that would naturally
on NO° and NO-Synthases in mammals, all these produce NO from its substrates L-arginine, NADPH
proteins are today genuinely (but improperly) believed and dioxygen. This redox chemistry requires an
to catalyze the production of NO and to participate to extraordinarily sophisticated mechanism that involves
signaling functions. a fine regulation of the proximal and distal heme
environment along with a complex sequence of proton
The problem resides here in the belief that and electron transfers (Figure 10, (30, 125, 126)).
a strong (but uncomplete) sequence homology – and
most of the time a simple database annotation – can 6.2.1. A built-in versatile catalysis
characterize the nature of such proteins and lead to
the assumption that all these proteins carry similar At first, it is to be noted that NOSs catalyze
structure and functions. Though, a name does not two sequential and different sets of reactions (Figure
make a function, not even a structure. The name “NO- 2). The hydroxylation of L-arginine involved a P450-
Synthase » hides a great diversity of objects. The like mechanism (38, 127), whereas NOHA oxidation
NOS family gather very different kinds of proteins that, is achieved through a NOS-specific mechanism (26,
behind a common catalytic site, are characterized by 32). The molecular mechanisms of these two reaction
a great structural heterogeneity. Variations include the sequences are clearly different and require different
absence of crucial regulatory modules, overhaul of processes of electron and proton transfers. The
the electron transfer chain – including new reductase necessary balance between these two reaction steps
domains, modified 3D architecture… – new regulatory is allowed by the rigid structure of the catalytic site that
motifs and even new catalytic domains. In this regard, ensures an adequate substrate positioning (distinct
it is reasonable to suggest that these NOSs are not between Arg and NOHA) within a complex distal
genuine NO-Synthases and might carry a completely H-bond network, which in turn controls the switch
different activity and function. between a P450- (Step 1) and a NOS-specific (Step

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2) mechanism (30, 42, 63, 128-130). Subtle structural domain is the original source of the electrons required
changes might modify this the redox chemistry and to reduce the heme and the BH4 radical. Despite strong
divert NOS from NO° production (131). Besides, NO homology, the reductase domains of mammalian
geminate recombination on NOS heme leads to the NOSs harbor different properties, leading to major
co-existence of two distinct catalytic cycles (56, 58): an differences in the electron transfer rates (133). We
NO°-producing cycle, that corresponds to an efficient and others showed that NO° production is the result
NO° release, and an RNOS-releasing cycle linked to of a fine tuning between ET and other catalytic
the reduction of heme-bound NO and its conversion parameters and that changes in electron transfer rate
into other RNOS (such as peroxynitrite (PN) or nitrate). modify NOS catalysis outcome (58, 63). Obviously,
We and others have shown that small variations in the new reductase motifs that we described here-
some central catalytic parameters can modify the above, or even external reductase proteins, will show
balance between futile and efficient cycles, and a completely different tuning of ET rate (if any), leading
deeply modify NOS biochemical activity. Here-again, to alternative catalysis.
small structural variations might modify the extent of
geminate recombination (132), the rates of ET (133, Another major marker of NOS mechanism
134) or NO° release (121, 122) and lead to different is the use of a redox cofactor, BH4. Indeed, NO°
catalytic production (61, 110). synthesis by NOS requires a fast ET (to prevent FeIIO2
autoxidation, (36)), but a transient and reversible one,
6.2.2. A highly-sensitive chemical system in order to preserve the capacity to release NO° (a
fast ET would lead to NO-/PN/NO3- release (36, 130)).
The impact of negligible structural changes This peculiar ET is provided by BH4 that activates
on NOS activity can be illustrated by two other minor FeIIO2 intermediate but re-oxidizes Fe-NO complex
modifications. We showed that subtle changes in to allow NO° release. In this regard NOSs that do not
H-bonding that can be observed between bacNOS harbor the same BH4 association should be unable
and mNOS, modify the balance between an effective to produce NO°. Though, many bacteria that harbor
O2 activation and a futile autoxidation (135, 136). a NOS lack the BH4 biosynthesis machinery. It has
Small variations in the H-bond between the proximal been proposed that BH4 could be replaced by another
thiolate and the vicinal tryptophan could slow down redox cofactor, such as tetrahydrofolate ((139), FH4).
NOS activity or turn it into a superoxide anion synthase Though, data on FeIIO2 activation by FH4 are lacking,
(137). An even more subtle variation in the structure can such as the actual role of FH4 in NO° production.
radically modify NOS activity. A ValàIle substitution, On the opposite, we observe here a strong variation
that would go unnoticed in phylogenetic analyses, of BH4-binding elements. Apart from the Arg375, the
switch one protein from a NO° synthesis device, to N-ter binding region and the C-ter elements involved
a RNOS (nitrate but perhaps peroxynitrite) synthase. in BH4 binding site are generally not conserved in non-
Indeed, this mutation slows down NO° off rate by two metazoan NOSs, suggesting that BH4 or even other
orders of magnitude, preventing NO° efficient release redox cofactor might not intervene in NOS catalysis.
and favoring its dioxygenation (66, 121). It has been
shown that this simple mutation in iNOS prevents As shown here, NOS molecular mechanism
NO° synthesis and switch it to nitrate synthesis (61, is extremely complex and versatile. Although all NOS
110). All the NOSs that carry this V/I substitution thus proteins exhibit similar structure for the oxygenase
appear unfit to produce NO°, not mentioning the ones domain, they do not automatically carry on the same
that exhibit another type of residues (Ala, Phe). The chemistry, and their function might be extremely
proton transfers have been poorly investigated and variable.
the exact number, sequence and source of protons
remains undetermined. It is known however that an 6.3. An Activity is not a function
impaired proton transfer during Step1 would prevent
the build-up of an Oxoferryl complex (necessary for 6.3.1. The role of environment in NOS/NO activity
Arg hydroxylation) and lead to the production of H2O2.
Thus, small changes in the distal H-bond network, NO-Synthases are very peculiar oxygenase
or in the substrate binding modes could convert NO- proteins. Beyond being a redox protein, NOSs have
Synthases into H2O2 producing enzyme (138). the particularity to catalyze the conversion of one gas
(O2) into another gas (NO°) through an extremely
6.2.3. Electron transfer (ET) as a major NOS sophisticated redox mechanism, which confers to
fingerprint NOS a strong dependency to its physico-chemical
environment. For instance, NOS activity will greatly
The electron transfer processes have been depend on the redox status of its close cellular
thoroughly investigated and are today much more environment: oxidative conditions (inflammation,
documented (34, 36, 44). NOSs are characterized by immune responses…) will lead to the oxidation of NOS
two complementary electron donors: i) the reductase pterin cofactor that will turn NOS into a superoxide

159 © 1996-2019
Revisiting the structure, function and evolution of NOS family

synthase (140-142). NOS activity also depends on O2 dioxide or peroxynitrite are tentatively associated to
cellular concentrations: we showed that NOS apparent signalling processes (160). Biological effects of RNOS
KmO2 was greatly different between mammalian NOSs are sequentially depending on their reaction with oth-
(from 2 to 400 µM), suggesting different sensitivities to er biomolecules (and conversion into different RNOS),
O2 concentration changes and different biochemistry on their interaction with their physiological targets, on
in hypoxic, and even anoxic conditions (55). As an the cellular and metabolic status of the organisms, and
illustration, it has been proposed that eNOS, in hypoxic more globally on the physico-chemical properties of
conditions, will maintain its role in vasodilation by their milieu.
producing NO° by other means: in these conditions,
NOS could convert significant concentrations of nitrite To summarize, NOS is able to catalyze the
into NO° by achieving another kind of chemistry, Nitrite production of multiple RNOS. The balance between
reduction (114). Symmetrically, in oxidative stress these distinct catalytic reactions is tuned by the
conditions, NOS activity could be switched to other properties of the milieu. At a second level, outcome
enzymatic activity such as catalase in the presence of of NOS activity is made more complex by the various
high concentrations of H2O2 (72), PN isomerase (66) or and variable reactivity of each of these RNOSs. At
NO° dioxygenase when high NO° concentrations lead last, the pattern of RNOS production and reaction
to direct major NO° binding to NOS heme (60, 61, 110). is itself controlled by the physiological status and
the physico-chemical environment of NOS. This
Beyond NOS multiple faces, the adaptive incredibly complex biology of NOS is often screened
evolution of NO° function has been already described by the confusion that persists in the apprehension of
(143). As NO° is a diffusible and extremely reactive NOS, NO° and RNOS. In most of the reports, there is
gas, its biochemical activity will mostly depend on its a confusion in the respective nature of these agents:
biological environment: i) NO first emerged in a re� ­ NOS is believed to produce NO°, “NO°” name is
ductive environment and was most likely mobilized in actually recovering many different nitrogen oxides.
antioxidant defense (107, 143). This is still the case This is illustrated by the extensive and maladroit use
today in mammals, where NO° is a major contributor of DAF as a NO° probe, and of cPTIO as an NO°
to the redox homeostasis, prevents oxidative stress in inhibitor that overlooks the actual current chemistry of
the cardiovascular system (115); ii) in relation with its cPTIO with NO° and of DAF with other RNOS. If we
anti-oxidant use and its gas properties, NO° eventually assume that “NOS = NO° = RNOS”, there is no way
became the central element of a sensing/signaling to address the diversity of NOS and NO° biological
machinery; at distinct organismal/cellular level, NO° effects and their interaction with its physiological
plays the role of a signaling molecule mobilized in and chemical environment. NOS function is not
intercellular signaling or symbiosis regulation (98, all included in its genomic sequence nor in its 3D
99, 144-148); iii) in a more oxidative context, NO structure but in the complex interaction between its
potentiates the reactivity and toxicity of many RNOS mechanism, the RNOS chemistry and the physico-
(such as superoxide anion), leading to alternative uses chemical environment. If we want to address NOS
in immunity. It clearly appears that NO° is involved in function and its evolution, we must take into account
a large range of physiological processes that extends this complex diversity of NOS structure, activity and
beyond its native function in mammals. However, this effect, and systematically investigate the relationship
variation of NO° biochemistry does not always take between NOS structure, its enzymatic activity, the
place in a selected/evolutive frame but is often at the biological effect of its catalytic production and the
core of various pathological dysfunctions. In mammals impact of its environment at each level.
for example, oxidative conditions will lead to the un-
coupling of NOSs, switching its biological activity from 7. CONCLUSION: WHICH FUNCTION AND
signalling to inflammation (149). It is therefore reason�
able to assume that the variability of the ecological and
physiological environment of NO° might have led to a After this series of questionings, it appears
broadening of its biological function. difficult to assign a definitive function to any new NOS.
Is there a unique, selected function or a multiplicity of
This statement must extend to the large pan- biochemical activity? When mammalian NOSs are to
el of reactive nitrogen and oxygen species (RNOS), be considered, one would unambiguously respond:
deriving from NO° bio-synthesis, such as peroxynitrite one function, signaling versus immunity. However,
(150-152) or nitrosothiols (153, 154). Indeed, each iNOS might be involved in the signaling and promotion
RNOS displays a specific and distinct chemical biol- of the immune response. eNOS and nNOS might be
ogy (155, 156), that was first evoked to explain the both exerting local antioxidant activity. In pathological
multiplicity of “NO°” biological role (150). However the conditions, constitutive NOSs will eventually be
« good » RNOS, such as NO° and nitrosothiols, have involved in deleterious biochemical processes. The
been increasingly associated to pathological activity frontiers between distinct functions, and beyond that
(157-159), whereas the “ugly” ones such as nitrogen between pathological and physiological effects, do

160 © 1996-2019
Revisiting the structure, function and evolution of NOS family

not seem so obvious when it comes to NOS and NO°, that are related both to fine tuning of their active sites
even in mammals. This could have been foreseen as and to their physiological and ecological environment.
NO° emerged as an atypical signaling molecule, a new
type of mediator: “a gas was indeed a surprise for an In this context, a specific methodological
endogenous role, and a labile and toxic gas even more approach seems needed to tackle the complex
so. As the first surprise of such an unlikely agent” as relationship between NOS structure, catalytic
it was highlighted by D.E. Koshland in its editorial of functioning, environmental niche and biological
the 1992 Science Molecule of the Year (9). Unlike the function. The large diversity of NOS family precludes
conventional signaling mediators, NO° was a toxic, any systematic exploration and necessitates the use
labile and extremely reactive molecule that thirty years of model families that display significant structural
after its discovery seems to exert its signaling activity diversity. By combining modelling studies, structural
in an uncontrolled and even random manner. Its role characterization, and in vitro/in vivo functional
in signaling processes along with its strong and toxic investigations, an integrative and interdisciplinary
reactivity could have led to reconsider the definition of approach might give some insight into the structural
“Signaling” and even to question the frontiers between and ecological parameters that determine NOS
a physiological activity and a noxious role, between activity, and provide with some predictions about the
transducing a signal and exerting deleterious and function of any different NOS protein. This task will
irreversible modifications. If we consider the large also have to take into account the ever-changing
biological chemistry of RNOS and the versatility of environment of NOS, through time but also milieu. The
NOS enzymology, these questions become even role of NOS milieu here is major for it not only serves
more puzzling. The multiple facets of NOS structure as a selection riddle, but for it conditions NOS actual
and activity could be addressed by considering its activity. NOS environment will determine its activity, its
structure, and in particular the oxygenase domain, as a function and the way NOS structure will evolve. This is
template that can catalyze various enzymatic reactions complementary to the concept of exaptation as here
and that can be used for different purposes. In this the environment might contribute to the fashioning of
context, the function seems undeniably related to “aptation”, participate to the design of the function and
both the enzymatic possibilities of NOS, to its physico- co-determine its evolution.
chemical environment and to the biological conditions.
These three levels should be tackled simultaneously in In any case, we believe it is now timely to ask
order to assign a function in the frame of a biological what NOS stands for. In order to answer this question,
purpose. we must avoid reducing the categories by which we
apprehend NOS to the sole mammalian concepts
Although environment adaptation might have and try to write complex evolutive stories that are
driven the evolution of NOS structure, the versatility not restricted to a small number of NOS archetypes
of its enzymology, the complexity of RNOS biological but that take into account the vast multiplicity of NOS
chemistry and overall its impact on its own cellular/ structure and function, and their singular interaction
biological environment might make the rationale(s) with their environment.
of such an evolution difficult to unveil. The loose
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Abbreviations: Nitric Oxide (NO°); NO-Synthases

(NOSs); Nitrous oxide, N2O; Endothelium-Derived
Relaxing Factor (EDRF); neuronal NOS (nNOS);
endothelial NOS (eNOS); inducible NOS (iNOS);
Calmodulin-binding region (CaM); Electron
transfer (ET); Auto-Inhibitory Elements (AIE);
peroxynitrite (PN); bacterial NOSs (bacNOS);
mammalian NOS (mNOS); horizontal genome
transfer (HGT); Great Oxidation Event (GOE);
Reactive Nitrogen and oxygen Species (RNOS);
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS); L-arginine
(Arg); Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4); tetrahydrofolate
(FH4); All NOSs from various species are labelled
XyNOS where X and y are the initial of the species.

Key Words: NO-Synthases, Nitric Oxide,

Phylogeny, Mechanism, Function, Evolution,

Send correspondence to: Jerome Santolini,

Laboratoire Stress Oxydant et Détoxication,
Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC),
CEA, CNRS, Univ Paris-Sud, Universite Paris-
Saclay, F-91198, Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France,
Tel: 33-1-69-08-53-63, Fax: 33-1-69-08-87-17,

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