Facebook Questionnaire

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We are interested in your comments and suggestions. Please take few minutes to
answer the following questions.

Name: …………………………………………………………………

Age: _ _ Gender: Male Female

Email ID: ……………………………………………………………...

facebook ID: …………………………………………………………..

Mobile No:

Under Graduation Stream: ………………

(Please mention B.Sc./B.Com/BBA/B.Tech/Others)

College: ………………………………………………………………..

2. How long have you been a Facebook user?

_________________________________ (Please mention months/years)

3. How often do you log onto Facebook?

daily once in a week less than once a week

once in two week’s

4. How many hours a week do you spend on Facebook?

½-hour ½-hour - 1hour 1hour - 2hours

more than 2hours

5. What is your main purpose for using Facebook?

Chatting Networking/Socializing Gaming

Dating Others: ………………………… (Please mention)

6. Where do you like to access your Facebook account?

Mobile Laptop Desktop other

7. How many online Facebook “friends” do you currently have? (Please
mention approximately)


8. What kind of message would you like to convey from Facebook account
(to your friends/relatives)

Video short messages greetings other

9. What aspects of Facebook appeal to you the most?

Games Advertisements Applications News updates

10.Out of all of your Facebook ‘friends’ what proportion do you actually talk
to/see regularly etc.?

All of them 75% 50% 25% other………

11. How do you think Facebook compares to other social networking sites
such as “Orkut” and “Twitter” etc.?

Very good good above average average poor

12. Would you say Facebook has affected your daily lifestyle?

yes no not sure

If yes, in what way?


13.Do you ever worry about privacy issues?

yes no

If yes, in what way?


Thank you for completing the survey, your views and comments are

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