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Chapter 1

Concepts and Principles of Human

Learning Objectives

At the end of this chapter, the

student will be able to:

 Understand how stages of

personality development from
infancy to adulthood or old
age, affects a person’s ability
to adapt to changes and
his/her environment;
 Explain how these stages can
either make or break a
person’s motivation and
ability to react to certain

Psalms 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made

References: Rodolfo V. Castillo, Jr., PhD & Atty. Ramil G. Gabao; Human Behavior and Victimology 2020; Jesster P.
Eduardo & Carlito R. Panganoron; Human Behavior & Crisis Management 2015

This is a process in which a progressive series of changes occurs as a result of maturation

and experience. According to Newman (2015), human development emphasizes the patterns of
“constancy and change across the life span” and identifies the processes that account for such
patterns. They argue that development implies a process that happens over time and has a specific


The goal of developmental changes is to enable people to adapt to the environment in which
they live, through a process called self- realization or self- actualization. Given that self- realization
plays an important role in ensuring one’s mental well-being, individuals who make good personal and
social adjustments must seek opportunities to express their interests and desires in ways that yield
personal satisfaction while conforming to accepted standards at the same time. The absence of these
opportunities can lead to frustration and generally negative attitudes toward people and even life in


1. Psychoanalytic Theories

This argued that childhood experiences and unconscious desires ultimately influence
our behaviours as adults.

2. Freud’s Theory of Psychosexual Development

This describes the process by which human personality is developed throughout one’s


Stage 1: Oral stage (Birth – 18 mos.)- main source of interaction occurs through the mouth, and as
such, rooting and sucking are especially important in this stage. It is said that the infant derives
pleasure from oral stimulation by performing gratifying activities, such as sucking. The infant may
also develop a sense of trust and comfort with an adult who is providing this kind of oral stimulation.

Stage 2: Anal stage (18 mos. – 3 yrs.)- a child becomes aware of correct bowel control and
experiences pleasure in eliminating or retaining feces. Some parents praise and reward children who
show correct behaviour in this sense. These children eventually grow up to become productive and

Stage 3: Phallic stage (3- 6 yrs.)- mainly characterized by a child’s focus on sexual interests,
stimulation, and excitement in relation to the genital area. This is an important part of the
development process as it lays the foundation of one’s gender identity. According to Freud, the
patterns of identification arising from the phallic stage primarily determine the development of human

References: Rodolfo V. Castillo, Jr., PhD & Atty. Ramil G. Gabao; Human Behavior and Victimology 2020; Jesster P.
Eduardo & Carlito R. Panganoron; Human Behavior & Crisis Management 2015
a. Oedipus Complex- this refers to an instance where in boys build up a warm and loving
relationship with mothers (Mommy’s boy).
b. Electra Complex- this refers to an occasion where in girls experience an intense
emotional attachment for their fathers (daddy’s girl).

Stage 4: Latency stage (5 or 6 yrs. - puberty) - begins around the same time when children enter
school and become more focused on their peer relationships, personal interests, and hobbies, along
with greater social exposure. Hence, this is a period of exploration and plays an important role in the
development of confidence as well as social and communication skills.

Stage 5: Genital stage (Puberty- Adulthood) - a child undergoes the physiological maturation of
systems of sexual functioning and associated hormonal systems, thus leading to intensified drives
and impulses. The main objective of this phase is the eventual separation from one’s attachment to
his/ her parents and the achievement of mature relationships as well as adult roles and duties.


A. Prenatal period- begins at conception and ends at birth. It occurs within about 270 to 280
days or nine calendar months.
B. Infancy- this period occurs from birth to the end of the second week. It is the shortest of all
developmental periods and is considered a time of extreme adjustments, thus making it a
hazardous period.
C. Babyhood- occurs from the end of the second week until the end of a child’s second year. It is
said to be the period of the true foundation of age and marks the beginning of socialization
and creativity.
D. Early childhood- this period lasts from 2- 6 years, and is considered by many parents as a
problematic or troublesome age. For educators, this is considered the pre-school age.
E. Late childhood- occurs from 6- 10 or 12 years or the so-called elementary years. For parents,
they consider it also as a troublesome age, especially since, according to psychologists, this is
the “gang” age or the time at which children seek conformity and become part of groups.
F. Puberty or Pre-adolescence- this period lasts from 12 to 13 or 14 years. This is a period of
rapid growth and change and occurs at a variable age.
G. Adolescence- this period occurs from 13 or 14 to 18 years. It is an important transitional
period that is characterized by significant change. Others consider it a problem or dreaded
age, during which the child searches for his/ her identity and is about to cross over into
H. Early Adulthood- this period lasts from 18 to 40 years. This is the productive age, a period of
dependency for most and a period of emotional tension or even social isolation. In addition, it
is a time of commitment, a time at which one’s values change, which can lead to changes in
lifestyle choices.
I. Middle age- this period occurs from 40 to 60 years. Many people dread this stage because it
is a time of stress and transition. Others may feel bored with their lives at around this age
and may feel awkward or inadequate when comparing themselves with others and evaluating
their lives against them.
J. Old Age or Senescence- this period lasts from 60 years to one’s death. This is considered a
period of decline, during which people are judged by different criteria based on prevalent
References: Rodolfo V. Castillo, Jr., PhD & Atty. Ramil G. Gabao; Human Behavior and Victimology 2020; Jesster P.
Eduardo & Carlito R. Panganoron; Human Behavior & Crisis Management 2015
stereotypes of old people. People in this age group have varying social attitudes towards old
age and may feel that they are part of minority. As aging requires role changes, some may not
be successful in making the proper adjustments. Still, the desire for rejuvenation is
widespread in old age.


Purposes of Developmental Tasks

This serves as guidelines that enable individuals to know what society expects of them at any
given age. Such task motivate individuals to do what their respective social groups expects them t do
at certain ages during their lives. Finally, these tasks show individuals what lie ahead and the
corresponding expectations of what they need to do when they reach their next stage of development.

Developmental Task During Stage of the Life Span

1. Babyhood and Early Childhood

 Learning to take solid foods
 Learning to walk and talk
 Learning to control the elimination of body waste
 Learning sex differences and sexual modesty
 Getting ready to read
 Learning to distinguish right and wrong and beginning to develop a conscience
2. Late Childhood
 Learning physical skills necessary for ordinary games
 Building a wholesome attitude toward one’s self as a growing organism
 Learning to get along with age mates
 Beginning to develop appropriate masculine or feminine social roles
 Developing fundamentals skills in reading, writing and calculating
 Developing concepts necessary for everyday living
 Developing a conscience, a sense of morality, and a scale of values
 Developing attitudes toward social groups and institutions
 Achieving personal independence
3. Adolescence
 Achieving new and more mature relations with agemates or both sexes
 Achieving a masculine or feminine social role
 Accepting one’s physique and using one’s body effectively
 Desiring, acdepting, and achieving socially responsible behaviour
 Achieving emotional independence from parents and other adults
 Preparing for marriage and family life
 Acquiring a set of values and an ethical system as a guide to behaviour; also the
period when an ideology is developed
4. Early Adulthood
 Getting started in an occupation
 Selecting mate

References: Rodolfo V. Castillo, Jr., PhD & Atty. Ramil G. Gabao; Human Behavior and Victimology 2020; Jesster P.
Eduardo & Carlito R. Panganoron; Human Behavior & Crisis Management 2015
 Learning to live with a marriage partner
 Starting a family
 Rearing children
 Managing Home
 Taking on civic responsibility
 Finding a congenial social group
5. Middle Age
 Achieving adult civic and social responsibilities
 Assisting teenage children to become responsible and happy adults
 Developing adult leisure-time activities
 Relating one’s self to one’s spouse as a person
 Accepting and adjusting to physiological changes of middle age
 Reaching and maintaining a satisfactory performance in one’s occupation and career
 Adjusting to aging parents
6. Old Age
 Adjusting to decreasing physical strength and health
 Adjusting to retirement and reduced income
 Adjusting to death of spouse
 Establishing satisfactory physical living arrangement
 Adopting to social roles in a flexible way


Handicaps to Mastery

1. A retarded developmental level

2. Lack of opportunity to learn the developmental task or lack of guidance in their mastery
3. Lack of motivation
4. Poor Health
5. Physical Defects
6. A low intellectual level

Aids to Mastery

1. A normal or accelerated developmental level

2. Opportunities to learn the developmental tasks and guidance in mastering them
3. Motivation
4. Good health and the absence of sickness
5. A high level of intelligence
6. Creativity

Keywords: Human Development, Development, Psychosexual Development

References: Rodolfo V. Castillo, Jr., PhD & Atty. Ramil G. Gabao; Human Behavior and Victimology 2020; Jesster P.
Eduardo & Carlito R. Panganoron; Human Behavior & Crisis Management 2015
Exercise no. 1

Name: _____________________________________________ Score: _____________

Date: ______________________________________________

1. How do the different stages of developments affect a person’s ability to react to situations?
Explain briefly.
2. Describe briefly how self-actualization is attained during old age.

3. How can socialization create an emotional impact to a person’ self actualization?


4. Do you believe that when a person fails to manage a stage in his/ her personal developemnt,
self-actuaization will not be reached as well? Why/ why not?

References: Rodolfo V. Castillo, Jr., PhD & Atty. Ramil G. Gabao; Human Behavior and Victimology 2020; Jesster P.
Eduardo & Carlito R. Panganoron; Human Behavior & Crisis Management 2015

5. How does a person’s motivation affect his/ her over- all behavioral perfromance?

References: Rodolfo V. Castillo, Jr., PhD & Atty. Ramil G. Gabao; Human Behavior and Victimology 2020; Jesster P.
Eduardo & Carlito R. Panganoron; Human Behavior & Crisis Management 2015

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