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VCE Corporate Skill Development Program

CSD Summary Report Format

Intern’s Details
Name Nehal Sharma


College Name Christ University

Please summarize the learning you got from the first video session of CSD.

Summary Session 1 :Analysing the skillset

The goal of this session is to learn about the many types of talents that one can have and which skills need to
be improved. Academic abilities are the foundation for anybody wishing to pursue a profession in the subject
of their choice. Then there are technological skills, which are critical in today's environment. Every business
demands solid technical abilities that must be developed.
Reporting and documentation abilities that include being able to properly document information and knowing
how to properly report it.
Any profession requires excellent communication abilities. Communication is a crucial component of a
person's ability to communicate information.

These days, analytical and intellect abilities are required as a need for all occupations.
Teamwork skills/team building - learning to work in a team and incorporating your talents in a team is a vital

A CV should include abilities that can be shown when asked why they were included. A few abilities can
only be shown rather than listed on a CV. Street smarts and persuasion abilities are examples of skills that
should not be in your resume. The resume, as well as those with higher analytical skills, should be

500 Words (Max.)

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VCE Corporate Skill Development Program
CSD Summary Report Format

Please summarize the learning you got from the second video session of CSD.

Summary Session 2 :Success

Knowing your objective or what you want to achieve is crucial. It aids in the formation of a clearer vision and
an appropriate framework for how to go about doing what has to be done. The value of hard effort in
achieving success cannot be overstated. To get where one wants to go, one must show themselves properly.
You should be conscious of your abilities and work on those that are required for the job. It's critical to have
the necessary abilities and a well-structured CV for the job you're looking for. It will provide you a clear
picture of your position as well as a positive image for the firm.
A person should do what makes them happy and passionately. Purpose and practicality are two additional Ps
that must come after passion. A person can achieve their objectives with the three Ps. It's critical to have a
sense of purpose in everything one undertakes. It will provide direction and significance for them to pursue
their goals. To achieve, you must have a strong sense of purpose. Practicality is required to determine how
feasible a person's desires are. If the goal is unrealistic, just having a goal isn't enough.
It's difficult to define success when it comes to business. It varies depending on who you are and what you
want to achieve in the end. Success is defined as a single event occurring at a single point in time.
You can only have one goal at a time, and attaining it will determine your success. With too many purposes it
can be exhausting and there might be a lack of purpose.
One must understand what success means to them and not compare themselves to others since they may not
want what someone else wants.

500 Words (Max.)

Please summarize the learning you got from the third video session of CSD.

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VCE Corporate Skill Development Program
CSD Summary Report Format

Summary Session 3 :Time and Energy Management

This class covered ways to develop your abilities and attain your goals. To achieve something, aim to have a
clear mind and nothing to distract you from your goal.
People are frequently unable to achieve their goals because they allow obstacles such as negativity to stand in
their way.
A few key items to remember: 1. Avoid politicking.
It is preferable not to engage in political debates. Updating With the current news, it's much better.
2. Make an effort to eliminate negative individuals from your life.
3. Begin negotiating - Pay for only the items that matter and save time and energy.

4. Don't squander your energy by doing a lot of things that aren't required. Make a point of storing your

5. Be aware of what you are devoting your time and effort to. Make the most of it.
6. Try to stay away from events that aren't likely to be beneficial or productive.

To live a more productive life, it is necessary to modify behaviors that may be a barrier.
Everyone has a goal in mind and a strategy for achieving it.
Don't waste time on things that aren't important to your achievement, and don't waste time on things that
aren't required. Maintaining time and energy is crucial since it allows us to conduct more productive job and
focus better.

500 Words (Max.)

Please summarize the learning you got from the fourth video session of CSD.

Summary Session 4 :Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity is the degree to which one component is influenced by other ones. Sensitivity analysis is a
financial model that examines how changes in other factors, referred to as input variables, influence target
variables. There are three main forms of sensitivity analysis.
1. Theoretical Sensitivity Analysis (theoretical sensitivity analysis)-
Theoretical sensitivity analysis describes how the uncertainty in a mathematical model's or system's output
may be split and assigned to various sources of uncertainty in its inputs. Scientists, data scientists, engineers,
and medics utilize sensitivity analysis.
2. Practical sensitivity analysis - When there is a need to be selective about what to choose, Practical
Sensitivity Analysis is utilized.
It's figuring out which elements are important. For example, intelligence is more important than grades,
communication skills, and other factors.
3.Analysis of personal sensitivity-

Personal sensitivity refers to how you react to events. It's best not to make your personal sensitivity too
obvious. Others may be able to affect you as a result of it. When it comes to important issues, be sensitive.

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VCE Corporate Skill Development Program
CSD Summary Report Format

500 Words (Max.)

Please summarize the overall learning and your feedback about VCE CSD Program

Overall Summary and Feedback :

This includes a general overview of the company's talent development program. Skills, success, time and
energy management, and sensitivity analysis were discussed in the prior four sessions.
Taking a look at the skillset
Discusses the skill sets necessary in a corporate environment that may be put on your CV, as well as those
that should not.
Define success discusses what success is and how to achieve it.
Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity defines the dependency of one factor over other factors. There are three types of sensitivity
analyses - theoretical, practical and personal sensitivity analysis.
It is important to remove the bad things so that we cab let new and good things come to us.

Overall feedback would be that the sessions have given great insight into things we must follow which would
help us to lead a successful career.

500 Words (Max.)

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