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My philosophy of life as a Humanities amd Social Sciences student

My philosophy of life is an overall vision of an attitude toward life and purpose of life.
Philosophy enhances my ability to evaluate and resolve problems. It will help me to analyze concepts,
definitions, arguments and problems. It contributes to my capacity to organize ideas and issues, to
deal with questions of value, and to extract what is essential from masses of information. Being a
HUMSS student is a meaningful thing, it provides as wisdom in giving the ability to think and act using
knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight. It is associated with attributes
such as unbiased judgement, compassion, experiential self - knowledge, self - transcendence and non
- attachment and virtues such as ethics and benevolence. Understanding our world views in a set of
beliefs was all about fundamental aspects of reality that ground and influence all one's
perceiving, thinking, knowing and doing. One's worldview is also a referred to as one's
philosophy, philosophy of life, mind set, outlook on life, formula for life, ideology, faith or
even religions. HUMSS subjects really matters for the sake of attracting money and prestige in
a world obssesed by achievements of sciences. This strand pushes me to work harder for my
future dreams. A HUMSS student should bring positive changes through the study of social
sciences, theories and concepts, community - based, realities, study of culture, society and
politics, discussion on moral issues. Solidarity with humanity acts will bring a significance
impact in our society that will show the value of HUMSS or humanities and Social Sciences.

There are times, being a HUMSS student feels me that I left behind in other strands just
because I see that we have different values in societies. Unity in diversity gives us a
perspectives how we value ourselves, giving more significance and positive impacts about
worldly things. Sometimes I feel being a HUMSS student was harder than other strand, It
motivates, pushes and encourages me to persevere my study. I discover my strengths and
weaknesses realizing how I overcome these obstacles and achievements and to realize this
bring out the best in us. There are few things more frustrating than having a hierarchy built
where it wasn't needed in the fist place. Many of these senior high school (SHS) under the K -
12 program can attest to this whether it be through the discussion of whose academic strand is
more challenging on the discussion on what type of student belongs where. This sort of social
hierarchy is one that must be discussed if not for the sake of the current generation, then for
the next. The stigma that many receive after choosing which academic strand to spend their
final two years of high school in Humanities in Social Sciences (HUMSS) students may know it
best. There are many harshness words tossed around when discussing strands, despite of this,
these sayings are still thrown around more so directed to those whose strands are not
particularly known in their specialization in mathematics and science. Our strand seems not be
looked down upon or degraded by those of other strands. While it is true that excelling in
mathematics and science is highly praised and rewarded in our society, those under the HUMSS
strand are equally worked as those under the STEM strand, but in a different way.
"Humanities and Social Sciences strand plays a vital role in our lives, it affects how we
act as a becoming a professional human being". I choose this strand because I am a aspiring
member of the society that will help our fellow. I dedicate myself to help and serve our
country. Aspiring to become the future shaper's of the nation that will build progress and
deal with all of life. Learning in HUMSS strand helps us to apply it in real workplace. To
become a professional suggests things such as being qualified and practising ina definable
area, having expertive based on a deep levelizing knowledge and having commitment to the
area of practice possibly (but not necessarily) through being a member of a relevant
professional being.

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