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The Boys brigade company has a great connection to the church by existence. It also shares the
same primary objective/ task with the church, which are, to preach the gospel and advance
Christ kingdom. The church and the Boys brigade company exist as co-workers in the vineyard of
our Lord Jesus Christ.
A church is a place where Christian doctrine is being administered or taught. It exists to develop
her members to full Christian maturity thereby empowering them to reach out to the lost and
needy in an atmosphere of fellowship, worship and prayer.
Company in the BB setting is the smallest unit. It is the foundation of the Boys Brigade and the
place where Boys can easily be reached. A company is attached to the church. The head of the
company is the CAPTAIN. He is appointed by the church along side with other officers.
This is the union or link between two or more people who have come together in agreement for
a specific purpose.
The church is an institution for the advancing Christ kingdom and reaching out to save souls. The
BB is equal is equally an organization with the soul aim of advancing Christ kingdom. It therefore
a duty for BB to work with the church to realize this aim.
Christian education, which is paramount in the church, is equally paramount in the Boys brigade
company. Both the church and the company must work together in this regard.
There must be accountability and transparency in the activities of the company and there should
be periodic or regular report / feedback to the church. The church must be in the clear picture of
the companys finance.
There must be cordial relationship between the company and the church. The captain and other
officers must learn to draw close to the chaplain. They must not avoid him or wait until they
have a problem.
Just as the chaplain endeavors to keep and manage the church members, the captain and other
officers must ensure that the company activities are attractive, encouraging, effective and
efficient. This will help in the growth of the Boys brigade and the church.
The chaplain must not be made a mere ceremonial officer. He should equally take part in some
of the activities at scheduled times. He could lead Bible classes from time to time.
The minister or clergy of the church is known as the CHAPLAIN. If there is no reverend / pastor
in your church, you may appoint a catechist or an evangelist or any layman holding a responsible
position in the church. The Chaplain is an officer of the Company so should be encouraged to
put on (Uniform A) when the need arises. He should be invited to officers meeting and should
feel more than welcome to the company meetings. Do your best to consult him when planning
your company bible class programmes and make him take part in the Bible class whenever he
can spare the time.
It is important to realize that he has other duties and assignments so he cannot devote an
undue proportion of his time to the company work. It is also mandatory that all officers develop
the closed possible association and friendship with the chaplain. He should be consulted in the
respect of any personal or Company problems.
The Chaplain should endeavour at all times to educate the congregation on the importance of
the Boys’ Brigade training and the advancement of Christ kingdom among Boys in the Boys
He should supervise and help to plan Christian education aspect of the Company work.
He should act as the liaison between the Company and the Church.
He should see that the Company Annual Enrolment service is arranged well in advance at the
beginning of the year.
He should make sure that the Company takes part in the Annual Bb week activities and the
collection of cards alongside the Money be properly accounted for and remitted to the Battalion
council or state council officer as soon as the week is over.
He should find time to attend the meetings of the Group/Battalion/State council to which his
Company belong.
He should try to attend the annual state council’s meeting.
He should be sensitive to the financial, social and spiritual need of the company.
A Captain is an officer appointed by the church to see to the whole operations and success of
the Company. A wise Captain keeps the Church fully informed on all the runnings of the
Company and seeks advice/guidance from the Chaplain. The Captain is the administrative head
of the Boys brigade company.
The overall leadership of all the sections in the Company is his responsibility.
The Captain is the supervisor. He supervises and supports all members of the staff (Lieutenants
and Warrants Officers, Patrons and Patronesses and the Chaplain).
He is responsible for overall administration of the Company. He also ensures that information is
passed on and dealt with.
He is responsible for overall financial matters.
It is his responsibility to invite all the officers for meeting periodically and minutes or reports of
such meetings be forwarded to the Chaplain.
It is his duty to send periodic reports to the Church.
It is his responsibility to arrange for regular recruitment of Boys.
As a role model, he should be a mirror to all Officers and Boys.
Every BB officer should realize that when appointment to this office is accepted, he or she is
undertaking a duty to the Church. This involves several responsibilities, which are as follows:
Officers should recognize constantly the authority of the Church in which they are working.
Officers should realize BB is only one of the agencies of the Church working within the church.
Officers should co-operate with the Church.
Officers should help to let other members of the church know what BB stands for and what is
Officers should endeavour to invite members of the company Patrons, Patronesses and other
honorary officers to company events.
They should mediate between the Church and the Boys Brigade especially in times of chaos.
They should represent the Boys Brigade diligently as church committee members.
They should defend the course of the Boys Brigade and its objectives before parents and the
In conclusion the success of any Boys brigade company depends on the relationship between
the leaders of the Company especially on its staff.
March 20 at 12:06pm · Public

The BB crest is a unique one which has its origin from the bible “Which we have as the ANCHOR
of the soul, both a Sure and a Steadfast” (Heb. 6:19). Thus as a christened youth organization,
the whole make-up of BB has to portray the gospel of Christ Jesus. In other words it is called the
BB emblem, logo, anchor or badge. On Nov. 24th 1926 the BB crest as designed by the founder
Sir William Smith in 1883 from the Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers logo was amalgamated with the
logo of The Boys' Life Brigade.
Upon the merger between the Boys' Brigade and the Boys' Life Brigade in 1926 became one
organization, the red Greek cross was placed behind the anchor to form the current emblem.
This shows acceptance and unity between two different organizations.
The BB crest is made up of five (5) major parts:
The anchor as used by sea transporters is used to hold the ship firm to the sea bed when
turbulent arises and when strong waves and storms wages its self. It also supports the ship,
prevents it from sinking or tossing when on-board. Biblically speaking, the Anchor of our Soul
from the BB motto is CHRIST. As trials, temptations and troubles come our way, our faith in
Christ holds us firm, saving us from the ranging storms that arise.
• THE RED CROSS ( The Geneva’s cross)
As explained above, the Red Cross was introduced into the BB in 1926 to mark our
amalgamation with the life Boys Brigade, it stands as a reminder o our calling to advance Christ
kingdom, thus the redness represents the pains and sorrows Christ experienced in the cross for
our sins and the blood he shaded to redeem us, while the eminent nature of the cross (being
equal at the four edges ) represents the four cardinal points which reaches out to the whole
world, thus stressing that the gospel of BB is for all nations and as well the four regions of the
human body i.e. The head, the Hands and the Legs thus representing the human body. Anyone
who does not identify with the Red Cross shall face eternal torment.
The chain or rope holds the BB anchor (Christ) firm to the Red Cross (our body), thus no matter
the challenges life will put through, our body is always fasted against the body of Christ, and
their lies our hope. When the chain is cut, the Boy loses focus and thus sinks into sin and
The letters meaning “Boys Brigade” has a direct contact with the Red Cross and the Anchor, thus
meaning the Boys brigade as an organization is forever united with Christ who is our captain and
our body. The three come together and forms an inseparable triangle.
• THE MOTTO “Sure and Steadfast”.
Sure and Steadfast is picked up from the bible; it asserts the confirmation of Jesus’ readiness to
stand by us in whatever circumstances, believing that Jesus chirrs is the Anchor of our soul. If
one is in Jesus, he is Sure of eternal life for he will save us from any trouble that may come our

What's the write up in the Oaths of Non-allegiance for secret societies and cults in your State
1). No Member of the BBN shall belong to any secret society, cult or prohibited organisation.
2). Every member of the BB shall on enrollment swear to an oath declaring non-membership of
any such society.
3). Any Member who belongs to any such society shall swear to an oath renouncing
4). Any person not willing to renounce membership of a secret cult or society shall be required
to withdraw from the BBN or be expelled from the BB.
5). Every office bearer shall be required to swear to the oath before being inducted to such
In my State Council the State goes this way:
I .....................................affirm and solemnly declare before God and the Boys’ brigade Nigeria
**I do not belong to any SECRET SOCIETY or CULT.
**I will not under any circumstances accept membership of any secret society or cult all the
days of my life.
**I will not partake or be involved directly or indirectly in the activities of any secret society or
cult all the days of my life.
**I join the Boys brigade in denouncing membership of any secret society and cult.
**That I join the BOYS BRIGADE NIGERIA in the crusade against CULT, SECRET SOCIETY, KEGITES,
I know and believe that IF I am not SINCERE and HONEST in this declaration or take up
membership of any secret society or cult after the said declaration; I will forfeit the membership
of the Boys Brigade Nigeria and place myself UNDER THE WRATH OF GOD ALMIGHTY.
In the name of GOD the father, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT, Amen.
26 de marzo a las 15:22 · Público


The emergence of denominational fellowships in. Boys' Brigade Nigeria has caused more harm
than good cutting across structures and administrative organograms which is constituted
Nationally as the BB STRUCTURE.
Some denominational fellowships have introduced the use of foreign materials , uniform
accessories and colours which is inconstituent with the provisions of the outline and constitution
Boys' Brigade Nigeria. Most members on Facebook and other social media see these Uniform
accessories as TRENDING and copy the idea to their respective Companies.
Some denominational heads have become Lords and bosses to the Boy, enslaving their young
minds into self will in order to fulfill their selfish desires and quest for power and recognition.
It in turn will expose your mind about the true status of denominational fellowships in Boys'
Brigade Nigeria.
The Boys Brigade as an inter-denominational unit is made up of more than 25 registered
denominations in Nigeria, each with its own principles and goals. For the peaceful co-existence
of ideas, the constitution of the Boys Brigade Nigeria in section 56b stated a guide for the
operation of denominational fellowships thus:
1. Denominational fellowships in BBN shall be encouraged.
2. The fellowships shall function subject to the constitution of the BBN.
3. No denominational fellowship shall take any actions or conduct any program that maybe
inconsistent or conflict with the objects and constitution of the Boys Brigade Nigeria.
In Nigeria, most denominational fellowships have chosen to use their groups to run a parallel
government against the higher body, violating decisions of the National and State Councils; thus
during the 36th National Council held at Sokoto, it was agreed that the fellowship guidelines
shall MAN the operation of denomination fellowships.
1. Such body shall NOT be eligible to plan and implement any type of enrolment in whatever
2. Such a body is NOT authorized to organize any training course or issue training certificates but
can have yearly fellowships pursuant to advancing Christ kingdom in their area.
3. Such body should submit their program to their various state councils and where there is a
clash, the state councils program supersedes that of the denomination.
4. Such body should NOT award any form of certificate to individual/member.
5. Such body must acquaint themselves with the organizational set up of the Boys Brigade (BB
6. Such body will NOT be allowed to use any other colour with the Boys Brigade colour party.
7. Each denominational fellowship must be represented in the battalion, state and National
Also at the 46th National Council meeting held at Kano in 2006, it was revolved:
That any denominational fellowship wishing to continue their fellowship out of BB structure
a. Cease using BB colours alongside their denominational colours.
b. Cease bearing the same name and objective with the Boys Brigade.
c. The registration of member companies should be revoked and all their churches be notified.

nuevas .
A game is a system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, defined by rules that results
in a quantifiable outcome.
It can also be defined as an exercise of voluntary control systems in which there is an opposition
between forces, confined by a procedure and rules in order to produce a disequilibria outcome.
Boys get together and usually show an intense opposition to their oppositions and not a friendly
respect. The competitive nature of our society has made Boys believe you can no longer
compete or play for fun.
Through this lecture, you will teach the Boy that enjoyment is more important than competition
and participation is more important than observation. Though unfortunately some Boys see
games as uncool/childish thus opt for destructive ways of having fun in the name of ” A Game”.
Game gives the Boy an opportunity to learn and test his competency. It can also have a negative
impact if the game is designed in a way that only the brightest can be a good achiever. Thus with
this effect the average Boy will be discouraged if he fails in his trails. Boys evaluate their sense of
self by comparing their achievements with others. Thus we need to avoid games that will create
feelings of insecurity in their competence. Do not allow show downs to occur and watch out for
an undue emphasis on winning or losing.
Each game played has three major elements:
1 TOOLS: This involves the materials, facilities and equipments used during the interval of the
game. It is characteristics of most games except games like hide and seek which involves
interactive skills only.
2 RULES: This determines the turn order of the players during the interval of the game.
3 SKILL, STRATEGY AND CHANCE: These determine the tune of the game and how successful
each player turns out to be. Some games like snakes and ladders doesn’t allow the players to
make self decision while others like Ludo lies in the hands of choice and chance.
Games commonly played are classified into the following: competitive sports, lawn games,
board games, card games, puzzles, dice games, domino games etc.
◈ FUN: It must be entertaining and enjoyable to the players.
◈ UNCERTAIN: The outcome of the activity is unforeseeable and unpredictable.
◈ NON-PRODUCTIVE: Participation does not accomplish anything useful.
◈ FICITIOUS: It is accompanied by the awareness of a different reality.
The Boy must be detailed about the nature of the game through the help of these stated
guidelines. They have to understand that “It doesn’t matter whether they lose or win”.
1 Be patient with the Boys and give them many opportunities to play games if they fail.
2 Explain the rules clearly and show the how the game is executed with a snappy show.
3 Encourage only healthy competition and give each player an equal chance of play and fun
because if the competition is healthy, the Boys will forget about the score and see winning as
irrelevant in terms of the amount of fun they had.
◈ Determine the purpose of the game. E.g. fun, burn off energy, practice cooperation, teach
truth etc.
◈ Involve all the boys and give each man equal chance.
◈ Be aware of age differences and gender of the players.
◈ Involve the Boys in decision making by allowing them choose the games to play, team mates
1 It enhances the development of an erect and upright bearing, posture and stamina.
2 It creates mental alertness in the Boy and helps him rediscover his skills of planning,
strategizing and execution.
3 It helps the Boy to develop good social skills like team work, peer interaction and leadership.
4 It helps the Boy to develop good cognitive skills like creativity and imagination which enhances
his scope of reasoning and memory.
5 It’s an interesting way of reducing stress and pain.
6 For entertainment and fun.
7 It teaches the Boy self confidence and patience. Making him see clearly that there is always a
bright cloud behind the dark night.
8 It unlocks the Boys minds to the consequences of disobedience as he gets punished for playing
a foul role in the game.
The type of game used in the company is not an issue but the real question is “DOES THE GAME
25 de julio a las 15:31 · Público


Most times in the Boys’ Brigade, you find Officers over reacting over little issues. Boys even
revolt against the decisions of their Officers exhibiting rude behaviours which don’t fall in line
with our Objective.
Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. However, when it gets out of
control it can become destructive. Uncontrollable anger can lead to serious problems at work
and in personal relationships, and may undermine the individual's overall quality of life.
Anger is not just a mental state of mind. It triggers an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and
levels of adrenaline and epinephrine. Anger has survival benefits, and forms part of our fight or
flight brain response to a perceived threat or harm, as it helps us to stand firm when disaster
falls or react in manner that can prevent further harm or injury.
In many cases humans and other animals express anger by making loud sounds, baring teeth,
staring and adopting postures as a warning to perceived aggressors to stop their threatening
It is unusual for a physical attack to occur without these signs of anger appearing first. If stranger
approaches a litter of newborn puppy-dogs, the mother will most likely growl, bare her teeth
and adopt a defensive or ready-to-attack posture, rather than silently attack without any
The most common factors that make people angry are:

◈ Grief - losing a loved one.
◈ Sexual frustration
◈ Rudeness
◈ Tiredness
◈ Hunger
◈ Pain
◈ Withdrawal from drugs or some medications
◈ Some physical conditions, such as pre-menstrual syndrome
◈ Physical illness
◈ Mental illness
◈ Alcohol, some drugs, alcohol abuse, drug abuse
◈ Injustice
◈ Being teased or bullied
◈ Humiliation
◈ Embarrassment
◈ Deadlines
◈ Traffic jams
◈ Disappointment
◈ Sloppy service
◈ Failure
◈ Infidelity
◈ Financial problems
When we are angry the body releases stress hormones, such as adrenaline, epinephrine and
cortisol. The heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and breathing rate increase. Regular
episodes of anger can eventually make people ill.
Uncontrolled or unresolved anger can lead to the following physical health problems:

◈ Backache
◈ Headaches
◈ Hypertension ( high blood pressure )
◈ Insomnia
◈ Irritable bowel syndrome, or other digestive disorders.
◈ Stroke
◈ Heart attack.
◈ Weakened immune system, resulting in more infections, colds, and influenza .
◈ Uncontrolled or unresolved anger can lead to emotional and mental problems, including:
Depression, Eating disorders, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, Self injury, Low self-esteem and
Anger management is a procedure of acquiring the skills to recognize signs that you are
becoming angry, and taking action to deal with the situation in a positive way. In no way does
anger management mean holding the anger in or trying to keep from feeling anger. Anger is a
normal human emotion, a healthy one when it is expressed appropriately.
Officers in the Boys’ Brigade needs this skill to help combat anger because most times when
they get angry in trainings, they over react and destroy things around. When such happens, the
Boys usually suffer the consequences.
In the Boys’ Brigade, Anger management is the skill of finding ways to recognize your anger
"triggers" and developing healthier ways to deal with how that anger makes the Officer or Boy
feel and act.
Anger management teaches you to recognize frustrations early on and settle them in a way that
allows you to express your needs, while remaining calm and in control. Coping with anger is an
acquired skill which involves unlearning some of the bad behaviors that result from frustration.
Anger management helps you identify what triggers your emotions, and how to respond so that
things work in your favor, instead of against you.
The following may indicate that you need anger management help:
◈ You have trouble with your superior Officers/Boy.
◈ You engage in arguments with people around you, especially family, Officers, Chaplain and
other Boys.
◈ You find yourself involved in fights.
◈ You threaten violence to people or property.
◈ You find it difficult to obey constituted authorities or keep to certain rules.
◈ You feel displeased or irritated by another person’s presence, speech or actions.
In the Western worlds, Anger management therapy may be done in group sessions, often called
anger management classes or one-on-one with a counselor or psychotherapist, often referred to
as psychotherapy.
Being able to rate your anger helps you know where you are in the anger scale - that alone will
not get rid of the anger; it is a step. The next step is to devise an anger plan. Anger plans may
vary and depend on certain aspects of the person, as well as his/her circumstances. An anger
plan may include:
1 Taking time out - remove yourself from the situation that is triggering the anger so that you
have space to gather your thoughts and calm down. Avoid confrontations and arguments, and if
pushed; respond with a low voice and walk out.
2 Change the subject - if a particular conversation includes an anger trigger, start talking about
something else.
3 Relaxation techniques - If you can find a physical therapist who specializes in management
anger relaxation techniques, do a few sessions with him/her. It will be worth it. Effective
relaxation needs to be done properly and requires some practice to be really effective.
4 Delay your responses - some people find that counting to ten, or using some strategy to slow
the pace of a conversation that is starting to bother them helps. Delaying responses may be
used even if the situation is not a conversation, such as a feeling of growing frustration during a
traffic jam.
5 Express your anger - make sure you do this when you have calmed down. Do this in an
assertive non-aggressive way.
6 Sleep - try to get at least 7 hours good quality sleep every night. Sleep is crucial for good
mental and physical health. Sleep deprivation has been linked in many studies to mental,
physical and emotional health problems - including anger.
7 Don't hold on to resentment - holding a grudge against somebody can only fuel your anger
and make it harder to control it. It is important to be realistic and accept that people are the
way they are, rather than how you want them to be. Many of the strategies mentioned here,
such as expressing your anger, are more likely to help resolve your anger, compared to holding a
8 Humor - don't give in to harsh, sarcastic humor; that's just another form of unhealthy anger
expression. Good humor can sometimes dissolve anger and resentment faster than anything
else. Humor is a fantastic weapon and also a gift. Even if it means just laughing - as long as there
is no risk of misinterpretation - your mood can change for the better rapidly. Some people find
that just remembering a funny joke, or imagining themselves or the other person in a silly
situation gets their mind away from the anger.
9 Seek the face of God in prayers and the counsel of a priest for spiritual advice and guidance.
15 de agosto a las 17:44 · Público


ADJ: Parade attenshun.
ADJ: Center ranks in twos number
ADJ: March on the band corps.
ADJ: Parade will form two ranks from three ranks, form two ranks.
ADJ: Fall in the officers
ADJ: Dressing right dress
ADJ: Eyes front
(He marches to the CNC or GC for handover)
ADJ: ……. Boys …… officers in the ……… formed up ready for your handover sir.
CNC: March on the colour
CPC: Sir, colour party shun, carry.
CNC: To your colours salute.
CPC: Colour party will advance by the center quick march
CPC: Colour party will change direction right, right form
CPC: Colour party will change direction right, right form
CPC: Colour party will change direction left, at a halt, in two lines, left form.
CNC: Ensigns to the colour take post.
CPC: Sir, up
CNC: Parade stand at ease.
PARADE SECRETARY: Announcing the arrival, of the ……………
CNC: Parade attenshun
PARADE SECRETARY:In the person of ………………………..
CNC: General salute, Salute.
(After the salute)
CNC: Parade stand at ease.
PARADE SECRETARY: Announcing the arrival, of the review
CNC: Parade attenshun
PARADE SECRETARY: In the person of ………………………..
CNC: National Salute, Salute.
(The CNC marches to the review officer for inspection).
CNC: ……. Boys …… officers in the ……… formed up ready for your inspection, Sir.
(After the inspection)
CNC: Sir, may I have your permission to carry on with the rest of the parade, Sir.
CNC: Ensigns to the colour take post.
CPC: Sir, up
CNC : Parade will form three ranks from two ranks, re-form three ranks.
CNC: Parade will advance in slow and quick time, by the right, right form, slow march.
SECTION COMMANDERS: ….. Guard left form.
…… Guard eyes right.
…… Guard halt. (RLRLRLR)
CNC: Parade will advance in review order, by the center quick march.
(Marches to the review officers)
CNC: ……. Boys …… officers in the ……… formed up ready for your address sir.
REVIEW OFFICER: Permission granted
(Marches back to his position)
CNC: Parade stand at ease.
(Address …………. After the address)
CNC: Parade attenshun.
CNC: Parade will give three hearty cheers to the review officer; we remove hair dress, remove
hair dress.
CNC: Heep! Heep!! Heep!!!
BOYS: Hureeehh (3x)
CNC: Parade will replace hair dress, replace hair dress.
ADJ: Stand still!!!!!
CNC: National anthem.
CNC: Sir, may I have your permission to march off the colour and the rest of the parade, Sir.
REVIEW OFFICER: Permission granted
CNC: March off the colour.
CPC: Colour party will advance by the center quick march.
CNC: To your colours salute.
CPC: Colours party will change direction left, left form.
(ADJ or 2nC marches over to the CNC for takeover)
ADJ: Sir, may I have your permission to carry on with the rest of the parade, Sir.
CNC: Permission granted
(ADJ marches to the center of the parade and CNC retires to the saluting dais.)
ADJ: Turn to your right in columns of three right turn.
ADJ: Section commanders take post
ADJ: Parade will advance in quick time by the right, right form quick march.
(Whole parade marches round and salutes the CNC and dismisses.)
July 29, 2015 at 7:14am · Public


A company is the smallest unit in the B structure and is made up of at least 20 Boys, 3 officers, a
captain and a chaplain. In other words the company is the first unit in the hierarchical structure
of the organization; it is the base or foundation in which all other component depends on for
continuity and survival. The BB Nigeria has out-lined a series of steps essential for the institution
of a Boys brigade company in a church, they are:
1 CHURCH ACTION: The company is part of the church therefore, thus the church through the
minister, vicar, catechist or church committee approves the proposal to form a company.
2 APPOINTMENT: The church also appoints the officers who lead the company. The church
committee decides on who leads the company as the senior officer or captain and junior officers
as lieutenants. Officers appointed generally per company shouldn’t exceed three. There can be
male or female officers in the company as the case may be and as well men and women of
substance as patrons and patronesses. The companys’ staff will be instituted with the following
member the captain, the chaplain, the patrons and patronesses, the warrant officers and the
3 LEADERSHIP PREPARATION: The appointed leaders through the prospective Captain apply for
the set books sent to new companys. At this point they will attend training courses and camps to
gain a renowned knowledge about the BB. During leadership preparation, the company
purchases BB instructional materials like drill book, bible study out-lines, inye aka, BB handouts
and journals etc.
4 PROGRAMME PLANNING: The appointed officers meet to plan for the actual starting of weekly
activities and meetings. The programme is planned to cover the four corners of the BB (spiritual,
educational, social and physical); the BB pillars Christian religion and Discipline; and as well to
accommodate other parts of BB method like drill, bible study, games, uniform etc. during this
period, the officers also decides the date and time of Company weekly bible classes, the date
and time of company drill classes
5 COMMENCEMENT OF MEETING: When the above four steps has been attained, the Company
can then commence their weekly activities. They can invite friends within the church and fellow
officers to help smooth running of the programme.
The prospective company is expected to hold six successive weekly Boys’ meetings then the
Captain apply for forms for enrollment of the company with the acceptance or approval of the
6 ENROLMENT: After six successive weekly Boys, meeting are held, the company chaplain and
the captain apply for enrollment of the company. Application form will included, with books
sent to prospective captains when the company has been advised that enrollment has been
sanctioned and appointment cards issued to officers of the company.
Registration number is given to new company by the national council through the state councils.
Companys’ are numbered according to political administrative division in which the new
company is situated and not according to church, diocese or districts. It is the state organizing
secretary’s responsibility to advice on what number and name to be given to new Companys’.
Promotion comes up only after the first enrolment. Enrolment services in the BB should be
conducted annually in order to facilitate the company and encourage hard work through
July 26, 2015 at 7:26pm · Public

Drill is an important part of the BB method; it’s the framework within which the Boy is
encouraged to take pride in his turnout and appearance. It’s important that the aim of drill
should be realized by officers, drill is not an end in itself, but together with the religious
instruction and other company activities is a means of furthering the BB object.
The aim of drill in the BB is to develop Boys of Christian discipline in accordance with the BB
object, which is the advancement of Christ kingdom amongst Boys and the promotion of habits
of obedience, discipline, self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness. Drill
at no time should be used as a means of punishing the Boys, thus must be practiced in
accordance with the following objectives in mind:
◈ Obedience and discipline: BB discipline is founded in drill, thus these habits are essential in
the mental and spiritual growth of the Boy. Through a good drill, they are indirectly implanted
into the Boy.
◈ Self-respect: This is necessary in many ways. Drill and uniform in the BB are the most
appropriate tool for impacting self-respect in Boys amongst the other Bb methods. Thus the
Boys learn how to stand by the instructions of his commander with the fear of being punished
when he defaults.
◈ Self-control: Through self-control, a Boy is helped to become a master of his own eyes,
tongue, hands and eventually his whole body (mind, body and soul).
◈ Concentration: A good drill requires a lot of concentration and this can help the Boy even
outside the field, by making him to be attentive and agile in class. It also helps the Boy to learn
how he can condition his mind and body into something creative.
◈ Physical bearing: Although drill is not intended to replace physical education, it is a valuable
help in promoting an erect and upright bearing in the Boy.
Through drill the Boy is given a chance to exercise and develop his leadership qualities as squad
leaders/commanders usually as a NCO or a private; by commanding his co in parade, giving
direct orders and indirectly building equipping oneself with discipline and self-control which are
the basics any leader must acquire while climbing the ladder. Drill also helps to intimate the
Boys interest in the BB and as well helps him to accept responsibilities and challenges when on
field work.
Drill helps the Boy to learn how to take “Pride in their unit” and with this they tend to do all to
protect their squad from discredition and shame during individual and group activities
Its often believed that a company that is good in drill is good in all activities, thus its effect can
be seen on the Boys character and as well squads during parade, bible classes, squad
competition and games. When planning a companys programme, drill should be given a special
consideration, but is not to be allowed to take more than two nights in a roll in order to give
room for other BB activities. In the BB, drill must not be used as a means of punishing the Boy.
A drill instructor in the BB is a Boy in the position of teaching drill and as well as executing drill
commands. The effect of drill on the Boys is directly dependent on the instructor, because he
issues commands to Boys within his AOC. Thus any person in the position of commanding drill
must possess the following features:
1 KNOWLEDGE: He must have a detailed knowledge of the subject matter “DRILL”. Thus must
make sure the aim of drill is made manifest in the Boys as the class rolls on.
2 SMART: He must always appear smart on drill classes whether on uniform or not, and should
be able to demonstrate to the Boys what he teaches so that they thus can follow.
3 PERSONALITY: He must have an impressive personality both in attitude and command that will
command the Boys and must set a good standard in drill for the Boys to follow e.g. shouldn’t
stammer, joke or lose focus while on parade or drill class.
4 ENTHUSIASTIC: He must fire his squad with the will and desire to learn, should be progressive
in his approach, and must know how to use instructional aides when necessary.
5 DISCIPLINED: Above all qualities he must be disciplined, with a high level of self-control if not
he will loose his grip on parade.
6 PATIENT: A drill instructor must as well be patient with his squad while drilling them as Christ
our master is with us; and never to loose his temper during field work.
7 CONSISTENT: A good drill instructor must set for himself and squad a target and never to
deviate from until he achieves his objectives. HE MUST NOT SETTLE FOR LESS.
◈ Formation of squad
◈ Explanation
◈ Demonstration ( with and without numbers)
◈ Question
◈ Practice
A good drill is impossible unless clear, precise and correct words of command are used. The
pattern and voicing of command by the instructor is one of the things that beautifies a parade
and makes it attractive. BB drill commands has three basic parts which are used to imbibe
caution into the Boys during field work, they are:
◈ The Introductory: It tells the Boy what movement he is about to carry out; it is voiced with a
high pitch and without striations. E.g. “Parade will advance in slow and quick time, by the right
form,” ………
◈ The Cautionary: It tells the Boy what to do. It is given deliberately and distinctly .e.g. “Right
◈ The executive: It tells the Boy when to do it. It is voiced with a high pitched voice; and should
be given in a short sharp tone to enhance a smart and immediate response. E.g. “Slow match”
Note that
i. Some drill commands lack the introductory and sometimes the cautionary e.g. the command
“RIGHT – TURN” lacks the introductory while “AS YOU WERE” lacks either of the first two parts.
ii. Certain one-word commands like HALT, NUMBER, and COVER must be preceded by the
Cautionary “SQUAD OR PARADE” while on the other side, the word SQUAD should not be used
before commands that themselves have cautionary e.g. it is improper to say “SQUAD STAND AT
- EASE” because STAND AT- is a cautionary of its own; but if used its position shall be as an
introductory and not as a cautionary. “PARADE/SQUAD (introductory) STAND AT - (cautionary)
EASE (executive).
iii. All drill commands given during field work must end on the correct foot. E.g.
Thus all drill commands must start on the RIGHT foot and as well end / halt on the RIGHT foot.
1 The elementary drill
2 The squad drill
The elementary drill is a specialized form of drill given to new members or recruits in the BB. It
helps to promote interest in the BB. It can be administered with emphasis on figure marching,
words of command, drill movements etc and instructional aides like charts, music, and drums
can be used to increase interest. Here the Boy is thought the three basic positions on parade i.e:
◈ Stand at ease.
◈ Stand attention.
◈ Stand easy.
They can as well be thought how to move from stand ATTENSHUN / ATTENTION to at EASE and
later to stand EASY.
Jul 25, 2015 · Public · in Mobile U


According to the oxford advanced learners dictionary 6th edition, A Chaplain is defined as “A
Chaplain is defined as a priest or other minister who is responsible for the religious needs of
people in a prison, hospital etc or in the armed forces.
According to the constitution of the Boys brigade Nigeria, Section 2; “Chaplain” means a
minister of the Christian religion or other persons appointed by a church or other establishment
to take charge of the spiritual life of the Boys.
The Chaplain shall wear the Officers uniform A; as provided in the constitution of the Boys
brigade as follows:
Collar badges well placed on a Navy blue or black suite with a neat white long sleeve shirt worn
inside. A Boys brigade tie / collar (for priest) worn around the neck with the Glengarry cap and
cap badges placed on top the head. Boys brigade belt worn around the waist and a black laced
shoe with a pair of black stockings.
The installation of chaplains in the Boys brigade shall a divine service, as in enrolment services.
During the installation, the Chaplain shall show his allegiance to God by taking the oath of non-
allegiance to secret societies and cults as stated in Section 58 of the constitution of the Boys
brigade Nigeria. Any member NOT WILLING to renounce membership of such societies by not
participating in this oath shall be required to withdraw from the Boys brigade.
The tenure of a Chaplain shall be at the pleasure of the Head of Denomination or Institution as
the case may be.
1 AS A COMPANY STAFF MEMBER: The Company Chaplain shall be company staff member and
the spiritual director of the company.
2 AS AN EXECUTIVE MEMBER: The chaplain can serve as an appointed executive member in the
battalion and state council respectively.
3 AS A MEMBER OF THE STATE WELFARE SCHEME: The Chaplain shall be a subscribing member
of the Imo state council Officers welfare scheme.
The Chaplains shall:
(a) Endeavour at all times to educate the congregation on the importance of the Boys’ Brigade
and on the need advance Christ kingdom among Boys.
(b) Appoint captains and other respective officers (Patrons, Lieutenants and warrants) in the
(c) Ensure avenues for recruitment are created in the company and that the Companys
Enrolment service is held annually.
(d) Ensure that the Company takes part in the annual BB week exercise and the collection of
cards alongside the Money is properly accounted for and remitted to the Battalion council or
state council respectively.
(e) Interact regularly with the Executive Committees at all levels of the BBN and attend the
Annual Council Meetings as delegates of their respective battalion councils. Shall be required to
act as returning officers and impartial overseers at elections at the State and National Council
(f) Endeavor to keep and manage the church members, and work alongside the captain and
other officers to ensure the company activities remain attractive, encouraging, effective and
efficient. This will help in the growth of the Boys brigade and the church.
(g) Participate in any of the training programmes of the BBN and receive appropriate certificate
and recognition.
(h) Call for periodic reports of the Companys activities and help the officers to build a huge
financial base that can meet up with the demands of the company like training courses,
seminars, welfare needs, purchase of journals and books.
Lack of interest.
Interest can be rekindled by actively engaging in Boys brigade activities within the company and
immediate council.
Self pride and lack of knowledge.
The “I too Know” mentality which consumes our interest as officers / chaplains can be defeated
by reaching out to Boys brigade books and journals for directives and attending basic training
courses / workshops to learn more about the Boys brigade.
The immediate environment where the company is located.
The chaplain shall use the available resources to draw more members into the Boys brigade
from all denominations, this can serve as a means of evangelism and membership to for the
The denomination or institution where the chaplain operates under.
The chaplain should always try to share his view about certain activities of the Boys brigade
amongst his fellow priest and reach out to the denominational heads on pressing issues
concerning the organization.
Poor attitude of the officers / Boys.
The officers / Boys can be rekindled by making the organization attractive by introducing drill,
sports and bible studies to the Boy (The Boy loves varieties). The chaplain can also hire a paid or
an unpaid officer within the immediate council to train the Boys weekly.
The Chaplain shall at all times fight to defend the object of Boys brigade which is “ The
advancement of Christ kingdom amongst Boys and the promotion of habits of obedience,
reverence, discipline, self respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness” and
ensure a cordial relationship exist between the Boys brigade, the church and the community at
Jul 19, 2015 · Public · in Mobile Uploads
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Uadia Micheal folorunsho (STO)
United Central battalion Council
Kwara state, Nigeria

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