Determining Your Preferred Learning Style: Summary Chapter 7

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Summary Chapter 7

Determining Your Preferred Learning Style

In addition to common learning techniques, each of us also has our own way of learning. These

ways help us extract as much information as possible, requiring less effort from our brains.

There are four approaches to learning:

Thinking (what?) is the love of theory and scientific information

Action (how?) is the love of taking part in something

Feelings (why? or who?) is the emotional state and support of others

Innovation (what if? What else?) is presenting new possibilities.

The use of critical thinking

The term "critical" is the ability to make decisions using thinking. In other words, it is a process

of making wise choices by building analyses and looking for arguments.

The construction of logical arguments.

The three components of a logical argument are:

1. Reasons (The main question is "Why?", this argument explains why one should do this or

2. Evidence ( Sometimes called support, the main question "How did I know?", three types of

evidence: facts, data, stories)

3. Conclusions ( opinions, beliefs, and positions, the main question is "What?")

Probing questions

One of the main parts of critical thinking is to ask a probing question that reveals conclusions

based on unsubstantiated reasons, faulty evidence, or logic.

Examples of questions:

What reasons have been offered to support the conclusion?

Are the definitions of all key terms clear?

Are the strong emotions being substituted for reasons?

Learning to Make Course Corrections

When you encounter a problem, and the current choices aren't working to solve it, you need to

make course corrections.

Change requires self-awareness and courage. Because in order to correct a course, you must first

understand that you are off course. It is very important to listen to the feedback and feedback

from other people.

Then there are changes and learning. Since course correction will not always lead us to success,

but it will also be a lesson for us.

Since each of us likes to get information in different ways, so people choose different

professions. For example:

Thinking learner: biologist, engineer, science teacher, lawyer, physician, radiologist, etc.

Doing learner: reporter, farmer, hotel manager, police officer, realtor, etc.

Feeling learner: actor, social worker, sociologist, sales, writer, etc.

Innovation learner: dancer, poet, designer, florist, architect, editor, filmmaker, etc.

Develop Self-Respect

Self-respect is the belief that I am a respected person. Self-confidence is the result of what I do,

and self-respect is the result of how I do it. One must live with integrity, and the basis of

integrity is a personal value system. We create integrity by choosing our words and actions based

on our own values. Every time you contradict your values, you walk away from yourself. If you

want to know what you value, ask yourself this question: "What qualities and behavior of other

people do I admire?

If your choices do not match your values, then reconsider your dreams, goals, and thoughts.

Keep your commitments

Making a promise not to break it because people have ceased to respect you. By departing from

their commitments, you also lose self-respect.

 Agree to it should be conscious.

 If you know you will not be able to fulfill a request, you have to say "no."

 Use the language of the creator: Do not say "I will try to do," and say "I do.
 Make your promises important, write them down, make a plan and then follow through.

 Use self-management tools.

If you haven't fulfilled your commitments, ask yourself, "what did I put in a more important

place than this?" Explore your inner conflict with honesty, and perhaps you will find some

pattern that destroys your beliefs and requires a change.

By keeping a commitment to ourselves, something inside us thrives and reveals itself, and that

something is self-esteem.

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