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Diffusion in the ordered phases

 Atomic diffusion mechanism in random solid solution is better

understood, however, it is least understood in the ordered phases.

 We shall discuss the complexity of the process considering B2 (NiAl)

and γ (Ni3Al) phases, in which most of the studies till date are
Crystal structure of the B2 phase (stoichiometric composition)


α-sublattice (lets say belongs to Al)

β-sub attice (lets say belongs to Ni)

 B2 or the β phase in the Ni-Al system has L1o structure. If Ni occupies the body
center position of the cubic cell then Al occupies the body corner positions.

 Similarly as explained, it can also be seen as Al occupying the body center position
and Ni occupying the body corner positions.

 Actually two simple cubic cells of Al and Ni penetrate each other.

Phase diagram from P. Nash, Phase Diagrams of Binary Nickel Alloys, Materials Park (Ohio): ASM International (1991) 3-11
 It can be seen that the phase has a wide homogeneity range. It deviates both on
Ni and Al rich sides.
 Deviation from the stoichiometry is achieved because of the presence of
constitutional defects


 In the Al rich side, there are triple defects (2VNi+NiAl ) . That means two missing Ni
and one additional Ni on Al sublattice. Ni on Al sublattice is called Ni antisite
 In the Ni rich side, there are Ni antisites.

Bradley and Taylor, Proc. Royal Soc. A 159 (1937)

Migration of atoms/vacancy in B2 structure



 NN (Nearest Neighbor) jump is not possible: because Al will go to Ni sublattice,

which is not allowed unless it is an antisite defect. Vacancy concentration on the
sublattices will change, which is not again allowed, since in equilibrium condition
different sublattices will have particular concentration of vacancies.

 Only possibility is NNN (Next Nearest Neighbour) jump to maintain the order,
since direct NNN jump is not possible because of 4 Al atoms which are present in
the middle

 Different diffusion mechanisms are proposed following which diffusion is

6 jump cycle (6JC) mechanism

Proposed by:
Huntington, private communication
Elcock and McCombie Phys. Rev. B 109 (1958) 605
Comments from Divinski and Herzig, Intermetallics, 8 (2000) 1357
 Ni, Al and VNi exchange positions 6 times after which NNN jump is
 The occurrence of 6JC is limited to the stoichiomtric composition
and below 1100 K (following the model of embedded atom
Al potentials)
Ni  Contribution is only 30% of the total diffusivity
Triple defect mechanism



Proposed by Stolwijk, van Al

Gand, Bakker, Phil Mag. A 42 VNi
(1980) 783

 Possible diffusion mechanism in the Al-rich side

 After 2 jumps Ni and VNi exchange their position
without destroying triple defect structure
 Only Ni atoms migrate in this particular case
Triple defect mechanism


VNi Proposed by Stolwijk, van Gand, Bakker, Phil Mag. A 42 (1980) 783

 Possible diffusion mechanism in the Al-rich side

 After 4 jumps Ni, Al and VNi exchange their position without destroying triple defect
 Ni and Al atoms migrate together.
Anti structure bridge (ASB) mechanism


Antisite atoms make a bridge to facilitate diffusion

Proposed by: Kao and Chang, Intermetallics,1 (1993) 237

 Possible diffusion mechanism in the Ni-rich side

 Antisite Ni atoms make a bridge to facilitate diffusion

Crystal structure and constitutional defects in the Ni3Al phase



Al-rich(by Al Ni-rich(by Ni
antisites) antisites)

 Ni3Al phase has L12 structure, in which Al occupies body corner positions and
Ni occupies the face center positions.

 This phase deviates from the stoichiometric composition because of the

presence of antisite defects.
Aoki and Izumi, Phys. Stat. Sol. 32 (1975) 657
 When there are no defects present in the crystal, each Ni atom is surrounded
by 8 Ni and 4 Al atoms, whereas, each Al atom is surrounded by 12 Ni atoms.
 So Ni can diffuse through its own sublattice, if vacancies are present.
 On the other hand Al cannot diffuse if it does not have any antisite defect.
Because otherwise it cannot exchange position with vacancies on the Ni
 However, experimental results indicate significant diffusion of Al.
Defect concentrations calculated in Ni3Al

AlNi NiA
AlNi NiA
AlNi NiA
l VNi




1200 K 1400 K 1600 K

 Following theoretical analysis of Numakura et al., antisite defects are always
 Concentration of vacancy on the Ni sublattice is much higher than vacancy on the
Al sublattice.
 This indicates that diffusion mainly happens because of vacancies on the Ni
sublattice only.
Numakura et al. Phil. Mag. 77 (1998) 887
 Diffusion of Ni occurs by exchanging position of atoms and vacancies on its
own sublattice .

 Presence of Ni antisites increases the diffusion rate.

 Diffusion of Al occurs because of vacancy on the Ni sublattice and Al antisite


Numakura et al. Phil. Mag. 77 (1998) 887

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