Detecting Novel Associations in Large Data Sets: X, y X, y

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of integers (x,y) the largest possible mutual in-

formation achievable by any x-by-y grid applied

Detecting Novel Associations

to the data. We then normalize these mutual
information values to ensure a fair comparison
between grids of different dimensions and to ob-
in Large Data Sets tain modified values between 0 and 1. We de-
fine the characteristic matrix M = (mx,y), where
mx,y is the highest normalized mutual infor-
David N. Reshef,1,2,3*† Yakir A. Reshef,2,4*† Hilary K. Finucane,5 Sharon R. Grossman,2,6 mation achieved by any x-by-y grid, and the
Gilean McVean,3,7 Peter J. Turnbaugh,6 Eric S. Lander,2,8,9 statistic MIC to be the maximum value in M
Michael Mitzenmacher,10‡ Pardis C. Sabeti2,6‡ (Fig. 1, B and C).
More formally, for a grid G, let IG denote
Identifying interesting relationships between pairs of variables in large data sets is increasingly the mutual information of the probability dis-
important. Here, we present a measure of dependence for two-variable relationships: the maximal
information coefficient (MIC). MIC captures a wide range of associations both functional and
not, and for functional relationships provides a score that roughly equals the coefficient of
determination (R2) of the data relative to the regression function. MIC belongs to a larger

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class of maximal information-based nonparametric exploration (MINE) statistics for identifying
and classifying relationships. We apply MIC and MINE to data sets in global health, gene
2x2 2x3 xxy
expression, major-league baseball, and the human gut microbiota and identify known and
novel relationships.

magine a data set with hundreds of variables, not only do relationships take many functional

I which may contain important, undiscovered

relationships. There are tens of thousands of
variable pairs—far too many to examine manu-
forms, but many important relationships—for ex-
ample, a superposition of functions—are not well
modeled by a function (4–7).
ally. If you do not already know what kinds of By equitability, we mean that the statistic
relationships to search for, how do you efficiently should give similar scores to equally noisy rela-
identify the important ones? Data sets of this size tionships of different types. For example, we do
are increasingly common in fields as varied as not want noisy linear relationships to drive strong B Columns
2 3 ...
genomics, physics, political science, and econom- sinusoidal relationships from the top of the list.
ics, making this question an important and grow- Equitability is difficult to formalize for associa-
ing challenge (1, 2). tions in general but has a clear interpretation in

One way to begin exploring a large data set the basic case of functional relationships: An equi-
is to search for pairs of variables that are closely table statistic should give similar scores to func- Rows

associated. To do this, we could calculate some tional relationships with similar R2 values (given

measure of dependence for each pair, rank the sufficient sample size).
pairs by their scores, and examine the top-scoring Here, we describe an exploratory data anal-

pairs. For this strategy to work, the statistic we ysis tool, the maximal information coefficient
use to measure dependence should have two heu- (MIC), that satisfies these two heuristic proper-
ristic properties: generality and equitability. ties. We establish MIC’s generality through proofs, C 1.0
Normalized Score

By generality, we mean that with sufficient show its equitability on functional relationships
sample size the statistic should capture a wide through simulations, and observe that this trans-
range of interesting associations, not limited to lates into intuitively equitable behavior on more
specific function types (such as linear, exponential, general associations. Furthermore, we illustrate
or periodic), or even to all functional relation- that MIC gives rise to a larger family of sta- 0.0

ships (3). The latter condition is desirable because tistics, which we refer to as MINE, or maximal


information-based nonparametric exploration. 20


0 10
MINE statistics can be used not only to identify Bins
is B

1 0 Axis
Department of Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Vertical

Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 2Broad Institute interesting associations, but also to characterize
of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA. 3Department them according to properties such as nonline-
of Statistics, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3TG, UK. 4De-
arity and monotonicity. We demonstrate the Fig. 1. Computing MIC (A) For each pair (x,y), the
partment of Mathematics, Harvard College, Cambridge, MA MIC algorithm finds the x-by-y grid with the highest
02138, USA. 5Department of Computer Science and Applied application of MIC and MINE to data sets in
induced mutual information. (B) The algorithm
Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. health, baseball, genomics, and the human
Center for Systems Biology, Department of Organismic and normalizes the mutual information scores and
microbiota. compiles a matrix that stores, for each resolution,
Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138,
The maximal information coefficient. Intu- the best grid at that resolution and its normalized
USA. 7Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of
Oxford, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK. 8Department of Biology, MIT, itively, MIC is based on the idea that if a re- score. (C) The normalized scores form the char-
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 9Department of Systems Biology, lationship exists between two variables, then a acteristic matrix, which can be visualized as a sur-
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA. 10School of grid can be drawn on the scatterplot of the two face; MIC corresponds to the highest point on this
Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cam- variables that partitions the data to encapsulate
bridge, MA 02138, USA. surface. In this example, there are many grids that
that relationship. Thus, to calculate the MIC of a achieve the highest score. The star in (B) marks a
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
†To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
set of two-variable data, we explore all grids up sample grid achieving this score, and the star in (C) (D.N.R.); (Y.A.R.) to a maximal grid resolution, dependent on the marks that grid’s corresponding location on the
‡These authors contributed equally to this work. sample size (Fig. 1A), computing for every pair surface.

1518 16 DECEMBER 2011 VOL 334 SCIENCE

tribution induced on the boxes of G, where the (x,y)-th entry mx,y of the characteristic matrix maximum of mx,y over ordered pairs (x,y) such
probability of a box is proportional to the num- equals max{IG}/log min{x,y}, where the maxi- that xy < B, where B is a function of sample size;
ber of data points falling inside the box. The mum is taken over all x-by-y grids G. MIC is the we usually set B = n0.6 (see SOM Section 2.2.1).

A B 1
CorGC **

Maximal Information Coefficient

Mutual Information (Principal Maximal
Relationship Type MIC Pearson Spearman (KDE) (Kraskov) Curve-Based) Correlation
Random 0.18 -0.02 -0.02 0.01 0.03 0.19 0.01
Linear 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.03 3.89 1.00 1.00

Cubic 1.00 0.61 0.69 3.09 3.12 0.98 1.00
Exponential 1.00 0.70 1.00 2.09 3.62 0.94 1.00

Sinusoidal 0.2
1.00 -0.09 -0.09 0.01 -0.11 0.36 0.64
(Fourier frequency)

Categorical 1.00 0.53 0.49 2.22 1.65 1.00 1.00

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Periodic/Linear 1.00 0.33 0.31 0.69 0.45 0.49 0.91
C 1
Parabolic 1.00 -0.01 -0.01 3.33 3.15 1.00 1.00

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Squared Spearman Rank
Sinusoidal 0.8

Correlation Coefficient
1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.20 0.40 0.80
(non-Fourier frequency)

Sinusoidal 1.00 -0.11 -0.11 0.02 0.06 0.38 0.76

* *
(varying frequency) 0.6


G Maximal Information Coefficient (MIC)
0.80 0.65 0.50 0.35
Relationship Type Added Noise 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

D 5.0
Mutual Information (Kraskov et al.)

Two Lines 2.5

Line and Parabola


* *

* *
(Mixture of two signals) 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

E 1
Maximal Correlation (ACE)


Fig. 2. Comparison of MIC to existing methods (A) Scores given to various * *

noiseless functional relationships by several different statistics (8, 12, 14, 19). 0.6

Maximal scores in each column are accentuated. (B to F) The MIC, Spearman

correlation coefficient, mutual information (Kraskov et al. estimator), maximal 0.4

correlation (estimated using ACE), and the principal curve-based CorGC de-
pendence measure, respectively, of 27 different functional relationships with 0.2
independent uniform vertical noise added, as the R2 value of the data relative to
the noiseless function varies. Each shape and color corresponds to a different 0
0 0.2 0.4
* 0.6 0.8
combination of function type and sample size. In each plot, pairs of thumbnails
show relationships that received identical scores; for data exploration, we would F 1
CorGC (Principal Curve-Based)

like these pairs to have similar noise levels. For a list of the functions and sample
sizes in these graphs as well as versions with other statistics, sample sizes, and
noise models, see figs. S3 and S4. (G) Performance of MIC on associations not
* *
well modeled by a function, as noise level varies. For the performance of other 0.6
statistics, see figs. S5 and S6.
* *

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Noise (1 - R2) SCIENCE VOL 334 16 DECEMBER 2011 1519

Every entry of M falls between 0 and 1, and Specifically, we have proven that for a pair of makes it easy to interpret and compare scores
so MIC does as well. MIC is also symmetric [i.e., random variables X and Y, (i) if Y is a function of across various function types (Fig. 2B and fig.
MIC(X, Y ) = MIC(Y, X )] due to the symmetry of X that is not constant on any open interval, then S4). For instance, at reasonable sample sizes, a
mutual information, and because IG depends data drawn from (X,Y ) will receive an MIC tend- sinusoidal relationship with a noise level of R2 =
only on the rank order of the data, MIC is invar- ing to 1 with probability one as sample size grows; 0.80 and a linear relationship with the same R2
iant under order-preserving transformations of (ii) if the support of (X,Y ) is described by a value receive nearly the same MIC score. For a
the axes. Notably, although mutual information finite union of differentiable curves of the form wide range of associations that are not well
is used to quantify the performance of each grid, c(t) = [x(t),y(t)] for t in [0,1], then data drawn from modeled by a function, we also show that MIC
MIC is not an estimate of mutual information (X,Y ) will receive an MIC tending to 1 with scores degrade in an intuitive manner as noise
(SOM Section 2). probability one as sample size grows, provided is added (Fig. 2G and figs. S5 and S6).
To calculate M, we would ideally optimize that dx/dt and dy/dt are each zero on finitely Comparisons to other methods. We compared
over all possible grids. For computational effi- many points; (iii) the MIC of data drawn from MIC to a wide range of methods—including meth-
ciency, we instead use a dynamic programming (X,Y ) converges to zero in probability as sample ods formulated around the axiomatic framework
algorithm that optimizes over a subset of the pos- size grows if and only if X and Y are statis- for measures of dependence developed by Rényi
sible grids and appears to approximate well the tically independent. We have also proven that (8), other state-of-the-art measures of dependence,
true value of MIC in practice (SOM Section 3). the MIC of a noisy functional relationship is and several nonparametric curve estimation tech-
Main properties of MIC. We have proven bounded from below by a function of its R2. niques that can be used to score pairs of vari-
mathematically that MIC is general in the sense (For proofs, see SOM.) ables based on how well they fit the estimated

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described above. Our proofs show that, with prob- We tested MIC’s equitability through simu- curve.
ability approaching 1 as sample size grows, (i) lations. These simulations confirm the mathemat- Methods such as splines (1) and regression
MIC assigns scores that tend to 1 to all never- ical result that noiseless functional relationships estimators (1, 9, 10) tend to be equitable across
constant noiseless functional relationships; (ii) (i.e., R2 = 1.0) receive MIC scores approaching functional relationships (11) but are not gener-
MIC assigns scores that tend to 1 for a larger 1.0 (Fig. 2A). They also show that, for a large al: They fail to find many simple and important
class of noiseless relationships (including super- collection of test functions with varied sample types of relationships that are not functional.
positions of noiseless functional relationships); sizes, noise levels, and noise models, MIC rough- (Figures S5 and S6 depict examples of relation-
and (iii) MIC assigns scores that tend to 0 to ly equals the coefficient of determination R2 rel- ships of this type from existing literature, and
statistically independent variables. ative to each respective noiseless function. This compare these methods to MIC on such relation-


1.0 1.0 1.0

Normalized Score
Normalized Score

0.5 0.5 Normalized Score 0.5

30 30 30


20 20 20


0.0 0.0 0.0


0 0 0



10 10 10 10 10
Ver 10



Ver tica



tica 20 l Ax 20 l Ax 20
l Ax


is B is B

is B 0 ins 0 0



ins 30 30 30


1.0 1.0 1.0

Normalized Score
Normalized Score

Normalized Score

0.5 0.5 0.5

30 30 30


20 20 20


0.0 0.0 0.0



0 0 0


10 10 10
Ver 10 Ver 10 10




tica tica


l Ax l Ax l Ax

20 20
is B 20

is B


is B 0 ins 0 ins 0


30 30 30


Fig. 3. Visualizations of the characteristic matrices of common relation- axis bins (columns), and the z axis represents the normalized score of the
ships. (A to F) Surfaces representing the characteristic matrices of several best-performing grid with those dimensions. The inset plots show the rela-
common relationship types. For each surface, the x axis represents num- tionships used to generate each surface. For surfaces of additional relation-
ber of vertical axis bins (rows), the y axis represents number of horizontal ships, see fig. S7.

1520 16 DECEMBER 2011 VOL 334 SCIENCE

ships.) Although these methods are not intended principal curve–based methods (16–19, 20), dis- (Fig. 2, A and C to F). For example, at a sample
to provide generality, the failure to assign high tance correlation (21), and the Spearman rank size of 250, the Kraskov et al. mutual informa-
scores in such cases makes them unsuitable for correlation coefficient all detect broader classes tion estimator (14) assigns a score of 3.65 to a
identifying all potentially interesting relationships of relationships. However, they are not equitable noiseless line but only 0.59 to a noiseless sinus-
in a data set. even in the basic case of functional relation- oid, and it gives equivalent scores to a very
Other methods such as mutual information ships: They show a strong preference for some noisy line (R2 = 0.35) and to a much cleaner
estimators (12–14), maximal correlation (8, 15), types of functions, even at identical noise levels sinusoid (R2 = 0.80) (Fig. 2D). Again, these

A 1 C 40 D 90 E

Life Lost to Injuries (% yrs)


Deaths due to HIV/AIDS

Life Expectancy (Years)
H 30

20 60
Pearson Correlation Coefficient (ρ)


0 30 0
0 4 8 12 16 2 4 6 0 1x105 2x105 2x106

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F Dentist Density (per 10,000) Children Per Woman Number of Physicians

F 75 G 60 H

Health Exp. / Person (Int $)

Adult (Female) Obesity (%)

Measles Imm. Disparity (%)

9 50
-0.5 30 4000

-1 0 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 20,000 40,000 0 150 300 0 20,000 40,000
MIC Score Income / Person (Int$) Health Exp. / Person (US$) Gross Nat’l Inc / Person (Int$)

B 1 I MIC ~
= 0.85 MIC ~
= 0.65

Improved Water Facilities (%)

~ 0.83

300 100
Under Five Mortality Rate
Mutual Information =
Pearson Correlation Coefficient (ρ)



c f 20
0 0 2000 4000 6000 10 40 70 100
Health Exp. / Person (Int$) Rural Access to Improved Water Sources (%)
Mutual Information =~ 0.65

Under Five Mortality Rate

Life Expectancy (Years)

15 80

0 1.0 2.0 3.0
0 40
Mutual Information (Kraskov et al.) 0 2000 4000 6000 100 500 900
Health Exp. / Person (US$) Cardiovascular Disease Mortality (per 1E5)

Fig. 4. Application of MINE to global indicators from the WHO. (A) MIC Pacific island nations in which obesity is culturally valued (33); most other
versus r for all pairwise relationships in the WHO data set. (B) Mutual countries follow a parabolic trend (table S10). (H) A superposition of two
information (Kraskov et al. estimator) versus r for the same relationships. relationships that scores high under all three tests, presumably because the
High mutual information scores tend to be assigned only to relationships majority of points obey one relationship. The less steep minority trend
with high r, whereas MIC gives high scores also to relationships that are consists of countries whose economies rely largely on oil (37) (table S11).
nonlinear. (C to H) Example relationships from (A). (C) Both r and MIC yield The lines of best fit in (D) to (H) were generated using regression on each
low scores for unassociated variables. (D) Ordinary linear relationships score trend. (I) Of these four relationships, the left two appear less noisy than the
high under both tests. (E to G) Relationships detected by MIC but not by r, right two. MIC accordingly assigns higher scores to the two relationships on
because the relationships are nonlinear (E and G) or because more than one the left. In contrast, mutual information assigns similar scores to the top two
relationship is present (F). In (F), the linear trendline comprises a set of relationships and similar scores to the bottom two relationships. SCIENCE VOL 334 16 DECEMBER 2011 1521

results are not surprising—they correctly re- gut microbiota (29). All relationships discussed sure MIC – r2, we found several interesting rela-
flect the properties of mutual information. But in this section are significant at a false discov- tionships (Fig. 4, E to G), many of which are
this behavior makes these methods less prac- ery rate of 5%; p-values and q-values are listed confirmed by existing literature (30–32). For ex-
tical for data exploration. in the SOM. ample, we identified a superposition of two func-
An expanded toolkit for exploration. The We explored the WHO data set (357 varia- tional associations between female obesity and
basic approach of MIC can be extended to de- bles, 63,546 variable pairs) with MIC, the com- income per person—one from the Pacific Islands,
fine a broader class of MINE statistics based monly used Pearson correlation coefficient (r), where female obesity is a sign of status (33), and
on both MIC and the characteristic matrix M. and Kraskov’s mutual information estimator one from the rest of the world, where weight
These statistics can be used to rapidly charac- (Fig. 4 and table S9). All three statistics detected and status do not appear to be linked in this way
terize relationships that may then be studied with many linear relationships. However, mutual in- (Fig. 4F).
more specialized or computationally intensive formation gave low ranks to many nonlinear re- We next explored a yeast gene expression
techniques. lationships that were highly ranked by MIC data set (6223 genes) that was previously ana-
Some statistics are derived, like MIC, from (Fig. 4, A and B). Two-thirds of the top 150 rela- lyzed with a special-purpose statistic developed
the spectrum of grid resolutions contained in M. tionships found by mutual information were by Spellman et al. to identify genes whose
Different relationship types give rise to different strongly linear (|r| ≥ 0.97), whereas most of the transcript levels oscillate during the cell cycle
types of characteristic matrices (Fig. 3). For ex- top 150 relationships found by MIC had |r| be- (26). Of the genes identified by Spellman et al.
ample, just as a characteristic matrix with a high low this threshold. Further, although equitability and MIC, 70 and 69%, respectively, were also
maximum indicates a strong relationship, a sym- is difficult to assess for general associations, the identified in a later study with more time points

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metric characteristic matrix indicates a mono- results on some specific relationships suggest conducted by Tu et al. (22). However, MIC
tonic relationship. We can thus detect deviation that MIC comes closer than mutual information identified genes at a wider range of frequencies
from monotonicity with the maximum asym- to this goal (Fig. 4I). Using the nonlinearity mea- than did Spellman et al., and MAS sorted those
metry score (MAS), defined as the maximum
over M of |mx,y – my,x|. MAS is useful, for ex-
ample, for detecting periodic relationships with C
unknown frequencies that vary over time, a com- 1.5 GIT1
mon occurrence in real data (22). MIC and MAS
together detect such relationships more effec-
tively than either Fisher’s test (23) or a recent -1.5
specialized test developed by Ahdesmäki et al. G

0 1 2 3 4
(figs. S8 and S9) (24). D
Because MIC is general and roughly equal to 1
R2 on functional relationships, we can also define 6
F 0
a natural measure of nonlinearity by MIC – r2,
where r denotes the Pearson product-moment cor- -1
relation coefficient, a measure of linear depen- E 0 1 2 3 4

Gene Expression
dence. The statistic MIC – r2 is near 0 for linear 0 C E HSP12
relationships and large for nonlinear relationships 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1

with high values of MIC. As seen in the real-world MIC

examples below, it is useful for uncovering novel
nonlinear relationships.
Similar MINE statistics can be defined to 12 q < 0.05
0 1 2 3 4

detect properties that we refer to as “complex- F MCM3

ity” and “closeness to being a function.” We G 1

provide formal definitions and a performance 0

summary of these two statistics (SOM section 8

2.3 and table S1). Finally, MINE statistics can
also be used in cluster analysis to observe the F 0 1 2 3 4

higher-order structure of data sets (SOM sec- G

2 HTB1
tion 4.9).
Application of MINE to real data sets. We 0

used MINE to explore four high-dimensional D

C E -2
data sets from diverse fields. Three data sets 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 1 2 3 4
have previously been analyzed and contain
MAS Time (hours)
many well-understood relationships. These data
sets are (i) social, economic, health, and political
Fig. 5. Application of MINE to Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene expression data. (A) MIC versus
indicators from the World Health Organization scores obtained by Spellman et al. for all genes considered (26). Genes with high Spellman scores
(WHO) and its partners (7, 25); (ii) yeast gene tend to receive high MIC scores, but some genes undetected by Spellman's analysis also received
expression profiles from a classic paper re- high MICs. (B) MAS versus Spellman’s statistic for genes with significant MICs. Genes with a high
porting genes whose transcript levels vary pe- Spellman score also tend to have a high MAS score. (C to G) Examples of genes with high MIC and
riodically with the cell cycle (26); and (iii) varying MAS (trend lines are moving averages). MAS sorts the MIC-identified genes by frequency. A
performance statistics from the 2008 Major higher MAS signifies a shorter wavelength for periodic data, indicating that the genes found by
League Baseball (MLB) season (27, 28). For Spellman et al. are those with shorter wavelengths. None of the examples except for (F) and (G)
our fourth analysis, we applied MINE to a data were detected by Spellman’s analysis. However, subsequent studies have shown that (C) to (E) are
set that has not yet been exhaustively analyzed: periodic genes with longer wavelengths (22, 24). More plots of genes detected with MIC and MAS
a set of bacterial abundance levels in the human are given in fig. S11.

1522 16 DECEMBER 2011 VOL 334 SCIENCE

genes by frequency (Fig. 5). Of the genes iden- In the MLB data set (131 variables), MIC and r OTUs in the same bacterial family than expected
tified by MINE as having high frequency (MAS > both identified many linear relationships, but by chance (30% versus 24 T 0.6%).
75th percentile), 80% were identified by Spellman interesting differences emerged. On the basis Examining the 1001 top-scoring nonlinear
et al., while of the low-frequency genes (MAS < of r, the strongest three correlates with player relationships (MIC-r2 > 0.2), we observed that a
25th percentile), Spellman et al. identified only salary are walks, intentional walks, and runs common association type was “noncoexistence”:
20% (Fig. 5B). For example, although both batted in. By contrast, the strongest three asso- When one species is abundant the other is less
methods found the well-known cell-cycle regu- ciations according to MIC are hits, total bases, abundant than expected by chance, and vice versa
lator HTB1 (Fig. 5G) required for chromatin as- and a popular aggregate offensive statistic called (Fig. 6, A, B, and D). Additionally, we found that
sembly, only MIC detected the heat-shock protein Replacement Level Marginal Lineup Value 312 of the top 500 nonlinear relationships were
HSP12 (Fig. 5E), which Tu et al. confirmed to (27, 34) (fig. S12 and table S12). We leave it affected by one or more factors for which data
be in the top 4% of periodic genes in yeast. to baseball enthusiasts to decide which of these were available (host diet, host sex, identity of hu-
HSP12, along with 43% of the genes identified statistics are (or should be!) more strongly tied man donor, collection method, and location in the
by MINE but not Spellman et al., was also in to salary. gastrointestinal tract; SOM section 4.8). Many
the top third of statistically significant periodic Our analysis of gut microbiota focused on are noncoexistence relationships that are ex-
genes in yeast according to the more sophisticated the relationships between prevalence levels of plained by diet (Fig. 6A and table S13). These
specialty statistic of Ahdesmäki et al., which was the trillions of bacterial species that colonize the diet-explained noncoexistence relationships oc-
specifically designed for finding periodic rela- gut of humans and other mammals (35, 36). The cur at a range of taxonomic depths—interphylum,
tionships without a prespecified frequency in data set consisted of large-scale sequencing of interfamily, and intrafamily—and form a highly

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biological systems (24). Because of MIC’s gen- 16S ribosomal RNA from the distal gut micro- interconnected network of nonlinear relation-
erality and the small size of this data set (n = biota of mice colonized with a human fecal sam- ships (Fig. 6E).
24), relatively few of the genes analyzed (5%) ple (29). After successful colonization, a subset The remaining 188 of the 500 highly ranked
had significant MIC scores after multiple testing of the mice was shifted from a low-fat, plant- nonlinear relationships were not affected by
correction at a false discovery rate of 5%. How- polysaccharide–rich (LF/PP) diet to a high-fat, any of the factors in the data set and included
ever, using a less conservative false discovery high-sugar “Western” diet. Our initial analysis many noncoexistence relationships (table S14
rate of 15% yielded a larger list of significant identified 9472 significant relationships (out of and Fig. 6D). These unexplained noncoex-
genes (16% of all genes analyzed), and this 22,414,860) between “species”-level groups called istence relationships may suggest interspe-
larger list still attained a 68% confirmation rate operational taxonomic units (OTUs); significant- cies competition and/or additional selective
by Tu et al. ly more of these relationships occurred between factors that shape gut microbial ecology and

Abundance (%) of OTU1462 (Lachnospiraceae)

Abundance (%) of OTU5948 (Bacteroidaceae)

Second Generation
Abundance (%) of OTU4273 (Eubacteriaceae)

0.2 0.06 0.06

Western Male Frozen
LF/PP Female

0.04 0.04


0.02 0.02


0 0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Abundance (%) of OTU710 (Erysipelotrichaceae) Abundance (%) of OTU3857 (Porphyromonadaceae) Abundance (%) of OTU708 (Lachnospiraceae)

Fig. 6. Associations between bacterial

Abundance (%) of OTU3349 (Porphyromonadaceae)

species in the gut microbiota of “hu- D E

manized” mice. (A) A noncoexistence Western
relationship explained by diet: Under 0.03 LF/PP
the LF/PP diet a Bacteroidaceae species-
level OTU dominates, whereas under
a Western diet an Erysipelotrichaceae
species dominates. (B) A noncoexistence
relationship occurring only in males. (C)
A nonlinear relationship partially ex-
plained by donor. (D) A noncoexistence 0.01
relationship not explained by diet. (E) A
spring graph (see SOM Section 4.9)
in which nodes correspond to OTUs
and edges correspond to the top 300 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
nonlinear relationships. Node size is Abundance (%) of OTU2728 (Lachnospiraceae)
proportional to the number of these
relationships involving the OTU, black edges represent relationships explained by diet, and node glow
color is proportional to the fraction of adjacent edges that are black (100% is red, 0% is blue). SCIENCE VOL 334 16 DECEMBER 2011 1523

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The Structure of the Eukaryotic includes one rRNA chain (18S) and 33 proteins.
Of the 79 proteins, 32 have no homologs in crys-

Ribosome at 3.0 Å Resolution

tal structures of bacterial or archaeal ribosomes,
and those that do have homologs can still harbor
large eukaryote-specific extensions (5). Apart from
Adam Ben-Shem,*† Nicolas Garreau de Loubresse,* Sergey Melnikov,* Lasse Jenner, variability in certain rRNA expansion segments,
Gulnara Yusupova, Marat Yusupov† all eukaryotic ribosomes, from yeast to human,
are very similar.
Ribosomes translate genetic information encoded by messenger RNA into proteins. Three-dimensional cryoelectron microscopy
Many aspects of translation and its regulation are specific to eukaryotes, whose ribosomes are (cryo-EM) reconstructions of eukaryotic ribo-
much larger and intricate than their bacterial counterparts. We report the crystal structure somes at 15 to 5.5 Å resolution provided in-
of the 80S ribosome from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae—including nearly all ribosomal sight into the interactions of the ribosome with
RNA bases and protein side chains as well as an additional protein, Stm1—at a resolution several factors (4, 6–8). A crystal structure of the
of 3.0 angstroms. This atomic model reveals the architecture of eukaryote-specific elements S. cerevisiae ribosome at 4.15 Å resolution de-
and their interaction with the universally conserved core, and describes all eukaryote-specific scribed the fold of all ordered rRNA expansion
bridges between the two ribosomal subunits. It forms the structural framework for the design segments, but the relatively low resolution pre-
and analysis of experiments that explore the eukaryotic translation apparatus and the cluded localization of most eukaryote-specific
evolutionary forces that shaped it. proteins (9). Crystallographic data at a better res-
olution (3.9 Å) from the Tetrahymena thermo-
ibosomes are responsible for the synthe- specific cellular processes. Accordingly, eukary- phila 40S led to a definition of the locations and

R sis of proteins across all kingdoms of

life. The core, which is universally con-
served and was described in detail by structures
otic ribosomes are at least 40% larger than their
bacterial counterparts as a result of additional ri-
bosomal RNA (rRNA) elements called expansion
folds of all eukaryote-specific proteins in the

Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire,

1 rue Laurent Fries, BP10142, Illkirch F-67400, France; INSERM,
of prokaryotic ribosomes, catalyzes peptide bond segments (ESs) and extra protein moieties (4).
formation and decodes mRNA (1). However, All ribosomes are composed of two subunits. U964, Illkirch F-67400, France; CNRS, UMR7104, Illkirch
F-67400, France; and Université de Strasbourg, Stras-
eukaryotes and prokaryotes differ markedly in The large 60S subunit of the eukaryotic ribosome bourg F-67000, France.
other translation processes such as initiation, ter- (50S in bacteria) consists of three rRNA mole- *These authors contributed equally to this work.
mination, and regulation (2, 3), and eukaryotic cules (25S, 5.8S, and 5S) and 46 proteins, †To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
ribosomes play a central role in many eukaryote- whereas the small 40S subunit (30S in bacteria) (A.B.-S.); (M.Y.)

1524 16 DECEMBER 2011 VOL 334 SCIENCE

Detecting Novel Associations in Large Data Sets
David N. Reshef, Yakir A. Reshef, Hilary K. Finucane, Sharon R.
Grossman, Gilean McVean, Peter J. Turnbaugh, Eric S. Lander,
Michael Mitzenmacher and Pardis C. Sabeti (December 15, 2011)
Science 334 (6062), 1518-1524. [doi: 10.1126/science.1205438]

Editor's Summary

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