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moorish national republic federal government P > ~ Societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ moorish divine and national movement of the world ~ northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / abjoining atlantis and americana islands ‘> ~ is.Lam. ~ & E I unibersal affidabit of termination of all é CORPORATE/ Corporate/ corporate Contracts in the NAME of ERIC LEMONTE FUNDERBURK and all derivatives thereof established using the EMPLOYEE IDENTIFICAITON NUMBER [EIN] fraudulently referred to as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Ending in [3194] and any derivatives thereof along with my descendants, heirs: all rise and stand. this is the sovereign living article iii moorish american (al moroccan) consular court action. i am the sovereign living justice eric lemonte funderburk ra el in capitis dimiutio nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. do you understand that no UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY CITIZEN nor THEIR AGENTS PRINCIPALS HEIRS ASSIGNS nor any DERIVATIVES THEREOF has personam jurisdiction, nor terratorial jurisdiction, nor subject matter jurisdiction over me nor over any moors? do you understand that You are bound by the treaty for peace and friendship 1786 and 18367 do you understand that You are bound by the constitution for the united states 1789 and 1791? do you understand? You have been ordered to rise and stand and to remain standing as moorish american subjects, now You can hear and obey sovereign commands from the moorish american national government and consular vizirs judges ministers 18 rajab 1442 [July 18, 2021] iam eric Iemonte funderburk ra el, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes. i am an aboriginal indigenous sovereign moorish american national at all times. i am a descendant of the great 1 macnA018_universal affidavit of termination of all CORPORATE/Corporate/corporate Contracts original and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem /norhwest aia / noth america ‘the north ae" - the moroccan empire ~ cs Temple ofthe moon an sun" "ute island non-domestic. non = siden. on ~ subject. uurs being the righ hoi and prnopentre bight inheritors ofthe land pharaohs of kemet and of the moabites and canaanites. i am the living heiress to all land, all natural resources, and all commercial contracts, nune pro tune. i hereby terminate and abolish forever all contracts, charters and trusts that exist in the name of ERIC LEMONTE FUNDERBURK and all derivatives thereof to include all heirs listed above also to include all issued by the UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY, the UNITED STATES i CORPORATION, the United States and al! CORPORATIONS, Corporations, and corporations to include the attached misrepresented instruments, nunc pro tune: CERTIFICATES OF LIVE BIRTH under numbers ending in [****] [****] issued fraudulently by the [CORPOA] [ERIC LEMONTE FUNDERBURK] [MARYLAND] {SOUTH CAROLINA] DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH. “% IDENTIFICATION AND PRIVILEGE CARDS issued fraudulently by the UNITED STATES UNIFORMED SERVICES CORPORATION, using SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER ending in [3194] and all agents and principals of the said name, numbers and CORPORATION. All CREDIT REPORTS fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above by TRANSUNION, EXPERIAN, and EQUIFAX. this is notice of intent to lien each of the said CORPORATIONS in. the favor of each and all moors. all sovereign moorish american Nationals are the creditors to the nations of the earth. All IRS TAX FORMS, FILINGS, AND TRANSACTIONS fraudulent UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY and any and all der principals, and assigns. STUDENT IDENTIFICATION CARDS fraudulently issued by and all COLLEGES and UNIVERSITIES using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. “ MARRIAGE LICENSE. “ VOTER REGISTRATION under voter number XXXXXXXXX-XX. “ STUDENT LOAN BILLS fraudulently issued by the following CORPORATIONS: > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. > AES [AMERICAN EDUCATION SERVICES.] > NAVIENT DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION LOAN — SERVICING CORPORATION. > ASCENDIUM EDUCATION SOLUTIONS. VERIZON fraudulently issued | ACCOUNT PHONE NUMBER xxx xxx xxx under ACCOUNT NUMBER [xxxxxxxxx] all services have already been prepaid for all moorish american nationals. VERIZON WIRELESS fraudulently issued | ACCOUNT PHONE NUMBER [xxxxxxxxx] under ACCOUNT NUMBER [xxxxxxxxx] alll services have already been prepaid for all moorish american nationals. VERIZON FIOS fraudulently issued [ACCOUNT NUMBER] all servi prepaid for all moorish american nationals 4 ALL HEALTH SERVICE CORPORATIONS fraudulently issued. all healtheare services have already been prepaid for all moorish american nationals. * sued by the ves, agents, s have already been 2. macnA018_universal affidavit of termination of all CORPORATE/Corporate/corporate Contracts shorignal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem northwest affca/ noth america ‘the north gale’ the moroccan empire ‘Somtinental ted states, Temple ofthe moon and sin’ tue lan non « domesti o =residen nom sujet. ‘moors mous Being the gh eis and primogenture briviht - inheritors of the land. ¢ DRIVERS LICENSES and all TRANSPORTATION CONTRACTS fraudulently issued by ALL CORPORATIONS to include the STATE OF [MARYLAND] DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES CORPORATION [xxxxxxxx}, the STATE OF [MARYLAND ] .] 4 CHECKING AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND ALL ATM AND CREDIT CARDS fraudulently issued by all BANK CORPORATIONS to include WELLS FARGO BANK, TD BANK, PFFCU BANK M&T BANK, PNC BANK and any and all others using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. ¢ ALL INSURANCE CONTRACTS issued fraudulently to include all AUTO INSURANCE CONTRACTS. ALL HEALTH INSURANCE CONTRACTS, PROPERTY INSURANCE CONTRACTS AND ALL LIFE INSURANCE CONTRACTS to include fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. ALL BONDS, CITATIONS, TICKETS, CORPORATE CASES established fraudulently using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. “% ALL ALLODIAL CONVEYANCES with fraudulently issued VIN numbers [***] [***] the said conveyance is in the national trust of the people who are the moorish national republic federal government at all times and is sovereign property along in the sovereign trust of eric Iemonte funderburk ra el, the declaration of trust is under record number maes000000746. ‘ALL ALLODIAL PROPERTY/LAND with fraudulently issued REAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY numbers [**#] [***] the said property/land is in the national trust of the people who are the moorish national republic federal government at all times and is sovereign property along in the sovereign trust of erie lemonte funderburk ra el, the declaration of trust is under record number macns000000563. © BGE fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed, account number **** all services have already been prepaid for all moorish american nationals. all land and natural resources and commerce is inherited not taxed; backed by gold for all moorish american nationals. ‘+ BALTIMORE CITY DEPARMTENT OF PUBLIC WORKS fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. account number ***, all services have already been prepaid for all moorish american nationals. all land and natural resources is inherited not taxed; backed by gold for all moorish american nationals. “ ALL LOAN SERVICING COMPANIES fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. ¢ ALL MORTGAGE SERVICES fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. ‘ALL THIRD-PARTY COLLECTION AGENCIES ACCOUNTS fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed, 3 macnA018_universal afMdavit of termination of all CORPORATE/Corporate/corporate Contracts shorginl and indigenous peoples’ documents: narhwest amexem /nothwestafica/ noth america ‘the north exe’ -the moroccan empire - cootinental unted sates temple ofthe moon and sun’ tute sland” non = domestic, nonresident non ~ sujet ors / mows = beng th rightful hes and primogeniture Birthright = nherilrs othe land “ALL CABLE CORPORATIONS [ALL ACCOUNTS] fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed ¢ XFINITY CORPORATION fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. ‘DISH fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed, “CREDIT COLLECTION SERVICES ACCOUNTS fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. GLOBE LIFE fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. CAPITAL ONE BANK fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. sued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. CITI CHASE BANK fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. DISCOVER CARD fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. M&T BANK fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed, ACCOUNT NUMBERS “ PNC BANK fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. ACCOUNT NUMBERS GOOGLE fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. “AOL fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. “ YAHOO fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAI ‘URITY NUMBERS listed. “@ FACEBOOK fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. 4 TWITTER fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. 4 YOUTUBE fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS, [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. +» AMAZON fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. 4 COSTCO fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. CVS fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. oe oe 4 macnA018_universal affidavit of termination of all CORPORATE/Corporate/corporate Contracts aboriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem /nonhwes afi / noth america the noth gat’ = he moroscan empire ‘Somtinental nied states, temple ofthe moon and sun’ trl land «domestic no resident non subject moors mours = being the Agu hes and peimogentue birthright -mertrs of the and i] re as 8 @ + All other CORPORATE, Corporate and corporate contracts that exist in the name of ERIC LEMONTE FUNDERBURK aforementioned derivatives whether public, private, known or unknown are hereby terminated. ‘All CORPORATE, Corporate, and corporate contracts with any SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS to include ending in [3194] and any derivatives thereof are hereby terminated and all CORPORATIONS established with these EMPLOYEE IDENTIFCATION NUMBERS listed under [GMEI Utility website:]. ° all of the fraudulent contracts issued by the said CORPORATIONS, Corporations and corporations in the name of [ERIC LEMONTE FUNDERBURKY and any and all derivatives thereof have been terminated. i, erie Jemonte funderburk ra el is not a UNITED STATES CORPORATION CITIZEN, nor a United States Citizen nor a citizen of the United States of America nor a citizen at all, i am the aboriginal indigenous natural divine sovereign authority on this land of america and i possess lawful national, international and universal titles, charters, trusts and identification documents that are aboriginal, indigenous, sovereign, de jure moorish national republic federal government titles, charters, trusts and identification documents of which i am part and parcel. all other foreign, CORPORATE, Corporate, and corporate contracts, trusts and documents are not withstanding. All CORPORATIONS, Corporations, and corporations are the trustees of their own debt at all times and at all points in time, proper notification was given repeatedly of your unlawful acts against the de jure ame nationals on our land. writs of discovery have been sent and stand as law on the record unrebutted. affidavits of averments of Jurisdiction stand as law on the record unrebutted. this is a universal default judgement. i hereby claim, proclaim, fully access and declare my full, rightful, lawful estate of all land, all natural resources, all hereditaments and physical property, and all commercial contracts, nunc pro tune. No UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY CITIZEN, CORPORATION, Corporation, corporation nor United States Citizen has personam jurisdiction over my body, nor my property all of which is in the national trust of the people who are the moorish national republic federal government. All CITIZENS, Citizens and citizens are subject to me and are commanded to honor my sovereignty and to obey immediately each and all of my sovereign commands at all times. i am in propria persona, in proprio solo and in proprio heredes at this time and at all points in time. Chronos: July 18, 2021 rune pro tune. upon my inherited status, i erie lemonte funderburk ra el, being a descendant of the ancient moabites in other respect known as american al moroccan — moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my oath to the ‘five points of light’ — lave, truth, peace, freebom, and justice; being competent (in my own proper person) to attest to this affidavit upon which i place my signature: whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, “colored” or improper use or purpose. iam: . Lie Aerne-re Ke of erherbrele pa ah eric lemonte funderburk ra el moorish american national, northwest amexem autograph — omnia iura reservantis care of 1922 east 29" street near. Corporate [baltimore maryland Territory Republic] ZIP EXEMPT northwest amexem — northwest africa ~ north america — the north gate

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