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Adventist International School , Negombo

3rd Term Test 2020 - 2021

Science ( Part II ) - Year 5

60 marks
Answer all these questions.

1. What is a population? ( 2marks )

2. Name 2 non-magnetic metals. ( 2 marks)

3. What is metamorphosis? ( 2marks )

4. Give 2 examples for temporary changes? ( 4marks )

5. Name the 2 living factors needed for the survival of organisms. ( 4 marks )

6. Name 3 physical factors that affect the survival of organisms. ( 6marks )

7. Write 3 properties of magnets. ( 6marks )

8. Name,

a. 2 string instruments -

b. 2 wind instruments -

c. 2 percussion instruments (6marks )

9. Write 3 objects made using magnets. ( 6marks )

10.What are the 3 methods that we can make magnets at home? ( 6marks )

11.What are the 3 properties of liquids? ( 6marks )

12.W i e 2 ph ical cha ac e i ic ha e don inhe i f om o pa en . (6marks )

13.Draw and name any life cycle with 4 stages. ( 4 marks)

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