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Calm Down Strategies

1. Play a Game
When your child is full of energy and needs help calming down, try playing
a game. Start the game full of energy. Touch your body parts as you name
them, playing the game fast. Encourage your child to imitate you.
As you play this game, slow down the naming body parts and
encourage him/her to slow down with you.

2. Breathing
Help encourage your child to breathe. You can also have your child lay
on your chest and follow your breathing.

3. Sensory Activities
Soft Pillow
Sensory Balls
Sensory Bottle

4. Security Items
A pillow made out of Grandpa's shirt.
Stuffed animal.

5. Routine
Start a routine that can be used every night no matter who your child
is with.
Creating a routine that was used when her dad was a child might help
encourage him to continue the routine. Favorite book, stuffed animal,
or song.

6. What is working for others

What calm down activities are being used at the daycare.

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