Emt Strategies Synthesis

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Synthesis Table Name: Madeline Quinn

Author/ Citation
Participants Independent Variable Dependent Results Social Validity/Usability
(Kaiser & Roberts, 2013)

At home and/or in a clinic

Enhanced Milieu Teaching

77 children EMT strategies: a) environmental Children’s Parents who received Shows how intervention
intellectual arrangement: placing toys child language skills training in EMT had a provided at home by parents
disabilities can’t reach without help (2 or 3-word positive impact on their increases level of exposure and
between 30 b) responsive interaction: semantic child’s language; used more demonstrates importance of
and 54 connecting to child’s play and structures and milieu teaching and including strategies in daily
months old focus of interest vocabulary) and responsive interactions routines; children with ID need
with normal c) specific language modeling: parents’ use of high, consistent exposure to
hearing examples of specific language language language support strategies to
targets appropriate for child facilitating help generalize skills to variety
d) expansions: adding words to strategies based of contexts; supports idea of
child’s utterances on EMT NE
e) milieu teaching prompts:
responding and reinforcing child’s
target behaviors through access
EMTverbal feedback
home ofchild’sAlternating
Kaiser, 2016)

4 children strategies: a) matched turns: Parent’s use of Parents who were taught Supports idea of coaching for
(Wright &

between the adult imitating or labeling a child’s EMT based on EMT strategies through parents; provides information
ages of 28 communication turn b) target talk: TMCR model; TMCR had higher on how to maximize adult
and 33 using specific target words and child’s total use generalization and consistent learning to better support the
months old having adult model them for the of words, based use of strategies; children’s children; highlights the
and their child c) expansions: adding words on independence language use varied importance of teaching,
4parents to the strategies:
child’s utterances and turns: (spontaneous
use ofor dependingpositive
on the child,
gains but modeling research
and reviewing new
(Kazemi, & (Hatcher & Page,

children EMT a) matched Parent’s Revealed in Supports indicating

the childAt thebetween

between the adult verbal communication turns EMT strategies language abilities of the effectiveness and importance

ages of 34 that immediately followed a and child’s children; parents showed an of parent-implemented
months and child’s turn (mirroring- imitation language (i.e. increase in use of strategies intervention; shows how
46 months and mapping- verbal labeling) mean length when taught how to individualized instruction for
old and their b) expansions: adding words to the utterance and implement them on their parents can impact parents’
parents child’s utterancesa)and replacing vocabulary size) own abilities
linic roomSpeech therapy

3 children EMT strategies: notice- Mothers’ use of Notice-response strategy strategies may
with response: identify child’s EMT strategies was easiest for mothers to be used across cultures and
language communicative efforts and implement, while expanding have the potential to be
delays describe their activities was hardest; use of TCMR successful regardless of
between the b) balanced turn-taking: watch for to teach strategies had background; supports
ages of 24 communicative shifts, wait for positive effect on usefulness of TMCR method
and 30 child to communicate and respond consistency and correct use of adult learning and supports
Chan, Lang,(Olive, De La

3 children EMT strategies: a) follow child’s Child’s use of Revealed children increased Demonstrates how EMT can

O’Reilly, & Cruz, Davis,

with ASD lead: imitating child’s motor and VOCA (voice communicative acts using be used not only by parents but
between the play behaviors output VOCA when taught using teachers as well; fast
ages of 3- b) environmental arrangement: communication EMT strategies; all three acquisition shown in this study
and 5- years setting preferred objects in sight aid), gestural children had increase in suggests EMT used in
old and their but out of reach communication spontaneous/independent naturalistic settings and daily
teachers or c) most-to-least prompting: acts and verbal communicative acts, both for routines than increase level of

Hatcher, A., & Page, J. (2019). Parent-Implemented Language Intervention for Teaching Enhanced Milieu Teaching Strategies to Parents of Low-

Socioeconomic Status. Journal of Early Intervention, 42(2), 122–142. https://doi.org/10.1177/1053815119873085

Kaiser, A. P., & Roberts, M. Y. (2013). Parent-Implemented Enhanced Milieu Teaching With Preschool Children Who Have Intellectual Disabilities.

Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 56(1), 295-309. doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2012/11-0231)

Kazemi, Y., & Mohebinejad, F. (2020). Persian Adaptation of Enhanced Milieu Teaching for Iranian Children With Expressive Language Delay.

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, 99–112. https://doi.org/10.32598/irj.18.1.930.1

Olive, M. L., De La Cruz, B., Davis, T. N., Chan, J. M., Lang, R. B., O’Reilly, M. F., & Dickson, S. M. (2006). The Effects of Enhanced Milieu

Teaching and a Voice Output Communication Aid on the Requesting of Three Children with Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental

Disorders, 37(8), 1505–1513. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-006-0243-6

Wright, C. A., & Kaiser, A. P. (2016). Teaching Parents Enhanced Milieu Teaching With Words and Signs Using the Teach-Model-Coach-Review

Model. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 36(4), 192–204. https://doi.org/10.1177/0271121415621027

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