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WEEKELY ANALYSIS REPORT (23-04-2021 – 30-04-2021)

This analysis has been prepared by weekly study(23.04.2021-
30.04.2021) of 4 leading newspapers namely,

• Prabhat Khabar
• Hindustan
• Hindustan Times
• Dainik Bhaskar
Focusing mainly upon the city news (Patna) and the major basis of
analysis are:

• Reader Friendly
• Advertisement
• Printing
• Corona Updates
• Lead

Readers get deeply impacted by the headlines they read because
covering the entire newspaper at once is tedious tasks so they refer to the
heads of each news in one go.
And in this hour of pandemic when negativity is diffused
everywhere Hindustan Times and Dainik Bhaskar tries to bring some
positivity by stating headlines which creates a positive impact upon the
audience. They also focus on news other than the pandemic updates
stating suggestions to the problems and concentrating upon the recovery
rates rather than the destructions caused. Also it covers the 5W 1H
structure of news writing.

WEEKELY ANALYSIS REPORT (23-04-2021 – 30-04-2021)

Reader Friendly
Prabhat Khabar


Reader Friendly
Dainik Bhaskar

Hindustan Times

0 2 4 6

It is know that the finances of a newspaper are run mostly through
advertisement but that doesn’t mean losing the integrity of newspaper
and covering the entire news sheet with colorful advertisements.
In this view Prabhat Khabar turned out to be a bit disappointing
as it has the most number of ads thereby reducing the space for some
news article.

WEEKELY ANALYSIS REPORT (23-04-2021 – 30-04-2021)

Prabhat Khabar


Dainik Bhaskar

Hindustan Times

0 2 4 6 8

Printing is a complete mechanized process but some errors are always a
part of it. But for a newspaper like Hindutsan having so many typos is
not a good motion.

Prabhat Khabar


Dainik Bhaskar

Hindustan Times

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

WEEKELY ANALYSIS REPORT (23-04-2021 – 30-04-2021)

Corona has completely changed the normality of life may it be in the
field of journalism or any business organization. It has flipped the coin
thus journalism has became a more complex process.
Reporting which was earlier done on the ground level basis after much
inspection of the event has now concentrated to the occupational aspect.
And out of all the newspapers Hindustan tried to bring out the best by
assigning a complete different section for the corona updates and by its
appealing attitude it draws more attention of the readers towards it. Also
it does bring the news without much alteration.

Corona Updates
Prabhat Khabar


In View Of Corona
Dainik Bhaskar

Hindustan Times

0 2 4 6

WEEKELY ANALYSIS REPORT (23-04-2021 – 30-04-2021)

On the basis of lead; the comparison between the heads of different
newspaper, Hindustan Times and Dainik Bhaskar outshined.
Some lead heads in Hindustan and Dainik Bhaskar were at
Also the selection of words for lead in Dainik Bhaskar were on mark and
it tried to bring positive heads in almost all the news heads may it be
corona update or any regular day-to-day headlines.


Prabhat Khabar


Dainik Bhaskar

Hindustan Times

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

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