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Finished Satsukoi, actually liked the ending. it made me tear up a bit.

My ratings below ↓

Sadly there's 1 major plot hole, ||Yuu doesn't eat izumi and from the final battle between izumi and
izuna, I'm pretty sure he dies alone at the warehouse. But Yuu still manages to live 10 years later, so
she had already become a 成魚 without fully eating Izumi? ||
||I'm kind of fine with this, since the way the song was presented and the closure at the epilogue was
quite heart touching, but a plothole is a plothole||

Other than that I really liked the final ||interaction between Izuna and Izumi, REALLY WISHED
Also Tsukasa showing up at the end with the epic speech was really nice, really great character

I'm a bit divided on what to give as a final score, but I'll give it per route then as a total, (most of this
is just my bias and enjoyment more than anything!)
Nao Route: ||9.5/10, loved this! Initially didn't like Nao at all but the development in the flashback
was great, really loved the drama (especially the conflict of staying with Nao vs leaving for Yuu) and
romance (I especially loved the bench scene to portray Nao as such a lovable character, even though
It made me so angry at Izumi). I think it actually worked better to make me sympathise so much for
her. The H-Scenes weren't that bad either, but if I had to nitpick, I really didn't like the forced (rape?)
scene. It could have been done so much better. It should have been either Izumi couldn't control
himself but could still communicate with Nao (i.e. He cries sorry whilst Nao cries its ok and he rapes
her with a heartbreaking sense of guilt and consent), or he goes full unconscious 覚醒 mode and
rapes Nao, then everything is from the point of Nao who cries for help from Izumi to only be
ignored. Then Izumi wakes up to realize everything and goes into a spiralling phase of depression as
Nao forgives him but he can't forgive himself. But all in all it was a really good route for me, in the
other routes as I already know how Nao still loves Izumi, their normal interactions have a much
more heartaching feel to them. Good thing I did Nao's route first not Ruri's, might have actually
dropped this VN if not. The ending could have been better, but it was just nice, really highlights Nao
as such a sad but lovable character to sympathise with.||

Ruri Route: ||4/10, hated everything to do with 加納さん, the drama felt out of place and lacked any
gripping sense of depth/character development. Not to say Ruri is a bad character but this route
really didn't show any interesting story or side to Ruri. Heck might as well called this the 加納さん
route since it ends at his grave, holy shit am I MAD at that ending. I know I am an Ending Fag but
damn was the ending really atrocious. This route, if it actually wanted to delve deeper into other
characters besides Ruri, should have paid more attention to Tsukasa, Mitsuki, and Izuna. Like the
really interesting parts about them are near the end of the route, how Izuna's philosophy of hunting
has been forged by her living hundreds of years or how Tsukasa and Mitsuki embodies the suffering
of being 雑種. So many unexplored snippets of the other characters would have added so much, but
instead they decided to waste like 30-50k characters on a useless and boring character that has little
to no significance to the story.||

Final Route: ||8/10, This route was good as an ending. I genuinely liked the concept of the song to
present to Ruruka as a natural countdown to Izumi and Yuu's final days, especially with the
ultimatum from Izuna. Some interesting parts about Mitsuki and Izuna were shown at the later half
which was such wasted potential! If these were placed at one of the other routes, especially the
backstory about Izuna being betrayed, hunting down her brother, and always just wanting to love and
be loved, would have been such a great anchor for her motivation as a villain and I would have
sympathised much more with her being crazy just by the virtue of her corrupted past. Also no closure
about what happens to anyone besides some speculative dialogue like how Tsukasa says to Ruri that
one day she might be able to call Izuna as "Mom" . I wanted to see some heartwarming reunions or
heartbreaking separations, some questions are still floating for me! How does everyone react to
Izumi dying? What the fuck happens after the concert? Ruri clearly knows that Izumi was attacked
by Izuna since she comes across Tsukasa, but then what the fuck??? Also Tsukasa literally leaves his
bro to die at the warehouse just so he can play the guitar with (but not really) his sister!? Lmao, tbh
if it wasn't for the actual decent ending I would really call out for all the bullshit of this ending. Good
thing I turned off my brain until after the epilogue finished.||

In Total: ||7.4, I honestly enjoyed it for the most part. If the interactions with 加納さん were changed
with more scenes with Izuna, Tsukasa, and/or Mitsuki, even if it was just more narration or a
monologue from the characters, I would have given a 7.8+ or 8+ maybe. The music and CGs were
generally nice and I especially liked the voice acting from a lot of characters. My favorites being
Nao and Tsukasa, I think those two were the saving grace of this VN for me.||

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