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Modern Dream Analysis of the poem The Chimney Sweeper

(By William Blake)


Assistant Professor, P.G. Department of English, St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous),



Based on the research from internet, recent books and articles

on dream analysis one can understand that dreams are often reflections

of our anxiety and fears. Modern dream analysis is different from

Freud’s Dream analysis and they help us to imbue our dreams with new

meanings. This article is an attempt to do a dream analysis on William

Blake’s poem The Chimney Sweeper. With some of the examples of

modern dream analysis it tries to provide the reader with an ample idea

of how the modern dream analysis is entirely different from traditional

dream analysis by Freud.


In 1789, Blake brought out his Songs of Innocence, which included the poem The

Chimney Sweeper.A little boy who is the chimney sweeper is the speaker of the poem. In this

poem the children, who are working as chimney sweepers desire to have a happy life with

freedom. But the sad reality is that their only way to escape from their bleak life is to have

dreams. So they dream of having freedom, hope that one day angels sent by God will come

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and save them from this life in which they are trapped like salves. The poem also satirises the

dark side of industrialisation that encouraged the child labour.

The dreams that these chimney sweepers have are reflections of their anxiety. It

highlights the sufferings that they are facing and also implies their desire to have free. These

kids are doing work when it is their age to play, to make friends, to be careless, to learn, to

enjoy and to smile with utmost happiness. Their hope to escape is transformed to their

discipline to follow all rules and regulations that will ensure their safety. So without


Modern Dream analysis on Nightmares

Some of our nightmares reflect our real life situations and is an indication to the

problems that we are dealing in our life. Some of the common nightmares and their modern

analysis include:

Being chased

When a person is having a nightmare of being chased it means, that person is stressed

out in real life and is running away from the problem. It is also an indication of a person who

is trying to get rid of the problem by running away from the stress. And in that nightmare if

you can identify that person who is chasing you it means that they or that particular person is

the cause of your anxiety.


Snakes are symbol of change. Dreams about snakes, even in nightmares can be a good

thing. Snakes in a dream even if it’s a scary dream can be a good omen because it could be a

symbol of healing and transition. This concept is entirely different from the old concept put

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forward by Sigmund Freud. According to Freud snakes in dreams represent lust and repressed

physical desires. So there is a sharp contrast in the concepts put forward by modern dream

analysis when compared to Freud’s dream analysis.

Dream analysis of the poem

In William Blake’s poem The Chimney Sweeper we see how industrialisation is

favouring the child labour and small kids are forced to work as chimney sweepers. In the

third stanza of the poem, a little boy Tom will have a nightmare that he was locked up in a

black coffin.

And so he was quiet, & that very night,

As Tom was a-sleeping he had such a sight!
That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, & Jack,
Were all of them locked up in coffins of black; ( Blake )

The dream that tom had is signifying two things according to the modern dream


(i) Being trapped

In modern dream analysis being trapped in a cage, building, room etc. represent the

frustration ad life going out of that person’s control. A situation when one cannot control

one’s own life and is so helpless and unable to handle this situation. Trapped in a relationship

or situation can also manipulate the unconscious mind to dream like this.

The dream of being trapped in the coffin is actually Tom’s frustration being reflected.

Just because he was a chimney sweeper he was not allowed to have his white curly hair. He

loved his hair but as a part of his job his head was shaved and he was sad that he lost his hair

.it shows the miserable condition of a child labour where decisions were imposed on them

and they had to follow the orders. This dream also represent that he is not in control of his life

and is in a situation that he doesn’t want to be in.

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(ii) Dying

Modern studies say that dying in your dream can be a positive symbol. Death in the

unconscious world represents change. For example seeing a dream of one’s own funeral may

represent a personal rebirth.

Tom is very sad that his head was shaved bare, and his white hair is all gone. So in

that night he saw a dream of being trapped in a black coffin that is, he is seeing his own

funeral. It represents the change, a part where he is getting mature enough to accept that he is

a chimney sweeper and if he wants to survive, he will have to work hard.

And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark

And got with our bags & our brushes to work.
Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy & warm;
So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm. (Blake).

The above lines shows Tom’s transition or personal rebirth from an innocent sad child

to a mature child who has accepted the reality of his life and is happy to work in the morning

time, either because he understood that there is no escape from this condition in his life or

because of the hope that he got from the dream that if he will be a good child and will follow

all the rules then no harm or danger will occur.


This is a poem which describes the major social evils that prevailed during the

industrialisation such as:

1. Child labour.

2. Child neglect.

3. Condition of the poor children who were sold by their poor parents.

4. Child abuse.

5. Exploitation of children at tender age.

6. Bondage labour.

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7. The pitiable condition of the orphaned children.

The nightmares that these kids have are a reflection of the melancholic life that they have.

Modern dream analysis show that their suffering in the real world manipulate their

subconscious to have dreams of being trapped, dying, falling etc. It also points out the fear

and anxiety that these kids experience when they are forced to work at a very young age.

Works Cited

Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms.New Delhi; Cengage Learning, 2012. Print.

Barry, Peter. Beginning Theory.Bengaluru; Viva Books, 2010. Print.

Blake, William. “The Chimney Sweeper.” N.p, n.d. Web. 25 Nov.


Kumar, Dharmender. “The Chimney Sweeper by William Blake.”,

n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2018.

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