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Running head: SOCIAL MEDIA 1

Effects of Social Media on Society


Institutional Affiliation

Date of Submission

Effects of Social Media on Society

Social Media refers to the interactive digitally-mediated technologies that enable the

creation and sharing/exchange of the information, ideas, among other forms of expression,

through virtual communities and networks. Social Media is quite influential in Society and has

both positive (advantages) and negative (disadvantages) effects on Society. This paper examines

how social Media affects Society.

Social Media has Improved/Increased Socialization

Social media has revolutionized the Socialization of people in Society by utilizing social

platforms such as Facebooks, Twitter, and Instagram, among other platforms. The use of these

platforms has made it possible and easy for individuals to connect with their family members,

friends, and relatives on a real-time basis regardless of where the individual may be. It enables

individuals to connect even when far from each other because social media platforms allow

individuals to share pictures and videos while communicating with their close ones (Baym,

2015). This has helped to strengthen the relationships by bringing families together like never

before. Families, friends, relatives, and businesses can easily share skills and improve on various

proficiencies. Through social media, individuals in Society can make and meet new friends.

Impacts on the Business

Social media has significantly impacted business from different perspectives, starting

from marketing to interacting with customers regularly. Currently, any business organization that

has successfully embraced social media utilization has the edge over the competitors. The

various social media platforms provide less expensive platforms for businesses to advertise the

products they offer on a real-time basis and attract more customers. These platforms have

enabled business organizations to reach out to a broader customer base while at the same time

able to improve customer loyalty via various programs. Through interaction and feedback by the

business organizations to the customers, the business may effectively comprehend the market

quickly then adopt the new strategies and conform to the dynamic customer's tastes and demands

(Baym, 2015).


Social media platforms provide education to people in Society. For instance, many

professions and skills have been built and learned via social media. Currently, there is a

significant increase in online learning such that an individual can quickly learn a skill and then

create a strong profession around the skill learned. The various social media platforms have

enabled distance learning through e-learning (Baym, 2015). The number of individuals taking

distance learning has increased significantly due to the different social media platforms.

Social Media violates Privacy

Sharing of personal information via various social media platforms might result in

privacy risks such as impersonations, theft as well as stalking, etc. (Jiang & Ngien, 2020). There

are also potential incidences of embarrassment reported due to the use of social media in Society.

Bullying: The use of social media might result in cyberbullying, resulting in victims

falling into depression and even costing such individuals their lives (Jiang & Ngien, 2020).


Baym, N. K. (2015). Social media and the struggle for Society. Social Media + Society, 1(1),

205630511558047. doi:10.1177/2056305115580477

Jiang, S., & Ngien, A. (2020). The effects of Instagram use, social comparison, and self-esteem

on social anxiety: A survey study in Singapore. Social Media + Society, 6(2),

205630512091248. doi:10.1177/2056305120912488

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