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Past Simple or Present Perfect

Fill in the verbs in the correct tense:

1. I _________________ (visit) London when I was eleven years old.

2. Pam _______________ (already / see) this adventure film today.
3. My sun ________________ (draw) a very funny pony yesterday.
4. Liz ____________________ (not /do) her homework yet.
5. My uncle _________________ (be born) in a small village in 1986.
6. We _______________ (lose) the football match in our yard recently.
7. _____________ you ______________ (ever, visit) any European countries?
8. Tom _____________ (keep) two hamsters at home last year.
9. My parents ________________ (just / arrive) from a trip to London.
10. Why ____________ you _____________(not, answer) my phone call yesterday?
11. How much money ____________ you __________ ( yet / spend) on clothes today?
12. When _________ you __________ (buy) this book? I _________ always _________
(want) to read it.
13. He ____________ never _____________ (be) to Africa.
14. Kate ______________(be) in Asia last summer.
15. How long ____________ you ___________ (have) this phone?  since last summer
16. They _______________ ( take) these photos during their holiday 2 weeks ago.

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