Psychosocial Assessment: A. Health Perception and Health Management

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Psychosocial Assessment:

A. Health Perception and Health Management

Before Hospitalization:
Before being hospitalized, the client was already concerned about her health because of
her recent hospitalization on the same hospital with the diagnosis of cholecystitis. She has
followed the prescribed diet of low salt low fat and has taken her prescribed medications.
She never consulted on “albularyo” because she doesn’t believe that one can help.
According to her, she smoked a maximum of 1 stick per day. She believed eating too much
salty and fatty foods caused her to develop her illness.

During Hospitalization:
During hospitalization, the client was following the prescribed diet for her. She was also
prescribed of certain medications.

Interpretation: The client was concerned about her health when diagnosed with

B. Nutrition and Metabolic Pattern

Before Hospitalization:
Before being hospitalized, the client was following her prescribed client because of
recent hospitalization. But before this period, she was fond of eating fatty and salty foods,
she also love to eat chocolates. her typical meal a day included meat and pork with
vegetable s and rice. She was also drinking at least 8 glasses a day.

During Hospitalization:
During her hospital stay, she was under the same prescribed diet of low salt low fat foods,
she reported that she had lost weight and lost her appetite during the first few days of

During the first few days of admission, the client lost her appetite due to her illness. But
later on, she was able to adjust to the prescribed diet. Because of her loss of appetite, it
resulted to her loss of weight.

C. Elimination
Before Hospitalization:
Before being hospitalized, the client stated she urinated about 6-7 times a day. She also
had a regular elimination pattern of once a day. She had a soft, firm and brown in color
steel. She reported she had UTI and thus had painful sensation when urinating.

During Hospitalization:

While in the hospital, she reported she had problems in her elimination pattern. She still had the
same frequency of urinating.
The client had elimination pattern changes.
D. Activity- Exercise
Before Hospitalization:
Before being hospitalized, the client stated she was walking in their compound as a form of
exercise every morning. She was always cleaning their house. During her spare time, she
loved watching TV. She was also doing the household chores including feeding their dog.

During Hospitalization
During hospitalization, the client was not able to do her usual exercise because of her
condition. She was also not able to perform her daily activities (e.g. household chores).

The client’s activity- exercise pattern changed due to her condition.
E. Sleep- rest Pattern
Before Hospitalization:
Before being hospitalized, the client stated that she was sleeping for about 10hours at night
from 8pm until 6am in the morning. She had no difficulty going to sleep. She was watching
television as a form of relaxation.

During Hospitalization:
During hospitalization, the patient did not report any significant changes in her sleeping
pattern. She did not experience any difficulty falling asleep.

The client had no significant changes in her sleeping pattern.
F. Cognitive- Perceptual
Before Hospitalization:
Before being hospitalized, the client reported to have difficulty on hearing and was not
having any difficulty in remembering things.

During Hospitalization:
During hospitalization, there were no changes on the client’s cognitive- perceptual pattern.

There were no significant changes on the client’s cognitive- perceptual pattern.
G. Self- Perception Pattern
Before Hospitalization:
Before being hospitalized, the client stated that she was a very cheerful person. She was
optimistic in dealing with problems that come her way. She was always confident of facing
her everyday life.

During Hospitalization:
During hospitalization, she described when she knew about her illness, she have accepted
it whole heartedly and dealt with it positively. She did not manifest any changes in her
attitude since then. She stayed being positive in life.

The client had not manifested any changes in behavior.
H. Role- Relationship Pattern:
Before Hospitalization:
The client was living alone in their house. She had been widowed for 8 years. Her 8
children have their own families already and were living separately. She doesn’t have any
financial problems because all of her children have their jobs and were all supporting her.
When problems arouse, her children were the ones whom she goes to. they were all
helping each other. Whenever a member had an illness, they become worried a lot and
were trying to take action earlier to prevent complications. The client belonged to a social
group in their area called “Senior Citizen”. She stated she loved taking to her neighbours.

During Hospitalization:
During hospitalization, the client was being visited by her children after their work. They
were changing shifts in staying in the hospital. She was not able to mingle with her
neighbours because of her condition.

The client has an intact support system and thus play a vital role in the well- being of a
I. Sexually- Reproduction:
Before Hospitalization:
Before being hospitalized, the client has not been active in sexual activities brought about
by her age and death of her husband.

During Hospitalization:
During her hospital stay, nothing changed about her sexually – reproductive pattern.

There was no significant changes regarding the client’s sexually- reproductive pattern.
J. Coping- Stress Tolerance
Before Hospitalization:
The client dealt with her problems on a positive way and have found her family every
helpful in facing them. Even though her husband died already, she always looked at the
positive side having her 8 children always at her side. Her character of being a positive
thinker have helped her in her struggles. For the client, God played the most important role
in her life.

During Hospitalization:
When the client knew her situation she dealt with the problem in a positive way and had
accepted her situation whole heartedly. Her children have become her source of strength in
facing though times.

The client was optimistic in dealing with problems and have found her children play very
important roles of serving as her strength.
K. Value- belief
Before Hospitalization:
The client stated that God and her family were the ones important in her life. She also
believed that her religion as a Christian has played an important part in her life. She
doesn’t belong to any religious group and seldom attended the mass due to some personal

During Hospitalization:
During her hospital stay, she was not able to attend the mass already due to her condition
but was praying for her health.

The client was not able to go to church but still found her religion as a source of strength
and hope.

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