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Use of English I

Part I

Read the text and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

A night at the theatre

Going to the theatre brings back happy memories, as it recognizes/ reminds /recalls/
memorizes me of my very first performance on stage, which /when/where/who was thirty
years ago. The excitement amongst the actors, the onlookers’/viewer’s/ audience’s /spectators
applause and the party after the opening night are memories which will remain with me for
life/ ages /a while/time .

I don’t know how we managed to do so well. The rehearsals were far from satisfactory because
we thought that we could just have two rehearsals a week where/ when /which/whenever in
fact we needed more. The background images/visions/ scenes /sights to the last act weren’t
ready until an hour before the beginning of the play despite the builder’s best attempts/
efforts /trials/tries . The director was not satisfied by/in/at/ with anything and he didn’t even
want to show up on the first night. Admittedly, I wouldn’t have wanted either.

When /after/while/until the night finally arrived, we were all a bit worried. I remember
glancing /noticing/staring/watching through the curtain ten minutes before the start and being
Amadeo in/ at /on/for the view/vision/ sight /image of a full house. Finally, it was time for the
curtain to go up. In the end, we proved the director wrong and everything went like clockwork.

Part II

Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use
only one word in each space.


There is no doubt that money, in the form that we know it today, is what keeps modern
economic life functioning. Yet, throughout history, money, in whatever form, has provided
people with the ability to buy and sell goods.
Thousands of years ago , civilisarions had to rely on the barter system as a way of exchanging
goods. Within this system a person had to exchange one thing for another. This meant that the
two parties involved had to reach an agreement as to what they thought their products were
worth. Items such as wheat, tobacco and livestock have all been used as money at one time or
another. It was not until much later that humans came up with the idea of money in form of
metal coins. So why did the barter system come to an end? The answer is simple. Coins were
much easier to handle and carry around. Since then, the use of coins has become widespread. It
has made commerce simpler and has given countries an opportunity of development by doing
business with other countries further afield, which they had never done business with before.

In recent years, paper money has become more common all over the world, as it is easier to use.
It will not be long, however, before plastic cards take over completely, replacing coins and paper

Part III

Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals.


Last week I made a suggestion to my cousin Alex, offering to take him to an amusement park.
He was very excited because it was his favorite pace. However, from the moment I picked him
up, he was very noisy which surprised me since his behavior was normally very different. At
one point, while waiting to get on a ride, he disappeared. Luckily , the manager, who was very
helpful , found him an hour later amongst a crowd. Apparently, Alex had seen a famous
basketball player and wanted his autograph. He apologized to me immediately but I was so
angry at him that we left. It was then that I made the decision never to take Alex out again.

Part IV
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. You must use between two and five words,
including the word given.
We must take as much advantage as possible of any opportunity to speak English.
(MOST) We have to make the most of any opportunity to speak English.
Honestly, I don’t mind where we go for our summer holidays.
(MATTER) Honestly, it doesn’t matter to me where we go for our summer holidays.
Could you speak English when you were younger?
(ABLE) When you were younger, were you able to speak English?
What’s the answer to sixteen minus eight?
(AWAY) If you take away eight from sixteen, what’s the answer?
Three hundred students entered the swimming competition last year.
(PART) Three hundred students took part in the swimming competition last year.
The students will finish their English course at the end of June.
(HAVE) The English course will have finished by the beginning of July.
How long has he had this car?
(BOUGHT) How long has it been since he bought this car?
My sister doesn’t like computer games very much.
(KEEN) My sister isn’t keen on computer games.

Use of English II

Part I

For the following questions, read the text below and decide which answer
best fits each gap.

Messages from the Stone Age

The pre-historic Chauvet cave paintings in France are an incredible sight /view/vision/outlook .
They are over three meters high and are painted in keen/fair/ bright /sharp colors. The
paintings were constructed/produced/manufactured/ invented in a period around 30,000 years
ago, when early humans first started to create rock art and various illustrations/models/cases/
examples of this have been found in caves in Western Europe.

Very few people have effectively/ actually /eventually/honestly seen the Chauvet paintings
because they are located deep /thick/far/dense inside an inaccessible underground cave
system. But those that have say that they are very impressive, showing animals by means of/
apart from/as well as/ such as horses, rhinos and cows, and that the artwork is good enough to
rival /compare/compete/oppose modern compositions.
When they saw such spectacular beauty, however, the first scientists to arrive/ reach /meet/
know the Chauvet paintings missed some other important instances/matters/ details /issues .
The walls of the cave are also marked with a series of lines and symbols, that were initially
believed/ regarded /thought/agreed as insignificant. The latest resonate has shown that, on the
contrary /opposite/instead/otherwise , these marks form a sort of code and may represent
humankind’s first steps towards the development of writing. The oldest example of writing
discovered before this was only 5,000 years old. The new research at Chauvet is resulting/
having/ making / causing people to rethink their ideas about when written communication
first started.

Part II

For the following questions, read the text below and think of the word
which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.

Swimming with seals

It is always a wonderful experience to see another species in its own environment. This is all
more exciting when that environment is under the sea. The UK is home to half the world’s
population of grey seals and there are many local boat trips offering sightseeing tours out to
the islands and sandbanks where the animals can most easily be seen.

But if you really want to get close to the seals and understand something about their way of
life, then you need to go on an underwater seal-watching trip. On these trips, you have the
chance to go over the side of the boat and, equipped with wetsuit, mask and snorkel, spend
time in the water alongside the seals.

Seals are extremely inquisitive creatures and, once you’re in the water, they will swim past you
trying to work out who you are and what you’re doing there. Although they can appear shy at
first, seals soon get used to you being in the water, and will come and play around you. Young
pups especially like to have contact with divers, and often use their teeth, gently biting masks,
fins and cameras out of curiosity. It can be a thrilling experience.

Part III

For the following questions, read the text below. Use the word given in
capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.

Brain games

If you want to keep your brain fit and healthy , then it is important to use it. And according to
some experts, doing puzzles can help us to keep our brains active. As well as getting satisfaction
from finding the correct answer to a difficult problem, we give our brains a good workout in the
process, a bit like a session in the gym for other parts of the body. To help us do this, all sorts of
handheld ‘brain games’ are now available in the shops, and the most successful games have sold
in their millions.

What’s more, people have discovered that the more they play the games, the easier it is yo find a
solution to the problems that are posed. They see this as a proof that there has been an
improvement in the power of their brains.

Some scientists argue that the brain hets better at any task the more often that task, or similar
task, is repeated. In other words, the performance of the brain is following a normal pattern.

So although these brain games are obviously fun to play, it remains uncertain whether they are
actually helping to boost brainpower or not.

Part IV

For the following questions, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You
must use between two and five words, including the word given.

Brad speaks English better than is parents do.

(AS) Brad’s parents don’t speak English as well as he does.
Cycling is not allowed in the park.
(SUPPOSED) You are not supposed to cycle in the park.
'I’m sorry I didn’t let you know that I was going to be late, Ann,’ said Jamie.
(APOLOGIZED) Jamie apologized for not letting Ann know that he was going to be late.
A heavy fall of snow prevented them from getting home that night.
(ABLE) They weren’t able to get home that night because of a heavy fall of snow.
Ursula was disappointed not to win the competition.
(CAME) Not winning the competition came as a disappointment to Ursula.
I paid far more money for my new computer than I expected to.
(SO) I didn’t expect to pay so much money for my new computer.
We’ll have to stop at a service station because there’s very little petrol left in the car.
(OUT) The car has run out of petrol so we’ll have to stop at a service station.
Samantha would love to have long, blonde hair.
(WISHES) Samantha wishes she had long, blonde hair.
Use of English III

Part I

For the following questions, read the text below and decide which answer
best fits each gap.

Where to go whale watching

In a recent survey, people were asked to list the experiences they would most like to have /
make/do/gain before they died. In response, a surprising amount /number/quantity/crowd of
people mentioned that they’d like to see whales in their natural habitat. In real/true/honest/
actual fact, this is an ambition that can be answered/rewarded/honoured/ fulfilled relatively

It is estimated /counted/guessed/totalled that the seas around Iceland are tome to over 5,000
orca or killer whales, as they are sometimes known. But their behavior, and therefore your
chances of seeing time, varies according /depending/relying/agreeing to the season.

In summer, the whales have a custom/ tendency /habit/trend to hang out near the coast and
can be seen swimming up fjords and inlets. During the winter months, however, the animals are
generally to be found longer/wider/broader/ further out at the sea. Whenever/Whoever/
Whichever /However season you choose for your trip, whale-watching trips are very easy to
organize and there’s a fine/ good /bright/great chance you’ll get to see other wale species too.

Besides Iceland, another option is to head /set/point/pick for northern Norway between
October and January. Orcas arrive here at this time of the year in hunt/follow/ pursuit /seek of
large shoals of herring, which are akin important thing/food/meal/ part of their diet. If you’re
lucky, you might even see some spectacular displays of the northern lights during your time

Part II

For the following questions, read the text below and think of the word
which best fits each gap.

The Mini-Monet

You may not have heard of Kieron Williamson, but he id a very successful landscape painter. His
paintings, which mostly depict the peaceful countryside around his home village in eastern
England, sell very well. Perhaps this shouldn’t be as that much of a surprise. After all , it is a
beautiful part of the world and landscape paintings are always popular amongst buyers,
especially those living in big cities.
The strange thing about Kieron, however, is that he is only seven years old. At a recent
exhibition of his work, all the paintings were sold in half an hour, some for GBP100,000 each.
Kieron now has fans all over the world, and has gained the nickname the ‘Mini-Monet’.

What’s even more surprising is that Kieron doesn’t come from an artistic family, and only
started painting two years ago . He first got inspiration from some boats he saw on holiday at
the seaside. Kieron asked his parents if they could buy him a sketch pad and pencils so that he
could draw them. Only when they say how well he drew did dehydration realize that he was
talented. They insist, however , that although Kieron certainly loves his painting, he is an
ordinary boy, just as keen on football as on painting.

Part III

For the following questions, read the text below. Use the words given in
capitals to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

Don’t catch cold

In most cultures, people have beliefs and opinions related to their health that het passed from
one generation to another. It is easy to dismiss such ideas as myths.

But according to recent studies, it seems that at least some of the advices and warnings that
our parents and grandparents gave us regarding our health could turn out to contain some
scientific truth .

A good example is the relationship between getting cold and catching a cold. My grandmother
was convinced that being outside when the temperature is low, or simply not dressing in
suitable clothes for the cold weather, was a sure way of catching a cold.
Now, as we know, colds are caused by viruses. Therefore, in the absence of a virus, you cannot
catch a cold –no matter how low the temperature or how inappropriate your clothing–. But
what researchers have now discovered is that we may have viruses in our bodies already, which
are just waiting for the change to turn into a cold. In cold weather, for example, the blood vessels
in your nose get smaller. It’s something the body does to prevent heat scraping. unfortunately ,
this also means that the cold virus can attack the nose or throat more easily .

So perhaps Granny was right.

Part IV

For the following questions, complete the second sentences so that they
have a similar meaning to the first sentences, using the words given. You
must use between two and five words, including the word given.
Tania hasn’t played volleyball for three years.
(SINCE) It has been three years since Tania last played volleyball
The only thing Carl forgot to buy was a new battery for his watch.
(EVERYTHING) Carl remembered to buy everything but a new battery for his watch.
Declan was angry because Claire arrived late
(TIME) If Claire had arrived on time, Declan would not have been angry.
I don’t usually wear a hat so it feels strange.
(USED) I am not used to wear a hat and so it feels strange.
Rob to Jennifer: ‘You broke the strap on my new camera.’
(ACCUSED) Rob accused Jennifer of breaking the strap of his new camera.
Mark can’t wait to use his new computer-games console.
(FORWARD) Mark is looking forward to using his new computer-games console.
It will only take three hours to fly to Sicily.
(FLIGHT) It is only a three-hour flight to Sicily.
I can’t fit all my clothes into that tiny wardrobe.
(HOLD) That tiny wardrobe is unable to hold all my clothes.

Use of English IV

Part I

For the following questions, read the text below and decide which answer
best fits each gap.

Gesture interface
What’s called /known/titled/mentioned the Gesture Interface is the latest idea in the field of
personal technology, and it’s a great one. At the present/ moment /current/minute , if we want
mobile line/entry/ access /link to the Web, we have to travel around with things like laptops,
smartphones and e-readers in your bags or pockets. The inventor of the Gesture Interface has
come /thought/found/done up with a way of doing this using only something we’ve delivered/
fetched/brought/ carried around with us for millions of years –our hands.

The idea is based /started/founded/begun on simple technology that is already in existence.

Along with/ Instead of /Except for/Apart from carrying around the usual hardware, you have a
small wearable device on your hands. This contains a projector, a camera and wireless
technology to sign/download/log/ connect you to the Web. It also has sensors which read and
interpret simple hand gestures. For example, when you want to make/ take /do/get a
photograph, simply make a frame around the image with your hand and click your fingers. The
device works/reckons/meets/ knows out what you want and operates the camera. If you want
to research/refer/ consult /seek a book, then de device projects the pages onto the palm of your

It’s a great idea and I think it’s very portable/bound/ likely /possible to become a success.
When I told my teenage son about it, he couldn’t long/ wait /stand/hope to start using one.

Part II

For the following questions, read the text below and think of the word
which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.

Choosing the best shades

Most of us buy a new pair of fashionable sunglasses each year. To be honest, we probably put
more thought into looking cool than we do into how suitable the classes are for our needs.

It seems an obvious thing to say, but the main role of sunglasses in not actually to enhance your
image. It is rather to protect your eyes from the potentially harmful says of the sun. What’s
more , price is not necessarily the best guide regarding the effectiveness of sunglasses. Indeed,
expensive designer sunglasses may not provide the best defense against un damage. Although
you may still want to choose a pair of sunglasses that look good on you, it’s also crucial to check
out just how effective they Eulalia be as protection for your eyes.

There are three types of light which can harm the human eye. They are known as ultra-violet
light, visible light and infra-red light. If you take the choice of sunglasses seriously, then you
will want to protect yourself against all three.

Finally, don’t forget to get a good carrying case, especially if you’re going traveling. A hard
protective case may well be bulky to carry around, but there is nothing more annoying than
pulling out your glasses and finding that one of the arms has been snapped off.

Part III
For the following questions, read the text below. Use the words given in
capital to form a word that fits in the gap.

Rafting on the Zambezi river

Victoria Falls on the Zambezi river in Africa is one of the most spectacular sights in the world. It
is also an incredible place for water sports. The translation of the local Zambian name for the
falls is ‘the smoke that thunders’ and it’s a pretty good description . On arrival, it’s the noise that
makes the greatest impression on you as the water drops 108 meters in a waterfall that is nearly
two kilometers wide. The surrounding landscape is also awesome, and well worth a visit.

You can’t go white-water rafting over the falls themselves, but the rapids further down the
Zambezi river provide a very exciting location. Although the rapids are given grades five and six
on the sports difficulty scale, there are places where relative beginners can have a go, as long
as they are accompanied by experienced operators. These people guide you through the rapids
and ensure that you don’t stray into the more dangerous sections by mistake.

You can get a taste of the thrilling white-water rafting experience on a day trip from
Livingstone, the nearest town, but to fully appreciate the area a week-long course is

Part IV

For the following questions, complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change
the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the
word given.
The band probably won’t do another tour this year.
(UNLIKELY) The band is unlikely to do another tour this year.
It’s very hard for Alex to get up in the morning.
(TROUBLE) Alex has trouble getting up in the morning.
Lily is so good at swimming that she is going to train for the Olympics.
(SUCH) Lily is such a good swimmer that she is going to train for the Olympics.
One of us ought to go and meet the visitor at the airport.
(SHOULD) The visitor should be met by any of us at the airport.
I went to the dentist’s because I couldn’t stand the toothache any longer.
(UP) I couldn't put up with the toothache any longer, so I went to the dentist’s.
I wasn’t invited to the party and feel sad about that.
(WISH) I wish I had been invited to the party.
It was a difficult problem, but eventually Martin solved it brilliantly.
(WITH) Martin eventually came up with a brilliant solution to the problem.
Students may use the library, but they must not disturb other users.
(LONG) Students may use the library as long as they do not disturb other users.

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