Water Chlorination Benzene: Trichloride-Catalyzed

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The Role of Water in Iron Trichloride-Catalyzed

Chlorination of Benzene
Henk van den Berg*1 and Ríen M. Westerink
Chemical Engineering Laboratory, State University, Groningen, The Netherlands

The influence of small amounts of water on the reaction rate of the chlorination of benzene catalyzed by iron tri-
chloride has been determined. The reaction rate was calculated from the temperature rise caused by the chlorin-
ation carried out in a small, well isolated flow reactor. This reactor contained a homogeneous liquid mixture of
benzene, chlorine and catalyst. Comparatively small values of the reaction rates are obtained for ratios of the
concentrations FeCÍ3/H20 between 3 and 6. When this ratio is reduced below 2, a sharp increase of the catalytic
activity is observed. The catalytic active component is a monocomplex of iron trichloride and water, FeCI3-H20.
For the first time the influence of small amounts of water on the reaction rate of this reaction has been deter-
mined quantitatively.
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Introduction stants themselves. In contrast with the authors just men-

In industry most of the chlorobenzenes are produced in tioned, they carried out their experiments in homogeneous
continuous operation by liquid-phase chlorination. Usually media.
liquid benzene and gaseous chlorine dispersed in it flow co- Lebedev and Baltadzhi measured the reaction rate in
currently upward through a column packed with iron rings. mixtures of nitrobenzene (PhN02), CCI4, benzene, and FeCl3.
The reaction is catalyzed by iron trichloride, which is formed They found that the first-order reaction rate constant, k\, at
in the reactor from chlorine and the iron rings. It is generally a given iron trichloride concentration, depends strongly upon
known (see e.g. Braendlin and McBee, 1965) that in these the quantity of nitrobenzene (a polar solvent) in the reaction
reactions no water should be present. In industrial processes, mixture (see Figure la). Cf. Table I.
therefore, the raw materials benzene and chlorine are dried. The values for ki published by Schmidt (1968) are of the
In his extensive review “Friedel-Crafts and related reactions”, same order of magnitude, but they were measured at catalyst
Olah (1963) states, however, that “in general H20 and small concentrations which were about 1% of the concentrations
quantities of other contaminants enlarge the reaction rate in used by the Russian authors and in reaction mixtures con-
nonaqueous solvents”. These statements seem contradictory taining B, MCB, DCB, but no PhN02. Schmidt, unlike Le-
and could only be reconciled if, with respect to the catalytic bedev and Baltadzhi, mentions problems regarding the re-
activity, an optimum would exist somewhere in the range of producibility of the measurements. The reaction rate con-
very small traces of water. stants in his experiments varied, occasionally by as much a
Concerning the industrially applied continuous chlorination factor of 2. Considering the techniques used, his analysis was
of benzene, it is not clear in which process'step water exerts accurate. It may be inferred, therefore, that these variations
its influence. Is it in the formation of the catalyst, i.e. in the were caused by other factors. Schmidt reports that in his ex-
reaction 2Fe + 3C12 —
2FeCl3 which reaction is either ham- periments the catalyst was easily poisoned, due to traces of
pered or induced by water, or is it in the rate of the chlorina- water, for example.
tion of benzene itself? Donohoe (1968) discontinued measuring the reaction rate
The main aim of the work described in this contribution was of the chlorination catalyzed by FeCl3, because he was faced
to determine the influence of small amounts of water on the with problems such as turbidity and decomposition of the
reaction rate of the chlorination of benzene carried out in a catalyst solution, which he ascribed to the influence of H20
homogeneous reaction medium and catalyzed by dissolved on the catalyst.
iron trichloride. The results of the last two authors point to the major part
which small quantities of water play in the activity of the
Kinetics. A Review of Literature FeCl3 catalyst. For his reaction mixture, Schmidt found a
In Table I a survey is given of measurements of the rate of first-order dependence of the catalyst concentration in the
the chlorination of benzene. A generalized rate expression for reaction rate expression. Lebedev and Baltadzhi, on the other
the first step runs hand, found a decrease of this order starting with 3.5-4 in 12
vol % PhN02 + 80 vol % CCI4 to 1-1.5 in 92 vol % PhN02 (see
r =
ka+b+c [Cl2]a[FeCl3]b[B]c (1)
Figure lc).
The subscripts of k indicate the order of the reaction rate In the literature no adequate description is given of the
constant. For the second step [B] is replaced by [MCB] and reaction rate of the chlorination of benzene catalyzed by FeCl3
the reaction rate constant is provided with an accent. For the and carried out in a homogeneous mixture of the reaction
third step we use k"a+b+c and [DCB], components. Two of the main problems were evidently the
Bourion (1920 a,b) was the first to publish about the ratio solubility and the preservation of the FeCl3 catalyst. We de-
of the reaction rate constants of the second and first steps, voted a separate study to this problem (Berg, 1973; Berg and
fc2Vfc2. It was McMullin (1948) who added the ratio of the Gerritsen, 1976). The results are summarized as follows.
third and second steps, fc2"/&2'. Lebedev and Baltadzhi (1961, Dry iron trichloride is practically insoluble in dry benzene.
1963) first provided reliable values of the reaction rate con- FeCl3 is only reasonably well soluble in B, if both FeCl3 and
FeCl3-2H20 are present in the solid phase. When this condi-
Address correspondence to this author at Dow Chemical (Ned- tion is fulfilled a monocomplex FeCl3-H20 will be formed in
erland) B.V., P.O. Box 48, Terneuzen, The Netherlands. the solution. If the solution is not in equilibrium with the two

164 Ind. Eng. Chem., Fundam., Vol. 15, No. 3, 1976

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Ind. Eng. Chem., Fundam., Vol. 15, No. 3, 1976 165

— %vol PhN02

Figure 2. Experimental layout: 1, reactor; 2, measuring bridge; 3,

thermostat; 4, stock FeClg-HaO in B; 5, metering pump; 6, sedimen-
tation vessel; 7, magnetic stirrer; 8, washing bottle, B + CL; 9, Mar-
iotte’s vessel, B + Cl2; 10, capillary; 11, flowmeter; 12, mixer; T, To,
b. Schmidt
T. 20'C heat of hydration (-AH^lQFeCl^]
heat of reaction: r(-AH )V heat loss: Q(T-T )

heat contents of heat of stirring: h

entering flows: y
^ heat content of
d ,pc T exit flow:
'vi p 0
6 8 T
rvtot .pc p

d T
v2 pc 0
^ heat capacity of
reactor and contents
H + Vc p

Figure 3. Heat balance over the flow reactor.

Rate by Means of the Heat of the Reaction. The reaction

rate of the first step has been calculated from the temperature
rise caused by the chlorination carried out in a small well
isolated flow reactor.
The continuously operated flow reactor was chosen because
the activity of the catalyst is preserved better under flow
conditions than in a batchwise operated reactor. Both by
measurement of the rise in temperature, and by chemical
analysis, the reaction rate can be determined for small con-
versions of the B feed. The first method, however, gives im-
Figure 1. Literature data for (a) and (b) reaction rate constants; (c) mediate information of the reaction rate occurring and enables
order of [FeCL], us to determine the reaction rate under unsteady-state con-
ditions. The principle of the determination of the reaction rate
by measurement of the rise in temperature has been known
solids mentioned, but with FeCls^FUO and FeCl3-%H20 or for many years; see, e.g., Rand and Hammett (1950).
with two higher hydrates, the solubility decreases sharply. At The reactor consists of a small flow reactor placed in a
all values of the ratio FeCls/B (kmol/kmol) in the mixture a thermostat, accuracy: ±0.002 °C. Two streams of benzene
good solubility is guaranteed if the overall ratio H20/FeCl3 enter the reactor: the one containing B + FeCls, the other B
is 1. + Cl2. Long spiral glass tubes guarantee that the B-feeds into
The presence of HC1 increases the solubility of iron tri- the reactor reach the temperature of the thermostat within
chloride. Generally, the percentage increase of the solubility 0.002 °C. The conversion is determined by the difference in
is larger if the overall ratio H20/FeCl3 in the system is larger. temperature between the reactor and the thermostat, mea-
The setup and interpretation of the kinetic investigation re- sured by two thermistors (Philips E 205CE P 100k). The signal
ported now are based on this monocomplex concept. obtained from these thermistors is fed to a modified Wheat-
stone bridge constructed by Knauer (Berlin). In order to apply
Experimental Section this principle of measuring accurately, the reactions that occur
Apparatus Used for the Determination of the Reaction and the heat effects of the reactions must be known.

166 Ind. Eng. Chem., Fundam., Vol. 15, No. 3, 1976

Figure 2 shows the experimental layout. Provisions are This mixture is titrated with a thiosulfate solution. To de-
made for the possibility of varying the concentrations of cat- termine the acid concentration, the mixture is further titrated
alyst, CI2, HC1, and H2O. To minimize loss of heat the reactor with 0.1 N NaOH. The concentration of the organic compo-
itself has a double evacuated wall which is covered with a thin nents is determined by GC analysis. Iron is determined by
layer of metallic silver. atomic absorption analysis. Concerning the H2O analysis, a
The relation between the reaction rate and the difference GC technique has recently been published by Berg and Olst
in temperature measured is described in a heat balance over (1973).
the reactor; cf. Figure 3. The resulting expression for the re- The concentrations in the reactor are found by means of (a)
action rate is

(T —

ToXtfvtotCpP + Q) +

(Vcpp + H)

0vtot( -

Affh) [FeCls] —

As the concentrations of CI2, HC1, and catalyst are small,
variations in cp, p, and heats of mixing can be neglected. The chemical analysis of the exit stream from the reactor and (b)
temperature rise which is used in the following sections, in- determination of the concentrations in the entering flows and
dicated by T To, has been corrected for the small temper-

by multiplying them with a factor / or 2/ · To

ature rise caused by stirring, hst. obtain the concentrations of the components which are formed
Due to construction details, e.g., fixed glass inlet and outlet or used by reaction, these concentrations should be increased
tubes, the reactor volume had to be calculated from the resi- or reduced by a term r6.
dence time distribution of the liquid in the reactor. We found The Hydration of FeCls-HsO. Further hydration of
V 7.0 X 10-6 m3 for this perfectly mixed system.
FeCls-H20 will be accompanied by a heat effect. The for-
The heat-loss factor, Q 4.5 X 10-2 Js-1 °C~1 has been
mation of higher hydrates might take place during the chlo-
determined by dilution of sulfuric acid in the reactor under rination reaction: the B 4- FeCls feed contains FeCls-HsO
steady-state conditions. Then, the terms for the reaction heat which might be further hydrated by the H2O present in the
of the chlorination and the heat of hydration of FeCls in eq 2 B 4- CI2 feed. The occurrence of this phenomenon was estab-
are substituted by the heat from mixing H2SO4 and H2O. The lished by measuring this heat effect in the flow reactor by
latter and cpp are known, /dt is zero, so Q can be calculated. applying a feed of B + FeCls-HsO^vi) and a second flow B
The heat capacity, 16.8 J °C_1, was determined by
= 4- H2O + 01( 2). HC1 is added to simulate the conditions

measuring the cooling curve of the reactor. In that case tot of the chlorination reactions and to prevent precipitation of
and the heat of hydration are zero. the higher hydrates. The experiments are carried out under
Provided that the reactor is fed with B and not with MCB, steady-state conditions. Then (2) is reduced to
only the first chlorination step takes place since the conversion 0
in the reactor is small, 0.5 mol % or less. The heat of reaction
ATh(</>vtotCpp 4- Q)

for the first step, / , amounts to —134.106 J kmol-1 or
(Groggins, 1958; Kirkbride, 1956). The product cpp amounts
to 1.55 X 106 J m-3 °C_1 for pure benzene. Using these con- ATh(cpp 4- Q/cftytot)
-Affh =
stants eq 2 becomes [FeCls]
The dots in Figure 4 represent the values for — H^, cal-
r =
culated from the differences in temperature. The experiments
(T -

To')(0vtot 1.55 X 106 + 4.5 X 10~* 2) + ^dt (10.9 + 16.8) were carried out at 25 °C, while [HC1]/[H20] varied from 0.4
to 3. The line in the figure is obtained by connecting the values
940 of the heats of dilution given by Perry (1963); see Table II.
Since the monocomplex FeCls-HsO enters the reactor, we
tot (—AHh)[FeCl3] shifted the ordinate in such a way that the heat of dilution of
FeCls-HsO (complex) was taken as a standard, or AHh = 0 —

for FeCls-HsO. The results of the chlorinations, which are

A relation to calculate the heat of hydration is given in the
described in the following sections, show that the rise in
next section. To calculate the reaction rate we measure: T —

temperature (given by Berg and Gerritsen, 1976) caused by

T0' (0.15 3.5 °C), plus dT/dT if experiments are carried out

under unsteady conditions; 0vtot> which is determined by hydration is small, usually about 5% of thd rise caused by the
measuring the total exit flow from the reactor or by summing
i and 2\ 0vi(B + FeCl3), which is determined by an accu- (-Affh)[FeCls] ,
rate, calibrated metering pump (Telab BF 411/250); and </>v2ÍB (cpp + Q/ tot)
+ CI2), determined by reading a calibrated flowmeter.
For the sake of simplicity, we use the straight line, formu-
The catalyst solution is prepared as follows. To a 1-1. vessel
lated by eq 4; only a minor error in the determination of the
are successively added 11 of B, 16 g of FeCls, and 0.9 g of H2O.
reaction rate of the chlorination is introduced.
After having been sufficiently stirred, the catalyst solution
is pumped into the reactor. The catalyst solution gave initially
the same problems as described by Donohoe (1968) and
Schmidt (1968). We found that the catalyst solution prepared
for 1 < [H20]/[FeCl3] < 6 (4)
in this way contains a monocomplex of iron trichloride and
water. In contrast with the higher hydrates of FeCls and H2O, The heat effect due to the hydration has also to be taken
only this monocomplex, FeCls-E^O, is fairly well soluble in into account in the chlorination reactions carried out. The
benzene (cf. Berg, 1973; Berg and Gerritsen, 1976). dependence of the temperature of the reaction rates measured
The CI2 fed into B to prepare the B + CI2 solution is purified is caused by activation energies of the chlorination and the
by CUSO4 and P2O5 to remove traces of iron and H2O, re- hydration reaction.
spectively. The concentration of CI2 is found by mixing a 2-ml Check of the Measuring Procedure. The reaction
sample of the organic phase with a 70 ml of 0.1 N KI solution. rates measured by employing the method of difference in

Ind. Eng. Chem., Fundam., Vol. 15, No. 3, 1976 167

Figure 5. Apparatus for mixing the organic phase with an aqueous
KI solution (reaction quencher).

Figure 4. Heat of hydration of FeCls-^O.

Table II. Heats of Dilution and Hydration of FeCl3 Hydrates

-AHdil, 106 J -AHh, 106
kmol"‘a (10"3 kg J kmol'1 (ref.
in 1 kmol of H20) FeCl3-H20 O) =

FeCl3 133
FeCl3—H20 0
FeCl3’5/2 H20 88.2 26.8
FeCl3-6H20 23.5 91.5
Perry (1963).

temperature are indicated by rAr and are calculated according

to eq 2.
A reliable calculation of the reaction rate is of vital impor-
tance for our experiments. We verified the measurement of
r at by calculating the reaction rate from the decrease of the
chlorine concentration over the reactor. This check was carried in the alternative feed was filled with benzene without CI2,
out by application of a special device shown in Figure 5.
having the same [H2O] as the B + CI2 stock in the Mariotte’s
A thorough mixing of the organic phase with a 0.1 N KI flask, so the concentration of CI2, fed into the reactor, in-
solution stopped the reaction. This “reaction-quencher” was creased steadily. In accordance with the conception of ideal
connected with the reactor exit. As the reaction proceeds in mixing, we found an exponential curve for [612)2 vs. time.
the exit tube until it is stopped by KI, the volume and conse- From this curve the mean residence time in the mixer, ', and
quently the residence time, , increase by a factor 1.04. The the volume of the mixer, V' =
'/ 2, were calculated. We
reaction rate is calculated from measured [C^jout by application of the reaction-quencher. A
[C^lin ~

[Clalout small correction on [CI2] out, for the reaction in the exit tube,
(5) gives the chlorine concentration in the reactor. The above
method enabled us to determine the influence of [CI2] keeping
[Cldin = ~
[Cldz (6) all other variables at a constant level.
tot In runs A-6 and A-7 we aimed at the introduction of varia-
In accordance with tions in [H2O]. In A-6 we started with “dry” B in the mixer and
(subscript 2 refers to the (B + CI2 feed).
Schmidt (1968) we formulate with “wet” B in the Mariotte’s flask, so
[H20]2 =
[ 2 ]2, =0 + ([H20]Mariotte ~

[H20]2,t = o) e~t/e
k2* (7) (8)
[Cl2] [FeCls]
Figure 6 shows that a close accordance exists between k*2at In run A-7 we provided the Mariotte’s flask with “dry” B
and k*2ACi2· We conclude that the measurement of the reac- and the mixer with “wet” B.
tion rate by the method of differences in temperature is a re-
liable experimental procedure. Results
The Influence of Variations of the Concentrations of Determination of the Reaction Rate by the Proce-
FeCls, CI2, H2O, HC1, and the Temperature on the Reac- dure. In runs A we measured the reaction rate as a function
tion Rate, a survey of the experiments carried out is given in of a number of variables at 28 °C. To interpret the reaction
Table III. In runs A-2 and A-3 additional variations in the rates measured, we use eq 7 in which a first-order dependence
catalyst concentration were induced by changing the B + of [Cl2] and [FeClg] on the reaction rate is assumed. From A-5
catalyst flow, , to the reactor. The B + CI2 feed in the A-4 it appeared that r at varied linearly with [CI2] and that k 2* was
run contained a fixed concentration of HC1. independent of [CI2]. Runs A-6 and A-7 showed that k2* de-
In order to vary the chlorine concentration we used the al- creased steadily by increasing [H2O]. Taking into consider-
ternative B + CI2 feed, given in Figure 2 (run A-5). The mixer ation the presence of the hydrates of FeCla in the reaction

168 Ind. Eng. Chem., Fundam., Vol. 15, No. 3, 1976

Table III. Experimental Scheme for the Determination of
the Reaction Rate Constant, Catalyst FeCl3
Run Aim of experiment Experimental layout used
A-l | check of -measuring See Figures 2 and 5
A-2 (effect of variations in See Figure 2
A-3 J[FeCl3]
A-4 effect of surplus HC1 See Figure 2
A-5 effect of variations See Figure 2 (alternative
in [C1J Cl2 feed) and Figure 5
A-6 1effect of variations See Figure 2 (alternative
A-7 Jin [H20] Cl2 feed)
B-l )
J- determination of Ea See Figure 2

mixture, we plotted the values calculated for k2* as a function

of [H20]/[FeCls]; see Figure 7.
The measurements can be represented by the following
correlation, calculated by regression analysis
k2* = 72.8e-L57([H20]/[FeCi3J) + 0.46 (9)
We observe that the value for k2* increases if the ratio
[H20]/[FeCl3] is reduced. Seeing that [H20]/[FeCl3] = 1 in the
catalyst feed to the reactor, and some water is always intro-
duced into the reactor by the (B + Cl2) feed, we can only de-
termine k2* for [H20]/[FeCl3] > 1. We assume that the highest
value for k2* is obtained at [H20]/[FeCl3] = 1. Moreover, the
accuracy of the determination of k2* for 1 < [H20]/[FeCl3] <
2 is less than for the higher values of [H20]/[FeCl3]. The es-
timated accuracy of k2* = 15.6 for [H20]/[FeCl3] = 1 amounts
to 50%. The estimated accuracies of the measured values of
k2* and of [H20]/[FeCl3] for four experiments arbitrarily
chosen are marked in Figure 7. Variations in [HC1] had no
significant effect on k2*, so far as we could detect.
Considering the equilibria of the hydrates of FeCl3, we have
worked out how the fraction of iron trichloride present as the Figure 8. The fraction catalytically active FeCl3 vs. [H20]/[FeCl3].
monohydrate decreases if the ratio [H20]/[FeCl3] increases;
see Appendix. The results are given by triangle marks in
method to determine this active fraction, and that some as-
Figure 8.
The line in Figure 8 is obtained from the measured reaction sumptions have been made in the calculation based on esti-
rates on the assumption that the monocomplex FeCl3-H20 mated values of the free enthalpies of the hydrates, the results
is also the active catalyst in the chlorination reaction. In this of these two methods agree fairly well.
way we can write the reaction rate equation as follows Finally we shall give the fraction of the active catalyst based
on eq 9
k2[Cl2][FeCl3-H20] [FeCl3] (10)
r =
[ [^3^]2°] = 4_66e-l.B7([H20]/[FeCl3]) + 0.03 (13)
Thus [FeCl3J
Ro----:- k2* (ID k2 =
15.6 s'1 kmol"1 m3 (T = 28 °C) (14)
The values for k2* contain the fraction FeCl3 present as mo- The ranges of concentrations in which our experiments have
nocomplex and the true reaction rate constant k2. been conducted are: 0.07 X 10-2 < [Cl2] < 6.0 X 10-2; 0.1 X
In view of the relation given by Figure 8, we assume that this 10~2 < [HC1] < 7.0 X ”2; 0.2 X 10"2 < [FeCls] < 10"2; 0.5 X
active fraction of iron trichloride is at its maximum when '2 < [H20] < 2.7 X 10-2. The concentration ranges applied
[H20]/[FeCl3] 1. In this way the decrease of k2* with
for Cl2 and HC1 are limited by the fact that the reactors’
[H20]/[FeCl3] is explained as a reduction of the catalytic ac- contents must remain homogeneous, which means that gas
tivity of iron trichloride generation must be avoided.
/ [H2Q] \
To obtain the activation energy we carried out the chlo-
[FeCl3-H20] k2* _

rination of benzene at 28, 39, and 51.5 °C. For the measure-
[FeCls] 15.6 V [FeCls]/ ments at 39 and 51.5 °C, runs B-l and B-2, the experimental
Comparing the triangle marks with the line given in Figure layout given in Figure 2 was used. The fraction of the catalyst
8, we have evidence that the complex FeCl3-H20 is actually which is active can be calculated with eq 13.
the active catalyst in the chlorination reaction. This active We obtained as mean values, at 39 °C
fraction was obtained from reaction rate measurements and
k2 = 27 s-1 kmol-1 m3 (15)
from estimates of free enthalpies of FeCl3 hydrates. In spite
of the fact the measurement of the reaction rate is not a direct for T = 51.5 °C

Ind. Eng. Chem., Fundam., Vol. 15, No. 3, 1976 169

F.CI3nH20 Table IV. The Fraction of Active Catalyst3
[H20 ] /[FeCl3 ] [FeCl3—H20] /[FeCl3 ]
1.2 0.8
1.5 0.6
1.75 0.35
2.0 0.25
2.0 0.18
3.0 0.11
4.0 0.04
3Landolt, . H., Bdrnstein, R., “Zahlenwerte and
Funktionen aus Physik .”, Band II, 4. Teil, s.209,
. .

Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1961. Perry, J. H., Ed., “Chemical

Engineers’ Handbook”, 4th ed, Vol. 3, p 137 McGraw-
Hill, New York, N.Y., 1963. Lange, N. A., Ed., “Hand-
book of Chemistry”, 5th ed, p 1594, McGraw-Hill, New
York, N.Y., 1967.

with a reproducible activity and can now fairly accurately

Figure 9. Enthalpies of formation and free enthalpies of formation predict the chlorination rate.
of MgClz and FeCls hydrates.

Calculation of the Fraction [FeCls-HaO]/ [FeCls]. The
&2 = 56 s-1 kmol 1
m3 (16) fraction of active catalyst [FeCl3-H20]/[FeCl3] was calculated
on the assumption that an equilibrium exists in benzene be-
Thus for the first step we compute: Ea = 43.106 J kmol-1.
tween the hydrates of ferrichloride. For 1 < < 2, [H20]/ =

Conclusion [FeCl3], the following reaction occurs

We measured reaction rates of the chlorination of benzene FeCl3.nH20 —
(2 -

n)FeCl3-H20 + (n -

and found that the monocomplex FeCl3-H20 is the active (Al)
catalyst in this reaction. When we compare the data given in
the literature, cf. Figure 1, we are first of all struck by the fact This means that for a ratio 1 < [H20]/[FeCl3] < 2, FeCl3-H20
that there is a discrepancy between the values of the first- and FeCl3-2H20 are formed. Further, an equilibrium exists
order reaction rate constants found by Lebedev and Baltadzhi 3FeCl3-2H20 ^ FeCl3-H20 + 2FeCl3-%H20 (A2)
and those found by Schmidt.
Secondly, for the catalyst concentration used by Lebedev and
and Baltadzhi, [FeCls] = 0.0113, we calculated from our ex- [FeCl3-H2Q][FeCl3-%H2Q]2
perimental results: k\ = r/[Cl2] < 1.5 X 10-2 s-1 (because ki (A3)
= 1.5 X 10-2 for [H20]/[FeCl3] = 1 and k\ < 1.5 X 10-2 for
[H20]/[FeCl3] > 1). A great number of our experiments were Due to the equilibrium given in (A2), the concentration
carried out at 1.7 < [H20]/[FeCls] < 3. For [H20]/[FeCl3] = monocomplex is increased at the cost of the concentration of
2.2, e.g., the active fraction of the catalyst is 0.18. This value the dihydrate. For 1 < < 2 the formation of higher hydrates
for k\ equals the mean value found by Lebedev and Baltadzhi. has been neglected. If > 2 higher hydrates are formed ac-
Finally, unlike these authors, we measured a first-order cording to
dependence of the reaction rate of [FeCls]. These effects may nFeClg-nf^O —
FeCl3-H20 + (n -

l)FeCl3-(n + 1)H20
be caused by the complexing properties of the solvent used
by Lebedev and Baltadzhi and by the influence of water which
they do not account for. and
Schmidt’s values for the first-order reaction rate constant
[FeCl3-H2Q][FeCl3-(n + l)H2Q]n-1
are about 0.45 X 10-3 s-1 at [FeCls] « 10-4 kmol m-3 which (A5)
is only 1% of the catalyst concentration used by Lebedev and [FeCl3-nH20]n
Baltadzhi. Schmidt’s values in pure B agree with our data for To calculate K for the equilibria mentioned, the free en-
[H20]/[FeCl3] * 1.6, and he claims that ki is independent of thalpy changes for the equilibrium reactions A2 and A4 must
[MCB], In view of the spreading of his results, we cannot agree be known. We assume that the differences of the free
with this conclusion. enthalpies of formation between the hydrates dissolved in the
As to the activation energy, we find that only the Ea value nonpolar solvent B are equal to the differences of the solid
found by Lebedev and Baltadzhi for chlorination of B in ni- hydrates. Thus for (A2): *µ = Gf° (FeCl3-H20) + 2Gf°
trobenzene accords with the value found in our experiments. (FeCl3.%H20) -

3Gf°(FeCl3.2H20) = RT In K. The free

The diversity in the other values may have been caused by the enthalpies of formation are not given in the literature, how-
addition of CCL and PhN02 to the reaction mixture (Lebedev ever. They are estimated from the values known for the hy-
and Baltadzhi) or by inaccurate k measurements (Schmidt). drates of MgCl2. The enthalpies of formation and the free
The essentially new point of our investigation is that, for enthalpies of formation of the MgCl2 hydrates are given in
the first time, the activity of the iron trichloride catalyst as Figure 9 by triangle marks (Landolt and Bdrnstein,1961;
a function of the water content of the reaction mixture has Perry, 1961). As to the hydrates of iron trichloride: only the
been determined quantitatively. By studying the solubility enthalpies of formation of FeCl3 and of FeCl3-6H20 and the
of FeCl3 in benzene as a function of the water content of the free enthalpy of formation of FeCl3 are known (Landolt and
mixture, we were able to get a better insight into the behavior Bdrnstein, 1961; Perry, 1961). See the dots in Figure 9.
of the catalyst (Berg and Gerritsen, 1976). As for the MgCl2 hydrates, a comparison of the free
The well-known phenomenon of “catalyst poisoning” has enthalpies with the enthalpies shows that TSf° (Gf° = H°

been described. We are now able to prepare catalyst solutions TS{°) is small in comparison with Gf° and H°. Secondly, two

170 Ind. Eng. Chem., Fundam., Vol. 15, No. 3, 1976

parallel lines are observed in Figure 9 for the values of H{° of T -

To' = temperature difference measured over the flow

the hydrates of MgCl2 and FeClg. We assume, therefore, that reactor, °C
the same relation also holds for the values of Gf° of the hy- t = time, s
drates of MgCl2 and FeCls. Since G¡° for FeCls is known, we V, V = volume, m3
are now able to calculate Gf° for the hydrates of FeCls. If data
[ ]
concentration, kmol m-3
', = mean residence time, s
for Hf and Gf° of other metal chlorides (e.g. BaCl2, CaCl2, =
density of liquid, kg-3
and NiCl2) and their hydrates are used as a basis of the anal- oi, = liquid flow rate, m3 s-1
ogy, the same results are obtained quantitatively. A plot of the
values of G° (FeCl3-nH2) vs. [H20]/[FeCl3] is a straight line. Subscripts
It appears therefore, that for all equilibria between the hy- 0 = start, feed
drates of FeClg, K 1.
= tot = total
On the basis of the data mentioned above, we calculated the AT, AC12 = indication of the measuring method applied
fraction active catalyst, [FeCl3-H20]/[FeCl3] as a function of B, MCB = concerning benzene, monochlorobenzene
the degree of hydration, [H20]/[FeCl3], The results are given
in Table IV. Literature Cited
Berg, H. van den, Olst, H. van, Anal. Chem., 45 (11), 1967 (1973).
Nomenclature Berg, H. van den, Doctor’s Thesis, State University of Groningen, Groningen,
The Netherlands, 1973. (Available from University Microfilms, Ann Arbor,
B =
benzene Mich. 48106, under number 74-19,368).
specific heat, J kg-1 °C-1 Berg, H. van den, Gerritsen, D. J., to be published in J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1976.
D =
diffusivity of Cl2 dissolved in B, m 2 c—1 Bourion, F., Comp. Rend., 170, 1319 (1920a).
Bourion, F., Ann. Chim. (Paris), 14, 215 (1920b).
DCB dichlorobenzene
Braendlin, . P., McBee, E. T., in “Friedel-Crafts and Related Reactions", Vol.
Ea = activation energy, J kmol-1 °C-1 Ill, Part II, p 1517 ff, G. A. Olah, Ed., Interscience, New York, N.Y., 1965.
heat capacity of the flow reactor, J °C-1 Donohoe, W. A., Ph.D. Dissertation, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., 1961).
AHdii = heat of dilution, J kmol-1 Groggins, P. H., “Unit Processes In Organic Synthesis", 5th ed, p 212,
McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y., 1958.
, = heat of hydration, J kmol-1 Kirkbride, F. W., J. Appl. Chem., 6, 11 (1956).
HT = enthalpy change over a reaction, J kmol-1 Lebedev, N. N., Baltadzhi, I. I., Kinet. Cata!., 2, 182 (1961).
k\ = first-order reaction rate constant, s-1 Lebedev, N. N., Baltadzhi, I. I., Kinet. Catal., 4, 778 (1963).
McMullin, R. B„ Chem. Eng. Prog., 44, 183 (1948).
k2 = second-order reaction rate constant, s-1 kmol-1 n Olah, G. A., Ed., "Friedel-Crafts and Related Reactions", Interscience, New York,
k3 = third-order reaction rate constant, s-1 kmol-2 m6 N.Y., 1963.
k2* = rl Cl2 FeCl3 _1
kmol Olah, G. A., Kuhn, S. J., Hardle, B. A., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 86, 1055 (1964).
k3* = rl Cl2 FeCl3; [B], s-1 kmol-2 m6 Perry, J. H., Ed., “Chemical Engineers' Handbook”, 4th ed, pp 3-145,
McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y., 1963.
MCB = monochlorobenzene Rand, M. J., Hammett, L. P., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 72, 287 (1950).
Q = heat loss factor, J °C-1 s-1 Schmidt, E. H., Ph.D. Dissertation, Clarkson College of Technology, Potsdam,
r = rate of reaction per unit volume, first chlorination step, N.Y., 1968.
kmol m-3 s-1
r' = rate of reaction per unit volume, second chlorination step, Received for review October 8, 1974
kmol m-3 s-1 Resubmitted March 22, 1976
T = temperature, °C or K Accepted April 21, 1976

Controllability of Process Systems. Application of Harriott’s

Index of Controllability

Carl P. Jeffreson
Chemical Engineering Department, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, S.A. 5001, Australia

The problem of predicting the controllability of a system under feedback (proportional, integral) control from the
open loop dynamic equations was considered by Harriott, who proposed an index of performance, I, which com-
bines two easily calculated parameters of the open-loop system. In this paper, an attempt has been made to cor-
relate the reciprocal, 1, of Harriott’s simplified index against three commonly used indices of closed-loop sys-
tem performance. For systems consisting of a dead time and a simple lag, the minimum integral time-weighted
absolute error following a step disturbance was found to be related over a wide range of system parameters to
1 by the approximate formula: ITAE = M/-1)*1 where Ac- and k2 are tabulated constants. A similar correlation
resulted for the minimum Integral-square error for systems consisting either of multiple first-order lags or of a
dead time with one or two first-order lags. The minimum integral absolute error was found to be approximately
proportional to G1 only if a third parameter, , defined in the paper, is held constant.

The widespread availability of computers for the solution designer still needs rapid answers to relatively simple prob-
of complex systems of linear and nonlinear differential lems such as those listed below, if only to narrow the field of
equations has not removed the need for “short cut” methods investigation before applying more sophisticated techniques
of process control systems analysis. The process engineer or of analysis.

Ind. Eng. Chem., Fundam., Vol. 15, No. 3, 1976 171

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