Brand Equity

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1) Brand equity

2) 2) Do a strategic brand analysis (Consumer, Competitor, Category, Self analysis etc.,)

3) - Identify positioning and personality issues and necessity for change, fine-tuning

- Study the brand elements and suggest appropriate changes (in tune with the
recommended positioning and personality changes)

- Suggest ways and means to revitalize the brand or modernize it.

 think the idea is to make people talk..and not about The brand PER SE...ELSE WHY WD
THEY RETIRE TEH devil (IN 1999) AND BRING HIM BACK (SOMETIME 2002-3) only to kill him
again? shows MIRC isnt thinking (smirk?) ...and has lost its 'pride' of place in consumers
drawing room and midn as well...
Brand equity

Brand equity is the added value endowed on product and services. It may be reflected in the
way consumers think, feel and act with respect to the brand, as well as in the prices, market
share, and profitability the brands command for the firm.

Marketers and researchers use various perspectives to study Brand equity. Customer based
approaches view it from the customer perspective either from individual or organisation.
The premise of customer based brand equity models is that the power of a brand lies in
what customers have seen, read, heard, learned, thought, and felt about the brand over

When we talk of ONIDA as a Brand we have to think of the relationship the brand has with
its consumers over the period of time, what these consumers think when it comes to
ONIDA, over more than two decades Onida is there in the market its punch line “neighbours
envy, owners pride” still rings in the minds of the consumers people still remember the
iconic Devil which has become the integral part of the Brand but the unfortunate thing is
that the Devil is no longer excites people to make a purchase, Onida’s Brand equity has
slowly lost its significance in the last couple of years the reason as cited by the V.P sales and
marketing Mr. Sriram Krishnamurthy is that earlier one’s neighbour were the benchmark for
one’s lifestyle but now it is not so as people have become more individualistic , They don’t
aspire for what their neighbours own but mostly go by what they like.” All these reasons
have compelled the marketing team to come out with a new brand campaign which will try
to capture the essence of the brand and that of the changing attitudes of people.

The following factors have diluted Onida’s Brand equity

Brand Amnesia :

For old brands, as for old people memory becomes the primary target of age where people
start losing their memory, when a brand forgets what it is supposed to stand for it runs into
trouble, the most obvious case of brand amnesia occurs when a venerable, long standing
brand tries to create a radical new identity, such as when Onida tried to replace its original
tagline with a new one. The results were disastrous.

Brand fatigue :

Some companies get bored with their own brand especially when a brand is there on
shelves for many years, so when a fatigue sets in, the brand creativity suffers which results
in its poor sale,

Brand paronia:

This is the opposite of brand ego and is most likely to occur when a brand faces increased
competition. Typical symptoms include filing of law suits against rival companies, a
willingness to reinvent brand every 6 months, and a longing to imitate competitors.

Strategic Brand Analysis

Consumers :

Onida was a household name when it comes to t.v founded in 1981 and by 1982 the
company had started assembling television sets at its own factory. Superior products,
cutting edge designs, backed by distinctive advertising has made Onida a very popular brand
of those times. During 80’s the t.v is considered to be a luxury brand used to enhance the
beauty of Drawing rooms, consumers were usually from middle and upper middle class
although there were other cheaper brands available which were usually bought by lower
middle class people but onida was restricted only to Sec A and B, owning a t.v during those
times was an aspirational thing, t.v watching was used to be a social affair were people from
the neighbours used to congregate at one place to watch programs, having a t.v during
those times was considered to be an exclusive thing. Cut back to now where you have 40
different brands fighting for the same profile of customers, compared to earlier time were
t.v was a luxury now the t.v has become a necessity, things have changed. In today’s world
people don’t bother about neighbours, they even don’t know their name. They have become a lot
more individualistic & don’t aspire for what their neighbours own but mostly go by what they like.
The customers of onida have grown older with times and the brand has failed to connect itself with
today’s generation.

Competitor :

The consumer goods market in India is of USD 4.87 Billion, In the Indian market space,
Brand loyalty is giving way to “value-for-price” contest. There is an intense competition on
price, The companies are focusing on product differentiation, value added offerings and
exchange offers,

The MNCs like LG, Sony, Samsung, Phillips and Videocon command a high market share.
These brands score high on following factors:

Product Line: These companies (LG, Sony, Samsung, Phillips and Videocon) have a wider
product range compared to Onida to target customers from all segment.

Positioning: Their Image of a multinational company in the minds of consumer helped them

to grab market share instantly. It gave a perception that these companies have better
technology. Videocon on the other hand leveraged its MNC image by it tagline of “Indian

Advertisements: LG has Abhishek Bachhan, Samsung Has Aamir Khan, Videocon had
Amithabh Bachhan and now Sharukh Khan, and All these players have used celebrity to a
good effect to endorse their brands. On the other hand Onida has an inconspicuous young
couple which does not make an impact…the devil in this case would had been very powerful

Visibility: The companies are associated with events and sponsorships. Like LG and
Videocon are associated with cricket. This has resulted in better brand visibility

4) Identify positioning and personality issues and necessity for change, fine-tuning etc.,

Positioning of Onida has always been that of a t.v which your neighbours will envy, the
positioning was apt looking at the time when the t.v was launched during those times t.v
used to be a luxurious item, people used to aspire to own a t.v, watching t.v was used to be
a social event where members from neighbourhood used to congregate at one house to
watch t.v programs. Its punch line “neighbours envy, owners pride” and its iconic devil
which projected the envy part, truly captured the essence of that era. But over the years the
Neighbours Envy had lost its relevance as an emotional driver of durable purchase, which
has become a necessity and is no more a luxury. plus things have changed. In today’s world
people don’t bother about neighbours, they even don’t know their name. They have
become lot more individualistic & don’t aspire for what their neighbours own but mostly go
by what they like. Even the people surveyed also reaffirmed that the devil has lost its
association with the envy, its original trait, it has just become a mascot and lost its
fundamental association, a lot of viewer just referred to it as the seenghwala.

Onida understood, this change in people’s behaviour and tried to change their positioning
they tinkered with the positioning in 1998 but brought it back in 2004, but after that they
have realised that they have to come up with new positioning to stay relevant with the
current generation as onida is expanding its product portfolio like a/c’s, washing machine,
microwave they want to have a positioning which will be relevant to all the products Onida
launched a new campaign on sep 15 2009 just ahead of festive season to talk to the
audience between the age of 20 – 30, the ad will depict a newly married couple and weave
in its products facilitating the setting up of their first home,the protagonist will be the same
in various product ads which will present Onida as a cross-category player, rather than its
earlier image of a television company.

According to Sairam.K V.P Marketing and Sales "For over 20 years, Onida relied on the Devil
to give it brand image and recall. The India of today is no longer concerned about
'neighbour's envy' - especially when it comes to durables. The new Onida needs to fit into
their lifestyles by understanding their latent needs better and delivering quality products
with thoughtfully designed features. This will be the core driver for Onida across its business
and marketing processes. the refection of design will be captured in the new brand identity
campaign. The company also claims that the objective of the campaign is to embed every
Onida product with aesthetic design and thoughtfullness which will appeal to the new

Ad depiction :

The new campaign features a young couple, whose lives are enhanced by Onida products, &
carries the tag line: Tumko dekha toh ye design aaya (this design came to me when I saw
you). The DVD player ad shows Siddharth(husband) pulling a fast one on Ritu(wife), telling
her that she is on air. Ritu excitedly calls up her mother & asks Sid the channel on which
she’s appearing, to which he casually says Onida. Getting it soon that he has just inserted a
SD card into the player she hits her husband in mock anger.

There is an attempt to convey Onida as a brand beyond TV is apparent with the sub-
branding of ‘Onida- Theatre’; ‘Onida- Cook’ etc. These will present Onida as a cross-category
player, rather than its earlier image of a TV company.
5) Suggest ways and means to revitalize the brand or modernize it.

In order to revamp its position and brand value in the market Onida should use the
following strategies:

 Better positioning: Onida should stick with a uniform positioning strategy rather

than changing it with time as they did.
 Celebrity Endorsement: The Company should go for a better advertising. The
company can rope in a celebrity to endorse its brand. This way the brand can be benefited
from celebrities brand equity. We suggest rope in a sports icon ( Saurav Ganguly for its
majestic comeback) or a bollywood star(Akshay kumar) rather than the inconspicuous
couple (as per the current ads) where the recall value is poor.
 Association with events: The Company has lost its place in the minds of customers.
Also, the loyal customers of Onida have grown older. To regain old customers and to
regain visibility, Association with events can help. Onida’s problem of low visibility will be
solved with its sponsorship of event like rock shows, games, marathons etc.
 Line Extension: The Company should go for line extension in value segment so as to
target more customers in the lower segment. They should introduce more variants in 14”,
20” and 21” segment. These products will target the young and first time buyers. These
buyers will have an emotional attachment with the brand and as they graduate to the high
end segment, Onida can target them with its high end products. Onida is now in one of the
most difficult times. The brand needs to come out with a product that will change the
game. Changing the mascot is secondary at this point of time.
 Marketing Mix: Onida is facing a marketing problem and more than a branding
problem. Everything is fine with the brand. People recognize the brand. The issue is on a
larger perspective. It needs to concentrate on its entire marketing mix not just the brand
elements. Onida needs to convince the consumers that its products are better designed
and technologically superior. It is about managing perception .Features can be copied by
competitors easily but changing perception is a difficult task.
Study the brand elements and suggest appropriate changes (in tune with the recommended
positioning and personality changes).

But as usual, when the agency changes, the entire brand elements changes.

Brand element, sometimes called brand identities, is those trademarkable devices that serve
to identify and differentiate the brand. The main ones are brand names, URL’S, logos,
symbols, jingles, packages, and signage.

Criteria for choosing Brand element:

1) Memorability
2) Meaningfulness
3) Likability
4) Transferability
5) Adaptability
6) Protectability

The first three criteria – memorability, meaningfulness, and likability are the marketer’s
offensive strategy and build brand equity. The later three, however, play a defensive role for
leveraging and maintaining brand equity in the face of different opportunities and
constraints. Let’s see each of these general criteria.

1) In order to build Brand equity a high level of brand awareness is needed, when we
talk of Onida the first thing which comes to our mind is the Devil, the iconic devil has
become so much integrated with the brand and has got such a powerful impact on
the mind that even though people would try to forget it they won’t be able to do so.
Therefore the mascot scores 10 on 10 when it comes to memorability but now when
the Onida has decided to lay the devil at rest and has come out with a new identity
for itself the quintessential indian couple sidhartha and ritu for their ads they have to
make sure that it will create a lasting impact on the minds of the customers.
2) Meaningfulness :

That is the brand has to be descriptive and persuasive, for years the devil has done a
wonderful job of being descriptive its association with envy is still fresh in the minds
of the customers, whether the new age couple, 'Siddharth' and 'Ritu' is able to
communicate its proposition to its consumers. has to be seen. The companies main
motive behind introducing the new campaign is to make the brand relevant to the
today’s generation who doesn’t care about their neighbours anymore and who
want’s to make their own choices when it comes to consumer durables which are
essential to their lifestyle.

3) Likability :

When we talk of likability part there are few things which comes to one’s mind, like
the brand element should be fun and interesting, it should have rich visual and
verbal imagery, and it should be aesthetically pleasing. And the devil mascot wins
hands down on all these three parameters.

mail forwarded for your reference/info.

Depending on info, pls arrange suitable hall (with adequate sitting, lighting,
OHP facilities etc.).  You may also want to arrange a small memento.  I will
fwd the speaker's profile asap.


Sriram Venkatsubramanian

Amrita School of Business

Ettimadai, Coimbatore 641105

Tel:  +91 - 422 - 2645 6422 (Ext: 5437); Cell: + 91 - 94896 67576

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "Sriram Venkatasubramanian" <>
To: "seshadri" <>
Sent: Saturday, 26 February, 2011 2:53:25 PM
Subject: Guest speaker 

Dear Sesh:

Broadly, you only have to narrate your story  - mainly as an entrepreneur &
very briefly as an employee with merchant shipping companies.  Also, your
experience as a customer in service providing institutions.  Just the main
issue(s) and your opinion/evaluation.

The above may seem a tall order, but it is only meant to help you
plan/prepare/deliver your speech.  You can modify as you want to.  You may also
want to frankly admit that you are not a professional marketing guy, and learnt
most of the issue 'on-the-job', some the hard way, and the lessons you learnt
from these experiences.  You may also want to 'market' NALS to the students as
an attractive career option.  

These are last trimester II year students - so, you can assume that they are
theoretically aware and don't have to be spoon-fed.  I will also try to get as
many I tear students so that they become aware of this career option.  You can
expect about 40-50 students to attend.   

Pl do mention about the very favorable feedback you have received from various

Broad time plan  -  40-50min lecture; 15-20 min Q&A; tea/refreshments.  You are
free to handle the session as you want - movie clips, PP presentation, humour,
small audience exercise etc.
Call me anytime for any trouble-shooting. 

Pls send a brief profile about you/NALS for advance distribution to


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