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 Ate chicken + bloody diarrhea + seagull shape(?

) in smear + gram negative bacilli +

oxidase and catalase +  cambylobacter jujeni
 Chagas disease is caused by  trypanosoma cruzi
 Malaria patient  “600 mg choloroquine initially, then 300 mg after 6-8 hours”, then
300 mg after 24 and 48 hours
 Kenya + fever + lymphadenopathy + splenomegaly + molluscum contagiousm +
leukoplakia + history of blood transfusion  HIV
 Isoniazid treatment  follow up liver enzymes
 Painless genital ulcer + lymph nodes enlargement  primary syphilis
 Staph saprophyticus vaginal infection  septicides in condoms!
 Gastroenteric virus vaccine  rotavirus
 Skin hypersensitivity test for molds & was positive in 30 min  type 1 hypersensitivity
 Male was injected w/ mites and developed allergy after 30 min  type 1
 After eating seafood, child developed rash + severe itching + diarrhea  histamine
releasing mast cell
 Immunological reaction in peanut allergy  immediate hypersensitivity reaction
 Giardiasis  stool analysis in 3 different days
 Justification to give live and killed polio  increase IgA at GI tract at entry of virus
 When group A hemolytic streptococcus trigger rheumatic fever  after tonsillitis/
pharyngitis infection
 Sx of typhoid fever  abdominal pain + headache “fever, LOA, cough, constipation”
 Patient w/ nonspecific urethritis + sexually active  chlamydia
 Barking cough, red epiglottitis (?)  parainfluenza if scenario suggest croup, H. influenza
B IF epiglottitis
 Varicella vaccine  now and within 6 weeks????*
 Another q, varicella in adults  2 doses 4 weeks apart (what is the truuuuth)
 All hepatitis are RNA except  Hep B!
 Parasite in soil  ascaris bancrofti “lumbricoides”
 Roommates, one w/ N. Meningitis  give rifampicin prophylaxis
 conFirm syphilis  FTA – ABS “screening tests = VLDRL + RPR”
 spleen removed, vaccine to give  meningococcal
 scenario with absolute eosinophilia  schistosomiasis “90% eosinophilia”
 bilateral infilteration on chest x-ray + cough + headache + fever + increased WBC 
mycoplasma pneumonia
 male + unprotected sex + purulent discharge w/ gram negative diplococci  gonococcal
 13 y.o boy + history of a skin disease + bilateral abscess in inguinal region  chronic
granulomatous disease
 DIABETIC! + fever, productive cough and SOB + high WBC + picture w/ lower lobe
infiltrate + AIR FLUID LEVEL “abscess”, drug given  works on 50s ribosome
 Allergies c/I in flu vaccine  eggs
 Damaged valve + infective endocarditis + after tooth extraction  strep viridans “native
valve, if pro maybe staph. Epidermis”
 Methicillin sensitive organism  give oxacillin “cloxacillin, dicloxacillin, nafcillin”
 HIV attacks  (mainly CD4 helper t cells, if not there choose macrophages + dendritic
 Most specific test for TB  sputum culture
 Best prophylactic for travelers’ diarrhea  peeled fruit! (rule of P’s= peelable, packaged,
purified, piping hot!) boil, cook, peel it or forget it
 Male + classic TB + cough, nocturnal sweat, loss of appetite, hyposomnia + iv drug abuse
and hep b history + left side crepitation + CXR infiltrate in middle of left lung w/ 1.7
diameter w/ signs of cavitation, culture no growth at 48 h, initial treatment 
rifampicin, INH, ethambutol, pyrazinamide
 Middle ages man + cough for weeks + cavity on CXR in right lobe and focal consolidation
 TB
 Optimal duration for strep throat  10 days “penicillin 10 letters”
 Young male + painless penile ulcer  dark field microscope
 Unprotected sex, moths later came w/ painless ulcer + sharply demarcate shallow 
syphilis “chancroid is painful”
 HIV + absence of passage of feces and vomiting and abdominal discomfort + intestinal
resection = white tumor in colon encircling the wall  non-hodgkin lymphoma
 Enteric fever (TYPHOID!) + resistance to chloramphenicol  ciprofloxacin alone!
“fluoroquinolones in general”
 Patient w/ signs and symptoms of atopy “allergy”  mast cell mediated
 Rapid swelling after bee sting  1
 Allergic to sulfa, shellfish, and penicillin  give (amoxicillin, nitrofurantoin, penicillin,
 Treatment of pyoderma gangrenosum  systemic steroids
 Immune deficient patient, what vaccine to give  pneumococcus
 Scenario of sjogren syndrome, asking about complications  lymphocytic tissue
 Recurrent LRTI + eczema + thrombocytopenia + father and uncle similar problem 
wiskott-aldrich syndrome
 Most common cause of itching  eczema*
 Post-steptococcal infection + generalized petechial and plt=15  IVIG**
 Small erythematous, non-planchable macules, viral infection history resolved
spontaneously, plt=15  steroids***
 Man eating rice only, gingival + tongue lesions  vit c def??*
 Commonest cause for patients to retire in KSA  HIV/ HBV????
 Why do we take flu vaccine yearly  antigenic shift
 2 y.o, fever, lab pic shows “pancytopenia?”  leishmanial??
 Patient resistant to b lactams, sensitive to fluroquinolones, chloramphenicol,
amynolycoside, drug that contraindicated  (chloramphenicol, azithromycin,
gentamicin, flucloxaCILLIN)
 DM, hypothyroid, female, recurrent itching + white adherent oral plaque, +ve mantoux
test  chronic candidiasis
 Diagnostic test for giardia  stool immunoassay (antigen??), or 3 stools for parasite
 Giardiasis  metro
 Gram negative bacteria, oxidase +, non-lactose fermenting, best antimicrobial 
 Prevent recurrent of UTI, perferable circumstances  decreased pH, increased urea,
increased urine osmolarity
 African boy, w/ painless neck mass for 5 weeks, cough and fever  burkitt lymphoma*
 End stage liver disease, budding yeast in blood  caspofungin (right choice but there’s
also fluconazole which can be given IV)
 HIV + diffuse pastule in skin and mouth  chemo & radiotherapy “kaposi’s sarcoma”
 Malaria fast diagnostic test  see malaria antigen
 Patient w/ TB, prevent dorm friends from having it  immunization???????
 Infectious mononucleosis, 8 days later developed acute abdominal pain and low blood
pressure  first step is fluid resus “splenic injury”
 Patient on TB med + eye pain  due to ethambutol/ optic neuritis
 Patient w/ signs of TB, vaccine given to family  BCG!
 Enteric fever “typhoid” presentation  abdominal pain, headache, fever
 Vaccine given to immunocompromised  “depends on scenario, if HIV choose HBV
vaccine, if other scenario, consider IPV”
 TB patient, what to do immediately  put patient in negative pressure??*
 Percentage of complete recovery from HCV  20% “maybe that this is old/ tornto 
80% of acute hep c become chronic”?”**
 Hand cellulitis + red streaks in hand + tender axillary lymphadenopathy  lymphangitis
 Man bitten by a wildcat + cellulitis  pasterulrella multocida
 “pic of skin w/ chickenpox!” + malaise and fatigue, followed by single macule, then
spread to all over body including face  acyclovir
 Septic arthritis on cephalexin + culture shows +cooci resistant to ceresin “2 nd gen
cephalos”  vancomycin
 Immunocompromised patient + vaccine to give brother/family  influenza
 SMOKER + whitish lesion on mouth + not removed by wash  leukoplakia “smoking
most common cause”
 Parasite transmitted by ingestion of undercooked beef  taenia saginata “pork 
solium/ asiatica”
 TB test  (TGN-IGRAS / IFN?)**
 Renal stones and hematuria, q incomplete  so know infection stones organisms***
 Patient received blood transfusion from keneya + had anal infection  HIV?/ syphilis??
 Throat infection 2 weeks ago + developed hematuria  give loop diuretics! “cola urine +
HTN so we’re trying to lower bp and edema”
 Organism gram +ve cluster, what will be +  coagulase “oxidase used w/ -ve, coagulase
w/ +”
 Sore throat + skin rash + splenomegaly  EPV
 DM + redness in calf area + raised and painful + tender on exam  cellulitis “+erysipelas
very common in DM”
 FEVER + spot in molar tooth!  measles “ koplik’s spots
 History of infection? Low Hb, high WBC  depending on scenario! If suggesting sickle
more “hb electro” if leukemia more “bone marrow”
 VAP + lactose non-fermentin, gram -ve, motile bacilli, producing greenish colony,
oxidase +  pseudomonas
 Pericarditis, most accurate test  ECG?*
 Ate from restaurant + 24h later found gram +ve  (shigella, E. coli, bacillus, salmonella)
 Mycoplasma pneumonia “bilateral infiltration”  azithromycin
 Central line, most common source of infection  staff hands contamination???, skin
 Recurrent UTI. Stones + organism swarming motility  proteus mirabilis
 Cat scratch  bartonella henselae, cat feces  toxo gondii, cat/dog bites  pasteurella
 HSV2  acyvolivir
 Vesicles on forehead and supraorbital for one day  antiviral and refer to ophtha
“herpes zoster ophthalmics”
 HIV + oral thrush “candida” + iv drugs + pneumocystitis, predictor of HIV infection 
(oral thrush “candida” + iv drugs + pneumocystitis/ cuz its opportunistic)
 Anti-TB meds + numbness + paresthesia  give b6/ pyridoxine for INH s/e “peripheral
 Susceptibility to fungal + viral infections  T cell def
 on cloxacillin for staph + it is resistant to one of the cephalosporins what to do  give
 Abdominal pain and fever + then constipation then diarrhea + gram –ve rod, non-lactose
fermenting, oxidase -ve organism + produces hydrous sulfate.  “salmonella” DNA
gyrase inhibitor antibiotics/ fluoroquinolones are given
 Two drugs c/I together  tetracycline and aluminum
 Bee sting for 18h + swelling + redness  give antihistamine for itch/ of scenario suggest
anaphylactic shock  epi
 Patient came from sudan 2w ago + fever, headache, vomiting  peripheral blood smear
suspecting malaria!
 Antibiotic that causes low platelet + normal rt  chloramphenicol
 Patient w/ infection resistant to b lactams  give (Azithromycin Vancomycin
 Male + catheter  e coli
 Oral ulcer  hsv11111
 Dog bites  polymicrobial
 Patient cannot take bcg vaccine cuz def of what  IFN y/gammmmma
 HIV confirming test  western blot!! Elisa is screening*
 HIV + SOB + productive cough + lung biopsy= soap bubble w/exudates + small cysts +
stained w/ silver  pneumocystits jiroveci
 HIV “NOT AIDS” commonly presents with  generalized lymphadenopathy
 Patient w/ 1.5 cm calcified lesion on routine CXR, no symptoms  next is CT*
 Dental caries caused by  streptococcus mutans
 Hemosiderin laden macrophages  “it happens when there’s lung bleeding/ interstitial
lung disease/ so maybe choice is chronic lung infection???”*
 Inhaler causing white patches  steriod
 Female + UTI + staph saprophyticus  use of condoms and spermicide
 If scenario HIGHLY suggestive of gout  Na monurate crystals
 Patient w/ elevated patchy lesion over tongue, not removable after scrubbing 
dysplasia!!!/ leukoplakia
 Medical student w/ meningitis  start antibiotics! (other answers- give flu vaccine for
contacts, isolate for 4 weeks)
 How hyperglycemia causes infections  impairs phagocytosis
 Patient w/ chronic liver disease + fungal infection  give amphotericin cuz its
metabolized by kidney, azoles are hepatotoxic
 Patient developed dry cough after ACE  give ARB
 Patient w/ 2ndry syphilis + treated w/ penicillin 2 hours, then developed fever, myalgia
and malaise  give paracetamol for symptoms management “jarisch herxheimer
reaction! It develops after 24h of syphilis treatment, thery resolve by their own”
 Patient on flu treatment “intranasally” MOA  inhibit viral neuraminidase (zanamivir)
 Fever + productive cough + xray show right lung opacification + obliteration of right
costophrenic angle, findings on exam  decreased chest expansion?????****
 Vesicles on eye and forehead  herpes zoster ophthalmicus
 Hep b vaccine type  recomb
 Best method to prevent food poisoning  high coocked food and rewarm?*
 +ve ppd + -ve xray + non signs if TB  INZ for 6 months
 Gereralized cerviacal lymphadenopathy + mild tenderness + low grade fever  EBV
 Cervical infection enters superior mediastinum  through retro-pharyngeal space
 Bacteroides (like fragilis) with gunshot wound  treated with metronidazole/ cefoxitin
 Diagnosis of pertussis  nasopharyngeal swab
 Hemosiderin laden in alveolar lavage  CMV!
 Patient w/ meningitis + facial nerve palsy  enteroviruses “aseptic meningitis with
peripheral facial nerve pasly  borreila burgdorferi/ lyme disease is the most common
 Patient with mastoiditis  azithromycin??**
 Girl cut her nail with a rose, lesion became ulcerated then transmitted to lymphatic
drainage  sporotrichosis
 Patient will be at risk of Neisseria infection if  He has defect in final lytic complement
 Most common chronic infection found in worker coming to ksa  hep b
 Organism seen in chronic granulomatous disease  staph aureus
 ICU on ventilator + developed yeast infection  fluconazole
 Increase of ___ cause reactivation of TB in developed countries  HIV
 FARMER! + 2WEEEEKS of fever and headache  brucellosis not meningitis
 Patient coming from Africa 3 WEEKS ago, fever, no other positive points  ebola cuz
incubation period <21 days****
 Patient w/ cutaneous leishmanial/ Baghdad boil  leishmanial TROPICA (donovani in
liver and spleen, brailinesis in nose and throat = muscocutaneous)
 Child + honey + progressive paralysis  BOTULISM
 Fever and cough + then facial nerve palsy + then loss of reflexes  botulism (if guillain
barre syndrome is there choose it)
 TB definitive  sputum culture
 Bloody diarrhea + RBC in urine after 7 days of food poisoning  HUS/ hemolytic uremic
syndrome! So conservative management only, no antibiotics
 Barking cough + 38temp, ass/  cyanosis??? (hemoptysis/ wheezing, fatigue are the
other choices
 Bacterial meningitis in LP  decrease glucose & increase protein
 vesicles?? Highly suspected roundworms?  ascaris
 mycobacterium tuberculosis, best culture media  Lowenstein-jensen
 enterococcus fecalis/ allergic to ampicillin  vancomycin
 best treatment ‘abs’ for travelers diarrhea  ciprofloxacin
 central cath developed budding yeast infection  give fluconazole
 oral leukoplakia cannot be swiped off  dysplasia
 cholera vibrio  doxycycline
 lung disease causing clubbing  bronchiectasis
 patient needle sensation after tb drug  isoniazid
 Schistosoma  “parasitic=praziquantel”
 Woman w/ jaundice and high liver enzymes, husband +ve b surface antigen, she doesn’t
have any +ve marker for a,b, c  check for anti hep b core antibody “igm”
 VAP  pseudomonas
 Cutaneous leishmanial  transmitted by sand fly
 Hep vaccines available  B & A ‫الفاكسين عند االب‬
 Cocci in cluster  cloxacillin = C=C=C “MRSA give cefazolin + nafcillin, oxacillin,
 Male w/ painless ulcer  order darkfield microscopy “VLDRL is in answers but don’t
choose it cuz it’s a screening test”
 Repeated attacks of reddish rash and plaques in mouth  candidiasis?? Or oral
 History of meningitis 4 weeks ago, lab finding that will be high  protein
 Organism that can cause meningitis  N. meningitides (herpes is answers too?? 1&2)
 Patient w/ inflammation + took amoxicillin + developed lymphadenopathy and skin rash
 EBV monospot test
 Elderly + back bone pain + biopsy +ve acid fast bacilli  TB
 Latent herpes  stays in sensory neuron
 Treatment of enteric fever  ciprooooofloxacin never forget!!!
 Characteristic feature of enteric fever  fever!
 1ry syphilis  painless genital ulcer
 Symptoms of typhi fever  abdominal pain + fever + headache
 A FUCKING CHILDDD! + PPD for TB test showed 10 mm induration  strongly positive
 Vaccine contraindicated in HI(V) patient  OP(V)
 Boy + pain in knew + yellowish turbid appearance in fluid analysis  septic arthritis
 Wheal with erythematous base itching, lymph node enlargement, periorbital swelling,
hepato splenomegaly  angioedema?? Urticarial?*
 Patient w/ enteric fever, 1st week of presentation  best modality is blood culture*
 Food poison and gram +ve cocci  staph aureus
 IBD, cell responsible about ulceration in intestine  T cell
 Hep b + (+ve hbs ag and +igm)  give interferon /1st line
 Crampy abdominal pain + bloody diarrhea + recent travel  amebiasis
 Which of the following is DNA gyrase and works on what  ciprofloxacin works on
 Watery eyes discharge and no itching  viral
 How epinephrine works  inhibits widespread histamine release
 Patient w/ acute rheumatic fever + acute CARDITIS  IM steroid
 Patient w/ AIDS + cough and night sweats + mantoux test was -ve + culture was +ve 
mantoux is false negative
 Food poisoning case + culture showed gram +ve BACILLI!  bacillus ceres “staph is
round shaped”
 Most common cutaneous finding of antimalarial meds  pruritus
 Patient is travelling to an endemic TB rea, what prevents from taking BCG vaccine  def
of IFN gamma/y
 MRSA + developed face redness after receiving  vancomycin “red man syndrome”
 Vaccine taken intranasally  zanamivir
 Most common cause of aseptic meningitis  enterovirus /hsv causes encephalitis
 Skin reaction in TB  type 4 HS (4 DRUGS/ TYPE 4)
 Disease of spine got anterior chest abscess, nerve that carries infection  anterior
 75 male + ASYMPTOMATIC + 90% lymphocytes + (+ve) CD19,23,56  no treatment! If
he was symptomatic/ CD20 +ve give him rituximab*
 Atopic + allergic rhinitis  mast cells
 Transmission of maternal antibodies to fetus  passive natural immunity
 Patient post cholecystectomy + developed uni parotid swelling + cloudy saliva + negative
culture  bacterial sialadenitis
 Shigella treatment  ampicillin???/ ceftriaxone???*
 Salmonella rx  ciprofloxacin ‫سيب السالمونال في حالها‬
 Student and 10 classmate developed dry cough and mild SOB + bilateral consolidation
 leogenialla (league=group)
 Syphilis  benazthine penicillin G
 Child treated for meningitis, developed low hg+rbcs  due to use of chloramphenicol
“chlor=kills rbcs”
 Most common cause of encephalitis  HSV
 Rifampin is given for close contacts with positive PPD.
 Man had sex one month ago + HIV test came negative, when to repeat  2 months
 Source of infection in venipuncture  site of insertion*
 How to diagnose enteric fever during first week  multiple/ single blood cultures**
 Enteric fever treatment  ciprofloxacin
 Diarrhea followed by constipation  Cipro “salmonella”
 Helpful in diagnosing gonoRRhea  NAAT/ nucleic acid amplification test
 chloramphenicol resistance salmonella treatment  IM ceftriaxone/ due reduced
efficacy of Cipro with resistance*
 heP B vaccine  recomB AND Plasma derived
 how to prevent MRSA  hand washing!!
 Visceral leishmaniosis  BONE MARROW!  organism is L. donovani
 Cutaneous leishmanial  oral miltefosine
 Patient bitten by dog, he was vaccinated 18 months ago  give 2 doses of rabies
vaccine, one immediately, one 3 days later! (If unvaccinated rabies immune globulin and
4-5 doses of vaccine)
 Started patient on penicillin, test came back as cefozlin resistant  shift to vanco
 Vesicle, starts as one then spread to arms and legs + lymph node enlargement(??) 
varicella zoster (other answers/ HSV, dermatitis herpetic)
 Patient vaccinated against yellow fever, then developed itching, nausea, abd cramp, SOB
 SQ epinephrine*
 Necrotizing fasciitis  piperacillin & tazobactam
 multiple maculopapular rashes on their face, ears, wrists and elbows + A skin biopsy
shows numerous acid fast bacilli within macrophages in the dermis  leprosy! *
 fever, headache, retrobulbar pain, conjunctival suffusion, and a severe backache.
Flavivirus infection is diagnosed. What should be most appropriate public health
measure  get rid of animal reservoir*
 boost for TB killer cell  INFy
 MacConkey agar and red colonies grow  e. coli
 Gram+ cocci in clusters, what enzyme is produced by the microorganism  catalase
 Measured in malaria rapid tests  malaria antigens
 Which vaccine is given to adult HIV not on antiviral  (streptococcus pneumonia,
measles, rubella, varicella)
 46y.o rice farmer from Nile, healthy and incidental finding of eosinophilia 
 Ab for strept pharyngitis  10d
 HIV negative, retest in  2m
 Definitive dx in visceral leishmaniosis in immunocompetent  bone marrow biopsy
 Epinephrine  inhibit wide histamine release
 Hep b vaccine  recombinant
 ENTERIC fever  ABDOMINAL pain, fever and chills
 Undercooked beef  taenia SAGINATA
 Staph was obtained from skin abscess, sensitive to methicillin  oxacillin
 From peru, normal everything except eosinophilia  strongyloidiasis “tropical disease”
 Least preferred in treating chlamydia  amoxicillin
 Enterococcus faecalis notttttttttt a preferred monotherapy  (ciprofloxacin, ampicillin,
penicillin g, vancomycin)
 Case of enterococcus faecalis  ampicillin, if resistant or allergic  vancomycin
 Cutting rose from garden and pricked herself  spotohrix
 Bloody stools, came back from Mexico  Entamoeba
 Diarrhea and vomiting after eating, remitted in 24h, gram +ve BACILLUS  bacillus
cereus** can be staph???*
 Least preferred in E. coli  (flucloxacillin, azithromycin, chloramphenicol, gentamicin)
 Pt with malaria, requires initiation of rx  chloroquine 600mg now, followed by 300mg
after 6h
 Bloody diarrhea, chicken, gull wing shape, gram -ve bacilli, oxidase & catalase= +ve 
cambylobacter jejuni
 Painless genital ulcer & bi inguinal lymph  PRIMARY syphilis
 Bilateral abscess in inguinal region, hx of skin disease  chronic granulomatous disease
 NOT a character of AIDS  (CD4 >200cell, candidiasis of of esophagus, CD <100, brain
 NOT a class of drugs used in HIV  (protease Inhibitor, nucleoside reverse inhibitor,
integrase inhibitor, transglutaminase inhibitor)
 Most specific for pulmonary TB  sputum culture
 Cough for SEVEREAL weeks & x ray of cavity  TB
 Influenza vaccine every year cause  antigenic drift
 1st line in giardiasis in adults  tinidazole
 Gram -ve, oxidase +ve, non-lactose fermenting, what ab to give  cefepime
 Infectious mononucleosis, acute abdominal pain, bp 80/60, first step  urgent
abdomen image studies
 4w cough blab la “sx of TB”, first thing to do  sputum culture/ put pt in -ve
 NOTTTT found in URT flora in cats and dogs  (Pasteurella multocida, canis, dagmatis,
 Test in detecting latent TB  IGRAs “and PPD”
 Sore throat 2w ago, now hematuria, elevated bp  penicillin “post-strept GN”
 UTI & renal stone and hydronephrosis  TMP/SMX
 Sharp pain & fever, pericarditis, most useful to confirm dx  transthoracic echo*
 Farmer, sheep, large cyst mass in liver, hydatid sand  echinococcus granulosis
 Best screening test in EBV infection  monospot
 Rx of schistosomiasis  praziquantel
 Chronic gastritis, +ve for H. pylori, after course of abs, sx subside, most effective
noninvasive test to diagnose  detection of H. pylori antigen in stool
 HIV progressed to AIDS, treated previously for CMV, what this pt is at risk of  retinitis
“other complication; esophagitis, colitis, encephalitis”
 Immunocompromised suspected to have aspergillosis due to A. fumigates, clinical
condition  invasive pulmonary infection “invasive/ cuz he’s immunocompromised”
 Antibodies against HBs Ag in hep b  immunization “carrier= antigen”
 HBs Ag +ve, IgM, no abs against HBs Ag  acute infection
 abs against HBs Ag +ve!!, +ve IgG, -ve HBs Ag  post0infection immunization
 MOA of CTLA-4  competition and inhibition
 Human bites  eikenella corrodens
 Used rx in hep b chronic infection  lamivudine
 Used rx in hep c acute infection  ribavirin
 Used rx in invasive CMV  ganciclovir
 Used rx in HIV  tenofovir
 Presented to GP, vesicles on forehead and supraorbital region for 1d  antiviral and
refer to ophthalmology
 Unvaccinated takes 1 dose of chickenpox vaccine, 2nd dose is recommended 4-6 later,
but he returned in 1y  give 2nd dose now
 Chronic liver disease and invasive fungal infection  ampho B “fluconazole; c/I in liver
impaired function”
 NOT a criterion of infective endocarditis according to DUKE  (two +ve culture, fever,
immunologic phenomena, recent MI)
 Swelling & redness after bee sting 18h  prednisone**
 AIDS= 180 CD4, give prophylaxis for  pneumocystis jirovecii “MAC= 50”
 Pathogenesis of coronary artery atherosclerosis  macrophage
 Woman tested +ve for HIV, which test should be done  ELISA
 Recurrent fungal and viral infections, low cells of  T cells
 Which predispose poor prognosis  low IgG “CVID/ SUS TO COMMON ORGANISM”
 Intestinal ulceration in IBD  T cell
 DM & HTN, had renal transplant, biopsy showed rejection HLA class 1 after 1m  CD8 T
 Cells contain rRNA  (reticulocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, macrophage)
 Cancer pt had cells harvested from him, culture with ca cells and later re-injected to him
to trigger immune respond  monoclonal antibody therapy** “mimics natural
 Cold agglutinin, abs to  IgM! iGm! IGMMMMM! Igm
 SERUM SICKNESS  IGGGGGGGGG. IGG, IGG, IGG “5-10D after exposure”
 Proteinuria 6g, what’s seen in biopsy  (membranous, FSGM, hypercellularity
“poststrept GN, minimal change GN)

Recheck typhoid fever info!

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