Students' Worksheet 1

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3.2 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus
dalam bentuk surat lamaran kerja, dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri,
latar belakang pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.2.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk surat lamaran kerja, yang memberikan informasi antara
lain jati diri, latar belakang pendidikan/pengalaman kerja.

4.2.2 Menyusun teks khusus surat lamaran kerja, yang memberikan informasi antara lain jati
diri, latar belakang pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.


Melalui pembelajaran dengan model text-based dan metode diskusi, peserta didik terampil
mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri teks khusus dalam bentuk surat lamaran kerja dan daftar riwayat
hidup/CV sesuai dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan
sesuai konteks dengan disiplin dan bertanggung jawab.


Do this exercise before you listen!
Write the correct word in the boxes below the picture.

shop assistant teacher dentist cleaner

tour guide doctor pilot nurse

1. 2. 3. 4.

Students’Worksheet 1-Application Letter-XII-MissRita

5. 6. 7. 8.

1. Check your understanding: gap fill

Do this exercise while you listen!
Complete the gaps with a word from the box!

pilot dentist shop assistant tour guide nurse

1. Speaker A works as a _______________________

2. Speaker B works as a _______________________
3. Speaker C works as a _______________________
4. Speaker D works as a _______________________
5. Speaker E works as a _______________________
2. Check your understanding: multiple choice
Do this exercise while you listen! Choose the best answer for these questions.
1. Does speaker A enjoy his job?
A. Yes.
B. Sometimes.
C. No.

2. When does speaker A work?

A. When he is at university.
B. Weekends.
C. Summer holidays.

3. When does speaker B work?

A. Weekdays.
B. Weekends and holidays.
C. Summer holidays.

4. What does speaker B say tourists love doing?

A. Visiting universities.
B. Taking a boat trip.
C. Swimming in the river.

Students’Worksheet 1-Application Letter-XII-MissRita

5. Does speaker C like his job?
A. Yes.
B. Sometimes.
C. No.

6. What does speaker D say is difficult about being a pilot?

A. Travelling to many countries.
B. Learning many languages.
C. Flying planes in bad weather.

7. What does speaker D say is the best thing about his job?
A. Visiting different places.
B. Meeting different people.
C. The different weather.

8. What does speaker E not like about her job?

A. The doctors.
B. The sick people.
C. The uniform.


Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write A–F next to the numbers 1–6!
1. .......... cash A. talkative
2. .......... a trainee B. having a special ability or training
3. .......... chatty C. an informal word for money
4. .......... valuable D. very useful or important
5. .......... a career E. a person who is being trained to do a job
6. .......... skilled F. a person's chosen job and life's work

Are you looking for work? Well, look at these job adverts and do the exercises to improve your
reading skills.

Students’Worksheet 1-Application Letter-XII-MissRita

1. Check your understanding: matching
Complete the recommendations with a job from the box!

A: Support worker B: Trainee hairdresser C: Wowee Magazine writer

D: Model E: Coffee Beans café worker

No Person Recommended Job

1. Nina is studying English and has her own blog. She is a very
sociable person, and is interested in music and fashion.
2. Dave has just finished school and is looking for a full-time
job. He is sociable, likes working with his hands and cares
about his appearance.
3. Dewei enjoys helping people. He wants to make a difference
to other people's lives. He is looking for opportunities to
learn new things that will help him in his career.
4. Sarah is a student and she is looking for flexible, part-time
work. She doesn't want to work in a restaurant or shop. She
is tall, beautiful and has her own unique look.
5. Sam is friendly and sociable. He has experience working in
a restaurant and wants a job with more responsibility. He is
studying part-time so he needs flexible working hours.

2. Check your understanding: gap fill

Students’Worksheet 1-Application Letter-XII-MissRita

Complete the sentences with A, B, C, D or E. (in the above box)
You can use each letter more than once.

1. You never have to wear your own clothes for job ............
2. Job ............ offers possibilities for children under 16 years old.
3. Your pay for job …......... depends on how successful you are at the job.
4. Job ............ requires physical contact with customers.
5. Job ............ offers management opportunities.
6. You might get some ‘freebies’ if you do job ............
7. You need to work closely with your team for job ............
8. Job ............ is for someone who likes working with older people.


Complete the expressions with a verb from the box.

work use drive cook teach speak

1. .................... maths
2. .................... a car
3. .................... a meal
4. .................... with people
5. .................... a computer
6. .................... a language

Look at the job adverts and the email and do the exercises to improve your email
writing skills.

Students’Worksheet 1-Application Letter-XII-MissRita

1. Check your understanding: multiple choice
Choose the best job for these people!

1. Hiroshi, 22 : I love all team sports, especially football.

A. Football trainer
B. Sports café staff
2. Tom, 18 : I can drive and I have my own car.
A. Football trainer
B. Sports café staff
3. Hooi Yi, 18 : I have basic computer skills and I can use all MS software.
A. Football trainer

Students’Worksheet 1-Application Letter-XII-MissRita

B. Sports café staff
4. Sophie, 19 : I love to help other people learn how to play sports.
A. Football trainer
B. Sports café staff
5. Paolo, 17 : I can speak English and French. I can also speak a little Japanese and some Thai.
A. Football trainer
B. Sports café staff
6. Erik, 21 : I love to be in the kitchen, and I can cook very well.
A. Football trainer
B. Sports café staff

2. Check your writing ordering – email structure.

Write a number (1-7) to put these parts of an email in order.

Best regards
Shannon McGinty
Dear Hoburn University Sports Club
Please send me information about the job of trainer for the UOH football team.
Subject: Job
I love football and I play football every day. I teach football to children at a school
too. I organise all the children’s football teams at the school. I can speak two
languages: English and Italian. I can drive a car and I have got my own car.

3. Writing Application Letter by email

Write an email to apply for one of these jobs.

Students’Worksheet 1-Application Letter-XII-MissRita

Students’Worksheet 1-Application Letter-XII-MissRita

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