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Title of Innovation: Circulo-de-maestra

Innovation Category: Learning Environment Improvement

Name of Innovator/s: Joana Paula B. Biñas, Marsha B. Bacutoc, Eleanor S. Arsulo,
Ivy B. Lagamon
School/Office, District, Division: Banate National High School, Banate, Iloilo
Date of Implementation: January 2021- June 2021
Contact Number: 09304592278

Across the globe, the spread of the novel coronavirus- COVID-19 has created
enormous changes in almost everything that human beings do. Social interaction,
operations and even the education sector is affected. Although school age learners
are the least mortality risk, the pandemic has brought limitations to the teaching and
learning process. Social distancing is mandated while so many educational
institutions are trying their best to deliver their goods and address the problems in
education. It is at this moment, that teachers need to come up with extra ordinary
measures to reach their learners. It’s time to expand their learning on the current
trends on how to educate their students because the transition is so abrupt.
Learning is effective only if the learner is interested to learn and feel
that there is a necessity in learning. In order for a student to fully learn, he
or she should be active in class and teachers would only serve as
facilitators. The teachers may teach the learners to express themselves, to
study and to be able to understand what they have read. Learners could
learn best if they actually do things. The teaching and learning process is
not about teachers giving the lessons but with learners discovering their
lessons. Learners should be able to explore and research information
beyond the boundaries of the classroom and textbook. However, teachers
play a big role in learners’ education. They need to fill that primal need for
learning by producing engaging and appropriate learning experiences.
Education is a two-way process. Teachers need to give feedback to learners
for their performance so that learners may also identify their needs. This is
important for learners to know where they perform well and in what aspect
they need to focus on.
Another point to consider is the fact that there are varied learners in a
class, so teachers must be able to address each learners’ differentiated
needs. Even with the fact that there are more or less 50 learners per class
in a public school, it is necessary that teachers get to know each student for
her to create a learning environment in respect to each of the learners’
individualities. This could help the teacher build rapport with her learners,
inspire and empower them to realize their goals in life.
At this point in time wherein technology-aided instruction is necessary
and most of the resources are found online, relevant and current information
must be at the teachers' and students' fingertips for them to be efficient and
effective. Since data is available, learners should have skills and strategies
to be able to work effectively in the different levels of the cognitive domain.
They should be motivated to go beyond merely knowledge level and do
tasks with the use of their higher order thinking skills. Teachers as
facilitators should help learners maximize their full potentials and become
independent learners.

 The UNESCO 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes their

goal for education. SDG 4 is to  ensure inclusive and equitable quality
education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Due to this goal, it
is the primal role of DepEd to provide adequate physical infrastructure for
learners to be in a safe environment regardless of their race. Teachers are
also considered important in the process in achieving the SDG targets.
Amidst the COVID 19 pandemic, the Department of Education makes
sure that learning happens in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating
environment. Teachers on the other hand are considered fundamental condition in
making sure quality of education is delivered that’s why they must be empowered
and motivated to strive and think ways to address the learners’ problems in the new
The Department of Education continuously uplift its battle cry which is “Sulong
Edukalidad”. Even with the limited face-to-face interactions and social gatherings,
DepEd, resolutely declared that opening of class must go on despite the pandemic.
With this, distance learning is implemented with the blended learning approach
through which learners may learn from online, television, radio and printed materials.

To contain the spread of the COVID-19, governments around the world have

temporarily closed schools. The closures of schools have great impacts on hundreds
of millions of learners. UNESCO is supporting countries in their efforts to mitigate the
immediate impact of school closures, particularly for more vulnerable and
disadvantaged communities, and to facilitate the continuity of education for all
through remote learning (UNESCO, 2020).

According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2019), as the pandemic was hitting its
first peak, the virus consigned nearly all of over 55 million U.S. school children under
the age of 18 to staying in their homes, with 1.4 billion out of school or child care
across the globe. These children are not only deprived of access to school but also
the basic supports schools provide for the learners. They also missed group
activities, team sports, and recreational options such as school campus and
playgrounds. While the educators and the institutions are not aware of the exact
impact, they do know that children’s academic performance is deteriorating during
this period, along with their progress in other developmental skills. Garcia and Weiss
(2020) stated that as a consequence, many of the children who are now finding it
difficult, even impossible in some cases to receive effective instruction, and they are
experiencing interruptions in their learning that will need to be made up for. School
closures compounded by the associated public health and economic crises, poses
major challenges to their students and their teachers.
In the European countries, learners coming from lower socio-economic status
are more likely to lack learning opportunities, a room conducive for learning, and
parental support during school closure. In low income and upper-middle income
countries alike, children in the poorest households receive significantly less help with
their homework (UNESCO, 2020).
On the other hand, nationwide school closures due to COVID-19 is
implemented in Africa especially in Kahel region. A very large number of schools had
already been closed for several months because of severe insecurity, strikes, or
climatic hazards even before the pandemic. COVID-19 has worsened the education
scenario in Sub-Saharan Africa where, prior to the pandemic, 47 per cent of the
world’s 258 million out-of-school children live ( 30 per cent due to conflict and
emergency) (UNESCO, 2020).

New Normal Education in the Philippines

In the Philippines, the Department of Education is confronting the issues to
cope with a situation brought about by the pandemic. Public schools lack the
structures, mechanism and equipment to sustain effective teaching and learning
during the time of the pandemic. The country has delayed its opening of classes to
ensure that the learners and teachers are given time and be properly equipped to
adjust to the new learning environment (Department of Education, 2020). DepEd
considers access as one of the issues of utmost concern even with the different
modalities devised so that online learning would only become an option. The
department aims to facilitate the safe delivery of basic education without the worry
for the virus and until the time that face to face schooling is available. Due to this,
DepEd opened its classes last October 5, 2020 through different learning delivery
modalities and proper health protocols were implemented to protect the well-being of
the personnel and the learners. DepEd also developed TV/radio-based instruction
methods to utilize existing technologies that could reach rural areas and the most
popular mode of distance learning is modular learning. Based on the DepEd’s
National Learner Enrolment and Survey Forms (LESFs) result, 8.8 million out of the
22.2 million enrollees or 39.6% of the total respondents) preferred modular distance
learning for the upcoming school year. Of the 22.2 million respondents, 3.9 million
learners (17.6%) preferred blended learning, 3.8 million (17.1%) account for those
who preferred online learning and the remaining 1.4 million preferred TV-based
learning and 900,000 radio-based learning (Manlangit, Paglumotan, & Sapera,
2020). Through the modular approach, learners would be able to learn at home with
limited contact with their teachers. The Department of Education envisioned this
move for parents to have an active role as they will be the one to supervise their
children in the learning process. This however is seen as a source of big challenge
to learners who do not have anyone to ease learning at home. There are parents
who cannot read and write. This is the reason why they send their children to school.
This is one budding problem with the new learning method. There are also learners
who are not articulate with using the language of instruction, thus, even with the
availability of the learning resource materials, they have problems in internalizing
their lessons. To add, there are issues of low education levels of parents, living
conditions, economic stress, and digital skills. This entails a learning support needed
for learners to adapt to the new modes of delivery. Even if DepEd continuously hold
to its battle cry of ‘no student left behind’, modular learning is hard especially with
learners whose parents/guardians have problems with literacy (Magsambol, 2020).
Then DepEd plans to have learning facilitators who are subject teachers assigned to
conduct home visitations. Teacher learning facilitators will be composed of teachers
who would communicate to learners via text messages, phone calls, and other
available communication line. The department emphasized that 60 years old and
above, pregnant, ill and with immunodeficiency teachers are exempted to be
facilitators. However, this is yet in plan and a DepEd order will be released to roll out
its features (Magsambol, 2020).

Learning Facilitators in the Communities

Learning facilitators are teachers who does not operate under the traditional
concept of teaching but instead they guide and assist learners for them to form their
own thoughts and absorb ideas through their own self- exploration (,
2020). However, teachers are already jam-packed with work that visiting their
learners in the field might be impossible especially those who are residing in far-flung
areas. It is fact that education systems here and abroad have been hit hard by the
COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers just like the learners and parents are also having
difficulties in adjusting with the new normal set-up in education. Another challenge is
how to ensure that learning is transferred to the learners due to the diversity of
learners in terms of academic performance and socio-economic status (CebuFinest,
In a publication, Education Undersecretary Diosdado San Antonio said that
while they believe there are many parents who will play a larger role in the education
of their children under the new normal, many others have said they are willing to
help[ CITATION Dep \l 1033 ]. According to DepEd Undersecretary Jesus Mateo the
department is “exploring” the possibility of tapping “local government units
(LGUs) through their Special Education Fund (SEF)” for the honorarium of the
volunteers[ CITATION Dep1 \l 1033 ]. In an attempt to deliver quality education, some
regions in the country answered the call of DepEd to recruit volunteers for their
The challenge however is on how to deliver accessible and quality education
to learners even with the limited interaction between teachers and learners.
More Knowledgeable Other
Since learners would be staying at home with their families, it is expected that
contact with their teachers is limited and parents would play the part of the learners’
models. However, in the absence of the parents, there should be someone who has
a better understanding or higher ability level than the learner.
According to Vygotsky as cited by MacLeod (2020), human development is a
socially mediated process in which children acquire their cultural values, beliefs and
problem-solving strategies through collaborative dialogues with more knowledgeable
members of the society. The role of social interaction in cognitive development is
vital and community plays a significant part in the process of “making meaning”. It is
also Vygotsky who authored the idea that a skillful tutor could aid in the child’s
learning process. The tutor could model behavior or provide instructions to the
learners which the latter internalizes and takes as a guide in their performances
(McLeod, 2020).
On the other hand, in another study of Abtahi (2017), she reiterated the notion
of more knowledgeable others stating that the Vygotskian perspective believes that
learning is possible in the presence of other people, those who have a superior
knowledge of the history and culture. It is also stated that learning does not only
happen with the MKOs but as well as with the Zone of proximal development (ZPD)
which is the distance between the actual developments. She also emphasized that
the ZPD is a sign or tool –mediated zone of guided action and discussion which
children become acquainted with newer historical and cultural forms of expression.
She stated that ZPD should be treated as a zone within which we learn from with
others even without the presence or emphasis on the more knowledgeable ones
because knowing is something learned when doing things together (Abtahi, 2017).

Innovation Description
Circulo-de-maestra will be a group of learning facilitator volunteers who shall
render voluntary services without compensation or honorarium from the LGU, NGOS
and other groups. They will facilitate learning in the barangay where they leave. In
return of their service, they shall be given credit under relevant experience in
accordance with DepEd Order #7, s. 2015 , the hiring guidelines for teachers if they
opt to be a full-fledged teacher in the future.
The following is the qualifications of the learning facilitator volunteers:
 Must be a baccalaureate degree holder
 Of good moral character
 Physically healthy
 Good interpersonal skills
 Must be willing to render at least two months of voluntary service
Recommendations from the barangay officials and functionaries will be
welcomed. They will be asked to sign a learning facilitator volunteer agreement and
will be deployed in their residence barangay to comply with the IATF protocols.

Innovation Statement

Implementation Procedure

Implementation Roadmap
Inspiration Phase
Subphase 1: Finding Teammates
To kick off the primary phase of the project, the team leader will interview
some co-teachers who she thinks would work in the team. They would be asked of
their experiences with their learners and the current learning delivery modality they
adopted. The discussion will be documented and their notable experiences will be
recorded and considered before the planning stage.
Subphase 2: Focus Group Discussion
The team will also conduct a focus group discussion with at least five
randomly selected learners from the eighteen barangays of the municipality of
Banate. The learners will be invited to an FGD in the Barangay Halls and will be
asked questions prepared in advanced as a guide. The discussion will be recorded
and properly documented for analysis to better understand the predicament of the
learners in their homes. In order to do this, the team will extend proper
communication to the barangay and will practice appropriate health protocols in
accordance with IATF regulations.
Subphase 2: Immerse with the Learners and the Parents
Aside from the conversation with the learners, the team members will also
visit the barangays to see and observe them. Learners’ parents and guardians will
be also given attention to know their responses towards their learners’ academic
Subphase 3: SWOT Analysis
In this phase, the team will conduct a SWOT analysis of the environment. It
will identify the strength, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the plan. This
could influence future decisions in the project. This could be done through reading
related sources, interview with the barangay officials, and observations from various
stakeholders. After the collection of data, they should be analyzed and strategic
plans should be in place.
Ideation Phase
Subphase 1: Insightful Statements
DepEd’s vision truly expresses a dream for their Filipino learners. The
department dreams of citizens who have values and could make use of their
potential to help build the country. However, with the pandemic and other atrocities
the schools are facing now, the educational system is put to real complicated
Subphase 2: Dig Deep Thru the Learners
Interview at least five learners enrolled in the Senior High School. Ask about
their learning experiences and their realizations while in the new normal learning
delivery modalities. These interviews could be done via zoom or google meet and
will be recorded for future reference. From the interview data gathered, an analysis
will be done.
Create themes. Identify the common problems the learners encounter
with their studies. Listen to compelling insights from the learners which may help
then facilitators with their strategies.
Subphase 3: Design
In designing for the project, the following principles will be considered:
 Quality basic education
 Learners are differentiated
 Complex learning environment
 Resources
Implementation Phase
Subphase 1: Create Project Implementation Plan
Work Plan & Timelines
To achieve this project’s objectives, the researcher will religiously follow the
activities, timelines, and activity duration presented below.
Activity Timeline Responsible Expected Output
A. Planning December Team Leader Strategic Plan
2020 – and Team
January 2021 Members
B. Implementation
1. Sending February 1-5, Team Letters Received by
communications for 2021 Leader/Members Stakeholders
the School Head,
Barangay Officials Posters

Placing of posters in MOA

strategic areas

Prepare a
Memorandum of
Agreement between
the Circulo de
Designers and the
volunteer facilitators

2. Call Up for February 8- Team Members Flyers/Posters/Photos

Volunteers 12, 2021 BHW/Brgy. of Posters posted
Councilor for

3. Orientation and February 15- Team Leader Attendance Sheets/

Training of Volunteers 16, 2021 and Members Certificate of Training

4. Identification of February 16, Team Members List of Learners per

Learners who will 2021 barangay
receive the
5. Orientation of February17- Team Members Attendance of
Learners and Parents 18, 2021 Orientation/Photos

8. Learning Sessions February 22- Team Members Attendance of

May 2021 Learners/Photos

C. Evaluation
1. Assessment of June 2021 Team Members Summative
Learners Assessment
2. FGD – Post – June 2021 Team Leader Photos/Narrative
activity evaluation with Report
3. FGD- Post activity June 2021 Team Members Photos/Narrative
evaluation with Report
learners and parents
Subphase 2: Create the Circulo-de-maestra
In putting up a circle of teachers who will volunteer to share their knowledge
and time to learners in the community, it will take so much effort. However, it will be
a give and take process as learning facilitator-volunteers would also gain something
from the project aside from their experience.
Circulo-de-maestra will be a group of learning facilitator volunteers who shall
render voluntary services without compensation or honorarium from the LGU, NGOS
and other groups. They will facilitate learning in the barangay where they leave. In
return of their service, they shall be given credit under relevant experience in
accordance with DepEd Order #7, s. 2015 , the hiring guidelines for teachers if they
opt to be a full-fledged teacher in the future.
The following is the qualifications of the learning facilitator volunteers:
 Must be a baccalaureate degree holder
 Of good moral character
 Physically healthy
 Good interpersonal skills
 Must be willing to render at least two months of voluntary service
Recommendations from the barangay officials and functionaries will be
welcomed. They will be asked to sign a learning facilitator volunteer agreement and
will be deployed in their residence barangay to comply with the IATF protocols.

Subphase 3: Develop Prototype

After the circulo-de-maestra is created, a prototype could be put in place. It
will be done in Barangay Libertad, Banate, Iloilo with five (5) Grade 12 learners in the
subject Inquiries, Investigations and Immersions. There will be one (1) learning
facilitator volunteer who will assist the learners with their subject.
Communications will be sent to stakeholders. The team will also secure the
venue, the learning resource materials and other necessary materials for every
A schedule will be prepared and followed.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
* Releasing of * the learners * the learners * the learners The subject
modules will get a 3- will get a 3- will get a 3- teacher will
* The subject hour session hour session hour session check outputs
teacher will with the with the with the and conduct
have a learning learning learning post-activity
meeting with facilitator facilitator facilitator evaluation with
the learning volunteer the learning
facilitator facilitator
volunteer via volunteer.
google meet
After the sessions, the learning facilitator will get a certificate of recognition with the
number of hours for services rendered.
Subphase 4: Implement
The plan is to be implemented in the 10 barangays in the municipality of
Banate. Its target recipients of the innovation would be 5 learners per tutor-volunteer.
The number of learners to be included in the project would be dependent to the
number of tutor-volunteers in the barangay.
The number of learners in the barangays shall be determined through the
FGD and with the help of the Barangay Functionaries to help disseminate the
information. Since this program is designed for the Senior High School, the list of
learners will be grouped according to their subject group. From each subject group,
the team will assign a teacher-in-charge for the training of the volunteers. Each
subject group shall be given a two-day refresher course before they will be deployed
in their respective barangays. The training may be done via google meet. The
number of learners and volunteers per barangay and per subject area must not
exceed the 5:1 ratio.
Teacher-trainers will e-mail handouts for their tutor-volunteers and be always
available for questions and concerns during the implementation.
Subphase 4: Get Feedback
 Assign one team member per barangay to be the point person for
questions/issues during the implementation period.
 Conduct informal oral surveys to determine knowledge of facilitator-
volunteers using management rounding or other existing feedback
 Check key areas post implementation to assess how well the
changes have been integrated
 Communicate progress to stakeholders and key players

Innovation Output/Outcomes
(Enumerate the outputs or outcomes (who benefited the corresponding
produced from this innovation) outputs/outcomes

 Learners were able to get face-to- Grade 12 Learners

face lessons from teacher-
volunteers in their barangays
 Learners understand and the Grade 12 Learners
basics of a social science research
 Learners prepared their research Grade 12 Learners
proposals and research output

Sustainability Plan
Since the prototype of the plan was first implemented in barangays Libertad
and Dela Paz only, this innovation project may have a greater impact if it covers all
the barangays in the municipality. The plan is to have more teacher-facilitators
coming from the rooster of teachers of Banate National High School, living in the
eighteen barangays of Banate. These teacher-facilitators will help oversee the
activities of the teacher-volunteers in the barangays. The group is also planning to
train/review volunteers to help out with the different subject areas in both Junior High
School and Senior High School.

Prepared by:



Recommending Approval:

Assistant Principal -II
Office of the School Principal


Public Schools District Supervisor

Abtahi, Y., Graven, M., & Lerman, S. (2017, November). Conceptualising the more
knowledgeable other within a multi-directional ZPD. Educational Studies in
Mathematics, 96 (3). doi:10.1007/s10649-017-9768-1
Abu, E. (2020, October 22). Retrieved January 14, 2021
CebuFinest. (2020, December). Retrieved December 17, 2020, from
Department of Education. (2020, May 5). Retrieved from
Garcia, E., & Weiss, E. (2020). COVID-19 and student performance, equity and U.S
education. EPI. Retrieved December 15, 2020, from
Global Campaign for Education 2020 . (2020). Retrieved January 14, 2020, from
Campaign for Global Education.Org:
Hernando-Malipot, M. (2020). DepEd to recruit para-teachers, volunteer educators.
Retrieved January 8, 2021, from
Magsambol, B. (2020, July 31). DepEd assigning'learning facilitators' to help
students without guides at home. Rappler. Retrieved December 17, 2020,
Manlangit, P., Paglumotan, A., & Sapera, S. (2020, August). Flip Science. Retrieved
December 18, 2020, from httpd://
McLeod, S. (2020). Lev Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory. Retrieved December 19,
2020, from (2020, December). Retrieved December 18, 2020, from
UNESCO. (2020). Retrieved December 19, 2020, from
United Nations. (2020). Policy Brief:Education during COVID-19 and beyond. United
World Health Organization. (2020, December 14). World Health Organization.
Retrieved December 17, 2020, from
Zialcita, S. (2020). DepEd: Volunteers, education grads may be tapped to aid
students in self-learning. Manila: CNN Philippines. Retrieved 01 08, 2021,

Mode of Verifications


Banate, Iloilo

Dear Brgy. Captain __________:

Good day!

Banate National High School chose a modular learning that uses self-learning modules (SLM) based
on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by DepEd. Due to this, teachers
could monitor the learners’ progress through home visits (following social distancing protocols) and
feedback mechanisms, and guide those who need special attention. It is in this reason that we are
establishing, Circulo-de-Maestra, a group of ‘more knowledgeable others’ from volunteering young
professionals in the barangay. Your recommendations for these volunteers is highly appreciated.

In this connection, I would like to ask permission from you to conduct an onsite interview with five
learners in your barangay learning center on ________. There will also be an observation of learners’
activities during this new normal in the community.

Thank you and more power.



Noted by:

School Principal

Appendix 2
Sample Poster
Appendix 3
Volunteer Agreement Form

This agreement is hereby made between {NAME OF VOLUNTEER} (hereafter

referred to as “the learning facilitator volunteer) and {NAME OF SCHOOL HEAD} of
{NAME OF SCHOOL} (hereafter referred to as “the Representative).

The Learning Facilitator Volunteer hereby agrees to render his/her time, effort, and
services to {NAME OF SCHOOL} in a volunteer capacity. The volunteer understands
that no compensation of any kind will be given in exchange for these services and
that no employer-employee relationship shall arise therefrom.
The Learning Facilitator Volunteer shall participate in a volunteer work for 1
semester (4 months) from the execution of this agreement, for 9 hours per week.
The Learning Facilitator Volunteer further agrees to track his/her hours rendered
through a logbook and submit them to the Teacher-in-Charge at the end of each
The Learning Facilitator Volunteer agrees to undergo all necessary capacity
development trainings to perform her tasks. The volunteer will be engaged to
primarily to assist teachers in their respective residence barangays.
The Learning Facilitator Volunteer agrees to abide by the rules, regulations, orders,
and requests as provided in DepEd Orders, Memoranda, and other issuances as
well as those promulgated by the Civil Service Commission. Failure to do so may
result in the termination of this agreement.
The school shall give credit to the number of months rendered as relevant
experience under DepEd Order 7, s. 2015.
The Learning Facilitator Volunteer may terminate this contract early at any time, for
any reason, without penalty.
___________________________ ____________________________
Learning Facilitator Volunteer School Representative

Recommending Approval: Approved:

____________________________ ___________________________
School Principal Schools District Supervisor
Witnessed by:
____________________________ ____________________________
Subject-In Charge for the Volunteer Barangay Representative
Meeting with the Volunteers
One of the facilitator-volunteers in Brgy. Dela Paz meeting the group
Learners’ Output with the help of their Facilitator -Volunteer

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