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Class: 5th Time: 5 hours Date:
Purpose: To write a speech in which they will suggest the changes for society regarding the issues addressed
in class discussions.
Learning evidence: final version of speech about the changes needed in our society
ACTIVITY 1: Dear students, it’s time to continue discussing about our unit’s main topic. Please, take a time
to look at the following images.

Retrieved from

Retrieved from:

ACTIVITY 2: Now, let’s answer the next questions:

a. What do you appreciate in b. What do these pictures mean or c. How are these pictures linked
these pictures? provoke to you? with our society?
ACTIVITY 3: It’s time to read an article about values.


Each human being is a self-developing soul. Therefore, every individual in his/her life develops a core set of
personal values and makes every effort to implement these values. A life based on personal values brings
meaning, purpose and direction to living. This, in turn, energizes an individual's life and gives motive to it.
When we observe the lives of famous people, we understand how personal values guided and propelled them
to achieve their missions.
A value is a belief, standard, mission or principle that is worth and useful. In other words, we can say that
values are deeply held beliefs regarding what is good, correct and appropriate to help an individual become
worthy and useful to society. Values can range from the commonplace such as the belief in hard work and
punctuality to the more psychological such as self-reliance, concern for others and harmony of purpose. Once
we identify the values that are meaningful to us, we can develop strategies to implement them. If the values
we identified are taken to the heart and implemented in the smallest details of our lives, we are sure to
achieve great accomplishment and success in our lives.
We accumulate values since our childhood, based on the teachings and observations of our parents, teachers,
religious leaders and other influential and powerful people. These values get deep-seated in our behavior
and attitude and remain throughout our lives. Although children are self-developing souls, parents and
teachers should help them educate themselves and develop their intellectual, social, moral, aesthetic and
practical capacities. In addition, parents and teachers should allow children to grow freely as organic beings
and should not pressurize them to become inert plastic materials. Values are beliefs that influence our
behavior and decisions-making ability. For example, if we believe that telling the truth is very important, we
will try to be truthful in all spheres of life. Research has shown that understanding our values is one of the
most important factors in determining satisfaction in work, relationships and leisure activities.
Now, the question that lies is how to make these values practical and applicable in life by means of the
educational system. The education system should be such that it enables children to clarify and prioritize
their values and serves them as a blueprint for future decision-making. Evidently, this is a long process and
many steps have to be taken before reaching the goal. Moreover, the growth of a man is an evolutionary
process and to understand this, we need to concentrate on the different parts of the various stages in an
individual's life. These parts include the body and the physical being, the vital being and the mind that is the
center of attention. Values for the soul and the inner being may be introduced gently at all the stages, till it
becomes a natural habit in the individual. We must always remember that education must be a natural
flowering of the individual and not a forced enclosure into certain pre-fixed grooves.
Adapted from
ACTIVITY 4: Let’s analyze the language with some examples.

This is Fabiola, a COAR student who likes to draw in her

free time and her favorite subject is Art. She informed
her teacher that she has just finished to paint and draw
a landscape in just 15 minutes.

Question: Did she draw a detailed landscape?

Answer 1: She might not have drawn a detailed landscape. (-)
Answer 2: She could have drawn a detailed landscape. (+)
Answer 3: She may not have drawn a detailed landscape. (-)

Modals for speculation

We can use modal verbs for deduction and guessing if something is true using the available information.
must have
We use must have + past participle when we feel sure about what happened.
e.g.: Who told the newspapers about the prime minister's plans? It must have been someone close to him.

might have / may have

We can use might have or may have + past participle when we think it's possible that something happened.
e.g.: I think I might have left the air conditioning on. Please can you check?

can't have / couldn't have

We use can't have and couldn't have + past participle when we think it's not possible that something
e.g.: She can't have driven there. Her car keys are still here.

Activity 5: Now, complete the chart with your teacher´s help and write 3 sentences per each image.









Vocabulary bank:

Linking words and

Idioms Phrasal verbs
Add more points: “Fair and square” “Stand for”
− Furthermore Meaning: correctly, in an honest way, without Meaning: to represent or
− Besides cheating support idea, values or
− Moreover Example: beliefs
He won the race fair and square.
Emphasize: “Make up”
− In fact, “Beat around the bush” Meaning: forgive each
− As a matter of fact Meaning: to speak or write evasively other.
− Indeed Example: Don’t beat around the bush and tell us the Example: They made up
truth. this morning, and will go
to a party together.
“Bend the truth” Meaning: invent, lie about
Meaning: to say something that is not entirely true something
Example: People bend the truth in blind dates. Example: You made up
this excuse.

ACTIVITY 6: Let’s read again the article, “Values matter” and choose the correct answer.

1. One important question proposed by the writer is:

a. How can we be a “self-developing soul”?
b. How to make these values practical and applicable in life?
c. How can we learn from our mistakes?

2. According to the author, it can be inferred that:

a. We gather values from the interaction with people since we are children
b. Most of the values are taught at school.
c. Only our parents are our real influencers and help us to develop a system

3. The best definition for “values” is:

a. A set of ideas taught by our parents, teachers, influencers and powerful people
b. A personal abstraction of the world that affects our lives.
c. Beliefs that influence our behavior.

4. The author/writer suggests that education is:

a. It is a forced enclosure into certain pre-fixed grooves
b. It must be a natural flowering of the individual.
c. It is a system developed to tell people what to do and think.
5. According to the text, a life based on personal values brings:
a. Friendship, love and pace in our souls.
b. A purpose to guide our lives.
c. Direction to living, purpose and meaning

ACTIVITY 7: Write the number of the paragraphs that contain the following ideas:
Main Ideas Number of paragraph

The author states the role of education in helping

children build and recognize their values
The writer explains how values affect the way we act and
The writer shows how we build values

The author gives a definition of values

ACTIVITY 8: Now, we are going to read the following sentences and fill in the gaps. In each gap, you write
the correct form of the word given in CAPITALS at the end of the line.

After the recent floods, 1)___________are calling for beavers
to be reintroduced to Britain. You may wonder hove animals that
build dams prevent floods when 2)____________the opposite is
true. However, beavers construct dams in upland areas. creating small
pools and 3)______________that retain water and release water to
lowland areas much more 4) __________ . GRADUAL

Until the 16th century. Beavers lived wild in parts of Britain. but
they were hunted to 5)___________ for their fur. However, recently EXTINCT
6)__________British wildlife organizations have applied to VARY
reintroduce beavers to the countryside. Along with their potential
value in flood 7)__________ , they would create wetland habitats and
promote 8)_________.
ACTIVITY 9: Listen to three dialogues and choose a, b or c.

1. Why didn't the woman pick up the phone?

a. She's avoiding the other woman.

b. She prefers to use Skype instead.

c. She was very busy.

2. Why does Ellen call Isabel?

a. To return a call.

b. To catch up on news.

c. To get hold of Isabel's sister.

3. What is the boy trying to encourage his dad to do?

a. Use a password.

b. Talk to a distant relative.

c. Use instant messaging.


Activity 10: You have been chosen to represent your school in an important national event. You must write
a speech in which you will suggest the changes you want in our Peruvian society after understanding the
importance of leader elections, freedom of speech in a democratic country and corruption. (Word count
200 - 250)


ACTIVITY 11: Dear students, it is time to reflect about your writing task from Activity 11 and complete this
self-evaluation checklist.

Writing Task Checklist


1. My speech has between 200 and 250 words.

1. I include facts, arguments and examples in my writing.

1. I use a reliable source in order to support my arguments.

1. I use a variety of basic and more complex grammatical

structures effectively.
1. The vocabulary I use is appropriate to the task, and varied,
including the use of idiomatic expressions, prepositions, phrasal-verbs
and collocations.
1. I make some occasional errors in basic and in complex
grammatical structures but they do not interfere with communication.

Based on my reflection, what learning goals do I set in order to improve my weaknesses when I write
in English?
Weakness How to improve it Deadline

Values and beliefs (2021) Retrieved from:

British Council (2021) Modals – deductions about the past. Retrieved from:

Bernedo, M., Correa, A., Chipana C., Churata E., Diaz V., Montejo T. and Salinas J. (2021) COAR Teachers:

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