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The Ecosystem

Prepared by:


Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Biological Sciences
Junior High School Teacher I Applicant
4’as Detailed Lesson Plan in Environmental Science
I. CONTENT STANDARD: The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
organisms interacting with each other and with their environment to

II. PERFORMANCE STANDARD: the learners should be able to: conduct a

collaborative action to preserve the ecosystem in the locality

III. OBJECTIVES: at the end of the of the lesson student should be able to;
a. Define ecosystem;
b. Appreciate the role of organism interacting in the ecosystem ;
c. Discuss the components and the relationships of organism
found in the ecosystem.
Topic: The Ecosystem
Time frame: 1 hour (Normal Class)
Reference: Environmental Science Book Page 14-22
Materials: fact sheets, pictures, marker, manila paper, double sided tape
Strategy: Cooperative Teaching
Teachers activity Students activity

A. Preliminary Activities

a. Prayer

Everyone is required to stand

for a prayer.
 students stand and pray

b. Attendance

May I cal the class

monitor to know who are
absent today? .  sir, out of 49 students 1 is
absent and that is (student’s

Thank you!

c. Setting of Standards

The teacher will give his

reminders to the class

Can I expect those

things from you class?  yes, sir.
d. Review

This time we will have a game

called “CABBAGE RELLAY” on
each leaf contains questions
from our previous discussion.

All you have to do is to sing

Bahay kubo and pass the
cabbage to the person next to
you. Once I said STOP the
person who holds the cabbage
will peel one leaf and he/she
read and answer the question. Questions:
 What is evolution?
 What is extinction of Species?

B. Developmental Activities

a. Motivation

Are you in a relationship

class?  No, Sir!

When we say relationship, it

doesn’t only pertain to your
relationship with the opposite
sex. It also means
relationship with your family,
friends and neighbors.

Why do we need to interact

with others? Or why do we
make relationship with
others?  We need to interact or make
relationship with others to fulfill
our needs.
 We make relationship because
I believe that “no man is an

Correct! We need others

because we cannot live alone
and it is true that “no man is

b. Presentation of the new


Now, who has an idea about

our topic for today?  Our topic for today is about
relationship with others.

Very good! Your answer is

related to our topic for today.
Our topic is all about the

As we go along with our

discussion about The
Ecosystem we will be guided
with the following objectives:
a. Define ecosystem;
b. Appreciate the role of
organism interacting in
the ecosystem ; and
c. Discuss the
components and the
relationships of
organism found in the

c. Unlocking of Difficulties

Who has an idea of what is

ecosystem  Sir

Yes, (student name)  An ecosystem includes all of

living and non-living things in a
given area interacting each

Very good! Let’s give 5 claps

to (student name)  The students are giving 5
claps to (student name)

C. Lesson Proper

a. Activity

Activity 1
“The Explorer”
a. To be able to discuss the components of an ecosystem;
b. To be able to discuss feeding relationship and trophic levels; and
c. To be able to know the energy flow and pyramids of energy and biomass.

 Manila paper
 Felt tip pen
 Fact sheets (based on the topic)

The class will be divided into 3 groups
and each group will be given fact sheets
and manila paper with the corresponding
question regarding the topic. Each group
will be given 10 minutes for the entire
activity, after 10 minutes the group must
select a representative for the reporting.

Am I clear class?  Yes sir.

Group 1 – The components of the

Q1. What are the components of
the ecosystem?
Q2. How do organisms in the
ecosystem interact with each
Group 2 – feeding relationship and tropic
Q1. How does feeding relationship
Q2. What are tropic levels?
Describe each tropic level
Group 3 – energy flow and pyramids of
energy and biomass
Q1. Explain the relationship
between pyramid of biomass and
pyramid of energy.

For you to be guided with our activity this

day , I have here the rubrics:
category expectation points
Preparedness The group
completely 20
prepared with
the assigned
content The group
should be able
to show a full 50
of the task
cooperation Students
cooperate with
the their group 30
in order to
establish or
provide better
regarding the

Are we clear class?  Yes sir

You may now start

After 10 minutes

Okay, time is up. Go back to your

seats according to your group.

Now, group representatives be prepare.

Let’s start with group 1.  We group 1 are task to
report about The
components of the
Thank you so much group 1. Let’s give
group 1 a 5 claps! Now let’s proceed to
group 2  We group 2 are task to
report about feeding
relationship and tropic

Thank you so much group 2. Let’s

give group 2 a 5 claps! And now let’s
proceed to group 3  We group 3 are task to
report about energy
flow and pyramids of
energy and

Thank you so much. Let’s give group

3 a 5 claps!

a. Analysis

Is there any question regarding the

topic class?

To add more information about our

topic this afternoon, let’s review our

Q1. It is an organism that creates

its own food?
Ans: A producer

Q2. Temperature, light, air, water,

soil, and climate are all
__________ parts of the
Ans: Abiotic
Q3. What is an ecosystem?
Ans: All the interacting organisms
that live in an environment and the
abiotic parts of the environment
that affect the organisms.

Understood class?  Yes sir

b. Abstraction

Okay class to fully understand our

topic this day, I have here some
questions and you can raise your
right hand to answer.

1. What is food chain/food web?

Give example.

Yes (student name)  Food web is a system

of interlocking and
interdependent food
chains. The sequence
of organisms through
which energy moves in
an ecosystem is called
food chain. For
example, plains are
eaten by herbivores.
The herbivores are
eaten by carnivores.
Thus the food
manufactured by plants
travel from producers to
herbivores and
herbivores to

Very good!

2. What are pyramids of biomass?

Yes (student name)  The pyramid which

shows the relationship
between the biomass of
producers, herbivores
and carnivores at
successive trophic
levels is called pyramid
of biomass.

Good job!
It seems like you’ve learned a
lot from our topic today. Is there
any questions?  None sir.

c. Application

Can you imagine yourself living in

an island all by yourself? There’s
no family, animals, plants and
 No sir!

Do you think you can survive

there?  No sir!

Why?  I think I will always

need their help to fulfill
my needs.
 I can’t live alone
because I will feel sad
and lonely.

Okay, I guess you have realized

how important they are in your
life and how important is
interaction in your life.

Directions: Read the following questions and write your on ½ sheet of paper.
1. Differentiate between:
a. Producer and consumer
b. Decomposer and heterotroph
c. Omnivore and carnivore
2. Identify the components of an ecosystem and give examples for each

In a piece of paper list down the following herbivores, omnivore, and
carnivore found in your community.

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