FlowChart Systematically Attacking The Guard by Gordon Ryan

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Key Concepts

1. Always look for inside positions

Low Square 2. Pin shoulders and head on the floor Hands to the floor
3. Knees and feet pointing away from you Pop up
4. Look for limbs extension Rubber Guard Head over opponent’s head Inside Foot Position
No All rights reserved (c) 2019 bjjflowcharts.com 5. Look for back exposure Turn thumbs down toward the floor
6. The one who dominates the grip exchanges Relax arms and lift/shake
Can’t connect knee to opponent’s hip? dominates the setups
The one who dominates the setups
dominates the match
Reverse Half Guard Stacked feet
with reverse underhook
3/4 Mount
Open Guard
Lean forward
Shoot reverse underhook Pop up
Opponent has double collar ties? Pinch knees
Scoop grip Goal: Get Inside Foot Position Clear opponent’s grips
Move away to clear opponent’s foot on our hip Extend hips
Step over Use far leg to open opponent’s legs Main Idea: Put weight on opponent’s feet
V-grips on opponent’s ankles
Stack opponent’s feet on the floor

Yes Yes Yes

Fight for inside positions:
Pinch knees together
Posts on opponent’s biceps or V- No Yes Yes Yes Lean back Stacked feet
grips on opponent’s armpits Opponent grabs our two ankles? Opponent opens his legs? Opponent puts us to the floor?
Scoop over opponent’s leg No 1. Push opponent with V-Grip Closed Guard Opponent goes for muscle sweep? Lift hips up high
Cross Ashi Garami 1. Small step outside 1. Push opponent with V-Grip
Clear opponent’s foot on our hip Opponent’s far foot above the knee line? 2. Collar tie + ankle V-grips on ankles
2. Long step pass opponent’s hips line 2. Collar tie, pull opponent’s head over his feet Head over opponent’s head No
Move to leg drag on the opposite side with a tight waist 3. Push forward Yes
3. When opponent follows, feet inside 3. Feet Inside Pop up
4. Feet inside
V-grip on opponent’s far leg Stand up to vertical posture
Cross Ashi Garami Turn knee in opponent’s hip Pass legs across
Reach though our legs and grab opponent’s knee One hand inside opponent’s knee
V-grip on opponent’s far leg with our far hand Come up to vertical posture Leg drag
Back step Hand over hand
Fall down to our hip facing the opponent Use both hands to separate
Rolling Kimura Yes Head moves away over the far knee
opponent’s legs
No 1. From Straight Position Straighten both arms
Squat down and grab opponent’s heels Back step
No Shake shake shake
Grab one leg elbow deep Early V-Grip with leading arm —> Lateral Push Push opponent’s knee down
Inside Foot Position
Fall to the opposite side Yes Hand on the floor, head over elbow —>
Late Yes Lean over knee
Extend top leg and pull opponent’s leg Opponent has two feet behind our hamstrings? DLR inversion? Roll to T-Kimura
How far is the inversion? Important note: Always place foot in Pummel light leg
Cross Ashi Garami through Come up and sit near hip down straight/cross hamstring, never in the Push opponent’s knee down Bend waist over 90º
Grab opponent’s bottom foot Get underhook Inside Foot Position
middle Make sure opponent can’t access the far leg
Pummel leg inside Yes
2. From Elbow Deep Use far hand to push down and backward the opponent’s bottom knee
Can’t get the inside foot position? Opponent gets a guard?
Pull elbow up, head over elbow —> Roll Push opponent’s top leg down
Straight Hamstring to T-Kimura Yes Inside Foot Position Pummel far leg behind opponent’s bottom leg
Shoot far leg over opponent’s near leg Deep Drive knee across and go hip to hip
with opponent’s top knee on inside hip
Finish the pass
Connect shoulder on opponent’s hip —> North South

Yes Inside
Head over opponent’s far shoulder No No Outside Shallow Straight Hamstring Ashi Garami based Guards
Punch opponent’s foot inside his knee line Opponent’s far leg is inside or outside our hip?
Fight for upper body inside positions Opponent extends his leg? Opponent inverts his knee? Clear DLR hook Opponent has a shallow or deep DLR hook?
Leg drag Cross Hamstring
Secure Side Control or attack the Back Main Problem: DLR Concept: The goal is to get our 2 Standard Ashi Garami Outside Ashi Garami 50/50 Cross Ashi Garami
Yes Inside Biggest Threat: DLR Inversion feet on the same side of our
Main Problem: RDLR opponent’s body, or get the inside
Outside Biggest Threat: RDLR Inversion position
Stand up Pass Knee Through Straight Hamstring
Grip on head with opponent’s top knee on outside hip
Side Standing
Knee and elbow connected Hand on far hip Always stand up
Connect knee and elbow Make sure the opponent’s can’t access the back leg Bend waist over 90º
Bend waist over 90º
Bend waist over 90º 2 V-grips on opponent’s inside knee
Bring leading hip forward to expose opponent’s legs
Shin to Shin Bring far leg behind opponent’s hip
V-grips on both opponent’s ankles
Reverse V-grip on opponent inside ankle Side Standing Straighten the arms Stacked feet Scoop grip
Stack opponent’s feet on the floor Opponent puts pressure on his leg?
Extend leg Drive knee across Grab opponent’s outside foot Knee and elbow connected Shake shake shake with knee pinned Switch side
Drop to one knee to pin opponent’s knee to the floor
Go to Mount or Knee on Belly 2 shoelaces behind opponent’s thigh Align head, hip, knee over leading foot Step back with far leg
Extract trapped leg
(opposite side of the underhook) Go to Mount or Side Control Back step and pummel if necessary Slide far knee on top of opponent’s knee Yes
Far hand to the floor Control opponent’s hips
Near hand on opponent’s far hip Extract foot
Outside foot comes to the inside
Index Connect knee and elbow Complete the pass
of opponent’s foot Tight waist
Push opponent’s foot to the Leg Drag Reverse Half Guard Turn near knee into opponent’s hip
Pummel outside leg shin to shin DVD 1 with reverse underhook
Pummel leg over —> Mount outside Backstep between opponent’s legs
00:00 - Intro and Overview
Yes Two hands on the floor Secure the pass
Yes 08:24 - Closed Guard Drive to Straight Hamstring
29:24 - Rubber Guard
Head on the floor (crossface side) 32:10 - Establishing Inside Foot
Can we get the crossface? Can we get the crossface? Head on the floor (crossface side)
Knee Slide —> Side Control 37:00 - Rolling Kimura
No No
41:43 - Reverse De La Riva
01:09:00 - Split Squat X Guard Reverse X Guard Uchiro X Guard Uchiro Reverse X Guard
Yes Yes Knee Slide —> Side Control
Straight Hamstring
Low Square Push back opponent’s top knee DVD 2 with opponent’s top knee on outside hip
Can we get near side underhook? Can we get far side underhook? 00:00 - Split Squat
31:38 - Low Knee Shield Step forward
Yes 01:05:21 - High Knee Shield
Bend waist over 90º Scoop Peel grip on our knee Bend waist over 90º Turn toward the opponent
Bend waist over 90º V-grip on opponent’s bottom ankle Drop to our shin
Push bottom leg down What grip does the opponent have? Backstep
Yes Yes DVD 3 Both hands on the floor
Opponent is pushing down our bottom knee? When backstepping, push top leg down Complete the pass Push bottom leg down Collar tie
00:00 - Shutting down underhook from Half Guard Head over the head side hand
Straight Hamstring When backstepping, push top leg down Near hand on opponent’s far hip, elbow inside
13:28 - Over Under V-grip on opponent’s bottom ankle
Can we get upper body inside positions? with opponent’s top knee on outside hip Complete the pass
29:17 - Deep Half Guard Push leg down
Straight Hamstring 56:13 - Scorpion / Lock Down Backstep
Note: It’s essentially a Half Butterfly Yes Achilles
with opponent’s top knee on outside hip Opponent lets go of the achilles grip? Complete the pass
No DVD 4
with heavy hands
00:00 - Half Butterfly When backstepping, push top leg down
No Backstep all the way to get 2 feet on
Far hand posted behind opponent’s Yes Yes
DVD 5 Reverse Half Guard the same side
Fight for upper body inside positions Pummel Sequences Lean toward opponent’s far shoulder shoulder line Opponent is framing? Scoop grip Opponent has an achilles grip?
00:00 - Straight Hamstring with reverse underhook Hands on the floor Complete the pass
Near hand goes from above to below Scoop grip
56:24 - Body Lock Head over the head side hand
opponent’s shoulder line V-grip on opponent’s bottom ankle
No No
Use below position to connect knee and Push leg down
elbow and prevent opponent to pummel leg DVD 6
00:00 - Body Lock Backstep
inside Shoot far hand over crown of the head Shoulder on hip —> North South Reverse Half Guard
16:22 - Shin to Shin Shoulder on hip —> North South
V-grip on opponent’s top leg with reverse underhook
19:30 - Standard Ashi Garami
Scoop grip
26:18 - X-Guard
29:55 - Uchiro X-Guard
32:06 - Reverse X-Guard
42:31 - Outside Ashi Garami
47:12 - 50/50
Reverse Half Guard 57:15 - Cross Ashi Garami
with elbow crown head 01:02:07 - Supine Guard
01:06:17 - Torreando

Stacked feet
Connect crossface + underhook
Pummel top leg shin to shin
Shoot far hand over crown of the head
Raise hips
V-grip on opponent’s top leg
Push opponent’s leg behind our hips line V-grips on opponent’s ankles Stacked feet
Scoop grip
Complete the pass Raise the opponent’s leg with knee pinned

Yes No
Head on the floor, crossface side
Shoot far knee inside No Yes No No
Leg weave position Can you get the crossface? Get underhook on the far side side Can we get the underhook? Opponent opening up the top knee? Opponent is framing? Above 2on1 on one opponent’s ankle
Grab crossface if possible Switch to v-grip using a combination of
Complete the pass No Yes Straight Hamstring cross v / straight v
with opponent’s top knee on inside hip
Head on the floor, crossface side Head on the floor, crossface side No
Keep chest heavy on the leg Yes
Raise hips, insert knee on opponent’s hip Raise hips, drive knee across Get underhook on the near side No
Both shoelaces behind opponent’s thigh Both shoelaces behind opponent’s thigh Is our opponent good at inversion?
Complete the pass Complete the pass Position of opponent’s heels relative to his knee line? Catch the v-grips during the pummeling Opponent pummels too fast?

Drive knee on the opposite hip Is it aggressive? Yes

Finish the pass and secure Side Control
Yes Opponent pummels his legs free?
Below Torreando & X Pass
Keep opponent’s knee on inside hip Concept: The only way to put
Switch knee on the floor pressure on opponent is to step past
Crossface without elbow on the floor Yes his hips line
Chain with tight
Peel ankle grip if necessary
V-grips on opponent’s shins passing depending of
Scoop grip on opponent’s bottom leg When stepping past the hips line,
No opponent’s reactions
Yes Bring hands together turn to make our knee pointing to the
Get upper body inside positions Hips switch to pass opponent’s top leg Opponent extends leg?
Opponent brings knees toward us? opponent’s far hip
Secure Side Control Connect hip to hip
Pummel Sequences Use hands to deflect the opponent’s
No legs when going side to side
3 main moves: Top Pummel, Front
Lean forward to expose opponent’s top ankle Pummel, Knee Cut Across Lean toward opponent’s far shoulder
Near hand on opponent’s far hip Pummel outside leg on top If opponent push our bottom knee
Pop up Low Square
Far hand on opponent’s top knee
Pop the knee away If nothing works --> Move the knee Straight Hamstring
Connect elbow and knee position by hips switching with opponent’s top knee on inside hip
Shoulder on hip —> North South with heavy hands
Raise hips Extend outside leg
Blade outside knee into opponent’s hip Lift hips Pummel 2on1 Best option is to go to Mount
Far hand posted behind opponent’s
Back step Pummel inside leg to the outside shoulder line
Scoop grip —> North South Fight for upper body inside positions If we go to Side Control, be
Near hand goes from above to below
ready to counter the underhook
Lift hips opponent’s shoulder line
when releasing the body lock,
Extend both legs —> Mount Pummel inside leg to the outside Use below position to connect knee and
using Front Headlock, Kimura, or
Fight for upper body inside positions elbow and prevent opponent to pummel
switching Side Control side
leg inside

Drop to two knees Get crossface

Complete the pass
Low Square Post head as far as possible for base Yes Cartwheel across opponent’s body
Drive elbow to hip, overhook side Cut knee across Too late to cut knee across? Forearm across opponent’s hips
Extend leg, underhook side Bring head back to ear to ear
Drive knee across far hip Secure the pass
Drive it across opponent’s far hip Complete the pass
Reverse Half Guard Straight Hamstring Pummel Sequences Take bottom knee all the way through
Bring elbows down close to our body Low Square
with reverse underhook with opponent’s top knee on outside hip Step far leg over opponent’s knee
Chin below opponent’s collar bone Close far knee down
with heavy hands Yes
Inside Hip Lock body lock on opponent’s hips Walk toward opponent’s center line
Pull opponent’s butt to his heels Move head to the opposite side Use the head to push
Drive elbow to hip, head side Yes
Opponent grab our wrist and start to elevate us? opponent’s head toward the
Reverse v-grip on opponent’s ankle Outside Hip Extend one leg Drive elbow to hip, underhook side side of the underhook and flat
Scoop grip Free hand on opponent’s knee
Backstep Drive it across opponent’s far hip Overhook side Extend leg, underhook side him out
Backstep Jump over opponent’s legs
Scoop grip Take bottom knee all the way through Drive it across opponent’s far hip
Post hands when opponent starts Walk toward opponent’s center line
Position of opponent’s top knee? Step far leg over opponent’s knee Take bottom knee all the way through
to elevate us On which side is our head? Secure Side Control
Close far knee down Step far leg over opponent’s knee
Yes Pop up and pinch knees Underhook side
No Walk toward opponent’s center line Close far knee down
Make sure opponent’s feet are
Move head to the opposite side Walk toward opponent’s center line
below his knee line
Move head to the opposite side over his elbow
Shoot reverse underhook Walk to one side Shoot your underhook
Go knee to knee No Opponent has sticky hook? Connect near knee to opponent’s bottom hip Head over opponent’s head Pummel far leg inside Shoot and lock side body lock on opponent’s far hip Switch thigh waist for underhook Walk to one side
Can’t pummel the leg? No Sit down Pummel Sequences
Slide knee across Close far knee down toward opponent’s butt Pummel near butterfly hook in Near elbow inside opponent’s knee Head on the floor Pummel far leg inside
Yes Chin below opponent’s collar bone
Go to Side Control or Mount Elevate inside knee and connect elbow and knee Use body lock to pull opponent’s butt to his heels Tripod
Lock body lock
Opponent has high hands? Flat opponent out
Pull opponent’s butt to his heels
Raise hip and invert hips
Walk back --> Side Control Raise hips
No Yes Yes
Head on the floor Yes Sprawl one leg back Cut knee across
High elbows Get upper body inside positions Lace arm through the legs
No Drive it across opponent’s far hip Finish the pass
Make sure our far knee stays connected to Get underhook + crossface Low Square Pressure with shoulder on opponent’s top knee No No
No Opponent has double underhooks? Hands on opponent’s biceps Shoot for body lock. Lock hands on opponent’s lower back Take bottom knee all the way through
Raise hips Yes Warning: You can get off balance from here Yes with opponent’s hook in No Yes Step far leg up Butterfly Guard Opponent has one underhook?
3/4 Mount opponent’s hip Put head on opponent’s shoulder Use body lock to pull opponent’s butt to his heels Step far leg over opponent’s knee
Extend leg Opponent has sticky hook? Opponent has sticky hook? Hips switch Can you get upper body inside position? Get elbow on the floor Opponent frames with top arm?
Raise knee and pummel shin to shin Pull opponent’s top foot across our body Flat opponent out Close far knee down
Connect near knee to opponent’s near hip Connect far knee in pocket of the hip Pummel far foot behind opponent’s bottom leg Walk toward opponent’s center line
Goal: Push opponent’s knee past the line Close right knee to press opponent’s hook Connect near elbow and near knee Leg Drag position
Yes Move head to the opposite side
of our hips into his butt Fight for upper body inside positions
Insert butterfly hook Yes No
Switch to double overwrap
Yes Bring knees to chest to glue opponent’s heels to his butt
Pummel in front of the leg
Opponent defends by going flat on his back? Lock Arm In Guillotine Opponent has underhook?
Get to Mount Post head high on opponent’s armpit
Jump over
Yes Use top arm to cup opponent’s legs
Walk back and insert knee under opponent’s legs Low Square Complete the pass
Post one hand outside, one hand inside our opponent’s knees Complete the pass Fight for upper body inside positions
Head over elbow
Shoot near side underhook Lean forward
Pummel butterfly hook in Yes
Pull opponent toward us and back to the floor Pop up to our feet
Fall to our hip No
Warning: You can get off balance from here Put weight on our opponent’s legs
Use near butterfly hook to make space and pummel
Hips switch Hand on the inside press opponent’s knee to the floor No
far butterfly hook
Insert bottom knee under opponent’s legs Body Lock —> Side Control Move 45º toward opponent’s back Opponent shoots his top leg straight and turn toward us? Opponent’s top leg hooking our leg?
Thigh connected to opponent’s butt Drop to our knees
Fall to your hip, get butterfly hook, extend opposite
Knees pinched together Shoot and lock side body lock on opponent’s far hip
leg, elbow to hip —> Flip over Yes
Near elbow inside opponent’s knee
Head over far shoulder Pummel Leg Inside Head on opponent’s far shoulder
Head on the floor to get up. Tripod to get to Mount Yes Hips over head
Hand inside of the hip Post on shin, align foot hip and V-grip on opponent’s ankles Bring opponent to the floor
Succes? Stacked feet Control hips all the time Reverse Body Lock —> Side Control or Back Exposure Can we get the near side underhook?
Elbow inside of the knee head, remove sticky hook —> Stack opponent’s feet to the ground
Pin bicep with knee
Walk toward opponent and step over opponent’s leg Pummel leg inside
Crushing Low Shield
Get overhook or underhook
Go to Mount
Opponent’s top leg is between our
Body Lock + Knee on pocket —> North South legs instead of outside of hip but
the moves are similar
Grab opponent’s far trap muscle
Split Squat Half Butterfly No
Grab opponent’s top heel with far hand with far arm
No Force the Split Squat Half Butterfly Guard
Pull it across our body No Main Problem: You can’t slide the
Pummel far foot behind opponent’s bottom leg Can you reach the opponent’s top of head? Can you get the underhook? leg forward or you’ll end up in 411
Leg Drag position
Fight for upper body inside positions Note: Keep shoelace behind Get underhook, head on the floor
Yes Take double under with high elbows Straight Hamstring
Yes opponent’s hamstring
Yes Late Toe Hold or over under —> Side Control with opponent’s top knee on inside hip
RDLR inversion? How far is the inversion? Scoop grip
Get far elbow behind opponent’s crown of the head Split Squat Walk back to point her knees away Opponent gets on his elbow?
No Shoot knee across
Warning: Do not loose the foot position Head on far shoulder from you
Pummel far leg behind opponent’s top ankle Get underhook + crossface HeadQuarter Position:
Punch near arm in front of opponent’s hips Inside Hand inside hip, Elbow inside knee Early
Yes Yes
Raise hips
Insert near knee in opponent’s hips To get headquarter position: Pull her No
Shoulder on hips —> North South knees toward the ceiling, open your knee, Opponent’s back on the floor? Grab far leg and pull 3/4 Mount
Scoop grip Cross Ashi Garami
get inside position Grab opponent’s wrist with near hand
Yes Shoot knee across
Feed it to our far hand
Connect near knee to opponent’s near hip Lean head toward far shoulder Knee trapped on the floor? Main Problem: Two wedges to pass, top No Pull opponent’s wrist into us
Far knee over opponent’s top knee Where is the top leg? No
Pummel far leg behind opponent’s top ankle leg and top arm Use near hand to push opponent’s top knee down
Hips switch
Opponent’s try to get up with a single leg? Raise near hip Step over —> Cross Mount
Insert far knee in opponent’s near hip Reverse collar tie + Fist in front of hips.
Insert knee down in pocket of the hip Note: You can use the scoop grip+shot
Square hips up Slide to free leg, shoulder on hip —>
Walk back to point knees away knee across to get to Cross Ashi even if
Yes Slide to High Mount Opponent on elbow?
opponent doesn’t invert North South

Post hands on the floor, raise hips, Yes

Backstep to switch side shoe laces behind knee, extend leg,
Insert arm inside opponent’s arm and get crossface Yes lock figure 4
Break his grip —> Side Control
Head over elbow —> T-Kimura
Opponent has underhook? Come up and sit near hip down
Get underhook

Low Yes
3/4 Mount

If opponent is naive: Stay square,

Stand up, pull leg across, pummel foot —> leg drag get underhooks and pass.
Lift hips, drive knee into opposite
From the leg drag position, head on far side shoulder No Yes hip, get 3/4 mount If opponent fights for elbow inside:
Open knees Can you prevent it? Opponent has Lasso?
Opponent turns leg to defend? Connect knee with pocket of the
Sprawl —> Knee Bar Low Square Pin shoulder on floor prevent knees to point in your hip. Align body and sit down on
direction opponent’s legs
No No
Yes Yes
Opponent crosses his legs to defend? Go over the top with under arm Pull to shoot tight waist
Grab opponent’s near hip Turn your shoulder down and fight for inside position Opponent frames with top arm?
Get near bicep tie Opponent goes for elbow escape or Can you get the underhook?
Extend far leg and pass underhook?
Pummel head inside
Punch knee under opponent’s legs No No
Head on the floor, post hand wide for balance Yes
Lock figure 4 Yes
Connect knee to far hip Tripod —> Side Control
Crossface, pull head toward us, pin
Underhook and crossface
Head over far shoulder shoulders to the floor
Drop hips, get Arm In Guillotine Use Butterfly hook—> Pass
Drop to get underhook Head to the floor, use butterfly hook
Yes to free leg
No Use little steps to pass the knee Over Under Post head on the floor, use butterfly Always pay attention to
Walk back the leg to the center line hook to get to Mount or Knee on your opponent’s elbow
Can you get your arm over the head? Can you get crossface or underhook? Opponent hooks down hard on the leg? Chin to opponent’s far hip Belly far side
Extend far leg and pass Turn far hip down Yes Opponent control your bicep? Go to Mount Go to Knee on Belly far side Go to Knee on Belly near side
Punch knee under opponent’s legs Shoot Over Under Can’t pass the leg nor the arm?
No Yes Yes Main Problem: Passing the near knee
No Yes Opponent dominates inside elbow
position? Do you have the underhook?

Fake going over Establish Side Control Head and arm control with head on far
Invert hips Switch Position of the head to the near side.
Pummel arm and shoot through Elbow over head side shoulder. High elbow for balance No
Invert hips Get to Side Control
Get to Side Control
High Knee Shield Half Guard
Fall to your hip, get butterfly hook, extend Insert knee inside legs with foot outside
Main Problem: Stop upper body (false half guard)
opposite leg, elbow to hip —> Flip over
to connect to opponent Switch hip, extend leg —> Side Control
3/4 Mount
Reverse Half Guard Head on the floor to get up. Tripod to get to
Reverse Half Guard
with elbow crown head Mount
with reverse underhook

Far hand on top hip, elbow inside

No Reverse Half Guard
Pull knee free Reverse underhook, switch hips,
Get underhook Can you keep the crossface? with reverse underhook
Drive knee across opponent’s far hip block opponent’s hips with knee
Head and arm control —> Tripod pass

Reverse Half Guard
No with elbow crown head
Opponent’s hand inside? Opponent goes for underhook?
Hand inside hip
Elbow covers the crown Yes Elbow inside thigh
Yes of the opponent’s head V-grip in armpit Pull opponent toward us Low Square
Yes Opponent gets the underhook? Shoot near side underhook Drive knee across
Low Knee Shield Half Guard Head over elbow + hips switch with near underhook
Head on the floor
Knee slide —> Side Control
Use supinated grip to extract wrist and Main Problem: Prevent hips to
get hand below line of elbow Use v-grip inside of elbow to push elbow down go forward

Put pressure on knee shield

When opponent pushes back —> invert hips Invert hips Head over far shoulder
Pull opponent toward us Body Lock Over Under
Elbow over head Elbow covers the crown Head to the floor
+ lock hands
of the opponent’s head 2 butterfly hooks in
Slide knees to the opposite side —> Side Control
Get initial arm lace
Use free hand to feed wrist to hand No
Pin wrist to opponent’s thigh using a reverse scoop grip Cross Ashi Garami
Pull leg and arm out

Invert hips and shoot Kimura Yes Reverse Half Guard Scoop grip
Scoop Grip Cross Ashi Garami
Near knee in pocket of bottom hip with elbow crown head Shoot knee across
Shoot knee across
Reverse Half Guard
with Kimura
Finish the Kimura Get one handed Kimura
Scoop grip on far leg Bring trapped heel to our butt
Slide near knee in opponent’s far hip Opponent frames with top arm?
Turn hips toward opponent
Backstep trapped leg Reverse scoop grip No Pummel far leg under opponent’s legs
Pull leg out Free trapped leg and pummel to safety
Insert butterfly hook and pass
Invert hips and shoot reverse underhook No Yes
Near knee in pocket of bottom hip Yes
Deep Half Guard Lock Down
Post near leg up Yes
Pummel butterfly hook in with far leg Supinated grip on hand post with far hand Always put your trapped leg in Do we have upper body inside position? Can we get crossfface + underhook?
Biggest threat: Opponent gets No
Reverse scoop grip, pull leg out Pull hand across the body relative safety positon by bringing upper body inside position
Block top leg with tricep Connect shoulder to opponent’s armpit your shoelace to opponent’s butt Reverse Half Guard
Invert hips and shoot reverse underhook
Shoot D’Arce with reverse underhook
Bring trapped heel to our butt
Fight for upper body inside position No Lock initial 10 fingers grip
Windshield wiper Pummel far leg under opponent’s legs
Switch hips, extend near leg —> Side Control Lead forward for pressure Elbow inside thigh
Pull knees, step over No Free knee and get scoop grip
Keep knee on pocket of the hip Yes
Go to North South Opponent top leg position? 3/4 Mount
Use heel to pull knees toward ceiling to prevent elbow escape Hand on hip, elbow inside knee
Once on mount, pinch knees to prevent elbows going inside Leg extended Late
Can you get upper body inside position? Drop elbow to the floor
Connect far knee on hip Leg extended Extend far leg straight back How quick can we respond? Opponent has underhook? Yes
Low Knee Shield Yes Walk toward opponent’s legs Move weight backward
Tripod pass —> Side Control Shoot near side underhook
No Pull opponent flat on the floor
Can we intercept with crossface and underhook? Early
Reverse Half Guard Let go of 10 fingers grip Pass the legs Cover underhook
with reverse underhook Invert hips and shoot reverse underhook Connect both hands in crossface position Finish the D’Arce Yes Super late
Open up elbows Near knee in pocket of bottom hip Switch hips —> Low Square Slide far knee to top of opponent’s head
Pummel head inside and post head on shoulder Scoop grip on far leg Stick trapped foot under opponent’s butt Raise and turn hips toward opponent
Get underhook Slide near knee in opponent’s far hip Lift opponent’s head. Replace crossface with thigh Free attacked knee
High elbows, head on the floor Backstep trapped leg Scoop toward opponent’s back until you can sit square
Lock Kimura
Tripod —> Side Control or Mount Extract foot Yes Switch hips
Yes Shoot Head and Arm Guillotine
Yes No Attack Rear Triangle Opponent keeps scoop grip? Insert second butterfly hook in
Shoot near side underhook Backstep Opponent has underhook and scoop grip? Insert butterfly hook while getting swept
No Roll opponent over
Inside bicep tie on far arm Yes Anaconda or Pass
Opponent’s hand above elbow line? Pummel near hand for cross face Can you get inside bicep tie or cross face? Low Square Yes No
Lock 10 fingers grip Pull opponent toward us Pull opponent toward us 3/4 Mount
Push far hip to slightly open it + hips switch Opponent frames with top arm?
Reverse cross face Connect far knee in pocket of the hip + hips switch + lock hands
Head on far shoulder No Connect near elbow and near knee
No Can we intercept with underhook? Roll opponent over with
Get underhook Yes
Slide knee under opponent’s head initial butterfly hook
High elbows, head on the floor Stick trapped foot under opponent’s butt Guillotine, Anaconda or Pass
Post far leg out Scoop toward opponent’s back until you can sit square Low Square
Tripod —> Side Control or Mount Body Lock Over Under
Head on far shoulder Lock Kimura with near underhook
Elbow behind hips Extract feet
Drop near hip, sprawl near leg back Attack Rear Triangle

Near hand on trap muscle

Raise near knee up, pummel far No
leg behind opponent’s bottom leg

Shoulder on hip —> North South

Far elbow behind top of head Crushing Low Shield Opponent has underhook and
Near elbow in front of hips scoop grip and facing toward you? Opponent has inside grips. Post hands on the floor
Pass the legs, drop shoulder on hip —> North South Toward
Opponent facing toward you or away from you? Stand up No
Grip on head + reverse v-grip on shin Side Standing Get crossface + underhook and pass
Opponent is framing on shoulders?
Pummel leg inside Knee and elbow connected
In front Hand on far hip
Reverse collar tie Connect knee and elbow Yes
Insert arm lace Behind Too far forward
Shoot for D’Arce
Flare elbow into opponent’s knee Position of opponent’s top elbow?
Pass in front or behind opponent’s guard? Pass the legs Post hands on the floor
Get to leg drag position —> Top Pin or Back Exposure Centered Peel scoop grip and free leg
Finish the D’Arce Away Shin to shin
Pin opponent’s wrist on the floor
Push leg and make opponent’s knees
Too far backward pointing away
Near leg on opponent’s back
Far leg puts pressure on opponent’s knees
Opponent gets in waiter sweep position? Push head down Head over opponent’s far shoulder
Get underhook Scoop leg around the corner
Underhook + crossface or pull trap muscle Cross Ashi Garami
Opponent gets on his elbow? Scoop opponent’s leg with near arm Get top pin or back exposure
Connect knee and heel
Raise near hip
No Yes
Insert knee down in pocket of the hip Yes
Walk back to point knees away
Roll to T-Kimura Get head over opponent’s far shoulder
Come up and sit near hip down Peel grip, pummel trapped leg
Get underhook Stick trapped foot under opponent’s butt
Cross Ashi Garami

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