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Teacher Jaime Urrutia

Moral Obligation and Advice

English Worksheet

I.- In relation to these situations, write advice for each one, using the content provided
yesterday in “Advice and Moral Obligation PPT”

a) My little sister is really bored in quarantine:

She should play videogames online with her friends.

b) My mom’s dog barks all night, and she can’t sleep:

She has to take the dog to a trainer

c) My son doesn’t want to eat vegetables and he’s crazy about french fries:
He’d better eat vegetables.

d) Yesterday, I hurt my foot while I was playing football. It didn’t seem very serious at
the time, but now my foot is black and blue:
You should go to the doctor


e) I find it difficult to get up in the morning, and I’m often late for work. My boss has
noticed, and she’s angry with me.

_____You better an alarm early_____________________________________________________

f) I’ve seen the perfect suit on sale in my favorite store, and it’s exactly what I’m looking
for. The only problem is it’s medium and I’m large.

____You have to wait____________________________________________________________

h) I’ve had an argument with my best friend, and I don’t know what to do. I feel very
stupid, and I think I made a mistake.

_You should tell sorry_______________________________________________________________

i) I have three children, and they all have terrible problems with their teeth. We’re
always at the dentist’s, and each visit costs a lot of money.

___We ought to brush our teeth better______________________________________________

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