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Int J Clin Oncol (2008) 13:102–111 © The Japan Society of Clinical Oncology 2008

DOI 10.1007/s10147-008-0762-6


Donald Maxwell Parkin

The role of cancer registries in cancer control

Received: January 17, 2008

Abstract Cancer control aims to reduce the incidence, mor- equitable implementation of evidence-based strategies
bidity, and mortality of cancer and to improve the quality for prevention, early detection, treatment, and palliation,
of life of cancer patients through the systematic implemen- making the best use of available resources.1 It is well-rec-
tation of evidence-based interventions in prevention, early ognized that, as Muir et al.2 noted: “the cancer registry is
diagnosis, treatment, and palliative care. In the context of an essential part of any rational program of cancer control,
a national cancer control program (NCCP), a cancer sur- benefiting both the individual and society in which he lives”.
veillance program (CSP), built around a population-based But it was Armstrong who, in 1992,3 reviewed the potential
cancer registry, is an essential element. Data on the size and range of activities that registries might undertake in this
evolution of the cancer burden in the population are essen- context, what they were actually doing (by means of a
tial to evaluation of the current situation, to setting objec- survey of the members of the International Association of
tives for cancer control, and defining priorities. Cancer data Cancer Registries), and then provided a blueprint for an
are essential in monitoring the progress of the implementa- “expanded role” for registries, over and above their core
tion of an NCCP, as well as providing an evaluation of the function of providing routine statistics on cancer occurrence
many individual cancer control activities. In the context of and outcome.
an NCCP, the CSP should provide a focus of epidemiologi- Although, as in much of epidemiology, terminology is by
cal expertise, not only for providing statistical data on inci- no means standardized, and writers use the same terms in
dence, mortality, stage distribution, treatment patterns, and different ways, many of the activities envisaged by Arm-
survival but also for conducting studies into the important strong might be subsumed by the terms “surveillance” and
causes of cancer in the local situation, and for providing “monitoring”.
information about the prevalence of exposure to these Surveillance is defined4 as:
factors in the population. Cancer surveillance via the popu- 1. Systematic measurement of health and environmental
lation-based registry therefore plays a crucial role in formu- parameters, recording, and transmission of data, and
lating cancer control plans, as well as in monitoring their 2. Comparison and interpretation of data in order to detect
success. possible changes in the health and environmental status
of populations.
Key words Cancer registration · Cancer control · “Surveillance” may encompass the concept of “monitor-
Surveillance ing” of disease – assessing the impact of change or inter-
vention. Monitoring also implies a constant adjustment of
performance in relation to results. The fundamental ele-
Introduction ments of a surveillance program are ongoing collection,
analysis, and feedback or dissemination of data.
A cancer control program is a public health program Disease surveillance plays a critical role in the develop-
designed to reduce the incidence and mortality of cancer ment and implementation of health policy – indeed, rational
and improve the quality of life of cancer patients in a planning is impossible without a means of identifying the
particular country or state, through the systematic and main health problems, determining priorities for preventive
and curative programs, evaluating whether goals are reached
D.M. Parkin (*) in the target groups, and determining what has been
Clinical Trials Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, achieved in relation to resources expended. Thus, according
University of Oxford, Richard Doll Building, Old Road Campus, to the World Health Organisation (WHO),1 the role of a
Oxford, OX3 7LF, UK
Tel. +44-1865-743743; Fax +44-1865-743985 cancer surveillance program is to provide data on a continu-
e-mail: ing basis:

• To assess the current magnitude of the cancer burden upper limit, or life table expectations of life), and the “dis-
and its likely future evolution count rate” to apply to life years that would have been lived
• To provide a basis for research on cancer causes and in the future.
prevention The development of indices such as quality adjusted
• To provide information on prevalence and trends in life years (lost)(QALYs) or disability adjusted life years
risk factors, and, (lost)(DALYs) takes this approach further, by quantifying,
• To monitor the effects of early detection/screening, in addition, the morbidity that is suffered between onset of
treatment, and palliative care. a disease, and death or recovery.
Three elements are needed in calculating these indices—
Research activities relevant to cancer control go beyond
the incidence of the disease, its mean duration (or, equiva-
what might legitimately be encompassed by the term
lently, survival probability), and a measure of life “quality”
“surveillance”, however. They include not only epidemio-
in between onset and end of disease. DALYs have been
logical research into cause (including the interplay of envi-
extensively used by the World Health Organisation,
ronmental exposure and genetic determinants) but also
to evaluate the challenge to health systems of different
research into the effectiveness of different interventions in
changing behavior (in relation to personal exposures, or
Prevalence of cancer is often advanced as a useful
use of services for early diagnosis and screening) and into
measure of cancer burden,7 indicating the number of patients
aspects of survivorship.5 Armstrong3 pointed out that these
alive who require medical care. There is no standard defini-
activities go beyond the role of the cancer registry per se,
tion of a prevalent case of cancer. Theoretically, prevalence
but are eminently appropriate when the registry forms part
would include everyone once diagnosed as having cancer
of a “Cancer Control Unit” with a mandate for research
who is still alive, but then long survivors who are “cured”
and access to databases other than that of the register
are included, and this would not provide a useful indicator
of the need for treatment and care. A simple compromise
is to regard only patients alive between 0 and 5 (or 10) years
after diagnosis as “prevalent” cancers, because this approxi-
mates the period of active treatment and follow-up of cases.8
Planning cancer control programs Prevalence can be estimated directly by some cancer regis-
tries from their files of cases registered who have not died.9
Priorities and targets. Projections and predictions Alternatively, prevalence can be estimated from the inci-
dence of disease and survival curves, either for short-term
The most basic function of a cancer registry in relation to survivors (e.g., to 5 or 10 years), or, if incidence and survival
cancer control is to assess the current magnitude of the data are available for long periods of time, including long-
cancer burden and its likely future evolution. Various sta- term survivors also.10
tistics are available for assessing the “burden” of cancer, Registries record not only the site of the primary tumor
and of different types of cancer, in the population. but also other important characteristics, such as histological
Incidence is clearly a fundamental measure of burden, type, and size or stage, and may calculate at least the pro-
because it describes the stream of new cases that will require portional distribution of these characteristics, or, better,
some kind of medical attention. It is the relevant measure their incidence rates. The histological subtype of cancers
when considering (primary) prevention, the objective of occurring in the same organ has important implications for
which is to prevent disease occurrence. Measurement of the etiology (and hence the appropriate preventive strate-
incidence is the most basic function of population-based gies), treatment, and outcome. The size (or stage) of a
cancer registries (PBCRs). cancer is related to the levels of awareness of cancer in the
Mortality rates are widely used as a “proxy” for inci- population, the facilities available for diagnosis, and their
dence in epidemiological studies comparing disease risk accessibility to the population. Again, these are important
between different populations and over time. They can in planning and evaluating appropriate cancer control
serve this function, provided that survival is the same in all strategies.
of the groups being compared (or over time). Of more Survival from cancer is the usual measure used to evalu-
immediate relevance to cancer control, they provide a ate cancer treatment. Its computation requires follow-up of
measure of the most serious outcome of disease. Compari- diagnosed cancer patients, and the calculation of numbers
sons of numbers of lives lost are widely used in health ser- surviving after different intervals of time.
vices research and health economics; for example, in Registries can compute rates of cancer incidence (and
evaluating the effectiveness of programs of prevention, mortality), stage distribution, and survival according to
early diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. population characteristics, such as area of residence, socio-
Person-years of life lost (PYLL) provide a dimension economic status, or ethnicity.11–13 Geocoding of cancer
additional to mortality, by differentially weighting lives lost patients in the registry database permits linkage with census
according to age at death. There are many variations in the information from the same small area as the patient to
calculations used, depending upon the weights to be used impute personal characteristics; it has been widely used to
(the value of years of life at different ages), the “normal” derive indicators of social status (or “deprivation”). These
lifespan against which to compare premature death (fixed methods may identify population subgroups that might be

surveillance unit/program (CSP) it should provide expertise

to conduct epidemiological studies on cancers of impor-
tance in the local population, and to advise other research-
ers wishing to do so.3 (Various names for this function are
in vogue, such as “cancer intelligence unit” or “cancer
observatory.”) It should act as a source of information on
the importance of any risk factors relevant to the local
population. At the very least, local researchers should be
aware of the registry, and the potential for using its data-
base in approved research projects.

Descriptive studies

Descriptive studies use information from the registry data-

base to examine differences in the incidence (or survival)
of cancer, according to variables associated with place (of
residence, or of birth), time, and personal characteristics
(sex, ethnicity, social status, etc). Classically, such descrip-
tive studies are said to be “hypothesis-generating” – provid-
ing clues to etiology, to be followed up in studies that focus
on specific risk factors. Thus, the role of diet in colon cancer
was suggested by geographic variations,24,25 international
Fig. 1. Observed trends in age-standardized rates (world standard), of correlations,26 migrant studies,27 and time trends.28 The
colon cancer in men in the Nordic countries 1958–1997, and predictions detail available in registry data on, for example, histological
of colon cancer rates to 202021 type, provides greater insights into etiology than are avail-
able using mortality data – for example, trends in subtypes
the target of specific interventions within a cancer control of lung29 and esophageal cancers30 suggest changes in the
program (e.g.,14,15). prevalence of etiological factors.
Appraisal of the current situation provides a framework
for action, while the setting of targets allows the success (or Studies of cause
otherwise) of these plans to be monitored. There have been
several attempts to set goals for cancer control, at the Cancer registries are not involved in the majority of epide-
national and the international level.16–19 Logically, target- miological studies of cause, except as a source of incidence
setting involves not only a sound knowledge of the present rates for studies with an “ecological” design. In theory,
cancer situation but also an evaluation of how it might be because it includes all cases of cancer in the population, a
expected to evolve in future, because interventions can only cancer registry provides an unbiased source of cases for
impact upon future patterns. Accordingly, there has been case-control studies. In practice, the registry database is
increasing use of projections and predictions of the future only complete several years after the incident date of the
cancer burden. Projections usually involve the assumption cases, so “rapid reporting” of cases to the registry is usually
that past trends in rates of incidence/mortality will be main- a prerequisite,31 and random sampling of controls from the
tained (and apply to projected changes in the population). general population is necessary.32 Cancer registries have,
Predictions may encompass the likely effects of changes in however, been extensively used to follow up specific groups
etiological factors or proposed interventions.20 Examples of of individuals (“cohorts”) to detect the occurrence of new
cancer projections prepared as an aid to service planning cases of cancer. They may involve linkage of pre-existing
have been published for the Nordic countries (Fig. 1),21 databases with the cancer registry (e.g., registers of specific
Australia,22 and Scotland.23 occupations,33 or of HIV-AIDS34). A special example is the
study of the risk of second cancers (in relation to the initial
cancer and its treatment), where assembly of the cohort,
Research as a component of cancer control: the role and its follow-up, make use uniquely of the registry data-
of the cancer registry base. These studies are of interest in detecting commonality
of risk factors (or susceptibility to them), or the adverse
The original function of the cancer registry was to calculate effects of treatment.35
rates of incidence, so that the risk of various cancers in dif-
ferent populations could be compared. Although this still Effectiveness of interventions in prevention, early
remains their most basic role, the activities of cancer regis- diagnosis/screening and therapy
tries have developed far beyond this, to include studies of
cancer cause and prevention. Ideally, when the cancer reg- It is generally accepted that the effectiveness of therapeutic
istry forms part of a research institute, or acts as a cancer interventions must have been demonstrated by means of

a randomized controlled trial (RCT), before they are reduced incidence, for cancer of the cervix) is achieved.
implemented in clinical practice. Conceptually, this is a Thus, screening for cervical cancer aims to reduce the inci-
reasonable condition for other costly (or potentially dence of invasive cancer – this is the aim of oral cancer
harmful) interventions in early diagnosis/screening, and detection programs also. Other screening programs (e.g.,
in prevention. However, although the results of RCTs breast, large bowel), which aim to detect cancers early,
were sometimes available before widespread acceptance do not reduce incidence. Their objective is to decrease
(e.g., vaccination against human papilloma virus (HPV) mortality.
in preventing precursors of cervical cancer, or mammo- Ideally, information on the screening status of individu-
graphic screening for breast cancer), often the benefit was als from a suitable database can be linked to that of the
felt to be so obvious that no RCT evidence was available cancer registry in order to study the outcome of individuals
before widespread implementation (most anti-smoking with different intensities of screening exposure. The sim-
interventions, cytological screening for cervical cancer, plest study design is the cohort study, in which occurrence
prostate-specific antigen [PSA] screening for prostate of disease (incidence or mortality, as appropriate) is com-
cancer). pared in screened vs unscreened individuals, with the objec-
The cancer registry has had a limited role in most RCTs. tive of deciding the decrease in risk which might plausibly
On the other hand, post-hoc evaluation of already imple- be ascribed to screening. Studies such as these were used to
mented programs has made wide use of cancer registration. study the potential benefit of cytological screening in pre-
Conceptually, such research is the same as that involved venting invasive cancer of the cervix42,43 or mortality from
in monitoring a program of prevention or screening that gastric cancer,44–46 which have never been demonstrated in
was implemented after a proper appraisal or effectiveness, an RCT. The problem with these studies, as in all nonran-
and we are concerned with the efficacy of the program in domized comparisons, is the comparability of the groups
practice, rather than its theoretical effectiveness in the being compared – it has been repeatedly shown that indi-
context of an RCT. Examples of the use of cancer registries viduals participating in screening programs are not at the
in the evaluation of implemented programs are provided same risk of disease as those who do not. Controlling for
below. such confounding in an observational study is extremely
The introduction of breast cancer screening in Finland
was very systematic, involving certain municipalities, and,
Evaluation of cancer control programs
within these, invitations to women in different (single year)
birth cohorts over a 5-year period. This population could
Primary prevention
be followed up by the cancer registry and, for a short period
after screening (3–4 years), the mortality rates in screened,
The effectiveness of preventive interventions against cancer
invited but unscreened, and control women compared.47
has rarely been evaluated by RCTs; more usually, success
Although technically a cohort study, women were allocated
has to be inferred from observations after the introduction
to screened and unscreened categories by adjacent birth
of programs.20 This may involve comparing observed inci-
cohorts, so there could have been little difference between
dence rates (allowing for a time lag for the effects to
the groups in terms of confounders. A small but significant
emerge), with the rates expected based on a prediction
reduction in mortality was present in women invited
model of some kind. This approach has been widely used
for screening (versus unscreened controls) at 3–4 years
to evaluate the success of interventions against lung
cancer.36,37 An even more striking example38 is the dramatic
Case-control studies have been extensively used in the
effect on incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma recorded by
evaluation of the effectiveness of cancer screening pro-
the cancer registry in Taiwan, following the introduction of
grams.48 These studies have the advantage that screening
vaccination against hepatitis B in the 1980s, first to neonates
histories need only be obtained for a limited number of
born of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive
subjects. This may even be done by interviewing the sub-
mothers, then, in 1984, for all newborns. By 1994, it was
jects (if deaths from cancer do not comprise the case-group),
possible to compare liver cancer incidence in children aged
without recourse to screening records, although interview
6–9 years born before vaccination was introduced, and
data may not always agree with results from more objective
those born after. There was a fourfold difference. Another
sources.49 There are major difficulties in interpreting the
approach has been to compare incidence rates in areas with
results of case-control studies. One is the inevitable pres-
or without preventive programs, or with different intensities
ence of selection bias. The effect of this is to exaggerate the
of intervention.39,40
benefits of screening when the individuals who accept
screening tests are a subset of the population likely to have
Screening and early detection a lower mortality from the cancer in question than those
who do not.50,51 The other difficulty is the inability to sepa-
Cancer registry data have been widely used for the evalua- rate tests performed in truly asymptomatic individuals,
tion and monitoring of screening programs.41 The effec- from those in subjects presenting themselves because of
tiveness of screening can only be correctly judged by the symptoms (or early disease) or as follow up of individuals
extent to which the objective of reduced mortality (or with equivocal results.52

When it has been demonstrated that a particular inter- CERVIX UTERI

vention is effective in reducing mortality, intermediate end-

points (such as tumor size, stage, and survival) may be used
to monitor the screening process. By themselves, they
provide no reassurance, as the lessons of screening for neu-
roblastoma53 clearly demonstrate. 200 DENMARK

Day et al.54 have described how information on incident NORWAY

cancers in screened/unscreened individuals may be used to
monitor breast cancer screening programs. This informa-
tion includes: 100
(a) The incidence of interval cancers 70
(b) The size and stage distribution of screen-detected
cancers (compared to the expected distribution) 50
(c) The incidence rate of advanced cancers, compared with
the period pre-screening (or an unscreened comparison
1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 YEAR
Fig. 2. Trends in age-adjusted incidence rates: cancer of the cervix
Cancer registry data are required in order to estimate uteri
the “expected” distribution of cancers by stage, or the
“expected” incidence rates (overall, by age group, and/or
by stage), against which the results in the screened popula-
tion can be evaluated. Linkage of the cancer registry and investigative methodology over time result in tumors being
the screening program is required in order to calculate inci- classified to higher stages than they would have been in an
dence rates of interval cancers (detected between screen- earlier period (by detection of small metastases, for
ings) and the incidence of advanced cancers. The incidence example). Comparisons between sub-populations receiving
of interval cancers is useful in decisions about the appro- screening or not (or different intensities of screening)63
priate intervals between tests,55 and the incidence of largely avoid problems of stage migration, but do raise
advanced cancers provides an early surrogate for cancer other questions concerning the comparability of the popula-
mortality.56 tions being compared.
More usually, there is no information on the screening Detection of cancers by screening will lead to improved
status of individuals, and population-level analyses are survival, whether this results in reduction in mortality (the
used. The simplest are time trends in incidence, for cancers goal of screening), or is simply due to advancing the date
where screening should prevent invasive cancer, such as of diagnosis (lead-time bias) or differential detection of
that in the cervix. Figure 2 shows perhaps the most cele- slow-growing tumors (length bias). Survival trends, by age,
brated example – the trends in incidence in the Nordic have been studied in relation to early diagnosis of
countries, following the introduction of population screen- breast cancer due to screening62 or to improving breast-
ing (Iceland, Finland, Sweden), its partial implementation awareness64 and in relation to early detection of colon
(Denmark), and postponement (Norway).57 For programs cancer;63 the favorable trends in survival were due to a shift
designed to detect early invasive cancers (for example, to earlier stage at diagnosis, as well as better survival within
breast, colon, and prostate), no reduction in incidence stage.
should occur; indeed, the introduction of screening should
be followed by a rise in incidence (as prevalent, asymptom-
atic cases are detected), followed by a fall, with cumulative Outcome: survival and quality of life
incidence unchanged over what it would have been without
screening.58 However, the cancers detected by screening While mortality is an indispensable measure of the success
must have a more favorable stage distribution, and be of (if any) of cancer control activities in different populations,
smaller size than those detected clinically (via symptoms) if trends in mortality rates are influenced both by incidence
the program is effective. and survival. The effect of cancer control activities on mor-
Using registry data alone, it has been common to examine tality will often be quite delayed, and data on both detection
the proportionate distribution of diagnosed cancer cases by and incidence, and on cancer patient survival, can give a
stage at diagnosis, in relation to the presence of screening more immediate insight into changes in outcome after diag-
(or measures of screening intensity, as above). More mean- nosis.65 Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the recog-
ingful is calculation of rates of disease, by stage, in relation nized technique for measurement of the precise effects of
to screening activity. In principle, screening should lead to specific interventions on survival, but the outcomes demon-
a reduction in the incidence of advanced cancers. This is strated in RCTs will rarely be evident at the population
usually in the context of trends over time59–62 (Fig. 3). level. For a start, the patients being treated are more
An inevitable problem of studying temporal trends in stage heterogeneous, and are generally elderly, have significant
(without a true comparison group) is the phenomenon of co-morbidity, and are less likely to derive benefit from
stage migration. This occurs because improvements of the intervention.66 Many other factors influence survival.

Total Invasive Localized Regional

In Situ Distant


Age-Adjusted Rates/100,000



Fig. 4. Age-adjusted 5-year relative survival from cancer of the colon

and rectum (males and females), by country, with area-weighted mean
40 European relative survival. Horizontal bars show 95% confidence
intervals (from Berrino et al.,69 with permission)

20 of survival differences in studies such as EUROCARE

have focused attention on the reasons underlying these
Of course, survival in terms of average years lived post-
diagnosis is a very crude indicator of outcome, albeit a rela-
0 tively easy one to measure. Years of life are of little value
1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993
if they are accompanied by disability and pain. For this
Year of Diagnosis
reason, survival measures have been refined, either into
Fig. 3. Age-adjusted breast cancer incidence rates by extent of disease medico-surgical categories such as disease-free survival
at diagnosis for white females, standardized to the 1970 United States (before any recurrence) or metastasis-free survival, or by
population (from Chu et al.,62 with permission) evaluating the quality of life lived between treatment and
death, in terms, for example, of disability or side effects of
treatment. Measurement of health-related quality of life is
not part of routine cancer registration; it requires quite
Methods of data collection and analysis, tumor characteris-
complex data collection, by interview or observation,
tics (histology, stage, method of detection), and patient
from individual patients.74 Quantification of the outcome of
characteristics (age, sex, ethnicity, socioeconomic status,
cancer care in these various ways is important, when
lifestyle) affect survival at the population level, as measured
considering alternative strategies of intervention, as are
by cancer registries.67,68 In any case, the objective of measur-
the economic considerations with respect to inputs (costs)
ing population-level survival is to give an indication of the
required to achieve given improvements in outcome.
possible role of the process of care, and not simply the
effectiveness of a specific treatment, as a determinant of
survival differences. Clinical care
International comparisons of survival, such as those
coordinated by the EUROCARE group69 (Fig. 4) have had To date, much of the research on the quality of clinical
a profound influence on policy-making for cancer treatment cancer care and consecutive guideline development has
services in several countries, e.g., the United Kingdom been based on the study of clinical case series, often in
and Denmark. Similarly, the black-white disparities in randomized trials. But such studies cannot always be gen-
cancer survival in the United States had been the subject eralized, based as they are on selected groups of patients.
of comment for many years.70 Although there has been As a result, population-level understanding of quality out-
some justified criticism of the fixation on improvement in comes has been limited, especially for elderly patients. In
survival as the target for cancer services,71–73 observations recent years, increasing attention has been paid to examin-

Fig. 5. Treatment for early-stage

breast cancer, 1991–2002, by age
at diagnosis. United States SEER
registry populations: BCS, breast-
conserving surgery; RT, radiation
treatment. Source, survelliance,
Epidemiology, and End Results
(SEER) 11 registries (Connecti-
cut, Hawall, Iowa, Utah, and New
Mexico and the metropolitan
areas of San Francisco, Detroit,
Atlanta, Seattle-Puget Sound,
San Jose-Monterey, and Los
Angeles County) (from Edwards
et al.,76 with permission)

ing variations in the process of care for the cancer patient, (SEER) registries in the United States changed between
between different providers, or different groups of patients 1991 and 2002 following the 1990 NIH Consensus Develop-
(clients).75,76 ment Panel conclusion that breast-conserving surgery fol-
The location (e.g., type of hospital) of treatment for lowed by radiation therapy is an appropriate method of
specific cancers has been found to vary considerably for primary therapy for the majority of women with stage I and
different groups of patients, and this probably reflects the II breast cancer and is preferable because it provides sur-
type of facilities available, and the level of expertise of the vival equivalent to total mastectomy and axillary dissection
therapists. The technical expertise of physicians and sur- while preserving the breast.76 It is difficult for PBCRs to
geons may be a function of their familiarity with the appro- expand their dataset, like those of hospital database
priate diagnostic and therapeutic methods, as measured in systems,82 to capture information on comorbidity, diagnos-
terms of case load. Site-specialization is recommended in tic and staging procedures, extent of disease at diagnosis
guidelines to improve the quality of care, and this can be and at surgery, the nature and sequence of treatment, and
evaluated in registry data.77 Although these are indirect follow-up in terms of recurrence and metastasis. This is
indicators of quality of care, they have been shown to be more feasible by linkage with other files of clinical data,
important in determining outcome.78–80 Simple measures such as the Medicare database in the United States,83 and
such as delay in diagnosis, or delay in receiving appropriate in studies that use samples of the registry database–confined
treatment, provide information on equity and access, as well to selected cancers, for limited periods of time, and for
as potentially influencing outcome.81 Auditing the nature of representative samples of cases (e.g.,84).The advantages of
the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures actually per- the use of population-based data in these ways are that they
formed provides a more direct indication of the quality of relate to the whole community of cancer patients, rather
care; if the focus is effectiveness of care, then the choice of than a single institution, or self-selected and often atypical
indicators should be known to have an effect on its outcome. subgroups of patients (such as those reaching comprehen-
The dataset collected by PBCRs is limited with respect to sive cancer centers).
variables suitable for clinical care studies; they generally
include hospital, specialty of treatment, nature of first
therapy (surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, yes or no),
and outcome (dead or alive). Nevertheless, these variables Conclusions
may be used to monitor whether clinical practice is evolving
in accordance with clinical consensus. Figure 5 shows how For many countries of the world, vital statistics on deaths
treatment for early breast cancer in the populations served by cause are unavailable, cover very restricted populations,
by the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results are incomplete, or are inaccurate (especially if cause of

death is certified by nonmedical personnel). Remedying this

situation is a matter of national policy extending beyond
cancer control, and generally, beyond the remit of the
1. World Health Organisation (2002) National cancer control pro-
health ministry. Similarly, many countries do not have avail- grammes. Policies and managerial guidelines, 2nd edn., WHO,
able data on cancer incidence from a PBCR. Some informa- Geneva
tion on the cancer profile can be deduced from statistics 2. Muir CS, Demaret E, Boyle P (1985) The cancer registry in cancer
control: an overview. In: Parkin DM, Wagner G, Muir CS (eds)
derived from other data sources, such as hospital discharge The role of the registry in cancer control. IARC Scientific Publica-
statistics, or pathology department records. However, the tions no. 66., IARC, Lyon, pp 13–26
picture that emerges is often quite a biased one, and much 3. Armstrong BK (1992). The role of the registry in cancer control.
care is needed in the interpretation of the data. For this Cancer Causes Control 3:569–579
4. World Health Organisation (1973) Environmental and health sur-
reason, all countries introducing a cancer control program veillance in occupational medicine. Technical report series no. 535.
should attempt to include a PBCR as part of the cancer WHO, Geneva, p 7
surveillance program of their NCCP. 5. Hiatt RA, Rimer BK (1999) A new strategy for cancer control
research. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 8:957–964
For planning purposes, a PBCR does not need to cover 6. World Health Organisation (2003) World health report 2003
the entire national population, although for many epidemi- “Shaping the future”. WHO, Geneva (also available at: http://
ological studies, this is highly desirable. Coverage of a
sample of the population is adequate for many purposes. 7. Hakama M, Hakulinen T, Teppo L, et al. (1975) Incidence, mortal-
ity or prevalence as indicators of the cancer problem. Cancer
Ideally, the sample would be a reasonably representative 36:2227–2231
one (as was done with the SEER program in the United 8. Pisani P, Bray F, Parkin DM (2002) Estimates of the world-wide
States,85 which currently covers about 26% of the national prevalence of cancer for 25 sites in the adult population. Int J
Cancer 97:72–81
population), but it is perfectly possible to prepare national
9. Adami HO, Gunnarson T, Spaŕen P, et al. (1989) The prevalence
estimates from registry populations that are nonrandom.86,87 of cancer in Sweden. Acta Oncol 4:463–470
In most countries where medical facilities are limited, the 10. Capocaccia R, Colonna M, Corazziari I, et al. (2002) Measuring
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