Quiz 1 2. What Are The Negative Effects of Excessive Littering? (5 Points)

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2. What are the negative effects of excessive littering? (5 points)

Most of us can claim to have read up on waste management processes. However, it should come as
no surprise that despite our best efforts, the damage has continued, only at a different rate. The negative
effects of improper waste management not only result in an undesirable sight, but also have an impact on a
community's overall economy. Our community must spend a significant amount of money in order to deal
with the impact of excessive littering.
Although we all know common waste management methods such as landfill sites, incineration,
recycling, biological processing or energy conservation, we find ourselves living in a world filled with
waste. Renewable energy and recycling have led to new levels, but we remain afflicted by the adverse
effects of improper waste management or excessive littering.
Some of the catastrophic effects of today’s poor waste management systems are:

 Litters can carry diseases or injury

Whether we like it or not, garbage or litter is dirty because it carries germs that end up in
various places, and, as a result, it festers and forms a breeding ground for bacteria that can cause
illnesses. Due to this exposure of bacteria to the general public, where litters are abundant in our
community, some of our citizens get diseases such as flu, colds and bacterial infections.
Meanwhile, litter can also cause injury by directly introducing cuts to individuals. In our
community, it happens in cases where the litter is glass or metal, such as rusty tins or contaminated
glass/needles/blades. Rusty metals and dirty glass, for instance, can cut into some citizens' skin,
causing infections such as tetanus.

 Litters disrupt waterways.

As what we experienced in our community, litter or garbage can lead to the disruption of
waterways. When plastics, cans, styrofoam and even glasses are dumped inappropriately, they follow
the path of water after heavy rains, then eventually end up in some drainage pipes and sewer
channels that lead to flooding in some areas of our community.

 Litter can cause accidental hazard.

Sharp objects, toxic chemicals, and other discarded objects can cause physical harm not just
to humans in our community but also in our environment and animals.

 Litter is uncomfortable and unpleasant.

As what I observed, trash is an eyesore on the environment. Littering disrupts the aesthetic
value of our community. In other words, being in a littered area is very uncomfortable, unpleasant
and, most importantly, it smells badly.

 Cleaning up litter costs money.

In our community, in dealing with the issue, our municipality often needs to hire individuals
to clean up the dirt. Though it's helpful for them, we can not disregard the fact that it costs a lot of
money. Continuously cleaning up means continuously throwing money away.

Effectivity: January 3, 2017
Revision: 1
So that’s just about it for the negative effects of excessive littering. Ms. Veronica Dulnuan
will discuss the causes of the problem. Veronica!

Effectivity: January 3, 2017
Revision: 1

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