3rd P.T in Religion 7 (Draft)

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Draft (values)

1. The following are the ways in which God reveals himself EXCEPT ______________.
a. God reveals himself through creation.
b. God reveals himself through history.
c. God reveals himself through mysterious plan.
d. Jesus is the fulfilment of God’s revelation.
2. It points to God’s revealing action directed to the whole humanity.
a. Public Revelation
b. Private Revelation
c. Sacred Tradition
d. Sacred Scripture
3. It serves as an aid to believers to live their faith in God which focused on the Gospel.
a. Public Revelation
b. Private Revelation
c. Sacred Tradition
d. Sacred Scripture

4. It is the speech of God as it is put down in writing under the breath of the Holy Spirit.
a. Sacred Revelation
b. Private Revelation
c. Sacred Tradition
d. Sacred Scripture

5. Testamentum is a Latin word which means _____________.

a. scripture
b. revelation
c. agreement
d. gospel

6. What do you call the collection of writings that was first compiled and preserved as the sacred books
of the jewish people?
a. Torah
b. TaNaKh
c. Neviim
d. Ketuvim

7. It is regarded as the account of how Israel became a nation and of how it possessed the Promise Land.
a. Pentateuch
b. Wisdom books
c. Historical books
d. Prophets
8. What do you call the collection of writings consisting of the four Gospels?
a. New Testament
b. Old Testament
c. Historical books
d. Wisdom books

9. The four gospels in the New Testament include the following EXCEPT ____________.
a. Acts of the Apostles
b. Letters of Paul and other disciples
c. The book of Revelation
d. The book of Genesis

10. Which of the following are the divisions of the Old Testament?
a. Pentateuch
b. Historical books
c. Wisdom books
d. All of the above

11. It is an agreement between God and the people of Israel and today’s people of God in Jesus Christ.
a. Bible
b. Testament
c. Scriptures
d. Revelation

12. The Old Testament is also known as Jewish ____________.

a. Torah
b. Neviim
c. TaNakh
d. TaKan

13. Which of the following are the divisions of Jewish Scripture?

a. Torah
b. Neviim
c. Ketuvim
d. All of the above

14. In the Book of Genesis, what do the words “image” and “likeness” indicate?
a. man’s dignity and mission
b. man’s power
c. man’s virtue and passion
d. man’s uniqueness
15. What does the second account in the Book of Genesis portrays?
a. Man received a number of qualities and talents to exercise his mission.
b. God fashioned man out of clay and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
c. God is good and the source of all things.
d. None of the above

16. The two creation accounts follow the same belief and doctrine that says _______________.
a. God is powerful.
b. God created all things.
c. God is good and the source of all things.
d. All of the above

17. It serves as an aid to believers to live their faith in God which focused on the Gospel.
a. Public Revelation
b. Private Revelation
c. Sacred Tradition
d. Sacred Scripture

1. The word tradition comes from the Latin word “tradere” which means to pass on. (True)
2. The word “Bible” comes from the Latin word biblia, which means writing. (False)
3. The Bible is said to be a library of sacred books that contain the Word of God. (True)
4. The Bible has only one division. (False)
5. The phrase “fashioned man of dust” refers to the nature that man dies without God’s nourishment.
6. The basic idea of revelation is to hide something that is known. (False)
7. The first account in the Book of Genesis states that God made man in his image and likeness. (True)
8. Sacred Scriptures states that man and woman are created by God. (True)

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