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Name Arya Soni Date 11/08/2017 Class Science

WebQuest : What did T-Rex taste like?

Folder 1

1. What are the three domains (groups) of organisms called? List a fact about each

Domain Archaea

Fact:are very unusual microscopic, single-celled organisms. They are able to survive
in extreme environments, including deep-sea vents with temperatures well over 100
degrees Celsius, and highly alkaline, salty, or acidic waters.

Domain Bacteria
Fact:are single-celled organisms that have been around for more than 3.5 billion
years. Bacteria can be found almost everywhere, from the base of your eyelashes to
the deep layers of the Earth.

Domain Eukaryota
Fact: They have a cell structure that includes a nucleus and other organelles. They
can be single-celled or multi-celled.

2. Define:
Common Ancestor: An ancestor shared by two or more lineages.

Lineage: Any continuous line of descent; those organisms connected by heredity

from ancestor to descendent.

3. The branching tree used to show relationships between living things is different
from a genealogy because…

Folder 2

4. Which two organisms in the diagram below are most closely related?

5. Label each of the following in the diagram to the right:

X: most recent common ancestor
Y: shared history of A, B, & C
Z: unique history of B

Folder 3

6. Briefly describe the advantages of the following inherited characteristics:

a. vertebrae –___________________________________________________________


b. amniotic egg – _______________________________________________________


c. two skull openings-____________________________________________________


d. hair- ________________________________________________________________


e. four limbs- __________________________________________________________


f. bony skeleton - ______________________________________________________


7. What are the Frog, Human, Hare, Caiman and Parrot all part of along with being
Vertebrates? ____________________________________________________________

8. Which feature do humans, hares, caimans, and parrots share that the other three
lineages did not inherit? _____________________________________________________

9. How do scientists use fossils to figure out characteristics that show up through the

Folder 4

10. What do each of the following symbols mean?

+ = ___________ 0 = _________ - = ________

As you explore Folder 4, fill in the data tables below, using a +, -, or ?.

Caiman Parrot T-Rex


Bony skeleton

Four limbs

Amniotic egg


Opening in front of the eye



4th and 5th finger lost

Shark Tuna Frog Hare Human Caiman Parrot T-rex


Bony skeleton

Four limbs

Amniotic egg


Opening in front of the eye

Use the data that you collected to answer the following.

11. What did T-Rex taste like?

12. What evidence was used to determine that T-Rex tasted like this?
13. What two groups of animals share the most characteristics in common?

14. According to the data table, what characteristic is the difference between Sharks
and Tuna?

15. What characteristic does Caiman, Parrots and T-Rex share that evolved after the
common ancestor with Humans and the Hare?
Use the cladogram and data on inherited features to make hypotheses about what
T-Rex was like.

To the right is a simple cladogram indicating the
proposed relationship among the caiman,
parrot, and T. rex.

Additional data
This data table indicates the presence or absence of eleven additional features for the
caiman and the parrot. Notice that the information about the T-Rex has not been
filled in. You will need to make that determination based upon what you have learned.

Caiman Parrot T-Rex

Color vision + +

Warm blooded _ +

Feathers _ +

Sing to young + +

Scaly skin + +

Melanin pigment in skin + +

Amniotic egg + +

Few glands in skin + +

Hole in hip socket _ +

3-chambered heart + _

4-chambered heart _ +
Task: Choose one of the following questions and complete the following:

● What do you think the answer to the question is? (What is your claim?)
o Example- I think T-rex had a beak and not a jaw.

● What evidence does the cladogram and data table provide for or against your
hypothesis? Does the information you have provide neither? Be sure to mention
common ancestors, shared inherited and/or derived characteristics.
o Example- Since the parrot has a beak and the caiman does not, the
evidence from the table is inconclusive about whether or not T-Rex had
a beak. The beak trait could have been a derived character of the
ancestors of the parrot only after the line diverged from the ancestors
of the T-Rex. It could have been a characteristic derived before the
divergence and shared between both the parrot and T-Rex, passed
down from their most recent common ancestor.

● What other evidence would you look for that would support or go against your
claim? How could that evidence do so? Some possible evidence to think about is
DNA, fossils, or other data from related species.
o Example- We could look for DNA evidence that would support the idea
of T-Rex having a beak and not a jaw. Fossil evidence would also be
useful since jaws, teeth and beaks would mostly become fossils.


● Did T-Rex have an amniotic egg?

● Was T-Rex warm-blooded or cold-blooded?

● Could T-Rex have had feathers?

● Did T-Rex have color vision?

● How many chambers were there in T-Rex's heart?

● Did T-Rex sing to its offspring?

Write your response to the Special Assignment below.

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