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ASSignment 1 Date.

a w andl explain Const Yuction ot different

fypes ot' LEDs Use as SouTCe opticalEibey
> Tpes c LEDS
Homojunction LEDs
Hetyojunction LEDSs
9 1uYYuS etchecl uwell Sunface emiHing LEDs-
4 Edge emittinq LEDS.

HomojuOchion LED s
Tne p-N junction LEDs mado fxom tuwo
diffoxent mixture_of Same types ofatom
is Caullecd homo junction LEDS
h e homajunction dnd epilaxially gyoun
LEN stYuctures cre the S1mple cne and
The othe tupe of LED 9ructune is Sinqle
diffused Siucture
The maBeriq Used foY epiiaxLally quCCun
NomouncBion LE DS 19 Silicon doped gallium
YSenicde. Emitted
P-yoe epi tdxial

expitoxa DIfused
layey P-Tegion
n-type Su bStnále
Substra te
Emi tHco
al Silicon doped lahi Yas
qallium - 0senide b] planay dilkusod

Homojunction LED Structuye


FedHuyes of epiiaxially LED

LJvelength of Cmilled light 4 0 nm
2 Cutput povey at I= loo mA 2 m W
3Light 19 emitled in al the dixect ions
Ratio of eleciicity Ho optical powey 1S My
b his ig Called as a Uxface emiltey device

Tedtues of planay diffusecd LEDS

a i v e length of emitted light goo nm
9Ouiput pouey i 5a0 L
Light is emitted inall di Yections
Ra tio ot elecixic to cptical poweY 1S VOr au
b These Ye Súnfcice enmittey devicee

Hetexojunction LEDS
h e Semiccnducioy maiexlal used foy the p
Cnd n SIde a e of fwO diffexenf types
TCOnSistg of multiple _alternc te lauers
oF P and n_yp SemiconduCtaYS

n - t y p e GaAs

-type Al Ga s
Ptype AL6a As

- n-type 6a As
p- type Gans
Page N

The junct ion i9 manu factued on a 9ubsiat

e backinq malevial and then i1 is Sundoiched
betueen the tuo metal contacts that conne
ch he LED 1o he exteinal pouuey SouYCe

uYYUS Elched well SuY face Emittind

The dala nale equirement of many practica
application. includinhq elecommuniccLtion is
tn excess of loo lbps.
The eiched cuel LED uCIs developed by u Y
dncd Dowson of Bel labor atoes for Such
OPplica tion.
I i s SUYiace emittinq,
ght me ta T

n tyoe Gals
n pEAtGe As-
- phype AIGa As

P tupe ATGaAS
-P ype AIGOA Ss


Consuction ot Durus etchec welL Susface emting.

This ED emit Iight. in mány divection but
due io the el elL,he emitied light is
concenhated lo avexuy Sma l Oea
T iS also osSible lo Place domed lense cve
he emiting ulace lcy diYecting he fight
indo fu1hey Sma| ayeG
Page No.:


Ed'ge Emttinq LE DS
The CCrstYuction of the edae emittina
LED Ihat vas deueloped by RCA
tgpe Ga s
P type AiGd AS

ptye 1GdAs_
h- Gar}SSubshrale

Ething Liqcht
conshauchion ot ecdge emitting LED
The edae emitting IED emit amore dlirechional
liqhifhan the Surtace Qmitlingq LEDS
The Corstuction is Simila v to that Buus
diocd e Uth one change.
Here the emitting one i s a sripe_and nat
cCinCulay cred
The lighi is emitted fom an cactiue stipe in
the foxm of an ellpticalbeam.
In pactice he Sutaice mtting LEDS ane
pe ouey the edge Cmittinq LED OS they-
emit moe ligh
u t the Coupling losSeS ot
LED Oe less and they have odge
a idley B0

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