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   國民中學 英語科 八上第一課題目卷(詳解) 年 班 座號: 姓名:

一、 字彙選擇 snowy (D) cloudy
1. ( )The third season of the year is    答案:(D)
. (A) spring (B) summer (C)  解析:「多雲」又暗。可能很快要下雨了!
autumn (D) winter 8. ( )After winter comes    . (A) 
答案:(C) spring (B) autumn (C) fall (D)
解析:一年的第三個季節是「秋天」,可用  summer
fall 或 autumn 表達。 答案:(A)
2. ( )I     cookies and chocolate cake 解析:冬天之後「春天」來。
for my afternoon tea. (A) snowed ( 9. ( )It’s very cold there. You need to
B) spoke (C) meant (D) ordered take a     coat with you. (A) 
答案:(D) kind (B) windy (C) heavy (D)
解析:我「點了」餅乾和巧克力蛋糕當我的下 strange
午茶。 答案:(C)
3. ( )That pink jacket is my sister’s, and 解析:那裡非常冷。你需要帶一件「厚」外套。
the green one is    . (A) mine  10. ( )It was very     this morning.
(B) cloudy (C) kind (D) my My hat was blown away(被吹走
答案:(A) )when(當)I was walking on the
解析:那件粉紅色外套是我妹妹的,而綠色那 street(街道)〔94.基測Ⅱ〕 (A) 
件是「我的(夾克)」。 cloudy (B) dry (C) warm (D) 
4. ( )Tim: Don’t use the green snowboard. windy
Jay: It’s    , not yours. Why can’t I 答案:(D)
use it? (A) mine (B) his (C)  解析:今天早上「風很大」。當我正走在街上
hers (D) theirs 時,我的帽子被吹走了。(B)乾燥的。
答案:(A) 11. ( )In Taiwan, the     months are
解析:Jay 以「滑雪板是我的,不是你的。」 December, January, and February. (A
回應。 ) winter (B) fall (C) summer (
5. ( )It’s just a little cool, so a light(薄的 D) spring
)    is enough. (A) jacket ( 答案:(A)
B) gift (C) weather (D) season 解析:臺灣「冬天」的月分是十二月、一月和
答案:(A) 二月。
解析:天氣只有一點涼,所以一件薄「夾克」 12. ( )It’s     today. Let’s read at
就夠了。 home. I don’t want to get wet(溼的).
6. ( )Because the rain was too    , we (A) cold and dry (B) cool and
didn’t go out. (A) big (B) heavy windy (C) hot and sunny (D) 
(C) a lot (D) a lot of warm and rainy
答案:(B) 答案:(D)
解析:雨太「大」,是用 heavy 表達。 解析:今天天氣「溫暖有雨」。我們在家讀書
7. ( )It is     and dark. It may rain 吧。我不想弄溼。
soon! (A) heavy (B) mad (C)  13. ( )Tom: Which is your favorite   

? Jane: Winter. I love snow. (A) sun 答案:(C)
(B) autumn (C) season (D)  解析:我「討厭」下雨天,因為我的雨傘是重
weather 的,而且我的鞋子容易溼掉。
答案:(C) 19. ( )It was so cold. My jacket was not  
解析:Jane 回答「冬天」,可推知 Tom 問哪 enough. (A) cool (B) fun (C) 
一個「季節」是妳的最愛? strange (D) heavy
14. ( )The Moon Festival(中秋節)is in 答案:(D)
. (A) fall (B) summer (C)  解析:天氣很冷。夾克不夠「厚」。
winter (D) spring 20. ( )It’s hot, so I sit in front of the fan.
答案:(A) The     is blowing on my face. (
解析:中秋節在「秋天」。 A) cloud (B) season (C) weather
15. ( )The weather is going to(將)be (D) wind
really    , so I don’t think(認為 答案:(D)
)you should(應該)take a heavy 解析:天氣熱,所以坐在風扇前讓「風」吹在
coat(外套)on your trip.〔97.基測Ⅰ 臉上。
〕 (A) clear but windy (B) cold 21. ( )It is    . Let’s fly a kite! (A)
but dry (C) cool and wet (D) hot warm (B) hot (C) snowy (D) 
and sunny windy
答案:(D) 答案:(D)
解析:旅行應該不用帶件厚外套,可見天氣將 解析:「風大的」。我們放風箏吧!
是「炎熱又陽光普照」。(A)晴朗但是 22. ( )My trip to Australia was    . I
風大(B)寒冷但是乾燥(C)涼爽又潮溼。 had a very good time! (A) kind (B
16. ( )My grandma is    . She helps ) fun (C) heavy (D) mad
many people. (A) heavy (B) cold 答案:(B)
(C) kind (D) snowy 解析:我去澳洲的旅程很「有趣」。我玩得很
答案:(C) 開心!
解析:奶奶幫助很多人,是很「有同情心的; 23. ( )It’s hot and sunny today here.
親切的」。 How’s the     there? (A) 
17. ( )My     was great! People there weather (B) jacket (C) trip (D
were kind, the weather was nice, and the ) order
food was yummy! (A) season (B) 答案:(A)
jacket (C) snow (D) trip 解析:這裡天氣既炎熱又陽光普照。那裡的「
答案:(D) 天氣」呢?
解析:我的「旅行」很棒!那裡的人很親切、 24. ( )Happy birthday, Lily. This is a   
天氣好、食物好吃! for you. (A) season (B) cloud (
18. ( )I     rainy days because my C) gift (D) summer
umbrella is heavy and my shoes(鞋子 答案:(C)
)get wet easily(容易溼). (A)  解析:這是給你的「禮物」。
send (B) buy (C) hate (D)  25. ( )Amy: Is the chocolate milkshake
give yours? Bob: Yes, it’s    . (A) 

mine (B) hers (C) his (D)  They were in America for ten days and
yours had a lot of fun! (A) trip (B) 
答案:(A) winter (C) postcard (D) fact
解析:所有格代名詞 mine 代替 my chocolate 答案:(A)
milkshake。 解析:我的祖父母去「旅行」。他們待在美國
26. ( )There are no clouds in the sky. It’s 十天並且玩得很開心!
today. (A) cloudy (B) snowy ( 33. ( )It is raining cats and dogs(正下著
C) rainy (D) sunny 傾盆大雨). The rain is too    . 
答案:(D) (A) big (B) long (C) heavy (
解析:天空萬里無雲。今天天氣很「晴朗」。 D) good
27. ( )Mom, I need a new jacket. Can you 答案:(C)
me one? (A) snow (B) mean ( 解析:下傾盆大雨,也就是雨下得很「大」,
C) speak (D) buy 用 heavy 表達,而不是 big。
答案:(D) 34. ( )It is often     in Korea in winter.
解析:需要一件新夾克,請媽媽「買」。 There’s a lot of snow. (A) warm (
28. ( )Jill: It’s not my snowboard.     B) cool (C) hot (D) cold
is pink. Ben: Then, where is yours? ( 答案:(D)
A) His (B) Hers (C) Mine (D 解析:韓國冬天通常很「冷」。下很多雪。
) Theirs 35. ( )The     is beautiful today. It’s
答案:(C) sunny and warm. (A) order (B) 
解析:Jill 說:「這不是我的滑雪板。『我的 weather (C) jacket (D) gift
』是粉紅色的。」於是 Ben 問:「那, 答案:(B)
妳的在哪裡?」。 解析:溫暖又晴朗,「天氣」很好。
29. ( )My son wanted a snowboard as his 36. ( )Dad’s birthday is coming. There are
birthday    . (A) jacket (B)  nice jackets at the store(商店). Let’s
vacation (C) trip (D) gift buy one as his    . (A) trip (B
答案:(D) ) cloud (C) weather (D) gift
解析:兒子想要個滑雪板當生日「禮物」。 答案:(D)
30. ( )The rain tonight is really    . 解析:爸爸的生日快到了。買一件夾克當作他
Let’s not go out for dinner. (A) big  的「禮物」吧。
(B) kind (C) cold (D) heavy 37. ( )In Taiwan, students usually have
答案:(D) their     vacation in July and
解析:今晚的雨真的很「大」。我們不要外出 August. (A) winter (B) spring (
吃晚餐吧。 C) autumn (D) summer
31. ( )A:     jacket is this? B: It’s my 答案:(D)
mother’s. Thank you! (A) Who ( 解析:在臺灣,學生通常七、八月放「暑」假。
B) Where (C) Whose (D) When 38. ( )David likes to make snowmen(雪
答案:(C) 人), so he likes    . (A) rain 
解析:這是「誰的」外套? (B) postcard (C) winter (D) sun
32. ( )My grandparents went on a    . 答案:(C)

解析:David 喜歡在「冬天」堆雪人。 too hot and not too cold. (A) wind 
39. ( )It’s    . My umbrella broke. ( (B) season (C) gift (D) trip
A) fun (B) windy (C) cool (D 答案:(B)
) kind 解析:最愛的「季節」是不太熱也不太冷的秋
答案:(B) 天。
解析:「風大」。我的雨傘壞了。 46. ( )There are a lot of    , so we
40. ( )Alex:     cellphone is this? can’t see the moon tonight. (A) 
Brad: Oh, it’s mine. (A) Which ( seasons (B) suns (C) gifts (D)
B) Whose (C) What (D) Where clouds
答案:(B) 答案:(D)
解析:Alex:這是「誰的」手機?Brad:噢, 解析:多「雲」,所以看不見月亮。
是我的。 47. ( )Gary: I can’t find(找到)my pen.
41. ( )How     the old man is! He Nina: Is the one on Jack’s desk    ?
smiled(微笑)and said “go die” to me. Gary: Yes. Thank you.〔99.基測Ⅰ〕
(A) strange (B) kind (C) heavy (A) mine (B) ours (C) theirs (
(D) windy D) yours
答案:(A) 答案:(D)
解析:那老先生好「奇怪」!他微笑著對我說 解析:Gary 找不到筆。Nina 詢問「Jack 書桌
「去死」。 上的(筆)是你的嗎?」Gary 才以「是
42. ( )The child(小孩)    some 的。謝謝妳。」回應。
toys(玩具)to the poor kids because 48. ( )We     the chocolate milkshake.
they don’t have any toys to play with.  It’s too sweet and it’s warm. (A) give
(A) gave (B) spoke (C) meant (B) snow (C) hate (D) speak
(D) ordered 答案:(C)
答案:(A) 解析:巧克力奶昔太甜,又是溫的,我們「討
解析:那小孩「給」那些貧窮的孩子一些玩具, 厭」它。
因為他們沒玩具玩。 49. ( )The     is sunny today. (A) 
43. ( )It was cold today. My mother    trip (B) vacation (C) season (
hot chocolate for me. (A) hated ( D) weather
B) snowed (C) spoke (D)  答案:(D)
ordered 解析:今天「天氣」晴朗。
答案:(D) 50. ( )Sam: Tracy, your jacket is beautiful!
解析:今天天氣冷。我媽媽為我「點」了熱巧 Tracy: Thanks! It’s a birthday    
克力。 from my brother. (A) season (B) 
44. ( )It’s snowing. Here is a     gift (C) vacation (D) postcard
jacket for you. (A) heavy (B)  答案:(B)
strange (C) fun (D) mad 解析:夾克是哥哥送的生日「禮物」。
答案:(A) 51. ( )It’s cold. Put on your    . (A
解析:下雪了。這裡有一件給你的「厚」夾克。 ) gift (B) jacket (C) postcard (
45. ( )My favorite     is fall. It’s not D) wind

答案:(B) 59. ( )I want to     a new snowboard,
解析:天氣冷。穿上你的「夾克」吧。 but I don’t have enough money. (A) 
52. ( )There is a lot of snow here, and it’s speak (B) mean (C) hate (D) 
so    . I need a heavy jacket. (A buy
) cold (B) strange (C) kind (D 答案:(D)
) pink 解析:想「買」一個新的滑雪板,但沒有足夠
答案:(A) 的錢。
解析:下大雪,天氣很「冷」。需要厚夾克。 60. ( )My friend sent me a     when
53. ( )I was so     because he said “go she was in India. (A) cloud (B) 
die” to me. (A) strange (B) fun  season (C) uncle (D) postcard
(C) mad (D) sunny 答案:(D)
答案:(C) 解析:朋友寄給我一張「明信片」。
解析:因為他對我說「去死」,我很「生氣」。 二、 文法選擇
54. ( )I was hungry, so Dad     me 1. ( )Ken:     very much. Liz: Yeah.
some cookies. (A) visited (B)  The rain is really too    . (A) 
snowed (C) gave (D) hate There’s a lot of rain; big (B) We
答案:(C) have lots of rain; heavy (C) It’s
解析:我肚子餓,所以爸爸「給」我一些餅乾。 rainy; big (D) It’s raining; heavy
55. ( )It’s so    . I need a fan and cold 答案:(D)
drinks. (A) cold (B) hot (C)  解析:rain 當「動詞」,因此用 It 當主詞,並
warm (D) cool 用「現在進行式」強調「正在進行中」。
答案:(B) 而雨太「大」了,形容詞須用 heavy 表
解析:天氣很「熱」。需要風扇和冷飲。 達之。
56. ( )Sandy is in Taiwan. I     her a 2. ( )It’s     today. Let’s take our
gift from India last week. (A) sent  daughter to the park and let her fly her
(B) hated (C) spoke (D) gave favorite kite. (A) hot and sunny (
答案:(A) B) cold and snowy (C) windy and
解析:Sandy 在臺灣。我從印度「寄」了禮物 cloudy (D) warm and rainy
給她。 答案:(C)
57. ( )There are four     in a year. ( 解析:今天「風大又多雲」。我們帶我們女兒
A) seasons (B) days (C) weeks 到公園並讓她放她最喜愛的風箏吧。
(D) months 3. ( )Sam: How’s the weather     in
答案:(A) London     summer? Emi: It’s
解析:一年有四「季」。 warm and rainy. (A) like; on (B)×;
58. ( )There is not any     in Tainan. in (C) like; in (D)×; at
It’s usually warm there. (A) snow ( 答案:(B)
B) water (C) cloud (D)  解析:How... 開頭詢問天氣時,不加介系詞;
mountain 在某一季節,介系詞用 in。
答案:(A) 4. ( )Did Dad     anything(任何東
解析:臺南不下「雪」。天氣通常是溫暖的。 西)for you on your birthday? (A) 

send (B) buy (C) give (D)  解析:問句中能與介系詞 to 合用的授與動詞有
write give、show,答句中能與介系詞 for 合
答案:(B) 用的是 made。
解析:buy 物 for 人,選項(A)(C)(D)須用  10. ( )Our coffee shop is big, but theirs  
to。 small. (A) is (B) are (C) isn’t
5. ( )    raining cats and dogs. We (D) aren’t
can’t play basketball at the park. What 答案:(A)
else can we do? (A) It’s (B) The 解析:theirs 代替 coffee shop,而 big 和 small 
weather is (C) There’s (D) We 是相反語氣,故選肯定單數 be 動詞。
have 11. ( )    the weather like in Japan in
答案:(A) fall? (A) How’s (B) What’s (C
解析:rain(下雨)當動詞時,只能用 It 當主 ) How does (D) What does
詞,而 rain cats and dogs:下傾盆大雨。 答案:(B)
6. ( )My uncle sent it     me     解析:詢問「…天氣怎麼樣?」可用(1) 
the USA. (A) to; from (B) for; in How’s the weather...? (2) What’s the
(C) to; in (D) for; from weather like...? 作答。
答案:(A) 12. ( )That’s so kind     you. Let me
解析:人 1+sent+物+to+人 2,而「從」美 make a big cake     you. (A) 
國,介系詞用 from 作答。 for; to (B) of; for (C) for; for (
7. ( )Did you get the postcard     D) of; to
me? (A) of (B) from (C) to  答案:(B)
(D) at 解析:be kind of 人:某人真好。make(製作
答案:(B) )+物+for+人:為某人製作某物。
解析:選項(A)題目 me 須改成 mine,故選( 13. ( )    a lot of rain in summer. (
B)「我寄的明信片」。 A) It is (B) They are (C) There
8. ( )Jill:     it rainy in Australia in are (D) There is
autumn? Lucy: No, it is usually     答案:(D)
here in autumn. (A) Do; sunny (B 解析:rain 為不可數名詞,用 there is。
) Is; sun (C) Do; sun (D) Is; 14. ( )    lots of rain here in summer?
sunny (A) Are there (B) Does it (C) 
答案:(D) Do they have (D) Is there
解析:形容詞 rainy(下雨的)之前要用 be 動 答案:(D)
詞;第二句 be 動詞後面用形容詞  解析:rain 是「不可數名詞」,須用單數 Be 
sunny。 動詞,選項(B)須是 Does it rain a lot;
9. ( )Rick: What did you     to our 選項(C)地點是 here,主詞不可以是 
daughter? Jane: I     cookies for they,可改成 you 或 we 作答。
her. (A) give; made (B) buy; 15. ( )Jim: Do you     in Tainan in
bought (C) make; sent (D) show; winter? Sam: No, it never     here
showed in winter. (A) snow; snow (B) 
答案:(A) have snow; snows (C) be snowy;

snowy (D) have snow; snow winter? Brad: Yes,     some snow
答案:(B) only in high mountains, like
解析:問句用「人+have snow」;答句則用 Hehuanshan, Taipingshan, and even
「it never snows」之外,其他「it’s Yangmingshan. (A) Is it; it’s (B) 
never snowy」、「we never have snow」 Does it; there’s (C) Is the weather;
也正確。 it’s (D) Do you have; there are
16. ( )Ann:     is the weather like in 答案:(B)
winter? Leo:     a lot of snow. ( 解析:第一空格 snow 若當動詞,須利用助動
A) What; There are (B) How; There 詞 Does,並用 it 當主詞;若當名詞,則
is (C) What; There is (D) How; 可用 Do+主詞(we; you; they)+have 
There are 或 Is there 作答;答句用 we / they+have
答案:(C) 或 there is 作答。
解析:問天氣,用 “What’s the weather like?” 21. ( )Tina sent me a postcard    
或 “How’s the weather?”。snow 是不可 India, and John sent me a picture   
數名詞,用 there is。 his dogs. (A) in; on (B) in; of (
17. ( )Yesterday was my son’s birthday. C) from; on (D) from; of
His aunt from Japan     a big robot 答案:(D)
to him. (A) bought (B) got (C 解析:from:來自於…;a picture / photo
) ordered (D) sent of ...:…的照片。
答案:(D) 22. ( )The cap(鴨舌帽)on the table is
解析:我兒子的姑姑從日本「寄」給他一個大 , not    . (A) your; my (B) 
的機器人。選項(A)(B)(C)介系詞是  the boy; the girl’s (C) mine; yours 
for。 (D) the boy’s; the girl
18. ( )He made     last night. (A)  答案:(C)
me it (B) it to me (C) a card to 解析:兩空格皆用「所有格代名詞」作答。
her (D) them for her 23. ( )    a lot there in winter. (A) 
答案:(D) They have snow (B) There is snow
解析:made(製作)+人+物=made+物+ (C) It snows (D) It’s snowy
for+人,若兩受詞皆是代名詞時,須用 答案:(C)
made+物+for+人。 解析:a lot 修飾動作,放在其後,而 snow(s)
19. ( )Jill: What did you     for your 當動詞時,主詞只能用 It 作答。
son on his birthday? Mia: He     a 24. ( )Ann: Who gave the gift     you?
cap(鴨舌帽)for his birthday this Bob: It’s not mine. It’s    . (A) 
year. (A) give; bought (B) made; to; Yvonne (B) to; Yvonne’s (C) 
sent (C) buy; got (D) show; gave for; Yvonne (D) for; Yvonne’s
答案:(C) 答案:(B)
解析:問句中 did 之後須接原形 V,而且介系 解析:gave+物+to+人,人名後面加上縮寫
詞又用 for 的,只有 buy,答句則以「 點和 s,表所有格,某人的(東西)。
兒子收到/得到一頂鴨舌帽」回應。 25. ( )Max: Is that the girl’s postcard?
20. ( )Emma:     snow in Taiwan in Sam: No, it’s not    . (A) hers 

(B) his (C) yours (D) mine 解析:與 to 合用的授與動詞有 give / send... 等,
答案:(A) 選項(D) sent 須改成 send。
解析:所有格代名詞 hers 代替 the girl’s 31. ( )    is warm, but     is
postcard。 raining. (A) The weather; the
26. ( )Ariel     a gift to her cousin last weather (B) It; the weather (C) It;
week. (A) got (B) sent (C)  it (D) The weather; there
made (D) bought 答案:(C)
答案:(B) 解析:第一空格可用 The weather 或 It 指「天
解析:授與動詞介系詞用 to 的,只有選項(B), 氣」,第二空格 is raining 是動詞,主詞
其他(A)(C)(D)介系詞皆是 for。 只能用 it。
27. ( )Mrs. Luo: Who put these socks(短 32. ( )Jane: Do you have lots of     in
襪)in the refrigerator(電冰箱)? winter? Beth: No, but it’s     and
Mr. Luo: I don’t know. They’re not   cold. (A) snowy; wind (B) 
. Ask(詢問)your son.〔100.基測Ⅱ snowy; windy (C) snow; windy (
〕 (A) me (B) mine (C) my  D) snow; wind
(D) myself 答案:(C)
答案:(B) 解析:表達天氣的狀況,「人+have+名詞
解析:Mrs. Luo 詢問:「誰把短襪放進冰箱裡 (snow)」、「it’s+形容詞
面?」,Mr. Luo 說:「不知道。它們 (windy)」。
不是我的。問問妳兒子吧。」。選項( 33. ( )It’s     here in summer. (A) a
D)我自己。 lot of rain (B) rains a lot (C) has
28. ( )    the weather in Tainan and lots of rain (D) rainy
Kaohsiung today? (A) How’s (B) 答案:(D)
What’s (C) How are (D) What 解析:選項(A)須把 It’s 改成 There’s;選項(
are B)須把 It’s 改成 It;選項(C)須改成 
答案:(A) We have...。
解析:今天臺南和高雄天氣「怎麼樣」呢?the 34. ( )The picture is    , not    .
weather 是單數主詞,選 How 與單數動 (A) your; his (B) her; mine (C) 
詞 is 的縮寫式。若選(B),today 之前 my; your (D) Joe’s; Sue’s
須加進 like。 答案:(D)
29. ( )    the weather today? (A)  解析:兩空格均須用所有格代名詞,選項(A)
What’s (B) Which is (C) How’s 改成 yours;his (B)改成 hers;mine (
(D) When’s C)改成 mine;yours。
答案:(C) 35. ( )Ann:     often rains in Taipei in
解析:How’s the weather?=What’s the weather winter. Ken: Yeah. It’s often     in
like?:「…天氣如何?」。 Taipei in winter. (A) There is; cold
30. ( )Sorry, I can’t     it to you. (A and rain (B) It; rainy (C) There
) make (B) give (C) buy (D)  is; rainy (D) It; rain
sent 答案:(B)
答案:(B) 解析:rains 當動詞,主詞用 It 指天氣;be 動

詞後面用形容詞。 (C) When’s (D) What’s
36. ( )Lisa: Is Rebecca one of     old 答案:(D)
friends? Lucy: That’s right. She’s an 解析:問天氣用 “What’s the weather like?” 或
old friend of    . (A) your; my “How’s the weather?”。
(B) yours; my (C) your; mine ( 42. ( )It sometimes snows     Taiwan
D) yours; mine winter. (A) at; on (B) in; at (C
答案:(C) ) on; in (D) in; in
解析:第一空格用「所有格」作答,其後接名 答案:(D)
詞;第二空格用「所有格代名詞」作答, 解析:「在」臺灣、「在」冬天,介系詞都用 
其後不再接名詞。 in。
37. ( )The toys are    , not    .  43. ( )Bill:     lots of rain here in
(A) his; her (B) mine; yours (C) summer? Ken: Yes,     lots of rain
our; their (D) boy’s; girl’s here in summer. (A) Is it; they have
答案:(B) (B) Are there; there are (C) Does
解析:選項(A) her 須改成 hers;選項(C)須 it; it’s (D) Do you have; there’s
改成 ours;theirs;選項(D)須改成 the 答案:(D)
boy’s;the girl’s。 解析:rain 是不可數名詞,視為單數,因此選
38. ( )Here     a cap(帽子)for you. 項(B)須改成 Is there; there is;選項(C
You may need it under the sun. (A)  )若用 it 當主詞,rain 須當動詞使用,須
has (B) is (C) have (D) are 改成 Does it rain a lot...? Yes, it rains a
答案:(B) lot...。
解析:以 Here 起首的句子,其後主詞若非代 44. ( )    rained and snowed a lot last
名詞時,則須取「倒裝」句型,即「be  year. (A) There were (B) There
動詞+主詞」,而主詞是單數名詞,故 was (C) It (D) They had
須選單數 be 動詞。 答案:(C)
39. ( )It’s     in Taiwan in summer.  解析:rain(下雨)、snow(下雪),是動詞,
(A) warm and heavy (B) hot and 主詞用 it,指天氣。
rainy (C) cool and big (D) cold 45. ( )Kids at the children’s home(育幼
and snowy 院)may need some help from us. We
答案:(B) can send some clothes     them. (
解析:臺灣夏天天氣「炎熱又多雨」。 A) for (B) at (C) of (D) to
40. ( )My aunt gave her coat to me because 答案:(D)
mine wasn’t heavy enough. It was kind 解析:send+物+to+人(寄某物給某人)。
her! (A) on (B) with (C) at ( 46. ( )Amanda is a friend of    . (A
D) of ) you (B) your dad (C) your (
答案:(D) D) yours
解析:be... of 人:某人真…。 答案:(D)
41. ( )Jasmine:     the weather like in 解析:「某人的一個朋友」可用 “a friend of
winter in Australia? Edward: It’s snowy +所有格代名詞” 表達。
and cold. (A) How’s (B) Where’s 47. ( )Max:     rainy here during the

summer months? Sam: Yes.     Wang’s coffee shop(Wang 氏夫婦的咖
lots of rain here in June, July, and 啡店)。
August. (A) Is there; We have (B) 52. ( )Can you give    ? (A) the
Is it; There are (C) Is the weather; card for me (B) it of me (C) me it
There’s (D) Is there; It’s (D) me the card
答案:(C) 答案:(D)
解析:第一空格可用○ Is it ○ Is the weather 作 解析:選項(A)須把 for 改成 to;選項(B)(C
答;第二空格可用○ There’s ○ We have  )須改成 it to me。
作答。 53. ( )Your uncle is tall, but mine    .
48. ( )    snow very much in the USA (A) is (B) are (C) isn’t (D) 
in winter? (A) Do they have (B)  aren’t
Is it (C) Is there (D) Does it 答案:(C)
答案:(D) 解析:mine 代替 my uncle,而 but 表示語氣相
解析:snow 當「動詞」時,其後才會用 very 反,故只須選否定單數 be 動詞。
much 修飾之,而且此時主詞只能是 it, 54. ( )    in July and August    
也須利用助動詞才能形成疑問句。 very hot. (A) It; is (B) The
49. ( )Jill:     snow very much here in weather; is (C) They; are (D) The
winter? Ben: No,     much snow weather; are
here in winter. (A) Is it; we don’t 答案:(B)
have (B) Do they have; it doesn’t ( 解析:介系詞片語 in July and August 修飾主詞
C) Do you have; it isn’t (D) Does it; 「天氣」,只能用 The weather,另外,
there isn’t 也只能用單數 be 動詞。
答案:(D) 55. ( )That’s really kind     you.
解析:問句 snow 是當動詞,其後才會用 very Here’s a gift     me. (A) for;
much 修飾,故主詞只能用 it 並用助動 from (B) for; for (C) of; from (
詞形成問句;答句 snow 是當名詞,由 D) of; for
於地點是 here,因此可用○ there isn’t ○  答案:(C)
we don’t have 作答。 解析:「你真好」,介系詞用 of;來自我的禮
50. ( )    windy and cool in Taipei 物,介系詞用 from。
today. Is there a lot of wind in 56. ( )Spring is a wonderful(美好的
Taichung? (A) Weather is (B)  )season because(因為)    is
There is (C) It’s (D) We have usually warm and sunny.〔95.基測Ⅰ〕
答案:(C) (A) which (B) this (C) one (
解析:主詞「天氣」可用 The weather 或 It。 D) it
51. ( )Jane: Is the coffee shop Mr. and 答案:(D)
Mrs. Wang’s? Lisa: Yes, it’s    .  解析:春天是個美好的季節,因為「天氣」通
(A) ours (B) theirs (C) his (D 常暖和又陽光普照。可用 the weather 或
) hers it 指「天氣」。
答案:(B) 57. ( )Alice:     snowboard is that?
解析:所有格代名詞 theirs 代替 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry: I don’t know.     is in the

car. (A) Who; Mine (B) Whose; 答案:(C)
My (C) Whose; Mine (D) Who; 解析:介系詞用 for 的授與動詞只有(C) 
My made。
答案:(C) 62. ( )Here’s a red jacket     you. (
解析:那是「誰的」滑雪板?「我的(滑雪板 A) of (B) to (C) for (D) on
)」在車上,用所有格疑問詞 答案:(C)
(Whose)和所有格代名詞(mine)。 解析:給某人…,介系詞用 for。
58. ( )Mary: John, don’t touch(碰)the 63. ( )This order is the     and the  
snowboard. It’s not    . John: Of . (A) boys’; girls’ (B) boys’; girls
course it’s    . Look! My name is (C) boys; girls (D) boys; girls’
on it. (A) yours; mine (B) mine; 答案:(D)
yours (C) his; his (D) hers; hers 解析:這訂單是「男孩和女孩共有」,因此所
答案:(A) 有格代名詞只須表現在第二空格。
解析:Mary 對 John 說:「滑雪板不是你的。 64. ( )The teacher is showing a picture  
」,John 以「當然是我的。上頭有我的 the students. (A) for (B) of (C
名字呢。」回應。 ) to (D) with
59. ( )Andy:     the weather like here 答案:(C)
in spring? Lily:     warm and rainy. 解析:人 1+show+物+to+人 2。
(A) How’s; It’s (B) How does; The 65. ( )    the weather     there  
weather is (C) What’s; It’s (D)  autumn? (A) What’s; ×; in (B) 
What does; The weather is How’s; like; on (C) What’s; like; in
答案:(C) (D) How’s; ×; on
解析:詢問「…天氣怎麼樣?」,若句中有  答案:(C)
like(像),疑問詞用 What,其後接單 解析:詢問「天氣怎麼樣?」,可用 How’s
數 be 動詞;答句可用 The weather 或 It  the weather?或 What’s the weather like?,
當主詞,再接單數 be 動詞即可。 另外,「季節」之前的介系詞用 in 作答。
60. ( )Jeff:     lots of snow there in 66. ( )    lots of snow in New York,
winter? Lisa: Yes,     a lot. (A)  the USA. It’s very cold there. (A) 
Are there; we have snow (B) Is We have (B) It’s (C) There’s (
there; it snows (C) Do we have; D) The weather is
there’s snow (D) Does it; it’s snowy 答案:(C)
答案:(B) 解析:snow 當「名詞」時,主詞可用 
解析:問句句尾有 there,因此不可能用 Do we There(+be)或人(+have),地點是
have...,而 lots of snow 是「不可數名詞 there,因此主詞不會用 We,須用 
」,須用 Is there...,選項(D) Does it 之 They。
後須接原形動詞 snow a lot,答句則用 it 67. ( )It sometimes     here in winter.
snows a lot 回答。 (A) is snowy (B) snows (C) has
61. ( )Uncle Sam     a robot(機器人 snow (D) is lots of snow
)for me on my birthday. (A) sent  答案:(B)
(B) showed (C) made (D) gave 解析:主詞是 It,可用動詞 snows,但也可用

形容詞 snowy。本題還得考慮頻率副詞  (D)須是 Does it snow a lot...。
sometimes 的位置,它須在 snows 之前 73. ( )Sara is     a heavy coat because
或 is 之後。 it’s very cold today. (A) in (B) on
68. ( )Jill: Did your mom     the cake (C) at (D) of
for you? Beth: No, she bought me the 答案:(A)
cake. (A) send (B) show (C)  解析:穿著衣服或外套,可用介系詞 in 表示。
give (D) make 74. ( )In Taiwan, which months are the  
答案:(D) season? (A) raining (B) rain (
解析:send / show / give 物 to 人。 C) rainy (D) rains
69. ( )I     some postcards for the kids 答案:(C)
yesterday. (A) gave (B) sent ( 解析:the rainy season:雨季。
C) bought (D) showed 75. ( )What is the weather     in
答案:(C) spring? (A) for (B)× (C) 
解析:選項(A)(B)(D)須把介系詞 for 改成  about (D) like
to 才能作答。 答案:(D)
70. ( )Iris:     it snow a lot in Japan at 解析:What 開頭問天氣時,要加介系詞 like。
this time of year? Beth: Yes,     三、 對話與完成句子
snowy there at this time of year. The 1. ( )Ann: Tina made some cookies for
white snow is so beautiful. (A) Does; me because I was hungry. Ben:    
it’s (B) Does; there’s (C) Is; they (A) Is your jacket warm enough? (B
have (D) Is; it’s ) How kind she is! (C) How’s the
答案:(A) weather today? (D) She speaks
解析:問句 snow 是「動詞」用法,只能用助 Indian English.
動詞形成問句,而答句 snowy 是「形容 答案:(B)
詞」,其前須加進 be 動詞。 解析:Ben 認為 Tina 做餅乾給 Ann 吃「人很
71. ( )Emma:     umbrella is it? 好」。
Sherry: It’s Ann’s. She forgot(忘記 2. ( )Jennifer: Look! It’s    . Teddy:
)to take it home.〔96.基測Ⅱ〕 (A He’s so tall! (A) raining (B) 
) What (B) Where (C) Which ( sunny and hot (C) my birthday gift
D) Whose (D) a picture of my dad and me
答案:(D) 答案:(D)
解析:Emma 詢問 Sherry「它是誰的雨傘?」, 解析:Teddy 回答「他好高!」,可知 Jennifer
Sherry 以「是 Ann 的。她忘記帶回家了。 是讓他看了自己和爸爸的合照。
」。 3. ( )Nina: May I have a cup of hot tea?
72. ( )    lots of snow there in Clerk: Sure.     (A) I was so
December? (A) Do you have (B)  mad. (B) Your order is coming right
Are there (C) Is it (D) Does it up. (C) How strange! (D) People
答案:(A) here speak English.
解析:說話者詢問在那裡的當地人,主詞才會 答案:(B)
用 you。選項(B)須改成 Is there;選項 解析:Nina 要杯熱茶,店員以「當然。妳的點

餐馬上來。」回應。 it to her for her birthday (C) it’s
4. ( )Ben: My snowboard was not good sunny and windy today (D) her aunt
enough, so my dad gave his to me. Joe: bought them for her
(A) Your dad is tall. (B) I got it last 答案:(B)
week. Thanks! (C) Whose is it? ( 解析:選項(A)(C)語意不合,選項(D) them
D) That was kind of him. 應改成 it。
答案:(D) 9. ( )Meg: Wow! You’re in a pink coat?
解析:Ben 說爸爸把滑雪板給自己用,Joe 以 Liz: Well, right. But my jacket isn’t
「他人真好。」回應。 warm enough, so my aunt gave hers to
5. ( )Roy: What’s the weather like today? me. (A) How’s your trip to
Ann:     Roy: Then, let’s take our Australia? (B) You hate that color. 
kids to the park and let them fly a kite. (C) It’s hot and sunny there. (D) 
Ann: OK. (A) It’s cold and snowy.  My mom bought a snowboard for me.
(B) It’s hot and rainy. (C) Isn’t it 答案:(B)
cold and rainy? (D) Isn’t it cool and 解析:因為 Liz「討厭那個顏色。」,Meg 才
windy? 會很訝異 Liz 穿著粉紅色的大衣。
答案:(D) 10. ( )Amy: Why did your uncle gave you
解析:Ann 以「天氣不是涼爽又風大嗎?」, his heavy jacket? Bob:     (A) 
Roy 才表示要帶孩子去公園放風箏。選 Because it was hot and sunny. (B) 
項(A)、(B)、(C)不是太冷就是下雨, Because I had a good time. (C) 
較不適合做戶外活動。 Because he speaks Australian English. 
6. ( )Tim: Your snowboard is not good (D) Because mine wasn’t warm
enough. Here is a new snowboard for enough.
you. Sue:     (A) Right. (B)  答案:(D)
That’s very kind of you. (C) Did you 解析:「因我的外套不夠暖」,所以叔叔給我
get it? (D) Did I buy them for you? 他的厚外套。
答案:(B) 11. ( )Jeff: It rains a lot in Taiwan in
解析:Tim 給 Sue 一個新的滑雪板,Sue 以「 summer. Tina:     (A) That’s
你真好。」回應。 right. It’s hot and windy. (B) So it’s
7. ( )It’s snowing at Hehuanshan.     sunny. (C) What’s the weather like?
(A) Let’s look at its tall trees and (D) Yeah. We usually have lots of rain
beautiful flowers. (B) Many people in the afternoon in summer.
are going there for its white snow. (C 答案:(D)
) The weather there is hot. (D) Is it 解析:Jeff 認為「臺灣夏天雨下很多。」,
raining very much there, too? Tina 以「對。我們通常在夏天的下午有
答案:(B) 很多雨。」回應。
解析:合歡山正在下雪。「很多人正要去那裡 12. ( )Jill: Is the jacket yours? Bob: No!
欣賞它的白雪。」。 Mine is next to hers! (A) That’s my
8. ( )The snowboard is Tina’s;    .  brother’s. (B) Is that mine? (C) 
(A) you ordered cookies (B) I gave It’s Ariel’s. (D) How strange she is!

答案:(C) 答案:(D)
解析:Bob 以「不!那件夾克是 Ariel 的。」 解析:Mark 要 Alex 猜「他叔叔給了他什麼?
回答 Jill 的問題。他的在她的旁邊。 」。
13. ( )Meg: Do you have snow in Tainan? 18. ( )Andy: How was your trip to Taiwan?
Liz: No.     (A) It’s usually Lisa:     (A) Great! I had a
warm. (B) It’s always a rainy season. good time. (B) I got it last week! (
(C) I don’t like sunny days. (D) It C) Your uncle is tall. (D) See you at
snows a lot. school soon.
答案:(A) 答案:(A)
解析:Meg 詢問 Liz「臺南下雪嗎?」Liz 以「 解析:Andy 詢問 Lisa「到臺灣的旅行如何?
不。天氣通常是溫暖的。」回應。 」,Lisa 以「很好!我玩得很開心。」
14. ( )Alex: Mom, can I play basketball 回應。
with my friends now? Mom: No, you 19. ( )Mom: What do you want for your
can’t. It’s raining.     (A) You birthday? Dad:     We are going to
may need an umbrella. (B) Let’s Australia. There’s a lot of snow and it’s
walk in the rain. (C) The rain is too cold. (A) Australian English. (B) 
heavy. (D) I don’t like rain. Cookies and milkshake. (C) A
答案:(C) postcard. (D) A heavy jacket.
解析:媽媽不讓 Alex 和朋友打籃球。現在正 答案:(D)
在下雨,而且「雨太大了。」。 解析:下雪、天氣冷,需要「厚外套」。
15. ( )Lily: Whose jacket is that? Dylan: 20. ( )Cathy: Whose new car is that?
(A) It’s next to the sofa. (B) Maybe Nancy: Oh!     Cathy: How about
it’s Isabelle’s. (C) I hate the color of their old one? Nancy: They sold it for
it. (D) Mine is not big enough. some money. (A) It’s mine. (B) 
答案:(B) Isn’t it yours? (C) It’s our dad’s. (
16. ( )Sam: Is that postcard yours? Meg: D) It’s Mr. and Mrs. Lin’s.
Oh, yes.     (A) It was cold and 答案:(D)
rainy. (B) How are you doing? (C 解析:由 their old car,可推知要回答複數所有
) I ordered chocolate milkshake. (D)  格代名詞。
You sent it to me last year. 21. ( )Emma: Where did you get the nice
答案:(D) jacket? Lisa:     Emma: Wow!
解析:那明信片是「Sam 去年寄給 Meg 的」。 She’s nice! (A) My aunt gave it to
17. ( )Alex: How was your trip to me. (B) How strange! (C) My
Australia? Mark: Not bad.     family and I are in Australia. (D) I
Guess(猜)! Alex: A snowboard? had a good time.
Mark: You’re right. (A) Whose 答案:(A)
postcard is it? (B) What was the 解析:由 Emma 說「哇!她人真好!」,故選
weather like? (C) My son gave a Lisa 以「我姑姑給我的。」回應。
jacket to me. (D) What did my uncle 22. ( )   , and my jacket wasn’t warm
give to me? enough. (A) It was very fun (B) It

snowed for a few days (C) He meant 答案:(A)
“good day” (D) It’s cold today 28. ( )When the man said “go die,” he
答案:(B) meant “good day.”     (A) 
解析:(D)應改為過去式,選項(A)前後語意 Yeah, he is. (B) Just like the weather
相反,應用 but 連接,選項(C)語意不 here. (C) How strange! (D) He
合。 was cold.
23. ( )Carl: How’s the weather today? 答案:(C)
Mark:     I am very happy. I don’t 解析:男人說「去死」的時候,他的意思是「
like cold and windy weather. (A) It is 祝你有美好的一天。」多奇怪啊!
cold but sunny. (B) It is warm and 29. ( )Dora: Whose cookies are those?
sunny. (C) It is cool and windy. ( They look yummy. Bella:     (A
D) It is cold and rainy. ) Are they cold? (B) How strange! 
答案:(B) (C) Mine are in front of yours. (D) 
解析:(A)(C)(D)三個選項皆有其中一種  Lisa’s. Mom bought them for her today.
Mark 不喜歡的天氣。 答案:(D)
24. ( )Max: Do you have snow in Taiwan 解析:Dora 詢問「看起來好吃的餅乾是誰的?
in winter? Emi: Yes,    . (A) I 」,Bella 以「Lisa 的。媽媽今天才買給
had a good time (B) my uncle 她的。」回應。
bought it for me (C) it sometimes 30. ( )Alex: How was your summer
snows in high mountains (D) it’s vacation? Mark:     (A) Just
mine like the weather in Australia. (B) 
答案:(C) Great! I took a trip to India, and it was
解析:臺灣冬天「高山上有時下雪」。 fun. (C) I got the postcard last week.
25. ( )Whose jacket     ? (A) are (D) Right. Here’s a picture of my
these (B) is that on the door (C) it uncle and me.
is on the bed (D) is the boy’s 答案:(B)
答案:(B) 解析:Alex 詢問 Mark「暑假如何?」Mark 以
解析:選項(A)改成 is this;(C)改成 is it on 「我去印度旅行,很好玩。」回應,選
the bed;(D)語意不合。 項(A)(C)(D)皆不符合。
26. ( )Will: Do you have a lot of rain here 31. ( )Josh: Don’t you like the rain in
in summer? Ava: No.     (A)  summer? Lily: Of course.     (
Summer is here. (B) It’s usually A) It’s usually cool after the rain. (
sunny. (C) It’s often cold and rainy. B) I hate rainy days. (C) I like them
(D) There is heavy rain all day. a lot. (D) I can’t go out on rainy
答案:(B) days.
27. ( )Dave: How was your trip to Taiwan? 答案:(A)
Clay: Great.     (A) We had lots 解析:Lily 當然喜歡夏天的雨。「雨後天氣通
of fun. (B) We had a bad time. (C 常很涼爽。」。
) See you soon in Taiwan. (D) It 32. ( )Sara: My brother bought a coat for
rained a lot during the trip. me because it was my birthday. Lois:  

It’s pink! Your favorite color! (A)  It’s usually warm and sunny here. (D
How strange! (B) That’s cool! (C ) Your order is coming right up.
) Wow! He’s heavy. (D) Bikkies 答案:(C)
and chokkie! 解析:Mia 說「臺南冬天從不下雪。」Roy 回
答案:(B) 應「對。這裡通常溫暖而晴朗的。」。
解析:Sara 的哥哥買了一件大衣給 Sara,是  37. ( )The boy wrote    . (A) his
Sara 最愛的粉紅色,故以 “That’s dad a postcard (B) a card for his dad
cool!” 回應。 (C) a picture to his dad (D) a
33. ( )Jeff: Whose jacket is it? It’s green, snowboard for his dad
but you hate green. Mary:     It 答案:(A)
was my birthday gift from Aunt Lily. ( 解析:男孩「寫給他爸爸一張明信片」,選項
A) It’s not warm enough. (B) Our (B)介系詞應改為 to,選項(C)(D)動
son got it last week. (C) Yes, it is.  詞不該是「寫」。
(D) It is mine. 38. ( )Bob: Let’s go to Grandma’s house
答案:(D) now! Amy: Maybe later.     (A
解析:Jeff 詢問夾克是誰的?它是綠色的,但 ) The rain is really heavy. (B) Isn’t
妳討厭綠色。Mary 以「它是我的。它 that yours? (C) That’s kind of her. 
是來自 Lily 阿姨送我的生日禮物。」回 (D) See you at school soon.
應。 答案:(A)
34. ( )Jill: Is the hat(帽子)on the door 解析:Bob 邀 Amy 現在去祖母家,Amy 說也
Karen’s? Mia: Don’t ask(問)me. 許等一會。「雨真的很大。」
I’m not sure about it. Jill: Oh!     39. ( )Mom: Ray, don’t put your gifts on
Mia: How do you know? Jill: Her name the sofa. Ray: They’re not mine. Mom:
is on it. (A) It’s those girls’. (B)  Ray: They’re Jacob’s. (A) Whose
It’s ours. (C) It’s Kelly’s. (D) It’s gifts are those then? (B) Are they
not Karen’s. your sister’s? (C) Jane sent them to
答案:(C) me from India. (D) Did your aunt
解析:由「她的名字就在帽子上頭」,可見「 give you any gifts?
帽子是 Kelly 的。」。 答案:(A)
35. ( )The coffee shop in the picture    解析:Ray 說:「沙發上的禮物不是我的。」
. (A) gave them to me for my 媽媽才又接著問:「那麼那些是誰的禮
birthday (B) has a good time (C)  物呢?」。Ray 以「是 Jacob 的。」回
is Mr. Lee’s, not mine (D) are great 應。
birthday gifts for her 40. ( )Mia: What’s the weather like? Ben:
答案:(C) (A) It is hot and sunny. (B) I visited
解析:選項(A)(B)主詞須是「人」,而(D) my aunt. (C) I had a good time. (
主詞須是複數形式。 D) And how about yours?
36. ( )Mia: It never snows in Tainan in 答案:(A)
winter. Roy:     (A) Yeah, he is. 解析:Mia 問天氣如何,Ben 回答「天氣是炎
(B) How are you doing? (C) Right. 熱而晴朗的。」。

41. ( )Anna: Mom, where’s my jacket? David: That’s cool. We don’t have snow in
Mom: Oh, it’s cold and wet(溼)there. Taiwan.
A jacket isn’t enough.     (A)   Eric: Don’t you have snow in the high
Did you get my postcard? (B) Here mountains in winter?
is a picture of my uncle. (C) Bring( David: Yes, but only in the high mountains.
帶)a heavy coat with you. (D) You It sometimes snows there in winter, like
hate that color. Hehuanshan and Jade Mountain.
答案:(C)  Eric: Do you like snow?
解析:那裡又冷又溼,夾克不夠,「帶件厚大 David: Sure. My family and I had a trip  
衣」。 (3)  Jade Mountain in winter. It was very
42. ( )Pete:     Iris: That’s nice of him. cold, and my jacket wasn’t warm enough.
It’s cool! (A) I sent you a jacket from  Eric: Oh, that’s too bad.
Taiwan. Did you get it? (B) My David: My uncle gave his heavy jacket  (4)
cousin gave this jacket to me. (C) I me.
bought a snowboard for my uncle. (D ( )(1)(A) many (B) much (C) 
) Whose coffee shop is this? few (D) little
答案:(B) ( )(2)(A) be (B) is (C) are (D
解析:Pete 說「我表哥給我這件外套」,Iris  ) was
才會說「他人真好。它很酷!」。 ( )(3)(A) with (B) in (C) to (
43. ( )Jim: Whose watch is this? Mia:   D) for
My mom gave it to me yesterday. (A ( )(4)(A) to (B) for (C) in (D
) Isn’t it yours? (B) Oh, it’s mine.  ) on
(C) Who knows? (D) Sure it’s cool. 答案:(1)(B);(2)(B);(3)(C);(4)
答案:(B) (A)
解析:Mia 以「是我的。」回應,因為下一句 解析:(1) snow 為不可數名詞,故用 much。
是「昨天我媽媽給我的。」可以得知答 (2) snow 為不可數名詞,故 be 動詞用 
案。 is。
44. ( )In winter and early spring,    . (3)到某處的旅行:a trip to...。
(A) my aunt bought it for me (B)  (4) give 物 to 人:把某物給某人。
people go to high mountains to watch 2.
snow (C) that’s cool (D) that’s a   I was very happy last week. It was my
nice green snowboard fifteenth birthday. My good friends, Lisa,
答案:(B) Judy, and Shelly, went on a trip to Yilan with
解析:在冬天和早春,「人們去高山賞雪」。 me. We stayed there  (1)  a few days.
四、 克漏字測驗 They  (2)  some birthday gifts to me.
1. Lisa bought a kite  (3)  me. I got a
David: Do you have  (1)  snow in New beautiful picture  (4)  Judy and Shelly.
York in winter? The weather was warm and sunny. We
 Eric: Yes, there  (2)  often a lot of snow visited my aunt, and we all had a good time!
here in winter.  stay 暫住;逗留

( )(1)(A) for (B) in (C) on (D (C);(5)(A)
) of 解析:(1)這是「誰的」滑雪板?
( )(2)(A) got (B) bought (C)  (2) Bob 回答「是我的。」。
gave (D) made (3)人 1+bought+物+for+人 2:人 1 
( )(3)(A) to (B) for (C) of (D 買某物給人 2。
) about (4)某人/某物「的」照片,介系詞用 
( )(4)(A) for (B) from (C) with of。
(D) at (5)到某處「的」旅行,介系詞用 to。
答案:(1)(A);(2)(C);(3)(B);(4) 4.
(B) Tim: Hello. May I speak to Pat, please?
解析:(1)「持續」好幾天,用介系詞 for。  Pat: Speaking. What’s up, Tim?
(2)選項(A)(B)(D)應搭配介系詞  Tim: Betty’s birthday is this Saturday. Sandy
for。 and I are  (1)  a big birthday card  (1) 
(3)授與動詞 bought 的介系詞是 for。 her at Mama Coffee Shop. Are you coming?
(4)來自於…,用介系詞 from...。  Pat: Sure I am. By the way, can we go  (2)
3. a gift for her?
Ann:  (1)  snowboard is this? It’s so Tim: What does she want  (3)  her
beautiful. birthday?
 Bob: It’s  (2) . My mom bought it  (3)  Pat: How about a heavy jacket?
me for my birthday last week. Tim: Good idea. It’s getting cold, and she
Ann: That’s cool! may need one.
 Bob: Look! Here’s a picture  (4)  my  Pat:  (4)  at the coffee shop soon.
snowboard and me. We went to Australia. It Tim: Bye for now.
was snowy and cold.  idea 主意 getting cold 漸漸變冷了
Ann: Wow! Was it fun? ( )(1)(A) taking; of (B) buying; for
 Bob: Sure. I had a good time. How was (C) doing; for (D) making; for
your trip  (5)  India? ( )(2)(A) get (B) sell (C) give 
Ann: Not bad. I visited my grandparents, but (D) show
it was so hot. ( )(3)(A) in (B) for (C) at (D
( )(1)(A) Who’s (B) Whose (C)  ) about
What (D) Which ( )(4)(A) Your order is (B) The
( )(2)(A) hers (B) yours (C) his clerk is mad (C) See you (D)
(D) mine People speak English
( )(3)(A) for (B) with (C) to ( 答案:(1)(D);(2)(A);(3)(B);(4)
D) of (C)
( )(4)(A) on (B) about (C) of ( 解析:(1) Sandy 和 Tim 正在咖啡屋「做張大
D) for 卡片」要給 Betty。
( )(5)(A) to (B) on (C) with ( (2) Pat 要「買」生日禮物給 Betty。
D) like (3)「為了」for。
答案:(1)(B);(2)(D);(3)(A);(4) (4)由 Tim 回應「再見」,可知 Pat 說
「待會咖啡廳見」。 Amy: Oh, that’s kind  (5)  you!
5. ( )(1)(A) What (B) When (C) 
Nancy: (1) the weather today, David? Who (D) Whose
 David: It’s hot and rainy. ( )(2)(A) yours (B) his (C) mine
Nancy: You are right! There (2) a lot of rain (D) theirs
here (3) August. How about the weather ( )(3)(A) from (B) for (C) to (
there in summer? D) at
 David: Well, it’s cool, but we can usually see ( )(4)(A) from (B) for (C) to (
the (4). D) of
Nancy: Do you like it? ( )(5)(A) from (B) for (C) to (
 David: Yes. I love sunny days! D) of
Nancy: Do you have plans for your summer 答案:(1)(D);(2)(C);(3)(A);(4)
vacation? (C);(5)(D)
 David: I’ll visit my uncle in India. 解析:(1)根據回答可知是問「它是誰的?」,
 Nancy: You’re having a trip (5) India? 故用疑問詞 Whose(誰的),答案
That’s cool! 選(D)。
 plan 計畫 (2)根據下文,這件紅外套是 Tom 的,
答案:(1) How’s;(2) is;(3) in;(4)  答案選(C)我的。
sun;(5) to (3)答案選(A)來自於。
解析:(1)問天氣,用 “How’s the weather?”  (4) send 某物 to 某人(寄/送某物給
或 “What’s the weather like?” 某人),故答案選(C)。
(2)下雨的說法,“There is (5) That’s kind “of ” you! 為口語用法,
rain”、“We have rain” 或 “It 表示「你心腸真好!」,答案選(
rains”。 D)。
(3)「在」某個月分,介系詞用 in。 7.
(4)由 “I love sunny days!” 可推知  (Roy and Ella are walking at the park.)
David 說可以看見太陽。 Ella: How about sitting under that big tall
(5) a trip to 地方,到某處旅行。 tree?  (1) 
6. Roy: OK. I don’t like summer. How about
Amy: Wow! The red jacket is beautiful.   you?
(1)  is it? Ella:  (2)  On hot days, I can go
 Tom: It’s  (2) . swimming and eat a lot of ice cream.
Amy: Really? Roy: You always stay in an air-conditioned
 Tom: Yes, it’s  (3)  my parents. They office, but I never do. I need to go out under
sent it to me for my birthday. But I want to the heat of the sun.  (3) 
send it  (4)  my brother in Australia. Ella: On cold days, what do you usually do?
Amy: Why? You look great in red! Roy: On weekends, my family get together
 Tom: Because it’s very cold and snowy in and enjoy hot pots. Sometimes I go to
Australia now, and his jacket is not warm Hehuanshan for its white snow with my
enough. This one is heavy. family.
Ella: I like beautiful white snow very much,   Good morning, everyone. Welcome to
but  (4)  in Tainan in winter. Guess today’s  (1)  report. We have lots of rain
what?! My parents and I are going to Japan again this morning in Taipei. It is cool and
to  (5)  this winter. I can’t really wait! (2)  in the morning but hot and  (3)  in
Roy: How great! the afternoon. Remember to drink water and
 stay 停留 air-conditioned 有空調的 don’t stay under the sun for too long. And
heat 高溫 hot pot 火鍋 guess 猜 bring a  (4)  with you because in the
( )(1)(A) It’s hot and sunny. (B) It’s evening, it becomes cold and windy. The
cool and windy. (C) I’m cold weather changes a lot in a day. This is Eric
and heavy. (D) I’m very hungry. Wang for today’s report. Have a nice day.
( )(2)(A) But I’m not. (B) But I do.  remember 記得 stay 停留 bring 帶
(C) The second season of the year become 變成 change 變化
is summer. (D) The season after ( )(1)(A) week (B) season (C) 
spring is summer. month (D) weather
( )(3)(A) Can you say that again? (B ( )(2)(A) rainy (B) snowy (C) 
) You like winter, but I like rain (D) snow
summer. (C) How I love it! ( ( )(3)(A) rainy (B) snowy (C) 
D) Winter is my favorite season. sunny (D) cloudy
( )(4)(A) we have lots of snow (B)  ( )(4)(A) postcard (B) heavy jacket
there’s not any snow (C) it does (C) fun gift (D) summer
not snow very much (D) it vacation
snows too much 答案:(1)(D);(2)(A);(3)(C);(4)
( )(5)(A) take my new umbrella home (B)
(B) watch snow and make 解析:(1)天氣報導:weather report。
snowmen(雪人) (C) look at (2)上一句提到「會有很多雨」,可見
its beautiful flowers (D) play 是下雨天。
with dogs or cats (3)但是下午會變得 hot(炎熱的)and
答案:(1)(A);(2)(B);(3)(D);(4) sunny(有陽光的)。
(B);(5)(B) (4)傍晚天氣冷又多風,要帶「厚外套
解析:(1) Ella 提議要坐在大樹下一下,因為 」。
「天氣炎熱又陽光普照。」。 9.
(2) Roy 不喜歡夏天,「但是 Ella 喜歡。 (At Mia’s house)
」。 Mia: Welcome to my house. You come from
(3)由下文推知「冬天是 Roy 最愛的季 Tainan. How do you like the weather in
節。」。 Taipei?
(4) Ella 喜歡美麗的白雪,但是臺南冬  Joe: I  (1)  like the winter here. It is cold,
天「不下任何雪」。 and  (2)  often  (2) . It’s a little too
(5)今年冬天 Ella 和她的父母將去日本 wet for me.
「賞雪和堆雪人」。 Mia: Don’t you  (3)  in Tainan in winter?
8.  Joe: No.  (4)  not much rain there in
winter. It’s usually  (5) . By the way, Sandy: I see. Do you have any plans? How
you can come to Tainan during winter about going to Yangmingshan now? People
vacation, and let me show you around. go there for the mountain flowers.
Mia: Really? I can’t wait! Cindy: Now? The rain is too heavy, and I
 wet 潮溼的 don’t have an umbrella.
show... around 帶領…四處參觀 Sandy: That’s OK. You can use  (3) . I
( )(1)(A) am (B) do (C) am not have two with me.
(D) do not Cindy: That’s kind  (4)  you. Thank you!
( )(2)(A) it; rains (B) it; is rainy (  plan 計畫
C) it; has rain (D) there; is rain ( )(1)(A) How (B) What (C) 
( )(3)(A) rain (B) be rainy (C)  Which (D) Where
be rain (D) have rain ( )(2)(A) be (B) is (C) are (D
( )(4)(A) There’s (B) It’s (C)  ) was
We have (D) It does ( )(3)(A) I (B) me (C) my (D
( )(5)(A) cold and wet (B) hot and ) mine
rainy (C) dry and sunny (D)  ( )(4)(A) of (B) to (C) about (
cold and snowy D) for
答案:(1)(D);(2)(A);(3)(D);(4) 答案:(1)(B);(2)(B);(3)(D);(4)
(A);(5)(C) (A)
解析:(1)由 Joe 以下說的「對我而言有點太 解析:(1) What is the weather like today?:今
潮溼了。」,可見 Joe「不喜歡臺 天天氣如何?
北的冬天」。 (2) rain 為不可數名詞視為單數,故用 
(2)承(1),臺北冬天「常常下雨」, be 動詞 is。
選項(B)須是 it is often rainy;選 (3) mine=my umbrella。
項(C)應由 “you” 當主詞,並將  (4) be kind of 人:某人真好。
has 改成 have;選項(D)須是 there 11.
is often rain。   Good morning, everyone. Welcome to
(3)人+have rain...。 today’s  (1)  report. Typhoon Sutor is
(4)臺南冬天「沒下很多雨」,可用○  coming close to Taiwan, and it may come
It does not rain very much. ○ We do with heavy rain and strong winds. Now, let’s
not have much rain. ○ There is not take a look at today’s weather in Taiwan.
much rain. 作答。   There is  (2)  all day on the whole
(5)既然雨下不多,可見「天氣是乾燥 island, so don’t forget your umbrellas. In
又陽光普照」。 Kaohsiung and Pingtung, the  (3)  may
10. come out for a short time in the morning.
Sandy:  (1)  is the weather like today? Sutor is coming very  (4) . Please be
Cindy: It’s hot, but it is raining. careful because  (5) . Also, be safe and
Sandy: Again? There  (2)  a lot of rain do not go to the beach or mountains. This is
here in summer. Jenna Hayes for today’s report. See you next
Cindy: Well, it’s the rainy season now. time.
(D) hers
問詞 Whose(誰的),故答案選(
 typhoon 颱風 whole 整個的
forget 忘記
( )(1)(A) month (B) season (C)  (3) buy 某物 for 某人(買給某人某物
weather (D) week ),故答案選(D)。
( )(2)(A) rain (B) snow (C) sun (4) hot 和 sunny 是形容詞,「熱的」
(D) winds 和「晴朗的」,It 當主詞指天氣。
( )(3)(A) clouds (B) rain (C)  (5)我要買一杯像「你的」一樣的奶昔,
snow (D) sun 故答案選(B)。
( )(4)(A) late (B) soon (C) early 13.
(D) luckily
(In the living room)
( )(5)(A) it is too hot now (B) the
Max: Dad, are you free this weekend?
weather is strange (C) Sutor is
 Dad: Yes. Why do you ask?
right here in Taiwan (D) the rain
Max:  (1)  snowing in the mountains, but
and wind can be very strong
(2)  never snows here in Tainan. I really
can’t wait to see the white snow.
 Dad:  (3)  not much snow in the
mountains. Hey, let me take you and Mom to
Andy:  (1)  chocolate milkshake is it? Japan. We are sure to watch  (4)  snow
Mary: It’s  (2) . My dad bought it  (3) there.
me. Max: And we can play with snow and even
Andy: Wow! How nice.  (4)  hot and make snowmen. I want to send postcards  
sunny today. I want to have a glass of (5)  my friends from Japan!
milkshake, too. Just like  (5) .  ask 問 even 甚至
Mary: My dad bought it from the coffee shop snowman 雪人(複數 snowmen)
near the park.
( )(1)(A) They’re (B) There’s (C
Andy: Okay. I see.
) It’s (D) There are
( )(1)(A) Whose (B) Who’s (C) 
( )(2)(A) it (B) they (C) there 
Who (D) What
(D) we
( )(2)(A) mine (B) yours (C) his
( )(3)(A) It’s (B) There’s (C) It
(D) hers
does (D) We have
( )(3)(A) in (B) from (C) to (
( )(4)(A) a lot (B) lots of (C) 
D) for
very (D) many
( )(4)(A) There’s (B) It (C) It’s
( )(5)(A) with (B) to (C) for (
(D) We have
D) of
( )(5)(A) mine (B) yours (C) his
(B);(5)(B) , David?
解析:(1) snowing(正在下雪)是動詞,主 David: No, it’s not mine. Ask John. Maybe
詞只能是 It,再與 is 形成縮寫式。 it is  (2) .
(2) snows(下雪)是動詞,主詞只能 Tom: Hi, John. Is this your snowboard? I
是 it。 love the color!
(3)山上「沒下很多雪」,snow 是名詞, John: Yes, it is mine. It’s a birthday gift  
可用 ○ We do not have much snow ○  (3)  my uncle.
There is not much snow 表達。 Tom: That’s cool! Where did your uncle buy
(4)「很多」雪,可用 a lot of it?
snow、lots of snow 或 it snows John: He bought it in Japan.
(very) much 表示。 Tom: Can he buy one  (4)  me?
(5)寄/送某物給某人,send 物 to 人= John: Let me check for you.
send 人+物。 Tom: Thanks! That’s very kind  (5)  you!
14.  ask 問
Amy: How was your winter vacation? ( )(1)(A) mine (B) yours (C) his
 Mia: It was nice. I visited my cousin in (D) hers
Japan. She bought a snowboard (1) me. ( )(2)(A) mine (B) yours (C) his
Amy: Wow! That’s kind of (2)! (D) hers
 Mia: Yeah. She also showed me around and ( )(3)(A) for (B) from (C) to (
cooked for me. D) in
Amy: She likes Taiwanese snacks, right? Did ( )(4)(A) for (B) from (C) to (
you give anything (3) her? D) in
 Mia: I didn’t bring anything from Taiwan ( )(5)(A) of (B) for (C) from (
for her. We went to a supermarket together D) at
and got pineapples, sugar, eggs and flour. 答案:(1)(B);(2)(C);(3)(B);(4)
We (4) pineapple cakes in her kitchen and (A);(5)(A)
they were so yummy! 解析:(1)下一句回答「不,它不是我的。」,
Amy: That’s cool! 故問「它是你的嗎?」,答案選(
 show... around... 帶…四處參觀 B)。
anything 任何東西 bring 帶 (2) Ask John.(問 John。),或許是
答案:(1) for;(2) her;(3) to;(4)  「他的」滑雪板,故答案選(C)。
made (3)它是我叔叔給的生日禮物,故答案
解析:(1)人 1+bought+物+for+人 2。 選(B)來自於…。
(2) Mia 提到的 cousin 是女生,受格用 (4) buy 某物 for 某人(幫某人買某物
her。 ),故答案選(A)。
(3)人 1+give+物+to+人 2。 (5) That’s very kind of you! 為口語用法,
(4) Mia 和堂姊用鳳梨等材料「製作」 表示「你為人真好!」,故答案選
鳳梨酥。 (A)。
15. 16.
Tom: Look! Here is a snowboard. Is it  (1)  Sara: (1) you have snow in winter?
Timmy: There (2) often a lot of snow here in ( )(3)(A) of (B) from (C) at (
winter. D) to
 Sara: That’s cool. We never have snow in ( )(4)(A) of (B) to (C) with (
Taiwan for the whole year. D) for
Timmy: Don’t you have snow even in the 答案:(1)(C);(2)(A);(3)(D);(4)
high mountains in winter? (A)
 Sara: Yes. (3) sometimes snows in the 解析:(1)參考後句,用 windy。
high mountains in winter. (2) What 開頭問天氣時,要用介系詞 
Timmy: You can come and visit me in winter. like。
Let’s go snowboarding! (3)到…的旅行,「到」用介系詞 to。
 Sara: Sounds great! But I don’t have a (4)表達某人真好,用 be kind of 人。
snowboard. 五、 閱讀測驗
Timmy: Don’t worry! You can use (4). 1.
 Sara: That’s kind of you! Thanks!   Taiwan is famous for its yummy fruits.
 the whole year 整年 even 甚至 Let’s see some easy recipes with fruits of
sound 聽起來 four seasons in Taiwan.
Strawberries in Watermelons in
答案:(1) Do;(2) is;(3) It;(4) mine
spring summer
解析:(1)句中有一般動詞 have,問天氣用 
“Do you have...?”。
(2)表達下雨、下雪,可用 “There is
rain / snow”、“We have rain /
snow” 或 “It rains/snows”。
(3)表示天氣,又 snows 為動詞,主詞 You need: strawberries, You need: watermelon,
用 it。 chocolate cold water, salt
(4) mine 代替 my snowboard。 1 Heat chocolate in a ○
○ 1 Cut the watermelon

17. pot until it looks into pieces.

like soup. ○ Put the watermelon

Jessica: It is often  (1)  in autumn and 2 Put a strawberry in
○ pieces, cold water,
winter in Hsinchu. There’s lots of wind. the chocolate pot, and a little salt in
 Sandy: What’s the weather  (2)  there in and then take it out. the blender. A few
You can eat it after minutes later, you
summer? the chocolate on the can get a glass of
Jessica: It is usually hot and wet. You may strawberry is cool. yummy watermelon
have a trip  (3)  Hsinchu during your juice.
summer vacation. Let me show you around.
 Sandy: That’s kind  (4)  you. Thank you!
 wet 潮溼的
show... around... 帶領…四處參觀
( )(1)(A) cloudy (B) raining (C) 
windy (D) hot
( )(2)(A) like (B) for (C) about
(D) ×
Apples in fall Pumpkins in winter pot. It was really fun. (C) Lisa:
I baked some for my salad. The
salad was yummy and beautiful
with them. (D) Owen: This
recipe is easy. My wife and I really
enjoyed a pizza like this as our
You need: apple, sugar, You need: pumpkin, afternoon tea.
salt, toast salt, pepper 答案:(1)(A);(2)(A);(3)(D)
1 Cut the apple into
○ 1 Cut the pumpkin

pieces. into pieces.
2 Put a little sugar
○ 2 Put a little salt and
○ 到鹽巴。
and salt together on pepper on the (2)文中一開始提到臺灣以好吃的水果
the apple pieces. pumpkin pieces. 聞名,故可推知選(A)。(B)需要
3 Place ○
○ 2 on the 3 Bake them for 20

toast. minutes. You can
○ Bake it for about
4 eat them alone or (3)(D) Owen 有提到關鍵字 pizza,故
10 minutes, and put them in the 可推知他吃的是 apple pizza。
you can get a great salad. 2.
apple pizza.
Mia: Do you know Yilan?
 recipe 食譜 heat 加熱 pot 鍋子 Ben: Yes, it rains very often in winter.
until 直到 cut 切 piece 片;塊 Mia: How’s the weather there in summer?
blender 果汁機 toast 吐司 bake 烤 Ben: It’s always hot and wet, but many
pepper 胡椒 alone 單獨 people like Yilan a lot.
( )(1) Which recipe DOESN’T need salt? Mia: You’re right. My parents and I
(A) The recipe of strawberries.  sometimes have trips to Yilan.
(B) The recipe of watermelons.  Ben: What do you do there?
(C) The recipe of apples. (D)  Mia: We visit our grandparents and join
The recipe of pumpkins. Children’s Folklore and Folkgame Festival.
( )(2) What can we know from the We always have a good time.
reading? (A) We can eat yummy Ben: That’s cool!
fruits in Taiwan. (B) We don’t Mia: These are for you. Some snacks from
need pepper for the recipe of Yilan!
pumpkins. (C) We need sugar to Ben: Thanks!
make strawberries with chocolate.  wet 潮溼的
(D) We can also put watermelon Children’s Folklore and Folkgame Festival
pieces on the apple pizza. 童玩節
( )(3) Which one had the apple pizza?  ( )(1) What’s the weather like in Yilan in
(A) Peter: Wow! It was so sweet winter? (A) It’s dry. (B) It’s
and cool. I want to have it on cloudy. (C) It’s windy. (D) 
every hot summer day! (B)  It’s rainy.
Judy: My friend and I had them ( )(2) Why do Mia and her parents go to
together. We put so many in the Yilan? (A) They like the
weather. (B) They have a snack Kenting.
shop there. (C) They visit Mia’s 答案:(1)(A);(2)(D);(3)(D)
grandparents. (D) They watch 解析:(1) Amy 穿外套因為 it’s so cold
ball games there. today(今天天氣很冷)。
答案:(1)(D);(2)(C) (2) Amy 和 Ken 要去墾丁,因為那裡
解析:(1)宜蘭冬天「常下雨」,因此是「天 總是晴天。
氣多雨。」。 (3)由對話得知,Ken 在墾丁有一些朋
(2) Mia 去宜蘭「拜訪祖父母、參加童 友。
玩節。」。 4.
3. Emily: The weather is so nice today.
 Ken: Hey, Amy. That’s an orange coat. David: You can say that again! I love spring.
Why are you in it? You hate the color. It’s usually warm and sunny.
Amy: Well, it’s so cold today and my jacket Emily: Wow! There are so many beautiful
isn’t warm enough. I want to go to a warm flowers at the park. I love flowers.
place this weekend. Do you have any ideas? David: Me, too. By the way, how was your
 Ken: What about Kenting? It is always trip to Japan?
sunny there. Emily: It was fun! There were great food and
Amy: That’s great. a lot of snow.
 Ken: I have some good friends there. Let’s David: Really? That’s cool!
visit them. Emily: Look! Here’s a picture of my parents
Amy: Cool! You sent me postcards from and me.
Kenting before, and I’ll send my family some David: You wore a lot.
this time. Emily: Sure! It was so cold.
 idea 主意 I’ll 我將會  wore(wear 的過去式)穿
( )(1) Why does Amy wear a coat? (A ( )(1) What is the weather like today? 
) It is very cold today. (B) It is
(A)   (B)   (
a new coat. (C) Amy likes the
coat very much. (D) She wants
to go to Kenting. C)   (D) 
( )(2) Why do Ken and Amy want to go
to Kenting? (A) They like the ( )(2) What’s the season now? (A) 
rainy season. (B) They want to Spring. (B) Summer. (C) 
see snow. (C) It’s cool, not hot Fall. (D) Winter.
there. (D) It is always sunny ( )(3) Which is NOT true(正確的)?
there. (A) David doesn’t like flowers. 
( )(3) Which is true(正確的)? (A)  (B) David and Emily are at the
Amy likes cold days. (B) It is park now. (C) Emily took a trip
always cold in Kenting. (C) It is to Japan. (D) There was a lot of
snowy in Kenting this weekend. ( snow when Emily was in Japan.
D) Ken has some friends in 答案:(1)(B);(2)(A);(3)(A)

解析:(1)由 “The weather is so nice Take an umbrella with you. (C) 
today.”、“It’s usually warm and It’s warm but windy early this
sunny.” 得知天氣是溫暖晴朗的。 morning, but there’s rain later this
(2)由 David 的話中得知現在是春天。 afternoon. You will need a jacket
(3) Emily 說她喜歡花,David 也附和 and an umbrella then. (D) It’s
同意。 cold but sunny today, a good
5. weather for exercise. Enjoy!
Vincent: What do you do on weekends? 答案:(1)(A);(2)(D);(3)(C)
 Lillian: I usually play basketball with my 解析:(1)現在天氣溫暖但「風大」。
classmates. How about you? (2)等一下他們要去「看電影」。
Vincent: My parents and I often fly a kite at (3)早上溫暖多風,接著下午會下雨。
the beach. 6.
 Lillian: How’s the weather today? Yvonne: How’s the weather in Tainan?
Vincent: It is warm but windy.  Tony: It’s sunny and hot.
 Lillian: Great! Let’s go fly a kite now. Yvonne: Really? We have a lot of rain in
Vincent: OK! But we need to take our Yilan today.
umbrellas.  Tony: Is it cool and windy?
 Lillian: Why? Yvonne: Yes, it is. I forgot to take my
Vincent: The weather report says it will be umbrella with me.
rainy later.  Tony: Are you cold and wet?
 Lillian: Oh, no. Then, how about going to a Yvonne: No. My sister and I went shopping
movie? together. I used her umbrella.
Vincent: That’s fine with me.  Tony: Good!
 will 將要 Yvonne: Do you like rainy days?
( )(1) Lillian said, “Let’s go fly a kite  Tony: Yes, I do, but we don’t have a lot of
now.” Why? (A) Because it’s rain here in spring.
windy. (B) Because she hates Yvonne: I don’t like rainy days.
basketball. (C) Because Vincent  forgot 忘記 wet 溼的
gave her a kite. (D) Because her go shopping 逛街
classmates are flying a kite. ( )(1) What’s the weather like at
( )(2) What are Vincent and Lillian going Yvonne’s place? (A) It is hot. 
to do later? (A) Watch the (B) They have some snow. (C)
weather report on TV. (B) Fly a There’s lots of rain. (D) It is
kite. (C) Play basketball. (D) sunny.
Go to a movie. ( )(2) What kind(種類)of weather
( )(3) What might the weather report does Tony like? (A) Sunny
say? (A) It’s a hot sunny day days. (B) Rainy days. (C) 
today. Leave(留下)your heavy Windy days. (D) Cloudy days.
jackets at home! (B) There’s a ( )(3) Yvonne didn’t get cold or wet.
lot of rain all day, and it’s cold. Why? (A) She was in Tainan. 
(B) It was sunny in Yilan today. 
(C) She was at home. (D) She
used her sister’s umbrella.
解析:(1) Yvonne 住在宜蘭,今天下很多雨。
(2) Tony 喜歡「下雨天」。
(3) Yvonne 用了「姊姊的雨傘」。
  Look at the pictures and answer the

 plan 計畫 clothes 衣服 shoe 鞋

    bring 帶 children 小孩
( )(1) It’s 7:30 p.m. on July 30. Amy
and Susan are at Happy Children’s
Home. What are they doing? (A
) Giving their old clothes and
 answer 回答 question 問題 shoes to Ms. Chen. (B) Having
( )(1) How is the weather in Thailand?  fun with the kids. (C) Making
(A) It is snowy. (B) It is plans for their summer vacation. 
windy. (C) It is rainy. (D) It (D) Buying clothes and shoes
is cold. from the kids.
( )(2) What is the weather like in ( )(2) What’s right? (A) The party is
Kuwait? (A) It is cold and in the evening. (B) There’s a
snowy. (B) It is rainy and hot.  concert at Happy Children’s Home
(C) It is rainy and cloudy. (D)  on August 2. (C) People cook
It is hot and sunny. for the children at the party. (D) 
答案:(1)(C);(2)(D) The party is in the third season of
解析:(1)泰國下雨。 the year.
(2)圖中科威特「炎熱晴朗的」,沒下 ( )(3) Who is the poster(海報)for? 
雨和下雪。 (A) Parents. (B) Teachers or
8. students. (C) Children at Happy
Children’s Home. (D) Shoe
store(商店)clerks and clothes
shop clerks.
解析:(1)在 8∕2 前 2:00 p.m.~8:00 p.m. 將
舊衣、鞋子帶到 Happy Children’s
Home 給 Ms. Chen. cool.
(2)(A)派對 7 點到 9 點,在晚上。( 答案:(1)(C);(2)(B);(3)(C)
B) 8 月 2 日在 Happy Children’s 解析:(1)小孩給聖誕老人卡片,聖誕老人就
Home 舉辦的是派對。(C)海報中 會給小孩小禮物。
沒提到參加派對的人要為小孩煮飯。 (2)在見到聖誕老人前找東西做卡片給
(D)派對是在暑假,也就是夏天; 聖誕老人。
夏天是一年之中的第二個季節,而 (3)文中提醒要帶「非常厚的外套」,
非第三季。 可推知天氣很冷。
(3)海報一開始提問讀者是否有暑假計 10.
A Trip to Santa’s House
Dec. 15~18
You’re so busy these days. I called you
  Every year, some children join us and
a few times, but there was no answer.
have a very good time. Before we meet
Anyway, Jimmy and I are in Japan now.
Santa, we take the train to beautiful
It’s cold and snowy and Jimmy is very
mountains. Then, we take the bus to a beach.
happy. I bought a new snowboard for him.
We look for things at different places to
He likes it a lot! We visited Mr. and Mrs.
make cards for Santa. When we meet Santa,
Horiuchi, Mom and Dad’s old friends. They
we give him the cards and he give small gifts
were really nice. They gave heavy jackets to
to everyone. At Santa’s house, we dance and
sing happily. We play games in Santa’s us and made us fantastic food. It was
garden. You know the weather at Santa’s yummy and beautiful.
place, right? Bring your very heavy jacket! Right, I got a cute pencil for you and
Come and have fun with Santa! Jimmy sent you a postcard. There are
 children 兒童 look for 尋找 thing 東西 pictures of Mountain Fuji on them. By the
happily 開心地 garden 花園 bring 帶 way, you can join Jimmy’s birthday party,
right? Talk to you soon.
( )(1) What do children get from Santa?
(A) Heavy jackets. (B) Cards.
(C) Gifts. (D) Things from the  call 打給… answer 回應
train driver. ( )(1) What did Tony buy for Vivian? (
( )(2) What do children do before they A) A snowboard. (B) Heavy
meet Santa? (A) They send jackets. (C) Pictures of
cards to Santa. (B) They make Mountain Fuji. (D) A pencil.
cards for Santa. (C) They write ( )(2) What does fantastic mean? (A) 
songs for Santa. (D) They buy Strange. (B) Warm. (C) Fun.
gifts for Santa. (D) Great.
( )(3) How’s the weather at Santa’s ( )(3) What might Jimmy write on the
place? (A) It’s hot. (B) It’s postcard?
warm. (C) It’s cold. (D) It’s (A)
Hi, Aunt Vivian, 支鉛筆給 Vivian。
Dad and I are in Japan now. It’s snowy (2)由 “It was yummy and beautiful.” 
here, so Dad bought me a cool snowboard. 好吃又美麗的,可推知 fantastic 是
Dad bought a cute pencil for you. We went to 「很好、很棒」的意思。
Mr. and Mrs. Horiuchi’s house. They gave (3)(A) Tony 和 Jimmy 兩人正在日本,
heavy jackets to us because our jackets Tony 買給 Jimmy 滑雪板,買給 
weren’t warm enough. That’s kind of them! Vivian 鉛筆,而他們去拜訪了 
See you soon! Horiuchi 夫婦,這對夫婦給了他們
Jimmy 夾克,內容符合 Tony 訊息的內容,
(B) (B)(C)(D)選項與 Tony 訊息內
Dear Vivian, 容不符合。
How are you doing? I got your postcard 11.
from Japan. Thanks a lot! That’s so nice of Ann: Hi, Ken! How was your trip to Taiwan?
you! We work very hard every day. Tony  Ken: It was great! The weather was good, so
cooks for Mr. and Mrs. Horiuchi, and I order I visited a lot of beautiful places.
snowboards for old people. When we visit Ann: That’s cool!
Mountain Fuji, let’s have dinner together!  Ken: Right, I went to Yangminshan and
Jimmy bought flowers for my Taiwanese friend
Ann: Really?
Aunt Vivian,
 Ken: Here’s a picture of my friend and me.
How’s everything? Mr. and Mrs.
Ann: Wow! The flowers were really
Horiuchi loved the cake. Thank you for
buying the cake for them. They gave you a
 Ken: You can say that again.
heavy jacket and a snowboard as gifts. Come
Ann: Why were you in a pink T-shirt? You
to Japan and visit us next time!
hate pink.
 Ken: It was hot, but my T-shirts were heavy.
(D) My friend bought some cool T-shirts for me,
Dear Vivian, and the pink T-shirt is one of them. They
How’s the weather there? It’s windy. I were my birthday gifts!
got a new snowboard from Tony, and it’s Ann: How nice!
beautiful. There are pictures of Mountain  Ken: Did you get my postcard from Taiwan?
Fuji on it. My friend, Mr. and Mrs. Horiuchi Ann: Yes, I got it last week.
gave a cute pencil to us and bought heavy  T-shirt T 恤
jackets for you. How nice! See you at Tony’s
( )(1) What did Ken’s friends buy for his
birthday party soon!
birthday? (A) Flowers. (B) 
T-shirts. (C) A picture. (D) A
答案:(1)(D);(2)(D);(3)(A) postcard.
解析:(1)由最後一段提到 “I got a cute ( )(2) Which is right? (A) Ann had a
pencil for you...” 可知 Tony 買了一 trip to Taiwan. (B) Ken loves
pink. (C) Ken bought flowers Winter Spring Summer Fall
for Ann in Yangminshan. (D) 
Ann got a postcard from Ken. City 1
( )(3) Which might be the
conversation(對話)between Ken
and his Taiwanese friend? (A)  City 2
Ken: Hello, Tina. Here are some
pictures for you. Happy Birthday!
Tina: Thanks! (B) Ken: It’s so City 3
cold and it’s rainy! Tina: Winter’s
not a good season for trips. We  chart 圖表 answer 回答 question 問題
have a lot of rain and it’s cold. city 城市
Don’t go to the mountains these
( )(1) Eric lives in City 3, and it snows a
days. (C) Tina: Happy Birthday,
lot. What season is it now? (A) 
Ken. Ken: Can I open the gift
Spring. (B) Summer. (C) 
now? Tina: Sure. Ken: Wow! T-
Fall. (D) Winter.
shirts. That’s kind of you. Thank
( )(2) How is the weather in City 2 in
you! (D) Ken: Wow! The
autumn? (A) It is windy. (B)
flowers here are beautiful. Tina:
It is cool. (C) It is sunny. (D)
Yes, they are. Here are some
It is rainy.
flowers for you! Ken: Thank you.
解析:(1) City 3「冬天」下雪,天氣很冷。
解析:(1) Ken 的朋友買了 T 恤給他當生日禮
(2) City 2 秋天「陽光普照」。
物,因為天氣熱,而 Ken 的 T 恤是
(2) Ann 收到了 Ken 從臺灣寄的明信
(3)(A)對話中沒有提到 Ken 送給臺灣
的;(D)花是 Ken 送給朋友的。 Surfing     Skiing
12. Look at these two pictures; they are both
  Look at the chart and answer the board sports. There are some facts about
questions. them.

Surfing Skiing 解析:(1)表格○右邊的欄位中提到滑雪要穿

Surfboard Snowboard 衝浪(D)在多雪的地方是適合滑雪。
The Sami (Lapps) (3)文中有提到他們滑雪是為了打獵。
Surfing was a part of said they were the 14.
2 old Polynesian
○ inventors of skiing,   Read the postcard and answer the
culture. and they skied to questions.
hunt. Dear Mark,
People go skiing at How are you doing?
People go surfing in Jason, Nina, Sherry and I
places with lots of are in Beitou now. The
3 the sea on windy and

snow in the snowy weather is nice today. It’s
sunny days. cool and windy. We just
season. took a hot spring bath.
Wear warm jackets, Sherry’s aunt lives in
4 Wear swimsuits.
Beitou, and we visited her.
○ warm gloves and She’s kind. She took us to
snow pants. a few great restaurants and
shops. Jason bought
 surf 衝浪 ski 滑雪 fact 事實 pencils and forks for his
culture 文化 inventor 發明家 family. We bought you
Tankan cakes and tea!
wear 穿 swimsuit 泳衣 glove 手套
They are yummy! We all
pants 長褲 had fun. See you at
school soon.
( )(1) What DON’T people wear to go Your friend,
skiing? (A) Swimsuits. (B)  Ken
Jackets. (C) Snow pants. (D)
 answer 回答 question 問題
( )(2) Which is right? (A) People in
hot spring bath 溫泉浴 restaurant 餐廳
the old time didn’t surf. (B) 
Tankan 桶柑
People ski on windy days. (C) 
( )(1) Which is right? (A) Mark wrote
People use snowboards to ski. (
this postcard to Ken. (B) Mark
D) We can surf at the place with a
is in Beitou now. (C) Sherry
lot of snow.
visited her aunt in Beitou. (D) 
( )(3) Why did the Sami ski? (A) 
It’s hot in Beitou.
They skied for fun. (B) They
( )(2) What did they get for Mark? (A
skied for cooking. (C) They
) Hot spring water. (B) Pencils.
skied for exercise. (D) They
(C) Forks. (D) Cakes and tea.
skied for hunting.
( )(3) What might Ken and Mark say to
each other when they meet? (A)
Mark: Hi, Ken! How was your trip  show... around... 帶領…四處參觀
to Beitou? Ken: Well, everything ( )(1) How is the weather at Sally’s
was fine, but the weather was place? (A) It is hot. (B) It is
really bad. It rained, and it was sunny. (C) It is warm. (D) It
very cold. (B) Ken: Hi, Mark. is rainy.
Please show me the pencils and ( )(2) What does Eric like? (A) Rainy
forks. Mark: Here you are. I days. (B) Cloudy days. (C) 
bought them in a nice small shop in Snowy days. (D) Windy days.
Beitou. (C) Mark: Hello, Ken. ( )(3) Which is true(正確的)? (A) 
Did you get my postcard from Sally likes the rain very much. (
Beitou? Ken: Sure. I got it last B) Eric will visit Sally this
week. Thanks! (D) Ken: Hello, weekend. (C) It is always sunny
Mark. Here are the cakes and tea in Kaohsiung. (D) There is no
for you. They’re famous. Mark: rain in Keelung today.
Thank you. That’s kind of you! 答案:(1)(D);(2)(A);(3)(C)
答案:(1)(C);(2)(D);(3)(D) 解析:(1) Sally 住在基隆,今天下雨。
解析:(1)(A) Ken 寫明信給 Mark;(B)  (2) Eric 喜歡雨中散步,所以他喜歡下
Ken, Jason, Nina, Sherry 在北投;( 雨天。
D)北投的天氣涼爽多風。 (3)由對話得知,高雄總是晴天。
(2)大家買了桶柑酥和茶給 Mark。 16.
(3) Ken 從北投帶了東西給 
Dear Grandma,
Mark,Mark 應以「謝謝,你真好
My trip to Australia was fun!
It’s usually warm and rainy in
Taiwan, but it was cold and
snowy! During my trip, Uncle
Sally: How’s your trip to Kaohsiung?
Ben took me to high mountains
 Eric: Very good. It is hot and sunny.
and we played with snow. I got a
Sally: Really? It rains a lot in Keelung today.
new jacket from Aunt Holly for
 Eric: Is it cold and windy, too?
my birthday and Uncle Ben made
Sally: Yes, we have heavy rain and strong
cookies and hot chocolate milk for
winds. I visited my grandmother this
me. When we were at their house,
morning. She lives on the next street. I hate
they showed me some old
rainy days. How about you?
pictures. I was so small and cute
 Eric: I love walking in the rain, but there
when I was a baby. Anyway, see
isn’t much rain here in winter.
you in Taiwan soon. There are
Sally: Well, I don’t like the rain.
somes gifts from Uncle Ben and
 Eric: Let’s visit Kaohsiung together next
Aunt Holly for you.
time. I can show you around. It is always
sunny here.
Sally: Great! That’s kind of you!

( )(1) How was the weather in Australia
Dear Mom,
during Steven’s trip? (A) Cool
I’m now in our favorite
and windy. (B) Warm and rainy.
place-Japan. It’s snowing all
(C) Cold and snowy. (D) Hot
day, and everything in front of
and sunny.
me is white. It’s great to see
( )(2) Who did Steven meet in Australia?
so much snow, but the weather of fourth
(A) His grandma. (B) Ben and
season here is too cold for me. Guess! How
Holly’s baby. (C) His parents.
many heavy jackets am I putting on today?
(D) Ben and Holly.
( )(3) Which is NOT right? (A) 
I’m now at a five-star hotel and waiting
Steven had a good time in
to eat dinner. It’s all-you-can-eat. Dad is
Australia. (B) Aunt Holly gave
taking a hot bath in the bathroom now.
a jacket to Steven. (C) Uncle
Don’t worry about us. We are sure to take
Ben bought pictures of a cute baby
good care of ourselves during the six-day
for Steven. (D) Steven played
trip and have a lot of fun together.
with snow in high mountains.
Bye for now, and hope you will like the
beautiful scenery of this postcard.
(2) Steven 提到在澳洲的旅程中,
Uncle Ben 和 Aunt Holly 給他夾克,
(3) Uncle Ben 讓 Steven 看照片,並非
買可愛的嬰兒照片送給 Steven。

 guess 猜 five-star hotel 五星級飯店

hot bath 熱水澡 take good care of
ourselves 好好照顧我們自己
hope 希望 will 將 scenery 風景
( )(1) Who is Jeff with now? (A) His
mom. (B) His dad. (C) His
wife. (D) His son.
( )(2) What season is it? (A) Spring.
(B) Summer. (C) Fall. (D) 
( )(3) How does Jeff like the weather in
Japan? (A) Yes, he likes it very
much. (B) No, he does not like
it so much. (C) A lot. (D) 
Not so much. ( )(1) How was the weather? (A) It
( )(4) Which is NOT right about Jeff’s was windy and cool. (B) It was
trip to Japan? (A) He does not cold but sunny. (C) It was rainy.
like the weather in winter in Japan. (D) It was snowy.
(B) He does not like to see so ( )(2) What did Aunt Sharon make for
much snow in Japan. (C) He’s the writer’s grandma? (A) A
staying at a good hotel. (D) He cool jacket. (B) A birthday card.
has written(已寫了)a postcard (C) A cake. (D) Cookies.
to his mom. ( )(3) Which is right? (A) The
答案:(1)(B);(2)(D);(3)(D);(4) writer’s grandma got a postcard
(B) from Japan. (B) Vicky visited
解析:(1)文章第二段 Jeff 提及他爸爸正在浴 her uncle in Australia. (C) 
室洗熱水澡,可知 Jeff 和「他爸爸 Uncle Tom showed a jacket to
」在一起。 everyone. (D) Vicky and the
(2)由穿三件夾克,可知現在是「冬天 writer made a card for the writer’s
」。 grandma.
(3) Jeff 說「天氣對他而言太冷了」, 答案:(1)(B);(2)(C);(3)(D)
可知「他不是很喜歡日本的天氣」。 解析:(1)由日記最一開始的圖示可知,天氣
(4) Jeff 看到那麼多雪覺得很棒,所以 冷,但晴朗。
「在日本他不喜歡看到這麼多雪。 (2) Sharon 做了一個大的巧克力蛋糕給
」是不對的敘述。 作者的祖母。
18. (3)(A)祖母得到來自澳洲的明信片;
Apr. 24, Friday, 2020 (B)未提及 Vicky 拜訪澳洲的叔叔;
(C) Tom 展示給大家看他在日本旅
  I visited Grandma today. Aunt Sharon,
Uncle Tom and Vicky were also there
  Look at the chart and answer the
because it was Grandma’s birthday. Aunt
Sharon made a big chocolate cake for
Grandma. It was beautiful, and Grandma
liked it a lot! Uncle Tom just came back
from Japan. He bought us cookies from
Japan and showed us the pictures during his
trip. Uncle Jack went on a business trip to
Australia and didn’t join us. He sent
Grandma a postcard and a cool jacket as her
birthday gift. Vicky and I made Grandma a
cute birthday card. We saw a big smile on
Grandma’s face all day today.
 business 商業 smile 笑容

January April July October

City A

City B

City C

 crowded 擁擠的 seat 座位

hotel 旅館 as 當作
City D
( )(1) What does mine refer to(指涉
 chart 圖表 answer 回答 question 問題 )in the reading? (A) My gift.
city 城市 (B) My seat. (C) My bag. (
D) My hotel room.
( )(1) Ernie lives in City C. What might
( )(2) Where did Evans send the postcard
he say? (A) It snows a lot in
to? (A) India. (B) Taiwan.
January here. (B) It’s cool and
(C) His home. (D) Theo’s
rainy in July. (C) We have a lot
of rain in April. (D) It’s windy
( )(3) What do we know from the
and snowy in October.
reading? (A) Evans liked the
( )(2) Tony lives in City A, and it is a
trip in India. (B) Evans went to
sunny day today. What month is it
India with Matt. (C) Evans
now? (A) January. (B) April.
hated the weather there. (D) 
(C) July. (D) October.
Evans stood for seven hours on the
( )(3) How is the weather in April in City
B? (A) It is rainy. (B) It is
snowy. (C) It is sunny. (D) It
is cloudy.
 Jane: How many seasons are there in a
解析:(1) Ernie 住在 City C,4 月是下雨的。
Douglas: There are four.
(2) Tony 住在 City A,今日陽光普照,
 Jane: Which one do you like most?
可見現在月分是 7 月。
Douglas: I like the winter.
(3) City B 在 4 月的天氣是下雨的。
 Jane: Why? Don’t you feel cold and bad
in winter?
Douglas: I don’t like hot weather. I like cold
 Jane: I hate cold days.
Douglas: I’ll visit my aunt in Singapore this

winter. It is usually warm in winter. Do you s   r v   n.
want to take a trip to Singapore with me? 答案:summer;vacation
 Jane: Sounds like a good idea! 解析:臺灣學生在七月和八月不需要上學。因
Douglas: I usually have a good time there. 為是「暑假」。
My aunt, uncle and cousins are nice. Look! 2. How about o   ring cookies and
This is a picture of them. chocolate for Dad? He loves snacks in this
 Jane: Wow! Your cousins are so cute! coffee shop.
Douglas: You’re right. 答案:ordering
 Jane: Why were you in a pink T-shirt? 解析:「點」餅乾和巧克力給爸爸如何?他愛
You don’t like pink. 這間咖啡廳的點心。
Douglas: It’s my uncle’s. I didn’t bring 3. Amy: W   e dirty socks(襪子)are
enough T-shirts with me. those? Ben: Ask(問)Dad. I don’t have
 most 最 feel 感覺 ’ll (=will) 將 green socks. Maybe they’re his.
sound 聽起來 idea 主意 bring 帶 答案:Whose
T-shirt T 恤 解析:這些髒襪子是「誰的」呢?Ben 表明不
( )(1) Which is right? (A) Douglas 是他的,很有可能是他爸爸的。
hates cold weather. (B) The 4. The snowboard is a birthday g   t for
pink T-shirt was a birthday gift my daughter.
from Douglas’ uncle. (C) Jane’s 答案:gift
favorite season is winter. (D)  解析:那個滑雪板是給我女兒的生日「禮物」。
Douglas’ aunt is in Singapore. 5.It’s very cold and s   y in the USA in
( )(2) Jane thought it sounded like a winter.
good idea to have a trip to 答案:snowy
Singapore in winter. Why? (A)  解析:美國的冬天是非常寒冷且「下雪的」。
There are beautiful T-shirts. (B)  6. Jason sent us some p   ds from
It’s warm in Singapore in winter.  Australia. There are beautiful pictures on
(C) She doesn’t like hot weather. them.
(D) She usually has a good time 答案:postcards
there. 解析:Jason 從澳洲寄一些「明信片」給我們。
答案:(1)(D);(2)(B) 7. It never snows here. It’s not c   d
解析:(1)(A) Jane 討厭冷的天氣。(B) T- enough.
shirt 是 Douglas 的叔叔的。(C)  答案:cold
Douglas 最愛的季節是冬天。 解析:這裡從不下雪。因為不夠「冷」。
(2) Jane 討厭冷的天氣,Douglas 提到 8. It was s   e. When(當)I ordered
自己冬天要去新加坡,而那裡的冬 cookies and chocolate, the clerk said,
天是「溫暖的」,邀約了 Jane 一起 “Bikkies and chokkie.”
去。 答案:strange
六、 文意字彙 解析:當我點餅乾和巧克力時,店員說
1. Students in Taiwan don’t have to(不必 “Bikkies and chokkie”。這很「奇怪」。
)go to school in July and August. It’s their 9. The weather in the mountains is very cold.

Take your heavy j   t with you. 解析:穿厚「夾克」,因為天氣冷。
答案:jacket 18. There are four s   ns in a year.
解析:山上天氣很冷,帶厚「夾克」。 答案:seasons
10.My aunt is so k   d. She gave her 解析:一年有四個「季節」。
heavy jacket to me because it was very cold. 19.I don’t like hot drinks in summer. I like c 
答案:kind d drinks.
解析:我的伯母是「善良的」。她給了我厚夾 答案:cold
克因為天氣非常寒冷。 解析:我不喜歡在夏天的熱飲。我喜歡在夏天
11. Emi: What season comes after fall? Roy: W 的「冷」飲。
r does. 20. It’s cold. I want to wear(穿)my new j 
答案:Winter t.
解析:哪一個季節在秋天之後?「冬天」。 答案:jacket
12.It’s usually hot and s   y in Taiwan in 解析:天氣冷,想穿上新「夾克」。
summer. The sun is really bright(明亮的). 21. Jason’s jacket is not warm enough, so I want
答案:sunny to g   e my heavy jacket to him.
解析:臺灣夏天通常是炎熱且「晴朗的」。太 答案:give
陽非常明亮。 解析:Jason 的夾克不夠暖,我想要「給」他
13. People s   k Australian English. It 我的厚夾克。
sounds(聽起來)different. 22. It’s not very hot today. It’s cool and c  
答案:speak dy.
解析:人們「說」澳洲英語。聽起來很不一樣。 答案:cloudy
14. How k   d the old man is! He gave his 解析:今天的天氣並非炎熱的。今天的涼爽且
money to some children’s(孩童的)homes. 「多雲的」。
答案:kind 23. Liz: How’s the w   r in spring here?
解析:那老先生好「仁慈」!他把他的錢給了 Sue: It is cool.
一些育幼院。 答案:weather
15. Ann: What do you often do in s   r? 解析:那裡春天的「天氣」如何?
Ted: It’s hot and sunny. I often go 24. Alex: Who g   e you the gift? Mary:
swimming. Who else? My boyfriend did.
答案:summer 答案:gave
解析:Ann 問 Ted 他在「夏天」通常會做什麼? 解析:誰「給」你禮物的?要用過去式作答。
Ted 回答天氣是炎熱且晴朗的,他通常 25.Which do you like, r   y days or sunny
會去游泳。 days?
16. The weather is w   m today, but it’s 答案:rainy
raining. 解析:你喜歡「多雨的」天氣還是晴朗的天氣?
答案:warm 26.It s   ws a lot in Japan in winter. It is
解析:今天天氣是「溫暖的」,但是有下雨。 very cold there in winter.
17.Look! Jenny is wearing a heavy j   k 答案:snows
because it’s very cold. 解析:日本在冬天「下很多雪」。
答案:jacket 27. In Taiwan, the f   l months are

September, October, and November. 答案:bought
答案:fall 解析:「買」新滑雪板給他太太,用 buy 的過
解析:在臺灣,「秋天」的季節落在九月、十 去式作答。
月、十一月。 36. I went to India with a good friend of m  
28. The heavy j   t really keeps me warm. e last year.
答案:jacket 答案:mine
解析:這厚「夾克」真的讓我溫暖。 解析:和「我的」一個好朋友去印度,用所有
We have a lot of r   n here in summer.
29. 格代名詞作答。
Take an umbrella with you. 37. It’s cool and w   dy today. Let’s go fly
答案:rain a kite.
解析:我們這裡夏天有很多「雨」。帶把傘在 答案:windy
身上吧。 解析:今天的天氣是涼爽且「風大的」。我們
30. Jill: What a cool snowboard! Did your mom 去放風箏吧。
buy it for you? Rick: No, my aunt s   t 38. Jenny took a t   p to India in winter and
it to me from Japan. had fun!
答案:sent 答案:trip
解析:那滑雪板是 Rick 的姑媽從日本「寄」 解析:Jenny 在冬天去印度「旅行」而且玩得
給他的,用 send 的過去式作答。 愉快。
31. I was m   d when(當)the man said 39. The third season of the year is a   n.
“Go die.” 答案:autumn
答案:mad 解析:一年中第三個季節是「秋天」。
解析:當那個男人說「去死」的時候,我很「 40.Ann: Did your husband b   y you
生氣」。 anything(任何東西)on your birthday?
32. Which s   n is your favorite, spring or Meg: No, he just gave me a kiss.
summer? 答案:buy
答案:season 解析:Meg 的先生在她生日沒「買」任何東西
解析:春天和夏天,哪一個是你最喜歡的「季 給她,他只親吻她而已。
節」? 七、 填充題
33. Ms. Lin: Which season comes before 1. My parents sent me a gift the U.S.A.
summer? Students: S   g. 答案:from
答案:Spring 解析:from(來自於…)。
解析:「春天」在夏天前來臨。 2. 完成下列的問句與答句。
34.Ann: Dear John, this is your birthday g   (1) Anna: the weather today?
t. Happy Birthday! John: Thank you! Beth: hot and sunny.
答案:gift (2) Lily: rain a lot in Taiwan in summer?
解析:Ann 說:「John,這是你的生日禮物。 Sara: Yes, lots of rain in Taiwan in
生日快樂!」。 summer.
35. Jay b   t his wife a new snowboard last (3) Josh: the weather like in Japan in winter?
month because they are going to Japan in Greg: cold and . They a lot of snow on
winter. winter days.

(4) Jill: Is your jacket enough? It’s very cold sometimes snowy...。
today. (6)那滑雪板是「誰的」?疑問詞用 
Leo: My uncle gave his to me. Whose,Emi 說自己的名字在上面
Jill: That’s kind him. 並道謝,可知是 Emi 的,用 
(5) Bob: you snow here in Taiwan? mine。
Mia: Yes. sometimes in the high 3. 選填最適當的字詞,完成下列對話。
mountains in winter. mine theirs ours his
(6) Ted: snowboard is that? (Denise and Bonnie are talking in the art
Emi: It’s . My name is on it. Thank you! classroom.)
答案:(1) How’s;It’s;(2) Does;it;  Denise: Are these pencils yours?
there’s;(3) What’s;It’s;snowy; Bonnie: No, they’re not (1)    . I
have;(4) warm;of;(5) Do; borrowed them from John. He and I
have;It;snows(或)It’s;snowy;(6)  worked on a painting together
Whose;mine yesterday.
解析:(1)詢問「今天天氣怎麼樣?」,句中  Denise: How about those brushes? Are they
若沒有 like(像),疑問詞用  also John’s?
How,再和 is 形成縮寫式;答句用  Bonnie: No, they’re not (2)    . Olivia
It 代替 The weather,並和 is 形成縮 and Noah lent (3)     to us.
寫式。  Denise: So is the painting by the door yours?
(2)由 rain a lot 得知 rain 是當「動詞」, Bonnie: Yes, that’s (4)    . It’s for our
主詞只能用 it,句首並用單數助動 classmate’s birthday.
詞形成疑問句型,而答句 lots of  Denise: That’s sweet of you two.
rain 中,rain 是「名詞」,可用○人 答案:(1) mine;(2) his;(3) theirs;(4)
+have ○ There+is,故用○ 的縮寫 ours
式作答。 4. My dad bought a new jacket me at the shop.
(3)詢問「…天氣怎麼樣?」,句中有  He also got a new computer me.
like(像),疑問詞用 What,再和  答案:for;for
is 形成縮寫式;答句用 It 代替 The 解析:授與動詞 buy+物+for+人。
weather,並和 is 形成縮寫式。由  5. 填入正確的介系詞,若不需填字者,則打
Greg 的最後一句「冬天下很多雪」, ×
因此前一句的形容詞用 snowy。 (1) Ariel sent her cousin a snowboard for his
(4)今天很冷,夾克夠「暖」嗎,用  birthday.
warm,而叔叔把自己的夾克給了  (2) Jay, please show the jacket us.
Leo,他人「真好」,用 be kind of  (3) May I have a picture you?
人。 (4) Mom cooks dinner us after work.
(5)詢問「…下雪嗎?」,若用「人」 (5) He bought her some flowers on February
當主詞,動詞則用 have,因此句首 14 this year.
須用助動詞;答句除了把 snow 當 答案:(1)×;(2) to;(3) of;(4) for;(
動詞,形成 It sometimes snows,也 5) ×
可利用形容詞 snowy 作答,即 It’s 解析:(1) sent+人+物,「人」與「物」之

間不須加進介系詞。 (4) Sam: Is this your parents’ bedroom?
(2) show+物+to+人。 Meg: No, it’s not . It’s . I sleep and study
(3) a picture of...:…的照片。 in it.
(4) cook dinner for us:為我們煮晚餐。 (5) Jay: Is the girls’ school over there?
(5) bought+人+物,「人」與「物」 Ann: Yes. is very big, right?
之間不須加介系詞。 答案:(1) his;(2) mine;(3) theirs;(4)
6. Ann: there lots of snow in Japan in winter? theirs;mine;(5) Theirs
Sue: Yes. It a lot there in winter. 解析:(1)夾克是「Ben 的弟弟的」,用所有
答案:Is;snows 格代名詞 his 作答。
解析:下雪的說法:“There is snow.”、“人  (2) Jill 詢問 Liz「是妳的新朋友嗎?」,
have snow.” 或 “It snows.”。 Liz 以「不,他們不是我的。」回
7. May: Did your mom the cake for you? Liz: 答,用所有格代名詞 mine 作答。
No, she it for me with Grandma. They were (3)那籃球是「那些男孩的」,用所有
in the kitchen this afternoon. 格代名詞 theirs 作答。
答案:buy;made (4)第一空格用所有格代名詞 theirs 代
解析:由 May 與 Liz 的對話,判斷出 May 是 替「my parents’」,第二空格則用 
詢問 Liz「妳媽媽買這蛋糕給妳嗎?」, mine 代替「我的臥室」,才會接「
Liz 回答「不是,是媽媽和奶奶這個下 我在裡面睡覺和讀書。」。
午在廚房製作出來的。」。 (5)「那些女孩們的」學校相當大,用
8. Their coffee shop has yummy cookies, and 所有格代名詞 Theirs 作答,代替 
has great milkshake. My sister and I make Their school。
great milkshake for customers(顧客)at the 11. Gary sent me a postcard Taiwan, and here’s
coffee shop. a picture him.
答案:ours 答案:from;of
解析:我的姊姊和我在咖啡廳裡做很棒的奶昔 解析:form「來自於…」;a picture of...,「…
給顧客,「我們的(咖啡廳)」有很棒 的照片」。
的奶昔,ours=our coffee shop。 12. Tom: Is the picture over there the girls’?
9. I am Australia now. When(當)people Bill: Yes, it’s . Tom: Then, where’s our new
here say “go die,” they “good day.” strange! picture? Bill: (O) is over here.
答案:in;mean;How 答案:theirs;Ours
解析:「在」大地方,介系詞用 in;mean「意 解析:第一空格用所有格代名詞 theirs 代替「
指」;How+形容詞,表示驚訝、感嘆 那些女孩的」;第二空格則用 Ours 代
的語氣。 替 Our picture。
10. 填入正確的所有格代名詞 13. 填入 to 或 for。
(1) Amy: Is this your brother’s jacket? (1) The boys are making breakfast     
Ben: Yes, it’s . their parents.
(2) Jill: Are these your new friends? (2) I’m writing a card      my English
Liz: No, they’re not . teacher, Mrs. Hart.
(3) Mia: Is that those boys’ basketball? (3) Uncle Thomas sent a comic book    
Leo: Yes, it’s . me for my birthday.

答案:(1) for;(2) to;(3) to She is on      in the USA. Brady: I
14. 填入正確的介系詞 see.
(1) Who gave this you? 答案:(1) speak;(2) autumn;(3) 
(2) Mom, buy cookies me. bought;heavy;(4) postcard;(5) 
(3) Sam wrote a postcard Ella today. vacation
(4) Let’s make some cards our family. 解析:(5) be on vacation 是「度假中」的意
(5) The teacher is showing a picture his 思。
students. 18. It rain very much here in winter.
答案:(1) to;(2) for;(3) to;(4) for; 答案:doesn’t
(5) to 解析:it 當主詞指天氣,句中有一般動詞 
解析:(1)授與動詞 gave+物+to+人。 rain,用助動詞 doesn’t 完成否定句。
(2)授與動詞 buy+物+for+人。 19. the weather in Taiwan in fall?
(3)授與動詞 wrote+物+to+人。 答案:How’s
(4)授與動詞 make+物+for+人。 解析:問天氣,用 “How’s the weather?” 或 
(5)授與動詞 is showing+物+to+人。 “What’s the weather like?”。
15. Meg: Who bought the milkshake you? Leo: My sister bought a green jacket me. It was a
Mom . gift my birthday.
答案:for;did 答案:for;for
解析:授與動詞 bought+物+for+人;簡答一 解析:「買某物給某人」,buy 物 for 人=buy 
般動詞過去式的動作,主詞(Mom)之 人物;「某人的生日禮物」,a gift for
後只須用過去式助動詞 did 即可。 someone’s birthday / someone’s birthday
16. The (s) months are June, July, and August. gift。
答案:summer 21. Mia: Wow! The watch (f) India is so cool.
解析:六、七、八月是「夏季」月分。 Max: Let me buy it you.
17. 根據句意填入適當的單字(動詞須注意變 答案:from;for
化)。 解析:Mia 感嘆「來自於」印度的手錶很酷。
autumn postcard vacation buy speak Max 表示要買給她,用 buy+物+for+
heavy 人。
(1) Erin can      English because her 22. What’s the weather there in autumn?
father is an Australian. 答案:like
(2) My favorite season is     ; it is 解析:問天氣,用 “How’s the weather?” 或 
usually nice and cool. “What’s the weather like?”。
(3) I      an umbrella because the rain 23. What is the weather in spring in Japan?
was      and I didn’t have one with 答案:like
me. 解析:問天氣,用 “How’s the weather?” 或 
(4) Seth: Carson sent me a      from “What’s the weather like?”。
Taiwan. Faith: The picture on it is 24. Jane: Do you know all the boys over there?
beautiful! Beth: No, only Jason is a friend of (m).
(5) Brady: Your aunt’s shop is not open this 答案:mine
week. It’s a little strange. Ellie: It’s not. 解析:只有 Jason 是我的(朋友)之一,mine

=my friends。
25. Jay: Is the jacket on the sofa ? Max: No, it’s
not mine. Why not ask(問)our little
sister? I think it’s .
解析:Jay 詢問 Max「夾克是你的嗎?」Max 
作答。 答案:She had a good time.
26. My mom always makes a big cake me on my 解析:女孩笑,可知「玩得開心」,had a
birthday. She never buys gifts me. good time。
答案:for;for 2. 看圖寫出天氣形容詞。
解析:授與動詞 make+物+for+人;授與動
詞 buy+物+for+人。
27. Jacky wrote a postcard Maria, and she got it (1) 
last week.
解析:授與動詞 wrote+物+介系詞 to+人。
28. Jill: was your trip India? Lisa: It was fun. I
had good . It was hot, and it rained a few
答案:How;to;a;time;for (2) 
解析:問某人某事狀況如何,用疑問詞 How;
到某處旅行,介系詞用 to;have fun /
have a good time,「玩得愉快」;「持
續一段時間」,用介系詞 for。
29. Jim: coffee shop is that over there? Sue: It’s
Mr. Wang’s.
答案:Whose (3) 
解析:Jim 詢問 Sue「在那邊的那個是誰的咖
啡廳?」,Sue 以「是 Wang 先生的。
」回應。 (s)    
八、 看圖回答問題 答案:(1) windy;(2) sunny;(3) snowy
1. How was Jocelyn’s trip to India?(... 3. What did the woman give the boy?

答案:The woman / She gave the boy a
解析:主詞(The woman / She)+動詞
(gave)+受詞 1(the boy)+受詞 2(a
4. It’s cold. What did Tina’s aunt give her?                    
答案:It is fall / autumn.
8. Whose notebook is it on the desk?

答案:She gave her a heavy jacket.(或)She gave
a heavy jacket to her.                    
解析:give 物 to 人=give 人物,給某人某物。
答案:It is David’s.
5. What did Mr. Lee show the students?
解析:主詞(It)+be 動詞(is)+所有格代
9. What is the weather like today?

答案:He showed the students / them three
受詞 1(the students / them)+受詞 答案:It is cloudy today.
2(three pictures)。 解析:圖片中有很多雲,以 cloudy 回答。
6. What did she buy for her son?(... a...) 10.

                    A: How was the weather this afternoon?

B: __________________
答案:She bought a jacket for her son / him.
7. Which season is it?
答案:It was cloudy (this afternoon).
11. What is this?

答案:She sent a postcard and a gift to Paul /
詞 1(a postcard)+and+受詞 2(a
gift)+to Paul / him。
                    15. What did they make for their teacher?
答案:It is a gift.
12. What’s the weather like in Japan in winter?
(... and...)                    
答案:They made cookies for their teacher.
16. How is the weather today?

答案:It’s cold and snowy in Japan in winter.
解析:圖片中溫度計顯示零下 20 度及下雪,                    
故以 cold and snowy 回答。
答案:It is hot today.
13. What did the boy order?
解析:It 當主詞指天氣,由圖片中人物,正在
用 hot(炎熱的)回答。

答案:He ordered a cookie and chocolate.
餅乾和巧克力,故以 a cookie and A: Does it snow a lot in New York in winter?
chocolate 回答。 B: __________________
14. What did Mom send to Paul?(... to...) _
答案:Yes, it snows a lot (in New York in winter).
18. How’s the weather today?(... and...)

答案:No, the girl / she bought a postcard today.
即〔No, 主詞(the girl / she)+過去式
動詞(bought)+受詞(a postcard)+
                    22. Which season does Susan like?
答案:It is snowy and windy.
解析:主詞用 it 指天氣,下雪且多風的,用 
snowy and windy 回答。
答案:She likes winter.
解析:下雪的季節是冬天,以 winter 回答。
23. Did Uncle Bill write Sue a postcard?
A: What’s the weather like in Taipei in spring?
B: __________________
答案:It’s rainy (in Taipei in spring).                    
20. What did Mr. Lee order for Sandy?
答案:Yes, Uncle Bill / he wrote Sue / her a
解析:根據圖示,是 Uncle Bill 從美國寫給 
Sue,故用肯定回答。即 Yes, 主詞
(Uncle Bill / he)+過去式動詞
                    (wrote)+受詞(Sue / her)+受詞(a
答案:He ordered cookies and milkshake for 24. Didn’t Ken give Pat a snowboard?
受詞(cookies and milkshake)+介系詞
21. Didn’t the girl buy a jacket today?
答案:No, Ken / he gave Pat / her a jacket.
解析:根據圖示,是 a jacket,不是 a
snowboard,故用否定回答。即 No, 主詞
(Ken / he)+過去式動詞(gave)+受
                    詞 1(Pat / her)+受詞 2(a jacket)。
                    九、 依提示作答
1. It is my father’s.(依畫線部分造原問句) 線部分改成代名詞)
答案:Whose is it? 答案:He wrote them to her last year.
解析:用 Whose 當疑問詞,「誰的」。 解析:主詞 John 改成 He,兩受詞 Mary 改成 
2. is / Here / a / of / my aunt and me / picture / . her,而 postcards 改成 them,但受詞是
(重組) 兩代名詞須取「物+介系詞+人」的字
                    序,與 wrote 合用的介系詞為 to。
8. Winter is cold.(用 It 開頭改寫)
答案:Here is a picture of my aunt and me.                    
解析:「…的照片」,a picture of...。                    
3. 仿例句改寫句子。 答案:It is cold in winter.
Example: I showed him my art report. 解析:用 it 開頭,指天氣;「在」某個季節,
→I showed my art report to him. 介系詞用 in。
I gave the kid a small gift. 9. showed / You / me / to / one picture / .(重組
___________________ )
答案:I gave a small gift to the kid.
答案:You showed one picture to me.
4. My dad bought me the postcard.(把畫線部
解析:主詞 You,再接動詞 showed,之後先出
                    現受詞 one picture,接著接介系詞 to,
                    最後接受詞 me 即成。
答案:My dad bought it for me. 10. (用 but 合併為一句)
解析:先把畫線部分改成 it,而兩受詞皆是代                    
答案:Your jacket is pink, but mine is green.
序,故以 “... it for me.” 作答。
5. It does not rain very much here in spring.(
詞 but,第二句主詞避免 jacket 重複出
用 There 開頭改寫)
                    現,把 my jacket 改成所有格代名詞 
                    mine,其餘 is green 照抄即成。
答案:There is not much rain here in spring. 11. My gif t is next to your gif t.(把畫線部分改
解析:不下雨、下雪的說法:“It doesn’t rain / 成所有格代名詞)
snow”、“人 don’t have rain / snow” 或                     
“There isn’t rain / snow。
答案:Mine is next to yours.
6. It rains a lot here in summer.(用 There 開頭
                    為出現在句首 Mine 及在句尾 yours。
                    12. I had a good time during my trip to Australia.
答案:There is a lot of rain here in summer. (依畫線部分造原問句)
解析:下雨、下雪的說法:“It rains /                    
snows”、“There is rain / snow” 或 “人 
答案:How was your trip to Australia?
have rain / snow”。
解析:問某人某事狀況如何,用疑問句 how。
7. John wrote Mary postcards last year.(把畫
13. Dad / for / it / the USA / got / in / I /.(重組 18. Australia / trip / was / How / to / your / ?(重
) 組)
答案:I got it for Dad in the USA. 答案:How was your trip to Australia?
解析:主詞須是 I,不可以是 Dad。即〔主詞 解析:問某人或某事的狀況如何,用疑問詞 
(I)+授與動詞(got)+物(it)+介 how;「到某處的旅行」,介系詞用 
系詞(for)+人(Dad)+地方介系詞 to。
片語(in the USA)〕。 19. (用 This jacket 開頭合併為一句)
14. Do we have much rain here in fall?(用...                    
                    答案:This jacket is mine, not hers.
                    解析:主詞已含有名詞 jacket,因此其後的「
答案:Does it rain very much here in fall? 我的」及「她的」皆利用「所有格代名
解析:主詞用 it 指天氣,rain(下雨)是動詞, 詞」。
用助動詞 does 完成問句。 20. I sent my uncle a Christmas card last week.(
15. you / for / to / gave / I / the skirt / your 把兩畫線部分改成代名詞)
birthday / .(重組)                    
                    答案:I sent it to him last week.
答案:I gave the skirt to you for your birthday. 解析:my uncle 改成 him,a Christmas card 改
解析:主詞只能是 I,接動詞 gave,先接受詞 成 it,再取「物+介系詞+人」的字序,
(物)the skirt,然後出現介系詞 to,再 即 “... it to him...”。
接受詞(人)you,最後接 for your 21. Do you have lots of snow here in winter?(
birthday 即成。 用... it... 改寫)
16. Who sent you the gift?(用 My aunt 開頭,                    
並用代名詞代替 my gift 回答)
                    答案:Does it snow a lot here in winter?
                    解析:it 當主詞指天氣,snow(下雪)是動詞,
答案:My aunt sent it to me. 用助動詞 does 完成疑問句。
解析:問句是一般動詞過去式的動作,my gift  22. They are Lily’s comic books.(根據畫線部
換成代名詞 it,須為「代替物的代名詞 分造原問句)
+介系詞+人」,而與 send 搭配的介系                    
詞為 to。
答案:Whose comic books are they?
17. your birthday / to / I / for / it / sent / you /.(
解析:利用疑問詞 Whose 詢問「誰的」,即〔
                    books)+be 動詞(are)+主詞
答案:I sent it to you for your birthday. (they)?〕。
解析:主詞只能是 I,然後接授與動詞 sent, 23. John is showing Mia a picture of his uncle.(
再接「物(it)+介系詞(to)+人 把畫線部分改為代名詞)
(you)」的字序,最後接 for your                    
birthday 即成。
答案:He is showing it to her.                    
解析:John 是主詞,改成 He,授與動詞 is 答案:Who gave the jacket to you?
showing 之後是兩個受詞,Mia 換成  解析:與授與動詞 gave(給)合用的介系詞為
her,a picture of his uncle 換成 it,並須 to,故改寫成 Who gave the jacket to
改成「物+介系詞+人」的字序,即 you?
“it to her”。 30. The jackets on the door are the girls’.(根據
24. It’s cold but sunny today.(依畫線部分用  畫線部分造原問句)
What 開頭造原問句)                    
                    答案:Whose are the jackets on the door?
答案:What is the weather like today? 解析:疑問詞(Whose)+be 動詞(are)+主
解析:問天氣,用 “How’s the weather?” 或  詞(the jackets)+介系詞片語(on the
“What’s the weather like?”。 door)?,即「門上面的夾克是誰的?」。
25. Here / picture / my uncle and me.(依字序 31. Uncle Billy made me cookies yesterday.(把
造句) 畫線部分改成代名詞)
答案:Here is a picture of my uncle and me. 答案:Uncle Billy made them for me yesterday.
解析:picture 是單數,搭配 be 動詞 is;「… 解析:cookies 換成 them,須把兩代名詞的受
的照片」,a picture of …。 詞改成「物+介系詞+人」,而與 
26. a / you / I / sent / from / India / postcard / .( made 合用的介系詞為 for。
重組) 32. The summer here is too hot for me.(依畫線
答案:I sent you a postcard from India.                    
解析:「寄某物給某人」,send 人物;「來自 答案:How is the summer here for you?
於」,from+地方。 解析:問某人感受如何,用疑問詞 how。
27. sometimes / snows / early spring / .(依字序 33. in / you / were / Why / jacket / green / a / ?(
造句) 重組)
答案:It sometimes snows in early spring. 答案:Why were you in a green jacket?
解析:指天氣,主詞用代名詞 it。 解析:穿著淺綠色的外套,用介系詞 in 表達。
28. Is there lots of rain in Taiwan in winter?(用.. 34. 仿例句改寫句子。
. it... 改寫) Example: I showed him my art report.
                    →I showed my art report to him.
                    Can you buy me some milk?
答案:Does it rain a lot in Taiwan in winter? ___________________
解析:主詞用 it 指天氣,rain(下雨)是動詞, ___________________
用助動詞 does 完成問句。 答案:Can you buy some milk for me?
29. Who gave you the jacket?(把兩受詞對調 35. Josh is one of my old friends.(用... an old
改寫) friend... 改寫)
答案:Josh is an old friend of mine.                    
解析:one of my old friends=an old friend+of                    
+所有格代名詞 mine。 答案:It is usually cold and rainy (in Taipei in
36. Here is my snowboard.(把畫線部分改成代 winter).
名詞) 解析:主詞用 it 指天氣,cold(冷的)and
                    rainy(有雨的)是形容詞,加入 be 動
                    詞 is 完成句子。
答案:Here is mine. 42. That’s my snowboard.(用 That snowboard 
解析:所有格代名詞 mine=my+名詞。 開頭改寫)
37. so / My jacked / enough / not / warm / was /                    
my aunt / to / me / gave / her jacket / , / .(重                    
組) 答案:That snowboard is mine.
                    解析:所有格 my 之後須接名詞,但名詞前移
                    到主詞(That snowboard),先接 is,
答案:My jacket was not warm enough, so my 再接「所有格代名詞」mine 即成。
aunt gave her jacket to me. 43. How was the weather in Taiwan in winter?(
解析:so(所以)後面接結果;give 物 to 人, 用 What...改寫)
38. It rains a lot here in summer.(用 We 開頭改                    
寫) 答案:What was the weather like in Taiwan in
                    解析:問天氣,用 “How’s the weather?” 或 
答案:We have a lot of rain here in summer. “What’s the weather like?” 。
解析:下雨、下雪的說法:“It rains / 44. It snows a lot in Japan in winter.(用 They 
snows”、“There is rain / snow” 或 “人  開頭改寫)
have rain / snow”。                    
39. Do you have any snow here in winter?(否                    
定詳答) 答案:They have a lot of snow in Japan in winter.
                    解析:下雨、下雪的說法:“It rains /
                    snows”、“There is rain / snow” 或 “人 
答案:No, we don’t have any snow here in have rain / snow”。
winter. 45. It’s summer now.(依畫線部分造原問句)
解析:主詞是 we,句中有一般動詞 have,用                    
否定助動詞 don’t 完成句子。                    
40. We / usually / lots / rain / here / summer / .( 答案:What season is it now?
依字序造句) 解析:summer 是「夏季」,問季節用 “What
                    season is it?”。
                    46. his cousin / a big birthday card / for / Kevin /
答案:We usually have lots of rain here in yesterday / made /.(重組)
解析:下雨的說法,“人 have rain”。                    
41. How is the weather in Taipei in winter?(以 答案:Kevin made a big birthday card for his

cousin yesterday. 答案:Anna: Whose jacket is that? Katy: It’s
解析:主詞(Kevin)+過去式授與動詞 mine. My mom bought / got it for me
(made)+受詞(物)+介系詞(for) yesterday.
+受詞(人)+過去時間。 解析:問句:疑問詞(Whose)+名詞
十、 翻譯 (jacket)+be 動詞(is)+主詞
1. 我到印度的旅行很好玩。(... was...) (that)?;答句:主詞 It 與 is 的縮寫式
句動詞過去式可用 bought 或 got,其後
答案:My trip to India was fun.
解析:be fun:好玩的;a trip to+地方:到某
6. 臺北冬天常常下雨。
2. 昨天我買了一些餅乾和巧克力奶昔給爸爸。                    
                    答案:It often rains in Taipei in winter.
解析:主詞用 it 指天氣,主詞是第三人稱單數,
答案:I bought / got some cookies and chocolate
動詞(rain)加 s;「在」臺北(大地方
milkshake for Dad yesterday.
解析:buy / get 物 for 人:買某物給某人。
詞 in。
3. Jill:這是誰的明信片? Liz:是我姐姐
答案:Is it cold and snowy in Japan in winter?
答案:Jill: Whose postcard is this? Liz: It’s my
解析:主詞用 it 指天氣,「在」某個城市(大
sister’s. I sent it to her last week.
用介系詞 in。
(postcard)+be 動詞(is)+主詞
(this)?;答句:主詞 It 與 is 的縮寫式                    
sister’s)。第二句用過去式動詞,其後 答案:I sent you a gift from India. Did you get
接「物(it)+介系詞(to)+人 it? / I sent a gift to you from India. Did
(her)」的字序。 you get it?
4. 我去印度的旅行很棒。我玩得很愉快。(.. 解析:send 人物=send 物 to 人:把某物寄給
. had...) 某人。
                    9. 有一天早上,一個男人在街上對我說「去
答案:My trip to India was great. I had a good                    
解析:到某處的旅行「a trip to+地方」,玩得 答案:One morning, a man said “go die” to me
愉快:have a good time。 on the street, and I was so mad.
5. Anna:那是誰的夾克? Katy:是我的。 解析:由「有一天早上」可知句子使用過去式,
我媽媽昨天買給我的。 對某人說某事,say... to 人。
                    10. 現在天氣很冷,而且下著雨。
                    答案:Today, it is cloudy and windy in Taipei, but
答案:It’s very cold (now), and it’s raining. it is warm and sunny in Tainan.
解析:主詞用 it 指天氣,cold「冷的」;「現 解析:主詞用 it 指天氣,「在」某個城市(大
在下著雨」用現在進行式 be 動詞(is) 地方),用介系詞 in。
加 V-ing(raining)。 17. 北海道(Hokkaido)冬天下很多雪。(用 
11. 那邊的那些禮物是她們的,不是我們的。 There is...開頭)
答案:The gifts over there are theirs, not ours. 答案:There is a lot of snow in Hokkaido in
解析:主詞(The gifts)+over there+be 動詞 winter.
(are)+所有格代名詞, not+所有格代 解析:下雪的說法:“There is snow”、“人 
名詞。 have snow” 或 “It snows”;「在」北海
12. 那是一個很好的粉紅色滑雪板。 道(大地方),「在」冬天(長時間),
                    用介系詞 in。
答案:That’s a nice pink snowboard. 18. Tim:我從澳洲寄了一張明信片給妳。妳
解析:形容詞「很好的」nice 和「粉紅色的」 收到了嗎? Sara:是的,我上週收到了。
修飾名詞「滑雪板」snowboard。 謝謝。
13. 上個月 Sally 姑媽寄了件粉紅色夾克給我。                    
(... to...) 答案:Tim: I sent you a postcard from Australia.
                    Did you get it? Sara: Yes, I got it last
答案:Aunt Sally sent a pink jacket to me last week. Thanks.
month. 解析:「寄某物給某人」,send 物 to 人 / send 
解析:主詞(Aunt Sally)+過去式動詞 人物;「從、來自於」,from;由「上
(sent)+受詞(a pink jacket)+介系 週收到了」可知用過去式。
詞(to)+受詞(me)+過去時間。 19. 我的夾克不夠暖,所以我的阿姨給了我她
14. 我的夾克不夠暖,所以我阿姨給我她的厚 的綠夾克。(... to...)
                    答案:My jacket was not warm enough, so my
答案:My jacket was not warm enough, so my aunt gave her green jacket to me.
aunt gave her heavy jacket to me. 解析:give 物 to 人:把某物給某人。
解析:so「所以」,後面接結果;「把某物給 20.
某人」give 物 to 人。                    
15. 天氣好冷,而且下雪持續了好幾天。 答案:Anyway, see you at school soon.
答案:It was cold, and it snowed for a few days. 」see you soon。
解析:for 持續、a few 好幾個。 21. 今天天氣如何?(用 What 開頭)
16. 今天,臺北天氣多雲風大,但是臺南                    
(Tainan)暖和且陽光普照的。 答案:What is the weather like today?
                    解析:問天氣,用 “How’s the weather?” 或 
“What’s the weather like?”。 raining.
22. 他們的咖啡廳小小的,但是我們的大大的。 解析:主詞用 it 指天氣,第三人稱單數,動詞
                    (rain)加 s;現在正在下雨,用現在進
行式 be 動詞+V-ing。
答案:Their coffee shop is small, but ours is big.
27. 臺北夏天天氣炎熱又多雨。
連接相反語氣的連接詞(but),而形容 答案:It is hot and rainy in Taipei in summer.
詞 small 及 big 之前均須加進單數 be 動 解析:主詞用 it 指天氣,後面搭配 be 動詞 
詞。 is,加上形容詞 hot(炎熱的)和 
23. Emi:你喜歡臺北冬天的天氣嗎? Roy: rainy(多雨的);「在」臺北(大地方
不,我不喜歡它。天氣冷,而且常常下雨。 )、「在」夏天(長時間),用介系詞 
28. 我們買了那個藍色滑雪板給我們姑姑。(..
答案:Emi: Do you like the weather in Taipei in
. aunt.)
winter? Roy: No, I don’t like it. It is cold,                    
and it often rains.                    
解析:「在」臺北(大地方)、「在」冬天( 答案:We bought that blue snowboard for our
長時間),用介系詞 in;主詞用 it 指天 aunt.
氣,。 解析:授與 V(buy / get)+物(the blue
24. 在 Amy 旁邊的那個滑雪板是你的或他的 snowboard)+介系詞(for)+人(our
呢? aunt)。
(... to...)
答案:Is the snowboard next to Amy yours or                    
解析:主詞須先出現 snowboard,即〔單數 Be  答案:Did he write a postcard to his daughter this
動詞(Is)+主詞(the snowboard)+ morning?
介系詞片語(next to Amy)+所有格代 解析:過去式助動詞(Did)+主詞(he)+
名詞(yours)+連接詞(or)+所有格 原形 V(write)+受詞(a postcard)+
代名詞(his)?〕。 介系詞(to)+受詞(his daughter)+
25. 今天天氣多雲風很大。 過去時間?
答案:It is cloudy and windy today.                    
解析:主詞用 it 指天氣,後面搭配 be 動詞  答案:People here speak Australian English.
is,加上形容詞 cloudy(多雲的)和  解析:「說」語言,用 speak。
windy(風大的)。 你為什麼穿著粉紅色的夾克?(... in...)
26. 這裡冬天很少下雨,但是現在正在下雨。                    
                    答案:Why were you in a pink jacket?
                    解析:問原因用疑問詞 Why;「穿著」衣物、
答案:It seldom rains here in winter, but now it is 外套,可用介系詞 in+衣物、外套。
32. Sara:這裡冬天從未下雪。(It...)  We,句中有一般動詞 have,用助動詞 
Judy:妳說得真對。 don’t 完成否定句;「在」冬天(長時間
                    ),用介系詞 in。
38. 今天天氣如何?(用 How 開頭)
答案:Sara: It never snows here in winter. Judy:                    
You can say that again.                    
解析:主詞用 it 指天氣,「在」冬天(長時間 答案:How is the weather today?
),用介系詞 in;表示同意別人的說法 解析:問天氣,用 “How’s the weather?” 或 
可用 “You can say that again.”。 “What’s the weather like?”。
33. 我從臺北寄了一張明信片給你。 39.
答案:I sent you a postcard from Taipei. 答案:I visited my uncle and aunt in Australia.
解析:「從、來自於」from;「寄某物給某人 解析:拜訪某人用動詞 visit+人。
」,send 物 to 人 / send 人物。 40. 我去一間咖啡廳,並點了餅乾。
34. Jim:我拜訪了澳洲的舅舅。 Leo:那很                    
                    答案:I went to a coffee shop and ordered
答案:Jim: I visited my uncle in Australia. Leo: 解析:「咖啡廳」coffee shop;「點餐
That’s cool. 」order;由「了」可知用過去式。
解析:visit 人:拜訪某人。 41. Jamie 把那張來自澳洲的明信片秀出來給
35. 我們買了一件夾克並寄給她了。 他們看。(... them.)
答案:We bought a jacket and sent it to her. 答案:Jamie showed the postcard from Australia
解析:sent 物 to 人:寄某物給某人。 to them.
36. Jill:你們這裡冬天下很多雪嗎? Lily: 解析:show 物 to 人:秀出某物給某人看。
是的,這裡冬天下很多雪。(... it... a...) 42.
答案:Jill: Do you have much snow here in 答案:But in fact, he meant “good day!”
winter? Lily: Yes, it snows a lot here in 解析:in fact「事實上、實際上」;mean「意
winter. 思是…、意指…」。
解析:下雪的說法:“There is snow”、“人  43. 日本和美國冬天下很多雪嗎?(...
have snow” 或 “It snows”;「在」冬天 there...)
(長時間),用介系詞 in。                    
37. 對的。我們這裡冬天不下任何雪。
                    答案:Is there much / lots of / a lot of snow in
                    Japan and the USA in winter?
答案:Right. We don’t have any snow here in 解析:下雪的說法:“There is snow”、“人 
winter. have snow” 或 “It snows”;「多」的表
解析:下雪的說法,人+have snow;主詞是  示方法可用 much(雪不可數),lots of 

或 a lot of;「在」美國(大地方),「
在」冬天(長時間),用介系詞 in。
44. 天氣冷,而且下雨持續了幾天。(It... and
答案:It was cold, and it rained for a few days.
解析:主詞用 it 指天氣,「持續」一段時間,
用介系詞 for;由「了」可知本句用過
45. 我做了一個大餅乾給你。(... for...)
答案:I made a big cookie for you.
解析:動詞(make)+受詞(a big cookie)+
46. 昨晚媽媽買了一件厚外套和一個滑雪板給
我。(... for...)
答案:Mom bought / got a heavy jacket and a
snowboard for me last night.
解析:主詞(Mom)+過去式動詞(bought /


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