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Fitness Assessment Results

Please save a copy of these results for later use in the course.
Instructions: Please complete part one and part two.

Part One: Assessment Results

Please complete the chart using the results from the Fitness Assessments:

Fitness Assessment Your Results

Mile Run/ Walk Time: 7:49

Body Composition/ BMI 20.53

Aerobic Capacity 46.72

Sit and Reach Measurement:

1st try: 7 1/2

2nd try: 6

3rd try: 6 1/2

Curl-ups Number completed: 16 ish

Push-ups Number completed: 4

Trunk Lift Measurement: 6 and half inches

Part Two: Reflection Questions

Please answer the questions using three to five complete sentences.
1. How do you feel about your fitness assessment results? I think I did ok today. I
think it’s because it’s a Monday my body didn’t want to get up and run and
do all the exercises. I felt a bit lazy during the push-ups because I can
barely pick myself up. But in the end, I ended up doing everything to my
2. Which assessment was the most difficult? The push-ups were the most
challenging for me. I say this because to begin with I don’t have a lot of
upper body strength so let alone going up and down with my two hands is
hard for me. This was also the most challenging for me because I couldn’t
keep a streak, so when I went down, I could get back up, so it took me
awhile to complete this section.

3. Which assessment was the easiest? Explain your answers. The mile was the
easiest for this assinment. I used to play competitive soccer and every time
we got to the field we would have to do a mile around the field. Therefore,
I’m more used to it than other people. It’s also easier when you do it with
someone. My lovely mother volunteered to run with me today!

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