Final Project Papers

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Final Project

Alejandra Meza

College of Southern Nevada

May 10,2021
Final Project 2

Position Paper

As an educator and a student I think that technology should not be removed from the

schools curriculum and system. The greatest new technology innovations have helped the

students explore the world and different cultures through a click. Laptops, tablets and computer

desktops have all been part of the classroom for years and they have developed learning. For

example there are educational websites, games and tools for students to use. Teachers have come

up with great ways to use technology in the classroom, for the benefit of the students for example

using IReady and Imagine Learning these websites monitor and track the students progress. They

adapt to the students needs, which means that it finds their weaknesses and creates fun activities

for the students to do and practice their skills. Our world is now technology based and it is our

duty to evolve with it by preparing the students for the world out there.

Teaching and learning with technology has become very important to the 21st century.

Our world is driven by technology and is part of our everyday lives. Starting with distance

learning. Technology allowed us to stay safe and connected with our peers and families. During

quarantine in 2020 educators and students had to rely on technology to continue learning and

educating. Technology was an amazing tool that opened up a whole new world for education.

Allowing students to go above and beyond from their homes.

Technology increases student engagement and growth. As it is stated in this article “ The

Benefits of Education in Technology” it enables students to explore new subjects and deepen

their understanding of difficult concepts. I remember when I was in school it was always exciting

to get to go to the computer lab and work on our research papers. Or when I was in Elementary
Final Project 3

school getting to use the computers to play educational games or do some educational activity

always made every student want to have their turn. Once I got to middle school the smart board

was introduced and I was fascinated with it. Doing math on a smart board that I could also touch

and use as a computer! It was mind blowing. Personally, technology has allowed me to keep

pursuing my education. I'm currently taking classes online to become a qualified substitute and

to later on get my teaching license. But all this would not be possible without technology.

Removing technology from schools would be a huge mistake and it would slow down the

teaching world.
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Works Cited

“How Important Is Technology in Education? Benefits, Challenges, and Impact on Students.”

How Important Is Technology in Education? | American University, provides

students with easy,difficult concepts, particularly in STEM.

Final Project 5

The ISTE standards are designed to empower and ensure students' engagement in

technology and education. There are seven standards. The first one is empowered learners

in this standard students must set personal learning goals, build networks, use technology

and demonstrate their learning. The second standard is digital citizen in this standard

students manage their digital identity they engage in positive, legal and ethical behavior

using technology they are aware of data collection technology. The third standard is

knowledge constructor in this standard students research and use a variety of tools they

build knowledge by exploring. The fourth standard is innovative designer, students show

more creativity, they refine prototypes and show their capacity with open ended problems.

Computational thinker students employ strategies and solve problems in ways where

technology is used. The sixth standard is creative communicator, students express

themselves creatively and use digital media. The last standard is global communicator,

students use digital tools to expand their perspectives by collaborating with others using


The Nevada Computer and Technology Standards are a bit different from the ISTE

Standards because these are more specific and they also provide the grade level by which

the student should master the standard. The first standard is creativity and innovation. In

this standard students must show creative thinking they construct knowledge, they use

digital tools to brainstorm and organize new ideas. Communication and collaboration this

standard focuses on collaboration students work in groups to create and publish digital

products. The third NCTS standard is research and information fluency, students apply
Final Project 6

tools to gather, evaluate and use information. This standard is great for research projects so

that the teacher can evaluate the students ability to use resources and gather information.

The fourth standard is critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. This

standard is similar to standard number three. But in this standard students identify

problems, investigate and present innovative solutions. The fifth standard is digital

citizenship. This standard students are evaluated on using technology in learning activities.

For example, like looking at culture societal issues and they practice legal and ethical

behavior. Standard number 6 is technology operations and concepts, students get to

explore and use technology in different ways. Such as using a keyboard and accomplishing

a variety of tasks using technology.

In my science lesson plan I will apply knowledge constructor 3c. Students will use

technology to learn about the solar system and demonstrate their learning in various ways.

They will create a mind map of the solar system using google draw or jamboard where

they can use drawing tools. They will practice using different fonts and adding pictures to

their map. With technology instead of using paper students get to use a computer to create

their maps. The NCTS standard I will apply in my lesson plan is communication and

collaboration. Students will work in small groups to research the solar system and use

different websites to gather information. They will then use a website such as google docs

to create their one page summary that includes pictures, diagrams and important facts

about the solar system. The standard 2.A.12.1 applies with this lesson because after using

technology to research information they will share with their peers the information they

have learned. Communicating and collaborating to gain knowledge about the solar system.
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Technology was a great way to allow students to expand their knowledge and learn how to

use technology in a beneficial way.

Final Project 8

Solar System
Exploring Infinity & Beyond

Grade Level: 5th (In Person)

Technology Content Standard Addressed

Knowledge Instructor 3C. Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to
construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for
themselves and others. NCTS Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media
and environments to communicate and work collaboratively,including at a distance, to support
individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.2.A.12.1 Collaborate electronically
with peers, experts and others to create and publish digital products for authentic audiences.

Content Standard Addressed (Science Grade 5 Earth and Space Science)

Solar System and Universe E2B Students understand there are objects in the sky which display
patterns. E5B Students understand that there are many components in the Solar System
including Earth.


The students will understand how to use technology tools and websites to meet the ISTE
and NCTS standards to increase their knowledge about the solar system. Students will
apply what they have learned and collaborate with peers to present to class and show
understanding of the topic.
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Materials needed

● Jamboard/ Google Draw

● Google Docs, Google Slides
● Websites for research ( Google)
● MyOn
● Google doc for TOD
● Google Images
● Computer or Ipad
● Handouts

Suggested group size: Students will work independently for the Asset Orientation and
for the activity they will be put in groups of 4.


Warm Up/Asset Orientation : Students will open up a jamboard or google draw to create
a mind map of the Solar System/Space. They must include pictures or diagrams
according to what they had added to their Mind Map.

Whole Group Activity: Pass out handouts for reading activity. Students will read
independently and highlight and annotate. Students will then have a small class
discussion about the reading. Groups should be assigned after this.

Small Group Activity: In the groups of 4 students will research more information about
the solar system or planet they have chosen. Creating a one page poster of the topic.
Poster must include pictures, diagrams and 6 facts about the solar system topic they
have chosen. Each member of the group must participate and be given a chance to
participate. Such as research the information, look up pictures, type up the summary
and share with the class. Students will use Google to search websites and Google Images.
(Open Google Chrome, the Google search bar should pop up, students then type what
they are looking for and click enter). For Google Images ( Open Google, type in topic and
click on “images” it should be under the search bar after you have hit enter). After the
poster is done students will print it and each have a copy. For printing ( right click or
look for the printer icon to the left, select the name of the copy machine, adjust setting
to 4 copies, and click print). At the end of the week students will present with their
group. Before class ends students will complete a ticket out the door which will be
handed out to every student, done independently.
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Assessment: Students will be graded on their creativity, quality of work and information.
At least 3 educational websites must have been used. Poster must include 2 pictures or
more, a title, names, and 6 facts about the topic. Technology should be used in a correct
and educational manner. Tickets out the door done independently will be graded,
according to accuracy of information and completion. For full credit students must
successfully complete each activity: Mind map, highlight and annotate handouts, create
a poster of the solar system, and complete a ticket out the door. I will be assessing also
by observing while students work in their groups and collaborate with each other.

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