Science 8 - Q3 - Module 3 - Weeks 5-6 - Lesson 3

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Modified Strategic Intervention Materials


Author: Sherlyn P. Fernandez

Cover Art Illustrator: Erich D. Garcia
Reviewer and Editor: Paz I. Canlas
Layout Artist: John Joseph L. Puno

Zenia G. Mostoles EdD, CESO V, Schools Division Superintendent
Celia R. Lacanlale PhD, Chief CID
Paz I. Canlas, Education Program Supervisor in Science

Quarter 3 Week 4
Title Card
Week 4 Lesson 3: Atoms: Inside Out

Guide Card
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the nature of Biology. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level
of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But
the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are
now using.

Learning Objectives
After going through this module, you are expected to:
• determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in a particular atom
• compute for the atomic number and the mass number of a given element;
• describe the different models of an atom; and
• make an inference on objects may carry positive charge and negative charges

Pre-Test: What I Know

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on your notebook/on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. The atomic number tells the .. .

a. number of electrons in the atom c. number of neutrons in the atom
b. number of protons in the atom d. number of protons and neutrons

2. The number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus is the .

a. Atomic mass b. Atomic number c. Mass number d.

3. Carbon has 6 protons. How many electrons does Carbon have?

a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8

4. Sodium has an atomic number of 11. How many protons does Sodium (Na) have?
a. 5 b. 10 c. 11 d. 12

5. Hydrogen has one (1) proton and electron. How many neutrons does Hydrogen have?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. Zero

6. Who discovered that orbital helps us to predict the area where we can find
a. Bohr b. Dalton c. Rutherford d. Schrodinger

7. Which diagram most closely represents Rutherford’s nuclear model of an atom?

a. c.

b. d.

8. Who was the first person to use the term atom (atomos: meaning indivisible).
a. Dalton b. Democritus c. Rutherford d. Thomson

9. According to the Atomic theory of John Dalton, all matter consists of tiny particles
a. atom b. elements c. particles d. positively

10. Who proposed the plum pudding atomic model?

a. Bohr b. Dalton c. Democritus d. Thomson

Lesson 1: Subatomic Particles of Matter

In Module 2, you have learned that physical changes can make phase of changes in
matter. The different phase changes of matter are melting, freezing, evaporation,
sublimation and deposition. These phase changes of matter were explained on the
previous lesson based on the physical changes in terms of the arrangement and motion of
atoms and molecules.
In this module, you are going to learn about the number of protons, neutrons, and
electrons in a particular atom. An atom is a basic unit of matter that consists of a dense
central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons.
Direction: Complete the processes by providing the missing phase changes of matter.
Write your answers on your notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.

Start from Change to Phase Changes of Matter
solid liquid (1)
(2) solid Freezing
liquid gas (3)
gas liquid (4)
solid Gas (skipping liquid phase) (5)
(6) Solid (skipping liquid phase deposition

Activity Card
What’s New

Matter is made up of atoms that are too small to see with the unaided eye or even
with the use of the ordinary light microscope. When the ancient Greek Philosophers
conceived the idea of an atom, they thought the atom is indivisible, that it has no parts.
Scientists have proven, however, that the atom is composed of even smaller
particles. From experiments conducted in the latter part of the 19th century to the early
half of the 20th century, scientists collected evidence that atoms are composed of three
types of particles: proton, electron and neutron. These three subatomic particles of an
atom contain different charges.
To gain an idea of the three subatomic particles of an atom, study and analyze the
picture below.

Activity 1: Picture Analysis

Direction: The illustration below is based on the concept of an atomic structure. Analyze
it carefully before answering the questions that follow. Remember, answer must be
written on your notebook/separate sheet of paper.
Figure 1: School personnel in public school

1. Based on the concept of atomic structure,

a. the school represents as the
b. the principal represents the
c. the teachers represent the
2. How many teachers are there in the picture?
3.How many principals are there in the picture?
4. How many staff members including the principal are there in the picture?

Discussion of the activity

All matter is composed of atoms. It is the basic unit of matter that consists of a
dense central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. The atomic
nucleus contains a mix of positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons.
In the earlier grades, you learned about magnets. A magnet has two ends, two
poles, the north and the south. When you put the north ends of two magnets next to each
other and the magnets move apart. Also, when you put the two south ends next to each
other, it will also move apart. They repel each other.

When you placed the south and north ends next to each other, they will attract.

Similarly, in the concept of electric charges, the same charges will repel, and
different charges will attract.

For example, when the plastic strips rubbed with the cloth causes the strips to
become negatively charge. This happens because particles move from the cloth onto the
plastic strips. Consider the charge on the cloth after the rubbing action, it will be
positively charge. This is what happened: the negative charge move from the cloth
leaving the cloth positively charged. When the plastic strips is hung over the wooden rod,
the two halve of the strip move equally away from each other. The conclusion will be the
forces are equal and acted on opposite directions. Even the objects which seemed to be
neutral can carry “charges”.

Particles which make up the atom are called Subatomic particles. The atoms
composed of three subatomic particles such as protons, electrons and neutrons. The proton
carries a positive charge (+1). The electron carries a negative charge (-1). Atoms, in their
most stable state are neutral with an equal number of protons and electrons.
Properties of Subatomic Particles
Properties of the three subatomic particles based on their masses are summarized on table
Table 1: Properties of three subatomic particles based on their masses

Subatomic particles Charge Mass, grams Location on the atom

Electrons (e-) -1 9.109 x 10 -28 Outside the nucleus

Protons (p+) +1 1.672 x 10-24 Nucleus

Neutrons (n0) 0 1.675 x 10-24 Nucleus

Based on the table, the masses of three subatomic particles have compared. The
protons and neutrons are “massive indeed”. Electrons are very much lighter than the
protons and neutrons, to the point that its mass does not significantly contribute to the
mass of the entire atom. In effect, the mass of the electron is negligible.

The massive part of the atom, then, comes from the masses of the protons and
neutrons. Collectively, the protons and neutrons are called nucleons. The nucleons, tightly
packed together, form the nucleus in the center of an atom. Thus, most of the mass of an
atom is contained in its nucleus. You have also observed that electrons contain a
negative charge and move around the nucleus of an atom.

Models of an Atom Based on History

Democritus (400 BC)

Democritus was a Greek philosopher who was the first person to use the term atom
(atomos: meaning indivisible). He thought that if you take a piece of matter and divide it
and continue to divide it you will eventually come to a point where you could not divide
it any more. This fundamental or basic unit was what Democritus called an atom.

He called this the theory of the universe:

1. All matter consists of atoms, which are bits of matter too small to be seen.
2. There is an empty space between atoms.
3. Atoms are completely solid.
4. Atoms have no internal structure.
5. Each atom (of a different substance) is different in size, weight and shape.

John Dalton (1800’s)
John Dalton was the first to adapt Democritus’ theory into the first modern atomic
His atomic models are:
1. All matter consists of tiny particles called atoms.
2. Atoms are indestructible and unchangeable.
3. Elements are characterized by the weight of their atoms.
4. When elements react, it is their atoms that have combined to form new compounds.

Figure1: John Dalton Atomic Model (1808)

Joseph John Thomson (1890’s)

When the idea of an atom was first proposed by the ancient Greeks, they thought it
was a particle with no parts. However the 19th century, J.J Thomson was able to discover
that atoms have negatively-charged particles, which he called electrons. It led him to
propose a new model for an atom, which he called the plum pudding model. He also
proposed that the negatively-charged electrons were embedded in a kind of cloud or soup
of positive charge.

These are the key points to Thomson’s Atomic Model:

1. Because of its design this model is known as the plum pudding model.
2. Each atom is a sphere filled with positively charged ‘fluid’. This resembles the sticky
jam part of a pudding.
3. Corpuscles (later called electrons), are the negatively charged particles suspended
in this ‘fluid’. This resembles the plums in the pudding.
4. He did not predict the movement of these electrons.

Negatively charged

Figure 2: Plum pudding model or Raisin bread model (1904)
Ernest Rutherford (1910’s)
A group of scientists composed of Ernest Rutherford, Johannes Wilhelm Geiger
and Ernest Marsden tested Thomson’s model by bombarding a very thin sheet of gold foil
with positively-charged alpha particles. In their experiment, the nucleus was postulated as
small and dense to account for the scattering of alpha particles from thin gold foil. The
observations made by Rutherford led him to conclude that:
1. Very few of the (α) particles that practically bounced back towards the source and
some that were deflected at smaller angles. Hence the positive charge in an atom is
not uniformly distributed.
2. Major fraction of the (α) particles bombarded towards the gold sheet passed
through it without any deflection, and hence most of the space in an atom is empty.

The nuclear model of the atom proposed by Rutherford in 1912 is still the picture
of the atom that we hold today. The model described an atom as tiny, dense, positively
charged core called a nucleus, in which nearly all the mass concentrated, around which
the light, negative constituents, called electrons, circulates at some distance, much like
planets revolving around the sun.

Figure 3: Nuclear Atomic Model (1911)

Niels Bohr (1910’s)

Niels Bohr agreed with the planetary model of the atom, but also knew that it had a few
flaws. Using his knowledge of energy and quantum physics he was able to perfect
Rutherford’s model. He was able to answer why the electrons did not collapse into the

He theorized that:
1. Electrons orbit the nucleus in orbits that have a specific size and energy.
2. The energy of the orbit is related to its size. The lowest energy is found in the
smallest orbit.
3. Electrons reside in orbits. They move between each shell when gaining and losing
4. When gaining energy, electrons move to closer orbit from the nucleus.

Electron is

Figure 4: Planetary Model (1913)

Erwin Schrodinger (1920’s)

Schrodinger was a revolutionary physicist who used Heisenberg’s uncertainty
principle to come up with the atomic model that we still use today.

He discovered that:
1. Electrons don’t move around the nucleus in orbits.
2. Electrons exist in specific energy levels as a cloud.
3. The electron cloud is the region of negative charges, which surrounds the nucleus.
4. Orbital: The region with a high probability of containing electrons

Electron Cloud

Figure 5: “Electron Cloud” Model or Quantum

Mechanical Atomic Model (1926-present)

Determining the number of protons, electrons and neutrons
So far, you have learned about the three subatomic particles-protons, electrons, and
neutrons, and how they arranged in the currently accepted model of an atom.
Among these subatomic particles have the number of protons of all elements is
also known as the atomic number. Then, the mass number tells us the total number of
protons + neutrons in the nucleus. Atomic mass gives us the relative mass of the individual.
To understand more about the atomic mass, try to analyze the following
information and examples given below. Atomic symbols represent the atoms of all the
Atomic symbol is a one-or-two letter notation used to represent an atom corresponding to
a particular element. When the symbol has two letters, only the first is capitalized.

Atomic number, which is represented by a capital letter Z, is equal to the number

of protons and electrons in the nucleus of an atom.
Atomic number = number of proton (p+) = number of
electron (e-)
Mass number, also known as the Atomic Mass, has this formula:
Mass number = number of neutron + atomic number
To get for the number of neutron, derive the formula from the above formula of mass

Number of neutron = mass number - atomic number

Compute for the number of proton, electron, neutron, atomic number and mass
number of the element Magnesium (24Mg12).
Atomic number = 12
Mass number = 24
Number of p+ = 12
Number of e- = 12
Number of n0 = 12

Enrichment Card

Guided Activity 1:
Direction: Study the illustrations below and answer the questions under each frame.
Write your answer on your notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.




1. Part of an atom with a positive charge.


2. Part of an atom with a positive charge.



3. Part of an atom with a negative charge.

2 electrons

2 protons

4. Part of an atom with “neutral” or no charge.

Guided Activity 2
Activity 2: “Charge me!
Direction: Study and analyze the given situation based on the concept of the different
electric charges. Answer the given questions by choosing from the words enclosed in
parenthesis. Write your answer on your notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.

The piece of plastic strip is rubbed with the wool cloth and
hung over a wooden rod.

1. Rubbing the plastic strips with the wool cloth causes the strip to become
(negatively charge or positively charge).

2. Consider the charge on the cloth after the rubbing action. (negatively charge
or positively charge).

3. When the plastic strip is hang over the wooden rod, the two halves of the strip move
(equally, not equally) from each other.

Independent Activity 1
Activity 1: Count my Charges!
Direction: Count the different electrically charges found inside of an Atom A and Atom
B. Write your answers on your notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.

Atom A Atom
1. How many positive charges are there in atom A and in atom B?
2. How many negative charges are there in atom A and in atom B?
3. How many neutral or no charges are there in atom A and in atom B?

Independent Activity 2
Activity 1: Determining the Number of Protons, Electrons and Neutrons

Direction: Write the correct numbers of protons, electrons, neutrons and atomic number
and write your answers on your notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.

1. How many protons, neutrons and electrons are there in the atomic symbol
represented by Krypton?
2. How many protons, neutrons and electrons are there in the atomic symbol
represented by Carbon?

Activity 3: Atomic Model

Complete the table below based on the given atomic model and proponent. Write your
answers on your notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.

Atomic Description Propone Diagram/Illust Timeline

Model nt ration (year)
Planetary There is a line called (1) (2)
Model energy shell that
electrons is orbiting.
(3) Electrons studded (4)
into a positively Joseph
charged “jelly” and John
the entire atom was Thoms
filled with mass. on

Quantum (5) (6)

al Model

(7) (8)
Rutherfor 1911

Atom Indestructible, (9) (10)

ic indivisible particle,
mode which were
l different depending
on the type of

Reflection Card
Direction: Fill in the blanks with correct word/s. Write your answers on your
notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.

Atom is the basic unit of matter that consists of a (1) ___________________surrounded by

electrons. Particles which make up an atom are also known as (2)

The protons are found in the (3) ___________________of an atom. The (4)
____________ moves around the nucleus of an atom and contains a negative charge. In
determining the number of protons, it is also equal to the (5) ___________________.
While the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the atom referred as (6)
___________________.Also the letter represents the (7)___________________.

Assessment Card
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on your notebook/on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Most of the mass of an atom is found in the .

a. charges b. electrons c. electrons cloud d. nucleus

2. Every atom of the same element has

a. the same mass c. same number of neutrons
b. the same atomic number d. the same weight of an atom

3. How can atoms acquire a charge?

a. by gaining or losing electrons c. by gaining or losing neutrons
b. by gaining or losing protons d. Atoms cannot acquire a charge

4. The sum of the number of protons and the number of neutrons is known as.
a. Atomic mass b. Atomic number c. Electron d. Proton

5. How to compute the number of neutrons of an atom?

a. Always the same with number of proton
b. Proton is added to electron of an atom
c. The difference of atomic mass and atomic number
d. The product of electron and proton

6. The atomic number tells the ________________.

a. number of electrons in the atom
b. number of protons in the atom
c. number of neutrons in the atom
d. number of protons and neutrons

7. The number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus is the ___________.

a. Atomic mass b. Atomic number c. Mass number d. Nucleons

8. Carbon has 6 protons. How many electrons does carbon have?

a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8

9. Sodium has an atomic number of 11. How many protons does Sodium (Na) have?
a. 5 b. 10 c. 11 d. 12

10. Hydrogen has one (1) proton and electron. How many neutrons does Hydrogen have?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. Zero

11. Who was the first to adapt Democritus’ theory into the first modern atomic model?
a. Ernest Rutherford c. Joseph John Thomson
b. John Dalton d. Neil Bohr

12. Which atomic model proposed by J.J Thomson?

a. Nuclear model c. Plum pudding model
b. Planetary model d. Quantum mechanical model

13. How was the plum pudding model different from the hard-sphere model of the atom?
a. The plum pudding model included negatively charged particles known as
b. The plum pudding model included positively charged particles known protons
c. The plum pudding model described electron orbiting a central nucleus
d. The plum pudding model showed electrons occupying different energy levels

14. What is the correct order of the following atomic model theories from oldest to
I. Thomson’s
II. Schrodinger’s
III. Dalton’s
IV. Bohr’s
V. Rutherford’s
a. 3,1,5,4,2 b. 2,4,5,1,3 c. 3,1,5,2,4 d. 3,1,4,5,2

15. In the Gieger-Marsden experiments supervised by Ernest Rutherford (known as gold

foil experiment), which type of particle was scattered by gold foil, proving that atoms
contain dense nuclei.
a. α-particles b. β-particles c. gamma rays d. neutrons

Reference Card
Campo, Pia, May Chaves, Maria Helen Catalan,PhD, Leticia PhD, Marlene Ferido. PhD,
Ian Kendrict Fontanilla, PhD, Jaqueline Rose Gutierriez, “Science Learner’s
Material”. Philippines: FEP Printing Corporation, 2016.

Terisita Abdullah, Maria Violeta Tupas & Betty C. Cavo. Grade 8 Science Modules
Philippine: Tru-Copy Publishing House, Inc., 2005.

Assessment Independent Activity 3
1. d 2. b
3. a 4. a 1. Neils Bohr
5. c 6. b 2. 1913
7. c 8. c 3. Plum pudding Model
9. c 10. D 4.
11. b 12. C 5. Electron occupy regions of
13. a 14. A space (orbitals around the
15. a nucleus by their energies)
6. Erwin Schrodinger
7. Nuclear model
Independent Activity 1 Enrichment Card
1. 1,8 Guided Activity 1
2. 1,8 1. Proton
3. 1,8 2. Electron
3. neutron
Independent Activity 2
1. proton = 36 Guided Activity 2
Electron: 36 1. negatively charge
Atomic Number: 36 2. positively charge
2. proton = 36 3. equally
Electron: 36
Atomic Number: 36
Activity 1: Picture Analysis Review Pre-Test:
1. a. atomic structure 1. melting 1. b 2. C
b. nucleus 2. liquid 3. c 4. C
c. proton and 3. boiling 5. d 6. D
d. electron 4. condensation 7. b 8. b
2. 8 3. 1 4. 9 5. sublimation 9. a 10. d
6. gas
Answer Card

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