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Final Project 1

Final Project

Erika Villasenor

College of Southern Nevada

May 10, 2021

Final Project 2

Position Paper

Teaching and Learning with technology is really important, especially now. Technology

has been around for years now, but as time passes we use it more and more in our daily lives. If

we didn't have the use of technology now we wouldn't have been able to do much during this

pandemic. Covid has made a big impact in education all around the world. Technology provides

students and us with a lot of information. It enables students to explore new things and deepen

their understanding of difficult concepts. It also prepares students with their future careers since

everything nowadays is pretty much technology based.

David Warlick is an educator and programmer that was one of the early adopters and

promoters of technology in the classroom. He once said “We need technology in every classroom

and in every student and teacher's hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the

lens through which we experience much of our world.” I actually agree with him because that’s

what this new era is coming to, all based on technology. Eventually in the near future technology

will become the pen and paper of students' classes. A lot of the students' work is now online and

has to be turned in online. Also like for us with these classes I'm glad we were able to take them

online and I honestly have learned a lot of new things during these classes. Technology is also

good for students in special education, they are able to use a lot of things online from

communicating with us for non verbal students, it helps them keep up with their peers, they are

able to use assistive technology for writing and many other things.
Final Project 3

For that being said I'm a true believer that we need technology in school because it helps

students and teachers in a lot of different positive ways. If they take technology away we would

not be advancing anywhere. Because there are some students that really need it in their daily life.

Final Project 4

Identification of Standards

In education we have standards that are at the State of Nevada and National level. The

National has 7 standards. Which are Empower Learner, Digital Citizen, Knowledge Constructor,

Innovative Designer, Computational Thinker, Creative Communicator and Global Collaborator.

Empower Learner the students reflect in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in

their learning goals. Digital Citizen the students build their digital identity by showing their

knowledge and creativity respectfully and responsibly, they act and model in ways that are safe.

Knowledge Constructor, students plan and use effective research strategies to produce creative

artifacts and meaningful learning experiences. Innovative Designer the students use a variety of

technology within the design process to show ideas, test theories,solve problems and create

innovative artifacts. Computational Thinker, students present data in a variety of ways to

facilitate problem solving and decision making. Creative Communication, students use different

tools and design elements to communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety

of purposes. The last one is Global Collaborator which students use to enrich their learning and

expand perspectives by collaborating with others.

The standards in Nevada have 6 standards which are Creativity and Innovation,

Communication and Collaboration, Research and Information Fluency, Critical Thinking,

Problem Solving and Decision Making, Digital Citizenship and Technology Operations and

Concepts. Creative and Innovation the students demonstrate creative thinking and develop

innovative products and processes using technology. In Communication and Collaboration they

use digital media to communicate and work collaboratively to support individual learning.
Final Project 5

Research and Information Fluency the students use digital tools to gather, evaluate and use

information. In Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making students use thinking

skills to plan and conduct research and solve problems. In Digital Citizenship students

understand cultural, human and societal issues related to technology and practice legal behavior.

The last one is Technology Operations and Concepts, students demonstrate the understanding of

technology concepts, systems and operations.

These Standards have some similarities, they each have 4 indicators and each indicator

has its own meaning and what the students get done at that level. But the Nevada Standards got

more into details and brakes it down by grade level. It has a column that shows the grade level

and that indicates the grade that students are required to know all indicators.
Final Project 6

The Water Cycle

Lesson Plan for Grade 4, Science


● Empowered Learner,1C, uses technology to seek feedback that informs and

improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct
knowledge and develop innovative products and processes using technology.


● Earth and Space Science: E2A; Students understand that changes in weather often
involve water changing from one state to another. E5A; Students understand the
water cycle’s relationship to weather.


● By the end of this lesson students will learn the process of the water cycle step by
step. They will see that there is lots of water on Earth. They will use google
drawing or another program with drawing tools and they will create their own
water cycle picture.


● Computer or IPad (anything where you can access drawing tools)


● Individual
Final Project 7

● For this project students will work on this independently. Students will open up a

new google drawings page (or any program with drawing tools) they will use the

drawing tools to create a picture that shows the water cycle. From including the

sun, clouds, rain, water, trees, mountains, etc. Make sure to use shapes and add

color to the objects being added. Students will label each stage of the water cycle

from the following word bank: Evaporation, Precipitation, Collection and



● This project will be graded by the way they did their picture. If they label all parts

of the water cycle, they have to include the four parts which are Evaporation,

Precipitation, Collection and Condensation and if they use different shapes and


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